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May 2023 Issue No.207 September 2023 Issue No.211
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Welcome to the September 2023 issue of the Hatfield Arrow.
I can t believe the summer is nearly over, children will be going back to school and everyone will be getting ready for the upcoming festivities. Please send me any information for Halloween, Bonfire night or Christmas events that you would like including in the Arrow.
The deadline for the October issue is Thursday 14th September.
Best Wishes
Julie Morrell
Tel: 07854 880882
Find us on Facebook
01302 858164
07427 212714
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S J Roofing
Roofs, Repairs, Slates, Tiles, Guttering, Fascia’s, Chimneys. Competitive Rates No Job Too Small
Community News
Hatfield Woodhouse Methodist Chapel
The Guide Dogs for the Blind Coffee Afternoon raised £226.40 and we raised £158.90 for Worth UK and £295.00 for The Friends of Hatfield Church Building Trust
Harvest Festival Weekend
Friday 8 September Ray Harpers Famous Quiz - £2 per person max 6 per team Raffle & Refreshments 7pm
Saturday 9 September Harvest Coffee Morning
Sunday 10 September Harvest Festival All Age Service @ 3.30pm
Any Harvest items to be brought to the Saturday Coffee Morning please which we will sell at the Monday Coffee Afternoon
Monday 18 September Coffee Afternoon in aid of DRI Children’s Sensory Unit Refurbishment. Raffle @ 2pm
The Hatfield Woodhouse Events Group
Next meeting Tuesday 5 September 5pm at Hatfield woodhouse Chapel followed at 7pm with the updates of the Scarecrow events meeting - anyone can come along with ideas and especially anyone who wants to join/help/get involved etc as we need lots of volunteers and helpers for the events we are organising.
Friends of Hatfield Church Building Trust
FILM, PIZZA & POPCORN NIGHT. Sat 2nd Sep at 7pm in The Barn, Hatfield, (carpark available, behind The Bay Horse). Showing a popular comedy film with 2 slices of mixed pizza, popcorn & tea/coffee. By ticket event only as food pre-ordered, tickets £8 each, only 30 seats available. Contact 07873 340307 to book.
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Wow! Where has the summer gone? Can hardly believe we are into September already. Although it is short notice we will be at St John’s Hospice, Balby, on Saturday, 3rd September to help them celebrate their 30th anniversary and to celebrate our 50th anniversary. It was with the foresight of our founder Jeannette Fish that DCDT started fundraising in 1985 to raise money for a hospice. By 1992 St John’s was built and equipped after raising over £2 million, thanks to the wonderful generosity of local people, groups and organisations. The Open Day will be from 11.00am to 4.00pm. As we are approaching the latter part of the year we don’t think it is too early to mention that Doncaster Wheatsheaf Singers are holding their very popular Annual Charity Christmas Concert on Saturday, 17th December at Doncaster Minster. Once again they will be supporting Doncaster Cancer Detection Trust for which we are extremely grateful. We will be able to provide further information next month. Also, a reminder that we will be holding our Memory Tree in Frenchgate Centre on the lead up to Christmas. As mentioned last month we find that many people prefer to donate on-line, details of which are on our website. However, for those who prefer the personal touch and wish to pay by cash or cheque we will be in the Frenchgate Centre from Monday, 28th November to Saturday, 10th December (excluding Sunday, 4th December).
Should you need to get in touch with us our contact details are: 22 Wood Street, Doncaster DN1 3LW (entrance by the side of Kerry Gough Florists), second floor (lift available), Room 209. Tel. 01302 325029. Email: info@dcdt.co.uk. Website: dcdt.co.uk.
As always, we welcome fundraising ideas so do please get in touch if you would like to get involved.
Local girl opens new online business in
Doncaster with her vibrant, healthy meal deals, including a health shot!
Passionate about health and fitness, Jodie Grant who finished University with a 1st class honors degree in Sport and Development saw a gap in the market as people are swaying away from the habits of unhealthy eating to a more healthy diet!
Gone are the days of those boring meal deals, Jodie has launched her own, providing fresh and delicious homemade meals with no readymade dressings or unnecessary added calories or preservatives.
Jodie is regularly showcasing her products at Lakeside village most weekends, galas and popular shows such as the Auckley show and the Epworth show.
Jodie says ‘Watermelon juice is proving really popular, it surprised me, I though people would stick with what they know, people do like something different’ You can find Jodie on facebook: @SuperPrepPhoto credit: Shaun Flannery
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The new autumn programme for the club commences in September arranged to help members at all levels to move forward with their photography with detailed practical workshops throughout the Autumn and Spring sessions backed up with print and DPI competitions together with presentations by well known photographers in our region. It is hoped that all members will continue to fully partake in the programme especially the workshops and follow the lead given by Jacki Greenwood and Colin Jarvis in the recent YPU success and increase the Clubs presence in future events.
Summer photo-Shoots for August:
21st August An Evening in York, Meet 7.00 St Georges Field Car Park at 7.00pm (Car Parking
£3.00) Post Code YO10 4AB
The Autumn Programme for September and October:
4th Sept - Get-together at the Punch Bowl, 7.00pm
11th Sept - In House Presentation, Terry Gunnill
18th Sept - Camera Clinic Bring your camera. Support other members with a similar make of camera to get the most out of photography
25th Sept - Print Competition. Theme – Summer. Judged by Club Panel
2nd Oct - AGM
9th Oct - Presentation 'Coal Fields' and 'The Berlin Trilogy'. Andrew Foley
16th Oct - Camera Clinic – 'Using Cameras with Specific Lighting and Settings'.
The photo-shoot at Wentworth Woodhouse gave members opportunities galore for architectural and nature photography. The house described as the largest private family home in the country with approximately 80 acres of award winning gardens and parkland gave plenty of scope for the members to produce outstanding i All who are interested in photography and want to join our club at the commencement of the Autumn Programme or to join us on any of our Summer Photo-shoots please contact: Chair thornecc2022@gmail.com
Secretary tccclubsecretary@gmail.com
Membership Sec. tccmembership@gmx.co.uk
Monty's Monthly Tip
All photographers should know their cameras well and use the camera modes provided to the best advantage for the subjects being photographed.
Aperture 'Priority Mode' for example, gives full control of the 'Depth of Field' and by setting the aperture to a wide setting to give a shallow 'Depth of Field' (f 2.8 and below - f5.6) or a narrow setting to give a deep 'Depth of Field' (f8.0 – f22 and above) and with the ISO set to suit the ambient light available, the camera will calculate the appropriate shutter speed for the correct exposure. Remember to check that the shutter speed is high enough to avoid camera shake for the focal length being used but also whether you want a 'blur motion' (slow Shutter Speed) or to freeze the action (high shutter speed) on your image.
The use of the Aperture Priority Mode can be applied to a number of cases in photography such as macro, bird and wild life, portraiture and street photography – TRY IT!
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The Friends of Quarry Park were delighted recently to learn that Quarry Park has once again retained the Green Flag Award. The Green Flag Award Scheme is managed by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy and recognises well-managed parks and green spaces. Our new flag was raised on 19th July, with several volunteers in attendance. We appreciate the support of everyone involved in helping to keep the park in tip top condition: our wonderful volunteers, Doncaster City Council Rangers and Street Scene, we couldn’t do it without you. It was a damp start to our Volunteer Work Party on Friday 4th August, but 12 of us braved the rain along with our Ranger Louise. We had plenty of tasks to complete: a bench was given a new seat in the woods; the brambles and nettles were trimmed along the zip wire path and around the car park; the Green’s Road steps were weeded and tidied up, and a bag of litter was picked by our young helper. More cutting back was done along the Home Straight, revealing the hidden sign, as well as cutting overhanging branches along the path. A few of the Mumbler Trail clues had fallen down so they were put back up too. Then, just as we finished, the rain stopped so we were able to enjoy our refreshments. Another successful, albeit wet, morning’s work. Thank you to all the brave volunteers who turned out.
The Doncaster Mumbler Summer Safari Trail is now available at Quarry Park. Taking part is easy, you can download your trail sheet from the Mumblers’ website or FB page. As well as finding 10 safari animals and collecting the letters to work out who the animal baby is, the trail includes a series of action challenges, including sprinting, stretching, and dancing. Don’t forget to take a selfie with Gerald the Giraffe at the start of the trail.
Just a reminder to ensure that if you witness any anti-social behaviour or illegal riding of bikes on Quarry Park, please report it to South Yorkshire Police online or by calling 101. Thank you.
Work parties are usually held on the first Friday of each month, weather permitting. There is always plenty of work to be done, from litter picking, clearing paths and cutting back vegetation. Equipment is provided but please ensure you wear suitable clothing and footwear. The next events are scheduled for Friday 1st September and Friday 6th October 10am – 12 noon, meet at the Green Flag. Full details will be published on our Facebook page ‘Friends of Quarry Park’ or you can email us at thequarrypark@gmail.com or call us on 07546 595144.
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Hatfield Woodhouse Village Hall and Old Peoples Centre
July was another busy but rewarding month for the village hall. The hall had been lucky to receive a grant from Well Doncaster’s Community Wealth Builder Fund to celebrate Earth Day 2023. This was put towards projects to enhance the village hall’s land for wildlife. Whilst Earth Day was back in April the project had to wait for the appropriate weather to be completed.
As part of the community involvement, the village hall members were ably helped by the youngsters of 47th Doncaster Brownies, based at the village hall, and the pupils of Key stage 2 at Hatfield Woodhouse Primary School.
The Brownies spent two of their meetings erecting a magnificent ‘Bug hotel’ and it’s associated log piles. In the course of this project they not only enhanced the village hall carpark and provided a superb home for minibeasts but learnt new DIY skills.
The pupils of Key stage 2 then took up the baton and 4 classes spent a morning working hard in impoverished soil to plant 500 native wildflower plants on the lane leading to the village hall. The village hall committee members are deeply grateful for their hard work! These are native perennials which should beautify the lane and provide a wildflower café for bees, butterflies and other insects for years to come.
Part of the project is the planting of more native trees to enhance the village hall land and replace, as well, trees at the carpark which have died. With this in mind he committee have sourced the trees and members of the Scout group based at the hall have volunteered to plant these in Autumn. Watch this space! Once again, the hall would like to thank Well Doncaster for the Grant, the Brownie Leaders and Staff of Hatfield Woodhouse Primary for their support and above all the youngsters for their hard work.
Ian Weeks Chairman
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Kissimmee Florida
& tennis
(Disney 15mins)
£350 per week Tel: 01302 842607
3 bed, 2 bath
on a gated residential community with 24 hour Security 3 pools, gym, Jacuzzi
courts on complex. Ideal location for all theme parks
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