the h on. Jenni F er b a P ti S te-Primu S Minister of Labour and Small Enterprise Development
Sen. the h on. Chri S tine Kangaloo President of the Senate the h on. Paula g o P ee-S Coon Minister of Trade and Industry Sen. the h on. Fran K lin Khan Minister of Rural Development and Local Government Leader of Government Business Sen. the ambharat and FisheriesSen. the h on. Denni S m o S e S Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs and Minister of State in the Ministry of National Security
memberS of the Senate INDEPENDENT SENATorS
Sen. Dr. Dhanay S har m ahabir Co-ordinator of the Independent Bench Sen. Davi D Small Sen. h.r. i an r oaC h Sen. m eli SS a r am K i SS oonTHE SENATE
The Constitution provides that a person is qualified for membership in the Senate if he or she is a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago of the age of twenty-seven years or upwards. There is provision for thirty-one Senators, all appointed by the President: sixteen on the advice of the Prime Minister; six on the advice of the Leader of the Opposition; and nine (Independent) on the discretion of the President from outstanding persons from economic, social or community organizations and other major fields of endeavour.
The presiding officer is the President of the Senate.