November 2015
Local News Local Businesses What’s On! School News Useful Numbers
Issue No. 117
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Editors Letter…..
Welcome to the November issue of the Hatfield Arrow. This year is just flying by, I can hardly believe its November already and it’ll soon be Christmas! Don’t forget to send details of any festive events that are taking place or any special Christmas news items. There are lots of Christmas events happening locally, as well as Autumn Fayres and other charity events. Details can be found throughout the magazine and on the ‘What’s On’ page. Please send any Christmas news or event details that you would like including in the December issue before Thursday 12th November. As yet I haven’t planned anywhere to go for Bonfire night, but I’m sure that I will be attending a fire or firework display somewhere. Just remember to stay safe and enjoy the fireworks!
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On Sunday 12th September a fun day was held at the village hall. The weather helped to make it a very successful venture. It was heartwarming to see families attending this event which consisted of stalls with fun games, live snakes for people to touch and learn about, a wonderful cake stall, a bouncy castle, raffle, tombola and many more items. Refreshments such as hot dogs, buns, and ice cream were also very popular. A big success was Mr Dan the Circus Man, a children’s entertainer who also taught and assessed the local Brownies to gain their circus skills badge. It is intended that this will become an annual event and anyone who would like to offer suggestions or contribute next year, please contact Colin Hepworth on01302 840437.We have taken some of your comments on board and next year we intend to expand the events to include more for adults to enjoy. The event was organised by Woodhouse Phoenix Theatre Group who work in association with the village hall. The funds raised will go towards helping the group continue to put on their high quality shows and to purchase theatre and stage equipment for the hall. Profits from the shows go to the village hall. We were supported by generous sponsors who donated raffle prizes, (Flowers by Design, Thorne, Louise McQueen, local hairdresser, and Boston Park Farm.) Also the bouncy castle was donated by Daniel Smith. Thorne Rural Lions covered the cost of the children’s entertainer and many local people and group members provided prizes for the day. We would like to thank all the sponsors and most of all everyone who turned up to make it a happy day. We would love to see you all next year and please tell your friends. Events that bring the village together can only be good for us all. We also look forward to seeing you at our forthcoming shows. Our next production being Aladdin on 8th, 9th 10th January. Contact Colin for tickets, see you then!
HATFIELD WOODHOUSE AMATEUR GARDENING SOCIETY Lee Plevey, of Plevey’s Garden Centre in Doncaster was the Society’s guest at our meeting on Tuesday 6 October at Hatfield Woodhouse Working Men’s Club. At this meeting we had a Question and Answer session, and Lee provided information about several topics, ranging from growing tomatoes outdoors to how to treat rust on chrysanthemums. Each question and answer generated more discussion between Lee and the audience. The evening flew by, and the generous applause of Society members showed that they had all enjoyed the evening. It’s back to business next month, when we will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 3 November at Hatfield Woodhouse Working Men’s Club, starting at 7-30. Both members and non members are welcome to all our meetings.
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Scouting has started back in Hatfield
and we have a full programme for all 3 sections. Our summer highlight had to be attending the District Bunglee camp at Squirrel Wood where over 1000 Doncaster beavers, cubs and scouts camped for 2 nights and enjoyed a huge selection of fun activities. Beavers have already been busy learning about food safety, and cooking up a storm making pizzas, sandwiches, crispy cakes and fruit salad to earn 2 badges, HEALTHY EATING and COOK. There were lots of sharp knives involved and everyone was careful and safe, (even Jeebi which is unusual!) Cubs have had a session making dens on the field and visited Sandall Beat Wood to find out about conservation work. They are looking forward to more visits and events, including a swimming Session at the Dome. Scouts enjoyed a session of compass work all the field in the dark to find their way around with compass bearings. They are also planning menus for the upcoming beaver sleepover in November. This year we are going to St Lawrence Church for our Christmas service and invite anyone who has been involved in scouting to join us on Wednesday 9th December. If you would like to join our beaver, cub or scout group please contact Sue Lloyd, Beaver Leader, on 07802 875738 or email: paul@mrosbottom.freeserve.co.uk. Beavers are 6-8yrs, Cubs 8-10yrs and Scouts 10-14yrs. All sections are for both boys and girls and meet at Hatfield Woodhouse Village Hall on Wednesday evenings. For more information visit our website 68hatfieldscouts.org.uk
Hatfield Community Library The MacMillan coffee morning in the library raised £263. We were pleased to support this worthy cause. And a bonus -I met the ladies from Newbiggin –by-the-Sea. The children’s section of the library was bursting at the seams when Crookesbroom Primary Academy brought all the pupils to visit the library over two mornings this week. It was lovely to host such well behaved children and we hope they enjoyed the visit enough to become members of the library, if they are not already. Our author event was very successful. Joan Hart, a local author, came to talk about her work as a nurse at Hatfield Main and Brodsworth Collieries. She kept us entertained with her colourful descriptions of humorous incidents as well as giving us a serious picture of what life was like for the miners. Thankyou to all those people who attended. We do value your support. Yoga £4 a session Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 6:30-8pm Wednesday 3:30-5pm (this sessions is suitable for people who have any difficulties with back, neck, getting down to the floor etc.) Pilates £4 a session Thursday 6:15-7:15pm Art Class £5 a sessionTuesday 10:30-12:30am Family History Taster FREE. Registration Friday. Nov. 6. Session Friday Nov. 13th. Sherelle has a wealth of information about sites which can be used to trace your family tree. Lingotots FREE. Weekly sessions Start Monday. Sept 21st. Pre-School French 2:00-3pm. Parents /Grandparents/ Carers come along with your children and learn with them. Storytime has started again on Tuesdays in term time. 2:00-2:45pm. The children will enjoy listening to a story and joining in the activity. If you have a nursery aged child you can bring them along as well. FREE ACTIVITY Science Boffins Halloween Party FREE Suitable for children aged 5-11yrs Friday. October 30th. This will be in two sessions. 2:00-3-30pm and 3:30-5pm Children will love making slime and snow and doing exciting things with balloons. Booking is required for this activity. Author event. FREE. Philip Baker will talk about “Where ideas for books come from” Phil has written books with military, diving and crime themes. Some of his books have been adapted for dyslexic readers. Oct 30th 11:30- 12:00am Please ring to book a place. AGM. We are having our annual general meeting at 3-4pm on Tuesday November 3rd. Please come along either to listen or volunteer services. All are welcome. To find information about any of the above classes please contact the library. Tel. Hatfield Community Library 01320 842064 E-mail hatfieldcommunitylibrary@gmail.com
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As the winter closes in and temperatures plummet it’s important to remember that older pets like older humans are less able to deal with the cold weather and tend to get sick more often. It becomes difficult for them to regulate body heat and they suffer more from conditions such as arthritis. It is advisable to arrange a health check for older animals to make sure they are in good health before the climate changes. HEALTH CONCERNS Should your pet show any of the following signs it is advisable that you seek veterinary advice: Appears slow to rise, develops a limp or struggles to climb the stairs. Develops a new lump, particularly if it rapidly increases in size. Exhibits excessive weight loss, decrease in appetite or increase in drinking Struggles to go to the toilet. SAFETY TIPS Make the cold damp days a bit more bearable for all pets but especially aging pets by considering the following tips: Increase bedding and stop drafts to keep them warmer. Consider using an animal sweater/jacket when going outside. Exercise little and often, allowing time to acclimatise from the indoor warmth to the chilly conditions outside. Assist with grooming as stiffness may restrict the area a pet can reach. Feed a good quality complete senior food that will provide the extra calories needed to keep them warm without the weight gain. Wipe feet with a towel to remove any salt that may irritate their pads. Always keep pets away from lakes/ponds - you never know how thick the ice may be! Anti freeze is extremely poisonous and will kill your pet if ingested. Unfortunately cats and dogs love the smell of it and will drink any they find! We hope that this advice will help you to take care of your pet this winter and for many more to come. Please contact us at Evolution for further advice or to book a Senior Pet Health Check.
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Library Exhibition by Thorne Camera Club To start the new season, members produced prints with a First World War connection to display at Thorne Library, to run consecutively to the touring Great War Exhibition. The photos and other memorabilia is expected to stay until November, so why not pop along and have a look? Maybe you will recognise some of the local people featured there. The Happy Snappers classes for beginners and improvers got off to a good start earlier this month. The course, aimed at helping understand digital cameras and improving photos, is fully subscribed as members and non-members signed up for six weeks' tuition. With cameras and instruction books to hand, the function of knobs and buttons is explained, and how to use them for taking better pictures. There is always help at hand, and almost immediately the benefits are felt. The Camera Club welcomes beginners as much as experienced photographers, everyone has to start somewhere. Another course is planned for early in the New Year when, maybe, a new camera is a bit baffling and you're needing some support. Club members, taking photos all summer on outings and holidays, picked their best shots to put before a judge for his comments. Martin Litchfield CPAGB was invited to perform this task, and did it very well. His advice and observations were useful to members, suggesting ways in which their very good photos could become better still. As usual scores were given, John Marshall , Peter Spate and Tom Ley all achieved the full score of 20 marks, David Ulyett scored 19, and 18, along with Jim Howard, Allen Denby, Peter Spate and Mel Brown. The judge was impressed by the improvement made generally since his last visit and once again encouraged members to keep up the good work. In this digital age, cameras are only half the story; a PC or laptop is almost as essential, depending on the level of photography individual aspirations. There is a range of software available to help further editing and processing of digital images, and the club looks in some depth at those available. It is amazing what can be done with an image, or images, taken from the camera into the editing process, and an invited speaker showed the members what she can do. Christine Widdall B.Sc. Hons, EFIAP, MPAGB BPE5 brought a selection of her photographs to show, discuss and explain. Christine develops her photographs into a form of art, using multiple images in a layering process. Her aim is not to record what was seen, but to create a picture that tells a story, such as Goths taken against a cluttered and messy background on the fish dock at Whitby being transported to a night-time scene of a haunted Whitby Abbey complete with bats. Work of this quality inspires others to have a go and more than one member did just that, transporting grandchildren to a All Electrical Work Undertaken spooky wood and similar composite images. This is what the Camera Club is about, enjoying Napit Registered Installer photography at various levels, striving to achieve Professional and Reliable Service improvement, in a sociable atmosphere with likeFREE Quotes minded people. If you're interested in joining the Please Call Your Local Electrician Club, or just the Happy Snappers, contact David on 07463821182 or email thornecameraclub@yahoo.co.uk, or come along on Dan 07879 625532 a Monday at 7.15pm to the Methodist Church Hall. Electronpowerservices.co.uk You'll be made very welcome.
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Interior Painter & Decorator 40 Years Experience No Job Too Small Call Peter Knight On Tel:01302 844228
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Hatfield Woodhouse Primary Welcome back to our second Hatfield Woodhouse article. We have two new reporters for the Hatfield Arrow. Jake Kershaw and Amelia Harold. These months the whole school have been doing lots of interesting things. These past weeks FS1 and FS2 have been following up on their topic “why do you love me so much?” by learning how they are different compared to their friends by using their baby photos from not so long ago. They have been looking into how far they have grown and feeling senses. They have been looking into people who look after us and how they help us stay healthy. They have also been learning about important skills such as how to hold a pencil properly. Year 1 have been learning about Bee Goo (an alien) in English. In maths they have been adding, subtracting and counting over ten. They have been studying olden day toys and how people played with them. Year 2 have made their own houses and have travelled around the village. Mrs Mitchell the lollipop lady came in a discussed what the old Hatfield looked like. The children then explored google maps and found out their different routes to school. In KS2 towards the end of this term there has been many exciting things happening. Firstly several of our children ran in the cross country in Doncaster. We are extremely proud of each child that represented the school in this exciting event. They had to run an extremely long way however each child performed fantastically. Then, year 1, 3, 5 have worked together against year 2, 4 and 6 in the Hatfield Woodhouse Bake-off challenge! Year 3 and 4 made a starter, with it the classes creating soup and an exciting pawn cocktail. Then Year 5 and 6 competed to create the best main. Lucky Mrs Acton had to sample year 6’s cottage pie with yorkshire puddings and year 5’s amazing chilli with rice. Year 5 made too much and so the rest of the food was shared out in class in an impromptu picnic style lesson. Year 1 and 2 created the deserts which looked fantastic and where surprisingly technical! The winner of the Hatfield Woodhouse Bake-off challenge will be announced during our harvest festival on Friday. As we are coming to the end of our first autumn term, year 6 are preparing for their school trip. And everyone is preparing to finish their first topic. Overall this term has been a busy one but a successful one!
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Private Maths Tuition Over 20 Years Experience CRB/DBS Cleared
John Doubtfire
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H.R.T……Hatfield Rounders Treatment…
Apologise for missing last month’s edition of the Arrow. I was guilty of editorial negligence and learned a really valuable lesson in the process, I also very much appreciated the comments of R.M who-ever you are….. anyway…. Something special happened this summer down at the village cricket ground…. No, it wasn’t the fact that the 1st X1 finished 3rd in the league and won promotion to the top division nor was it Platty scoring more than 25 runs in a season…. Hatfield now has its very own rounders team sportingly named H.R.T (pictured) what started off as a tipsy conversation over a few drinks down at the ground has blossomed into something really special. In fact, after a few practice sessions HRT have started playing competitive matches and even organised an amazing tournament down at the ground encouraging people from the village to get involved. One evening as I was catching up with their progress I volunteered to pop down to the ground open up the pavilion and umpire a few games. After careful research into the rules the day arrived and I embarked upon umpiring my very first rounders match. Now, it would be safe to say that HRT are a mixed bunch with players of varying ability, various levels of fitness and with varying methods of warming up. Imagine the smile on my face when I witnessed 3 of their more experienced players stretching off complete with halves of lager in one hand, it was a boiling hot day after all…not an isotonic drink between the lot of them. The game eventually commenced and I tried in vain to keep up, all my careful research had gone out of the window and I found myself unable to cope with the pressure of 18 screaming rounders players running in all directions. I am afraid to say that upon the conclusion of the first innings I had to admit to the 2 captains that maybe I had not got my head around the scoring rules as much as I what I thought, in fact my scoring was all over the place. It was at this point that I would like you to imagine the closing scenes from Benny Hill because at one point I really did think that I would be chased by 18 frustrated and angry rounders players. However, being reasonable ladies they understood my predicament and agreed to continue with my haphazard scoring until the end of the 2nd innings. It was during this second innings that something happened that made me chuckle although it didn’t start off in the best way possible. Unfortunately as one team was batting a young girl who was attempting to hit the ball towards somewhere in the Thorne area deflected it from her bat onto her head. It thwacked against he forehead knocking her clean off her feet and in a state of shock she started to cry resulting in her being comforted by her playing colleagues. From the cries of shock from the injured girl I feared the worst; however, I was soon comforted by the announcement that one of her team members was in fact a nurse and would soon deliver remedial first aid which would hopefully get things sorted. The crowd cleared and the girl was moved to the comfort of a bench her hand being held and forehead stroked by her attentive nurse. The nurse having calmed the girl down announced that she needed a cold compress and would someone take over so that she could run to her car and find one. As someone took over her nursing duties and in a determined manner she legged it over to her car rifling through the contents of her boot. After a few minutes she returned and carefully pressed the cold compress to her anxious patient’s forehead it was at this point that I realised that her medical equipment consisted of a cold can of Fosters Lager!”! As we all stood there gawping at this poor girl clutching a can of lager to her face the nurse responded “it was the only cold
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thing I could find in my car, but don’t worry at least we know there are 6 of them to go at”…. This made me smile and chuckle at the ingenuity of this would be Florence Nightingale. Within a half an hour the girl was clearly over the worst and quickly joined back into the game which was fortunately now being umpired and scored in the correct manner. With these tales I may not have painted HRT in the best possible light, but please be assured when I say that this group have made me feel nothing but admiration and respect for what has been achieved in such a short space of time. When HRT are either training or playing you will see nothing but fun, exercise, love and happiness on that cricket pitch. None of the kids are isolated, engrossed in what ever hand held device is the fashion of the day. They run, they shout, they leap, they laugh, they compete but most of all they spend valuable time with their mums and sometimes dads playing with the grass beneath their feet. It really has been one of the highlights of my 2015 so far and I hope that HRT will continue to grow, continue to gather new players and most of all continue to bring laughter and happiness to those kids and parents. And you never know, maybe in the future these women will show the men of the village what can be achieved when a group of people all pull together in the same direction…if you fancy joining in next season, simply come down to the club….. Congratulations must also go to the Ingram Arms (Pictured) who once again won the Colin Hunt Hatfield Inter Pub cricket competition beating The Broadway in a tense final. This was a magical day and credit must go to all those who took part and to the Cricket Club for keeping this village competition going. I can not miss this opportunity to also pass on my congratulations to Joanna Jordan who became the first woman to ever take a wicket in a match when she cleaned bowled Jamie Green from the Ingram Arms. This probably achieved the loudest cheer of the day….. and will also provide bar room ammunition for years to come… PW – AKA The Difference
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Happy Harvest at Travis Get Your Grown Up Gardening. On Tuesday 13th of October year 6 had their parents coming to do ‘get your grown up gardening’. It was amazing; there were lots of different activities such as: bird feeder making, digging up weeds, planting daffodils, skinning peas. The bird feeders were hung up in the wild life area. Everyone worked extremely hard over the hour; it was skills for year 6 but we all gardened. The parents enjoyed themselves and were happy all the way through. Eve and Ender World War 2. The Year 5’s topic is about World War 2. We have been learning about the Battle of Britain and who started and led the war. At some point, we will have to make a gas mask and learn about the Dicking Medal. We are also going on a school trip to YORK!!!!! We’re going to York so we can go as an evacuee and we’re going to bake with rations; we will also meet an air warden. So far, the topic has been amazing and interesting. In our next report we will tell you what happened on our trip. The Chocolate Story. On Wednesday 14th October, Year 4 went to the Chocolate Story in York. The chocolate story was both a cafe and a tour. It was about all the famous chocolate makers in the world. We also learnt about the history of chocolate. There was a workshop, where we made our very own chocolate bar and a lolly. It was a great day and we were excited all day. Archie and Cayden Harvest Service. In Church on Tuesday 14th October, Year 3 and Year 4 performed a wonderful harvest festival. There were 12 children in both years that had speaking parts. There were two acting parts too. It was a good day because of how amazing they performed. You could tell that they practised a lot as it was fantastic. Evie Lower Site News. It has been a very busy month at lower site, last week was our lower site Harvest Service. The Year 2 children led this service with their confident reading and beautiful artwork. All the children sang wonderfully and shared some new songs we have been learning. We all brought in our food to share with the M25 charity and also food banks in Thorne. It felt good to share with those who don’t have as much as we do. In the afternoon, year 2 had their Get Your Grown Up Gardening event where parents were invited in to share gardening with their children. It was a lovely afternoon where we started to create our Peter Rabbit Garden and also planted 50 bulbs around the school ready for Spring! We look forward to sharing our news next month. Thank you for reading our report.
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Personal Attention From Jessie Now Practising Part-Time Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday Mornings Only
Footcare Advice & Treatment Orthotics (Arch Supports) Fitted 31 High Street Hatfield
01302 351545
Quality Sliding System Fitted Wardrobes At Affordable Prices
Quality wardrobe system that will stand the test of time A wide range of styles suited to modern or traditional homes Adds a touch of quality to any home From the more traditional look to modern contemporary simplicity to suit any bedroom A made to measure wardrobe system with a quality runner system which will glide smoothly and effortlessly for years to come Each Door has lower mounted precision runners which will ensure a smooth, easy, quiet gliding function Adds a touch of luxury to any bedroom Traditional or contemporary designs available in a variety of colours and finishes
Ash Hill Crescent, Hatfield 01302 844866 / 842704
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VINTAGE AFTERNOON TEA PARTY I love anything Vintage especially when it involves tea & cake so on Sun 11th Oct we held a Vintage Afternoon Tea Party for Barn Regeneration at Dunsville Methodist Chapel as unfortunately the current Barn isn’t big enough to seat 43 guests. I approached the Rotary Club of Doncaster St Georges for funding & they generously sponsored the event. Vera immediately leapt into action & formed a great team of waitresses or ‘Nippys’, 8 in all, while I made white caps & pinneys. Anne Render loaned us some Vintage table cloths, Amanda & I bought the gorgeous Vintage china from various places & we were off… Nippys were looking fabulous in their black & white, tables were set with individual sets of china & cake stands with sandwiches, scones & cakes to die for. Each table also had retro flower vases, quirky menus & a Photo Quiz. The guests arrived in their Vintage style finery, hats, bows & even a fur stole on display! (imitation I think). We were a few minutes late opening the doors but we wanted everything to be just perfect – we’ll blame it on a bag of elusive sugar! The raffle table was set & had 20 prizes, 1st prize a white Picnic Hamper with a pretty floral lining worth £55 & 2nd a £25 cut & blow voucher for Salon 15, Bowers Fold plus lots of Vintage range toiletries, CD’s & a ‘Tony the Tiger’ china mug, amongst others & Teena B helped us out selling tickets. After Vera’s smooth introduction the Nippys ‘got the kettles on’ & served everyone while the guests all got to know each other over their Photo Quiz & some background Glen Miller, Doris Day & Everly Brothers music. Lots of chatting, eating & reminiscing took place. The winners of the Picnic Hamper were Ann & Richard Bell of Hatfield (and very happy they were too!) After the raffle we had good old fashioned table games – chaos ensued! I now know that Jean Singleton is a wiz with a yo-yo but Irena had trouble with her Snobs ball, chasing after it under the next table…. & the Tiddly Winks went everywhere! Next came the results of the Photo Quiz, Table 3 just pipped Table 4 to the post, each table receiving a Vintage look prize each & finally ‘the piece de resistance’, Cynthia Mann playing us out to Andy Pandy’s ‘Time To Go Home’ on the piano & everybody joined in, just wonderful. It all ran very smoothly due to the team work of the Nippys & everyone said they had enjoyed themselves, asking “when is the next one?” & “please let us know if you do anything like this again” so I think we can call it a success. I want to thank everyone who helped & contributed in any way Mary Leggott for her scrummy scones & John Holford at The Methodist Chapel but especially the Nippys who worked so hard, Vera, Amanda, 2 Sues, Penny, Louise & Anne. Profit on the day was £581! Tina O’Halloran 13/10/15
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Laminate Floor, Kitchen & Bedroom Fitting, Spindle Staircases, Doors (internal and external), Tiling-Wall and Floor, Gates and Exterior Joinery Work (made to measure if required) Fully Qualified
01302 775184
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WHAT’S ON? FRIENDS OF HATFIELD CHURCH BUILDING TRUST 'The Friends' will be having a stall in St Lawrence Church at the Hatfield Village Yuletide Fayre on Fri 27th Nov 4-7pm selling Pre-Loved Jewellery & Festive Teddies, Souvenirs & raffle tickets for our fabulous Christmas Hamper.
St Edwins Church Dunscroft, Christmas Fayre, November 28th. 11am - 1.30pm. Everyone Welcome
Hatfield Christmas Fayre Friday 27th of November 2015, 4.00pm until 7.00pm. This is Our 10th Anniversary! Hatfield Christmas Fayre will be held in St Lawrence Church & Hatfield Community Library & The Barn (behind the Bay Horse Public House) There will be a variety of Stalls from Cross Stitch Gifts, Fimo Jewellery, Preserves, Sweet Trees, Ceramic Christmas Decorations, Wooden Items, Knitted Items, Bird House and Planters, Cards , Chocolate Game of Chance, Aromatherapy, Silk Flowers Decorations and Teacup Candles and Teacup Plants. (All the Crafts are Handmade) The Choir will also be singing Carols for your delight & The Bell Ringers will also be in attendance. There will also be Raffle Tickets on sale in the Church Name the Dog Completion A Tombola Teas and Coffee and Mulled Wine are available on the night Santa will be in attendance in The Church with his helper from 4.00pm until 6.00pm Also Open on the Night will be Hatfield Cabin (formally the Post Office) and Food 2 Go and Coffee at No 4 This Year’s Charity are St Lawrence Church Hatfield, Hatfield Community Library, Weston Park Hospital Sheffield, M S Society.
Hatfield Woodhouse Methodist Chapel News for November Church Services. 6pm Sunday November 1st Rev Keith Lackenby November 8th Miss Sue Pickering November 15th Rev Andrew Mumford (Communion) November 22nd No Service at this Church a Partnership Service to be Held at Thorne Methodist Church 6 15pm Rev Gill Newton November 29th Mr Barry Parker Coffee Mornings 10am - Noon Saturday October 31st Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal November 7th Project 2000 November 14th Autumn Fayre 10 to 1pm Lunches served from 11 45am November 21st Project 2000 November 28th Project 2000 November 20th Bingo
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Haƞield Woodhouse Methodist Chapel
Autumn Fayre
Saturday 14 November 2015 10‐1pm
Light lunches served, 11.45am ‐ 1pm Stalls, Refreshments, Raffle, Tombola
Anyone wan ng a stall please contact Mrs J Garre 01302 840072 To advertise please call 07854 880882 or 01302 351760
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01302 841572
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01302 840200
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01302 842164
Ash Hill Academy
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01302 840448
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01302 882958
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01302 841337
Dunsville Community Centre
01302 882602
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01302 366666
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01302 841527
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BUSINESS DIRECTORY CAR Sales & Repairs Barry Gill Sales & Repairs, Hatfield
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Ash Hill Crescent, Hatfield
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Clouds Community Counselling, Free Client Line Confidential Counselling Service 07962 907053 COMPUTER SERVICES It To Go Computer Services
01302 352352
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Casanova Pizzeria
Hair & Beauty
01302 350888
Special Offers Available for Party Orders with Prior Notice OPEN 5pm - 11.30pm {Fri & Sat Delivery until 12pm} Now Open 7 Days a Week Open Bank Holidays
Jessie Credland Foot Clinic 31 High Street Hatfield
01302 351545
Men Only Gents Barbers, Sheep Dip Lane, Dunscroft
07986 366246
The Willows Dental Practice
01427 872106
Tel: 01302 843364
Blind Ideas, High Street, Hatfield
01302 842627
Sunnybank Garden Centre, Hatfield Woodhouse
01302 842954
B. A. Wright & Sons
Fast & Friendly Delivery Service
Home & Garden
Locksmith Locks & Blocks
07768 498668
Services / Trades
A Family Business Giving A Personal & Caring Service
A.E.S. Tiling (ceramic floor & wall tiling) Dunsville www.aestiling.org.uk
01302 350653 07749 519557
C M Developments (Yorkshire) Ltd Building Services
01302 351760
E P G Roofing
01302 532676
Longstaff Electrical Services, Hatfield, 07902 008118
01302 840500 07985 076500
covering all areas
Martin Johnson Plumbing & Heating Repairs, Hatfield
01302 845978 07817 300662
JJ Rowney gas & heating engineers. Plumbing Heating Gas
07460 957017 Hatfield
Steve Blunt Electrical Contractor 07900188126
01302 350557
To advertise please call 07854 880882 or 01302 351760