the old rules for

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Dicipliner .............................................................................. 2

• Chimistry .......................................................................... 2 • Obtenebration ................................................................... 3 • Quietus ............................................................................. 5 • Serpentis ........................................................................... 6 • Vicissitude ........................................................................ 8 Lores ................................................................................. 10 • Assamite ........................................................................... 10 • Black hand ........................................................................ 10 • Book of nod ...................................................................... 12 • Brujah ............................................................................... 13 • Caitiff ............................................................................... 14 • Camarilla .......................................................................... 14 • Changeling ....................................................................... 14 • Church .............................................................................. 15 • Followers of Set ............................................................... 16 • Gangrel ............................................................................. 18 • Ghoul ................................................................................ 19 • Giovanni ........................................................................... 19 • infernal ............................................................................. 20 • Inquisition ........................................................................ 22 • Kindred ............................................................................. 23 • Lasombra .......................................................................... 23 • MagE ................................................................................ 24 • Malkavian ......................................................................... 24 • Nosferatu .......................................................................... 25 • Ravnos .............................................................................. 25 • Sabbat ............................................................................... 26 • Setite ................................................................................. 26 • spirits ................................................................................ 28 • Toreador ........................................................................... 29 • Tremere ............................................................................ 29 • Tzimisce ........................................................................... 29 • Vampire(for ghoules only) ............................................... 31 • Ventrue ............................................................................. 31 • Wraith ............................................................................... 32 Merits & Flaws.................................................................... 33 • Fysiska Fördelar och Nackdelar....................................... 33 • Mentala Fördelar och Nackdelar...................................... 36 • Sociala Fördelar & Nackdelar .......................................... 38


Dicipliner Chimistry Klanen Ravnos lever i en värld av illusioner och drömmar, och behärskar också förmågan att påverka andra med dessa. Enligt deras filosofier så är världen bara en mycket realistisk dröm, och en mästare av Chimerstry kan forma om världen efter sina önskemål. Chimeriska illusioner kan skapa allt som användaren kan tänka sig, men ju bättre han förstår det han skapar, desto mer realistiskt blir det. Illusionerna kan bara skapa föremål, de kan inte plocka bort något. Du kan t.ex. skapa en vägg att gömma dig bakom, men du kan inte göra dig själv osynlig med den här kraften. Varje illusion som skapas måste vara ett fristående objekt; du kan skapa ett illusionellt svärd, men kan inte få det att skapas i någons mage. Svärdet kan dock på högre nivåer användas för att skada ditt offer. Illusionerna bryts om du lämnar området där den befinner sig, eller om någon aktivt misstror dem. Det är därför klokt att använda subtila illusioner istället för överdrivet fantastiska saker. Erfarna besläktade kan känna till Ravnos tricks, och om något väldigt onaturligt händer när en Ravnos är i närheten så kommer de antagligen att misstänka illusionisten. Omtester i Chimerstry sker med Subterfuge, då det handlar om att lura offrets sinnen.

Chimerstry 1: Ignis Fatuus Du kan skapa en statisk illusion som påverkar ett sinne. Du kan skapa bilden av ett illusoriskt vapen i din hand, ge någon känsla av kyla, eller skapa ljudet av barngråt. Illusionen har ingen riktig substans, så den kan inte skada eller på annat sätt begränsa offren, utan bara förvirra dem. En illusion av en dörr hindrar inte någon från att ta sig fram, men åsynen av dörren kan kanske få dem att gå en annan väg. Illusioner skapade med den här nivån kan inte röra sig själva, men du kan plocka upp och flytta dem. Om du skapar en illusion av en person kan den inte gå eller röra sig, men du kan plocka upp din illusoriska kniv och hota någon med den (men inte faktiskt använda den). Att skapa illusionen kostar en viljestyrka, och du måste besegra offren i en social utmaning. Illusionen består tills du lämnar området, tills någon motbevisar deras existens (genom att försöka ta den illusoriska kniven ifrån dig t.ex.) eller aktivt misstror dem, eller tills du själv bryter den. Att avbryta sin egen illusion sker automatiskt och kräver ingen handling.

Chimerstry 2: Fata Morgana Dina illusioner kan nu påverka alla sinnen. De saknar fortfarande substans, så de kan inte skada någon, men de blir betydligt svårare att se igenom. Du kan skapa en vägg som ser verklig ut och känns verklig, men den kan fortfarande inte hålla uppe något, så en person som försöker luta sig emot den skulle falla igenom. Illusionerna kan fortfarande inte förflytta sig själva. Att skapa en sådan illusion kräver att du spenderar en blodpoäng och en viljestyrka, och besegrar offren i en social utmaning. De bryts under samma villkor som Ignis Fatuus.

Chimerstry 3: Apparition Du är inte längre begränsad till statiska illusioner, utan kan skapa rörliga föremål och personer. Du måste först skapa en illusion med en av de lägre nivåerna, och kan sen ingjuta rörelse i den. Människor kan gå och föremål kan förflyttas av sig själva. Du kan också skapa onaturlig rörelse, som en kniv som flyger omkring av sig själv. Att animera en illusion såhär kostar en blodpoäng, och illusionen rör sig enligt ett mönster som du bestämmer när du ingjuter rörelse i den. Om du koncentrerar dig i en runda kan du ändra det mönstret utan extra kostnad. Den animerade illusionen fungerar i övrigt enligt samma regler som vanligt.


Chimerstry 4: Permanency Du behöver inte längre vara närvarande för att uppehålla dina illusioner. När du väl skapat en illusion så kan du ge den permanent existens och sedan lämna platsen. När du skapat en illusion kan du ge den permanens genom ett spendera en blodpoäng. Illusionen består då tills någon ser igenom den eller du själv upplöser den.

Chimerstry 5: Horrid Reality Din fruktansvärda kontroll över verkligheten låter dig påverka offrets uppfattning inte bara av omvärlden utan också om sig själv. En sådan illusion påverkar bara en person, men den påverkar alla sinnen och kan röra sig fritt. Vad som dock är verkligt skrämmande med den är att den faktiskt kan övertyga offret att ta skada av attacker. En illusorisk eld bränner offret, en träpåle förlamar offret om den stöts igenom hans hjärta, o.s.v. Du måste spendera en viljestyrka och besegra offret i en social utmaning för att skapa illusionen. Illusionen du skapar varar i en hel scen, och effekterna av den kan vara ännu längre. Om din illusion skadar offret så är skadorna kvar tills offret antingen övertygats om att de är läkta eller aktivt misstror dem. Du har komplett kontroll över din illusion, och kan därmed skapa saker som ett vapen som aldrig missar, en träpåle som flyger genom luften för att träffa din motståndare, och liknande. Alltför osannolika illusioner kan dock leda till att offret misstror dem. Skador orsakade av dina illusioner kan inte döda offret, men mycket väl orsaka koma(eller torpor för vampyrer).

Obtenebration Obtenebration är den disciplin som klan Lasombra är mest kända för. Användaren kan frammana och kontrollera fysiskt mörker, som blockerar all syn och dämpar ljud. Vissa besläktade påstår att mörkret som frammanas är en kvarleva från tiden innan skapelsen, medan andra menar att det härstammar ur användarnas mörka själar. Vad än förklaringen är så är effekterna imponerande och i många fall skräckinjagande. Vampyren som använder Obtenebration kan alltid se igenom sitt eget mörker, om inte annat anges. Mörker skapat av andra användare av Obtenebration är dock lika effektivt som mot andra. För att omtesta i färdigheten används normalt Occult. Om du anfaller någon med disciplinen så används dock Brawl för omtest.

Obtenebration 1: Shadow Play Du har en begränsad kontroll över naturliga skuggor. Du kan använda dessa för att dölja dig, förvirra dina motståndare, och för dramatiska effekter. Du kan även ge skuggorna en viss substans, men din kontroll över dem är inte komplett. För att aktivera kraften spenderar du en blodpoäng, och när den aktiverats förblir den aktiverats förblir den aktiv i en scen/timma. Du kan dock bara påverka en individ i taget. Om du använder skuggorna för att dölja dig själv får du en bonusegenskap på alla utmaningar relaterade till att smyga, gömma dig, och avstånds strid (du blir svårare att träffa). Genom att manipulera skuggorna omkring dig på ett skrämmande sätt får du en bonusegenskap på alla sociala utmaningar relaterade till att hota. Mest imponerande är dock att du kan använda de semisolida skuggorna för att angripa en motståndare. En motståndare som angrips av dina skuggor får en negativ fysisk egenskap. En dödlig kan dessutom kvävas utav attacken; om den dödlige har tre eller färre fysiska egenskaper för tillfället förlorar en fysisk egenskap för varje runda han påverkas. När han får slut på fysiska egenskaper börjar han förlora hälsonivåer istället. När hälsonivåerna tar slut kvävs offret. Att manipulera skuggor med den här kraften fungerar automatiskt, men vill du attackera någon krävs en utmaning, där dina mentala egenskaper sätts mot offrets fysiska.

Obtenebration 2: Shroud of Night Du kan skapa en sfär av absolut mörker, som absorberar allt ljus och dämpar ljud. Att röra sig igenom ett område av fysiskt mörker är svårt, och det saktar ner alla som befinner sig i det. Att använda kraften kostar en blodpoäng, och diametern på mörkret blir ungefär 5 meter. Du behöver inte se platsen där mörkret skapas, så länge det är inom 25 meter ifrån dig. Att skapa mörker på en plats du inte ser kostar dock en extra blodpoäng. Alla som befinner sig i mörkret (utom du själv) får en negativ fysisk egenskap, och dödliga med 5 eller färre fysiska egenskaper kan kvävas. Se 'Shadow Play' ovan för regler om kvävning, fast det fungerar på offer med upp till 5 egenskaper. Observera också att du inte kan kombinera Shadow Play och Shroud of Night för att göra dubbel skada eller ge 2 negativa egenskaper. Inne i mörkret absorberas alla ljuskällor utom eld, och allt ljud dämpas. Att utföra utmaningar i mörkret är mycket svårt. Dina egenskaper räknas som två lägre vid lika, och du får en tvingad omtest om du vinner (d.v.s. vinner du en utmaning så måste du testa om). Även användare av Eyes of the Beast och Heightened Senses påverkas; varje kraft tar bort en av straffegenskaperna. Omtesten försvinner dock inte. Naturligtvis påverkas inte användaren av kraften av de här begränsningarna. Du kan få mörkret att förflytta sig i gånghastighet, men du måste koncentrera dig helt på detta. Kraften varar i en scen/timme, eller tills du väljer att avsluta den.

Obtenebration 3: Arms of the Abyss Ur det naturliga mörkret kan du frammana tentakler av fysiskt mörker. Dessa skuggtentakler lyder dina kommandon, och kan angripa dina fiender medan du själv sysslar med annat(t.ex. flyr).


Att aktivera kraften kostar en blodpoäng. Du måste också spendera en social egenskap för varje tentakel du vill frammana. Tentaklerna är ungefär 2 meter långa, och får 3 fysiska egenskaper och 4 hälsonivåer. Varje extra blodpoäng du spenderar vid skapandet kan ge en tentakel 1 extra fysisk egenskap eller dubbla dess längd. Efter att du skapat tentaklerna stannar de kvar en scen, tills du blir medvetslös eller faller i torpor. Du kan instinktivt kontrollera tentaklerna även när du utför andra handlingar. De kan strida för dig, hålla fast någon, eller manipulera föremål med överraskande precision. De tar skada som vanligt från attacker, och tar samma skada av eld och solljus som du gör. De räknas dock som de har samma nivå Fortitude som du har, om du har någon. Alternativt kan du använda Potence genom tentaklerna för att göra dem starkare, men inte samtidigt som de stärks av din fortitude. Du kan inte använda någon annan disciplin genom tentaklerna.

Obtenebration 4: Black Metamorphosis Ditt inre mörker väller ut från dig, och smälter samman med din kropp till en fruktansvärd varelse. Tentakler liknade de som frammanas med Arms of the Abyss växer ut från din kropp, och du framstår som till hälften människa, till hälften skugga. Att aktivera kraften kostar två blodpoäng och en social egenskap. Fyra tentakler växer ut från din kropp, och ger dig en extra handling. Dessa tentakler använder dock dina fysiska egenskaper, till skillnad från de som skapas med Arms of the Abyss. Alla som rör vid dig (eller som du rör vid...) får en negativ fysisk egenskap under resten av kraftens verkan, då den övernaturliga kylan som omger dig gör det svårt för dem att röra sig. Du får också tre bonusegenskaper i alla sociala utmaningar relaterade till hot. Kraften varar i en scen/timme.


Obtenebration 5: Tenebrous Form Om du tidigare kunde smälta samman med mörkret så kan du nu uppgå helt i det. Din fysiska form löses upp och kvar blir bara en skepnad av halvfysiskt mörker. Du måste spendera tre blodpoäng och tre rundor för att anta skuggform. Under dessa tre rundor får du inte göra något annat. Så länge du befinner dig i skuggform kan du inte skadas av fysiskt våld. Eld, solljus och magi gör dock normal skada. Du kan inte påverka din omgivning eftersom du saknar fysisk substans, men du kan å andra sidan ta dig förbi låsta dörrar och galler. Minsta springa räcker för att du ska kunna ta dig igenom. Du kan också anfalla en person i syfte att sakta ner och eventuellt (om offret är dödligt) kväva denna. För att lyckas krävs en utmaning där dina mentala egenskaper ställs mot offrets fysiska. En sådan attack fungerar precis som kraften Shroud of Night ovan, med samma begränsningar. Du kan använda mentala discipliner i den här formen, om du uppfyller de fysiska kraven. Du har inga ögon, så du kan inte använda Dominate, men du skulle kunna använda Obfuscate för att dölja din skuggform. Ditt blod antas vara en del av mörkret när du använder kraften, så Thaumaturgins Path of Blood påverkar dig inte. Slutligen så är eld och solljus mycket smärtsamt när du är i skuggform. Ditt Courage värde räknas som ett lägre för att motstå Rötschreck orsakad av eld eller solljus.

Quietus De dödliga lönnmördarna i klan Assamite studerar ofta Quietus för att förbättra sin redan imponerade skicklighet. Genom att förvandla sitt blod till olika gifter kan de ge sina offer en tyst smärtsam död. De flesta Quietus krafterna kräver inga utmaningar, så ingen färdighet används för omtester. Om du anfaller med en Quietus kraft är det anfallet som omtestas, så normalt används Brawl eller Melee. Om du spottar blod på din motståndare (som vissa krafter låter dig göra) så används Athletics för omtester. Observera också att trots att många Quietus krafter använder blod som vapen så har det blodet förändrats och är snarare ett alkemistiskt gift än Vitae. Blod som använts till den här diciplinen kan inte senare användas för att skapa blodsband, som fokus för Thaumaturgi, eller som näring.

Quietus 1: Silence of Death Den första kraften som lärs ut till lönnmördarna är förmågan att röra sig och döda under total tystnad. Den här mystiska kraften låter dig skapa en 'tyst zon' med en radie på ca. fem meter, som blockerar alla ljud. Användandet av kraften kostar en blodpoäng och varar i en timme/scen. Allt ljud inom räckvidden tystas, även rop och pistolskott. Ljud som härstammar utanför radien hörs fortfarande in, det är bara ljud inom den som tystas.

Quietus 2: Scorpion's Touch Du kan förvandla ditt eget blod till ett gift som försvagar ditt offer. Giftet kan appliceras på vapen, spottas på motståndaren eller användas genom hudkontakt. Blod som påverkats av den här kraften får effekten av ett skadligt gift. För varje blodpoäng som används får du en dos av giftet, som tar effekt när det kommer i kontakt med offrets hud eller kommer in i hans system. För varje dos offret får i sig förlorar han en fysisk egenskap. Om du slår någon och använder kraften kan du alltså både göra skada och försvaga honom. Du kan täcka ett vapen som en dolk eller större med giftet, eller med en fysisk utmaning spotta blodet på honom om han befinner sig inom 5 meter (naturligtvis ska du inte som spelare spotta på personen...). Dödliga som förlorar alla sina fysiska egenskaper blir svårt sjuka, och läker inte normalt. Händer detta så meddela en spelledare för mer information. Annars kan fysiska egenskaper återvinnas som normalt. Att använda kraften kräver ingen handling för din del. Du kan anfalla någon och använda kraften i samma han handling, men vill du applicera giftet på ett vapen så kräver det förberedelse. Du kan ha flera doser gift på samma vapen, men bara en dos används i varje träff. Flera träffar i rad kan dock försvaga offret rejält.


Quietus 3: Dagon's Call Med en beröring kan du infektera ett offer med en liten mängd av ditt eget blod. Senare kan du med koncentration få det blodet att löpa amok i fiendens kropp och orsaka fruktansvärda skador när det sliter sönder offret inifrån. Du måste röra vid offret för att använda den här kraften (vilket kan kräva en fysisk utmaning). Därefter kan du under en timma/scen aktivera kraften. Du behöver inte se offret eller vara i närheten så länge du håller dig inom tidsramarna. När du aktiverar kraften måste du spendera minst en poäng viljestyrka (men du kan spendera mer). Sök upp offret och meddela att du använder kraften (eller be en spelledare göra det), samt hur mycket viljestyrka du använt. För varje poäng viljestyrka du använder måste offret utföra en statisk fysisk utmaning mot dig, och varje utmaning han förlorar betyder att han tar en nivå dödlig skada. Du måste avgöra hur mycket viljestyrka du spenderar när du aktiverar kraften, när du väl avgjort det kan du inte spendera mer viljestyrka i samma attack, du måste då röra offret på nytt och använda kraften igen.

Quietus 4: Baal's Caress De gifter du skapar med ditt blod är nu så starka att de kan bränna igenom vävnad och organ, vare sig de är levande eller odöda. Giftet bränner söder inre delar av kroppen när det kommer igenom skinnet, men lämnar andra material oskadda. För att använda den här kraften måste du spendera en runda på att förvandla ditt blod till gift och sen applicera det på ett skärande vapen som inte kan vara mindre än en dolk. Varje poäng blod som applicerats på ett vapen på det sättet låter vapnet göra aggreverad skada med en träff; applicerar du tre poäng blod på ditt svärd kommer det göra aggreverad skada med de tre nästa träffarna. Vapnet måste komma igenom huden för att giftet ska fungera, så krossvapen och obeväpnade attacker fungerar inte. Du kan inte använda giftet på pistolkulor, då de är för små för att kunna täckas av en tillräcklig mängd gift.

Quietus 5: Taste of Death Du kan skapa ett mycket potent gift som bränner igenom hud, kläder och kött, men inte sten eller metall. Giftet förlorar dock sin kraft mycket fort. Du kan spotta en blodpoäng på en motståndare med en handling. Om du träffar, vilket kräver en fysisk utmaning, tar offret en aggreverad skada. Giftet behåller dock bara sin kraft i några sekunder, och om du missar offret så förlorar det sin kraft i slutet av rundan. Notera att du medvetet måste förvandla ditt blod till gift, du kan fortfarande diablereras fast du har den här kraften.

Serpentis De ökända Followers of Set använder en kraft känd som Serpentis. Enligt legenden är denna kraft länkad till Sets symbol, ormen. Diciplinen ger många underliga och ibland stötande förmågor, och märker ut Sets lärjungar som annorlunda från både vampyrer och dödliga. Trots den kalla, reptiliska bakgrunden till diciplinen är flera av dess krafter mystiskt förförande och manipulerande. Setiterna menar att detta är det slutgiltiga beviset på deras förmåga att manipulera sina offers känslor, och använder den för att avslöja hemliga laster och dolda hemligheter. Omtester i diciplinen använder färdigheten Subterfuge.

Serpentis 1: The Eyes of the Serpent Ormens legendariska hypnotiserande blick blir din med den här kraften. När du möter ditt offers blick (så länge offret kan se dina ögon) blir dina ögon guldfärgade med stora svarta pupiller, och fångar offrets uppmärksamhet totalt. Så länge du behåller ögonkontakten är offret fullständigt paralyserat. Du måste besegra ditt offer i en social utmaning för att lyckas med den här kraften. Vinner du är offret paralyserat så länge ögonkontakten uppehålls. Om offret attackeras eller på annat sätt skadas bryts hypnosen.


Serpentis 2: The Tongue of the Asp Om du så önskar kan din tunga ta samma form som en orms. Den övernaturligt vassa delade tungan resulterar i fruktansvärda sår på offret, har en räckvidd på nästan en meter, och låter dig dricka blod från ditt offer. Du kan förvandla din tunga utan kostnad. Tungan gör en aggreverad skada om den används i strid, och du kan om du önskar dricka blod från offret med en sådan attack. Att göra det på dödliga resulterar i kyssen som vanligt, och dricker du vampyriskt blod riskerar du att bli blodsbunden. Din ormtunga är också väldigt känslig för vibrationer. Användande av den här kraften i mörker låter dig reducera straffet för strid i mörker med ett.

Serpentis 3: The Skin of the Adder Ditt reptiliska blod gör det möjligt för dig att förvandla dig till en monstruös humanoid med skyddande fjäll och ormlik flexibilitet. För att anta ormaspekt måste du spendera ett blodpoäng och en viljestyrka. I slutet av rundan du aktiverade kraften är förvandlingen komplett och du är täckt av ormfjäll och med piskliknande flexibilitet i dina armar och ben. Du får två extra fysiska egenskaper, och dina större tänder och mer flexibla mun betyder att du kan göra en extra skadenivå när du bits, om du vinner (inte lika) i en statisk utmaning. Du kan dock dricka blod utan att göra extra skada, om du så önskar. Din flexibla kropp kan ta sig igenom en öppning som är stor nog att släppa igenom ditt huvud, så det är mycket svårt att begränsa din rörlighet i den här formen. På grund av ditt groteska utseende lider du i den här formen av två negativa sociala egenskaper. Det är också ett väldigt maskeradbrott att låta dödliga se dig i ormaspekt. Kraften varar tills du vill återgå till ditt normala utseende, men längst till nästa soluppgång.

Serpentis 4: The Form of the Cobra Du är inte längre begränsad till en form mellan människa och orm, utan kan nu ta steget fullt ut och ta formen av en gigantisk kobra. Den här formen ger dig ett giftigt bett och förmågan att ta dig igenom trånga passager, och låter dig fortfarande använda alla dicipliner som inte kräver händer eller tal. Du behåller din vanliga vikt i den här formen, så du är en gigantisk svart- och guldfärgad mardrömsorm. Du måste spendera en blodpoäng för att anta ormform. Förändringen tar tre rundor och kan inte snabbas upp genom att spendera extra blod. Kläder och personliga tillhörigheter förändras med dig. Du förblir i den formen tills nästa soluppgång, om du inte vill byta tillbaka tidigare. Ditt gift i den här formen är dödligt för människor, men gör ingen extra skada på besläktade.

Serpentis 5: The heart of Darkness Enligt egyptiska legender så vägdes de dödas hjärta mot en fjäder i dödsriket. De vars synder vägde tungt på dem förtärdes av fruktansvärda monster, medan de som befunnits värdiga passerade vidare till ett evigt paradis. Då du redan lurat döden kan du nu också lura domen. Under nymånens ljus kan du slita ditt odöda hjärta från din kropp, och med flera timmars kirurgi(off-tid) kan du göra detsamma med andra vampyrer. Det krävs ingen utmaning för att plocka bort ett hjärta, men offret måste vara villigt. Vampyriskt kött förvandlas normalt till aska när det separerats från kroppen, men den här kraften förhindrar det. En vampyr som saknar hjärta kan inte pålas, och därmed är en vampyr som den här kraften använts på immun mot den fruktade träpålen. Oftast placerar Setiten hjärtat i en väl bevakad lerkruka, ibland omgiven av andra krukor med falska hjärtan. Eftersom hjärtat är känslornas ursprung så får du en bonusegenskap i test att motstå frenzy, men du förlorar alla färdighetsnivåer i empati, och hälften av dina sociala egenskaper. Om det avlägsnade hjärtat skulle pålas blir vampyren omedelbart paralyserad, och skulle det utsättas för eld eller solljus (en skadenivå räcker) så självantänder ägaren omedelbart och reduceras till aska på en runda. Händer detta kan inget rädda ägaren från den slutgiltiga döden. Användandet av kraften kan också sätta tillbaka ett hjärta i kroppen. Uppenbarligen leder användandet av den här kraften på dödliga och ghouls till en kladdig död.


Vicissitude De monstruösa östeuropeiska vampyrerna känner till hemligheter som även de besläktade fruktar. Vicissitude, den mest kända av klan Tzimisce krafter, reflekterar den inre naturen hos de mest monstruösa och alienerade vampyrerna. Med Vicissitude kan användaren forma om kött och ben, och resultatet kan bli såväl övernaturlig skönhet som fruktansvärd deformering. När kraften används på dödliga, ghouls och vampyrer av sämre generation än användaren är resultatet av kraften permanent. Vampyrer av samma eller bättre generation än användaren kan läka effekterna av Vicissitude som aggreverade skador. Användaren kan alltid forma om sitt eget kött som han önskar. Nosferatus, Samedi och andra vampyrer med deformationer som klannackdel kan formas om med Vicissitude, men de återfår sitt fruktansvärda utseende när de vaknar varje natt. Cains förbannelse undgås inte så lätt. Vicissitude använder färdigheten Crafts för omtester. De flesta effekterna från Vicissitude kräver fysisk kontakt och vill du använda kraften på ett ovilligt offer så krävs en fysisk utmaning. Du omtestar i sådana attacker med Crafts istället för med Brawl, då du är ute efter att greppa och förändra köttet, inte slå eller sparka ditt offer. Vissa mer avancerade ingrepp kan kräva färdigheten Medicine också.

Vicissitude 1: Malleable Visage Genom att aktivera kraften kan du förändra ditt utseende med dina händer. Malleable Visage låter dig kopiera andras utseende, få dig själv att framstå som grotesk, eller bara dölja ditt vanliga utseende. De flesta förändringar är möjliga, så länge du klarar av att forma dem. Att ändra ditt utseende kostar en blodpoäng och kräver att du spenderar tid på att forma om dig själv. Om du vill kopiera någon annans utseende måste du utföra en statisk utmaning där dina mentala egenskaper sätts mot offrets sociala. Du använder fortfarande dina egna sociala egenskaper i utmaningar, du ser bara ut som någon annan. Om du så önskar kan du ge dig själv ett fruktansvärt utseende, och kan ta upp till tre negativa sociala egenskaper från en sådan förändring. Observera att kraften verkligen ändrar ditt utseende. Det går inte att se igenom förändringen med krafter som auspex.

Vicissitude 2: Fleshcraft Kött är som lera för dig, och du kan forma om det så som du önskar. Du kan genomföra drastiska förändringar på köttet och organen hos de varelser du rör vid. Du måste röra vid ditt offer för att använda kraften, vilket kan kräva en fysisk utmaning (se ovan). Du kan förändra dig själv och andra enligt reglerna för Malleable Vissage, eller anfalla med kraften. Sådana attacker ger inga fysiska skador, men lämnar fruktansvärda ärr, Och varje lyckad attack ger offret en negativ social egenskap, upp till maximalt tre från den här kraften. Genom att flytta runt skin, fett och muskler kan du förvandla en (och bara en) fysisk egenskap till en extra hälsonivå. Du kan också motverka en sådan operation och återställa den extra hälsonivån till en fysisk egenskap.

Vicissitude 3: Bonecraft Såsom de mindre kunniga kan forma kött kan din beröring nu böja och forma om ben. Du kan forma om ett skelett på alla tänkbara sätt, vare sig du vill göra benen längre, tjockare eller bara ge dem en annan form. Du kan dra ut ben genom kött och organ, vilket ger fruktansvärda skador, och du kan använda kraften tillsammans med Fleshcraft för att helt bygga om ett offer... eller dig själv. Med Bonecraft kan du ändra saker som ett offers längd och kroppsbyggnad, samt ändra om ben till ovanliga och onaturliga former. Du måste få grepp om offret, vilket kan kräva en fysisk utmaning som ovan, och kan sen böja eller dra ut benen på ett lämplig sätt. Om du väljer att använda kraften utan att använda Fleshcraft gör varje sån attack en nivå dödlig skada, eftersom benen skär och sliter sönder köttet. Du kan också ge ett offer benvapen såsom klor eller svärd och spikar. Dessa låter offret göra dödlig skada i obeväpnad strid. Observera att det finns många andra 'kirurgiska' ingrepp du kan göra med de här krafterna. Att ge snabba enkla regler för de såna ingrepp är dock svårt. Vill du göra något lite mer exotiskt med dina krafter så får du kontakta en spelledare, som i sin tur sätter svårighetsgraden och avgör effekterna av en lyckad(eller misslyckad) operation.

Vicissitude 4: Horrid Form Du kan förvrida din kropp på ett fruktansvärt sätt, och ta formen av ett gigantiskt, mardrömslikt monster. Ditt skin blir svart, slemmigt och gummiaktigt, benklor växer från dina händer och fötter, och vassa benspikar växer ut från din rygg. Du växer till ca. tre meters längd, och ser mer ut som en demon än en vampyr. Att skifta till Horrid Form kostar två blodpoäng. Om din generation inte tillåter dig att spendera två blodpoäng på en runda får du betala över flera rundor, och du antar inte Horrid Form föränn den fulla kostnaden är betald. Du får tre negativa sociala egenskaper i Horrid Form, och kan inte initiera en social utmaning i andra syften än att hota. Du får dock sex extra fysiska egenskaper, som kan ta dig över ditt generationsmax, du gör dödlig skada i obeväpnad strid, och gör en extra skada med varje lyckad attack. Du befinner dig i Horrid Form tills du bestämmer dig för att lämna den.

Vicissitude 5: Bloodform Din kontroll över köttet är så stor att du kan lösa upp din kropp till en pöl av blod. Du behöver bara koncentrera dig på det för att förvandla en del av eller hela din kropp till blod. Varje kroppsdel (arm, ben, huvud) som du löser upp blir en blodpoäng, och din kropp formar resten av blodet (upp till din nuvarande blodpol). Du kan förändra hela eller delar av dig själv som du önskar. Blodet har samma egenskaper som ditt blod normalt har, men du


har en viss kontroll över det. När du befinner dig i blodform kan du förflytta dig i långsam gång hastighet, flyta igenom små sprickor, och över de flesta hinder. För att forma tillbaka delar av dig måste du vara i kontakt med blodet. Annars måste du spendera blod på att få kroppsdelen att växa tillbaka, varje kroppsdel kostar en blodpoäng att växa tillbaka på det här sättet. Om du läker en kroppsdel på det här sättet blir blodet som formades av den omedelbart vanligt blod och förlorar alla sina övernaturliga egenskaper. I blodform kan du använda alla dina mentala dicipliner och är immun mot all skada som inte hänrör ifrån eld eller solljus, men om allt ditt blod förstörs eller dricks upp när du befinner dig i blodform så dör du.


Lores Assamite 1. Fida'I Knows the Khabar as words, not necessarily the meaning. Knows that Haqim is the Founder of the Clan, and is at war all other Kindred. Knows the very basic structure of the clan.

2. Rafiq Knows the basic history of the clan. Knows the meaning behind the Khabar, but not necessarily understanding. Knows that there may be factions within the Assamites. Knows that the elders arrange all contracts for them. Knows their Castellan. Knows what the Du'at are. May have heard about the Ritual.

3. Castellan Knows the history of "The curse". Knows and understands the Khabar, word for word. Knows that there are factions within the clan and may belong to one. Knows about the Ritual. Knows how contacts are worked out. May have heard about Assamites having Thaumaturgy. Knows about the Unconquered. Knows the locations and movements of the Assamites under his Command. Knows who Du'at. Knows their Silsila.

4. Elder Knows the history before "The Curse". Knows about Assamites having Thaumaturgy. Knows how to make contact with the Unconquered. Knows what Ritual can do. Knows who the Master is. Knows whom all the Silsila or Elders are and how to contact them.

5. Silsila Knows the History of Golden Age. Knows where the 'new' Alamut is. Knows how to contact assamites in any area. Knows who all Castellans are and how to contact them.

6. Du'at Knows the history of the Beginning. Knows when and where the Clan is moving and against whom. Knows who all Rafiq are.

7. Master Knows the true location of Alamut. Knows where the Unconquered meet and where they maybe found. Knows all members of the clan and their located.

Black Hand 1. Held by long-term Sabbat members, or those who have dealt with the Black Hand in a passing manner You may think you know about the Hand, but what you’ve heard is all hearsay and a little observation. Although most of the Sabbat knows that the Black Hand exists, you can pull a little bit of detailed information out of your pocket, flashing it around and trying to impress the less perceptive. You know that the Black Hand is a military organization, and that they have a rank and structure, but you don’t know what those ranks are. You have heard that the Hand only asks once, and if you refuse or are found unworthy, you’ll never be approached again. You’ve heard tales of the Sabbat Civil War, and how the Hand stepped in as a powerhouse, crushing it before it could destroy the Sword of Caine. Dedicated or long-term Sabbat members, through only a little effort of their own, can achieve this level of lore fairly easily.


2. The Black Hand traditions of Devotion and Dedication are words you’ve heard often, used by the various members of the Hand and their packs. You have decent second-hand information. You know that the Hand tends to police its own, and that when a Black Hand member is caught breaking the rules, the Archbishops usually turn them over to the Hand for judgement and punishment. Hand Rank and Standing: You know that the Hand respects power, and that it grants title and privilege to the strongest of its members. You know that the leader of your area is called an ‘Overseer’, and that the youngest and weakest of the local members are known as the Militia. Beyond that, you can only speculate. Status among the Hand is gained through physical prowess. History: For the Black Hand, being a vampire means an endless string of nights at the ready, at any moment to be given a sudden command to move, or to fight, or to die. Thus it has always been, for the Hand. They are zealots, fanatics. They comprise the front lies of any invasion, and are the last to retreat, if the Sect fails. For hundreds of years, the Black Hand has been the tool of the Sabbat, and though they are the strongest fighters, they have always obeyed the will of the Regent, and the Code of the Sect.

3. You know how the Hand operates. You know that the Overseer of an area, after being contacted by a political superior in the sect (an Archbishop or Cardinal) alerts his Dominion of an assignment, and that a Dominion picks out a team. You suspect that the Hand meets once a month to Vaulderie, and that the Black Hand is expected to avoid Monomacy with other Hand members. You know the rote of the Black Hand: ‘Discipline and Devotion.’ Hand Rank and Standing: At this level of lore, you can choose to make a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty rating is the 20 – the status of the opposing Hand member) to know the standing, reputation and general public knowledge of a Black Hand member. You’ve heard the titles ‘Specialist’ and ‘Dominion’, and you know the Seraphim are in charge of the entire operation. You’ve heard of a ‘Column,’ but aren’t entirely sure what they are. History: It is said that the Black Hand began shortly after the momentous event known as the Convention of Thorns. As the Sabbat grew in power, it was forced to police its own members, in order to root out infiltrators, revolutionaries, and those who did not believe in the policies and goals of the Sect. The Black Hand was created to keep the Sabbat safe: and to help enforce its newly created traditions and allegiances. Various theories of its creation imply that it was founded by the Tzimice, who intended for it to be their own private force, to counterbalance the Lasombra stranglehold over the Sabbat. Other stories mention that the Black Hand created itself from the strongest packs in the Sabbat, who joined together and began to take matters into their own hands early in the Sect’s history.

4. You’ve heard that the Hand can establish martial law, and that they work at the behest of their Seraphim, directly on orders from the Regent. You can assume that they are at least somewhat outside the Sect’s traditional systems of rank, and that the Archbishops and Cardinals do not call on the Hand because they fear that once the Black Hand has been given power, it will not be easily returned to the traditional leaders. Hand Rank and Standing: You can name all the Specialist ranks, and can even describe the basic function of the Overseer, and Dominion ranks. You may be able to name all the Black Hand members in your area, and can certainly point out the signs of a potential recruit. You know when the Hand chooses to involve itself, and under what circumstances, and you know quite a bit about the potential power that the Black Hand can unleash, if given the nod from the Cardinal.

5. You know what a Column is, and you know why the Black Hand forbids them. You know that the Black Hand’s devotion is not merely to the ‘cause’ of the sect, but much more animist within its members. The Hand is composed of a tight brotherhood of members, and when one fails, each of his brothers feels the pain of betrayal or loss. A failure to the Hand is a failure of all the Hand, and when one falls, all are lessened. Some might consider the closeness of the Black Hand to be a danger to the Sect, but the Hand is very aware of appearances, and keeps their true allegiances and priorities covered by a thin glaze of propriety. You may know the names of one or more of the Seraphim, and how they can be contacted indirectly.


History: You know that the Hand was created during the early days of the Sabbat, before the first Code of Milan had been written, and before the first Regent was installed. You have heard of particularly bloody induction rites, and you know several of the tricks that have been used by the Hand in times past in order to gain control of a city, or to prevent or induce war in an area. You know that the Hand often has agents in the Camarilla and the Anarchs, and that these agents report only to the Dominions, and not to their local Archbishops or Cardinals. The Black Hand teeters dangerously close to treason to the laws of the Sect, pausing only to ensure that they are not caught. Then again, sometimes in order to defend the Sect, you must be willing to break its greatest laws.

Book of nod 1. Childer You know that the Cainite creation legend is penned in a text known as ‘The Book of Nod’. Supposedly written in prehistoric times, the text tells the story of Caine murdering Able, and God casting him out to the Land of Nod as a Vampire, the first of that kind. You know that the text is held in reverence by some Kindred, and seen as a joke by others. You may have lain your hands on a copy at one time, but you certainly don’t own one.

2. Neonate You know that the ‘Book of Nod’ has many variations throughout time, and in recent years, so many copies of variable reliability have cropped up, that finding the ‘original’ is impossible. You have read at least one full copy and know the tales of Caines expulsion, from the first Murder, to his final words. You also know that the book also contains notes at it’s end from the Founders of the Clans, to their Children.

3. Ancillae From further studies, you can name many other academics of the subject. You have observed more than one copy of the book, and have compared the texts. You know that parts of the commonly known ‘Book of Nod’ have had to have been written at some later date than proclaimed by the book. You can see now, the glaring ‘patches’ in the book, and know that almost every copy in existence must therefore be false in some way. And yet, you believe that somewhere there must be a real copy from these fakes to have been spawned from. You have researched the book’s historical origins, and know various claims of origin for the book, from Scandinavia, to Israel, but none with any authenticity.

4. Elder Your studies into the ‘Book of Nod’ are comprehensive, spanning historical, spiritual and philosophical aspects of it’s history. You own at least one copy, and have studied many more. You have researched it’s words, and although you know many cannot have come from the time of Nod, some have an alarming degree of truth to them. You have in particular, noticed the alarming signs of Gehenna approaching rapidly, as described by the Book. You know that an accompanying book exists, the ‘Book of Lilith’, a supposed text regarding Lilith, Caine’s mentor and her fall from Grace. You hear rumor that this book contains much information omitted from the ‘Book of Nod’. You also know that Cults exist, following both the ‘Book of Nod’, and the ‘Book of Lilith’, believing zealously in their teachings.

5. Ancient You have a comprehensive knowledge of the ‘Book of Nod’. So much so, that you discount much of it’s teachings as bias, or pure fiction. You, by now, own many copies of the text, and have seen many more. Each different, each as varifiable as the next. You have studied the Cults surrounding both texts, and have discovered some alarming similarities. And the possible existance of a further text, the original ‘Book of Nod’. You have noticed many of the Signs of Gehenna mentioned in the text. You have also researched into it’s history, and have come to the conclusion, that the original is probably Middle Eastern in origin, but you cannot be too certain. You believe that Elder or even older Kindred have altered many copies of the text to try to diseminate their philosophy amoungst younger Kindred.


6. Methusela You’ve learned of the existance of a collection of tales and prophecies called ‘The Erciyes Fragments’. Apparently, this book exists as the forerunner to both ‘The Book of Nod’ and ‘The Book of Lilith’. It seems to be the original book, predating both. But you cannot find this sacred text. You know that the ‘Book of Nod’ contains only a snippet of information available within this tome, apparently, the information allowed to pass down to Neonates from Elders, to try and keep control on how much information is available to them. You can pick up every false word and half truth within the ‘Book of Nod’, and there are many. So many that the lines blur many times over. You believe that one or more of the Ancient Kindred mentioned in the Prophecies of Gehenna, are keeping a control on how much information is distributed. You know how and where, to lay your hands on many different copies of the ‘Book of Nod’ and a few copies of the ‘Book of Lilith’. You have compared and contrasted both books, and believe that you can now pick up almost every similarity, to the point where you believe that you can have a fair guess at what ‘The Erciyes Fragments’ contain.

7. Caine You have lain your hands on the fabled Fragments. You have knowledge of the true words of Caine. You know of his words to the First of his Childer. You know of Lilith, and of the murder of Able. You know of the true words of God, and Caines visions of the future. You know of the certainty of the coming of Gehenna. You know of all of it’s coming’s signs, and know for certain, that the End Times have begun. You have possibly contributed to at least one copy of the ‘Book of Nod’ in circulaton, and know many, many scholars of it’s content. You know of many powerful cults of Gehenna and Nod within Kindred society, and know that many aspects of the Kindred’s Society is based on or guided by Noddist scriptures. So much so, that you believe certain Clans, or even the Camarilla itself has been founded on such teachings.

Brujah 6. You now possess knowledge that most will scoff at and cause your word and name to be sullied. The idea of True Brujah seems to have some basis in truth though you would never say a word to another of it for surely you would be struck down for words so foul. If your research is to be believed these remnants from an ancient era may have the ability to manipulate time. You understand, through your research, that indeed Brujah were a strong force behind the formation of the Sabbat and your research has hinted that perhaps they are behind it all. The Madness of it! The knowledge that perhaps there is some truth to the idea of the True Brujah and that your brothers could be a driving force behind the bestial Sabbat is enough to drive you to the edge of paranoia and beyond. You are haunted by these demons from the past, and they shadow your every step now. You have almost lost your ability to recognize all but the most famous or infamous of the clan. Staring so often into the tapestry of ages, you easily ignore the insignificant sparks that only spark and burn out within a few years. You may chose to make a simple test against any Brujah who holds the equivalent of Elder Status, the merit Famous/Infamous, etc.. If you win the test, the challenged Brujah must reveal to you a secret from her past, that is not common knowledge. (This secret can be a flaw such as 'twisted upbringing'). With the secrets of the past, however, come other secrets. You may also choose to make a mental static challenge (Difficulty level is generation) against any Toreador, Ventrue or Malkavian to know their personal history in regards to clan Brujah. These are reasons one with such lore levels are often distrusted and hunted by those with secrets to keep. For information on Varoja, etc. contact Dan Fructerman

7. This level of lore covers as much truth as level one harbors inconsistency. This is a recognition of a player and character's work and knowledge of WW and campaign material. No listing could summarize the data necessary. Ergo, apply to the NST when you think you are ready.


Caitiff 1. What a poorly educated member of the Clan would know. Specifically: what a Caitiff knows barely after entering kindred society" -Caitiff are clanless -Caitiff are looked down on by the clans and princes -Caitiff can be adopted into clans and generally be treated much better (but still never *full* members of the clan) -which clans are more sympathetic to the Caitiff

2. What a released Childer or Neonate of the Clan would know Specifically: what a Caitiff could learn about the Caitiff from the clans" -various ways a Caitiff is created (embrace, cast out of clan, etc.) --some reasons for the prejudices against Caitiff -features (or lack thereof) of Caitiff vs. clan blood. -there are prophecies about Caitiff that Caitiff will cause bad things to happen -how to survive as a Caitiff (general need for clan sponsorship, etc.)

3. What a well rounded member of the Clan would know indicates time and experience as well as minor self study. Specifically: what a Caitiff could learn from other Caitiff" -knowledge of inside Caitiff world (phone system, prominent Caitiff, etc.) -knowledge of prominent Caitiff haters -knowledge of varying philosophies about Caitiff not commonly spoken among the clans (Caitiff superiority, Caine was a Caitiff, etc.) -_HEARD_ of Joseph Pander and the Sabbat Panders.

4. What a student of the Clan world know indicates personal time spent researching items that might detract in some fashion from local events. Elders often have this if they don't spend any additional time in researching events or information. Specifically: knowledge of Caitiff which can generally only be acquired through research of a topic." -knowledge of specific interpretations of the Gehenna prophecies -knowledge of recent Caitiff history (the Alexi Darba revolt), how they were treated, prominent Caitiff in the past --knowledge of the Panders, how they succeeded, how they are treated in the Sabbat, etc.

5. What a dedicated scholar of the Clan would know indicates a dedication to research and study as well as seeking out new information and knowledge. Specifically: represents research of specific legends, writings, etc" -heard of legendary Caitiff such as the Stoneman -in-depth *understanding* of the interpretation of the Gehenna prophecies about Caitiff

Camarilla 6. What an inactive Founder would know Has seen the Camarilla operate for hundreds of years and heard countless stories in Elysium. -Understands many of the reasons behind the Camarilla's decisions and actions. -Knows the workings of the Inner Circle and how Justicars are chosen.

7. What an active Founder would know Was likely present at the founding of the Camarilla and has been actively involved since. -The byzantine history of the organization, its motivations and ways. -Likely to have been a major voice in the Camarilla at one time or another. -Know of members of the Inner Circle. -Some details of the Jyhad and who the real players are.

Changeling 1. Student You have learned of the existance of Fairies. You know they take many forms, from the Tinkerbell of legend, to elves, trolls and other larger creatures. You know they exist in this World, but are unseen to anyone without Fairie sight. You know they are scarce, and stay to the untamed lands.

2. College You know more of the Fairie’s by now. You know they exist seperated from Mankind by the power of disbelief. You know they group themselves by type, and location.


3. Masters You know a little more of the Fairie kind by now. You know that they call themselves ‘Changelings’, a title of unfathomable age. You know they have a long and esteemed history, claiming involvement at every level. You know that the power of disbelief harms them. You know that only on certain nights can their true forms be seen, and for the most part, they remain hidden. You also know that children and those who chose to believe are much more likely to see them.

4. Doctorate You know now that the Changelings form themselves into 9 groups of types, often banding together to aid each other. You know they call the power of Disbelief ‘Banality’ and fear it’s presence. You know that they are lead by the type of Fairie called ‘Sidhe’. You also have learned that they do not live as long as a normal human, often dying young.

5. Scholar You now know that ‘Banality’ harms Changelings, but not only is it the power of Disbelief, but the limiting of Imagination. Rules, limits and order all breed Banality. You know they feed on creativity and imagination, which they call ‘Glamour’. You know that Fairies are in fact born looking like humans and hence are indistinguishable from normal Mortals. You know that the Fairies can feed from the Glamour of untainted places, and hence this is why they stick to them. You also know that they fear Vampires, as they are Banality incarnate, and can stand the presence of Magi and Werewolves, as they have enough creativity and imagination left in most of them to inspire them.

Church 1. Layman You know the Bible and it’s teachings. You go to Church every Sunday, and pray regularly. You know your local Minister by first name, and the location of all nearby Churches. You may possibly have even been part of their Choir in your earlier years.

2. Reverend You have knowledge of the local workings of the Church in the area. You know local regular practitioners, the name and location of all of the local Churches in the region and their own Ministers. You have studied the Bible for years, and know its stories off by heart.

3. Bishop You know of all Churches within the Diocese, and a few beyond. You know of the regions Church politics, and how to manoeuvre within the political scene there. You know that other forces, be they political or commercial have leverage within the Church in your Region. You also have come across certain discrepancies within the Bible and related texts that have peaked your interest.

4. Arch Bishop You have details of almost every Church in the Country, and can easily lay your hands on a list of all Ministers within those Churches. You know that outside influences control many aspects of the Church, on every level, and that often, these powers have ‘unusual’ motivations. You have noticed in discrepancies with the Church’s history, and have come to the conclusion that these ‘errors’ have been created to cover up a conspiracy within the Church, although you cannot prove anything. You have begun to notice the strange placings of some Churches, and markings within these buildings. You know who to contact, and how to contact them, to get things done within the Church. You know who’s really pulling the strings of your local priests, and what needs to be said to keep them on your side. You know that the Inquisition was not disbanded at the end of the 1700’s and that elements of the Inquisition still remain within the Church at some level, although you do not know how, or where.


5. Cardinal You know the Pope. You know how to pull the strings of the Church within the UK. You know that the Inquisition exist, as the Society of Leopold, and that the Church has rescinded it’s backing, but it still remains. You have learned that strange markings within Churches of Britain are in fact markings to distinguish Churches that were once controlled by Heretical priests back in the Middle Ages, and that these Churches were built in a particular style to act as a supposed Channel for Dark Forces. You have heard reports of many strange incidents throughout Britain, and know that most, if not all of these strange events have been covered up by people of great power. There is now in your mind, without a doubt, a massive Conspiracy. Your research into the Churches history has shown you that many aspects of the Church have been changed over the years. When the Bible was translated from Hebrew to Latin, many parts of the texts were greatly altered or are missing entirely. You know that some Churches have a greater reputation for aiding their practitioners and that many of these Churches have stories of Miracles throughout the ages, happening within their walls.

6. Pope You know that the Inquisition is a society driven by Christian beliefs, that exist throughout the World, and are driven to hunt the Heretical, and ‘Greater Forces’. You know that Relics of great power exist within the church, and that these items are accompanied by many tales of Miracles happening in their vacinity. Too many stories for they’re not to be something more to them than meets the eye. You know that the Vatican contains a secretive Library full of Heretical and dark texts of every aspect of the Faith. You can access these texts with little trouble. You know that the library is supposedly guarded by a creature that hunts trespassers at night. You know that many aspects of the Bible were indeed removed in ancient translations at the orders of the ‘Greater Forces’ that the Inquisition hunt. You have studied the heretical texts to the point that you are confident that the Biblical tale of Caine and Able has more to it than is contained in the Bible. You know that aspects relating to Caine have been removed from the Bible, and that he is supposed to have created a line of creatures. You believe that there is some truth to this tale, and that these ‘Greater Forces’ are possibly them. You have also discovered that some of the markings in heretical churches refer to Biblical passages relating to blood and Immortality. You also know that some refer to Jewish texts referring to Lillith, the missing figure from the Bible. .

7. Unseen Forces You know that the ‘Greater Forces’ are Caine’s Children, the Vampires of Legend. You know that according to hidden texts, God cast out Caine causing him to become a Vampire. What became of him then, you do not know, but you do know his lineage still exist, and haunt the Church and many aspects of human society even today. You know why Emperor Constatine rejected the Roman Gods and adopted Christianity overnight. You know that Lillith was supposedly the mentor of Caine, and you know why she was removed from every Christian biblical tale. You know that a band of Vampires known as the Serpents were responsible for the editing of the Bible in it’s translation, and you have some ideas as to why. You know that some Saints were in fact Vampires, holding their Churches in their grasp. You know that rumours of other Supernatural creatures exist, including Wizards and Werewolves. You know that some individuals are blessed with a greater Faith, also known as ‘True Faith’, which conveys the power to create Miracles, drive off evil and heal the crippled. You know that places can be imbued with this power, such as Lourdes or the Vatican. You know that the Grail exists, and is hunted by many different forces for it’s supernatural powers. You know that many rumours persist that the Grail isn’t a cup, but a Vessel of some sort, perhaps living. You know that families of Vampires have infiltrated the Italian and Spanish arms of the Church. You know the truth behind the excommunication and execution of the Templars and that some members of the Templars believed in the Infernal. You too have evidence that the Infernal exists and can, with difficulty, prove that members of the Church practice infernal rites. You know that legends persist of creatures, be they human or otherwise, that exist now, that have watched the world for many years, things that are not Vampires, sometimes referred to as ‘The Heralds’, or tales of ‘The man on the Mount’.


Followers of Set 1. Childe What any newly embraced Follower of Set knows -You know that you are a Setite -You know other people don't like you because you're a Setite -You know that there is a God called Set that you're supposed to follow -You know that Set is Egyptian -You know that there are temples (You have no idea where or what is in them) -You know that Setites don't like light -You know that people equate you with reptiles -You've heard whispered rumours about something called the "Satu Sekhemet" and that is inspires fear within the clan, but you don't know why or what it is.

2. Neonate What any neonate who has been sent out on their own knows -You know that you are not Camarilla or Sabbat, but part of an independant clan -You know that Set is an Egyptian God and that he was equated with death and darkness -You know that your purpose from being embraced was to corrupt, because thats how Set wants it -You know that you are extremely sensitive to light, because of some part of the religion that has to do with Ra -You know that others consider you evil because you are a corruptive snake -You know who your priests are and listen to what they say -You know where your temple is -You know that the Grand Temple (Ahneter) is in South America, and know the fax number -You know how to get an email to the Grand Temple and are part of the communication network -You have gained enough knowledge of Setite ritual and ceremony to be able to mimic it to a small cult

3. Ancillae What those who have lived have found to be true -You know that Setites often masquerade as other clans, and which ones are the easiest to inflitrate (Toreador is always a good one) -You know that there is a third generation of vampires that are supposed to bring about Gehenna and that Set wants you to work towards that end -You have heard the legends about Set and Osiris and that they fought with each other -You know where the Regional Temples are and how to get to them, you've seen them, you know the priests -You know the Paths of Set, that there are Typhonists, Ecstatics, and Warriors -You know about the three Orders that exist within the Followers of Set and they are called The Wenewet (Priesthood), the Kenyet Sutekh (Warriors) and the Satu Sekhemet (Intelligence) and that each of them has it's own duties within the clan, in fact you're probably even a member of one -If you're in the Wenewet, you know enough about Setite ritual and ceremony and you have enough knowledge to begin a Kari-neter or a Khem-neter (Chapter or Domain temple) in your city -If you're in the Kenyet Sutekh, you know that Set was a great warrior and you're following in his footsteps. You also know that advancement in the Kenyet Sutekh is acheived through Trial by Combat. -If you're in the Satu Sekhemet, you know who all the setites are in your domain, you may even know something about them (ST's discretion) ***This is the minimum lore level need to hold the Wenewet ranks of Hem and Hem-neter; the Kenyet Sutekh rank of Kenyet; and the Satu Sekhemet ranks of Sat or Sa***

4. Student What those who have seen and studied have found -You know a small amount of Setite ritual and ceremony and have enough knowledge to begin a small temple in your city -You know the location of the Grand Temple (Hewet-neter) for your continent and have been inside, you know who the High Priest is -You know that Set and Osiris fought, that Ra was their father, that Ra cursed Set, and that is why the Setites fear the light -You know that there are many clan secrets that you have yet to see -You know that there are mummies, or something like that, and that they are dangerous -You know that the 3rd generation have agents roaming around and that the 3rd generation shunned Set and this is why we corrupt -If you're in the Wenewet you have the ability to run a Per-neter (Regional Temple) and speak frequently with the Neb-hemu-tep-neter (High Priests) of your continent. -If you're in the Kenyet Sutekh, you know that the other Orders see your Order as a tool to use for their own goals of supremacy. -If you're in the Satu Sekhemet, you know who all the setites are in your region, you may even know something about them (ST's discretion)


5. Teacher Those who have taught what they have seen and studied -You are a philosopher in the ways of Set -You know all about the rivalry written in texts about Set and Osiris, you know of Isis and Nepthysis, you know of the Mummy Horus and the Cult of Isis. -You have the ability to run a Regional temple and speak frequently with the Neb-hemu-tep-neter of your continent, as well as those in other continents and the Grand temple -You are familiar with ritual and have studied extensively in Egyptology as well as Setite Lore -You know that the Ah-maa-neter (True Grand Temple) exists in Africa and you know of the existence of the Imy-er-hemu-tep-Sutekh (Dark Hierophant) who runs the Ah-maa-neter and the entire clan -If you're in the Wenewet you have the ability to run a Hewet-neter (Continental temple) and speak frequently with the High Priests of other continents and the Grand temple. -If you're in the Kenyet Sutekh you know that one day your Order will rule the clan because you follow in the footsteps of Set -If you're in the Satu Sekhemet you know all the Senet-semesu's on your continent and have access to all of their gathered intelligence. You also know all of the Senetmewets world-wide and have access to their gathered intelligence (Sat-sekhemet only) ***This is the minimum lore level need to hold the Wenewet rank of Neb-hemu-tep-neter and Imy-er-hemu-tep-neter; the Kenyet Sutekh ranks of Neb-tay-seryet and Imy-er-kenyet (as well as the maximum lore level for the Imy-er-kenyet); and the Satu Sekhemet ranks of Senet-mewetor Sa-imahy to a Senet-mewet and Sat sekhemet

6. Elder Those who have studied into the deepest depths of Set -You know the true story of Set, his life, his embrace, his shunning from the 3rd generation, the struggle between Set and Osiris, the truth about the Cult of Isis, that Children of Osiris live and that they are still a threat to the clan -You are either the Imy-er-hemu-tep-neter (Heirophant) or the Sat-sekhemet -You have recieved visions from Set, showing you the glory of the coming apocalypse ***This is the maximum lore level that the Imy-er-hemu-tep-neter and the Satsekhemet can obtain***

7. High Priest What those who have seen the deepest depths of Set have nightmarish visions about -You are the Imy-er-hemu-tep-Sutekh (Dark Heirophant) -You are the chosen of Set, the one He speaks to. The nightmarish visions that you see show the Gehenna and give you the path to take to make it come about -You know all there is to know on the history of the clan, you know about the different lines of the Followers of Set and where each one falls in the grand plan of Set -You have trouble sleeping during the day because you have so much knowledge

Gangrel 6. What a Gangrel scholar would know As a dedicated scholar, to obtain this level of knowledge will have taken centuries of research or direct access to the secrets of the Eldest of the Clan. At this stage, rumors and tales become truth. Finer details which you might earlier has dismissed as myth are now fact. And you're even more aware of that which you still don't know. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. You probably feel a bit paranoid. -You know fine details of early Gangrel history and the movers and shakers around the world -You know of the betrayal at Carthage -You know Lillith's kids were the lupines -You know Ennoia's mortal progeny are the Rom -You know the truth about the Waelkyrige -You would know how to get a message to the Gangrel Justicar -You know their was a once a war between the Gangrel and the Tremere, and may have taken part

7. What an ancient Gangrel scholar would know Knowledge is yours. At this point, you are a danger to elders and Antediluvians world-wide. -You know why the City/Country Gangrel split occurred -You know the history of elder Gangrel PCs in the sanctioned chronicle


Ghoul 6. Inconnu Ghoul You now know almost every secret of Ghouldom. You know that the Lasombra Clan has a society of Ghouls somewhere within their ranks that acts as servitors and warriors. You know that some people cannot be affected by the Blood Bond, and reject all attempts at being Blood Bonded. You have learned that the Bonding halts ageing in it’s entirety, and hence, other Supernatural creatures bonded suffer greatly. Changelings die off, Mages lose their powers, and Garou cannot change forms. You now have learned that the Nosferatu have experimented with Blood Bonding, to the point that they often create ‘Spawning Pools’. Pools of Blood designed to attract creatures that are ultimately Ghouled, and grow in both strength and size to become powerful servants. You know a little more about Ghouls throughout history, and have discovered at least a few of the major high fliers in mortal society are Ghouls.

7. Methuselah Ghoul You now have learned the true secrets of Ghouldom. You know that the Tzimisce often shape Ghouls into tools, walls or furniture. You know that most of the groups formed by these ‘Free’ Ghouls are created to hunt Vampires for their Vitae. And you probably, by now, know a few members of these groups. You have learned much of Ghoul physiology, and have discovered that Ghouls can be created at any stage of development, even during pregnancy. You know that the Tzimisce families of Revenants are charged with great tasks by ancients of their Clan, including possibly acting as guards to one of their Ancient members, possibly even Tzimisce himself. You know much of Ghouls throughout history, and know of many leading figures, both now and in the past who are, or have been Ghouls.

Giovanni 1. What a recently embraced childe would know The Giovanni seem to be distrusted by other vampires -The Giovanni seem to leave other vampires alone, and vice versa -The Giovanni pursue Necromancy, money, and the means to aquire both -Mortals don't have the same reaction from being bit from a Giovanni, compared to other vampires -All Giovanni seem to be all related either by blood or marriage

2. What a neonate would know Giovanni shouldn't teach Necromancy to *anyone* else -The Giovanni and the Camarilla have an "understanding" called the Promise that keeps you out of each other's face -Not all Giovanni were Giovanni when they were mortal -The Giovanni is the youngest Clan, but asking about it might be a bad idea. An exceptionally bad idea -The popular notion is that Family is the Family. Sects are for losers

3. What an established Giovanni would know This indicates time, experience, and a willingness for self-study -The Treaty of 1528 'Promises' that the Giovanni will not interfere in any Kindred affairs -The Giovanni Clan Head is Augustus Giovanni, who should not be talked about -You have heard of the Path of Bones, and may be on the Path yourself -Its observed that Wraiths stick together in sects, such as the Haunters, like vampires do -Quite familiar with the Clan Hierarchy of Don - Consigliare - Primo Consigliere - Bruglione - Augustus

4. What an older Giovanni or a student of the Clan would know indicates personal time spent researching items that might detract in some fashion from local events -There's a rumor that Augustus diablerized his way to the top in the Dark Ages -It's been rumored that there are even more Necromantic Paths out there -It's been rumored that Necromancists can write their own Rituals -You know better than to attempt to contact Venice without talking to your Don first


5. What an dedicated Giovanni researcher would know Possessing this level indicates a dedication to research and study as well as the pursuit of new information and knowledge -You have heard rumors of the Premascines -The rumors of other Necromantic Paths out there seem to be true -You have heard rumors of other practicioners of Necromancy -Its been rumored that the Clan the Giovanni eliminated were the Cappadoacians

6. What a dedicated Giovanni scholar is able to find out after centuries of research, or with access to the secrets of the Mausoleum. Only a handful of characters should have this level. Information at this level would shock other Giovanni. You have gained some familiarity with the existance of other Necromantic Paths -You have heard rumors about some 'rending of the Shroud plan' -You may have heard about the Nagaraja, and that wraiths fear the "Harbingers of Skulls" -You may have crossed evidence of the existance of the Premascines

7. What only the most dedicated Giovanni scholar would know after centuries of study and research. Secrets here are often kept in the hands of Augustus and his advisors. The secrets of the Jyhad lie herein. -Has a confident knowledge and opinion of the Nagaraja and Premascines. -May have once spoken to Augustus himself. -Has a confident knowledge of the planned rending of the Shroud. -Has heard suspicions as to what the Harbingers of Skulls *really* are

Infernal Lore You are a master of the Dark arts, or have studied many texts on their nature.

1. Dabbler You know little of the dark arts. You know where to find basic occult texts, and who to speak to about them. You have dabbled a little in summoning and binding demons, but have never been successful. You know of no other Infernalists in your locality, and believe that you may be the only one. You may have once met or fought a Demon, and learned a little, but not much. Enough to peak your interest. You know that Demons exist in another world to this one, beyond normal reach.

2. Neophyte You have studied a little more of the dark arts. Enough to start to be able to tell the false texts from the ones with some power in them. You have perhaps become part of a coven or circle, and have begun to study their weakest rituals. You are aware of a Hierarchy that exists in the Infernal orders, but have no idea as to what this order is. You have met an imp at most, and seen one or more higher Demons.

3. Servitor You have begun to learn more of the Infernal orders. You now can name at least the major Demons within the Demonic ranks. You have met at least one powerful Demon, either in battle, or through ritual. You know of at least a few mortal infernal practitioners in the area, and possibly of one Supernatural infernalist. You know that Infernal Vampires exist within the Sabbat, and perhaps in the Camarilla. You also know an entire order of Infernal mages exist, although you have met none of their number. You now, have learned that Summoning rituals consist of two parts, one to find and attract the attention of a Demon, and the other to pierce the barrier between this world and the next.

4. Priest You know many Infernal rites. You know most of the lower rites, and a few more powerful ones. You, by now, have probably been shown how to Summon and Bind a Demon, if you haven’t done so already. You can name most of the common Infernal entities, and know of one or two lesser known ones. You know that Demons can grant their higher minions, after sacrafice and intense worship, Infernal powers. You know of the location of one or more powerful Demonic texts, and you know how to discern the difference between a forgery and a complete Infernal Text. You know that the Sabbat have an ‘Inquisition’ dedicated to killing Infernalists, and the Camarilla Archons and Justicars do much the same.


But you also know that Infernalists exist within the ranks of the Camarilla, although you cannot say where. You have learned that a band of Mages, called the ‘Nephandi’ serve their Dark masters. You know that some of the Garou nation also serve infernal masters, calling it ‘The Wyrm’. You know that Demons can also teach a variety of Blood Magick to any of their servants with the nessesary power. You are known to many of the Infernal creatures of lesser power, who may well call you by name should they see you.

5. High Priest You know much of the Infernal. You know that Demons exist in a World known to Mages and Garou, as the ‘Deep Umbra’, a separate world from this, in which anything can exist. You now know that ‘Nephandi’ follow dark gods who aid them in their battle against ‘Tradition’ and ‘Technocratic’ Mages. You also know that the Garou who follow the Infernal Masters, are known to their number as ‘Black Spiral Dancers’. They are granted Infernal mutations and gifts for their dedication. You know of many of the Infernal Gifts available to servitors of the dark forces. You know that ‘Dark Thaumaturgy’ is available to any who know how to learn the Blood magic of the Tremere, from Demons of suitable power. You can name all of the lower Ranks of Demon, and can identify them on sight, and most of the higher ranks as well. By now, you’ve probably learned of at least one Infernalist within the ranks of the Supernatural, and have had contact with them at least once. You have learned enough, that with the right documents, and the nessesary abilities, you could probably start to teach the Dark ways to another. You have probably a large collection of Infernal texts by now, and regularly study them.

6. Master of the Infernal You have a comprehensive knowledge of the Dark ways. You know much of the Demonic Society, and of their Ranks. You can name almost every Demonic Rank, and a few that exist outside of the normal Heirarchy. You have studied the Dark arts almost comprehensivley, and have probably, by now, begun to experiment with Infernal Gifts. You have a full knowledge of exactly what powers are available, for the correct Price from certain Demons. You know that the Demonic powers exist in the Umbral world, and wish to enter this one. That much is clear. But you have also learned that many Supernatural creatures posses the power to breach this barrier, and hence the Infernal masters wish to harness this power. They believe in the coming of the End of the World, where they will be given the power to step into this reality. You have been noticed by the highest Infernal powers, and are probably known to them by name.

7. Demon You know all of the darkest arts. You have learned to recognaise every Infernal creature, and can probably determine even hidden Infernal creatures. You have learned every known Infernal ritual, and quite a few of the personally created ones, forged by Infernalists of times past. You now know that the highest Echelons of both the Camarilla and Sabbat have been infiltrated by Infernalists, and the Infernal. You know much of the Infernal higher powers by name, and they you. You have learned of secrets unknown to any other creature, infernal powers granted by the Highest of the Infernal Lords. You have learned the contents of many Infernal texts, and have probably scripted many of your own. You know the true secrets of the nature of the Infernal, and the true reasons they wish to breach the barrier to this world. You know who truly controls the Demonic legions, and their connection with the Higher Powers. You know much of the truth behind the Legend of Lucifer, and the Infernal connections with Vampires. There is little knowledge left beyond your grasp. And by now, the Infernal Masters watch your every move, every breath. And not necessarily for your greater good.


Inquisition 1. Novice You know the basic facts about the Society of Leopold. E.g. It exists, has links to the church, and well-known facts of the founding of the Society.

2. Inquisitor You have learned a few details of interest about the Society of Leopold. The Paiousia (The prophecy of the second coming), you know of the existence of Theurgy and True Faith, but know no reliable facts, the Hierarchy of the society, the 5 Canon’s of the Society and of the existence of some sub divisions and sects of the Society, and knowledge that Relics of times past exist, but not of any verifiable sightings of these items.

3. Condotierri / Gladius Dei You have gained a wealth of knowledge about the Society e.g. Society procedures and tactics, locations of a range of weak Holy sites and how to use them (If you have True Faith), True Faith and how to use it (If you have it) and basic knowledge of common Theurgy paths, Important faces of the Society, and knowledge of all commonly known Sub Devisions, and some of the less common sects.

4. Censor You are considered a Scholar within the Inquisition, (You have to have membership, or have had at some point, of the Inquisition to have Levels 4 and above) you know of many Holy sites and how to use them, you know how True Faith can be used effectively, and of most Theurgy paths. You also know the location of the Great Reliquary and Leopolds Tomb, and of some of the Relics within, but not how to access them. You also know some of the famous and infamous faces of the Inquisition and some secrets from the Societies past (e.g. the Truth behind the Florentine Heresy). You know of the existence of another sect of Hunters, ‘The Arcarnum’, and that they keep a distance from the Inquisition.

5. Provincial You are privy to the Secrets of the Inquisition. You know how to gain access to both the Great Reliquary and Leopolds tomb, and also have a catalogue (not necessarily accurate) of the Relics within. You know the complete and detailed history of the Society, and most known Sects and know of the existence of the secret Theurgy paths, and that True Faith, is a branch of the Numia Powers, and that other such powers exist. You may also know of the existence of Supernaturals within the Inquisition and know key members of the Society by their first names. You know of members of the Arcarnum, and could possibly have Relations with that group.

6. Inquisitor General You have a full and accurate history of the Society and most of the Sects within. Secrets such as what the Reliquary truly is, an accurate catalogue of it’s Relics. You may also know secrets like what is really in Leopolds Tomb and secrets of the Influential members of the Society (i.e. their pasts). You are privy to the knowledge that a secretive sect of mages, ‘The Celestial Chorus’, has a long and intertwined relationship with the Society.

7. Leopold Murnau What you don’t know about the Society, and its members, isn’t worth knowing. The secrets of the Society are lain bare to you, including the infiltration of it’s numbers by Supernaturals, their names and locations. The possible locations of the True Cross, every Legend of the Second Coming, and the details of most, if not all, of the Relics in existence. God knows your name.


Kindred 6. What the Wisest of the Elders Suspect Probably a player (although minor) in the Jyhad and have learned enough to survive (up to now) -Experience with Cainite society is likely to be more accurately measured in millennia rather than mere centuries -When Gehenna comes, will likely read the signs properly -A working familiarity with several editions, variora, and translations of the Book of Nod as well as some other apocryphal writings

7. What Servants of the Antediluvians Fear Whose pawn they are -Both the day and the hour -The whispered voice in their dreams -Some of the real reasons behind the Jyhad Seeing a large portion of the "Great Game" -Knowing enough to make moves on it -Being compelled to make them -Having suspicions where an Antediluvian sleeps -Catching themselves thinking of the Book of Nod as a "Now-I-Can-Read" book.

Lasombra 1. What a newly embraced Lasombra would know Sunlight causes more damage to Lasombra -You cast no reflection -You know in good detail what Obtenebration up to Intermediate level works like -Knows that the clan is held in higher standing in the Sabbat, and that they hold a lot of leadership positions in the sect -You know your lineage one maybe two steps (sire and possibly grandsire)

2. What a newly released Lasombra would know You know not to kill other Lasombra, although sometimes it seems allowed, but you're not sure why -There seems to be some sort of leadership in the clan, outside of Sabbat hierarchy. The term 'friends' is mentioned around them -You know some snippets of clan history -The Lasombra were the founders of the Sabbat -They killed their own Antediluvian -There are other, non-Sabbat, Lasombra, which are to be killed on sight -You know in good detail what Obtenebration up to Advanced level works like -You know your lineage well, and know immediate lineage of prominent Lasombra

3. What an average Lasombra would know Knows about the Les Amies Noir, although not who is a member -Knows about the Courts of Blood, and how they work -Knows the common history of the clan -Knows the descriptions of Expert Obtenebration powers, although not in detail unless they possess them Knows that special Obtenebration powers exist, although they have to be taught by someone -Knows own lineage back to Lasombra, good information on lineages of prominent Lasombra

4. Lasombra who has been around for a while Knows the motivation behind commonly known events in Lasombra history -Suspects who several Les Amies Noir members might be, but knows not to speak of it -Knows the descriptions of several special powers, and an idea where to find a teacher -Knows lineages of most active Lasombra one to two steps from subject

5. Lasombra who has either learned a lot through experience, or is a scholar of the clan Knows most details of commonly known events in history (either through experience or by talking to witnesses) -Knows who a few Les Amies Noir members are with certainty -Knows where to look for teachers for special powers -Knows lineages of most active Lasombra back to Lasombra, knows tidbits about lineages of inactive or dead Lasombra

6. Very old Lasombra who both experienced a lot and is a scholar of the clan. Knows and/or participated in most major events in Lasombra history in past 400 years -Knows who most Les Amies Noir are, and who might be asked to be next -Knows lineages of all active Lasombra in detail, has good information of lineages of inactive or dead Lasombra


7. Ancient Lasombra You know everything there is to know about the clan, past, present, and where its heading -You can recite the lineages of all who bear Lasombra blood.

Mage 1. Student You have learned that Magi really exist, wizards of legend. You know they hold great powers, and hide amoungst humanity almost unnoticed.

2. College You have studied more about Wizards and their kind. You know they divide themselves into two separate groups, who battle each other. You know that they hold themselves responsible for many creations of mankind.

3. Masters You have begun to learn more of these Magi. They call themselves ‘Mages’, and separate themselves into ‘Tradition’ and ‘Technocratic’ Mages. The ‘Tradition’ Mages are your archetypal wizards, and ‘Technocratic’ Mages are cyberpunk esque users of technology. You know that they also divide themselves into groups, called Traditions, and by now, you’ve probably met at least one Mage of some sort. You know they believe in another World, the ‘Umbra’.

4. Doctorate You have learned much of their kind now. You know that the ‘Technocracy’ represent the forces of stability and rigid order, and the ‘Traditions’ the power of raw creativity. Each views itself the protectors of humanity. You also know that both, but more so the ‘Technocracers’ view other Supernatural races as interfering and a danger. You know that within the ‘Umbra’ Mages can cast any spell, but within this reality, their powers are limited. You know they all fear a type of Mage called a ‘Nephandi’, a worshipper of Dark Masters. You know Magi fear the power of Disbelief, as this stops their spells from working.

5. Scholar You know a great deal about Mages. You have met quite a few of their number, and have talked to them. You know of at least 3 Traditions or Conventions, and can describe them in a little detail. You know that ‘Nephandi’ serve masters from the Umbra, who promise them great rewards for the corruption and subversion of humanity. You know that Mages also are wary if not terrified of a type of Mage called a ‘Marauder’. These Mages have great power, and near infinite madness. You know that Mages call the power of Disbelief ‘Paradox’ and are wary of it, as it can counter their Magicks.

Malkavian 6. at a few elders suspect ’Has heard whispers to the effect of where Malkav lies - Has developed ideas and theories about the Malkavians' role in the Jyhad.. May have uncovered some information about the origin of the Curse.. -Why Dementation went missing -How to get to Arcadia -How to actually break reality

7. What nobody should really know Ideas about the alleged secret that Caine told Malkav -Developed some predictions about what will happen to the clan in Gehenna Why Dementation is back, really -Visions of the clan's destiny


Nosferatu 6. Info master You are aware of the movements of the clan on a national scale, and have information about the Clan and it's members that is rather obscure -You know the Nosferatu gave shelter to the Salubri in the Dark Ages, when the "Usurpers" stole the Salubri's place amongst the Childer of Caine -The Nosferatu in those days often followed a Path of Enlightment that dictated that god had cursed Caine, and created vampires, to punish the wicked -Those things under the earth are a danger, as they are associated to the darker powers of the universe -You know that it's war between you and the Nictuku. They aren't interested in Jyhad, they don't follow the Camarilla or the Sabbat -- they just want you dead -You gather information in the hopes that you will spot the Nictuku's movements in time to get out of their way...

2. Source You are ancient, and if you weren't around at the clan's formation, you have first-hand accounts from those who were there -You are aware of Clan issues on a global level -You are almost able to predict where the Nictuku, will strike next. Almost -You know more of those who consider themselves the true children of Absimilard (you even know his name, and you have no trouble believing that Baba Yaga ate the Brujah Council in Moscow) -You may have had a close encounter with one of the Nictuku -You know that the protection of the Salubri was more to spite the Tremere than save the Salubri

Ravnos 1. What any Mulo might uncover Aware that the Ravnos are a specific kind of vampire. You have heard that they are in some way related to Gypsies. Aware that people do not tend to trust most Ravnos. You know that the Ravnos do not ally themselves as a whole to other kinds of Vampires. You know that Ravnos often travel, usually in groups. Ravnos tend to be criminals of some sort. If you shut the Ravnos out of a city, they will return in greater numbers and trash it. Beware the Ravnos’ “Evil Eye”

2. What most vampire Gaje might realize A lot of Ravnos are made from Gypsies. Honor between Ravnos and freedom are highly valued. Few people tell Ravnos where they can or cannot go, lest they invoke a “Treatment”.They and the vampires called “Gangrel” have a bitter enmity in their past. The groups the Ravnos travel in are led by a “Baro”. You know the local Baro and suspect he may be ruled by others

3. What Phralmulo must be taught While “Gypsy Curses” are rare, Ravnos can create illusions. This power is called “Chimerstry”. As Chimerstry becomes more powerful, it can even hurt others. You know of the Ravnos gifts of Animalism and Fortitude The Ravnos created in Europe tend to be from the Roma, though many of the American Ravnos are not. It is considered a serious crime to feed from the Roma. You know about the act and nature of “Treatments” and what they are used for You know of the Right to Challenge when your honor is questioned You probably know a handful of Ravnos-related Roma words, such as: Kumpania, Gaje, Phralmulo, Kris, etc. You understand that the Gangrel and Ravnos have a shared history. You know of the Kris - the Ravnos court. You’ve heard one or two legends of the origins of the bloodline. You do not yet know which one may be true. (Refer to Ravnos Clanbook and World of Darkness: Gypsies)

4. What any respectable Baro should know This knowledge is considered a killable offense if known by members of another Clan or sect. You probably believe in the “Kaen’s Favored Son” legend, as you now have heard much more about it. You have heard of mortal Roma who call themselves by the name of Ravnos. Becoming marhime is a powerful fear in your heart. You are familiar with many Ravnos legends, including the “Hok-Kanu Baro”, the “Seeds of Power” and families of Vampire hunters among the Roma. You have heard of a Path of Enlightenment among the Ravnos. You have heard stories of Ravnos older than the Roma, though you may not have met one. You know the Krisatori who keeps watch over your Kumpaniya and more or less where they are. You know at least one other Baro and more or less where they are. You have heard rumors of chronicle-specific events and developments, but don’t know much in the way of details. You have heard rumors of past problems with Setites paying too much attention to Roma. There was a time very long ago when the Ravnos and some werewolves fought together to protect Roma from harm at the hands of some corrupting force. Some very old elders aren’t even Romani.

5. What a Krisatori must know to be worthy This knowledge is considered a killable offense if known by members of another Clan or sect. Other info on prominent elders as it becomes available

6. The Shanglo of the Ravnos This knowledge is considered a killable offense if known by members of another Clan or sect GSA Recommends: Character gains one of the following flaws, which cannot be bought off:Nightmares, Phobia (mild), Cursed (1 pt) More chronicle-specific knowledge

7. The knowledge which makes a Ravnos considered Samadji This knowledge is considered a killable offense if known by members of another Clan or sect GSA Recommends: Character gains one of the following Flaws, which cannot be bought off: Driving Goal, Absent Minded, Haunted. Whatever it is, you probably know it.

Sabbat 6. Cardinal You are now privy to the deeper aspects of the Sabbat. You know that the Tremere Antitribu are all but destroyed in some cataclysmic event. You are privy to knowledge of all Sabbat movements within the Country, and to many of the movements of the Sabbat Inquisition. You know many secrets of the past’s of high ranking members of the Sabbat. You lead packs on many raids, and are probably a Veteran of the ‘liberation’ of one or more Camarilla cities. You know of one or more Sabbat spies within the Camarilla and Anarchs. You have contact with Sabbat in other Countries, and know more than a few Priest’s and other ranking members overseas.


You have some pull within the Sabbat, enough to get your personal goals fulfilled easily. You know who pulls the strings and how. You know that Infernalism has gone underground in the Sabbat, and exists even now in the higher echelons. You know that lesser factions exist within the Sabbat, each following their own hidden agendas. You know that the Lasombra and Tzimisce have a small number that have escaped the Sabbat, calling themselves the Antitribu within the Camarilla. You also know that both Clans hunt these beings to the ends of the Earth.

7. Regent You are a leader of the Sabbat. What you don’t know, either isn’t worth knowing, or you chose not to learn. You know leaders of most Societies within the Sect. You know of the eternal struggle for power between the Tzimisce and the Lasombra. You know what to do, and how to do it. By now, you have learned many of the darkest secrets of the Sabbat. You know that Mexico was the last standing place of the Tremere Antitribu, who died en-masse in some elaborate ritual. You also know of the pact made between the Sabbat and the ‘Harbingers of Skulls’ for their membership. You know the secrets behind the killing of the Tzimisce and Lasombra Antediluvians and the true goals of the Sabbat, and hence the reason for their creation. You know of the global movements of the Sabbat and have probably had a hand in their plans. You know the truth behind many of the darkest aspects of the Sabbat.

Setite 1. What any newly embraced Follower of Set knows You are familiar with what clan you are. You know other people don't like you because you're a Setite. The toreador might be an exception to this, whom we have had a long and loving relationship with. You know that there is a god called Set that you're supposed to follow. You know that Set is an Egyptian god and that he was equated with death, storms, chaos, and darkness. You know that there are temples, usually associated with the Masons in a town. (You have no idea where or what is in them.) You know that Setites don't like light. You know that people equate you with reptiles. You are familiar with the basic uses of Serpentis.

2. What any neonate who has been sent out on their own knows You know that you are not Camarilla or Sabbat, but part of an independent clan. You know that most people believe you were embraced to corrupt, even though that's not necessarily the truth. You know that you are extremely sensitive to light, because of some part of the religion that has to do with Ra. You know that others consider you evil because you are a corruptive snake. You know who your priests are and listen to what they say. You are aware of what it means if someone is named -Osiris- within the clan. You know where your temple is. You are familiar with the intermediate uses of Serpentis You have heard stories of Magi, sorcerers of the clan but have no idea who one is or what they do. You have also heard of the Medjay, Warriors of the clan and protectors of the temples. You know there is a pecking order to the clan, and that cult leadership, temple construction and skills are needed to advance on it. You have an idea how to build a proper temple, but are unsure of the exact expectations. You are aware of one or two of the most prominent national cults. You are familiar with the story of Set and Apophis, and you know that worshipping Apophis over Set is bad. You have heard the legends about Set and Osiris and that they fought with each other. You are aware there is more to the story then just the Joseph Campbell version.

3. What those who have lived have found to be true You know that Setites often masquerade as other clans, and which ones are the easiest to infiltrate. You know that there is a third generation of vampires that are supposed to bring about Gehenna and that Set wants you to work towards that end. You know where the Regional Temples are and how to get to them, you've seen them, you know the priests.\ You have gained enough knowledge of Setite ritual and ceremony to be able to mimic it to a city sized cult. You know the Paths of Set, that there are Typhonists, Ecstatics, and Warriors and that each of these has its own duties within the clan. You understand the advanced uses of Serpentis. You are aware of the Path of Corruption, a general overview of what it does, and that the Followers have access to other Paths. You know the in-clan Status system in detail, and are fully aware of how to advance on it and how to lose status as well. You are aware that the daughters are the status-keepers of the Clan and they alone can name someone -Osiris- . You are fully versed in the different requirements for building various temples, up to and including Continental temples. You have heard of any Followers of Set with 9 status or more. You are aware of all the national level cults and a handful of the smaller regional ones.

4. What Elders who have seen and studied have found You know a sizeable amount of Setite ritual and ceremony and have enough knowledge to run, construct and consecrate a regional temple in your city, as well as the basic information for running a Continental temple. You know the location of the Grand Temple for your continent and have been inside, you know who the High Priest is. You know that Set and Osiris fought, that Ra was their father, that Ra cursed Set, and that is why the Setites fear the light. You know that there are many clan secrets that you have yet to see. You know that there are mummies, or something like that, and that they are dangerous. You have heard rumors of the Daitya...who worship a god other then Set. You know that the 3rd generation have agents roaming around and that the 3rd generation shunned Set and this is why we corrupt. You are aware of 3 or 4 various paths of Setite Sorcery. You understand the elder powers of Serpentis. You have heard of any Followers of Set with 5 or more Status. You have can recall any Follower's lineage if they have 9 status or more.


You are familiar with all the active cults, regardless of size. You are familiar with the paths of Sutekh and Typhon and their core beliefs. You are also aware that The Path of Ecstasy and Path of the Warriors are branches of the Path of Typhon. You are familiar with the Follower's rivalry with the Illuminati. You have heard stories involving Saulot and Malkav.

5. Those who have taught what they have seen and studied You are a philosopher in the ways of Set. You know all about the rivalry written in texts about Set and Osiris, you know of Isis and Nepthysis, you know of the Mummy Horus and the Cult of Isis. You have the ability (though may not necessarily) to construct, consecrate, and run a Continental temple and speak frequently with the High Priests of your continent, as well as those in other continents and the Grand temple. You are familiar with ritual and have studied extensively in Egyptology as well as Setite Lore. You are familiar with the fact that there are Followers of the faith who worship different gods but still hold to the same tenets of the path. You might have met a few even. You have heard rumors of a bloodline that lives in Mexico. You are familiar with all the paths of Setite Sorcery You can recognize almost any Follower of Set, at least by name. You can recall any Follower's lineage if they have at least 1or more Status You can name all of the major Setite temples throughout history STs may contact the Follower of Set GSA should they wish more detailed information on a PC by PC basis.

Spirits 1. Student You know of the existence of a World beyond this one, inhabited by Ghosts. You know that they are insubstantial in this World, and can never affect it. You know they have a society, much like our own, and long to return to this world.

2. College You have learned a little more of the dead. You know that not all Spirits return to the afterlife. Only those with great issues to deal with return, and then not always. You’ve probably spoken to one or more Ghosts by now. You know now that their Society is a strict order, called the Hierarchy, who govern all of their number with an iron grip. You know that they live in ‘Necropolis’, alternative versions of ‘real world’ cities, in the land of the Dead.

3. Masters You have learned that the ‘Shadowlands’ or lands of the Dead, represent the World of the Dead. All that has decayed and been destroyed here, that had great meaning in this world, reappears there. You know that Wraiths can be harmed by real world objects moving through their Ethereal bodies. You also know that they have formed themselves into ‘Guilds’, groups of Ghosts, or ‘Wraiths’ who follow the same ideals. You also know of corrupted Wraiths called ‘Spectres’ who make it their lives to attack and destroy other Wraiths.

4. Doctorate You have learned much more of the Dead by now. You know of Charon, their great Leader. You know that the ‘Hierarchy’ holds control only over few of the Wraiths, with many shunning control as ‘Heretics’ or ‘Renegades’. You know Religious belief is a strong power within the lands of the Dead, and those of the same beliefs often flock together. You know that some Wraiths posses the power to alter things in this World, and even enter here for short periods of time. You know that there are many different types of ‘Spectre’ who are born in a dark Maelstrom called ‘The Tempest’. You now know that Wraiths are bound to items or people within this World, that they call Fetters.

5. Scholar You have gained much knowledge of the lands of the Dead by now. You know that ‘Spectres’ are controlled by ancient evil’s called Malfeans that exist only in the lands of the Dead. You know that the Hierarchy await the resurrection of Charon. You know that certain Vampires have the abilities to enter the lands of the Dead for short periods of time. You have discovered the names of at least 3 different Guilds, and have probably spoken to members of at least these Guilds. You know the Wraith central city is called ‘Stygia’ and does not have a Real World counterpart. You know the Wraith’s ‘Fetters’, are items or people important to them in their lives, and act as points of rest and recuperation to these Ghosts.

Toreador 6. Rumors and Secrets which fall beyond Gossip May own some portions of the Book of Nod relating to the Toreador. -Knows Toreador specific events and rumors from 1 AD to present time, or history of Clan Toreador which spans the character's lifetime, whichever is greater. -Has heard all the rumors of the legends of the First City and some of the legends of the Second City from the Toreador perspective. -Has heard a few more interesting rumors [CbT, All of "A Frightening Legacy", pg. 11]. -Can recognize any Toreador with in clan status. -Can name all of the Grand Masters and Syndaskoli of the Guilds, and possibly have contacts there in; knows of the history of the Guilds from 1400 to the present time. -Has a contact within the minor Toreador Cotories. -Very aware of Toreador Lineages. -Aware of each and every Toreador influenced artistic movement.

7. Rumors and Secrets no one talks about Owns significant portions of the Book of Nod that relate to the Toreador in. -Knows first hand what happened in the First City and in the Second City. -Can name all of the Didaskoli of the Guilds, and most probably has their ear. -Knows several contacts in the minor, secretive coteries. -Has hosted many Grand Salons.


Tremere 6. What a Lord keeps hidden How to serve as Praeco at a tribunal -The labrynthine complexities of the Peripheral Code -The events of 1133 -Knowledge of the hierarchy within their Pontifex's Order -Basic understanding of what many rare (special approval) paths and rituals can do -The true purposes behind the Commerce, and Politics and Religion Orders -Knows some of the Tremere involved in the secret societies -When and how to contact a Pontifex (without being demoted to Apprentice 1 and sent to Antarctica)

7. What a Pontifex would never reveal Some of the secrets at Ceoris -The true story behind the creation of the Gargoyles -The real reasons behind the actions of the house and clan (past and present) -Basic knowledge of what most any Thaumaturgical path and ritual can do -The true purpose behind mission chantries -How to approach with the Councillor -The current directives from Vienna for the United Kingdom

Tzimisce 1. Childer You are aware of the Tzimisce. And they are aware of you. You know they fancy themselves as Fiends, torturers and Vampires of legend. You know they hold a powerful place in the Sabbat, and exist only within their ranks. You know many, if not all, are traditionalists, and often sport capes and Victorian attire. You have perhaps met one of their number, no more.


2. Neonate You have met a few of the ‘Fiends’ and have learnt a little more of their nature. You know their ancestoral home is in Eastern Europe, and few are seen else where. You know that they are masters of the body shaping Discipline ‘Vicissitude’. You know that they play a lesser role in the Leadership of the Sabbat , than the Lasombra, but are seemingly content to do so. You know the Clan has an intense hatred of both the Camarilla, and it’s members. You have noticed a massive superiority complex within their members. You know that the Clan, as a whole, have an intense dislike for the Masquerade, and often pay no heed to it, or the consequences of breaking it. You have learned that Tzimisce shape their Ghouls, creating guardians and combat Ghouls, the ‘Szlachta’ and ‘Vozhd’. You know now, that ‘Vozhd’ are shaped from the bodies of many humans, shaped with Vicissitude into their horrid forms.

3. Ancillae you have learned more of the history of the Tzimisce. You know that they foster a hatred almost unsurpassed for the Tremere, but you cannot find out why. You know that Tzimisce are territorial, sometimes extremely so, and that they have an affinity for their havens, and are often loathed to leave them for long periods of time. You know that Tzimisce are proud of the fact that they claim to have killed their Antedeluvian in the Anarch Revolt, and claim to be free of his hold over them. You are now aware that the Tzimisce’s backseat leadership of the Sabbat is as much by choice, as anything else. You know that many of the Tzimisce claim that Vlad Dracul was a member of their number in ancient times. But you also know that just as many deny his very existance. You are aware that the Tzimisce heirarchy is very close knit, and work well together, missing much of the infighting of other Clans. You know that the Tzimisce keep Revnant Ghouls as loyal servitors, breeding many of their kind to act as their daylight agents. You know that they keep at least two separate families in their employ, each dedicated to different tasks. You have mastered Vicissitude enough to be able to create ‘Szlachta’.

4. Elder You have learned much more of the Fiends, and their politics. You are now aware that within the Clan are a number of secretive societies, but you cannot find more on them. You have also learned that the Tzimisce’s hatred for the Tremere comes from a past crime of massive proportions commited against them. One that neither side talks of, but will never be forgiven. You have learned that some of the Tzimisce’s number practice Thaumaturgy in much the same way as Tremere do, but with much more ritualistic components. You know that some amoungst the Tzimisce’s number claim to be the ‘original’ Clan, but you are unaware of exactly what that means. You have learned that Tzimisce must sleep amoungst their homelands, or soil from there. As such, most either stay close to their havens, or carry soil from there with them at all times. You have learned that the Tzimisce have had a long and intertwined history with Eastern Europe, and claim to have been responsible for much of it’s history and famous figures. You know now, that the Tzimisce hold certain days of the year in high regard. You have also learned that not all of the Tzimisce are as static and old fashioned as they first state, and many keep their Clan origin’s quiet. You know many of the Tzimisce’s most Famous members.

5. Ancient Much of the Tzimisce’s alarming history is known to you now. You know that they hold Torture as an art form, a way of achieving a higher goal. You know that societies exist within the Clan, each centered about their own philosophy on how to achieve a higher ascendance. You know that the Clan holds certain days as Holy, uniting in a grand ceremony on these days where most, if not all of the Clan are expected to come along. You know now that the Tremere once, back in history, invaded the Lands of the Tremere and conducted experiments on many of their number, and hence the inbred hatred they have for the Clan. You have learned that the Tzimisce do not practice Thaumaturgy in the same way as the Tremere. Instead, they practice an ancient form of Blood Sorcery. It’s practitioners are few in number, and keep their abilities under wraps, and hence you have probably not met any of their kind. You have learned that many of the Elder Tzimisce have experimented with the Blood Bond, and have made some startling discoveries, but you cannot persuade anyone to tell you what these discoveries are. You know how to form and create Vohzd from the bodies of Ghouls.


6. Methusela You know many of the Tzimisce’s darkest secrets. You now know that the Tremere used both Tzimisce and Gangrel, or even Nosferatu specimiens to create their servitors, the Gargoyle’s. And never willingly. And hence the undying emnity that exists between both Clans. You have learned that the Tzimisce claim that Tzimisce him (or her)self, was supposedly a Mage, and hence from him comes the Tzimisce's blood sorcery known to them as ‘Kouldonic Sorcery’. You have learned that this Sorcery is supposed to have come from ancient times, when ancients of the Clan bought forth an item of some sort that changed the history and destiny of the Clan. You know that the secret societies within the Clan are broken up into the Metamorphosists, Neofeudalists, Reclamationists, Diversifists Exsanguinists, and those knowledgeable enough not to become involved in the Clans internal Jyhad. You know that the most holy night of the Clan, is June 24th, Kupala’s Night. You know that it holds a great significance with Elders of the Clan, and marks a great night within the Clans history, but you do not know exactly what this night marks. You know that the Tzimisce gladly leave the Lasombra to lead the Sabbat until they are ready to take it back from them in their hour of triumph. You know that Tzimisce experimentations with the Blood Bond, have discovered ways in which the Bond can be formed from one drink, used to create different feelings, aside from love in the victim, and you even hear rumor that the bond can be ‘triggered’ by some Elders, lain in wait until needed. You know that at least one group of Revenants in the Tzimisce’s employ guard a great secret of the Clan, rumor has it the Clan’s founder itself, for many believe that Tzimisce escaped death in the Anarch War. You know that there is some degree of truth to the rumor that Vald Tepes was in fact a Tzimisce, and still roams the nights.

7. Tzimisce You know almost everything there is to know about the ancient Clan. You know of the secret of creating Bonds of a variety of styles. You know how to shape Gargoyles. You know the truth of what the Revenants guard. You know that Kupala’s Night is a ceremony to mark the night when the ancients of the Clan came to call a great gathering to show the Clan the ‘Fire Flower’, the item that gave the Fiends the power to break the Blood Bond, and supposedly gave the Elders power over the Infernal. You know the truth of the battle with Tzimisce in the Anarch war, and know of his survival. You know deep and dark secrets behind many of the Tzimisce’s leading members. You know the true secret of Vicissitude. You know all of the darkest secrets of the Clan, from it’s involvement in the 3rd Reich, to it’s experiments with Germ warfare, and the possible inclusion of Vampiric blood in these weapons.

Vampire (for ghoules only) 6. Beyond the ken of most mortals Basic knowledge of minor bloodlines -May know the names of Kindred Methuselahs and Antediluvians -Probably read fragments of the Book of Nod -Can recognize names of major vampires and make a good guess as to what city they live

7. Sure you're not Kindred? A detailed knowledge of Kindred history -Probably read substantial portions of the Book of Nod

Ventrue 6. What a Ventrue Historian has spent an unlife researching The history behind many of the Ventrue bloodlines -A well-established working knowledge of the Ventrue secret societies (possibly including a few prominent members) -You may also know of several prominent members in each society -Some inkling of what role the Ventrue play in the Jyhad

7. What some of the eldest of Ventrue might learn from their sires The purpose behind the Ventrue bloodlines -Knowledge of almost all the Ventrue secret societies from ages past -Knows where a few of the old ones dwell -Understands the true role of the Ventrue -Has read scripts from Veddhartha about the First City -Has heard a rumor of the creation of the perfect Ventrue


Wraith 1. Basic understanding of the necessities (Pathos) and the banes (Shadow, Angst) of a Wraith's existence; The Lady of Fate came unto the Shadowlands; Then came Charon. Your death marked you Leaders often say that they are owed loyalty due to the deathmarks of thosein their charge ; Some say Restless war among themselves, for various reasons; Rough knowledge of those factions they most commonly encounter; Some say the world will come to an end when Oblivion seeps forth from below--yah right, whatever . . .; Know many common Wraith specific terms. Have heard rumors there were once Guilds...

2. Knows of the existence of the Hierarchy, Heretics, and Renegade factions. Knows of Spectres Has heard the rumor that Legions war against each other through their troops, and this may or may not be believed; May have heard a few scraps of prophesy either about the Time of Darkness or the rise of Charon from the records of the Hierarchy. Probably hasn't read anything though; Understands the Shadow, Harrowing ; Can give short descriptions (equal to the descriptions in Oblivion) for 2-3 Guilds; May have heard vague rumors about something called Transcendance.

3. Can name the 13 Guilds and knows the W:TO descriptions; Has a basic understanding of the 13 primary Arcanoi (Argos, Castigate, Embody, Fatalism,, Inhabit, Keening, Lifeweb, Moliate, Outrage, Pandemonium, Puppetry, and Usery)--think general overview but not detailed W:TO write-ups; Can identify the markings of these Arcanoi; May have heard rumors about one of the rare guilds and their Arcanoi (Flux, Intimation, Mnemosynis); Knows several of the legends of the Far Shaores or Ferrymen; Has a rough knowledge of major events in Restless History, such as the Maelstroms, Stygia, Breaking of the Guilds; Can recognize names of many major Hierarchs currently active and make a guess as to what Necropolis they live in; knows all of W : TO p. 4-11 as fact. Knows many of the old terms and their meanings; Has heard rumors of the motives of the Ferrymen; May know something about Transcendance;

4. Can name many Deathlords and many of the major Malfeans-- may know some vague legends about them; Knows many of the legends of the First Days and the Signs of Doomsday; Has a vague understanding of what the Ferrymen are; Knowledge of a few of the Guild secret powers available in the 13 Guild Arcanoi --again think general description not detailed writeups. Knows the Dictum Mortuum

5. Detailed knowledge of Stygian history (this knowledge will likely be slanted from the Wraith's own faction); Basic knowledge of the Dark Arcanoi Know the legends surrounding the Malfeans Knows many of the common interpretations of the First Times and Signs of Domesday; Can see the hidden meanings in day-to-day Stygian politics.


Merits & Flaws Fysiska Fördelar och Nackdelar Skarpt sinne (1 poängs fördel) Du har ett särskilt skarpt sinne. I alla tester där du använder det sinnet får du +1 i en bestämd utmaning. Du kan dock aldrig få mer än 5. Kombinerat med Djupseendes Förhöjda sinnen kan den här fördelen ge dig en sann övermänskligt skärpa. Du kan ha flera skarpa sinnen, men du måste köpa en ny fördel för varje sinne.

Ambidextriös (1 poängs fördel) Du har en hög grad av koordinationsförmåga och du kan använda båda dina händer lika bra. Normalt får man -2 för att utföra saker med sin ""off"" hand. Med den här fördelen får du inget minus eftersom du kan hantera saker och ting lika bra i båda händer. Om du använder två vapen samtidigt i en strid får du upp till en extra attack per runda med din ""off"" hand om du betalar två i Smidighet. Normalt sett hade du behövt betala tre i Smidighet.

Kattlik Balans (1 poängs fördel) Du halkar nästan aldrig, snubblar, faller, eller blir yr. Ditt balanssinne är så välutvecklat att du lätt kan gå på ett smalt fönsterbräde eller en lina. Två gratis egenskaper i alla utmaningar där din balans är en avgörande faktor.

Uppskatta Mat (1 poängs fördel) Kanske har du utvecklat denna färdighet efter din omfamning eller så förlorade du aldrig förmågan att kunna äta mat. Vilket som så har din magsäck inte förtvinat och kan fortfarande fyllas med fasta ämnen. Du smälter dock inte maten och du måste kasta upp den senare. Den här fördelen kan vara ovärderlig i syfte att upprätthålla maskeraden.

Hälsosam Rodnad (2 poängs fördel) Olikt andra vampyrer som har blivit bleka och spöklika, behåller du en välmående rodnad på din hud. Ditt utseende är fortfarande hälsosamt och du känner dig bara lite kall. Denna fördel är en bra förmån när man umgås med dödliga, även om du fortfarande lider av låg mänsklighet (dessa är mer ett resultat av din naturliga vidunderlighet än ditt utseende).

Förtrollande Röst (3 poängs fördel) Din röst är naturligt resonant och befallande. Du får en gratis egenskap i utmaningar där du använder din röst till att förföra eller övertala med ett par väl valda ord. Denna fördel är mest effektiv när den används ihop med Närvaro eller Melpominee, men kan inte användas tillsammans med Domination.

Effektiv Matsmältning (3 poängs fördel) Du klarar av att dra extra näring ur blodet när du äter. Du får 3 blodspoäng för varje två du drar ifrån en människa (avrundat neråt). Denna effektivitet gäller bara för dödligt blod och du kan inte dricka mer än ditt normala blodmax.

Malplacerat Hjärta (3 poängs fördel) Ditt hjärtas placering är inte naturlig och personer som inte känner din anatomi har därför svårare att Påla hjärtat. Första lyckade pålningsförsöket i en strid kommer alltid att misslyckas. Förklara att du har malplacerat hjärta.


Storväxt (4 poängs fördel) Du sträcker du dig över de flesta motståndare (och allierade). Du har två extra skadenivåer. Du skall representera din stora kroppshydda rätt - att bära många lager pösiga kläder är en bra start om du inte är storväxt själv, men du måste vara minst 1,90m lång och väga över 80kg som person för att få köpa denna fördel.

Nedsatt hörsel (1 poängs nackdel) Du har lite svårt att höra, och alla utmaningar som inkluderar höra är numera en egenskap dyrare. Självklart kan du inte ta denna nackdel tillsammans med fördelen Skarp hörsel.

Kort (1 poängs nackdel) Du har problem med att se över saker, interagera med långa personer och komma undan uppmärksamheten pga. din storlek. Du kan endast ta två steg i en handling istället för tre, för din storleks skull. Du har också problem med att nå saker och att manipulera saker designade för normalt folk (som bilar). Även om du inte behöver vara dvärg, så måste du åtminstone vara under 1,60m i verkligheten för att få ta denna nackdel.

Nedsatt Syn (1 till 3 poängs nackdel) Bristfällig syn ger dig många problem. Alla utmaningar som involverar noggrann syn är en egenskap dyrare (att avfyra ett skott kostar exempelvis numera en egenskap extra). Om din syn går att rätta till med glasögon eller linser är det bara värt 1 poängs nackdel, om den inte är korrigerbar är det värt 3 poängs nackdel. Självklart kan du inte ha fördelen Skarp syn med denna nackdel.

Fjortonde generationen (2 poängs nackdel) Omfamnad i moderna tider är ditt blod tunnare än de flesta klanlösa. Du är inte mer än 5 år som vampyr, skapad av en av 13:e generationen. Du har 10 blodspoäng, men du kan bara använda 8 av dem, de andra två är overksamma och behandlas som dödligt blod. Du måste ta nackdelen Tunt blod (du får givetvis också de extra poängen för det) och du är förmodligen klanlös eftersom ditt blod är för tunt för att vara utmärkande för någon klan. Du kan inte ta bakgrunden Generation med denna nackdelen

Märkt för Livet (2 poängs nackdel) En gräslig vanställdhet har drabbat dig, vilket förvrider ditt ansikte på ett minnesvärt vis. Du kan inte ta några utseendebaserade fördelar. Alla sociala utmaningar förutom att hotas är en egenskap dyrare.

Enögd (2 poängs nackdel) En skada eller defekt, vilket som så saknar du ett öga eller så fungerar inte ett av dina ögon. Alla test mot din iakttagelseförmåga inkluderande avståndsstrider är en egenskap dyrare. Beroende på naturen av din ögonskada kan du välja att bära en ögonlapp eller helt enkelt ha ett blint öga.

Beroende (3 poängs nackdel) Något sorts kemiskt eller biologiskt ämne har dig fast och du är beroende av att få det i blodet. Du försöker att äta ifrån människor vars blod kan tillfredställa dina behov. Ämnet har oftast negativa effekter på dig - alkohol eller depressiva medel gör alla Fysiska utmaningar en egenskap dyrare för resten av kvällen efter att du ätit. Amfetaminer gör att alla Mental utmaningar är en egenskap dyrare. Du kan bara få näring ifrån blod med din ""drog"" i, allt annat spyr du upp.

Barn (3 poängs nackdel) Du blev omfamnad som barn, mellan 5 till 10 år. Din ålder orsakar några bestämda problem, du kan inte ha mer än 2 i grund i Styrka och Stamina och det är en egenskap dyrare att försöka utöva auktoritet på vuxna. Eftersom du aldrig åldras eller växer upp kommer du att få leva med denna nackdel för evigt. Du måste också ta nackdelen kort (givetvis får du även poäng för den)

Infekterat Bett (2 poängs nackdel) Pga. av enzymer, en sjukdom eller någon annan mystisk faktor kan du inte hela dina bett genom att slicka dem. De dödliga kan bli infekterade med en allvarlig sjukdom om du dricker ifrån dem - om du misslyckas med ett enkelt test efter att du lämnat en dödlig levande, men biten, drabbas den dödlige av en allvarlig sjukdom.

Smittbärare (2 poängs nackdel) Du lider av en dödlig sjukdom och du sprider den rask vidare till alla som dricker ditt blod. Även om den har lite effekt på vampyrer, kräver det att du spenderar en extra blodspoäng när du vaknar för att slippa dess försvagande symptom. Vidare får alla vampyrer som dricker ditt blod göra två enkla test - om de förlorar båda får även de sjukdomen.

Halt (3 poängs nackdel) Du har en mycket kraftig skada på bägge dina ben. Du kan bara ta ett steg per runda, du kan inte springa och måste ta den negativa Fysiska egenskapen halt. Vilket innebär att du alltid måste betala ett extra i fysiska utmaningar. Du borde rollspela denna nackdelen med en käpp eller ett par kryckor.

Monstruös (3 poängs nackdel) Någonting med dig blev fult och monstruöst när du blev omfamnad. Din yttre form är förvriden för att reflektera din inre best. Du kan inte starta en social utmaning, förutom de som handlar om att hota, när din sanna form är synlig. Nosferatu och Samedi kan inte ta denna nackdel.

Permanent sår (3 poängs nackdel) Innan du blev omfamnad hade du ett sår som din omvandling inte klarade av att hela. Som ett resultat vaknar du varje natt med detta sår. Du vaknar varje natt med tre vanliga skadenivåer ikryssade, men skadan kan givetvis läkas som vanligt.

Dåligt läkekött (3 poängs nackdel) Ditt blod är inte vidare effektivt när det gäller läkandet av sår, eller så har du aldrig lärt dig att koncentrera ditt vitae för att regenerera. För att återfå en skadenivå måste du bränna två blodspoäng och du kan bara hela en aggreverade skada i veckan (du kan dock spara ditt blod för läkning)


Döv (4 poängs nackdel) Du är helt döv. Du måste använda teckenspråk eller någon annan form av kommunikation. Du kan inte höra Dominerande kommandon och är därför vanligtvis immun mot dem (om de inte är inplanterade telepatiskt eller på något annat sätt utan ljud). Alla test som har att göra med iakttagelseförmåga eller vakenhet blir två egenskaper dyrare. Du kan inte ha fördelen skarp hörsel, och du blir automatiskt överraskad av alla som närmar sig dig ifrån ett håll utanför ditt synfält.

Stum (4 poängs nackdel) Du kan inte prata. För att kommunicera måste du teckna eller skriva ner dina tankar. Utan färdigheten språk kan du inte teckenspråket.

Tunt blod (4 poängs nackdel) Kains förbannelse är svag i ditt blod, det stärker dig väldigt dåligt. Alla blodspoängskostnader är dubblade, och kräver att du spenderar dubbla rundor när du laddar upp dina discipliner eller läker sig själv. Du kan inte blodsbinda folk och du kan endast omfamna någon om du vinner (inte oavgjort) ett simpelt test - annars dör offret.

Likkött (5 poängs nackdel) När du får skada blir ditt skinn fullt med buckliga ärr och varfyllda sår. Så fort du tar skada får du fler sådana sår. Som kan vara även efter du läkt dina sår. Efter en dags sömn har ditt skinn äntligen reparerat sig själv, men med ärren är det svårt att handskas med maskeraden innan du har sovit. Alla sociala test som inte går ut på att skrämmas blir två egenskaper dyrare, och ambulanser kommer idogt att försöka släpa med sig dig när du är ute på stan.

Vanskapt (6 poängs nackdel) En fysisk deformitet av något slag påverkar inte bara ditt utseende utan den gör även fysisk aktivitet svår för dig. Du har -1 i någon av dina Fysiska egenskaper och Sociala utmaningar är en egenskap dyrare. Du borde prata med spelledarna för att definiera naturen av din deformitet (puckelrygg, klumpfot, skrumpnande leder).


Blind (7 poängs nackdel) Den synliga världen är förlorad för dig. Du förlorar automatiskt alla oavgjorda utmaningar där synen är en faktor (t.ex. test på att manövrera dig). Du förlorar också automatiskt alla utmaningar som kräver syn. I stridsutmaningar och attackvärde är du tre egenskaper lägre än normalt. Du kan inte påverkas av Dominera eftersom du inte kan se in i ögonen på motståndaren, men det är alla fördelar du får. Intressant nog kan du fortfarande använda Djupseende - auraläsning även om du läser av auran genom andra sinnen (lukt, ljud, känsel etc.)

Mentala Fördelar och Nackdelar Koncentration (1 poängs fördel) Du har förmågan att kunna utesluta alla avledande faktorer och irritationer som vanligtvis hindrar andra. När man vanligtvis får minus pga. yttre fenomen (skarpt ljus, regn, höga ljud etc.) så får du inga.

Tidsmedvetande (1 poängs fördel) Du kan uppskatta tiden ganska precist till de närmaste en eller två minuterna utan klocka. Denna fördel är uppenbart väldigt användbar då man skall hinna i säkerhet innan soluppgången.

Hederskod (2 poängs fördel) En speciell uppförande kod och etik skild ifrån din moraliska stig styr dina handlingar. Denna kod är väldigt personlig, formad av dina tidigare erfarenheter. Du bör prata med din spelledare för att skapa en passande kod (vilket borde inkludera några hinder och ""förbjudna"" saker plus din tro och passion). Utmaningar som leder till en situation som kan få dig att bryta din kod, oavsett om det är en övernaturlig övertalning eller möjligt Raseri, blir två nivåer billigare att motstå.

Fotografiskt Minne (2 poängs fördel) Ditt minne är näst intill perfekt och du kan minnas nästan allt du upplevt med en imponerande klarhet. En enda runda av uppmärksamhet är tillräckligt för att memorera en sida text, en bild eller en kort konversation i ditt minne. Du skall ha ett anteckningsblock med alla dina minnen för att hjälpa dig och spelledaren att komma ihåg. Du har också en gratis egenskap i att motstå Dominationens Glömska och kan även återställa ditt eget minne genom att betala en Viljestyrka om någon annan övertygar dig om att det blivit manipulerat.

Lättväckt (2 poängs fördel) Medan de flesta vampyrer sover djupt under dagen är du fortfarande väl medveten om dina omgivningar. Du vaknar lätt och direkt vid minsta tecken på störningar. Du har inte heller några gränser för dina egenskaper under dagen pga. din sömnighet oavsett hur låg Mänsklighet du har.

Språkbegåvning (2 poängs fördel) Du har ett förvånansvärt bra grepp med alla språk du talar eller skriver. Du får +1 i alla utmaningar relaterade till språkvård, skrivet eller uttalat.

Lugn (3 poängs fördel) Även om du har besten inom dig är den mer undantryckt än i andra vampyrer. Du kontrollerar dina passioner bättre än de flesta eller så är du bara naturligt lugn. Alla Raseritest är en egenskap billigare att slippa undan, och de som kostar ett klarar du dig därför undan automatiskt. Brujah får inte ta denna fördelen.

Vilja av Stål (3 poängs fördel) När du har bestämt dig för något är det svårt att få dig att ändra dig. Du kan spendera en temporär Viljestyrka för att bortse från en besvärjelse, ritual eller disciplin som påverkar ditt psyke (som Domination), dock inte de som påverkar känslor (som Närvaro).

Sjusovare (1 poängs nackdel) Du är mycket sömnigare än normala vampyrer under dagen. Du har svårt att vakna även om fara hotar. För att kunna vakna under dagen måste du vinna en sten-sax-påse-utmaning handlingen som du försöker vakna.

Mardrömmar (1 poängs nackdel) Hiskeliga mardrömmar förföljer dig under dagen. Du beskriver när du väljer denna nackdel om du drabbas udda eller jämna dagar. Om lajvet hålls på en sådan dag, så innebär det att du under dagen lidit så mycket att du inte kunnat sova ordentligt. I så fall måste du betala ett mer i alla utmaningar under hela kvällen.

Blyg (1 poängs nackdel) Du har problem att interagera med stora grupper människor. Du får -1 i alla sociala utmaningar som involverar 3 eller fler människor och -2 när de involverar 10 eller fler.

Godhjärtad (1 poängs nackdel) Du kan inte tillåta lidande pga. den emotionella störning eller smärta som det orsakar dig. Du måste undvika att orsaka lidande eller skada mot någon; endast genom att spendera en Viljestyrka kan du komma över denna begränsande nackdel i en scen (1 timme). Du måste ha minst 4 i mänsklighet för att kunna ta denna nackdel, och även satsa allt på att bibehålla hög Mänsklighet. Talsvårigheter (1 poängs nackdel) En stamning, Tourettes syndrom, eller någon annan talsvårighet gör att du har svårt att kommunicera. Du skall rollspela din talsvårighet och du alla utmaningar som berör verbal kommunikation kostar ett mer att utföra. Du kan inte ta denna nackdel om du har fördelen Förtrollande Röst.

Fredat Byte (2 poängs nackdel) Av någon anledning vägrar du jaga en speciell sorts byte, som barn, prästerskap eller poliser. Om du av misstag dricker ifrån någon av


dessa kommer du omedelbart bli hysterisk och förlora en Mänsklighet. Vidare måste du betala en Viljestyrka om du får syn på någon som dricker av någon inom din uteslutning. Ventrues kan inte ta denna nackdelen pga. deras mer begränsade klandiet.

Minnesförlust (2 poängs nackdel) Ditt förflutna är ett svart hål. Du vet ingenting om din bakgrund, familj, vänner eller fiender. Spelledaren bör skriva din bakgrund och bestämma vad som gjorde att du glömde allt. Spelledaren bör även hålla ditt karaktärsblad gömt och bara låta dig själv upptäcka dina färdigheter. Allt som är självklart för dig är det du ser i spegeln.

Mångalen (2 poängs nackdel) Månens cykel påverkar ditt humör och gör dig oberäknelig och vild. Under halvmåne, är det en Viljestyrka dyrare att motstå Raseri, under fullmåne ökas det till två.

Fobi (2 poängs nackdel) Något objekt, varelse eller omständighet fyller dig med rädsla. Denna rädsla går långt bortom vanliga fobier. Din vampyriska best flyr instinktivt detta ohyggliga hot. Om du blir konfronterad med din rädsla måste du betala en Viljestyrka (eller mer om spelledaren beslutar att omständigheterna är speciellt allvarliga). Om du misslyckas hamnar du i Rötschrek.

Kort Stubin (2 poängs nackdel) Även för en vampyr är ditt temperament våldsamt. Att motstå Raseri är en Viljestyrka dyrare. Brujah kan inte ta denna nackdel.

Territoriell (2 poängs nackdel) Du märker ut ett speciellt område och hävdar det som ditt jaktområde. Du tolererar inga överlöpare, speciellt inte andra rovdjur såsom vampyrer och varulvar. Om du ertappar en annan Oinbjuden vampyr på ditt territorium måste du betala en Viljestyrka eller gå i Hysteri och attackera. Du tycker inte om att lämna ditt område under en längre tid; rollspela denna återhållsamhet.

Hämndlysten (2 poängs nackdel) Du vill göra upp om en sak, antingen ifrån ditt dödliga liv eller med någon grupp eller person i det odöda livet. Du planerar jämt ett sätt att hämnas och blir du erbjuden ett chans att hämnas måste du spendera en viljestyrka för att kunna göra något annat under den scenen.

Svag Vilja (3 poängs nackdel) Sinnespåverkande krafter såsom Dominera, eller tom enklare hot kan lätt bryta dig. Du får inte motstå alls ifall någon försöker Dominera dig (du är dock fortfarande immun mot Dominationer ifrån folk med högre generation än du). Utmaningar där du själv försöker kontrollera eller bestämma över andra, kostar ett mer att utföra. Du kan köpa mer än 6 Viljestyrkepoäng innan du köpt dig av med denna nackdel.

Tvivelaktig föda (4 poängs nackdel) Organen och de blodtransporterande vävnaderna i ditt offer är en del i din kostcirkel. Du tror att du måste äta levern, njurarna, hjärtat och andra delar för att hålla dig själv vid liv. Du måste köpa fördelen Uppskatta Mat så att du kan förtära de köttiga bitarna. Du kan bara absorbera blodpoäng genom att äta dessa organ, dricker du blod ifrån andra källor spyr du bara upp det. Denna hunger kommer garanterat att ta kål på dina offer och det kan leda till intressanta problem med att upprätthålla maskeraden och behålla sin moral.

Sociala Fördelar & Nackdelar Född Ledare (1 poängs fördel) Dina handlingar och ord genomsyras av en naturlig utstrålning som bara en född ledare har. Andra vill gärna följa dig i dina mål, och du tar enkelt kommandot. Du får en gratisegenskap i alla Ledarskapsutmaningar (inkluderat Dominations och Närvaroutmaningar som handlar om att leda folk). Du måste ha minst sex Sociala egenskaper för att få lov att välja denna fördel.

Högvördad Skapare (1 poängs fördel) Din Skapare är välkänd i de Besläktades samhälle, och han är högt ansedd. Du får själv en viss prestige på grund av din Skapares rykte, även om du inte längre träffar denne så ofta. Många andra vampyrer behandlar dig med en viss respekt, eftersom de fruktar eller respekterar din Skapare.

Krav på Tjänst (1 till 3 poängs fördel) En Äldre är skyldig dig en tjänst på grund av något du eller din skapare gjort. Enligt vampyrernas sociala lagar så måste tjänsten återbetalas på något vis. En poäng motsvarar en mindre Tjänst, två poäng motsvarar en stor Tjänst, och tre poäng motsvarar en så kallad Blodstjänst - dvs. en tjänst motsvarande att du räddat livet på personen i fråga. Bestäm hur tjänsten kom till i samråd med en spelledare.

Fiende (1 till 5 poängs nackdel) En viss fiende försöker förstöra för dig eller ännu värre, döda dig. Du kanske till och med har en hel grupp mäktiga fiender som jagar dig. Poängvärdet av denna nackdel är beroende på hur mäktig din fiende är: en ensam vampyr i din egen kaliber är värt en poäng, medan en församling magiker eller en hel organisation med vampyrjägare kan vara värt fem poäng. Spelledningen kommer att se till att dina fiender påverkar händelserna runt dig. Din fiende kanske inte dyker upp varje speltillfälle men hans ondskefulla planer kommer att påverka dig.

Mörk Hemlighet (1 poängs nackdel) Du har en mörk hemlighet som skulle orsaka dig stora svårigheter och förakt om det blev känt. Spelledningen kommer att se till att din hemlighet skulle kunna läcka ut under spelets gång. Om hemligheten blir allmänt avslöjad så måste du köpa av nackdelen genom att ta betala 5 erfarenhetspoäng.

Ökänd Skapare (1 poängs nackdel) Din skapare är välkänd i de Besläktades värld men även hatad och avskydd. Du blir ovärdigt behandlad med förakt för din härkomst.


Ofördelaktig Likhet (1 poängs nackdel) En annan vampyr är extremt lik dig till utseendet. Vad som är värre är att andra Besläktade i området har hört beskrivningar på din tvilling eller rent utav träffat denne, vilket orsakar stor förvirring. Spelledningen kommer att sprida ut denna vetskap till spelarna innan du börjar lajva. Den här nackdelen kan vara speciellt otrevlig om din tvilling är mäktig eller ökänd i det Besläktade samhället.

Skaparens Avsky (1 poängs nackdel) Av någon anledning så har din skapare ångrat sig efter att ha omfamnat dig. Hon avskyr dig numera och vill dig illa. Det är osannolikt att du har en Mentor eller några viktiga Allierade bland de Besläktade, och din skapare kommer att försöka hindra dig i allt du tar dig för.

Jagad (4 poängs nackdel) En mäktig och farlig vampyrjägare har dig på kornet och försöker förgöra dig. Denne människa har kontakter och färdigheter som duger fint för att göra din existens osäker och otrevlig (och väldigt kort om du är oförsiktig). Dina vänner, allierade och kontakter kan komma i riskzonen om jägaren bestämmer sig för att komma åt dig via dem.

Villkorlig Sektmedlem (4 poängs nackdel) Du hoppade av din förra sekt och sällar dig nu till en annan. Du kan vara en avhoppad Camarilla-vampyr som gått över till Sabbat, en flykting från Sabbat som fogar sig under Camarillan, eller en oberoende vampyr som har anslutit sig i någon av de nämnda sekterna. Så länge som du har denna nackdel så kommer du att vara konstant misstänkt av de andra i sekten. Du kan ha Poster som vanligt, men Äldre kommer troligtvis att kasta misstänksamma blickar mot dig och behandla dig som om du bara var en Neonat. Även de som beblandar sig med dig kan bedömas som misstänkta.



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