The Hatfield Arrow June 2022

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June 2022

Issue No.195


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Welcome to the June 2022 issue of the Hatfield Arrow.

This month I’m looking forward to spending more time outdoors with family and friends, as we hopefully see the weather improving, as we head towards the longest day on the 21st June! At last The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations are here. I hope there are lots of community events and activities happening in the villages: street parties, picnics, concerts, tea dances. What ever you decide to do, celebrate in style. I would love to receive some photos of the day so we can publish them in the next issue The deadline for the July Issue is Thursday 16th June Best Wishes Julie Morrell Tel: 07854 880882 Find us on facebook

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Community News Hatfield Woodhouse Methodist Chapel We are holding Saturday Coffee Mornings 10-12 noon and Coffee Afternoons every Monday 2-3.30pm. All welcome, please pop in Queens Jubilee Celebrations Plant a tree for the Queens Canopy Friday 3 June Salad Lunch at 12 noon Donation in the bucket please plus Raffle Plant a tree in the afternoon (you can donate a tree) Sunday 5 June Chapel Anniversary/Jubilee Service 6pm Pilates Held every Tuesday, 2.00pm – 3.00 pm Knit and Natter Group Held every Wednesday, 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm : £1.00 per person, including refreshments Sugar Craft Group Held every Wednesday 1.00 pm -3 pm DN7 Food Bank Donations welcome, including toiletries, baby items - please place in the Box provided

HATFIELD WOODHOUSE AMATEUR GARDENING SOCIETY May’s meeting of the Society was on Tuesday 5 May at Hatfield Woodhouse Club. As a change from our usual type of evening of having an invited speaker, this time we had a Plant Sale. Members and guests were invited to bring their spare plants of all sizes to sell, with the proceeds going to club funds. And the result was incredible. It was reckoned by one of our long time members that this was the largest meeting, in terms of the number of people there, that the Society has ever had, certainly the largest for a long time. There were masses of plants for sale, and although relatively small prices are asked for, the club funds did OK. A bonus for the club was that new members signed up. So who says gardening and garden clubs are in decline. Not us after this great evening. And now back down to earth. There will NOT be the usual Tuesday evening meeting on 7 June because the Society will be having its Annual Outing on the following Sunday (12 June) to Burton Agnes Hall and Gardens, near Bridlington. Over that weekend the Hall are holding a Special Plants Sale, so it is a very appropriate time to have this outing.


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Coming Back Soon! Hatfield Church Annual Garden Party 16th July at The Barn Field. Opening Ceremony at 2 PM. Entrance: Adults 50p, Children Free Entertainment includes: Markham Main Brass Band, Displays by a number of Local Schools All the usual stalls & attractions including: Cakes, Preserves, Tombola, Raffle, Books, Plants, Bottles, Chocolate Tombola & Teddy Tombola, as well as all the usual smaller games of skill / chance. Back by Popular Demand – Miniature train Rides. Not forgetting of course our wonderful Afternoon Teas served throughout the event.

We look forward to seeing you there it’s a great Community event!

S J Roofing

Flat Roofs, Repairs, Slates, Tiles, Guttering, Fascia’s, Chimneys. Competitive Rates No Job Too Small 01302 858164 07427 212714


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Hatfield Community Library Our Easter activities were a mixture of the successful and unsuccessful which is a first for us. The first Lego activity went well and all the children completed their task and had fun trying out their Lego computer programmed models. Unfortunately, the second session had to be cancelled as the Lego sets were stolen. Sadly, the creative activity did not live up to expectations so we can only apologise to those people who attended. However, the Thorne Rural Lions’ coffee morning on April 30th. was a success. It was well attended and all participating parties (all of whom work in the community) made some money for their funds. I sadly succumbed to the lure of the cake stall and bought a coffee cake. I must congratulate the person who baked it as it didn’t last long. Not all eaten by me I hasten to add. Coffee mornings at the library are becoming a regular event on the last Saturday of the month. At the end of May The Friends of Hatfield Church including the DN7 Food Bank are having a coffee morning and then The Cubs and Scouts are holding one at the end of June. Friends of Jubilee Field have a coffee morning in the offing. Please show your support for these local groups as they do so much good in the community. We have found a temporary solution to our Story/Rhyme time problem. As I mentioned last month, the WEA Little Learners, -Parents and Pre- School Group, are holding a series of Messy Monkey sessions for children aged 2-5yrs. These are timed to fit in with school starting and finishing times and all the sessions are free. Come with a friend or meet new friends and engage in some activities alongside your child. Refreshments will be provided. Please book Tel 842064. Mon. May. 30th (and possibly more) 9.30-11am Solution focused Hypnotherapy Sessions These sessions are in the library with Catherine M Walker (DSFH MAfSFH MNCH (reg) ) .They are to help us to take conscious control when feeling angry, stressed or low to help us to make healthy food choices and motivate exercising so comfort eating can become a thing of the past. Turn up at the library or for more information. Tel. 07833 716 797. Wednesdays, 5:15-6:15pm, £6 per session Doncaster Ambition Programme. Representatives from here call in at the library from time to time to offer support to people. There is no set time but one can be arranged if enough people are interested. Who we can Help What we can Offer Able to live and work in the UK Access to Training Aged 18+ Advice and guidance Claiming Benefits Confidence Building Living in Doncaster CV building Unemployed Develop interview skills This help will not affect your benefits. Local area appointments are available. One to one support with dedicated key workers, Time to listen without pressure. Voluntary and free. For further details contact Jill Brown 07773 950851 Weekly Classes - If you are looking for some activities for leisure or learning and would like to meet new people, come to the library and join some of our groups Or just borrow a book. Monday, Needles and Pins, 10am. Bring your own work and chat with like-minded people or ask for advice about a project you might want to start. Bridge 1pm for beginners and improvers. (free activity) Tuesday, Games café 10:00-12:30. Join us in the library to play a variety of games including Mahjong. Refreshments are provided for the small charge of£1 (Free activity). Readers’ groups on the last Tuesday of the month 2-3:30pm or the last Friday of the month at 10:30am. We read a variety of books and most of us have read and enjoyed books which we might otherwise have passed over on the shelf. Books are provided by the library service. (Free activity ). Yoga 6:00-7:30pm, Gentle Hatha Yoga, This is also available on Zoom if you would like to take part at home You will need to download Zoom then receive a link from the library to join the session. Jayne and the Library have paid this year’s subscription so that people who do not feel comfortable joining in a class at the library can still do yoga in their own home. The cost is £6 Wednesday Art Class 10:15-12:30, Tuition from an artist is available to help beginners and experienced artists. New members are welcome. You do not have be good at art to enjoy this class. A recent member had no art experience but is turning out some great pictures. If you don’t have any equipment, there is some which you can use to have a go. (£6 a session). Yoga (gentle/chair yoga) 3:30-5pm £6 Thursdays and Fridays are when we have our Family History groups in. Unfortunately, these groups are all full. However, if you want to do your own family history research you can do this for free in the library using Ancestry and Find my Past. We can now access the 1921 census but only the Index as Find My Past are charging everyone (including members) to look at the Transcripts and this cannot be paid for in the library. However, the Index does give some useful information. If you want to access the records of servicemen from WW1 this can be done through Ancestry and Find my Past. If you wish to contact the library Tel. 842064 email


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THORNE CAMERA CLUB The club had two excellent speakers, first, Stephen Dean with 'Themes and Journeys' a talk on photographic trips over the last two years throughout the UK and was complimented with projected images with excellent landscapes with very moody skies with supplementary printed images, and second, Colin Lusby with a very humorous approach to a talk on the 'Art for the Untalented' in which he demonstrated simple manipulation of images can produce some very interesting results. All of the entries in our recent print competition were on display at our exhibition at the Coffee Morning held in the Methodist Church Hall. The attendance was very encouraging for both the club and the Methodist Church and similar exhibitions are proposed in the future. Our latest 'Print' competition, judged by David Burgess, again produced some outstanding entries. David gave a full and wide ranging critique for each entry which members found useful. David's final choice of entries were 1st Terry Gunnill with 'The Go Between', 2nd Bob Allen with 'Jaguar' and 3rd Anne-Louise Allen with 'Pensive'. Highly Commended entries were Allen Denby, Colin Jarvis, Bob Allen, June Horbury and Bill Mitchell. Commended entries were Lynda Ulyett (2), Allen Denby. We are now coming to the end of the first year for the new committee and into the Summer Outing Programme. The year has been interesting with a varied programme for the members to participate and enjoy and has provided a fresh impetus and enthusiasm for the club. The Summer Outings Programme for the summer months will provide a wide range of locations giving members excellent photographic opportunities. The venues will include:28th May Viking Festival, York. 13th June Bempton Cliffs 9th July Barton Bike Night 27th July Yorkshire Sculpture Park Wakefield 10th August Elvington Air Museum 24th August Beamish Museum (Mini Bus) We welcome readers of our column of whatever experience to join us on Monday evenings at 7.15pm at the Methodist Chapel Hall. Join now and enjoy the Summer Outing Programme. For more information please email Terry at MONTY'S MONTHLY TIP To photograph garden birds, keep the bird feeders topped up with a wide range of food to encourage a variety of subjects. Use a hide if possible to get close to the birds to enable a small bird to fill the frame. Set the camera to Aperture Priority, which will allow the camera to set the shutter speed and ISO settings and set a wide aperture.


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FUNERAL DIRECTORS A Family Business Giving A Personal & Caring Service PRE-PAID FUNERAL PLANS covering all areas

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darts celebrates after receiving £199,070 in National Lottery funding darts – Doncaster’s participatory arts charity - is celebrating today after being awarded £199,070 in funding from The National Lottery Community Fund, the largest funder of community activity in the UK. darts will use the funding to deliver a further three years of Creative Directions – a much-needed weekly group that improves mental health and wellbeing in adults. The R ea c h ing C om m u n i t ie s funding will pay for artists to deliver creative sessions at The Point in central Doncaster and in Edlington. The groups are friendly, welcoming and inclusive – if people are unsure about attending, they can have a chat with a member of staff about what to expect. People are encouraged to come along and have a go – even if they don’t feel able to stay for the full session at first. Dr Elanor Stannage – the Project Manager for Creative Directions says: “Thanks to National Lottery players, this grant means that we can continue to run sessions that build confidence, improve and maintain mental health and wellbeing, and provide opportunities for people to meet people, make connections and build new friendships. This will make a big difference to people’s lives.” To find out more about Creative Directions, please contact Amy on 01302 493991 or To find out when the sessions take place, keep an eye on National Lottery players raise over £30 million a week for good causes across the UK. The National Lottery Community Fund distributes a share of this to projects to support people and communities to prosper and thrive. During the pandemic, in 2020 alone, The National Lottery Community Fund distributed almost £1 billion to charities and community organisations across the UK. To find out more visit


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Edenthorpe Juniors Girls Football Development Our most recent success in the club has been the development of girl’s football, since September 2021, the club has been working to provide opportunities for girl’s by having football sessions on Saturday mornings 9-10am, the club has also been successful in becoming an FA Wildcats and FA Squad Centre which is all about girl’s new to football getting the opportunity to play, have fun and make friends from ages 5-14. As part of the development of girl’s football we now can offer teams for those girls who want to play competitively, we currently have several teams and are looking for more players who want to join us between the ages of 8-12. These teams will be part of the new Saturday Doncaster Girls Football league which starts in September 2022. Our junior football teams are always looking for new players to join us, whether your child is a beginner, has played before or is wanting to try something completely new we can provide a supportive and friendly environment to help your child thrive and fall in love with the sport. As well as players we are always looking for volunteers, coaches and new sponsors to help our teams have a great experience. If you are interested and want to find out more please see the details below and follow us on our social media platforms. We will soon be providing exciting updates on training in preparation for the new season! Facebook - Instagram - Email – Phone – Mark Greenwood 07809 284922 For more information about the club please go to our website below. Web -


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Gas Emergency


Age Concern

0800 009966

Electricity Emergency


Doncaster Council Community First

01302 736000

Yorkshire Water


Child Line

0800 111

BT Faultline





01302 734444


01302 719790


0800 555111

Doncaster U3A

07735 436176

Domestic abuse hub , Doncaster

01302 737080

Hatfield Water Park

01302 841572

Doncaster Childrens Information Service

0800 1384568

Vue Cinema


The Dome Leisure Centre

01302 370777

South Yorkshire Fire Service


Citizens Advice Bureau Advice Line

0808 278 7955

South Yorkshire Police (non - emergency)


Travis St Lawrence Primary Lower School

01302 840200

Travis St Lawrence Primary Upper School

01302 842164

Ash Hill Academy

01302 562541

Hatfield Woodhouse Primary School

01302 840448

Hatfield Sheep Dip Lane Primary School

01302 842464

Hatfield Dunsville Primary School

01302 882958

Hatfield Crookesbroom Primary School

01302 841337

Dunsville Community Centre

01302 882620

Hatfield Library

01302 842064

Home Library Service

01302 734304

BUSINESS DIRECTORY CAR Sales & Repairs Barry Gill Sales & Repairs, Hatfield

01302 842878

Hair, Health & Beauty All About Me, Hair & Beauty

01302 350888

The Willows Dental Practice

01427 872106

Home & Garden Blind Ideas, High Street, Hatfield

01302 842627

Sunnybank Garden Centre,

01302 842954

Time For You , Domestic Cleaning

01302 352941

Services / Trades C M Developments (Yorkshire) Ltd

01302 351760

Hatfield Woodhouse Methodist Church

01302 880450

E P G Roofing

01302 532676

St Lawrence Church Hatfield

01302 459110

JJ Rowney gas & heating engineers. Plumbing Heating Gas

07460 957017 Hatfield

Hatfield Health Centre

01302 897600

Kissimmee Florida

Dunsville Medical Centre

01302 890108

Doncaster Royal Infirmary

01302 366666

NHS Non-Emergency


Weldricks late night pharmacy

01302 369699

Health Watch Doncaster


0808 8010391

3 bed, 2 bath bungalow on a gated residential community with 24 hour Security 3 pools, gym, Jacuzzi & tennis courts on complex. Ideal location for all theme parks (Disney 15mins)

From £350 per week Tel: 01302 842607

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