June 2016
Local News Local Businesses What’s On! School News Useful Numbers
Issue No. 124
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Editors Letter……
Welcome to the June 2016 issue of the Hatfield Arrow. We have lots of news and event items this month. I’d like to thank everyone who is sending in information, articles, etc. This month I have been inundated. Hopefully I have included everything that was sent to me. We welcome some new local businesses advertising their products or services to this months magazine. Please remember to mention where you saw their advert as it helps them to see what advertising works and helps us to be able to provide more space for news, local information, event details etc. We are starting a new magazine in Armthorpe this month. If anyone would like to advertise in that area or any of the other areas we deliver magazines to please contact me. My details are below. You can view all the areas that we cover on our website www.arrowpublications.co.uk We also have a facebook page, please have a look and send your comments. The deadline for the July issue is Thursday 16th June 2016.
Contact Details: The Oaks, Huggin Carr Road, Hatfield Woodhouse, Doncaster, DN7 6BY
01302 351760 07854 880882 Julie@arrowpublications.co.uk www.arrowpublications.co.uk To advertise please call 07854 880882 or 01302 351760
News, News, News, News, News…. Doncaster Cats Protection now have a charity shop in Printing Office Street in Doncaster. We open Monday to Saturday 9.00 am to 5.00pm and on a Sunday 10.00am to 4.00am. We have a good range of quality goods and clothing. We are also looking for donations of clothing etc. for the shop and other fund raising events. We are able to pick the donations up if the donators ring the cat line 07718424777 and leave a name and number and we will return their call. All money raised stays in Doncaster. Clouds Community Counselling Service “Even when the sky is filled with clouds the sun still shines above” Bereavement is a very hard time and listening to your grief can be the best support for you whose loved one has died. You may have not only have feelings of sadness but anger and guilt and that is natural and not unusual. A Trained Counsellor will offer emotional support and understanding, compassion, kindness, courtesy and care without judgment to help you to grieve and then start moving forward in your life. There is no time limit on grief. Clouds CCS will be pleased to hear from you whatever the problem and will listen to all of your difficulties no matter how small or large. We provide a FREE, CONFIDENTIAL and PROFFESIONAL Service for as long as you need it with Centres in Thorne, Moorends, Dunscroft Hatfield and Stainforth. Counsellors are trained to listen to any issues including Bereavement and welcome referrals from Young People (11+) and Adults however complex you feel the problem is. All our Counsellors are DBS checked, receive Supervision and are Members of the BACP their Professional body and carry Insurance. Need to talk…. We will Listen
SUMMER OLYMPIC STARTRACK CHALLENGE 2016 Sign up now for our 5 day summer programme 3 days training and 2 days of competition, club members and non members welcome, open to anyone aged 5years to 13 years: Good quality goody-bags to all competitors. Coaching by our professional training staff. Trophies to competition winners 5 day programme 10am to 2pm each day. 3 Training Groups 5years to 7years, 8years to 10 years, 11 years to 13 years. £12 per day or sign up for the full programme for just £50, tick your choice of dates below. ( Cheques payable to Doncaster AC) AUGUST Tues 16th
Wed 17th
Thurs 18th
Tues 23rd
Wed 24th
Name: Address: Age: Emergency contact number: Related health condition eg. astma. ......................................................................................... Postal entries to: Kev lincoln, 16 Ash Hill Rd, Hatfield, Doncaster, DN7 6JG for further information ring m.07739312835
Contact: client (message) line 07962907053 www.cloudscounsellingservices.com
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Why is grooming important? Grooming your dog regularly, particularly if it is a long-haired breed, is important to keep their coat in good condition. Among the many benefits it offers, it: promotes good blood circulation helps to keep grease levels down – excess grease can block pores removes loose hair which can otherwise cause soreness and other skin complaints removes dead hair, dirt and dandruff and helps to spread natural oils through the hair You can do much of this yourself at home so try to get into a regular grooming routine and your dog will feel and look much better for it. There are times when a professional grooming session is really what’s needed – perhaps because your dog needs a bath and it’s not easy for you to do it at home or because they need a trim or clip which should only be carried out by experienced professionals using the latest equipment. The younger your dog starts coming to the groomers, the more relaxed he will find his visits – but, in our experience, most dogs of all ages thoroughly enjoy a good pampering! While your dog is with MiGroomers, not only will our highly trained and experienced team make him look his best but we will also check him for any abnormalities or issues in his ears, eyes and skin to make sure any problems can be caught early. Whatever their grooming requirements, we can help so why not call into your MiGroomers for a free consultation? Or contact our groomer Karen Taylor on 01405 812142
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Hatfield Clean For the Queen 2016… Part 2…. Sunday June 12th 2016 10am – 12pm After my last article, outlining my plans for a litter pick / general tidy up of the village I thought I would enlighten you all with a few further details and a general update. Firstly, I would like to thanks the 5 people who contacted me via e-mail offering their services, and the one who collared me in the Bay Horse. That’s not bad considering that the Arrow gets delivered to over 2500 properties. As feedback goes that’s got be well up there with the best, even better when you consider that one of those was my sister…and even she said I must be mad…. (Not really) However, I am determined to give this a go and even if it only results in a partial positive impact it will be a start. Of those who responded I can confirm that the following areas have now been “adopted” or maybe in a Klondike gold rush manner (without the wagons) “baggsied” –
Station Road Grange Avenue Carr Side Lane Lings Lane Manor Road
I have also had 3 volunteers to bake a cake to feed those who turn up with a bag of collected rubbish, incidentally one of those was my mum and so we are definitely a family affair with this project that’s for sure. The Barn (behind the Bay Horse) has been booked for refreshments from 10am to 12pm. And so anyone who turns up with a bag of collected rubbish or even a picture of them collecting litter will qualify for a free slice of cake and cup of tea and a big pat on the back for being so community spirited. There will always be those people who say “why bother? when it will only come back”, or they may even think that its someone else’s job. Only the other day I witnessed 2 kids discard their sandwich boxes along Westfield Road and rather than ask them to pick their litter up I did nothing, which then only added to my angst. However, maybe, there will be some proactive teachers who read this and make a promise to themselves to remind their pupils of the respect they should have their village and that the real way to impress their mates is to actually use a bin… in fact maybe we should be making using bins sexy ?? Now there’s an idea. Anyway, I do not wish to lecture readers like my last offering, except to say that anyone who can help either by volunteering to take part in the clean up, to bake a cake, to help with the refreshments, or maybe donate some hand held litter pickers please contact me on this e-mail address hatfieldcleanup2016@gmail.com. However, you will need to hurry as the 12th will be just around the corner…. From an environmental perspective it would be great if the plastics were collected separately so that they can be re-cycled. And, it will be important for any volunteers to remain safe at all times. Finally, I contacted DMBC on 4 occasions, I received 4 automated responses, 4 follow up automated responses, but as yet no actual contact….I am fully aware of their limited resources but a simple acknowledgement or phone call would have been nice, after all I am only trying to help…. Maybe the time has come for me to enter the murky world of politics!! PW – AKA The Difference
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Hatfield Community Library At last summer seems to be on the way, which I hope will encourage lots of people to come to the library. If you walk, you can combine the visit with your keep fit regime- although carrying too many books is not advisable. (This is what I tell myself when I come in the car.) The library has been ringing to sound of children’s voices as they sang the song which accompanies the Greenaway Illustration competition. The hand gestures provided borrowers with a bit of amusement as they were browsing in the library. Yes Hungerhill School has been bringing in its feeder schools (Five of them) to vote for the best illustrations in a selection of books. There was also a quiz where they had to search round the library for clues. I must say that the Art Group were very patient when they were surrounded by eager children for about 15 minutes. All the children have been a credit to their schools. New Courses/Activities. The Theraputic Colouring Group on Friday afternoon is underway from 1:30pm. So if you have time before you pick the children up from school or need to de-stress before the weekend come and join us. Books and colouring pens are provided and the class is free- so even less stress. Family History taster session. Please ring if you are interested in this as we need at least 8 people before the group can run. Half Term Thursday June 2nd Lego Robotics. This will be in two sessions. 7-9yrs 10:00-12:30 9-11yrs 1:00-3:30 This is a free activity but please ring to book to avoid disappointment as numbers will be limited. DMBC Councillors’ surgeries. Second Friday of the month 4:00-5:00 Jessie Credland Tues June 7th 4:00-5:00 Courses. Yoga £4 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 6:30-8:00 Wednesday . Very gentle Yoga 3pm Gentle Yoga 4:30 Art Class £5 Every Tuesday 10:30-12:30. This is a tutor led class but you can do your own thing and have some advice. Pre-School story time. (inc Nursery age children) Every Tuesday in term time 2:00- until you need to go. Readers’ Groups. Last Tuesday (5pm) and Friday (10:30)of the month. Join these friendly groups to read and discuss novels. Needles and Pins. A friendly craft group where you can do your own project or learn a new skill. Please remember we have free wifi if you need to use your iPads/tablets/iPhones in the library. One gentleman has discovered that we are the only place he can download things onto his iPad! Could anyone who came to the library on Tuesday April 26th in the afternoon check to see if they have picked up a Mary Berry Foolproof Cooking book up by accident from the Pod? (desk) One our volunteers had just bought it and left it on the desk when she was serving borrowers. The sonic boom, which brought the whole of my street out on May Day, was a topic of conversation in the library the next day. The school children had slept through it while us older ones were scared out of our wits thinking we were under attack!! Oh to be young and carefree. We have copies of the new bus timetables in the library which we can photocopy. We only ask for a small donation to cover costs. I have heard that there are rumours that the library is closing down. This is not true. However, we will be shutting temporarily so that the ceiling can be replaced, the heating sorted (hurrah) and one or two other things done. The date for this has not been established yet but we should be given four weeks’ notice in time to inform the public. Contact Details Tel. 842064 e-mail hatfieldcommunity library@gmail.com Find us on Facebook and Streetlife
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The 68th Hatfield Scout group are getting out and about as much as we can now its spring. Beavers and Scouts have both had hikes from the village hall to the scout hut and enjoyed supper there, as well as achieving Navigator badges through map work. Other outings have included Scouts visiting the local food bank, Cubs to Pets at Home, and Beavers taking a bus to Thorne park. Scouts are having a camp at Squirrel Wood so that Jeebi can get her camp permit and then we will all be able to camp more often and try different venues. This year Cubs are celebrating 100 years of Cub Scouts and part of the celebration is a huge district camp called Packmania. At Doncaster District Scout Archery competition and we were thrilled with our results- from 30 competitors our 3 entrants achieved 15th, 11th and 3rd place!!! Our recent Race Night was a great success thanks to the Lions and Doncaster Cinema Services who provided their services, and we raised over £1200 towards a day trip for our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts to Forbidden Corner. Thank you to all those who supported us! On March 17th we attended the District St Georges Parade and service at the Minster. It was a lovely spring day and very enjoyable. We are still working towards reviving our old scout hut. If you are able to help the scout group and would like to offer your services, please contact the group. For full section programme details see the website, . If you would like to join our beaver, cub or scout group please contact Sue Lloyd, Beaver Leader, on 07802 875738 or email beavers@68hatfieldscouts.org.uk Beavers are 6-8yrs, Cubs 8-10yrs and Scouts 10-14yrs. All sections are for both boys and girls and meet at Hatfield Woodhouse Village Hall during term time on Wednesday evenings. For more information visit our website 68hatfieldscouts.org.uk
HATFIELD WOODHOUSE AMATEUR GARDENING SOCIETY. On Tuesday 3 May we once again welcomed our good friend Stephen Gay as guest speaker. Stephen entertained us with one of his railway based talks, this one being called “Walking the Line, Discovering Lost Railways”. On this occasion, we got two talks for the price of one, the first half being about the defunct Scarborough to Whitby line, and the second part features the old Somerset and Dorset line, from Bath to Evercreech Junction. As usual, the talk was illustrated with high quality slides, and frequent references to his German Shepherd dog, Wrawby. We had another thoroughly entertaining evening. The Saturday Coffee Morning at Hatfield Woodhouse Methodist Church on 18 June will be in aid of the Garden Club. This will commence as usual at 10am. Contributions of raffle prizes etc. Quality Floor & Wall Tiling will be most welcome Kitchens & Bathrooms The next evening meeting is on Tuesday 7 June when the guest speaker will be Tony Local Company Featherstsone. Tony will be talking about a 30 Years Experience subject dear to us all, “Easy Gardening”. As usual, Competitive Rates the meeting will be in the Hatfield Woodhouse For a Free, no obligation quote call Club commencing at 7-30 pm. Everybody, including non members, are most welcome to our 01302 845016 or 07769680245 meetings.
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Thorne Camera Club is a Hive of Activity. We may not be on Britain’s Got Talent, but we don't feel we should miss out, oh no! We recently held our own version of the X Factor, although Simon Cowell didn't pick the winning photographs. The judges on the night were members of the club, with over 60 images to whittle down, each image being given a score. Eh! who would be a judge? It was a close run thing, with a tie, so members gave a show of hands as to the overall winning photograph, the winning shot by one vote was 'Feeding Time' from Patricia Woodward, well done. We didn't let the judges get away lightly though, they had to tell us why they had made their choices. Another set of eyes can see things in your pictures you just might not see. Invited guest speakers visit from time to time and in April we had Mr John Jolliffe CPAGB, EFIAP, BPE1, from Barnsley, who entertained the club with digitally projected images, some shots as taken in the camera, then the same images edited. Some images were taken close to his home, some from far and wide, showing internal shots of very beautiful religious buildings, various sports, and he shared some of his award winning photographs. His audiovisual presentations contained very thought provoking images with an appropriate soundtrack. The subject topics ranging from the game of Rugby, jet skiing and motor cycle racing, not wanting to alienate our natural history lovers he shared just one of his bird shots! He ended the evening with his newest work captured with the use of his drone camera. Seeing things like this in the club can inspire the members to broaden their horizons. The bank holiday weather might have put some people off going out and about, but not our members Given a challenge, armed with a quiz sheet and camera equipment they headed to Selby, the aim to take photographic evidence, in answer to the question 'where is this?'. An early outing before the start of the summer programme at the end of May, hopefully with some nice weather and getting some helpful tips from fellow members along the way. The club also had it's 3rd A.G.M.- how time flies! There were two resignations and two nominations, with previous members of the committee re-elected, David Ulyett as Chairman, Graham Linley as Vice Chairman, Lynda Ulyett Secretary, Frances McIntosh Treasurer, John Marshall Programme Secretary. The club wishes to thank James Howard and Ashley Gerrard for their contribution and welcome new members Alan Pickersgill and Jackie Woodward onto the committee. New members are always welcome to the club. If you are interested in Photography, for more information contact David on 07970895809 or email thornecameraclub@yahoo.co.uk.
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S J Roofing
Flat Roofs, Fibre Glass Flat Roofs, Repairs, Slates, Tiles, Guttering, Fascia’s, Chimneys. Competitive Rates No Job Too Small 01302 858164 / 07427 212714 Sj-roofing@mail.com
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Quality Sliding System Fitted Wardrobes At Affordable Prices
Quality wardrobe system that will stand the test of time A wide range of styles suited to modern or traditional homes Adds a touch of quality to any home From the more traditional look to modern contemporary simplicity to suit any bedroom A made to measure wardrobe system with a quality runner system which will glide smoothly and effortlessly for years to come Each Door has lower mounted precision runners which will ensure a smooth, easy, quiet gliding function Adds a touch of luxury to any bedroom Traditional or contemporary designs available in a variety of colours and finishes
Ash Hill Crescent, Hatfield 01302 844866 / 842704
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Hatfield Woodhouse Primary School News SPTA Academy Games Pupils from Key Stage 2 had a surprise encounter with Jessica Ennis-Hill (Olympic Gold Medal winner) when they attended the School Partnership Trust Academy Games in May. The competition was held in the Sheffield Institute of Sport and Jessica happened to be training for the Rio Olympics there, that day. Once she had finished her training, she popped over to chat to our pupils. We were particularly proud of their team effort and determination within the competition, where the children took part in field and track events against nine other schools from across the north of England. Hatfield Woodhouse Primary School came second over-all.
British Heroes
On Friday 22nd April we celebrated two British heroes with a special assembly in front of 6 visitors from Belgium. With the whole school dressed in red, white and blue, Year 5 shared their learning about our first British heroine: Queen Elizabeth 2nd. Did you know that she has a qualification in driving and repairing army trucks, from her time in the Territorial Army? We sang three songs for our visitors including Gary Barlow’s ‘Sing’ a song which children sang for the queen on her diamond jubilee. The second hero featured in our assembly was Corporal John Harper. Year 6 shared their learning about Corporal Harper, a local hero from Hatfield, who went to our school. Corporal Harper got the Victoria Cross in World War 2 for liberating the town of Merksplas in Belgium. Our visitors included Frans Pelgrim, who made a beautiful stained glass window commemorating Corporal Harper. We have a copy of the window in our school but the real window is now displayed in St Lawrence Church, Hatfield.
Rocket Blast
Preparations are in place for our Science competition next month. Each class have invited in their parents to help make stomp rockets from 2 litre plastic bottles. Rockets from each class will compete to fly the furthest and look most stylish before winners in each
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Year 2 Our featured class this month is Year 2. As well as being busy preparing for the Key Stage 1 SATs this month, year 2 have completed secret mission activities at Sunnybank Garden Centre recently. They walked to the garden centre to find out more about plants and how they grow. As a special treat, they also enjoyed ice-cream and juice at the Ice Cream Parlour before walking back to school. A big thank-you to Sunny Bank for accommodating the children!
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Creative Travis. Welcome to our Travis school report. Year 6 and 2 have been incredibly busy with their SATs, however it also has been assessment week for the rest of the school. Year 6 tomorrow are going on their end of SATs treat day which we know they are looking forward to. In this report, you will read about how Travis became involved in the Tour De Yorkshire, how Year 4 are getting squeamish about their insides and about how to save the rainforest. We will also be telling you about our new maths programme and how much we are enjoying it. Year Six Year Six are thrilled to have finished their SAT’s tests. Children feel proud and have commented on the fact that although the new curriculum has been difficult, the challenge has been fun! It has helped them to manage their feelings and has given them an insight into how life can sometimes be very challenging. Many children are still looking forward to inspiring lessons and learning new things. All the year group are looking forward to their treat day at Vue Cinema and The Dome with lunch at the Cheswolds. Year Five Harrison and Bethany recently took part in a 500 metre dash with Mrs Day out of school. It was done to celebrate ‘The Tour de Yorkshire’. Both pupils had to race onto their pedals and sprint up to a cone, walk around the cone with their bike, cross to the other side of the road and finish in between two bars. Eighteen schools took part and it was done after the women’s race. It was hard work, tiring but very fun! Luckily the rain managed to stay away until the end of their race. Well done guys, what ambassadors for our school! Year Four Year Four are really enjoying their new Science topic ‘Body parts’. They have loved the ‘egg shell’ experiment using the shell of the egg in different liquids to prove how the teeth are easily damaged. Vinegar was particularly bad and very smelly. They have also learnt about the heart and will be going on to learn more about other body parts such as lungs. They are now very keen to complete some artwork related to the topic. Year Three Year Three are currently learning about the rainforest. Although they are really enjoying it, they have found much of the information quite difficult to accept because lots of trees are being chopped down and burnt. It’s not fair on the animals and people who live there. They have sketched some of the animals that live on the rainforest such as monkeys, parrots, bats, tigers and lions and have written a persuasive piece of writing trying to help stop deforestation. They are looking forward to learning more about why rainforests are so important to the world. Having a lumberjack come into school and talk was also a real treat and the children got to do a question and answer session. Amazing Abacus In our school we have started to use a new maths resource. This is called Abacus. Last week, we had our first homework set from it and we loved it. We would like to tell you a little bit about what we enjoy about Abacus and how it is helping us to learn. Emily said “ I like Abacus because it helps you with maths such as time, number bonds, shapes and estimating”. Bradley said “I like the bug run homework because the characters are fun and help you learn. I also like the mental maths in class because I am now getting them correct.” “I like Abacus because it is fun and attractive for everyone.
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I especially like the tug of war game which we had for homework,” said Maisie. Each child gets to choose between different worlds for their homework, the choice is Future World, Bug World and Race World. Harry said “I like race world because you get to go to the pit store”. Maisie, Harry, Bradley, Emily. We hope you have enjoyed our report.
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Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge to raise money to help a Doncaster Charity On Friday 8th July 2016, Darrel King, Mick Aveling, John Davis and I, Nick Skelton, will be doing our very best to walk the Yorkshire Three Peaks. As you may be aware, the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge is around 25 miles of hill walking, taking in the three highest peaks in the Yorkshire Dales National Park - Pen-y-ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough. Yes, we are all mad and very much out of our comfort zones. Yes we will all need to put extensive hours of training in before the actual day. However, we are doing this in an attempt to raise money to help a Doncaster Charity to continue its outstanding work providing families in need with food and support in the Thorne and Moorends area of Doncaster. Please take the time to visit their website for more information about the Charity: www.thornemoorendsfoodbankgroup.co.uk If you are able to do so, we would very much appreciate a donation for this very worthy local Charity. We have set up a local giving page for any donation you kindly make. The page address is https://localgiving.org/fundraising/ndmj-3peaks This is the first time I have ever been involved in undertaking a Charity fundraising event and I don’t intend to do another in the near future so I will be giving this my all. We all hope to complete the full distance, weather and health permitting, but if for any reason we don’t, it won’t be through the lack of trying! Anyone who wants to take life insurance cover out on me or any of us, feel free to do so J. Any value of donation is genuinely gratefully received and every penny will make the difference for families struggling to buy the basic food and other provisions that many of us take for granted. Thank you very much. Nick, Darrel, Mick and John
All Electrical Work Undertaken Napit Registered Installer Professional and Reliable Service FREE Quotes Please Call Your Local Electrician
Dan 07879 625532 Electronpowerservices.co.uk
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Jodie Grant from Old Cantley Doncaster claims Bronze in the BRITS Slopestyle 2016. Over two days in Laax at the BRITS 2016, the skiers overcame the weather to battle it out in the British Slopestyle Championships, With tricky weather over two days, the women were able to complete one run on the full Slopestyle course, with GB Park and Pipe athlete and Olympian Katie Summerhayes claiming the Champions’ crown. Madi Rowlands Gold Medallist in this year’s Youth Olympics claimed silver and Jodie Grant claiming a bronze. After winning the Bronze, Jodie Grant said: “I was pleased to be on the podium with Katie and Madi. Conditions weren’t great and I didn’t get the run I wanted but I focussed on the day and came away with a score of 60 points just 13 points behind this year’s Youth Olympian. I am now focussed on the future and hope to achieve my dream of been in the GB Park and Pipe team and to represent my country. I’ve worked hard this season with Joe Tyler my coach, JT Freeski Academy and it all paid off. In the next few weeks I will be heading to Austria to compete in the Dutch Moguls Championships. www.jodiegrantski.com www.jt-freeskiacademy.com Sponsored by Airkings Doncaster Sunwise Eyewear Chillfactore,, Manchester
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Swopping one uniform for another Former fireman Chris Potton has gone from working in one service to providing another in the same area. Chris Potton and his wife Tess have been running the GreenThumb Doncaster East branch since February 2009, starting with about 400 customers. They now provide professional lawn care for almost 2, 500 customers treating 5,000 lawns in their area. Chris spent 32 years in the Fire service in the Humberside area but on retirement decided he wanted to do something completely different. He said: “I was in the fire service and retired after 32 years and wanted to do something else and as a friend of mine already ran a GreenThumb franchise I thought I would also give it a go. “I started off working on the fire engines but gradually worked myself up through the ranks and some of the area we cover as franchisees is also where I worked in the fire service. “Before I left the fire service I was involved with best value work and maintaining standards and I have been able to bring that experience to the franchise.” Chris said that they have worked hard to look after an area stretching from the east side of Doncaster to the western side of Scunthorpe including Thorne, Finningley, Westwoodside, Epworth, Crowle and Messingham. He said: “It really has been quite full on, more than I anticipated but enjoyable and I am now taking on an extra lawn technician so that I can improve my work/life balance!!” Chris, along with Tim, Dan and Matty, are the fully trained and uniformed lawn operatives who carry out our professional lawn treatments, while Tess and Elaine are on hand to deal with telephone enquiries and coordinate activities from the office. He explained that during the main growing season – from March to October - each customer receives regular, pre-arranged lawn treatments. Prices for treatment are determined by the area of the lawn and basic lawn treatments start from just £15, the average for the area being approximately £23 and monthly Direct Debit is now available. We also provide additional lawn treatments, such as aeration and scarification to help keep your lawn looking its very best, all year round! GreenThumb, which celebrates 30 years in business this year, is the largest lawn treatment company in the UK and has over 220 franchises all over the UK with more than 450,000 lawns being treated every 10 weeks. If you would like top quality, hassle free lawn care start with a FREE, no obligation, lawn analysis by contacting Chris or Tess on 01427 238442 or email doncastereast@greenthumb.co.uk. CAPTION: Chris and Tess Potton wishing GreenThumb a happy 30th birthday.
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B. A. Wright & Sons FUNERAL DIRECTORS A Family Business Giving A Personal & Caring Service PRE-PAID FUNERAL PLANS
FISHLAKE - STAINFORTH covering all areas
Also Fit Alarms
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WHAT’S ON? Hatfield Woodhouse Methodist Chapel News Sunday Services at 6pm
June 5th Chapel Anniversary Preacher Miss Sue Pickering followed by light refreshments June 12th Mr Keith Mears June 19th Rev Andrew Mumford (Communion) June 26th Miss Sue Pickering June 4th Chapel Summer Fayre 10 to 1pm to include ploughman’s Lunches served from 12 noon. Raffle, Tombola, Stalls all welcome. June 5th Chapel Anniversary 6pm Refreshments served after the service. Preacher Miss Sue Pickering our Lay Pastor. June 11th Coffee morning for Project 2000. Raffle for Gardening project plus chip butties for helpers. June 18th Hatfield Woodhouse Gardening Club Coffee Morning June 25th NO COFFEE MORNING as there will be a wedding at the Chapel June 25th Thorne Chapel Anniversary 7pm
St. Lawrence Church Annual Garden Party, 11th June – 2 - 5pm The Barn Field (adjacent to the Church). All the usual Stalls / Attractions. Entrance only 50p per adult (children free). A great family event.
Friends of Hatfield Buliding Trust
Coffee Morning on Sat 4th June 10-12pm at the Barn, Hatfield with the usual attractions – Tombola, raffle, homemade cakes plus a possible flutter on the gee gees in our ‘Fun Epsom Donkey Derby Sweep Stake’.
Summer Fayre.
St Edwins Church, Dunscroft. Saturday June 18th. 11am. Everyone welcome.
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Laminate Floor, Kitchen & Bedroom Fitting, Spindle Staircases, Doors (internal and external), Tiling-Wall and Floor, Gates and Exterior Joinery Work (made to measure if required) Fully Qualified
01302 775184 Personal Attention From Jessie Now Practising Part-Time Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday Mornings Only
Footcare Advice & Treatment Orthotics (Arch Supports) Fitted 31 High Street Hatfield
01302 351545
Interior Painter & Decorator 40 Years Experience No Job Too Small Call Peter Knight On Tel:01302 844228
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Gas Emergency
Age Concern
0800 009966
Electricity Emergency
Doncaster Council Community First
01302 736000
Yorkshire Water
Child Line
0800 111
BT Faultline
01302 734444
01302 719790
0800 555111
Hatfield Florist
01302 845597
Doncaster Childrens Information Service
0800 1384568
Hatfield Water Park
01302 841572
Vue Cinema
South Yorkshire Fire Service
South Yorkshire Police (non - emergency)
Travis St Lawrence Primary Lower School
01302 840200
Travis St Lawrence Primary Upper School
01302 842164
Ash Hill Academy
01302 840961
Hatfield Woodhouse Primary School
01302 840448
Hatfield Sheep Dip Lane Primary School
01302 842464
Hatfield Dunsville Primary School
01302 882958
Hatfield Crookesbroom Primary School
01302 841337
Dunsville Community Centre
01302 882602
Hatfield Library
01302 842064
Home Library Service
01302 734304
Hatfield Woodhouse Methodist Church
01302 880450
Hatfield Church Parish Office
01302 350591
Hatfield Health Centre
01302 384200
Dunsville Medical Centre
01302 890108
Doncaster Royal Infirmary
01302 366666
NHS Non-Emergency
Weldricks late night pharmacy
01302 369699
Health Watch Doncaster
0808 8010391
The Dome Leisure Centre
01302 370777
Hatfield Village Watch
01302 841527
CAB Advice Line
0844 4994137
Advertise in the Hatfield Arrow Business Directory for just £2.50 per month.
Kissimmee Florida 3 bed, 2 bath bungalow on a gated residential community with 24 hour Security 3 pools, gym, Jacuzzi & tennis courts on complex. Ideal location for all theme parks (Disney 15mins)
From £250 per week Tel: 01302 842607
Please mention “The Arrow” when responding to advertisements
BUSINESS DIRECTORY CAR Sales & Repairs Barry Gill Sales & Repairs, Hatfield
01302 842878
Ash Hill Crescent, Hatfield
‘Established 1989’
Clouds Community Counselling, Free Client Line Confidential Counselling Service 07962 907053 COMPUTER SERVICES It To Go Computer Services
01302 352352
W: www.ittogo.co.uk E: sales@ittogo.co.uk Hair, Health & Beauty All About Me
Casanova Pizzeria
Hair & Beauty
01302 350888
Jessie Credland Foot Clinic 31 High Street Hatfield
01302 351545
Men Only Gents Barbers, Sheep Dip Lane, Dunscroft
07986 366246
The Willows Dental Practice
01427 872106
Home & Garden Blind Ideas, High Street, Hatfield
01302 842627
Sunnybank Garden Centre, Hatfield Woodhouse
01302 842954
Special Offers Available for Party Orders with Prior Notice OPEN 5pm - 11.30pm {Fri & Sat Delivery until 12pm} Now Open 7 Days a Week Open Bank Holidays
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Tel: 01302 843364
Locksmith Locks & Blocks
07768 498668
www.locksandblocks.co.uk Services / Trades A.E.S. Tiling (ceramic floor & wall tiling) Dunsville www.aestiling.org.uk
01302 350653 07749 519557
C M Developments (Yorkshire) Ltd Building Services
01302 351760
E P G Roofing
01302 532676
Longstaff Electrical Services, Hatfield, 07902 008118
01302 840500 07985 076500
Martin Johnson Plumbing & Heating Repairs, Hatfield
01302 845978 07817 300662
JJ Rowney gas & heating engineers. Plumbing Heating Gas
07460 957017 Hatfield
Steve Blunt Electrical Contractor 07900188126
01302 350557
To advertise please call 07854 880882 or 01302 351760