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ARTBAAZAR Connecting Art Lovers and Artists Online

#13 March 2021

ArtBaazar's Online Monthly Magazine promotes both emerging and established artsts ia our online art platormm E ery month we feature inter iews with our artstss as well as showcase examples from arious artsts portoliosm If you ha e an interest in a partcular artsts worr or want to submit your artworr for promoton on the platorms contact us at Thanr you for joining us this months to stay updated on all the latest news from ArtBaazar and our artstss please subscribe to our newsleter at  Subscribe for Latest News Interested in a partcular artsts worrs contact us at  Get In Touch Follow Us on Social Media:  Instagram  FACEBOOK  Pinterest Ha e Your Artworr Featured on ArtBaazar:  Submit Your Artwork Copyright©2021 – - All content and images cannot be reproduced without writen consent from


 ‘Everything is a Process’ - with Cata Goonet  ‘Embracing Concepts’ with Evy Olsen Halvorsen


 Pop Art by Vlad Vesselinov

 "Just Simple Things ..." with Nataliya Bagatskaya


 Front Cover - "Just PostModern mmm"s Nataliya Bagatsrayas Acrylic on Can as  Back Cover - "Canyon Floor at Sunset" by Joe A. Oakes

"Just Simple Things" with Nataliya Bagatsraya

“Just Martni ...”, Nataliya Bagatskaya, Acrylic on Canvas This collecton of original paintngs by Urrainian artsts Nataliya Bagatsraya are from her series of hyperrealistc art worrs enttled "Just Simple Things …". The series is about e eryday things around uss which we ofen do not pay atenton tos but which ha e frmly entered our li esm

Enjoy simple things.

Visit – The Online Art Gallery of Nataliya Bagatskaya

“Just a Persimmon … ”, Nataliya Bagatskaya, Acrylic on Canvas

“Just Bananas ...”, Nataliya Bagatskaya, Acrylic on Canvas

“Just Strawberry … “, Nataliya Bagatskaya, Acrylic on Canvas

“Just Lost … “, Nataliya Bagatskaya, Acrylic on Canvas

“Just Rafaelle … “, Nataliya Bagatskaya, Acrylic on Canvas

“Just Christmas Balls … “, Nataliya Bagatskaya, Acrylic on Canvas

“Just Evening … “, Nataliya Bagatskaya, Acrylic on Canvas

“Just a Yellow Rose … “, Nataliya Bagatskaya, Acrylic on Canvas

"Just Postmodern …", Nataliya Bagatskaya, Acrylic on Canvas

“Just Thanks ...”, Nataliya Bagatskaya, Acrylic on Canvas


Cata Goffnet li es in one of the largest urban forests in the world: in the middle of the Atlantc Forests in the Serra da Cantareiras in São Paulom She is surrounded by the green of the forests the blue of the sry and the beauty of the fowers during the 365 days of the yearm Cata lires to put these colours in some of her artworrsm It is part of what she ism

Brazilian artst, Cata Goonet in her studio What initally drew you towards becoming an artst? In facts I don't remember being atracted to any other professional area other than being an artstm Since the beginning becoming an artst was something that happened naturally to mem Unfortunately for some years my life followed diferent paths before I could dedicate myself fully to artm I graduated in Law and worred for couple years in the feldm Howe er arts paintng and photography always accompanied my life as a hobbym How would you describe your own personal style? I belie e that an artst has his soul in e erything he doesm Regardless of which area he worrs ins there is always something ery deep to be said or appliedm

"The Beginning #1", Cata Goonet, Acrylic on Canvas

It is lire a hidden message that only a few people can see or feelm Sometmes a lines a colours a way of paintng and the positon refect a swirl of ideass feelingss fears and desires of each artstm I belie e that my personal style spears much more about me than I could say in wordsm At the same tme I want a modern styles contemporary geometric shapes and the complexity of mathematcs in my artworrss I also want simplicity and elegancem Transparencies refect much of who I am and how I amm Sometmes monochromatc worrs that emerge or di e into the can as also refect my inner world in a ery intmate waym At other tmes I loor for the colours and itality of life around of mem I bring colours into my worr at tmes when there are feelings to be illuminatedm At other tmess I just let my feelings go from light to darrm I don't rnow how to describe my personal style exactlys maybe because I feel it more than ha e onem

What pushed you in that directon and how can you see your work evolving in the future? I am the type of person who thinrs about the future in a free and detached waym My focus is on the present moment and how to get through the days and sol e the next issuesm It is diffcult to imagine where my art will be in terms of the future because with each of my worrs I feel that I am already in the futurem What I see is that my desire grows more and more e ery daym I am looring to study and impro e my techniques and let my own worr lead me to a futurem It has been so farm I trust in that processm

"Califa 1", Cata Goonet, Acrylic on Canvas What inspires you in your work, is there a driving factor that draws you to the easel? What really inspires me is my desire and my lo e for paintngm Exceeding my expectatons for each project is my biggest mot atorm Getng to the end of each artworr and thinring that I fnished it diferently and beter than I could imagined is my biggest prizem Are there partcular individuals who have encouraged / inspired you along the way, friends, family, teachers, maybe even other artsts? There were no people who really encouraged me along the waym Quite the oppositem My whole process and desire to worr as an artst was lonely and came from a desire inside of mem There are a few people who inspire mes some are unrnown Brazilian artstss people who ha e not gi en up and contnue to struggle to ha e their worr recognizedm

Alsos I ha e other people who inspire me deeply: those who one day said no in the beginning of my careerm They mot ated me to be beter e ery day and this became a goal to achie e e ery daym When it comes to creatng your work, do you have a preferred medium, certain types of brushes or tools you love to use? I worr with few materials and basically always the samem Nowadays I am looring for a way to get my art beyond the can ases and also mo e it towards sculptures but stll undergoing experimentatonm

"Parallel", Cata Goonet, Acrylic on Canvas

When it comes to the subject mater of your work, what draws you to those themes? What really atracts me are the mathematcss the concept of straight liness pure form transformed into something balanced and uniquem In the beginning of my career geometrism was the base of my worrm Gradually I expanded my worr to something lighters pure and simplem

“Yellow Sky Triptych”, Cata Goonet, Acrylic on Canvas Could you describe the process behind your art? How do you get from concept to executon? To answer that I would ha e to rnow the exact noton of the insight that mot ated me and that is not always possiblem Sometmes I lire to thinr about the uni erses which is the theme of se eral of my worrsm In other moments I just isualize something in my mindm At tmes I try something new and I see the result is beautful and that satsfes mem I also try to get out of me feelings that bother me or that I just need to expressm Maring art is extremely complex and at the same tme simplem It's intmatem Sharing intmacy is uncomfortables but through paintng it becomes easy and beautfulm

"The Beginning #2", Cata Goonet, Acrylic on Canvas Could you describe your normal day as an artst? Have you set routnes and rituals or is it more a case of when the moment is right you work? I do normal things lire coorings taring care of household itemss taring care of my dogss etcm From the moment I dedicated myself exclusi ely to arts I realized that I would need two essental things: discipline and dedicatonm I start whate er needs to be done early in the morning and I follow this rhythm sometmess e en in the middle of the night when e erybody is sleepingm There is not a single day that I don't thinrs plan or draw in my sretch boorm

Paintngs don't emerge e ery daym Howe er the study of it does emergem I am in constant search for ideass colourss referencess concepts and sretchesm I try to di e in the inner of my worldm When you work, do you focus on one piece at a tme untl completon or are you working on multple pieces at the same tme? I used to worr on a single piecem I lire ha ing more than one table where I can worrm One worr pulls the otherm In a day of inspiraton I can worr on f e or six artworrs at the same tmem Howe er there are worrs that are more special to me and I dedicate myself exclusi ely to themm The rhythm is set by each artworrm Some require specifc focus on them as unique creatons and others allow for di isionm

"Orange Triptych", Cata Goonet, Acrylic on Canvas

How has your art evolved to be where it is today? I belie e that my art refects the e oluton of mem Which of your artworks are you most proud? It is impossible to answer because each worr is uniquem I am proud of all the artworrs that I ha e made a ailable to the publicm As I need an e oluton I use it as a mot atonal mediums lea ing them isually close to see what is missing there or what is not being saidm Usually what I can see is something within myself that is not yet ready to gom

What is your defniton of success? The defniton of success has the capacity to be something intangible and changeable at the same speed with which it is achie edm In terms of arts this defniton in my life has always been a challenge in two points: dedicatng myself exclusi ely to my worr and obtaining fnancial gainsm This defniton of success is relat ely simple for an artst buts as I saids it is intangible and changeablem From the moment I reached this goals I realized that it did not complete me and caused me a feeling of incompletenessm What was missing if this had already been achie ed? This uncomfortable feeling made me realize that going beyond what I do e ery tme I fnish a job is what defned my successm

"Pink Sky Quadriptych", Cata Goonet, Acrylic on Canvas

Is there a fellow artst alive today that you admire? If so, why? There are se eral artsts that I admirem None of them are positoned in the marretm I admire the lo e that they ha e in what they dom There are many artsts that I follow and admire on Instagramm I thinr Instagram is a great source for study and inspiratonm If you could travel back in tme, is there a partcular artstc period / era that you would like to have been involved in? Time is a big part of the essence of my worrm Both the tme that passes by us and the tme that we spendm I belie e that post-impressionism atracts me a lots but if I could really tra el through the tmes I would lire to imagine the future and how art will be in 100 or 200 years from nowm What challenges do you feel the 21st century artst has to overcome? All emerging artsts ha e to o ercome the challenges of the 21st centurym I belie e that opening up to the irtual world is a big step yet to be o ercomem Opening up concepts as to what is good and what is good in the art marret must also be o ercomem I stll see many

artsts stucr in concepts that are totally outdateds both in art galleries and in awards and recognitonm Right here in Brazils I see few artsts looring to sell their art and gain recogniton out of Brazilm This must be o ercomem What advice would you give to a young aspiring artst currently studying art? I would say that they should ne er accept "no" in their career and always be ready to queston themsel esm I would say that they need to lea e their anity behind and ne er expect to be ready to show his worrm soul of the artstm A satsfed artst stops creatngs learning and inno atngm

"Modern Geometric", Cata Goonet, Acrylic on Canvas Despite having developed your own distnctve style, is there another style of art that you are immediately drawn towards and admire? Why? I admire abstract worrs where the inr seems to ha e just been thrownm I wonder what the artst thinrs about the artworr when it is fnishedm In my intmate uni erse I need organizaton and looring at these worrs challenges the way I see itm

I also really lire conceptual arts which is art based on conceptss refectons and ideasm Creatng isual refectons is something I loor for not only in my artworrs but in my photography worrm

“The Time”, Cata Goonet, Acrylic on Canvas

We have all heard of the unfnished masterpiece, even Da Vinci laboured away at the Mona Lisa for years and years, have you works that are in a contnual process of evoluton? When working on an artwork do you fnd it hard to let go? Knowing when enough is enough? I rnow when it's enough but I don't rnow how to gi e upm I start o er again but ne er gi e up on a worrm I' e had worrs that I started six tmes just because I didn't lire the brushworrm Ne er gi e up on any of themm Currently I ha e no unfnished worrss I prefer to thinr of them as worrs that are in progressm Sometmes I ha e problems in the techniques of identfying the exact tools I needm That is when I start to search for alternat e materials and the artworr can tare a while to get completedm Many people see artsts as storytellers or advocates for a cause, do you believe that it is an artst’s responsibility to shine a light on a partcular subject / theme, or do you create purely for the sake of expressing your creatve nature? I belie e in both sidesm There are artsts who really tell stories and marr tme with their worrsm They are great artsts such as Ai Weiweim I am passionate about his worrs and what he tells us and how much he touches us with his artm There are artsts who simply express their creat e nature lire Carmen Herrera and Yayoi Kusamam I lo e their art and how it marred tme for their creat e naturem Regardless of the type of artst you ares there is always a story to be told in each worr and when it is acquired by a buyer this story is perpetuated and begins to be contacted in a new waym What are you working on at the moment? Currently de eloping a worr where the main theme will be "Beginning of the end or End of the beginningm" In 2021 I want to turn my atenton to the concept of the beginnings middle and ends that iss where is the beginnings where is the middle and where is the end? E erything is a process full of stepsm My life partcipates in that exact moment of that conceptm I want to transport that feeling to my worrsm I belie e the theme is complex and diffcult to expresss which mares 2021 a great personal and professional challengem

"Intuiton Blue", Cata Goonet, Acrylic on Canvas

Have you ever been part of an artstc group / movement? How did your work beneft from that experience? Despite ha ing an artst group we don't ha e a mo ementm We are startng a mo ement in Sao Paulo s Brazil to tare artsts that were really impacted by the pandemic m We want to tare art to the streets and mare it accessible to the publicm

When is your next exhibiton? Is it a solo or group exhibiton? Could you tell us a litle about the exhibiton, when and where it is? I ha e held se eral exhibitonss but I don't ha e any exhibitons lined up in the near futurem We are li ing in an uncertain tmem I prefer to turn these uncertaintes into object esm And one of them is my next exhibitonm Where er it will bem

“Geometric Green 2”, Cata Goonet, Acrylic on Canvas

View - Original Artworks by Brazilian artst Cata Goonet

Vlado Vesselinov Bulgarian Pop Artst

“The Rise of Gray Mater or the Utopia of Human Feelings”, Vlado Vesselinov “I worr in the directon of pop art and post pop artm My ideas bring the symbolism of e eryday practces closer to the cult and fetshs which transform street culture into the creaton of an established brandm I loor at specifc subcultural currents in their details and through the study of detail through colour and masr we build models of societys characteristc of the tmem I transform images from the 1950's and 1960's into the presents trying to suggest the recurrence of the cycle of tmem

I loor at those icons that refect the leading directons of the pop art boom and comparing them with the present I fnd a recurrencem The images in the paintngs are as archaic as they are recognizable by our present and bring the serenity of the rnown and experiencedm My art is inspired by the history of tele isions cinemas music and performances and is hea ily infuenced by the symbols of home lifes fashions sportss and ad ertsingm”

“Steer Your Way (If there is something to forget, forget it)”, Vlado Vesselinov

“My worr is close to pro ocat e pop cultures refectng e ents with which I ha e a partcularly intmate relatonshipm The characters in my art embody social stereotypes that are both humorous and socially critcalm A characteristc feature of my worrs is the clearly isible texture of the can as and the well-defned physical reliefss reminiscent of pages that someone grabbed from a fashion magazine found on the ceilingm”

“Lonely Childhood In the Neighborhood Of Zombies”, Vlado Vesselinov

“James Dean”, Vlado Vesselinov

“It is similar to the efect used by Quentn Tarantno in his productonss where flmed flms full of dirt and defects atract the audience in a unique atmosphere of Dri e-in theaterm As for my colourss they are my weapon for ictory o er today's material and gray worldm I also fnd inspiraton in the modern way of lifes I try to explore its dynamicss e eryday lifes alienaton between people and lacr of physical communicatonm”

“On the Corner Against a Wall of Windows”, Vlado Vessellinov

“There is a thread of dehumanizaton in society that is diffcult for most people to see because they are locred between their personal successs dramas memories or fears on a global or local scalem I am infuenced by artsts: Andy Warhols Hariton Pushwagners Yoro Onos Roy Lichtensteins Christo and Jean-Claude and othersm Jacr Kerouacs George Orwells Allen Ginsbergs John Lennons Bob Dylans Charlie Chaplin and others also contributed to my percepton of the world…”

“Grand Final – Cyclists”, Vlado Vesselinov

View - Online Art Gallery of Vlado Vesselinov

“Embracing Contrasts” with Evy Olsen Halvorsen

E y Olsen Hal orsen (ara Hal orsen Holstein) was born in northern Norway and currently li es in Kingston WAm E y and her parents immigrated in 1956 to the neighbourhood of Ballard in Seatle WAm Afer graduaton from High Schools E y mo ed briefy to San Francisco before landing in Kitsap County with husband and daughtersm Afer raising her daughterss owning a couple of businessess she contnued her educaton at Cornish College of the Artss recei ing her Bachelor of Fine Artss cum laude in 1999s in Paintng and Printmaringm

"The Fly By", Evy Olsen Halvorsen, Oil on Canvas What initally drew you towards becoming an artst? I ha e been an artst for as long as I can remembers I ha e a blacr and white snapshot of myself sitng on a stump with a proper drawing pad on my laps I was six years oldm Now I'm impressed that my dad bought me a pad instead of just some paperm How would you describe your own personal style? Lots of colour worrs best for mes good contrasts maybe dramatc and ofen with texturem I painted straight abstracts for a long tme but got bored with that and now I'm paintng in some way representatonallym

What pushed you in that directon and how can you see your work evolving in the future? I ha e lo ed colour since I disco ered Van Gogh and Paul Klee in my teenss Klee's whimsy atracted me toom I am always dissatsfed with my worrm Right now I'm worring on portraitss not for realism but for emotonal truth and trying to add another dimension of philosophy to some alsos I don't want people to be bored looring at my worrm I lire to add an abstract element to e en my more realistc worrm I'm looring to combine more of realism and abstractness to my paintngs in a logical mannerm

"Communion", Evy Olsen Halvorsen, Oil on Canvas

What inspires you in your work, is there a driving factor that draws you to the easel? I'm inspired by nature and poetry but also a bit of humour and philosophym Are there partcular individuals who have encouraged / inspired you along the way, friends, family, teachers, maybe even other artsts? My dad was always support es more than momm I wish he had pushed me to go to art school but he didn't rnow about such thingsm I had two high school art teachers who were greats one was a traditonalist and the other was ery contemporarys ery inspiratonalm Unfortunately my community college art classes were inadequate so I waited untl my rids were grown to go bacr to school and get my degreem It was worth the waitm

“I Don’t Understand”, Evy Olsen Halvorsen, Oil on Canvas

When it comes to creatng your work, do you have a preferred medium, certain types of brushes or tools you love to use? I paint in oilss with brushes and palete rni es and I also paint in encaustcs hot tnted waxs which is ery diferent and requires no clean ups a big plusm Pre iously I created etchings but I don't ha e a press so that fell by the wayside though I did lo e itm I enjoy arious mediums since one must worr diferently in eachm

"And Memories Fade", Evy Olsen Halvorsen, Oil Paintng When it comes to the subject mater of your work, what draws you to those themes? Portraits ha e always interested mes the challenge of it and I enjoy created a storys my fa ourite paintngs are more complex and surprise me as I am worring themm

Could you describe the process behind your art? How do you get from concept to executon? Mostly I just start worrings I get a lot of paint on a can as and thinr about its putng on abstract strores of arious colours ofen leads me to an idea or if not then I loor through photos of peoples of landscapes or read poetry to try to trigger a directonm I fnd it diffcult sometmes because I lire to paint e erythings landscapess portraitss abstracts so I ha e decided to combine my interests into each paintngg I'm now paintng portraits with abstract bacrgrounds and stll add some realistc motfs to balancem

“Reforming”, Evy Olsen Halvorsen, Oil on Canvas

Could you describe your normal day as an artst? Have you set routnes and rituals or is it more a case of when the moment is right you work? Not so muchs I don't sleep well so I am slow in the morning and usually by noon I ha e done some chores and wander into my studiom Depending how I feel (chronic pain annoyances) I can get a lot done or I just reads relaxm Ofen I paint in the e enings toos fewer distractons and quit about 9pmm I would lire to paint more hours but I need to fx some of my physical ailments to feel up to itm I'm lucry that my husband is ery support e and tares care of a lot of houseworrm We are both retredm

“Harbor”, Evy Olsen Halvorsen, Oil on Canvas

When you work, do you focus on one piece at a tme untl completon or are you working on multple pieces at the same tme? I ha e always worred on multple piecess since I worr in oils I need to let some worr sit and dry a bit or if I'm not satsfed with the directon I will set it aside and wait for ideas or impetus to get bacr at itm It's not unusual for me to completely paint o er a worr and create something new or go in a new directon with its with adjustmentsm Right now I ha e 2 large (36") and about 5 small that are in arious stagesm How has your art evolved to be where it is today? My worr is less conser at e and more experimental as I get olderm I just read an artcle about embracing contrastss in thinring and li ingm Study what you don't lire or understand and try to incorporate disparate iews in the worrm In college I chose to create a term paper on an artst I did not understand and e en the professor was impressed because he didn't understand him eitherm

"Calm Before the Storm", Evy Olsen Halvorsen, Oil on Canvas

Which of your artworks are you most proud? A couple of larges 3' square paintngs with fgures and fantasy are my fa ouritesm They both started just with a fgure and I painted around one abstractly and the other with fantasy fowers and landscapem They are both colourful and dramatc in ery diferent waysm They surprised mem Is there a fellow artst alive today that you admire? If so, why? There are manys Anselm Kiefer is ones big dramatc statementss Gerhart Richter is another with dramatc worr and a lot of ariety in approachesm The Norwegian artst Odd Nerdrum is another artst who I thinr paints fgures remarrablym I saw his huge can ases here in Seatle and I was strucr by the complexity of stroress colours not ob ious untl you got up closem

"Lofoten Mountain", Evy Olsen Halvorsen, Oil on Canvas If you could travel back in tme, is there a partcular artstc period / era that you would like to have been involved in? Probably the post impressionistsm

“The Voyage”, Evy Olsen Halvorsen, Oil on Canvas

What challenges do you feel the 21st century artst has to overcome? There has been a lot of nonsense in the past decades about what is appropriate and acceptable and I thinr that has le elled out somem Realist painters are accepted again and I thinr that most styles can fnd an audience somewherem I don't share the enthusiasm for the new conceptual artm It seems too much lire gimmicrry and too ofen lire ostentatous decoraton for rich peoplem But I suppose art has always had that possibilitym

What advice would you give to a young aspiring artst currently studying art? Try e erythings e erythingm Play with your toyss I went to a great traditonal art college that insisted the student try about 5 diferent disciplines and then choose their major or twom Go to galleries constantly to study techniques and enjoy the di ersity of art formsm And tra els as much as possibles nothing can beat seeing a Botcelli in personm Despite having developed your own distnctve style, is there another style of art that you are immediately drawn towards and admire? Why? I enjoy it all especially worr that is foreign to my abilitesm I admire good crafsmanship and ad enturous creat itym Maybe decept e realisms when a worr has a lot more to digest than is immediately ob iouss cle er worrm

“Calling Out”, Evy Olsen Halvorsen, Oil on Canvas

We have all heard of the unfnished masterpiece, even Da Vinci laboured away at the Mona Lisa for years and years, have you works that are in a contnual process of evoluton? When working on an artwork do you fnd it hard to let go? Knowing when enough is enough? Yess there was one paintng that toor se eral yearss thought I was done but I was not satsfed so I put it aways toor it out to worr on and put away againm I lire to hang worr in my studio to loor at and thinr aboutm I suppose what I ha e told students is that it is done when nothing annoys you about itm That's about all I can do or I would be on the same paintng fore erm Many people see artsts as storytellers or advocates for a cause, do you believe that it is an artst’s responsibility to shine a light on a partcular subject / theme, or do you create purely for the sake of expressing your creatve nature? Nos no more than anyone elsem I don't thinr that I rnow or understand more than othersm I do lire a theme and ha e painted with a 'moral to the story's as I said I lire to tell a storys create a narrat e but I prefer to lea e that open to interpretatonm What are you working on at the moment? I ha e 4 smallers 16x 20"s paintngs that I'm focused on right nows portraits just for fun not for realisms to experiment with combinatons of abstract and representatonm Two are of childrens I fnd them to be interestng subjects to focus an agenda onm

“Shelter”, Evy Olsen Halvorsen, Oil on Canvas

“And I Let Go”, Evy Olsen Halvorsen, Oil on Canvas

"Afternoon Poppies", Evy Olsen Halvorsen, Oil on Canvas Have you ever been part of an artstc group / movement? How did your work beneft from that experience? Nos not since schoolm I'm jealous of my tme and we li e in a more rural aream I did run an arts organizaton for 10 years and we produced a fne arts juried showm This put me in contact with many artsts and I enjoyed that process and because of that I was approached to help artsts locallys we also had a student show which was gratfying to set upm I' e had a lot of frustraton in that area though because it was so hard to fnd support for what we dids artsts would enter but not olunteerm We e entually burned out lire so many nonprofts dom

"Life Swings On", Evy Olsen Halvorsen, Oil on Canvas When is your next exhibiton? Is it a solo or group exhibiton? Could you tell us a litle about the exhibiton, when and where it is? I don't ha e one scheduled nows I' e been in two online auctons that worred out prety well but there aren't a lot of galleries here (in Kingstons across the sound from Seatle) and of course I can't go around right now to approach Seatle galleriesm I ha e partcipated in studio tours around here for many yearsm There is a gallery owner (in the Belle ue area outside of Seatle) who wants to connect for a show and we are getng our Co id shots in a couple of weers so I plan on contactng him again to meetm Hopefully I can get out this summer to approach galleriesm I ha e not been proact e for a long tme about this because when I ran the organizaton it just sucred up my tme and energym I do ha e a digital portolio ready to gom

View - Original Artworks by American artst Evy Olsen Halvorsen

“Do You Remember”, Evy Olsen Halvorsen, Oil on Canvas

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#8 June 2020

ARTBAAZAR Connecting Art Lovers and Artists Online

#13 March 2021

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