Hatfield Arrow January 2018

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January 2018

Issue No. 143

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Happy New Year! To all our readers, advertisers, contributors and delivery staff. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helps to make the Arrow a successful magazine especially the local businesses who advertise their products or services, without the support of whom the Arrow magazine would not be possible. Please continue to support the local shops and businesses throughout 2018. Please continue to support the Arrow maga zine by sending me any information that you would like to include and if anyone has any ideas for regular articles or would like to see anything different in the Arrow, please email the details to my email address below.. The deadline for the February issue is Tuesday 16th January 2018.

Best Wishes Julie Morrell

Contact Julie Morrell on 01302 351760 or 07854 880882 Julie@arrowpublications.co.uk Visit our website! www.arrowpublications.co.uk To advertise please call 07854 880882 or 01302 351760


Community News HATFIELD WOODHOUSE AMATEUR GARDENING SOCIETY Tuesday December 5 saw the last of this year’s meetings of the Society. Julie Parker was our speaker at our usual venue, the Hatfield Woodhouse Club. Julie is the Produce judge at our Spring and Autumn Shows, and other local Shows as well, and she told us how judges go about evaluating the exhibits. This included checking that they followed the Show Schedule, their appearance and taste. Julie had brought with her several butterfly buns and some jams which the audience were invited to look at, and try to judge the best in each ‘“class”. This was great fun, and then we were told where we had got it right, and wrong! This excellent presentation was followed by a buffet Christmas Supper. Next, the President and Chairman of the Society, John Brown, presented the final trophy of the year. This is the President’s Shield, and it goes to the person who gained most points in total for their exhibits in both the Spring and Autumn Shows. This year the Cup went again to Pam Banks. We begin next year’s programme on Tuesday 9 January, not the usual first Tuesday of the month which this year is a Bank Holiday. Our speaker and presenter will be John Summerfield, whose subject will be “Grey Yard to Court Yard”. We will start the meeting at the usual time of 7-30 pm at Hatfield Woodhouse Club. All members and non members are cordially invited.

Hatfield Town Cricket Club Hatfield Town CC received some good news this month when the 1st XI were reinstated to Division 1 in place of Rossington. The team captains are already making plans to strengthen the squad for next season. Indoor nets will take place 6:30pm each Wednesday from 31st January at Hungerhill School. If you are looking for a new challenge and joining the existing squad get in touch with 1st team captain James Stewart on 07463 237537 After last seasons successful junior programme, it is expected we will have even more juniors competing in games next season therefore the club have funded the training of two more coaches to ECB Level 2 standard in preparation of a busy summer. The Indoor nets for Under 9's, 11's and 13's will start on Monday 8th January from 6 -8.00pm at Hungerhill School. If your child is interested in joining one of our junior teams please get in touch with Richard Platt on 07740 215350, children of all abilities are welcome to come along.'

With the roll out of universal credit many families cannot afford to feed their dogs and it is heart breaking how many dogs are now in the care of the Dogs Trust. I have been asked to help so I have booked the Barn for a coffee morning on Jan 20th to raise funds. Please save all your unwanted Christmas presents and be kind enough to donate them to me for a doggy Tombola. When the festive season is over and you are clearing up please call at no 15 Station Road opposite Tesco to drop off any donations. With any luck we will still have some Christmas Cake left. If there are enough people interested I might have a fancy dress and doggy sports day on the Barn field so let me know. I know that if you have spare tins of dog food the food bank would welcome them for their families dogs......domestic animals are family too. Also I am again running the soup kitchen on the 7th of January for Peters winter walk, proceeds to the Cat protection. Hoping that there will be no snow and looking forward to seeing loads of you at both events. Cheers, Yvonne Wright


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Hatfield Community Library What a cold awakening for me back from the heat of Australia to the cold and damp of Manchester Airport. I stayed in a small settlement called Inverloch (by the sea). Whilst there, I visited the local library to see if things were run any differently. Not surprisingly, they run the same sort of events as we do at Hatfield only with more sunshine. The only difference being that they are still state run so have access to more books than us. They also have a’ Friends of Society’ which raises money. Being a volunteer library, we can put on more adult’s/children’s events because we are able to raise the money to pay for them. Christmas Fayre. The Christmas Fayre was well attended on Friday 1st December. Thanks to all who attended and helped us to make some money for the library. All money will go towards putting events on at the library. In fact, we hopefully have another drama night coming up in the near future. The footfall was helped by the people who came on from the Lights and Christmas tree celebration at the Church. I was sorry to miss the service but sadly couldn’t be in two places at once. Author Talk Tuesday February 6th 2pm John Jackson a local author is coming in to talk about his debut novel Heart of Stone. The idea for the book came when John was researching his family tree. It is set in Ireland in the 1740s The story takes place over several years and follows the fortunes of the Rochford family and Mary, who marries the eldest son. The story is a romance, centred on love that Mary and Arthur feel and the sacrifices that they make. It shines a light on 18th century life. It is a dramatic novel covering the plight of women in society at that time, the harshness of the law, the ability of the rich and powerful to destroy every essence of a person’s life on a whim. Without giving too much away, John’s excellent research brings the Irish famine, debtors’ prison, the law and the interaction of society at that time to life. EVENTS AT THE LIBRARY. Monday, Rhyme Time 10:30 Children’s stories and songs. Yoga 6:30pm - 8:00pm Tuesday, Art Class 10:00-12:30. Yoga 6:308:00pm, Readers’ group (last Tues of the month) 3:00-4:00pm. We would like new members to join this small and friendly group. Wednesday, Supported Yoga 3pm-4pm. Gentle Yoga 4.30-6pm.Stronger Yoga 6:308:00pm Friday, Readers’ Groups on the last Friday of the month 10:30-12:30 Needles and Pins twice a month. 10:30-12:30. This is a friendly craft group which would welcome new members. Sewing Group, 2:30pm. Uses sewing machines if needed. New members are always welcome to these groups Please ring the library for more information about any courses. Contact details Tel. 842064 Email hatfieldcommunitylibrary@gmail.com Find us on Facebook and in the local Publications. (and maybe lamp posts)


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S J Roofing

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Time to say Good Bye. 23/11/2017 The Journey for Clouds CCS started in 2006 with paperwork leading to the first client to be seen in May 2007. Hours and hours of work as many in administration as in counselling, as Policies and Processes were developed, Networking and Contacting were built and the never ending battle for funding to run the Practice. Client referrals built up from the beginning to 306 in 2016, from self-referrals to GP, Schools, Churches, DMBC Agencies and other Healthcare Professionals, Victim support, Social Prescribing and many others. Approximately 3000 clients supported with as little as one or two appointments to as many as 75 stretching over a year and a half for those with more complex issues. The Service now offers around 90 appointments per week and a Bereavement Support Group. I remember when we thought we were doing well to help twenty clients a week and then suddenly it was fifty and as the client list grew longer so did the Counsellor and Placement Student list and with volunteers helping in other areas reached 25. Like- wise more premises had to be found and the offices at EDDT, Dunscroft expanded to include a counselling room and management became more taxing. It has quite simply been enormous hard work and when I have stopped long enough to reflect for a minute, a quiet pride in those we all have helped and a feeling of humility that we have been entrusted with the care of so many vulnerable people and delight and feelings of reward and satisfaction at a job done well to help others in the Doncaster Communities. The Doncaster Pride Awards an unexpected accolade to us all were received with pleasure because of course it brings a feeling of warmth to have our work recognised. The battle against ill health has been throughout this whole period but motivation is a wonderful thing to keep you going! However older age creeps in and it has become increasingly difficult to give the many hours needed so reluctantly after another difficult and long week I have resigned to give way to a Younger Team in the hope that still though with much to learn that they will with energy and enthusiasm be able to do equal if not better! “What will you do”? some- one asked and my reply was that “Maybe I will become a lady who lunches, goes to coffee mornings, shops in markets and maybe some holidays who knows”, or maybe not! I have absolutely no regrets at the 11 years very hard work to benefit clients and trainee counsellors and would do it again. I wish everyone well and a happy future with Clouds CCS, be that working in the service or being supported. Sally Chamberlain Dip Counsellor MBACP


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The Mounting The next day we set off in high spirits; Humph was finally sailing as he should, his engine growling satisfaction. At last he was doing what he was built for: sailing. As we cruised along, Bob, ever vigilant, picked up on our mood and was confident enough to move off the Captain's feet and stretch out at my side. The next two days were uneventful apart from receiving a good shaking from the wash of a Tom Pudding a sand barge, heading for Goole. "The bugger did that on purpose" said an amused Colin. "I thought we were going to turn over" I think now that the Captain said this for dramatic effect, to impress me with his new skills: when I look back he did not seem unduly concerned but it sowed a seed in my mind that boats could turn over. We continued on the New Navigation and the Aire and Calder until we reached Leeds and excitedly we went shopping for things we had not realised we would need: a water hose, I had not thought the water coming out of the tap did not come from a pipe but from a tank that needed filling. Other essentials were curling tongs, TV wire and shoes without holes for Colin. The shop keeper in Leeds was not having it when Colin tried to buy one shoe the wooden leg not needing one. For me the TV wire was important as I was beginning to experience Coronation Street withdrawals. The lack of a TV was the only cloud on the horizon; we felt like seasoned travellers as we toured Leeds and ate in a posh restaurant. After 3 days of rest we approached the first lock on the mighty Leeds and Liverpool Canal. "Where do I put the key" I asked Colin and passers by. In no time, a large crowd had gathered, all searching for a receptical for the Yale key. Then a man appeared, who, from his name badge, was Dave and he worked for British Waterways. What are you doing" he asked I told him my problem. At the same time Colin held aloft what looked like a staring handle " I wonder what this is for " he asked . Dave took the handle from Colin at the same time as saying "Here I'll show you but not before you tie your shoe lace never let me see you on a lock with lose shoe laces again. My confidence had reached a new low but I was determined to recover it by being a star pupil. "Now never open the gate paddles before the ground paddles. Do it all slowly and keep watching the boat see?" "Yes I understand" I said earnestly, pretending I knew the difference between gate and floor paddles. The Captain, with Bob on his foot, slowly rose in the lock and as they did, Dave asked me if we had an anti vandal key. I gave Dave a blank look. "Its a T shaped thing " Dave said to Colin helpfully. Colin, now risen, scrabbled around in a box of things that had been left in the boat. Leaning over, Dave picked out a T shaped thing with a square bottom he then took me to the gates to demonstrate how it fitted the bar near the winding socket. When locked the bar prevented the winding gear being used. It was necessary to lock the winding gear as drunken idiots were filling the locks and draining the canal. The use of anti vandal keys was discontinued after a serious accident when a group of people in wheel chairs drowned, the lock paddles had been only partially unlocked preventing the operation being halted or reversed. Our training session was over just as another very large boat was passing Dave told us to link up with them as they would know what they were doing, how wrong he was. The couple on the big boat looked at our homemade little boat and assumed command. The other boat just fitted in the lock by going slightly askew and Colin as instructed stayed near the back. I, bowing to their experience, held onto our rope as the man closed the lock gates, ran to the front and at the speed of light, all muscles working at their full potential, shot the gate paddles up to their maximum. The noise was horrendous as the water shot through the opening with such a force straight into the bow of their boat at the same time, in the space in front of our boat, hurtling to the back gates like the sea hitting the sea wall. Humph pushed by the returning water shot towards the front yanking the rope from my hands. The other boat also attempted to go forward but it had nowhere forward to go and so went sideways attempting to mount Humph. It was only the weight of the water in the other narrow boats bow that prevented full mating taking place. Bob was kicked off the Captains foot as he yelled at me to take charge but I was rooted to the spot in shocked horror. Fortunately the lock filled quickly and the danger was averted although Humph's engine was smoking and the dog abandoned ship at the first opportunity. We let the big boat out first and without any words being spoken apart from "Shall we stop for a cup of tea", we decided to lose our companions. Me and the dog felt we had dropped into a nightmare. I am only glad I did not know then it would become worse.......and better. Yvonne Wright


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This gorgeous girl is Wilma, a 5 year old Mastiff cross Shar Pei who has recently come into the Rescue and is looking for her new home. Wilma is quite a shy, nervous girl when she first meets people, but once she gets to know you, she is a lovely, affectionate dog. She would be best in a home with experience of large breeds and with no young children, so that she can build up her confidence. She seems fine with other dogs so far. Wilma is spayed, vaccinated and micro-chipped. If you would like to come and meet her, please give Isle Rescue a call on 01427 728705

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Questions Answered at Thorne Camera Club Events at Thorne Camera Club are many and varied, beginning with a Practical Manipulation Challenge, where members brought laptops to practice skills in photo manipulation, using whatever software they had. This was a fun activity with a serious side, as skills need use to improve. Using various photos, members created interesting and exciting new images, with cats dreaming of duck for dinner, helicopters landing in the sea, and multicoloured people pushing multicoloured dogs in prams! The following week Ladies v Gents Print Competition was well attended with both sides seriously wanting to win. Prints on the theme of People were judged by Brian Crossland CPAGB from Barnsley. Each photo was judged individually initially, and by the end of the themed round Gents were well ahead. Colin Jarvis in 1st place, Lynda Ulyett 2nd Sunday Akpan 3rd with David Wood, David Ulyett, John Marshall LRPS and Trev Holt Highly Commended, Norman Pugh and Stephen Wall Commended twice each. However, in the Open section Ladies did better:1st and 2nd place went to Lynda Rhodes, 3rd place to Lynda Ulyett with Highly Commended Jean Goodburne, Angie Skidmore, Jackie Woodward and Bill Mitchell ( 2 ), Commended were Mel Brown, Colin Bloor, Angie Skidmore, Jean Goodburne, and Terry Gunnill . Then came the task of calculating which group had the highest achievement, and Ladies were just a shade in front of the Gents. It was a close run result, well done to all who entered. Andrew Foley ARPS, an experienced photographer from Mexborough, presented a series of prints on several different themes. Most were monochrome subjects as varied as textures, macro shots of small scale scenes in the Peak District, through harrowing shots of museums and other sites seen while travelling in Cambodia, also prints in colour, based on his interest in art techniques used by modernist and abstract artists. Now, calling all interested in photography, whether you just got a new camera for Christmas, use a compact, a Smartphone or a DSLR, Thorne Camera Club will open its doors on January 15th at 7.15pm with members helping everyone and anyone with such things as ‘What does this button do?’ ‘How do I set my camera?’ ‘What do I do next?’ ‘ How can I make this look better?’ ‘How do I mount pictures?’ ‘ What lens should I buy?’ ‘ How do I take portraits?’ - all these questions and many more answered to anyone coming to Thorne Methodist Church on King Street on a Monday evening. Put the date in your diary. Hope to see you there! It only remains for Thorne Camera Club to extend its best wishes for the New Year to all readers and to look forward to whatever photo opportunities 2018 brings. Go out and about with your cameras and get snapping! For more information contact David on 07463821182 or thornecameraclub@yahoo.co.uk


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Hatfield Woodhouse Primary School By: Maisie, Lloyd, Byron and Lydia Hello, welcome back to Hatfield Woodhouse Primary. We have all been working very hard on all our work and have progressed with the help of our brilliant teachers. Here are some things that have been going on in this superb, special school… Anti - bullying week As you probably all know, quite a while ago it was Anti – bullying week. As a school we all made one long paper chain to show that we all stand as one and although we are different we are one big family. BE A BUDDY NOT A BULLY! Y5 survivor trip In Y5 their topic is survivor so they went to Austerfield Study Centre to find out more on how to survive. We made dens in the middle of the forest, bow and arrows and fires. On the way back, it started snowing and it made it even more exciting because it got us in a Christmassy mood! It really helped us to understand how explorers like Scott Of The Antarctic would have felt whilst exploring. Kady stated, “my favourite part was toasting the marshmallows, but I loved every second of it because it was something new.” KS1 Nativity KS1 have been practising there Little Red Robin Christmas production and on the 12th of December, they showed it to the rest of the school. When we watched it, it was funny and cute and we can see some of the FS1s becoming actresses and actors when they are


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older! It was very successful and all the school and parents loved it. Christmas Tree Decorating In late November, at St Lawrence Church, each school around the area decorated their own Christmas tree but it had to be based on a musical and ours was Starlight Express. Children went from our school and they were: Isabelle, Jake, Lucy, Olivia and Shaun Frank. When they were there they made train tracks out of tinsel and paperchains that look like robots to show the theme of our musical. We would like to wish all the Hatfield Arrow readers a Happy New Year!


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