January 2016
Local News Local Businesses What’s On! School News Useful Numbers
Issue No. 119
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Editors Letter‌.. Happy New Year! To all our readers, advertisers, contributors and delivery staff. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helps to make the Arrow a successful magazine especially the local businesses who advertise their products or services, without the support of whom the Arrow magazine would not be possible. Please continue to support the local shops and businesses throughout 2016. Please continue to support the Arrow ma ga zine by sen din g me any information that you would like to include and if anyone has any ideas for regular articles or would like to see anything different in the Arrow, please email the details to my email address opposite.
Contact Details: The Oaks, Huggin Carr Road, Hatfield Woodhouse, Doncaster, DN7 6BY
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News, News, News, News, News…. HATFIELD WOODHOUSE AMATEUR GARDENING SOCIETY December’s meeting of the Society was held at Hatfield Woodhouse Club on Tuesday December 1. At this meeting we welcomed members of Hatfield Camera Club to give a presentation on how to take good photographs, using all types of cameras, from relatively cheap point and press through to very expensive equipment which have lots of features which can be individually adjusted. At our twice yearly Shows there are always two classes for photographs, so this presentation was relevant to a part of the Garden Society’s activities. After giving some information on the theory of taking an effective photograph, the presentation team the showed a series of pictures illustrating these concepts. A wide range of action, landscape, and wildlife pictures were shown, and these were an enjoyable show in there own right, as well as being illustrative of the the theory of taking good pictures. After questions and the vote of thanks, the assembles members, friends and presenters enjoyed pre-Christmas mince pies. The next meeting, the first on in the New Year, will be on Tuesday January 5. It will be held at Hatfield Woodhouse Club commencing at 7-30 pm. The Speaker will be Meryl White and the subject is “Grandma Absom’s Baking. Everybody, including non members, are welcome.
CLOUDS COMMUNITY COUNSELLING SERVICE The Clouds Team would like to thank all those who have trusted us and worked with us to make a difference in their lives. It has been heart-warming and rewarding to witness so many being able to find a better way forward and improved well-being. Clouds CCS has received 212 referrals this year, has 17 counsellors and trainee counsellors giving their time and offers 70 appointments per week at 7 different centres. Clouds CCS also thanks all those who supported them in the recent Doncaster Pride Awards and thanks them also for their congratulations. Sally, our Volunteer Manager who founded and has run the service for 9 years was delighted to receive the Mayor’s Special Award and to be Overall Winner 2015 Pride Awards. Clouds CCS would also like to thank Thorne Masons for their recent donation of £570 which is much appreciated and will help with our core costs. The Service will close over the Christmas and the New Year period from the 23-12-2015 and reopens on the 04-01-2016. The client message line will be checked for emergencies. We all wish you all a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. Client message line: 07962907053 www.cloudscounsellingservices.com
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Evolution run weekly weight clinics. Please contact the practice for an appointment.
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North East Doncaster Citizens Advice Bureau I’ve been struggling with my finances for a while, and now it’s got to the point where I can’t afford bills like council tax or my mortgage. I’m worried that if I can’t find a solution soon, I might have to sell my home. What can I do? The month after Christmas can be particularly tough with extra expenses over the festive period putting even more pressure on household budgets. If you are facing New Year debts don’t panic. With the right help there are ways to get on top of your outstanding bills. Firstly, the earlier you get help with debt problems the easier it is to get them sorted. Trying to carry on as if everything is normal can make things worse, as debts can pile up quickly. Letting your creditors, like your mortgage company or local council, know if you will be unable to pay them is key. Creditors should consider reasonable repayment plans and may be able to offer you more time to pay. It is important that you prioritise paying certain debts, such as the rent, mortgage or energy bills, first to keep a roof over your head and the heating on. Depending on your circumstances you may be able to get support through benefits, so it is worth checking this with the Department for Work and Pensions. If you are unable to pay your council tax debt the local authority may agree to let you pay a reduced payment over a longer period or even in exceptional circumstances write off the debt, but you will have to keep paying your on-going bill going forward. Drawing up a proper budget of your expenses can help identify areas you can cut down on. Before you turn to a loan to cover costs, think carefully and find out what this means for any future repayments and interest that will be due on the loan. Citizens Advice Bureaux offer free, confidential and independent advice, can help work out costs and negotiate with your creditors, and may be able to help you get debt-free by looking at appropriate options available for you. NORTH EAST DONCASTER CAB OPENING TIMES THORNE OFFICE, MONDAY 10:00 – 14:00, WEDNESDAY 10:00 – 12:30 STAINFORTH OFFICE, TUESDAY 10:00 – 14:00 TELEPHONE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE MON, Tuesday 10:00 – 16:00 & Wed 10:00 – 12:30 ON 0844 499 4137 E MAIL advicecabthorne@fsmail.net CAB WEBSITE: www.citizensadvice.org.uk
All Electrical Work Undertaken Napit Registered Installer Professional and Reliable Service FREE Quotes Please Call Your Local Electrician
Dan 07879 625532 Electronpowerservices.co.uk
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Hatfield Community Library The Christmas season got off to a good start for the library with the Christmas Fayre, which is the first Christmas event for us. It was quite successful for us on Friday. After a slow start there was a rush of people as folks came home from work. I forget that some people have to work- it seems so long since I was doing that for 30+ years. Over 300 people came through the library throughout the day and evening on Friday. Again our thanks go to Jan Tovey for her organisation. She has been organising this event for ten years and it has been an integral part of village life. Our closing times over Christmas will be: Closed on Wed 23rd Dec, opening on Mon 4th January . Our apologies go out to our borrowers who were turned away on Tuesday. We had to close as there was a problem with the fire door and we cannot legally open if there is not a fire escape. There was also a leak from one of the skylights but both problems have now been solved. The Family History presentation on Wednesday Nov 18th went well with 40-50 people attending. I was really pleased for Sherelle who has put a lot of work into the project on the Hatfield War Memorial. Some of her mangers, the Mayor and a reporter from the Thorne Times came as well. The group found that 4 soldiers had been missed off the War Memorial so the Mayor said he would try to get the HTC to add the names on to the Memorial. A copy of their book is in the library. The Yoga classes continue to do well. The easy Wednesday afternoon one has been split into two sessions. One will be especially for those people with great difficulty in moving up or down so it will be on chairs. If you are not very mobile and think you would like to try this contact the library for details. Yoga £4 a session Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 6:30-8pm Wednesday 3:00-4:00pm (chair Yoga) 4:30-6pm (easy session) Family History Beginners. Thursday 2;25-4:45 Enrolment Jan 7th Friday 10:00-12:00 (Full at moment) Enrolment Jan 8th This class is well worth doing as Sherelle has so much experience, knowledge and access to information. Art. Tuesday 10:30-12:30 £5 a session. New members welcome Reading groups - last Tuesday of the month 5:00-5:45pm (or whenever we stop talking!) -last Friday of the month 10:30-11:30 (or the same as above) Pins and Needles - Twice monthly 10:00- 12:00 Pre-School storytime. FREE Tuesdays in term time 2:00-2:24 (or when you want to leave) Silk painting cards. This is a one off activity. If you are interested in this please ring for details. We have 6 people interested so far. We are looking for another volunteer to read stories and do activities with the children so if you are interested please leave you details at the library and I will contact you. Councillors’ Surgery. Linda Curran and Pat Knight will be holding regular surgeries in the library on the last Friday of the month. I would like to finish by wishing you all a Happy New year.
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Winter Sun at Thorne Camera Club
The weather might not be conducive with getting out with cameras at the moment, yet members of the club were given some light relief from grey skies and dark nights with a presentation of photos from Mexico by club member Patricia Woodward. Who said photography was all about taking pictures? Every picture tells a story, and so the members had a chance to experience something of the history and feel of Mexico, a place many will perhaps never visit. It was a very enjoyable evening. You see, Monday evenings in the winter months are anything but dull. There are many members who are only too happy to share their skills from time to time, including John Hookway who demonstrated how to cut the perfect mount for your photo, easy when you know how. The first Happy Snappers workshop, Getting to Grips with your Camera, was completed by members and non-members. All having learnt or discovered things about their camera, each received a certificate from Chairman, David Ulyett. With a few minutes spare at the end of an evening, who would have thought, with a length of wool, David could demonstrate 'field of view'. If you are wondering what the term means, then a beginners workshop might be the best place to start, or go along to a meeting and ask the members. It's amazing the the knowledge you pick up from the variety of subjects covered over a year, advice or ideas from visiting speakers, tips from each other or practical demonstrations, then members put this into practice, improving skills and creating some interesting and thought provoking photography. The year might be coming to an end but it is a hive of activity at Thorne Camera Club with Christmas activities planned, and plenty of reasons to get out and about with a camera, a tripod and countless other items of photographic equipment in tow, all searching for that WOW factor. Judge Tony Elliott APAGB made the trip from Wath to look at photographs by the members on a theme of Hobbies and Pastimes. Entries were varied as members of the club have many other interests besides the obvious one of photography, and well scored prints included stamp collecting, sand yachting, amateur theatricals, fishing, and collecting various things. John Marshall did well in the mono section with 2 high scoring prints, while Jim Howard, Frances McIntosh and Lynda Rhodes did the same in colour. As to a question frequently asked, the same names keep appearing simply because they achieve well on a regular basis, however all members do well, the lowest mark being 15 of a possible 20 this time, and most improve their scores as time goes on, inspired by the above members and invited speakers.
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Laminate Floor, Kitchen & Bedroom Fitting, Spindle Staircases, Doors (internal and external), Tiling-Wall and Floor, Gates and Exterior Joinery Work (made to measure if required) Fully Qualified
01302 775184
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Hatfield Woodhouse Primary
Welcome back to our Hatfield Woodhouse article. We are the reporters for the Hatfield Arrow, Jake Kershaw, Amelia Harold, Hannah Parkinson and Hugh Hamilton -Plumb . This term the whole school have been doing lots of interesting things. These past weeks FS1 and FS2 have been following up on their topic about seasons changing. They are learning about why leaves are so crispy and how autumn changes into winter. They had a lovely visit from Farmer David who brought his big red tractor along for all to look at. In maths they have been learning about numbers and shapes and have been reading ‘Percy the Park Keeper’ and ‘ The Little Red Hen’. They are preparing for Christmas by making decorations, calendar and cards. They are excited for their next topic of ‘Did Dragons Exist?” which involves learning about knights, castles and fairy tales. FS2 have been working on their topic of “Christmas Calamities” which involves drawing self-portraits and pictures. In maths they have been pushing themselves to add 1 digit numbers to 1 digit numbers. In their play they have been enjoying their dances and songs and have been building on their phonics knowledge by playing ‘Subway Surf’. In year 1’s topic they have been researching the fire of London in more detail and have looked at Samuels Pepys’ diary, creating their own diary of the event too. In maths they have been researching money and using it in different contexts. They are also building their very own Pudding Lane where the Great fire of London began. In Year 2 maths they are looking at addition and subtraction. They are enjoying their current topic which is ‘Muck, Mess and Mixture’, researching different materials in more detail. In English they are looking at the journey of a banana before it reaches our fruit bowl! Year 3’s topic is currently ‘The Stone Age’ and the class is also working on forces and magnets in Science. In English they are currently creating their own play scripts of the story “Stig of the Dump” and in maths they are currently focusing on how to add and subtract using fractions. Year 4 are still studying ‘The Romans’ but focusing on Julius Caesar and Claudius. In English they are currently writing their own Roman stories and are making their own Roman armour for homework! They are designing their own Celt house. Year 5 are focusing on bar charts and different types of charts in maths and have been focusing on “Off with Her Head” as their Tudor topic. They are currently writing a persuasive letter from Anne Boleyn to Henry VIII showing reason why she should not be beheaded. In their topic we have also been writing fact files, writing our own version of ‘Green sleeves and sketching portraits of Henry and his many wives. Year 6 are currently enjoying their topic of ‘Space’ and are writing their own science fiction stories. In a few days time they will be watching a British spaceman Tim Peak, set off to space in real time! They have been working extremely hard on their SATs practice, working on their skills in answering the papers so that they are prepared for the actual event.
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Year 5 and 6 went on a school trip all the way to Leicester to visit the National Space Centre. After the two hour trip Year 5 and 6 were invited to the planetarium and saw the different stars and consolations. In groups they all went into the weather pod and reported on their own fake news programme. Then they went into the elevator up to the top of a rocket and saw actual moon rock. Overall it was a very successful school trip and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. As we are coming to the end of our Christmas term, everyone is feeling extremely Christmassy and looking forward to the holidays. For the recent FS and KS1 Christmas play they enjoyed the songs especially ‘Hey you’. It was a about a naughty sheep, who just knew something exciting was going to happen that special Christmas night. In KS2 towards the end of this term there has been many exciting things happening. Firstly, our KS2 choir sang Christmas carols at Dr Andersons lodge. We all enjoyed a lovely relaxed sing along with classics such as ‘Oh Come All Ye Faithful’ and ‘White Christmas’. As we write, we are preparing for our Christmas carol concert, which involves classic Christmas carols and passages from the bible, read out by children from each year. We are also having a party dinner on Thursday 17th of December in which children bring food in and wear Christmas jumpers of get us in the Christmas spirit. From everyone at Hatfield Woodhouse Primary School, we wish you A Happy New Year.
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Travis’ Festive News. Choir sing at Christmas light switch on
On the 12th of November the school choir sang “Winds through the olive trees” at the Christmas light switch on in Doncaster town. There were only twenty one singers and around three hundred people in the audience. Everyone was very nervous but really enjoyed it in the end. When they had finished singing, everyone had their picture taken with the Mayor and some Well known characters from films. They also received a plaque that is now in school for anyone who comes to visit. Eleanor said: ‘I was nervous but when I got on the stage I wasn’t nervous any more. The best bit was when we saw the characters.’ Adriana said: ‘I was excited and nervous but in the end I loved it. The best part was when I was in front of all the people singing with the rest of the choir and seeing the Mayor.’ Overall, everyone had a great time and would probably do it again if they had the chance even though it was really nerve-racking for everyone. Reported by Eleanor.
Y5/Y6 Hill House Tag Rugby Tournament
On Friday 20th November, nine boys from Travis St Lawrence went to Hill House School to take part in a tag rugby tournament. When we got there, we were given a country. Our country was Australia and we were given a yellow t-shirt to represent this. Before starting, we warmed up with some older pupils who were training to be referees. We played ‘bulldog’ and ‘stuck in the mud’ which is like tig but you can’t move with the ball. Our first match was against New Zealand (or Bessecar) who we beat. Our second match was against Ireland who were wearing green. We beat those too. Our third match was against Wales who were in red. You wouldn’t believe it but we beat this team too. Our final match was against England who were the toughest side. They were wearing Doncaster Knight tops. It was a close match but we managed to beat them scoring three tries in the last two minutes. As a result of these four victories, we won the tournament and were awarded with a gold medal, a free wristband and a trophy to take back to school. We celebrated together and all held the trophy. It was a great day despite nearly dropping the trophy! Reported by all the boys involved uke, Harry, Harry, Charlie, Harvey, Lewis, Archie, Josh and Jack.
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Christmas Tree Festival Hatfield St Lawrence Church invited local schools and businesses to sponsor a tree as part of their Christmas Tree Festival. Each tree was given a Christmas Carol and our carol was Jingle Bells. All the children were invited to create a bauble to appear on the tree as part of their home learning project. Year 1 and 2 children, along with Mrs Bowater and Mrs Baker, went into church to decorate our tree. Here are some of the comments from our tree decorators: “I liked the Christmas trees. They had baubles on. They looked very colourful.” “I put on my star and I liked the giant baubles.” “The tree looked brilliant, fun and exciting.” “I think the tree looked like Santa’s sleigh.” Once all the trees had been decorated, the church opened their doors for members of the community to come and look around. We went on Monday and loved following the quiz and looking at all the different trees. Did you go and see the trees? Did you find our tree? Year 1 and 2 reporters. Happy New Year!
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PW AKA The Difference’s Top 10 for 2015
After last years controversial Top 10 I really did think twice about doing my awards again...However, I decided that it's not often that you get the chance to give people a slap on the back for helping make the village and surrounding areas a better place to live. Now before any of you combust with anger at being missed off the list or jump up and down like a kid who wants some sweets, please remember this is just a bit of fun. After all, the winners only receive a bag of pork scratching’s and the appreciation of their community. And so in no particular order I suppose I best get things started………. 1. Harry Middleton – Now I have nominated Harry not because I went to school with his dad nor for the fact that I used to fancy his mum when we were at school. I have nominated Harry for showing great determination and endeavour in breaking into the Doncaster Rovers first X1 after a long and arduous journey. He has now cemented his place in the team and looks like having a long and successful career ahead of him.... RTID Harry !! 2. The Hatfield Library Volunteers – Without these people Hatfield would have more than likely lost such a valuable resource and community centre. They have diversified, worked hard and explored new ways of getting the community through the door... and all for nothing !! I salute all you volunteers and hope that it long continues. 3. Hatfield Rounders Team – I may appear to sound like a stuck record where these ladies are concerned but they really are a fab bunch... Not only did they start Hatfields first ever rounders team they organised a superb rounders tournament down at the cricket ground, that provided me with a magical day of good old community spirit... watch them move upwards next summer... 4. Katy Stimpson – (AKA Katy Stokes) Katy set up Handgelicnails opposite the Church and has really given it a good go. Its made me feel really proud that there is a young local business woman making such a good show of things, the shop always seems busy and with the support of her family and friends Katy deserves a huge thumbs up.... 5. Friends of Dunsville Quarry Park – This is a hidden gem of a place in what used to be Greens Quarry. The Friends work hard to keep things moving forward and galvinating the local community to ensure that things are kept in good shape. Its one of mine and Mr Mole's favourite places to walk as the wildlife and wild flowers are lovely !! There is a fab children's play area, without their hard work maybe things wouldn't be so organised. 6. My Mum – Yes, its true in the most blatant example of nepotism I want to publicly thank my mum !! Without her support and hard work over the year many of my fund raising ventures would have not happened. However, as well as this mum has also organised her own events and fund raising initiatives and in doing so has rightly deserved her place in this years top 10. Make sure you keep an eye out for her next event in the Woodhouse Village Hall. 7. Neil Corby and Family - Neil and his family adopted a dog.... hardly seems worthy of praise on its own... but to give a dog a loving fab new home after it lost one of its owners in tragic circumstances is a lovely thing to do... I don't want to go into further detail but thanks to the Corby Family there is a loved and happy dog... 8. Jay and Jess from the Bay Horse – Now, Arrow readers may know that I do have a weakness for the barmaids of the village. Jay and Jess are not only great at their jobs but they are lovely and lively people...now before I upset all the other staff of Hatfield, I do love you all, however, I just feel that these 2 have made 2015 that little bit more special for the pub regulars in the Bay Horse !! 9. Campaigners against the Doncaster Road Development - As with every proposed development there are those for and those against. However, not being one to shy away from controversy I was pleased as a Cheshire Cat when I heard the Doncaster Rd development had been
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rejected.. I have my personal reasons for this, and will keep my own counsel but well done to the Campaign Group !! 10. Jamie and Gavin McDonnell - Jamie successfully defended his WBA World Bantamweight title twice in the US in 2015 and deserves a HUGE pat on the back..... his twin brother Gavin also won and defended his Super Bantamweight European title in 2015. Who would have thought that Dunscroft could have two world boxing champions not one. Well done to the 2 of you !! And so there you have it.... my 2015 Top 10.... Happy New Year to all the Arrow readers, I am sorry that I missed a couple of editions this year but my articles are getting harder and harder to write... thanks to Julie (Editor) for being so patient and understanding. Hopefully in 2016 West Ham win the FA cup, Donny Rovers get promoted, I get hitched to a woman with fab knockers, there is an end to the fly tipping in the area and that the community stays safe and well.... OK, maybe I asked for too much with the knockers... Happy New Year...PW AKA The Difference
Personal Attention From Jessie Now Practising Part-Time Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday Mornings Only
Footcare Advice & Treatment Orthotics (Arch Supports) Fitted 31 High Street Hatfield
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Quality Sliding System Fitted Wardrobes At Affordable Prices
Quality wardrobe system that will stand the test of time A wide range of styles suited to modern or traditional homes Adds a touch of quality to any home From the more traditional look to modern contemporary simplicity to suit any bedroom A made to measure wardrobe system with a quality runner system which will glide smoothly and effortlessly for years to come Each Door has lower mounted precision runners which will ensure a smooth, easy, quiet gliding function Adds a touch of luxury to any bedroom Traditional or contemporary designs available in a variety of colours and finishes
Ash Hill Crescent, Hatfield 01302 844866 / 842704
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WHAT’S ON? Hatfield Woodhouse Methodist Chapel News Church Services Sunday 6pm January 3rd Ann Dyer January 10th David Banks January 17th Sue Pickering January 24th Richard Iball January 31st Rev Frank Okai-Sam (Covenant Service) Coffee Mornings Saturday 10am - 12noon January 2nd Project 2000 January 9th Ladies Inner Wheel Charities January 16th Project 2000 January 23rd Projact 2000 January 30th Project 2000
Interior Painter & Decorator 40 Years Experience No Job Too Small Call Peter Knight On Tel:01302 844228
Quality Floor & Wall Tiling Kitchens & Bathrooms Local Company 30 Years Experience Competitive Rates
For a Free, no obligation quote call 01302 845016 or 07769680245
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01302 736000
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Child Line
0800 111
BT Faultline
01302 734444
01302 719790
0800 555111
Hatfield Florist
01302 845597
Doncaster Childrens Information Service
0800 1384568
Hatfield Water Park
01302 841572
Vue Cinema
South Yorkshire Fire Service
South Yorkshire Police (non - emergency)
Travis St Lawrence Primary Lower School
01302 840200
Travis St Lawrence Primary Upper School
01302 842164
Ash Hill Academy
01302 840961
Hatfield Woodhouse Primary School
01302 840448
Hatfield Sheep Dip Lane Primary School
01302 842464
Hatfield Dunsville Primary School
01302 882958
Hatfield Crookesbroom Primary School
01302 841337
Dunsville Community Centre
01302 882602
Hatfield Library
01302 842064
Home Library Service
01302 734304
Hatfield Woodhouse Methodist Church
01302 880450
Hatfield Church Parish Office
01302 350591
Hatfield Health Centre
01302 384200
Dunsville Medical Centre
01302 890108
Doncaster Royal Infirmary
01302 366666
NHS Non-Emergency
Weldricks late night pharmacy
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Health Watch Doncaster
0808 8010391
The Dome Leisure Centre
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01302 841527
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Kissimmee Florida 3 bed, 2 bath bungalow on a gated residential community with 24 hour Security 3 pools, gym, Jacuzzi & tennis courts on complex. Ideal location for all theme parks (Disney 15mins)
From £250 per week Tel: 01302 842607
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01302 842878
Ash Hill Crescent, Hatfield
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01302 352352
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Special Offers Available for Party Orders with Prior Notice OPEN 5pm - 11.30pm {Fri & Sat Delivery until 12pm} Now Open 7 Days a Week Open Bank Holidays
01302 350888
Jessie Credland Foot Clinic 31 High Street Hatfield
01302 351545
Men Only Gents Barbers, Sheep Dip Lane, Dunscroft
07986 366246
The Willows Dental Practice
01427 872106
Home & Garden Blind Ideas, High Street, Hatfield
01302 842627
Sunnybank Garden Centre, Hatfield Woodhouse
01302 842954
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‘Established 1989’
07768 498668
Fast & Friendly Delivery Service
Tel: 01302 843364
Services / Trades
A Family Business Giving A Personal & Caring Service
A.E.S. Tiling (ceramic floor & wall tiling) Dunsville www.aestiling.org.uk
01302 350653 07749 519557
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01302 351760
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01302 532676
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01302 840500 07985 076500
covering all areas
Martin Johnson Plumbing & Heating Repairs, Hatfield
01302 845978 07817 300662
JJ Rowney gas & heating engineers. Plumbing Heating Gas
07460 957017 Hatfield
Steve Blunt Electrical Contractor 07900188126
01302 350557
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