Also Covers Hatfield Woodhouse & Dunsville
3200 Copies
November 2020
Issue No. 176
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Welcome to the November 2020 issue of the Hatfield Arrow Without wanting to miss out on the biggest sale day of the Year, Arrow Publications are having our own Black Friday Sale. All details can be found on page 9, on our Facebook Page, or you can contact me using my contact information below. Advertising in the Arrow magazine has helped many local businesses build their profile and gain customers. Please send any information you would like including in the December issue before the deadline Thursday 17th November. Best Wishes Julie Morrell Tel: 07854 880882 Find us on facebook
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Community News Friends of Quarry Park The last few weeks have been busy for the Friends Group as they try to catch up after their enforced break due to the Covid 19 Lockdown. September 18 saw them take part in the Keep Britain Today “Great September Clean”, the postponed version of the national initiative “The Great British Spring Clean”. 10 volunteers supported by DMBC Countryside Rangers collected 19 bags of litter plus numerous other discarded items from The Dip, Quarry Hill and the Post Office path. All socially distanced and following Covid 19 guidance they were happy to have made a difference. The group’s Annual General Meeting should have been held in June and although postponed it had still not been possible to hold a face to face meeting. This was solved by holding a low-key digital version on September 30 in which members were brought up to date and were able to agree for the current Committee to continue for a further year. The Friends are grateful that Hatfield Town Council have shown their appreciation of their work by awarding a grant to help with running costs. October 2 saw a further volunteer work party attended by 11 volunteers supported by 2 DMBC Countryside Rangers. Some new faces were welcomed, all keen to help keep the area looking good. The group tidied up a section of Warren Wood and cut back a year’s worth of natural growth in a clearing in the same area. Two benches were repaired after wood rot had made them unusable – this maintenance is always readily commented on by Park users. One of the aims of these benches is to give the less able users a chance to take a break and access all areas of the park with greater confidence. A bag of litter was collected from the Post Office Path which continues to be a problem. Please use the bins provided or take your litter home with you! Chair Katrina O’Halloran was delighted to share the good news that an application to the Coop Community Fund has been successful. It will be used to buy more protective clothing and equipment. Volunteers were happy to be getting back into their routine, members of the public regularly express their thanks for everything the Friends of Quarry Park are doing which makes it especially worthwhile. Provisional dates for the next 2 Volunteer Work Parties, held on the first Friday of each month, meeting at the outdoor gym at 10 a.m. will be Friday 6 November and Friday 4 December. However, they could be subject to change depending on local conditions with Covid 19 and adverse weather.
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Hatfield Community Library I nearly didn’t write a news item this time because, after all the build-up over the last few weeks, it now transpires that we will not be opening at the end of September as hoped. The meeting with DMBC did not take place and due to circumstances beyond our control will not take place until October 22nd. I will not even try to predict when we will reopen. We are very disappointed of course for letting down our borrowers but also because of all the work and planning that we have done ready to open. Even the volunteer rota had been sorted. However, it is better to be safe than sorry when the rules keep changing. Our worry is that we may lose some of our borrowers to other libraries or to the joys of internet books. We have been assured that the library is not going to close down so that is some comfort. In the meantime, I should remind you of what is available to library members so I will add the information about the Digital Library again for those of you with the technology to use it. You will need your library card number (no spaces) and your pin number. Online resources have increased and in some cases been extended temporarily for use from home. See DMBC Libraries web page at: The latest addition RBDigital which launched 29th April for eMagazines, eComics and eNewspapers has been greatly received by library members with 626 magazines, 81 comics and being downloaded so far. By the end of this week OverDrive eBooks and eAudio books will launch giving additional choice of titles to Borrowbox for our readers. These online services will play a major part of our recovery whilst we adjust to a ‘new normal’ way of providing a library service in Doncaster. These services also include the use of ‘Find My Past’ and Ancestry,’ if you want to trace your ancestors. I have heard from some users who could not access these two family history sites recently. I have enquired into this matter and been told that they are still available. Also a reminder that no fines will imposed for overdue books. My five which should have been returned weeks ago are still sitting on my book shelf. Meanwhile, I will keep walking at home or outside depending on the weather. I have extended my walks as far as Cleethorpes, Golden Acre Park in Leeds, the route around Hatfield and Woodhouse from the cricket ground to the quarry and returning via the back of the High Street to emerge at the Bluebell. In all the years I have lived in Hatfield, I have never walked along the path behind High Street, even though it goes past the back of the library. I took a school friend from Leeds on this walk before she had to return to Leeds into lockdown. It all went well until we had to scramble up from the quarry then down the other side. I had to act as a fall breaker for her! I have since found out that this was unnecessary as there is an easier route. She will forgive me-eventually. I still walk round Jubilee on a regular basis and now have people asking me how many laps I have done. This is good because I then feel obliged to do the 4/5 laps. If I don’t walk, I can always watch the French open as I have time to sit without my usual commitments to keep me busy. Keep safe and stay well.
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Virtual Reality at Thorne Camera Club Although restrictions due to Corona Virus remain in place, Thorne Camera Club is working around them to present as full a programme as possible for its members. Unfortunately, just as a chance occurred to organise a General Meeting, the latest regulations came into force, confining groups to only 6 people, and until a change in numbers, normal meetings cannot resume. However, there is always the internet. Webex and Zoom meetings have been taking place over the summer recess, keeping members in touch, continuing their photography. In line with the YPU, with Autumn, a new programme includes the virtual meetings on a regular basis, and some socially distanced photo shoots. The Zoom meetings follow the normal Club activities as closely as possible, including speakers, competitions, member presentations, demonstrations, appraisals and tutorials. The thought of online video conferencing may seem daunting to some, but it is not as difficult as it seems. Members receive an invitation via email, with a link to join them into the group. A camera on your laptop or PC is useful, but not essential. The Host organises everything, so you can just listen, watch and join in when given the opportunity. The usual Club rules still apply, regarding behaviour, consideration, good manners of course, and competition rules as well. Photo shoots continue, and Mike said ‘Harewood estate being one of Yorkshire’s stunning locations, especially in Autumn, myself and other camera club members, decided to take a trip to hopefully capture images of the Red, Fallow and Roe deer. The Harewood estate is their home, also the now famous Red Kites that were reintroduced in 1999 and have successfully re-established after persecution to near extinction. The day started cold and overcast making it difficult to obtain the best camera settings but it did improve over the course of the day, and thankfully we managed to see deer and kites, and capture some images. With the stunning landscape as a backdrop, it turned out to be a very pleasurable day.’ Other members have visited other places. New members are always welcome, three people joined over the summer. If you are interested, please send an email to You will be invited to join a Zoom meeting and a photo shoot to see if it’s for you before you are asked to pay membership fees and go onto the members list.
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FUNERAL DIRECTORS A Family Business Giving A Personal & Caring Service PRE-PAID FUNERAL PLANS covering all areas
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Hatfield Woodhouse Primary School The Mysterious Bird in the Moonlight story book at Hatfield Woodhouse. Last year, year 4 had the fantastic opportunity to work with 2 artists called Suzie Cross and Fran Sierevogel as part of an art projected funded by Leeds university to create their own lanterns, they then took them on an after school outing to the Wheldrake Ings Nature Reserve in the Lower Derwent Valley to see the lanterns in their amazing glory lit up. They had been decorated with animals which are native to Hatfield Moor. Excitingly, the artists got back in touch with school and wanted to work on another collaboration, this time with years 3, 4 and 5. Obviously, Covid – 19 has changed how we work in school and sadly we can’t work with the artists in person, but they have been brilliant and they have sent us video clips explaining what they want us to do, then delivered to school the fantastic art resources they wanted us to use. Our challenge this time was to listen to the story of The Mysterious Bird in the Moon light – a Nightjar bird (found on Hatfield Moor) and draw different animal characters and backgrounds to create an animation of the book. We were very privileged to get a filmed reading of the book by Steve Smallman, the author. The children were sat on the edge of their seats listening, in awe of the adventures of the nightjar. This helped inspired and motivate the pupils to produce the best art work they possibly could. Suzi Cross one of the artists had selected wonderful and different materials for us to work with, in year 5 we had a go at using water crystals to create watery looking whales. The crystals don’t look like much but as soon as you spray them with water they suddenly come alive and dance colours across the page. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed this. In year 4 they have been creating chameleons and used special felt-tips, that blend and had different sized tips to add detail. In year 3 they used lots of different materials to create collages of fish. We still have lots of animals and backgrounds to make, but we have a dead line of Friday, so that they can be collected and the clever Fran Sierevogel can then use them to make a an animation of the book. If all goes to plan we will be having a special premier in school (Via Zoom!) where Steve the author will read the book live and the pupils can ask questions, then Fran will showcase the animation of the book using the pupils artwork. Each pupil in school will also receive a free copy of the book as a thank you for their hard work, determination and talent. At Hatfield Woodhouse it has been very odd over the past year with many pupils not being in school, doing remote learning, teaching on teams and Zoom. It has been so lovely to welcome the pupils back in September and support them educationally as well as emotionally. We do value the importance of reading, writing and maths, but we also appreciate that pupils need other avenues to experience too. This project has been a real lifeline for some of our pupils and has given them a positive to look forward to and aspire towards.
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BBC Countryfile Ramble in aid of Children in Need Doncaster Ramblers have supported this worthy cause in the past, so we thought we’d continue the tradition in 2020, but because of Covid-19 we were forced to make this a solo ramble. So with the sun in my back, I set off on what turned out to be an eight mile hike taking in Austerfield’s gravel pits, Bawtry’s Kings Wood, Misson’s solar energy farm, and Newington’s Idle Washlands. On route passers by were handed leaflets encouraging donations to Children in Need. For further information and how to donate please visit For more information about the Doncaster Ramblers and future activity please visit our Home Page And follow us on Facebook
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Community News Thank You
I would like to pass on my thanks to Dave Ketteridge and his team of volunteers for their continuing excellent labours in keeping JUBILEE PARK in such wonderful condition, this despite, the continuing challenges they face from individuals who alas, know no better ! Arson, theft, off road bikers showing off their inept talents and not forgetting dispersal of rubbish, to name but a few. How Dave and his Friends of Jubilee Park don’t throw the towel in, is beyond me, but I am so appreciative of their efforts, I’m pleased they don’t ! The Friends group continue to work tirelessly looking forward and for ways of improving this beautiful area that we have in our village, an area that adjoins, what was the original Hatfield Town Cricket Ground and an area that was my play ground in the 40s/50s. Also my thanks to Hatfield Town Council for their continued support for grassing, cutting etc; and assistance given, working with Friends. Perhaps, we as Grandparents/Parents could also offer a lending hand, by way-of- Education ! To Dave:- I know a large group of people in the village and outside, appreciate what you and your team do and continue to do ! THANK YOU. Gordon Harper
(kids rock band) are looking for new members.... If you know of a bass guitarist or keyboard player who are interested in joining the band can you email me... age 13/15 must be grade 5 or above as the band are playing some technical songs...
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