Akin Families: Identity Guidelines

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iDENtity GUiDEliNEs


iDENtity GUiDEliNEs

“Home is where one starts from.” — T.S. Eliot, Poet

Copyright Š 2011 Joy Ohler 0 0 9 4 7 5 3 4 All rights reserved. Academy of Art University MFA Graphic Design No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission. First Edition: November 2011 For more information, call 415.370.2844 or e-mail info@akinfamilies.com www.akinfamilies.com

About Akin Families




Our Name and Symbol


Alternative Signatures


Clear Space


Minimum Size


Color Palette


Color Variations


Unacceptable Signature Renderings








Graphic Elements


Sample Applications


i den t i t y gu i del i nes a bou t a k i n fam i l i es


Akin Families

Akin Families creates awareness and stimulates action to counter the current adoption disparity and give every child, regardless of age, an opportunity for future success. Our goal is to correct the misconceptions about adopting an older child. We also would like to emphasize the benefits of having a loving and caring home for a child and the rewards of being a parent of an older child. Akin Families provides accessible information for prospective parents and adoptive parents about older child adoption. Akin Families’ web site hosts an online community where members help each other by sharing their life experiences and stories about their adoption.


A k i n fa m i l ies


Our attributes are the core of Akin Families. They sum up our values and what we would like to achieve for adoptees, adoptive parents and their families. Everything that bears the Akin Families name should represent these attributes.


A k i n fA m i l ies



i den t i t y gu i del i nes ou r name and s y m bo l

Our Name and Symbol

From the root word kin, akin means related or connected. It gives a sense of belongingness to an individual, a child who needs a parent or a parent who needs a child. In the Filipino dialect—Tagalog, akin means mine or my own. With the assistance of Akin Families, a parent will find a child of his own and a child will belong to a family that he can call his own. The symbol illustrates a parent and a child that complete each other just like the children and parents that Akin Families connect and help build their own family. Our signatures are significant expressions of who we are and what our goal is. That’s why it is important to use it correctly and consistently.



a k i n fa m i l ies

Alternative Signatures

We refer to the horizontal configuration of our symbol and name lock up as our primary signature, and we prefer to use it if possible. However, our signature must also accommodate a wide range of uses, from business cards to outdoor advertisements. To meet all these needs, we have created a secondary signature configuration. Occasionally, the symbol can also be used as a stand-alone graphic mark.

i DEN t i t y GU i DEl i N Es


A lt Er N At i V E si G N At U rEs


stAND-AlONE syMbOl


A k i n fA m i l ies







i den t i t y gu i del i nes cl ea r space

Clear Space

At times, we collaborate with other organizations and agencies and our signature needs to be placed next to another logo or graphic mark. When used with other visual elements, clear space or the minimum “breathing room� must be maintained around our signature. As defined earlier, x is equal to the size of an adult head in our symbol. The clear space should be kept free of tex and other graphics. The clear space also defines the distance of the signature from the edge of a page or screen. When placed next to a partner logo or symbol, we prefer that our signature is placed on the left or middle instead of the right and above or on top instead of being at the bottom.



A k i n fA m i l ies




priMAry siGNAtUrE


stAND-AlONE syMbOl

i den t i t y gu i del i nes m i n i mum si ze


Minimum Size

To ensure a clear representation of Akin Families. We have set minimum sizes at where our signatures and symbol may be used. The minimum size is defined by the width of each graphic mark. When scaling our signatures or symbols either up or down, please make sure that it is scaled proportionally and it is not being distorted in any way.

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A k i n fa m i l ies

Color Palette

Our color palette show our spirit and promote our attributes. The colors are youthful and joyful just like how the children and their parents should be. We highly encourage the use of these colors in any of the pieces that are associated with Akin Families.


Iden t i t y gu i del i nes co lo r pa l e t t e









Brilliant Berry Pantone

000 100 000 000 235 000 130

Rhodamine Red U Inspiring Orange Pantone 717 U

000 055 100 000 245 140 030

Hope Green Pantone 369 U

040 010 90 000 100 175 090

Lively Blue Pantone 298 U

070 005 000 000 000 185 235


Jolly Red Pantone Red 032 U 015 090 085 000 240 065 055 Sunshine Yellow Pantone 110 U

005 010 065 000 245 220 120

Growth Green Pantone 432 U

090 050 075 020 030 095 080

Comfort Blue Pantone 2757 U

100 080 000 030 005 005 125


Concrete Gray Pantone 432 U

025 000 000 075

Calm Gray Pantone

000 000 000 040 175 175 175

Cool Gray 7 U

Warm Gray Pantone

070 085 095

Warm Gray 6 U

000 005 010 030 190 180 175

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a k i n fa m i l ies

Color Variations

Our primary signature consists of two colors; Inspiring Orange is youthful, inspiring, energetic and cheerful while Concrete Gray gives the feeling of warmth, devotion, security and stability. There might be times when gray scale or only one color must be used. When using a gray scale or one color signature, please make sure that there is enough contrast between our signature and the background.

i DEN t i t y GU i DEl i N Es


CO lO r VA r i At i O Ns

inspiring Orange Concrete Gray FUll COlOr


GrAy sCAlE



000 000 000 100


000 000 000

A solid approved color can be used with our signature if needed. ONE COlOr

refer back to the color palette for the list of approved colors.


a k i n fa m i l ies

Unacceptable Signature Renderings

When using our signature, it is important not to alter any element of it. Doing so may weaken our image as unique and distinguishable. Our signature must always be easy to read. As much as possible, avoid placing our signature on a photographic or patterned background. If unavoidable, there must always be enough contrast between our signature and its background. Our name, Akin Families is written as two words. Do not put any hyphen or other typographic symbols in between them. When used in text, the name Akin Families should always be treated as a proper name, with initial capital letters on both words.

i DEN t i t y GU i DEl i N Es

U N ACCEp tA b l E si G N At U rE rEN DEr i N Gs


Never use our signatures or symbol as an outlined graphic.

Do not use color variations or color combinations that are not approved.

Do not add new elements, such as shadows to any of the signatures or symbols.

be careful when placing any of our signature, make sure that it is not cropped in any way.


A k i n fA m i l ies

keep clear space in mind. Make sure the signature or symbol does not overlap with any graphic element or text.

Do not place the signature on a busy or low contrasting background.

Never use a signature or the symbol as a pattern, graphic element or background.

Only use approved signature configurations and never change the scale or move any of the elements of a signature.

i DEN t i t y GU i DEl i N Es

U N ACCEp tA b l E si G N At U rE rEN DEr i N Gs

Do not add any graphic style, such as embossed effect to any of the signatures or symbols

Do not create a “read-through� text with the signature.

Never apply any type of gradient effect on any of the elements of the signatures or symbol.

Never rotate the orientation of any of the elements or any of the signatures as a whole.



A k i n fA m i l ies




Frutiger is our preferred sans serif typeface. it is named after it’s designer Adrian Frutiger. Frutiger is organic, casual and warm but also clean and legible. the ascenders and descenders are prominent and are wide, which makes every character easy to distinguish from each other. it is also available in a wide variety of weights.

i den t i t y gu i del i nes

47 Light Condensed 57 Condensed

45 Light

46 Light Italic

65 Bold

66 Bold Italic

67 Bold Condensed 77 Black Condensed 55 Roman

56 Italic

75 Black

76 Black Italic

t y p ogr a ph y




A k i n fA m i l ies

se r i fa

serifa is another type designed by Adrian Frutiger. the slab serifs epitomize stability. Usually, slab serif types are blocky and difficult to read in text, but serifa has more humanistic forms that are highly readable. the implied energy in these features also helps give the font an energetic and youthful vibe. And serifa can look quite classic as well especially when set appropriately as display text. Note that Frutiger and serifa are NOt the typefaces used in our signature. Never try to recreate our signature. if you need the art of our signature, you can request the approved signature art from partners@akinfamilies.com.

i den t i t y gu i del i nes

45 Light 46 Light Italic

65 Bold

55 Roman 56 Italic

75 Black

t y p ogr a ph y


“It is not the flesh and blood but the heart that makes us family.” — Johann Schiller, Poet

i den t i t y gu i del i nes

l anguage



our voice

Adoption is a serious and dear matter. We would like to reach you and our audience in a personal way. That’s why we communicate using the first person voice. quotes

When appropriate, we encourage the use of quotes with topics that are related to families, bonding, belongingness and such. These words of wisdom often help set the emotion and provide thoughts that are easy to remember.

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A k i n fa m i l ies


Ever since I decided to do my thesis on older child adoption, I knew that emotion would be the key in setting the tone and sending the message. Although images of hurt children and their dire conditions can be visually powerful, I did not think that would send the right impression. I wanted my thesis to be uplifting and at the same time emotionally touching inspired by the success stories. c h e e r f u l a n d l i v e ly

We encourage showing photographs of happy and active children and parents, alone or together all the time. These photographs highlight the benefits and rewards of adopting an older child and belonging to a family.

Iden t i t y gu i del i nes

photogr a ph y


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a k i n fa m i l ies


When appropriate, images of hope, love and other images that evoke emotional response and can touch the viewers can also be used. Please do not to show images that signify violence or abuse, such as children with bruises, as it may trigger negative memories and responses from the viewers.

i den t i t y gu i del i nes

photogr a ph y



A k i n fA m i l ies

i den t i t y gu i del i nes gr a ph i c el emen t s


Graphic Elements

silhouet tes

These graphic elements are used because they are memorable and the do not easily get lost in the visual clutter especially when placed on a page with different images of children. These silhouettes are simple but bright which makes them memorable. The bright colors evoke hope, happiness and growth. When type is placed inside the silhouette, the solid color helps the viewer to focus on the message of the text and not the image. These silhouettes help avoid the viewer from having a pre-conceived notion regarding older children—it lets the viewer imagine how the person who is delivering the statement look like.


A k i n fA m i l ies

Sample Applications

stAtiONEry systEM

i DEN t i t y GU i DEl i N Es

sA M p l E A pp l i CAt i O Ns

WEb sitE



A k i n fA m i l ies

priNt ADVErtisiNG

i DEN t i t y GU i DEl i N Es

sA M p l E A pp l i CAt i O Ns




A k i n fA m i l ies

prOMOtiONAl MAtEriAls

i DEN t i t y GU i DEl i N Es

sA M p l E A pp l i CAt i O Ns



415.370.2844 | partners@akinfamilies.com | www.akinfamilies.com

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