Art Business Today April 2013

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BUSINESS ÂŁ6.50 April 2013

Using Google AdWords Social media marketing tips QR codes Appealing to galleries Pricing bespoke framing New products

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Meet, learn, celebrate Join us for an unforgettable weekend where you will ‘meet, learn and celebrate’. The Art & Framing Convention UK includes the Guild Artist exhibition, a full programme of seminars and masterclasses and the black-tie Awards Dinner. It is the perfect combination of business and pleasure. The historic spa town of Harrogate is a great place for guests and partners from outside the industry to visit, so why not make a weekend of it? Tickets cost just £95 + VAT per person for those sharing a room, which includes B&B, a three-course dinner and the drinks reception

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The Art & Framing Convention UK is organised by the Fine Art Trade Guild The 21st awards weekend takes place on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 May 2013 at The Old Swan Hotel, Harrogate Download a booking form at, email or call 020 7381 6616


CONTENTS Art Business Today April 2013, Issue 2

First published June 1905 as the Fine Art Trade Journal




50 Labour: what is it costing you? Mark Wilson looks at the hidden costs behind making frames 54 The trouble with Morsø is . . . Mike Bond GCF explains how to get the most from this iconic machine

24 Getting mobile Linda Becklow explores whether QR codes are useful for retailers 28 The fine art of email Advice on how to ensure that your emails are not consigned to the bin 32 15 social media marketing tips How to use social media effectively to promote your business 38 Right on target? Are Google AdWords money well spent, or is SEO a better bet?

ART 42 A consistent approach Jason Horejs says galleries want artists whose style is consistent 46 Photo finish Photographer Carl Middleditch meets changing consumer demands

REGULARS 8 Trade news 20 Face to face: Toni Hargreaves 21 Product news 49 Business tips for artists 59 Trade secrets 60 Pete Bingham’s agony 62 Branch news 63 Letters 64 B2B: classifieds 66 Last word: Theresa Bates GCF, Frame of Mind

COVER The new Valiani Mat Pro® Ultra computerised mountcutter,







April 2013 5



Art Business Today Published by the Fine Art Trade Guild 16-18 Empress Place, London SW6 1TT, UK T: +44 (0)20 7381 6616 F: +44 (0)20 7381 2596 Publisher Louise Hay

Don’t jump to conclusions . . . highly respected picture framer told me that he never turns down requests to replace broken glass in frames. Many framers won’t touch this type of work; they worry that the frame may fall apart upon being opened, eradicating the tiny potential profit. Fair enough: you need the confidence to turn down work that isn’t financially viable. However, my framer friend says that new customers often check out a framer with this type of small job then, if satisfied, they bring in more substantial work. He also argues that getting people over your threshold and engaging with them face-to-face very often generates business, even if the customer wasn’t deliberately checking you out. People may not know how fantastic memorabilia and sports shirts can look once framed until you get them into your shop. Framing educators advise students not to accept work that won’t show a profit; if the customer won’t pay a fair price, adivse them to go elsewhere. There’s no point in doing the work in the hope of a better return next time, as the customer won’t want to pay more next time. You should focus on working for people who are prepared to pay a fair price. My friend agreed that you shouldn’t take in work you know to be unprofitable, but he insists that he makes a good profit on replacing glass. The difference is subtle. The same principle applies to artists, gallery owners and fine art printers: selling too cheap isn’t the way to go in a luxury market where somebody somewhere will always charge less. And you have to make a profit. But going the extra mile for people, doing little things well and with a smile, can win you business and cement relationships. The job may be small, or you may just be selling a greeting card, but so long as the customer is paying a reasonable price, who knows what may come of it. The same framer, who also owns a small gallery, also stressed that you must never jump to conclusions about how much someone can afford to spend. People have different priorities. Show customers your best examples first; read their body language and listen to their responses, you can always show them less expensive options next, and so long as you do so with enthusiasm and a smile nothing will be lost. In fact, they may be flattered that you didn’t jump to what is, after all, a rather insulting conclusion.


Managing editor Annabelle Ruston Advertising manager Kasia Szkolnicka Subscriptions Moira Sanders Contributors Jan Baker Linda Becklow Mike Bond GCF Jason Horejs Perry Marshall Riva Richmond Mark Wilson

Sarah Bayliss Pete Bingham GCF Mick Hodson Cindy King Carl Middleditch Bryan Todd

Publication dates Art Business Today is published five times per year: January, April, June, August and October Subscriptions 2013 UK Europe World One year £30 £36 £44 Two years £53 £62 £74 To subscribe, call 020 7381 6616 or visit our website,, and click on the ‘go to Art Business Today magazine’ button Liability ©All rights reserved. ABT is intended to inform but no liability can be accepted for action taken, or not taken, in reliance on it

Annabelle Ruston Guild CEO Louise Hay


Master of the Guild Maxwell Roberts Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter

19 6 April 2013



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Inbrief Wessex launches pricing app

STEVE HIBLE GCF, framer and inventor of all the Wessex Pricing Programs, has launched what he believes to be the first frame pricing app for android devices in the world. ‘We launched the app at the Spring Fair and weren’t at all sure what the reaction from visitors would be,’ explains Steve. ‘We were amazed how positive framers were, from those running high-profile framing businesses to people with part-time market stalls. The consensus was that five years ago the laptop was cool, and now it’s the tablet or smartphone. One visitor even said, ‘I want it and I want it now!’ and I had to prise the demo tablet away from her.’ More information about the app can be found on Steve’s blog, and the full range of Wessex Pricing Programs is available from Wessex Pictures,

Spring Fair International round-up EXHIBITORS AT Spring Fair International were pleased with business written and contacts made, though many would like to see a return to 20 years ago, when around 300 companies showed their wares in the art and framing hall, rather than the 60 who take part in this section of the show today. Retailers who stock gifts and homewares find the show invaluable, but less framing suppliers exhibit than in the past, meaning that some framers don’t visit the event. The Fine Art Trade Guild organised a programme of seminars that were extremely well attended. Subjects ranged from practical framing demonstrations to business advice for artists and retailers. Jenny Isaacson GCF, Topmount Framing, attended several of the sessions, ‘Those of us who attended the show around the time of the millennium will remember that it was trade stands that provided demonstrations to draw in the crowds. Now, the Guild organises seven seminars each day for four-and-a-half days, none of them repeated more than twice. I attended five excellent sessions: John Ranes GCF CPF on creating a better website, and a second session he presented on face-to-face sales techniques; Steve Goodall on adding framing to your business; Martin Harrold on integrating standards into your business; and Pete Bingham GCF

demonstrating a range of frame finishing techniques.’ Framiac’s Mark Wilson reports, ‘It was a good show; Monday was particularly busy. Lots of new people were interested in our frame pricing software and our prime leads included a couple of mini-chains. The buyers who visited were definitely good quality customers.’ ‘We were rushed off our feet the whole time,’ says Wessex Pictures’ Garry White. ‘People were particularly interested to find out more about our speciality glass and they like to actually see and touch mouldings too.’ The show went well for artists and publishers too. Giles Halliwell of Heartbreak Publishing says, ‘It was very positive. People were ordering limited editions in larger quantities than they have at previous shows.’ ‘Sunday and Monday were good,’ reports artist James Bartholomew, ‘We took some good orders at the show. About 70 per cent were from existing customers and 30 per cent were new buyers.’ Spring Fair International takes place at the Birmingham NEC from 2 to 6 February next year. Clockwise from top left: Artist James Buttifant creating a painting on blu tulip’s stand; Pete Bingham GCF pulls in the crowds at his demonstration on frame finishing; visitors examine a computerised mountcutter on Gunnar’s stand; Guild CEO Louise Hay (left) selects the winner of Art in Bloom’s prize draw with artist Karen Hollis

Contemporary art fair in Reading THE FOURTH Reading Contemporary Art Fair will take place on Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 April at the Rivermead Leisure Complex. The show, which is the sister event to the Windsor Contemporary Art Fair, includes 100 artists, printmakers, photographers, sculptors and ceramicists, with prices ranging from £40 to £4000. There is a programme of free workshops, which there is no need to book in advance. www.readingcontemporary 8 April 2013




Making Pictures event this April Guests at the first Making Pictures event in Manchester in 2012

EVERYONE IN the art and framing industry is welcome to attend the Fine Art Trade Guild’s second Making Pictures event, which takes place in Glasgow on the evening of 9 April. ‘Guests are invited to an evening of demonstrations and networking, with the opportunity to chat to like-minded professionals over a drink and a snack,’ says the Guild’s Daniel Radley. ‘We are expecting a wide range of visitors, including illustrators, photographers, publishers, artists, framers, gallery owners and printers. The idea is that people can learn from established experts while making new contacts from all corners of the industry.’ The evening has been made possible thanks to the generous sponsorship of Epson and their re-seller Tetenal. Product manager Phil Barker will be available to answer questions about selfpublishing and printing and to demonstrate Epson equipment. Attendees are welcome to bring an image to the event on a memory stick,

which Phil will print out for them. Other exhibitors include Wessex Pictures’ Ken Turner and Steven Goodall, and Ron Warbrick of The Frame Shop & Gallery, who will talk about running a gallery and selling limited edition artwork. Annan Gallery’s Iain Donaldson will provide hints and tips on image capture, an aspect of fine art reproduction the importance of which is often under-estimated. Jamie McCallum, CEO of the Art Retail Network, will offer sales and marketing advice and the Fine Art Trade Guild’s Daniel Radley and Kasia Szkolnicka will be available to advise on industry standards and best practice. Making Pictures Glasgow will be held at The Old Hairdressers Arts Centre. Doors open at 6pm. Tickets, which include the buffet, cost £10 (£8 to Guild members) and bookings can be made online.

Digital Art Commission: apply now EXETER PHOENIX has launched its Digital Art Commission 2013, and invites artists in the south west of England to apply. Successful applicants will receive £750 towards costs, technical and creative support, the use of state-ofthe art facilities and their work will be included in an exhibition at Exeter Phoenix. The deadline for applications is 15 April. mmissions/ ART BUSINESS TODAY

CALM Type Cube by Philip O’Reilly, who produced 3D printed sculptures as part of last year’s Digital Art Commission

New trade show in Germany A NEW trade fair to be held in the city of Kassel in the Molfsee region of Germany has been announced. The event, entitled Art & Frame Show, will run from 7 to 9 September and will include a programme of educational events. German trade fair Art Fair Europe, which was held in Nuremberg, was cancelled in 2012. Organisers NürnbergMesse said that this was due to economic reasons, which meant that they could not guarantee a quality event for exhibitors and visitors. ‘This new event will showcase mouldings, frames, mountboard, glazing, hanging systems and equpiment for the professional framer,’ says director Heinrich Ackermann. ‘There will also be a wide range of art, graphics, photographs and fine art prints. Our education programme will include workshops and discussions about framing and gilding techniques, as well as sessions focusing on marketing and selling, online solutions and the financial side of running a business.’ The show organiser is Expo Management GmbH from the north of Germany, supported by Der Kunsthandel, the German art and framing trade magazine. Expo Management GmbH is well known in the German art trade, primarily as the organiser of Kunst-Messe München, the oldest art fair in Germany. The exhibition centre in Kassel is easy to reach by car, train and plane, as it is close to the international airports of Frankfurt, Dortmund and Paderborn. The organisers hope to attract international exhibitors and visitors, particularly from Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Austria. There is as yet no website for the new show, so email the organisers for further information,

April 2013 9


ARTIST’S SKETCH ‘Despite the cost of having brochures printed, mine have always proved worthwhile’

Sarah Bayliss

o matter how good an artist’s work, it will only prove its worth if it is promoted effectively. Producing your work as prints, or branching out into merchandise, generates significant costs, all of which need to be covered before you can even consider drawing a salary. Given that I mainly paint farm animals and British wildlife, the most effective form of promotion for me has been exhibiting at agricultural, county and country shows. Exhibiting at these events enabled me to develop a customer base and plough my profits back into the business. Several years later this customer base has expanded, so now I can afford to market my artwork in several other ways as well. It is important to remember that the success of a show cannot be measured solely by what is sold on the day. You also need to count the sales that come in after the event, but as a direct result of your having taken part. It is essential to have brochures available for people to take away with them, because many customers like to go home and ponder what may be a significant purchase. They need time to ensure that they are making the right choice. Despite the costs involved in having brochures printed, mine have always proved their worth throughout the year, with people making a special effort to find their copy and get in touch at Christmas. Nowadays a website is a


necessity. The cost of having one professionally created can be covered in a relatively short time. I ensure that my site is updated regularly; I add new images, news and events to make it interesting to my ever-increasing number of visitors. Many customers like to pay via PayPal, which is easy to set up. Facebook and other social media outlets are an every-expanding way of establishing links with customers. I have diversified into merchandise, so I stock something for every pocket, with greeting cards starting at £1.50 each. Aprons and cotton canvas shopping bags with my images on have proved very popular, and the amount of money that I take as a result of these low-cost items is often surprising. We also offer bone china mugs though, as anyone who has had their artwork printed onto ceramics will know, this is far from being an easy road to follow. Many complications can arise during the production process and a satisfactory end result can take time to achieve. I have made two major investments in marketing: a van in which to transport my work and a marquee in which to exhibit it. Both have my images printed on them. The enormous cows and the hare on the sides and back of the van certainly attract a lot of attention as we drive around the country. I am sure that these images encourage people to visit us at shows or visit our website. However you choose to do it, marketing is a key factor in the success of any business, and art is no exception. ●

Innova Art launches lightweight JetMaster photo panels INNOVA ART, which specialises in producing high quality substrates for digital printing, has unveiled a new type of photo panel. JetMaster photo panels are a simple way of displaying images. The lightweight panels, which can be fully re-cycled, are edged in either matte black or white. To prepare a print for display all you need to do is lift the release liner, align the image, apply pressure with a roller, then trim the edges as necessary. This stylish framefree format is initially available in 5x7” and 8x10” sizes for wall or desktop display. This fashionable take-home solution can be ready in minutes. 10 April 2013



Good times at Focus on Imaging FOCUS ON Imaging, Europe’s biggest annual imaging show, took place in March at the NEC. The event occupied two halls and over 200 exhibitors took part, showing image capture devices, printing and processing equipment and display options. Visitors include retailers, professional photographers and hobbyists. Framing exhibitors included Arqadia, Kenro, DIY Framing, LION Picture Framing Supplies, Framers Corner, Gunnar, Hot Press, HHJ Trading and D&J Simons. ‘Sunday wasn’t as frantically busy as usual,’ reports Gunnar’s Sarah Osborne GCF Adv. ‘That was good for us, as we are looking for professional buyers, but maybe business was down for people selling low-cost items to hobbyists. After that, the show went as expected; we met lots of good contacts and will certainly exhibit again next year.’ DIY Framing were rushed off their feet says MD Duncan McDonald, ‘We are always very busy at Focus. We sell loads of

table-top mountcutters to photographers who want to cut half a dozen mounts every now and again. They take away leaflets about framing courses too and there’s always a surge of bookings after the show; we got 20 bookings in the four days following Focus this year. But the down side is that it’s become extremely expensive to exhibit, and we need five staff on the stand. A lot of people come to the stand asking for time-consuming advice and don’t actually buy anything, which is frustrating.’ On the fine art print side, exhibitors included Epson, Canon, Innova Art, PermaJet, Fotospeed, Hahnemühle and Fujifilm. ‘The show was extremely successful for us,’ says Innova Art’s Kirsty Anne Ward. ‘Our new photo panels were really popular; we had a great reaction from both retailers and event photographers. There was a steady stream of people throughout the show and we took lots of orders for paper too.’

Framiac: in the UK for the long haul FRAMIAC SOFTWARE, which has been operating in Australia and New Zealand since 1996, is so encouraged by the reception received from UK framers that it has become a UK registered company. ‘The UK market is important to us and this move ensures that we can provide the same high level of faultless service and backup here, as we have ART BUSINESS TODAY

Inbrief Alan Reed wins The Artist’s Prize

ALAN REED is the winner of the coveted Artist’s Prize in the Royal Watercolour Society’s annual competition with his painting of Jebel Akhdar (Green Mountain), Oman. ‘The locals grow pomegranates on the terraces which are watered by an ancient yet efficient irrigation system called falaj,’ he explains. Alan has visited Oman a couple of times and made a number of sketchbook studies which are included in a luxurious hardback leather-bound volume priced at £325. Working together: Valiani and Crescent AT THIS year’s West Coast Art & Frame show in Las Vegas it was confirmed that US mountboard manufacturer Cresent will be the exclusive US distributors for Valiani computerised mountcutters. Valiani’s technical and support team in the US will remain unchanged. ‘This alliance will be good for both companies,’ says Valiani MD Nico Valiani. ‘We are looking forward to working together.’

always offered back in Australia and New Zealand,’ says Mark Wilson, who manages Framiac UK and is based in Bristol. ‘We are a UK focused company and are here for the long term.’ He adds, ‘I’m really pleased that the many framers who have taken up our FramR software are now reaping the many benefits it brings.’ April 2013 11


Inbrief Craft Inc comes to the UK US FRAMING equipment manufacturer Craft Inc, best known for its self-fastening hardware and application equipment for frames, has announced that it is opening a warehouse in the UK and has formed a company called Craft Europe Ltd. ‘From our days of revolutionising the costume jewellery industry with our continuous rhinestone chain, to our badge clips which are used on lunar expeditions, Craft Inc is a company of continuous evolution,’ says Craft’s Adam Ruthowski. ‘That vision has led to the opening of Craft Europe Ltd. The European warehouse will reduce lead times and costs as goods will be shipped directly from stocked inventory of our most popular hardware. We look forward to better servicing your hardware and equipment needs.’ The warehouse address is: Unit H, Midland Road Industrial Estate, Swadlincote DE11 0AN, tel 01283 227772. Parrish launches monochrome collection VERSATILE ARTIST Kevin Parrish has unveiled a new collection of nostalgic monochrome images featuring steam trains and scenes from Birmingham and London in the 20th century. Kevin turns his hand to subjects as wide ranging as British comedians, canals and rock music icons.

12 April 2013

Guild website: new and improved THE NEW-look Fine Art Trade Guild website enables the public to search for members by distance from their postcode from the home page, making it even easier for people to find members that supply the products and services they need. ‘Our overriding concern when designing the new site was to help members win more business,’ explains Guild CEO Louise Hay. ‘People are impatient and want to go no further than the home page to conduct a search and they need the search function to be straightforward.’ The searchable artist portfolio function is another exciting new feature that is designed to help artists win business. Visitors to the site can select a

subject, from abstracts to transport images, then find out which Guild artists specialise in this field and go straight to their website. This search option is clearly visible on the new creativelooking home page. People can now enrol for membership and pay subscriptions online, as well as purchasing books and GCF merchandise that way. Members and registered trade users need to reset their passwords to activate the new system. There is much more functionality and valuable information in the member area, so the Guild is expecting members to log in even more frequently than before.

Gunnar launches innovative software

Gunnar’s ArtView webcam (above) captures your chosen mount and frame chevrons and turns these into a 3D preview of how the framed artwork will look. Right: How the customer’s artwork appears onscreen

SWISS COMPUTERISED mountcutter manufacturer Gunnar is pleased to announce the launch of Gunnar Mat Creator GMC 2.0. This new operating software includes many innovative, creative and productive features and will be available to download from 1 May. New features include ArtView, which provides high quality 3D previews of how customers’ artwork will look once mounted and framed. There is also a POS interface which is fully integrated with SpecialtySoft™ point of sale software, with more POS interfaces to come. Graphic tablet assistance means that vectorised hand writing and hand drawing can be created with any USB connected graphic tablet or graphic

mouse, enabling users to enhance mounts with unique hand drawn designs. This feature is particularly impressive when used in conjunction with the GUNNAR T2 pen tool. The simplified view feature enables streamlined and simplified GMC software operation, which is perfect for shop floor usage. Remote control unit CMC manipulation makes positioning the arm and other set-up functions straightforward. GMC2.0 is completely free of charge – including all product updates to come – and helps customers save money. Gunnar has over 20 years’ experience in technical development and has manufactured thousands of cutting machines placed globally. ART BUSINESS TODAY


SHOP TALK ‘Take ten minutes out of your day to look at your shop as a customer would’

o . . . we open the doors and wait for the customers to come, make ourselves a cup of tea and place the chipped mug on the over-crowded counter. When a customer comes in we hardly notice as we are too busy chatting. Ring any bells? I hope not, but it is so easy to slip into bad ways without noticing. With great customer service we can do more for our business than any amount we spend on advertising and word of mouth is worth its weight in gold (well – more than that, it’s beyond value). Why not take ten minutes out of your day to look at your shop as a customer would? Go outside, stand on the pavement and look at your shop front, and I mean really look. Notice the paintwork, could the pavement do with a sweep? Do the windows need cleaning? Walk back through the door and take another long critical look, and you will be surprised how many things you can tidy up to create a professional appearance. Remove old curled up A4 posters, empty the waste paper bin, replace bent scruffy mountboard samples and old faded price labels and take anything unnecessary off the counter. Have a goal in mind, think of a business whose appearance you really admire; for me it’s the clean lines of the Apple Store. I know I will never ever achieve their look but it does make me tidy up and find a home out of sight for as much of the clutter as I can. Spring cleaning could add cash to your


Jan Baker New corner router and joiner from LION ACHIEVING NEAT, tight joins on dense hard wood mouldings and deep rebates can be a challenge, so LION are pleased to introduce the framing trade to the Hoffmann corner routing and joining system, which uses the traditional principle of the dovetail joint to solve this problem. The router accurately locates the mitred moulding and then machines a precision dovetail slot in the face. When both sides of the join have been routed, the two pieces are held together and a double dovetail key is tapped into the slot. The obliquely converging ribbed inner surfaces of the key draw the mouldings together for a tight and perfectly aligned join. 14 April 2013

bottom line so ‘strip down and get dirty’, give the place a good clean and maybe a lick of paint. Re-dress the shop and don’t over crowd; allow customers to see what you have for sale. If something has not sold, don’t keep it, give it to charity and use it to get good publicity so the space can be used for more profitable, faster moving stock. Look at your window display, vacuum up dead flies regularly. I change my window every week and during the week I may change the pictures. I now have local customers who choose their dog-walking route each day so they come past and see what has changed. The gallery is known for the everchanging flags and bunting that catch customers’ eyes and say ‘come on in’. I am always surprised how I can have something for sale for a while and as soon as I move it to the window it sells. Don’t ignore this valuable space. Always say hello, make eye contact and smile. If it is a regular customer try and remember their name or something from a conversation you have had. I am hopeless at remembering names but I can usually recall a picture we framed for them or their last purchase, and this makes them feel special and costs nothing, but keeps customers coming back. None of this is new, we all know what to do, but taking time to stand back and have a look - a really long look - can make a huge difference to what goes into the till without you having to spend a penny. ●

Precision engineered in Germany for professional users, the Hoffmann XLine 20 can rout slots for two thicknesses of dovetail keys, which are available in a range of heights from 9.5mm to 38mm., or see the system in action at LION Birmingham and LION South.



The next generation of CMCs VALIANI, THE Italian computerised mountcutter manufacturer, has launched the MatPro Ultra. ‘The machine employs tomorrow’s state of the art technology to provide innovative solutions for the present day,’ says MD Nico Valiani. ‘The developments that we make to our range of CMCs revolves around customers’ comments and requirements. The Ultra, which evolves from our best-selling MatPro iX, reflects this policy.’ The new machine boasts extensive engineering upgrades and its sleek, graceful design is a considerable improvement on the original MatPro. There is a mountboard storage unit beneath the cutting board, which is a tremendous idea for those with workshops where space is at a premium. The Ultra has upgraded motors, which guarantee excellent reliability. In addition, its newly designed stainless steel tracking rails and improved bearings ensure longevity and provide continued cutting accuracy. These features, combined with the Ultra’s

robust build, provide an outstanding cutting option. The Ultra, available in both standard and vacuum models, employs Valiani’s award-winning interchangeable head system. Any newly designed heads will automatically fit the machine, ensuring a long working life.

Inbrief Visit the Guild Artists’ Exhibition GALLERY OWNERS, publishers and anyone interested in buying original artwork is reminded to put the Guild Artists’ Exhibition in their diary. The show takes place on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 May at the picturesque Old Swan Hotel, Harrogate, and is part of the Art & Framing Industry Awards event. All work in the show is from established Fine Art Trade Guild members. Subject matter ranges from wildlife to abstract works, and includes landscapes and still lifes.

Vibrant show and fully booked training sessions in Las Vegas THE WEST Coast Art & Frame Show, which took place in Las Vegas, was wellattended and the atmosphere was upbeat. Fine Art Trade Guild CEO Louise Hay was there, ‘There was a good buzz throughout the show. There were more than 100 educational sessions and attendance was amazingly high. There were lots of opportunities to network, including after-show social events.’ Lawrence Walmsley, MD of International Graphics, reports, ‘The show was good and it was great to see so many old colleagues. Exhibiting felt like a home coming, as we’ve been absent from the show for ten years. The market is vibrant in the US; I wish we were seeing the same in Europe.’ Valiani MD Nico Valiani also exhibited, ‘It was a very good show. We sold a lot of machines during all three days. It’s not a big event, but it’s well attended because framers come to learn new techniques and business skills at the classes.’ The show was good for visitors too. ‘I left Vegas with several ideas on how to ART BUSINESS TODAY

encourage customers to understand framing options and the benefits associated with them,’ says Jessica Wildeman of Art & Soul Framing and Gallery. ‘We found everything we were looking for at the WCAF Expo and more. Scouring the internet can be quite daunting, so it was great to see all the products at one venue. The industry

representatives at the show provided us with a multitude of new ideas. We came away with a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm,’ reports Jan Bertwell of Finishing Touches. The 2014 show will run from 20 to 22 January, with the national conference beginning on 19 January.

April 2013 15


IN BUSINESS ‘The inkjet print quality assurance programme brings Guild print standards into the digital age’

Louise Hay

here are exciting times ahead for the Fine Art Trade Guild. We have finally launched our new website with enhanced opportunities for members to raise their profiles and drive business through their doors. Now is the time to get to work on your online directory profile and, if you are an artist, gallery or publisher, add art to your searchable portfolio. Our busiest pages are the ‘find a member’ searches, followed closely by guidance on buying art, prints and framing, which demonstrates that consumers are using the site when searching for these products and services. Unfortunately, with a development this ambitious we do seem to have more bugs than we would like, but our new forum, shop and member searches are all designed to make things easier and provide more support. We’re working hard with the developers to iron out the problems; if you do find any bugs, broken links or issues with layout and design, please send me the url of the offending page. Our next phase is to work on navigation for the site, and we are planning a complete redesign of the menu structure. I’ll be meeting developers soon to start on the next stage of our new inkjet print quality assurance programme, designed to give consumers confidence in Guild members’ giclée prints. The IPQA programme will complement the existing Guild print standards, but bring them into the digital age. Guild member artists, publishers


and printers will be able to register images online, providing a record of the combinations of ink, paper and printer used to produce their prints. Manufacturers and trade suppliers will be able to use the new logo to show that their products meet our technical standards. We’ll be working in tandem on an original image register for artists, photographers and publishers to assist in the fight to protect intellectual property by establishing provenance for original images. The system will make it easy to upload thumbnails which will be searchable on our site, with a minimal cost per image. Daniel Radley and Kasia Szkolnicka from the Guild office will be visiting Glasgow on Tuesday 9 April for our second Making Pictures event, which will be rolling out nationally across 2013. They hope to meet as many members and ABT readers as possible at these events, so do come along for an enjoyable and interesting evening. And finally, don’t miss the Art & Framing Convention UK in the lovely spa town of Harrogate. Apart from our fabulous dinner dance, Guild Artists’ Exhibition, display of breath-takingly clever shortlisted frames, seminars and masterclasses, there’s also loads to do around the town and in the surrounding countryside. Please come along with family and friends and make a long weekend of it. I really hope to see you all there. ● Louise Hay is the Chief Executive of the Fine Art Trade Guild

The publishing trade loses Robert Osborn EARLIER THIS year well-known independent sales representative Robert Osborn sadly died aged 58, having lost his battle with cancer. Robert’s death was a shock for many of his customers, as he was working and looking well until just before Christmas. Over the years Robert represented many leading publishers, though for the last seven years he worked almost exclusively for Aquarelle Publishing. ‘Robert’s success was due to his natural ability to get on with everybody,’ remembers Aquarelle Publishing MD Paul Taylor. ‘Customers looked forward to him visiting and he developed trust through genuine, honest 16 April 2013

advice and a personal interest in their business. His knowledge was exceptional as he worked in the art publishing trade from a very young age; there are many who have known him since the 1970s. His experience was gained through working with several significant companies. His advice was always calm, fair and considered. With his hands firmly buried in his pockets, Robert’s easy smile and boyish chuckle, often developing into peels of laughter, brightened even the gloomiest of offices or most boring trade fair. He really was ‘one in a million’, an all round good bloke and a true friend.’ Robert leaves a widow, Liz, and two daughters. ART BUSINESS TODAY


Wessex unveils Oldham showroom The new Oldham showroom (right) and the team that manages the depot, from left, Jean, Lauren and Ken

WESSEX PICTURES have doubled the size of the showroom area of their Oldham depot, following increases in their trade counter business. Northern area manager Steve Goodall comments, ‘I joined the Wessex Group in September last year and one of my prime aims has been to create good reasons for people to visit our depots. The 2013 catalogue is huge and comprehensive, but offers a totally different experience to touching sample mouldings in the flesh, or looking at the true colour of specific mountboard.’ Customers can see the full range of over 1300 mouldings and choose samples to take away. ‘Mouldings are arranged in groups, so if you have a vague idea of what you want, it is easy to weigh up the options and choose the right products. New mouldings are together, so you can see what’s new at a glance. A handy ‘top 150’ section is invaluable for newer framers who may need help in setting up and establishing a fast moving selection of samples,’ enthuses Steve. Wessex Oldham carries mountboard from manufacturers such as Daler Rowney, Arqadia, Nielsen Bainbridge and Crescent, as well as their own competitively priced value range. All boards are available in single sheets, which is handy if you are looking for something a little different and do not want a whole pack. A full range of sundries is another reason for customers to call in: from picture cord to glass cleaner, from wedges to packing materials. ‘The jewel in the crown of Wessex Oldham is probably our stock and product knowledge of specialist glass,’ explains glass specialist Jean Roberts. ‘We carry a huge range of specialist ART BUSINESS TODAY

glass which can be a bit bewildering to newcomers, so we spend time helping framers choose the right product for each job. We have wall displays of all the different types and free sample frames for customers to display in their own shops. These samples are a real selling aid; they show just how good artwork could look with the right type of glass.’ Wessex Oldham offers a fast and efficient glass cutting service, for plain and speciality glass as well as plastics. The cutting team have years of experience and can handle the most challenging jobs. Customers can usually phone ahead and pop in to collect their cut glass order the same day, though a fleet of five delivery vans cover the Greater Manchester area up to three times a week, and most other areas in their region on a twice weekly basis. The showroom and trade counter is open from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, and is located at Units 5 & 6, Under Lane, Chadderton, Oldham OL9 7PP, 0161 681 2859,

LifeSaver Software unveils UK website LIFESAVER SOFTWARE Inc, a maker of picture framing software newly arrived from the United States, announces the unveiling of their brand-new LifeSaver UK website. The site features trial downloads, a growing list of training materials (including ‘how-to’ training videos), product descriptions, and local contact information for support. ‘LifeSaver aims to continue their tradition of support begun in the USA, and the new website is an important piece of the complete support package. It is part of the company philosophy,’ says director Eric Crowe. ‘We hear frequently from our customers that bespoke framers are better off with software, customers trust it and it’s good for their bottom line, but we understand that not every framer is tech savvy to start with. So, we combine powerful software tools and features with user-friendly design and industry-leading support to ensure bespoke framers can get up and running and enjoy the benefits of their software quickly, whether they consider themselves a techie or a newbie.’ LifeSaver Software would like to encourage everyone to visit the new site, download a 30-day free trial, watch training videos, and tell them about the experience at Eric Crowe, director of LifeSaver Software

April 2013 17


IN PRINT ‘Now the Holy Grail: unsharp masking and image sharpness’

Mick Hodson

ubbish in, rubbish out. This is the most important thing you need to know about giclée printing. The best quality prints are the ones that have been prepared properly. There are three elements to this: size, colour and sharpness. Your file needs to be a good size to start with. If you are printing yourself through Photoshop, you need a file that will stretch to the end output size without degrading. The good thing is, unlike litho printing where you need a proper 300 dpi (dots per inch) file at the finished size, technology can now cheat the system. Experiment, that’s all you need to do. I know that I can print a good 300dpi file at 400 per cent (making it 72dpi) without any visible loss of quality. Before you tear your hair out, try it, or send the file to your printer, who may, like me, have a program that enlarges small files. Always keep the original file without changing it at all. Make any changes from that and do a ‘save as’. I go back to the beginning many times and every change you make and re-save degrades the image slightly in jpg format. Colour rendition is either very easy, very lucky, or a nightmare – easy when you have control over the scanner or camera, lucky when you are happy with what you get, or a nightmare when you are not set up properly. The main thing is to include a piece of black and a piece of white card in the scan or photograph. If you are taking


a photo then the light must be even. I have clients who want to supply me with their own files, so I ask them to photograph their artwork with these cards. Providing the black and white patches are lit in the same way and are not in shadow, this gives surprisingly good results and saves money. I open the file in Photoshop, and the droppers in ‘curve adjustment’ straighten out most pictures. Nothing is as good as a professional scan or photograph, though it amazes me how good digital 35mm is now. With the right lighting and lens I have seen files as good as you get on a £20K camera. The lens is important; it’s no good having a flash camera providing huge files if they are out of focus. Now the Holy Grail: unsharp masking and image sharpness. A lot of people could improve their prints if they had the ability to sharpen. I sharpen virtually every image I handle, from my own studio and from clients. Try it, print tests with or without and see which you prefer. Old versions of Photoshop had an unsharp mask facility, which was a bit crude but good enough at the time. It also gave great contrast on suspect files. Now you use ‘smart sharpening’, which is a lot more subtle. Always leave the sharpening until you have finished all other adjustments and cleaning up. Never be afraid to try these things, and don’t stop if it goes wrong at the first attempt. ●

Framing training in demand in Russia UK FRAMER Steve McKee GCF Adv travelled to Moscow to teach inaugural sessions at the new Russian Framing School, launched by the Association of Participants in the Art Industry. Chairman of the Russian Framer’s Guild Nadir Sitdikov GCF says, ‘We started the framing school to raise standards and move our industry forward. We chose to use GCF and the Fine Art Trade Guild’s accredited training system as a solid foundation for our programmes.’ Eight students enrolled for Steve’s first class in frame design His second class was a two day GCF refresher course, after which students went on to 18 April 2013

take their GCF exam. In St Petersburg, Lion Art Service launched the first school in the cultural capital. LAS Moscow has been offering Guild accredited training and GCF exams since 2006 and is now extending the programme throughout Russia via their distribution centres. Instructor Stephen Finney GCF led a three day course for experienced framers, combining theoretical knowledge with practical hints and tips. Guild CEO Louise Hay says, ‘Following my visit to Moscow in 2012 I am delighted to receive continued support for Guild programmes from the Russian Framing School and Lion Art

Service. Having seen first hand the thirst for knowledge in Russia we will be working together to provide education and information for the industry’.,

A framing training course in progress at Lion Art Service



Promotion launched on Crescent RagMat

Inbrief Making pictures: save the date FOLLOWING THE first Making Pictures event of 2013 in Glasgow (see page 9), the Fine Art Trade Guild is pleased to confirm dates for later in the year. Tuesday 11 June will see Making Pictures Bristol, which is sponsored by Epson and their reseller Tetenal. Making Pictures Bedford takes place on Thursday 1 August and is sponsored by Arqadia. Tuesday 3 September will see the Making Pictures roadshow appear in Dublin, then on Thursday 19 September there will be an event in the north of England. If you would like to take part in any of these events email Daniel Radley at

US MOUNTBOARD manufacturer Crescent has launched an awareness campaign to promote the environmental benefits of their RagMat board, which is made from cotton. The ‘Best Choice for the Environment’ pack, which is free to framers, consists of a corner set fan, a point of sale counter display and a window sticker. ‘Our goal is to help consumers understand the difference they can make not only to the protection of their artwork but also to the environment,’ explains MD Peter Royle. ‘We have found that easy point of sale tools also help the frame shop sell up’. Crescent firmly believe that Crescent RagMat board is the best choice for framers, as cotton is ‘born’ pH neutral, it is not artificially rendered that way, and it has a proven record of stability. There are cotton documents and artwork which remain in good condition after a century or more due to their inherent neutral pH. ‘Crescent RagMat is manufactured from cotton fibre, an annually renewable resource that reduces the amount of trees used to make mountboard and is therefore the best choice not only for the artwork but also the environment,’ says Peter Royle. ‘In addition, cotton fibre is processed without harsh chemicals or additives, making it superior to the bleached, chemically processed woodpulp that is used to ART BUSINESS TODAY

produce some conservation boards.’ Cotton RagMat board was designed specifically for the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York in the late 1920s. It is 100 per cent cotton, so is acid and lignin-free, and is made with solid colour throughout. The board is extra rigid and includes special surface sizing designed to make mount decorating easy. RagMat is available in 35 colour choices in 32x40”, 13 colours in 40x60” and come in sizes up to 48x96” with thick board options in assorted sizes. A range of unbuffered board is available for photography. The promotion and full range of Crescent boards is available from either Wessex Pictures or Britannia Mounts, the UK subsidiary of Crescent Cardboard.

New departure for Selective SELECTIVE PRINTS, publishers and distributors of limited editions prints, have announced that they will be working with Anne Farrall Doyle, publishing limited edition giclées of her figurative works, which fall into the category of ‘boudoir art’. ‘Boudoir art is a new departure for us, but we are delighted to be associated with such a talented and internationally published artist as Anne Farrall Doyle,’ said Andrew Whyte, proprietor of Selective Prints. ‘Anne’s work is ethereal, sensual and romantic, whilst always maintaining a level of modesty and tastefulness that allows it to hang in any gallery setting.’

April 2013 19

FACE TO FACE Animal artist TONI HARGREAVES explains how she manages to paint every day, as well as selling online, marketing her work and prioritising customer service

The art of adding value How did you get started? I trained as a technical illustrator at Blackpool & Fylde College of Art. My training has been incredibly valuable; in those pre-computer days we really studied the mechanics of drawing and perspective. My first job was as a medical illustrator, then I went freelance and did quite a bit of advertising work. Friends encouraged me to paint wildlife. Because of my training I could paint every hair of an animal accurately, but the effects that could be achieved with light and movement were a revelation to me. I knew that my wildlife work had improved when my paintings were accepted by Christie’s in 1999. With the confidence of youth, introducing myself to galleries didn’t worry me; I approached quite a few and my work started to be exhibited quite widely. When did you start painting cows? In 2004 I was out walking my dog one day when some cows approached us and I thought how like a team of rugby players they looked. I photographed them, then created a painting - which I loved doing – and the painting sold immediately. My enthusiasm was infectious; I stopped worrying about every hair being in place and started to create paintings I loved.

Do you sell from your website? I don’t have a secure shopping option online. People email me requesting an e-catalogue of prints and originals and I am meticulous about sending them by return, often from my phone if I’m out and about. Customers pay via PayPal, cheque or bank transfer. Because my work is very niche, people find me through Google searches. Do you do your own printing? No. I use an excellent printer; I’m more interested in quality than hunting down the cheapest. As an independent artist, customer service and quality are the most important things I offer, so I don’t want to compromise my reputation by having a go at producing prints myself. Printing, framing and image capture are best left to professionals who have invested in the best equipment and I’m happy to pay for their experience. You can’t achieve the best results if you photograph your work yourself. It only costs about £50 per image to go to a photographer. How do you market your work? My focus on customer service and adding value are key, because that ensures repeat business and word of mouth recommendation. Customer service means going the extra mile. For example, when I am working on a

commission I email regular photographs, which I then put on a CD for the customer. I also include videos of me at work, which I create using Animoto software. When framing commissions for customers, I take the painting to my framer and photograph it surrounded by a choice of chevrons, then I ask the customer to choose. If customers are buying for a specific occasion such as an anniversary, I make a note of the date and send a card. Of course, one of the benefits of being represented by a well-known company such as DeMontfort is that they are experts at marketing. I write a blog and I have a professional Facebook page. I prefer to keep my personal and business profiles separate. I don’t find Twitter useful, as it’s not a visual platform, but a LinkedIn profile helps validate your business. I’m going to hold an open studio event for previous clients for the first time this year. I produce a Christmas card and also very limited edition calendars which I send free as a thank you. Do you license your artwork? About 15 years ago I sold licences for four wildlife images to a manufacturer of cross-stitch kits and I still receive royalties. I have been approached by greeting card companies and I used to sell my images, but licensing isn’t the direction I’m most interested in developing. I’m concerned that allowing licensing for some products might have a detrimental affect on sales of my original work. I would advise any artist thinking of signing a licensing contract to study it very hard first; check that there are no restrictive clauses preventing you selling your work elsewhere. ● See Toni’s work on page 21, opposite

Are you with a publisher? I approached Washington Green with my cow images and they published my work for a while. I am now with DeMontfort Fine Art, but they sell my originals, they don’t publish prints. I produce a few editions of up to 50 images that I sell direct rather than through galleries. I don’t want to be a print artist, I am interested in developing the market for my originals. The problem with prints sold via a gallery for me is that the end product becomes too expensive. My originals sell for between £700 and £4000. 20 April 2013


To advertise here, call 020 7381 6616 or email: Entries are £80 for Guild members, £150 for non-members (+ VAT)

Jester Designs

Jester Designs is a new bespoke mount design service from framing expert Mal Reynolds GCF Adv. The service is dedicated to cutting patterns both ancient and modern, with inspiration taken from Arabic, Islamic and Gothic designs. The mounts are cut using a Valiani computerised mountcutter with an interchangeable head system, and borders are created using Valiani’s MatStylus pen head attachment.


James Buttifant / blu tulip

Seen here is one of the three new pieces by James Buttifant, published by blu tulip. The collection charms us with the amorous journey of these enchanting animals, from meeting in a crowded ‘room’, to revealing their feelings for one another, and ending with the creation of new life. One in a Million is an edition of 195.

01673 860249

Britannia Mounts

Paul Tavernor

Britannia Mounts is launching its e-commerce site to feature sheet products such as mountboard, glass, back board, acrylic and foam board as well as a mount design tool that lets users create a mount online, upload images and check prices prior to ordering via the secure server. Britannia’s brand product range includes Crescent mountboard in single sheets, Britannia mountboard, TruVue glass, Corri-Cor and Crescent tapes in addition to a bevel cut mount service, acrylic sheets, clear resealable bags, back board and other accessories. All products are now delivered carriage free on orders over £50 nett. The Crescent white core range is illustrated. 01484 668990

She is a leader, a pack member, a hunter and survivor. She treads gently upon the earth and takes only what she needs. She is a wolf, first seen in the evening shadows.

Toni Hargreaves

Mainline Mouldings

Title: Evening Shadows Edition size: 125 Mounted size: 28x20cm Trade price: £28 This is presented in a bespoke Vmount with artist biography, wrapped in a protective cellophane sleeve, ready for immediate resale. Unmounted prints available. Please contact Samantha at 01663 766568

Mainline’s development of Polcore continues with the latest realistic wood grain texture. This is initially available in 11 colours on a 30x16mm profile and is priced from £1 per metre.

Devoted by Toni Hargreaves. 01772 620682 ART BUSINESS TODAY

01949 861000 April 2013 21


Clinton Banbury Illustration

Arqadia Art that makes you smile. Following the success of Clint’s prints at Crufts, the range of dog prints has been expanded to over 100 images. Title: Bull-dozer’ Format: signed limited edition giclée print Edition: 195 Image size: 14x14cm plus mount Price: £8.50; RRP £20

Larson Juhl’s new Lancaster mouldings offer a distinctly Americana touch in a complementary palette of light, medium and dark wire-brushed distressed finishes. The covered bridge grey finish is a midtone colour highlighted with warm brown undertones that works well on colourful artworks. Split rail tan provides a traditional light barnwood tone enhanced by silvery greys, while Amish black provides a slight glimpse of wood grain through an aged charcoal black colouring. Each finish is available in four transitional sized profiles, with matching mountslips. Available to order from £1.74 per metre length and via the chop service, the Lancaster collection is manufactured from Swedish pine, and is accredited by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).

01789 773526 07971 106628

01234 852777

Marialuisa Marino

Selective Prints Artist: Anne Farrall Doyle Title: Back in Lamplight Format: signed limited edition giclée prints Edition: 95 Image size: 297x420mm

Marialuisa Marino is a portrait artist and poet. The work illustrated is a selfportrait. Email the artist at

07770 553787


Expressive Art

The new Valiani Mat Pro® Ultra computerised mountcutter.

Expressive Art offers affordable picture framing to the public and trade: Canvas stretching service Mirros made to any size ● Gold leaf gilding ● Turn your photo into a canvas ● Reglazing, remounting and repairs ● Tapestries and cross stitch carefully stretched ● Giclée printing ● Computerised mountcutting ● Football shirts, medals and certificates. ● ●

All work is carried out at Expressive Art’s premises in Stevenage, Hertfordshire. 22 April 2013


To advertise here, contact Debra Doherty on 020 7381 6616 or email: Entries are £80 for Guild members, £150 for non-members (+ VAT)



Karen Hollis at Art in Bloom Andover is a collection of classically minimalist profiles available in six subtle colours. Offered in muted shades of black/orange, white/natural, silver/black, champagne/black, gold/black and bronze/black, the elegant shaping of the Andover range allows the artwork to remain the focus. This FSC certified pine profile comes in 42mm, 69mm and 110mm widths, with prices starting from £3.47 per metre. Andover is also available through the chop service.

01234 852777

Art in Bloom publishes high quality giclée prints of the strikingly beautiful floral art of Berkshire based artist Karen Hollis. Illustrated is Winter Berry.

01491 671476

Alex Borissov

James Buttifant / blu tulip

Continuing with the topic of sustainability and recycling Alex Borissov has created a series of XXI century mummies made of decommissioned electronic devices, including a mummified keyboard, loudspeakers, telephones and a whole PC. In the production of Alex’s mummies no animal has suffered.

Seen here is one of the three new pieces by James Buttifant, published by blu tulip. The collection charms us with the amorous journey of these enchanting animals, from meeting in a crowded ‘room’, to revealing their feelings for one another, and ending with the creation of new life. Our Hopes and Dreams is an edition of 195.

00 41 79 843 7881

Alpha 1 Marketing

LION Picture Framing Supplies

Alpha 1 Marketing has a reputation for producing unusual artwork at affordable prices. Illustrated is Moonlit Playground by Sue Howells.

LION Trade Catalogue No 49 and LION Fine Print Edition 15 are now available.

01279 659001

0121 773 1230


April 2013 23


This extended business section, which focuses on online marketing, is brought to you by Arqadia

QR codes make it quick and easy for smartphone users to capture information about you, and to be taken to a specific webpage or added to a mailing list. And they are cheap and easy to generate. Business journalist LINDA BECKLOW assesses whether QR codes are likely to remain a fixture of the mobile landscape

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24 April 2013

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You don’t need to key in any details, remember a web address or navigate your way from a home page to the information you require

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A WORD FROM OUR SPONSOR Steve Burke Sales Director, Arqadia

Artist Paul Crabtree uses QR codes on his website and throughout his marketing material

QR codes, while offering a great tool for data capture, aren’t something that will suit the needs of every business. For starters, you are relying on your customers not only owning smartphones, but having access to the right apps, and knowing how to use them properly. Some people, for example, may not quite be as comfortable with this particular technological advancement as those who use their phones as handheld computers on a day-to-day basis. An accurate assessment of the people you are trying to sell to is important, so that you can be sure the technology will be used accurately and have real impact. The type of business you run should also influence your choice to utilise QR codes. Remember, the whole point of this technology is to offer the user more robust and in-depth information about a particular product. For somewhere like a large art gallery, that has a high footfall of customers, QR codes on paintings can disseminate a greater breadth of informative facts and figures, such as artist profiles and pricing, without the business having to invest in extra staffing to deal with customer queries. Whereas, for small businesses that have limited stock portfolios, direct face-to-face discussions about products between yourselves and customers will reap far more business benefits, and not incur hefty design and implementation costs.


April 2013 25


This extended business section, which focuses on online marketing, is brought to you by Arqadia

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Top: A QR code cut from mountboard and displayed on Gunnar’s stand at Spring Fair International

Below: The lefthand QR code takes smartphone users straight to the booking information for the Art & Framing Industry Awards event, while the righthand code takes them to information about the Guild Artists’ Exhibition

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This extended business section, which focuses on online marketing, is brought to you by Arqadia

The fine art of email Most art and framing retailers communicate with customers via email, so it’s vital to ensure that your messages aren’t consigned to the recipient’s spam folder. Technology journalist RIVA RICHMOND offers expert advice on how to ensure that your messages make it to customers’ inboxes

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28 April 2013

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CASE STUDY LIZ HIBBERDINE Angles of Art ‘We send a monthly e-newsletter to several hundred people, which is definitely worthwhile. People make purchases as a direct result of the communication; sometimes they buy online, or they call us to discuss their requirements further, or they come in to look at the piece before committing. We aren’t going to become millionaires on the back of this initiative alone, but it’s a valuable part of the marketing mix. We distribute the newsletter via an email service suggested by our web designer. The big advantage of the service is that they offer full campaign reports, including who has opened the email, who has marked it as spam, who has clicked on which links and who has unsubscribed. When we take an order we ask the customer if they would like to receive our e-newsletter and most people are happy to give us their address.

We use the newsletter to inform people about special offers, new artwork, art fairs we will be taking part in and initiatives such as charitable donations on certain prints. The newsletter is in the body of the email, it’s not an attachment. We keep the layout simple and limit the amount of text; if someone’s interested to find out more they click on a link to our website. It’s important to include images though. Our contact details are immediately visible and Facebook and Twitter buttons are at the top of the page. The content is clearly divided up with rules and headings and we use colour to make each weblink stand out. The design of the newsletter mirrors that of our website, with the same lightly patterned blue background. About half of the recipients opened our last newsletter. We’ve experimented with just sending it to the people who opened the previous one, and then nearly all recipients open it. 22 per cent clicked on one of the links in the last newsletter. We recently offered buyers a free frame if they bought a Sue Howells print, and lots of people clicked on that link. It’s important to consider the timing of your email. People tend to open emails the day they arrive or not at all, and the most popular time for opening them is the beginning of the working day. We don’t send a newsletter if we’ve nothing to say, so there may be gaps of longer than four weeks between communications. It’s better not to communicate at all than to annoy people with an ‘empty’ email.’

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April 2013 29


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We’ve been collecting email addresses for 15 years so we have well over 2000 now. The key to our system is keeping detailed records of customers’ interests

CASE STUDY FIONA HADDON Haddon Galleries ‘We contact customers by email on a regular basis, but we try to keep the contact more personal than a generic enewsletter. We’ve been collecting email addresses for 15 years so we have well over 2000 now. We’ve never bought a list; we just ask customers for their details and assure them that we will contact them a maximum of twice a month, though most of the time they only hear from us once a month. The key to our system is keeping very detailed records of customers’ interests, past purchases and events such as house moves. We can then search by subject, such as wildlife, or an artist’s name, and just email people who are interested in particular artwork. We only email our entire list when we have a major exhibition, the rest of our communications are more targeted. If we’ve just acquired some original oil paintings, there might be just 50 people on the database who we want to email about them, whereas we’d communicate with many more people about prints. We refer to our notes when emailing these key clients and ask about their house move, new baby, business venture or whatever, so the email would be highly personal. We say things 30 April 2013

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like, ‘You’ve been tempted by x’s work in the past.’ Customers appreciate being more than a name on a list. We hand-write and post 500 invitations for exhibitions and the personal approach is just as important when emailing customers. When emailing our entire database about an exhibition, we send a more targeted email to the top 100 or so collectors of that type of artwork. If it was a wildlife show we might send more big cat images to some collectors and a personal note to others. We don’t use an email service, we communicate direct with customers. That means we have to handle all the ‘unable to deliver’ emails and manage the list ourselves. People change email provider quite often, so their emails bounce back, and they may forget to tell us. If an email from a good customer bounces back then we will telephone and ask if they’ve changed email address, which generally explains it. We communicate less and less with customers by telephone because people are so inundated with marketing calls that they tend not to answer their phones. We used to request email and phone details, but people don’t like being asked for too much information, so we tend to just ask for email details now. We use AOL’s address book for emailing clients, though we’ve customised it slightly to meet our requirements. We’ve adapted it so that we can search by artist and subject matter. We’ve only received a handful of requests to unsubscribe in 15 years. People who enjoy art generally like to receive emails about art. We keep our emails short and to the point and always include images and a weblink. People don’t want to receive entire artist biographies in an email; if they are interested they click on the link.’ ART BUSINESS TODAY


CASE STUDY IAN MORRIS GCF Chalfont Art & Framing

It’s a legal requirement that recipients have the option to unsubscribe, but most art and framing retailers find that very few customers do so

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‘We send a monthly e-newsletter to around 3000 recipients, which is a successful initiative. We’ve been doing it for a few years now. Each recipient has either visited the website and requested to join the list, or has been to the gallery. We receive very few ‘returned to sender’ emails or requests to unsubscribe because we don’t buy in lists; all our recipients know us. Of course people change their email address, but they very often let us know in advance. It’s a legal requirement to have an unsubscribe option though. We don’t use an email service, we just send the newsletter out from our PC. Managing this isn’t a problem. It’s important that your e-shot is visible in the recipient’s browser; far less people would look at it if they had to click on a JPG or PDF file. Once a month is about right; if you email people too often they would get annoyed. People definitely buy from us as a result of the newsletter, sometimes several weeks after receiving it. The newsletter prompts them to get in touch; it’s easy to just click the ‘reply’ button. The design our newsletter reflects our corporate identity and colours. There’s a personal note from me at the top, I always say that I look forward to seeing the recipient in the gallery and our contact details are clearly visible. This re-assures people that the email isn’t spam and adds a personal dimension. We also clearly invite the recipient to forward the newsletter to anyone who might be interested in our art and exhibitions. E-newsletters should be informative and to-the-point, with lots of images. The format includes a few prominent, yet brief, ‘lead stories’ plus thumbnails down the righthand side showing other art that is currently available. If you click on any of the images you are taken to the relevant part of our website.’

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April 2013 31

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illustration from


Social media marketing expert CINDY KING helps you make the most of your social media marketing activity

15 social media marketing tips 1. Use social media to engage with your email subscribers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ombine your marketing channels '% !& $$ , +, ' ! !, $ % *# ,!& '* / , $$ 1'-* 3( *( ,- $ (*' %',!'& % !& 4 1'- -+ '* &! +' ! $ % ! + * . *,!+!& +' ! $ . *,!+!& & '' $ * % *# ,!& + , & 1'-4* '!& , +, ' . *1, !& 32 April 2013

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34 April 2013

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*% /%+( +)*%# () $ &(%)& *) - "" #&%- ( /%+( +) $ )) - * !$%-" %+* - * /%+( +)*%# () ( ""/ - $* ) ) (+ " %( /%+( +) $ )) *% (%$ , +)*%# ( ) * ) * %$ +)*%# () " ! +) $ )) ) * * " )* $ $ ( )&%$ *% * # 9. Be sure to move from social like, to social trust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April 2013 35



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A WORD FROM OUR SPONSOR Pauline Hutchinson Marketing Manager, Arqadia There are a few golden rules to using social media as a marketing tool; use them wisely, and platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+ will be able to strengthen your brand and grow your customer loyalty. Firstly, remember that social media is a two way street. If you are talking, you can expect people to talk back. If you are saying something relevant and interesting, people will start to engage with you even more. This kind of ongoing conversation is a fantastic way to prove that your business is human, warm, open, and importantly, always listening. But remember, there is no point just dipping in and dipping out of social media, you need to be ever present and engaging with your audience on a constant basis, or you might just find they lose their interest and their loyalty very quickly indeed. Secondly, maintain a good structure for your posts; regular, varied, and always on message. Your social media campaign should be like a shop window for your business, and it must show you in the best light. Think about how you want your customers to perceive you and build a plan around it, so that you know there is frequent, relevant information being sent to them in a timely way. This need not always be standard text posts. Social media users react well to a mix of rich content also, so remain visual and think about planning lots of photosets or videos to stimulate reaction. Finally, and perhaps most significantly, don’t forget that the whole point of social media is to communicate. Be aware of not only what you are doing, but what your customers are doing also. Support them and their businesses by reposting their collateral, and talking about joint ventures. If your followers are reacting to a news story relevant to the industry, join in the conversation and share your knowledge or opinion, only that way can you show that you have empathy and understanding of the issues that really matter to them.

36 April 2013

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12. Create a systematic approach "$ "" $ % ! " ! ! & ( $! $" "" ( $ $"# # "("# # ! # $ ( $! #& ! ( $! ! " "# ( $ " #!$"# ( & !" ( $! ! # "#" ( $ ! " "# # !" ( $! #& ! & # $ # ( $# " &$ & # !& &# % $ " #" ! # $ $& ! & $"# # " $ # #& ! " !( $ % ! # ( $& $ $ ( # # ' # # " ' ! " ( $! #" ! " #" ! ! " #" # # ( $! # ! # "("# " $ $ ) $ " $ $ # # ( $! # ) ! ! $# $ # # & # ( $! $ #( " #& ! " ) % !" # " " $"" " " #& ! " ) & ! ! # # !" ) ! & ( $! #& ! $ #( ) (" ! #$ & #+" & ! & # ! % $ # " " # " (# ! $!" & # ! # ! " "$ "" 13. Create your voice "# ! # # "# " *% + # " " !% " " % # # " % !" # " " " $" !" # ( $! & " # ( #% " " ## ! & ! "" $# & $" ! " # ( $! & " # # % " ! ! #( % !# # # $"# ! ! % $ $ # # "( $ ! # # # # # # # # " ! " # ' " ( $! ! & "# # ! # # $"# !" ART BUSINESS TODAY


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April 2013 37


This extended business section, which focuses on online marketing, is brought to you by Arqadia

Right on target? More than a billion Google searches are conducted every day, which presents amazing opportunities for businesses, including those operating at regional level. Internet marketing professionals PERRY MARSHALL and BRYAN TODD explain how you can build a successful Google AdWords campaign from scratch




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1. Define your perfect customer # " " " # # # # # " # " # # ! # # $ " # # " # # ! ! # # ! # " ART BUSINESS TODAY


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2. Identify the keywords that potential customers are using %! !! .$ *(!# %!! % # $! " # $ $ % % *!& % # % &$%! #$ ( ! # % % $ % %.$ % % # ) " $% #% # (!& - %&# # # $. &$ % % (!& $ %! $" * " !" ( ! # !! !# - %&# $! &% ! . $! % !# - # $. $ !""!$ %! !# # $$& $ -# $. $ !""!$ %! %$ !# % !# !# % ! $ ! % %$ # !! ' $ %$+ $% ! *(!# $ !( ! % #!& % $% *(!# * *(!# ! " # %! !&# (# %% &$%! # $ # "% ! !!$ % *(!# $ ( # % !# % ! $ % % # .% !& * &" ( % ! !# % ! %! %(! !+ *(!# $ %.$ " # % *

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3. Determine the number of people searching with those keywords !# *!&# ! %! %(! !+ *(!# $ *!& ! ( % ( % !! .$ *(!# %!! $ # * %! *!& # *!& % ! ! &#% # *(!# %!! $ # ! % %!% $ #! !% # ' # % ! $ % % *!& ' (!& & * % *!&# (# %% &$%! # $ # "% ! ! $ # $ # '! & ( !!$ *!&# %!" *(!# !# *(!# $ 4. Determine how much money advertisers are making from a keyword !& & % $ * !( & % *(!# !$%$ !&.# !! !# % *(!# $ ( # % ! * $ ART BUSINESS TODAY

For savings of up to 50% off top brands of consumables, machines and servicing

Subscribe to: âžş April 2013 39


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*# ,"& 2 '& '% +# -+"& ++ + " '' $ /'* + /'*# '* ,! % * * ,! "* * +( '&+ + What businesses like about AdWords: , & "& 0( &+". '%( * ,' ',! * ,1( + ' . *,"+"& '- & '&,*'$ !'/ %- ! 1'+( & " 1'- $ *& !'/ ,' + , ,! - , & %( " & '&,*'$+ , + . *1 % +-* $ & 1'- & " -* '-, * ,-*& '& "&. +,% &,

WHAT THE TRADE THINKS “AdWords is a highly competitive system. We used it for art materials, but as more and more people started selling these online, the price we had to pay per click increased dramatically. In the end, we were hardly making anything on sales that came to us through AdWords, so we stopped using it, even though it did generate business for us. We tried AdWords for mirrors but this field is so competitive that we were paying about 50p per click, and when people are buying big-ticket items such as mirrors they tend to click on about ten sites before buying, so the cost outweighed the benefits. AdWords would work brilliantly for really niche items where there was no competition to drive up the price per click.” Ed Taylor GCF, Framecraft Bath “We haven’t used AdWords because we feel it’s open to abuse. You pay for all these clicks, but they are unverifiable. A friend who is a caricaturist invested quite heavily in AdWords; he paid for loads of clicks but none converted into business.” Anne Braithwaite, The Braithwaite Gallery “We tried AdWords but eventually decided that we would be better off investing in SEO (search engine optimisation). However, a problem with SEO is that your name will no longer appear at the top of a Google search, as paid ads go there now, rather than 40 April 2013

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just down the righthand side. It used to say ‘sponsored ad’ very clearly above the paid-for entries, but this is much more discreet now, though I still think SEO is a more cost-effective way of finding new business. AdWords can get very expensive.” Marisa Hammond, Framed “AdWords is expensive but we still use it. We spend a lot of time refining the search terms that we pay for and analysing our results; AdWords would be a waste of time if you didn’t. We don’t limit the amount we pay each month, so our bills can be hefty, but business is tough and you can’t shy away from investing in marketing.” Clive Woolhouse, City Art & Framing “We are happy with the amount of business that is generated by our presence on AdWords, and it also helps develop our profile. We appear right at the top of the page if you Google ‘framing Edinburgh’ and other key search terms. AdWords is definitely a good way to promote your business.” Jackie Connolly, Poppy Factory Framing “I spent about £200 on AdWords and got lots of clicks, but no new customers. My web designer set it up for me. I think we may have made the geographical area too small; another time, I’d pay for my details to appear in front of people searching a wider area. I wouldn’t dismiss the idea of using AdWords again, but I’d do much more thorough research and choose my key words very carefully.” Cath Friend GCF, Emerald Frames ART BUSINESS TODAY


What businesses don’t like about AdWords: '$ +$ 1-(-& "415$ (3 2 ' 1# 3. +$ 1' 1# 3. 4-#$123 -# -# 3 *$2 +.3 .% 6.1* 3. &$3 3'1.4&' 3'$ $7/$1(,$-3 3(./' 2$ 3;2 2$3 4/ %.1 3$"'($2 !8 3$"'($2 '$1$ 1$ .%3$- -.3 (,,$#( 3$ 2(&-(%(" -3 1$24+32 $2/$"( ++8 %.1 +." + #5$13(2$12 : 1$"$(5$# "+("*2 3. 3'$ 2(3$ %3$1 3'$ # 6 2 2$$- !8


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April 2013 41


A consistent approach

42 April 2013

JASON HOREJS, owner of Xanadu Gallery in Arizona, USA, says that developing a strong style and laser-like focus is one of the most important things that artists can do for their careers


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There was simply too much work in the portfolio; I felt as if I was taking a survey of the entire history of art. The work encompassed every style, from the Renaissance to pop art

â?ž The Xanadu Gallery, below, and an interior shot





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My concern is that I will make an investment, begin to build a following for an artist’s work, only for the artist to make a sudden and drastic change of style and direction

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April 2013 43

ART âžş

Clockwise from top left: Conversation with Myself by Lorri Acott; Colours of October by John Horejs; An Evening Out by Guilloume; Mutual Thinking by Guilloume; Art Guitars by Dave Newman; Taking the Scenic Route by Dave Newman; Cross Cut by Jeanie Thorn; Mandala by Jeanie Thorn; Salt River Vistas by John Horejs; Deja Vu by Lorri Acott

,+)6 !")&+" 1" ,2/ $, ) %&)" *6 2)1&* 1" $, ) &0 1, 0")) + /1&01:0 4,/( +! /" 1" 0" ,# ,))" 1,/0 4%, 4&)) 0201 &+ 1%" /1&01 ,3"/ 1%" ),+$ 1"/* 1%" &**"!& 1" $, ) &+ 1"/*0 ,# ,+0&01"+ 6 &0 *2 % 0&*-)"/ 4%"+ 0,*",+" 4 )(0 &+1, *6 $ ))"/6 4 +1 1%"* 1, 0"" +2* "/ ,# 6,2/ -&" "0 +! " )" 1, &+01 +1)6 /" ,$+&0" )) 1%" 4,/( 0 6,2/0 4 +1 1%" /1&01 1, -/,3&!" 01/,+$ 1%/" ! /2++&+$ 1%/,2$% 1%" 4,/( 1% 1 1&"0 &1 )) 1,$"1%"/ /,* 1%" #&/01 -&" " 1%"6 "+ ,2+1"/ 1, 1%" ) 01 4 +1 )&"+10 1, ),,( 1 " % +! 0"" &10 /") 1&,+ 1, 1%" ,1%"/0 2/1%"/*,/" 4%"+ 1% 1 0 *" )&"+1 4 )(0 &+1, 1%" $ ))"/6 6" / #/,* +,4 4 +1 1%"* 1, /" ,$+&0" 6,2/ +"4 4,/( 0 6,2/0 + 1%" * /("1&+$ 4,/)! 1%&0 &0 ))"! 9 / +!&+$: +! / +!&+$ &0 "5 1)6 4% 1 4" 4 +1 1, ,*-)&0% 4&1% 6,2/ 4,/( ""&+$ ,+0&01"+ 6 1%&0 4 6 6,2 4&)) /" )&0" 1% 1 6,2 !, % 3" ) 1&12!" 1, 3 /6 6,2/ 4,/( ,2 + - &+1 ) +!0 -"0 +! 01&)) )&#"0 0 ),+$ 0 1%" 016)" ,/ -/"0"+1 1&,+ 1&"0 1%" 4,/( 1,$"1%"/ ,2 + 0 2)-1 #&$2/"0 +! +&* )0 0 ),+$ 0 1%" 3&02 ) ) +$2 $" &0 ,+0&01"+1 /,00 1%" 4,/( ,2 + "3"+ 3 /6 1%" *"!& 6,2 "*-),6 1, /" 1" 1%" 4,/( &# 1%" 02 '" 1 * 11"/ +! 1%"*" /" 2+&#&"! #"4 &))201/ 1&,+0 #/,* /1&010 &+ *6 $ ))"/6 4&)) %")- "5-) &+ 4% 1 *" + 2 & ) ) , 2 * " 3"+ 1%,2$% 1%&0 /1&01 4,/(0 &+ ,&)0 +! /,+7" %&0 #&$2/ 1&3" 02 '" 1 * 11"/ +! %&0 ,+0&01"+1 016)" 1/ +0) 1" /,00 ,1% *"!& %"/" &0 +, !,2 1 &+ 3&"4"/:0 *&+! 1% 1 1%&0 4,/( 4 0 /" 1"! 6 0&+$)" /1&01 4&1% )" / 3&0&,+ ,//& , 1 1 ,//& -/,!2 "0 4,/( &+ ,1% /,+7" +! ) 6 +! 0 2)-10 ,1% 44 April 2013

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modern and contemporary art from the UK, Europe and Asia

Royal College of Art Kensington Gore, London SW7 2EU

9 – 12 May 2013 Thurs: 11am-9pm Fri: 11am-8pm Sat: 11am-7pm Sun: 11am-6pm Tel: 020 8742 1611 Email:

April 2013 45


Carl with his Epson Stylus Pro 7890, which has helped him cut costs, drive forward quality control and offer enhanced customer service

Photo finish Diversification, personalisation and strict quality control are the keys to success for portrait photographer CARL MIDDLEDITCH. Customers may walk into the shop to have their passport photographs printed and are unable to resist an offer on pet portraits, or decide to have some sporting memorabilia framed, he explains 46 April 2013


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❞ Our passport and ID photo printer develops footfall; people come in for ID photos and are amazed at the range we offer, so leave having bought something else as well

❞ -",-)" 4%, 4,/( ,+ -%,1,$/ -%5 0 )"0 * /("1&+$ +! !*&+&01/ 1&,+ " /" 01 /1&+$ 1, $"1 ( &+1, #&+" /1 -%,1,$/ -%5 4&1% 1%" "*-% 0&0 ,+ 0" +! 02/#&+$ &* $"/5 %"0" -%,1,0 /" ) *&+ 1"! ,+1, ** #/""01 +!&+$ ), (0 +! /" 0,)! 0 1,2/&01 0,23"+&/0 1%/,2$% 4%,)"0 )"/0 The business 20" +,+ /( *"/ 4%& % ,01 /,2+! 7 1%,2$% 4" % 3" /,2+! 7 4,/1% ,# -%,1,$/ -%& ".2&-*"+1 &+ 1%" 012!&, &+ 1,1 ) " % 3" ) /$" 012!&, 1% 1 + ,**,! 1" $/,2-0 ,# 2- 1, -",-)" " ,21 0,2/ " * (&+$ #/ *"0 +! 211&+$ *,2+10 21 4" 00"* )" 1%" #/ *"0 ,2/0")3"0 +! ) *&+ 1" 1%" /14,/( ,+1, ** , /! 2&1" ),1 ,# ,2/ 201,*"/0 4 +1 *2)1& -"/12/"

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April 2013 47


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

We only offer one type of paper, which helps streamline production and means that our presentation is consistent. We only need to set up our printer with one ICC profile too

❞ -! &(,-"/ (+& ( / +-","' (+ '2 .,"' ,, .- ) +-" .% +%2 (+ (' 0!(, .,-(& +, + , %( %%2 ,( 2(.4/ (- -( & $ ,.+ -! - 2(.+ .,-(& +, - %% -! "+ +" ' , (.- 2(. ' ) ()% 0"%% $ ) (&"' $" -! 2 + ! ))2 0"-! -! )+( . -, ' , +/" , 2(. ( + ● 000 ,-. "( .,! "+ ( .$

Clockwise from top left: a studio portrait; Carl printing portrait photographs for a customer; Carl at work as a wedding photographer

❞ Independent businesses such as ours must offer a good choice of quality products and services. Our reputation hinges on personal service, reliability and expert knowledge

❞ 48 April 2013





. %& &! $& "$! %% ! % %' % $+ !) $% "' % $% % & + ( *" $& % & &! &$ % & $& $ & $+ !) $ % +% 0 &1% '& !& ) & ) $ !! !$ & & ! & 1 &1% )!$& % & & + &$+ &! $ &) & % $ % +) ) +% % + +!'$ )!$ % $ & %! +!' &! "&'$ & !" ! % ! & "' &!! 1 !& %' %& & & +!' %) & $! ) $& &! ' % %! ! %' %&% & '& & % ! & ! % '" & & $ + %! & & *" & " &'$ % %&$ !$ ) & " !" %! !" %'$ &! %& &! '%&! $%1 /


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"$ & %'$ $& )!$ ' )!$ % !! /

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)& 0$ 1 " $%! '" &! & ! & & & % & '& ! 1& ) & + ' & + & " & ( $! $& & &! " ) April 2013 49


Labour: what is it costing you? Framiac’s MARK WILSON argues that framers will make more profit by focusing less on the cost of materials and more on understanding the real costs of running a framing business. Here, he explains how to establish a realistic and consistent hourly rate


! #


# $ $

" $ $

$ !

$ ! $ $ !

" !

$ !



! ! ! $


$ $

$ $


$ " "

# $

How do I work out what my labour charge should be? 50 April 2013



Annual running costs

_. .

Annual framing hours


Making frames is labour intensive, but all the other aspects of running a business suck up valuable time, so framers have limited time in which to recover their costs

Hourly rate

How do I work out my running costs? #

Your hourly rate is your fixed running costs divided by your framing hours

" !



! "

$ $

" &


" !

& &

$ $




# $


" $

Personal drawings % # & " " $ " # "

# #

# #

! "



" "


Expense item

Cost £

Times Total cost per year

Drawings / wages




Rent & council tax







" How do I factor the labour charge into the price of the frame? &



" $





Tel & communications














Accountant fees




Interest on loans




Marketing / advertising




Motor vehicle




Office supplies




Licences / subscriptions




Repairs / maintenance




Waste / refuse





" "


Bank / merchant fees

Total annual fixed costs:



"$ " $ " $



$ " $


$ $ How many hours do I spend manufacturing frames? & $ " " $ $ & $ $ $

$& $

" $ " "



" "


$ & "


➺ April 2013 51




My business spends this many hours a week framing






My business is open this many weeks per year


£39,830 _.. My total annual fixed costs

800 My total annual framing hours

My hourly rate

Material and labour cost for a 500x400mm frame £35







materials labour


Mount board


Backing Hinging Taping / TOTAL: artwork hangers















52 April 2013

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ow do I factor my hourly rate into the price of the frame? %&. "%&. . + &,)#0 ) + +& ) % + *) + % %&. ')&'&)+ &% ##0 +&) %+& + + $ + + " * +& $ %, +,) - ) &,* ) $ * %+ ) ' * &.% ) ) $ ) *+ $ + * + + ' )+ ,# ) ) $ % !& . ## + " $ %,+ * +& &$'# + . - + &,)#0 ) + & 1 0 ART BUSINESS TODAY


❞ Bespoke framing businesses rarely have the volume of turnover to afford to lose money in any area of framing, so the correct time must be calculated into every job

❞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●

(! ")%$ ) * $* %( ( # $ )% *- ( )& " )* ( # --- ( # %# (! ) -( ** $ ) '+ " *% * ) (* " % +) ) %$ +$ ()* $ $ # (! +&) * * - "" && ( $ %+( +$ ))+ ART BUSINESS TODAY

New from LION Mouldings

Aalborg Aa Aal alborg lborg

Aalborg teams three contemporary wood finishes with a soft silver line on the outer edge which wraps round to the side for a cool, modern aesthetic. Perfect for portrait photographyy.. Available in oak, walnut and wenge in two profiles, in lengths and on chop service. Made in Spain.







Birmingham 0121 773 1230

LION South 020 8848 4558 April 2013 53


An electrician at the Morsø factory in Denmark installs the electrical components in a Morsø EH

The trouble with Morsø is . . . ... their machines are just too well made, according to freelance Morsø engineer Mike Bond GCF, who has re-written and edited the Morsø instruction manual for manufacturer Dan-List

%# & !% $ ! ! % " %&# # &$ $$ # ! !& % % % % $ (! # & $ # ( % * # & % %! $% ! !% # " %&# # %!! * $% !# * #$ * #$ $ ' $ % %! % $% %!#* # ( "#!' $ *!& " $$ % #!& % #! % !!# ! % %!#* *!& ( $ ! ! % #$% !#$+ $ ' # & % % $ " # % (!# !# # $ & % $ $% $ &$ * %! *,$ " %&# # #$ $ ' % $ ! % # # "# $$ % ! * % % $&##!& $ % !' " #%$ $! %

T 54 April 2013



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Because they don’t actually stop working, many of us don’t take the time to check that our Morsøs are ‘happy’ and not in need of maintenance or routine servicing

❞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If the blaes are not ground as a pair, then one blade could be longer than the other, causing one of them to touch the moulding before its partner, resulting in problems

'-'/49: +'). 5:.+8 <+8 :.+ ?+'89 62'? *+<+2569 (+:=++4 :.+3 '4* :.+ (2'*+ )'88/+8 '4* *+'8 8+'*+8 ?5;8 :85;(2+9 .'<+ (+-;4 D ;: E .+'8 ?5; 8+6+': D"./9 9+: 5, (2'*+9 *5+94E: *5 :./9 58 :.': E 4 :.': )'9+ 2+:E9 -+: ' ,+= :./4-9 9:8'/-.: '(5;: (2'*+9 2'*+9 .'<+ :5 (+ 8'@58 9.'86 2'*+9 .'<+ :5 (+ -85;4* '9 ' 6'/8 2'*+9 .'<+ :5 (+ .5225= -85;4* 2'*+9 .'<+ :5 (+ 9+: ;6 )588+):2? 5::53 (2'*+9 '295 4++* ).'4-/45))'9/54'22? D 5::53 (2'*+9 C .+'8 ?5; 9'? 5= :.': =+ .'<+ -5: ' ,+= 68/4)/62+9 9:8'/-.: )'4 8+,+8 (')1 :5 :.+ =+'8 '4* :+'8 */9);99+* +'82/+8 , :.+8+ /9 62'? /4 :.+ 254- -;/*+9 '4* 54+ (2'*+ /9 (2;4:+8 :.'4 /:9 6'8:4+8 :.+4 :.+ (2;4:+8 (2'*+ =/22 )';9+ :.+ (2'*+ )'88/+8 :5 :/2: 92/-.:2? '9 /: (+-/49 :5 );: :.+ 35;2*/4- "./9 5, )5;89+ 3+'49 :.': ?5; =54E: ')./+<+ '4 '));8':+ );: 58+5<+8 /, :.+8+ /9 62'? /4 :.+ 9.58: -;/*+9 :./9 )5;2* )';9+ :.+ (2'*+ )'88/+8 :5 35<+ 92/-.:2? 2+,: 58 8/-.: *;8/4- :.+ );: =./). =/22 5, )5;89+ '2:+8 :.+ '4-2+9 +3+3(+8 =+ '8+ :'21/4- 3/4/3'2 35<+3+4: .+8+ (;: =.+4 3;2:/62/+* (? '22 ,5;8 )584+89 /: )5;2* '** ;6 :5 54+ 58 :=5 *+-8++9 #.+:.+8 ?5; 2/1+ /: 58 45: ' 8+):'4-2+ 58 97;'8+ /9 3'*+ ;6 5, *+-8++9 45 358+ 45 2+99 , :.+ (2'*+9 '8+ 45: -85;4* '9 ' 6'/8 :.+4 54+ (2'*+ )5;2* (+ 254-+8 :.'4 :.+ 5:.+8 )';9/4- 54+ 5, :.+3 :5 :5;). :.+ 35;2*/4- (+,58+ /:9 6'8:4+8 =./). =/22 8+9;2: /4 :.+ 685(2+39 .'<+ 5;:2/4+* '(5<+ , :.+ (2'*+9 '8+ 45: .5225= -85;4* :.+4 :.+? '8+ 45: '9 :.+ 3'4;,'):;8+8 /4:+4*+* :.+3 :5 (+ ".+ 589B /9 *+9/-4+* :5 ;9+ .5225= -85;4* (2'*+9 '4* 45:./4- +29+ '4 /9: '8+ 7;/:+ 96+)/,/) '(5;: :.+ )/8);3,+8+4)+ 5, :.+ '8) 5, :.+ .5225= -8/4*/4- 9:54+ '9 /9 96+)/,/+* /4 :.+/8 /49:8;):/54 3'4;'2 ".+ ,/4'2 -8/4* /9 *+-8++9 ;9/4- :.+ 589B -8/4*9:54+ '4* :.+ (2'*+ 9.5;2* :.+4 (+ .54+* (? .'4* :5 +>'):2? *+-8++9 ;9/4- ' 589B 4;3(+8 9/2/)54 )'8(/*+ 1+859+4+ /368+-4':+* 5/2 9:54+ ".+ ,/4'2 ,/4/9. /9 ')./+<+* =/:. ' =':+8 =+::+* ,2': 92':+ 9:54+ '))58*/4- :5 :.+ 589B 4/,+ 8/4*+8 49:8;):/54 '4;'2 ? '22 3+'49 .'<+ ?5;8 (2'*+9 ,2': -85;4* (;: *54E: +>6+): :.+3 :5 =581 '9 =+22 '9 .5225= -85;4* (2'*+9 :.': .'<+ (++4 9.'86+4+* 54 ' 589B -8/4*/43')./4+ ".+8+ /9 ' 25: 5, :'21 '(5;: D./229E 54 April 2013 55


There is a lot of talk about ‘hills’ on blades, which refers to a slight buckling in the blade. This problem can be caused by wood resin on the blade, which requires WD40 and Mr Sheen

❞ The first Morsø factory on the island of Mors, top, and the company’s present HQ

) !"0 4%& % /"#"/0 1, 0)&$%1 2 ()&+$ &+ 1%" ) !" % 3" %" /! -",-)" !3&0" 1% 1 &# 1%" ) !"0 ,+ 1%" 2-01/,(" 4&)) +,1 /"12/+ 1%"+ ) !" %&))0 ,2)! " 1%" -/, )"* +! 6,2 0%,2)! % 3" 1%"0" /"*,3"! ,4"3"/ 1%&0 -/, )"* ,2)! ".2 ))6 " 20"! 6 4,,! /"0&+ ,+ 1%" ) !" 0,*"1%&+$ 4%& % + " /"0,)3"! 6 )" +&+$ 1%" ) !" 4&1% )) ,# ),1% 4&1% ,+ &1 #,)),4"! 6 .2& ( 0-/ 6 ,# / %""+ )" + *6 ) !"0 4&1% / %""+ #1"/ /,2$%)6 "3"/6 210 # 6,2 020-" 1 1% 1 1%"/" *&$%1 " %&))0 ,+ 6,2/ ) !"0 02$$"01 1% 1 6,2 /"*,3" 1%"* -) " 1%"* #) 1 0&!" 2+! 4&1% 1%" #&+"01 ,# ,&) 01,+"0 +! (""-&+$ 1%" 01,+" "5 1)6 #) 1 1, 1%" #) 1 0&!" ,# 1%" ) !" +! 20&+$ -)"+16 ,# )2 /& +1 *,3" 1%" 01,+" &+ ,+" &+ % &/ )"0 /,00 1%" #) 1 , 1%&0 #,/ *&+21" 1%"+ 4&-" 1%" ) !" )" + # 1%"/" &0 %&)) 1%"+ 1%"/" 4&)) " 0)&$%1)6 !&##"/"+1 8 / 9 ,),2/&+$ /,2+! 1%" 0% -" ,# 1%" %&)) # 6,2 !, % 3" %&)) 6,2 4&)) 4" ("+ 1%" ) !" 6 1/6&+$ 1, /"*,3" &1 6 $/&+!&+$ " 20" 1%" ) !" &0 +,4 1%&++"/ , 4%"1%"/ ,/ +,1 1, % 3" %&))0 /"*,3"! &0 * 11"/ ,# -"/0,+ ) %,& " ) !"0 % 3" 1, " 0"1 2- 0,)21")6 56 April 2013

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Left: Morsø machines being assembled in the Danish factory Below: the first Morsø mitring machine, left, and the fully automated Morsø EHXL production machine (below right)

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Pete Bingham’s

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April 2013 61


Membership Assistant Nii Tackie looks at two of this spring’s most productive branch events

Sharing ideas works for Guild members

A wide range of art and framing professionals attended the Cotswolds event, where the focus was on networking and learning from each other

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What’s on in 2013?

Details of upcoming branch events, reports on past events and details of officers and regions can be seen in full at







Cath Friend GCF, Emerald Frames 07507 774017 18 April, 27 June, 10 Sept, 12 Nov

Paul Webb GCF, Artwork Creations 020 8390 0205 15 May, 17 July, 18 Sept, 27 Nov

John McDermott, Still Photography 02893 368682





Andy Rossiter GCF, Artisand Framing and Art 01778 394664 17 July, 9 October

Anne Corless 01253 780734 13 April, 12 June, 11 Sept, 11 Dec





Keith Stewart GCF CPF; +64 6 358 9014; TBA

Position currently vacant 25 June, 15 Oct


Louise Hill, Permajet 01789 739200 1 May, 8 Oct WESSEX

62 April 2013


Johanna Cruickshank, Framing Star, 01962 850430 and Suzanne Parker GCF, Appleshaw Frames, 01264 772251 22 May, 2 Oct, 20 Nov ART BUSINESS TODAY


Letters and emails

The framed Subuteo pitch, left, and the Corex board after it has reacted with the silicone sealant

A cautionary tale *7*A8 & <&73.3, +47 " 7*&)*78 :89 :3)*7 9<4 >*&78 &,4 24:39*) & !:':9*4 +*19 +449'&11 5.9(- 4394 & 8-**9 4+ 47*= '4&7) 9-*3 89:(0 9-* '&(0 4+ 9-* 47*= 94 &349-*7 8-**9 4+ 47*= &3) +.3&11> 89:(0 '498-**98 4394 &3 '&(0 '4&7) 94 574;.)* 7.,.).9> 47*= '4&7) .8 & 89&'1* 51&89.( 7.,.) 8-**9 574):(9 <-.(- .8 :8*) *=9*38.;*1> +47 24:39.3, &3) ).851&> "-* &)-*8.;* :8*) 43 9-.8 4((&8.43 <&8 (1*&7 8.1.(43* 8*&1&39 85*(.+.(&11> & $.(0*8 4<3 '7&3) ;*78.43 "-* +.3.8-*) 574):(9 1440*) 8:5*7' "-* 574/*(9 <&8 +.3.8-*) .3 :3* 2439-8 1&9*7 9-* (:8942*7 (&11*) 94 8&> 9-&9 -* (4:1) 8** (4(01.3, 43 9-* 5.9(- $* 45*7&9* & 34 6:.''1* <&77&39> 84 <-*3 9-* +7&2* &77.;*) .3 9-* <4708-45 <&8 0**3 94 897.5 .9 )4<3 &3) &88*88 9-* 574'1*2 ;*7 &12489 9<4 >*&78 9-* 8.1.(43* 8*&1&39 -&) &99&(0*) 9-* 47*= 84 .9 <&8 (4251*9*1> ':(01*) :79-*7247* +:2*8 -&) &99&(0*) 9-* &)-*8.;* 9&5* <-.(- <&8 34<-*7* 3*&7 9-* 8.1.(43* &3) 9:73*) .9 94 ,44 9 2:89 '* 897*88*) 9-&9 9-* 8.1.(43* <&8 &114<*) 94 (:7* +47 -4:78 '*+47* 9-* +7&2* <&8 8*&1*) 1*&7 8.1.(43* .8 :8*) 94 8*&1 51&89.( <.3)4<8 &3) 8.3(* 47*= .8 51&89.( 9-4:,-9 .9 <4:1) '* (425&9.'1* (&3A9 (422*39 43 9-* &++*(9 4+ 9-.8 8*&1&39 43 +4&2 '4&7) ':9 574'1*28 2&> 9&0* 9<4 >*&78 94 2&3.+*89 9-*28*1;*8 -&) 94 7* )4 &12489 9-* <-41* /4' 9-4:,- 9-* +7&2* <&8 )*8.,3*) 94 45*3



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Preventing credit card fraud 3 *(*2'*7 & 1&)> (439&(9*) 2* '> *2&.1 &80.3, 94 ':> & 57.39 +47 8*;*7&1 9-4:8&3) 54:3)8 *7 2*= (&7) 7*,.89*7*) .3 9-* #! <&8 )*(1.3*) 84 8-* 5&.) :8.3, & (&7) '*,.33.3,


Write to: The Editor, Art Business Today, 16-18 Empress Place, London SW6 1TT, UK

&77&3,*) +47 9-* 5.(9:7* 94 '* )*1.;*7*) 94 9-* &))7*88 ,.;*3 &3) 9-* 5&>2*39 9*72.3&1 &((*59*) -*7 (&7) "-&9 <&8 43 *(*2'*7 1&89 >*&7 3 &3:&7> 8-* 5:7(-&8*) & 8*(43) 57.39 &9 ? :8.3, &349-*7 (&7) 4< 8-* <&398 94 ':> &349-*7 43* &9 ? 9*1*5-43*) 2> .38:7&3(* (425&3> <-4 54.39*) 4:9 9-&9 4;*7 & 2439- -&) 5&88*) +742 9-* +.789 97&38&(9.43 &3) '&30 89&9*2*398 &7* 2439-1> 84 &3> +7&:) 8-4:1) -&;* '**3 5.(0*) :5 9*1*5-43*) 2> (&7) 574(*8847 &3) '&30 '49- &9 $*89 94 97> 94 &8(*79&.3 .+ 9-*7* <&8 &3>9-.3, 7*,.89*7*) &,&.389 *.9-*7 (&7) <&8 &8943.8-*) 94 ).8(4;*7 9-&9 9-* '&308 (&3A9 9*11 >4: 9-&9 ):* 94 )&9& 5749*(9.43 7*,:1&9.438 %4: 9-.30 9-* +7&:)89*78 )43A9 034< 9-&9 47 &7* 9-*> &114<*) 94 9*11 >4: <-*9-*7 9<4 5&79.(:1&7 (&7)8 &7* 7*,.89*7*) 94 9-* 8&2* 5*7843 9 .8 6:.9* 5488.'1* 9-* 1&)> .8 ,*3:.3* ':9 -4< )4 +.3) 4:9 + &3>9-.3, ,4*8 <743, 9-* '&30 <.11 )*3> 7*85438.'.1.9> &3) 9&0* 2> 243*> &3) <.11 -&;* 1489 9-* ,44)8 4-3 7&3)1*7 7&3)1*7 &11*7.*8 Fine art printing is a skill 7*&) 9-* 3*<8 8947> 43 5&,* 4+ >4:7 &3:&7> .88:* 7*,&7).3, 9-* 5843 <.9- 842* ).82&> 79.898 7*&).3, 9-.8 &79.(1* &7* '*.3, 2.81*) .394 '*1.*;.3, 9-&9 9-.8 57.39*7 (&3 @&9 9-* 94:(- 4+ & ':9943A 57.39 <43)*7+:1 1.2.9*) *).9.43 57.398 "-* 97:9- .8 ;*7> ).++*7*39 $-.189 9-*8* 57.39*78 (&3 )*1.;*7 ,44) 7*8:198 &3 *=97*2*1> ,44) 8(&3 7*94:(-.3, 80.118 &3) *=(*11*39 (414:7 034<1*),* &7* 7*6:.7*) .3 47)*7 94 (7*&9* & -.,6:&1.9> +.3* &79 57.39 -&;* '**3 .3 9-* .3):897> +47 4;*7 >*&78 &3) 034< 431> 944 <*11 -4< (-&11*3,.3, 8(&33.3, &3) (414:7 (477*(9.3, -.,- 7*841:9.43 .2&,*8 (&3 '* 9 .8 .25479&39 9-&9 >4:7 7*&)*78 :3)*789&3) 9-.8 54.39 &3) 9-&9 &79.(1*8 )4 349 2&0* 57.39.3, &55*&7 &8 *&8> &8 9:73.3, 43 9-* <&8-.3, 2&(-.3* *77> &33.3, .3* 79 !41:9.438 .2.9*)


April 2013 63


REPLYING TO A BOX AD? Email your contact details to or fax 020 7381 2596. We will forward your details to the advertiser

BUSINESSES FOR SALE Northamptonshire. Successful. framing and gallery/gift shop in large village near Northampton. Ideal lifestyle business. Excellent reputation. Loyal customer base. Lots of potential. Low rent and no rates. Owners retiring. Tel: 07702 313880 AGENTS & JOBS Experienced picture framer. Busy Crowborough gallery. One/two days per week. Flexible hours. Would suit retired person or parent returning to work. To apply, call 01892 610770

Giclée printing for artists, photographers and framers. Top quality prints on fine art papers and canvas print specialists all at trade rates. Visit or call +44 (0)1924 360226 National Acrylic Painters’ Association (1985) promotes through exhibitions the excellence and innovation of acrylic paint. Contact NAPA for membership details: 0151 639 2980,, Richard C O Lovesey Fine Art & Desktop Publishing. Personalised stationery, business cards, all in full colour. Products for artists: greeting cards, keyrings, notelets. Giclée printing. Mountcutting service. +44 (0)1507 600836 The Association of Animal Artists invites artists to join for exhibition opportunities, workshops, field trips, AAA Art Rendezvous Days and the opportunity to work from life with the AAA En Plein Air Group. Please visit MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT

PRINTS AND ORIGINALS Fine art photography of London available in limited editions from Mr Smith World Photography. We supply homes and offices internationally. Call now to discuss bespoke collections. 01992538899 For sale – a range of GCF mounted and framed stock, original oils and limited edition prints, including Mary Ann Rogers, Allan Morgan, Thuline de Cock, Eric Bottomley. Available due to closure of business. Email for details: SERVICES Affordable giclée printing for galleries, framers and artists. Easy upload, trade discounts and great prices. Specialists in affordable canvas prints. Visit for more information and full price lists or call +44 (0)20 7241 1113 Digital artwork suppliers. High volume photographic restoration and enhancement services. Range of photo-to-art products available includes Caricatures, Pop Art, and Fantasy templates. Free to register. 0208 144 2472 or Frame pricing software available for both Macs and PC's and in imperial or metric measurements. Powerful yet simple to use and easily adapted to suit all businesses. An indispensable tool for the modern framing business. Visit or call Mike Royall GCF on +44 (0)1454 617022 64 April 2013

Brevetti Prisma CE electric double mitre saw for sale. Used, in good working order. Includes 3 spare sets of blades and Blundell dust extractor. £2,250. Also, MORSO wanted. 07971 218749 (Northamptonshire) Mounts4You. Online web based mount cutting service. Hardwood wedges for stretched canvases. Over 50% of 19th and 20th century stretched canavases have broken or missing wedges. We manufacture eight different size/thickness combinations of replacement hardwood wedges, £5.50 per set of ten plus £3.50 p & p per order. Try the Studio Selection:10 each, 4 useful sizes, £23.50 post paid and save £2. Tel 01603 743374 with credit/debit card details. Leveton Studio, Orman House, 17a Grove Avenue, New Costessey, Norwich, NR5 0JD

Daler Rowney inspiring creativity since 1783 For all mountboard requirements, please contact: Tom Hopper Key Account Manager - Framing

Play and display art vinyl album flip frames. White and black. Single item £12+VAT, triple set £25+VAT, limited stock. Carriages cost. Contact or 01204 397707 Stretcher bars and canvases made to measure in the UK. Fast turnaround. Softwood and hardwood bars. Any size from 200mm to 3000mm. Print stretching service. Made by the UK’s leading manufacturer. For a catalogue call us now on +44 (0)121 2480030. Wanted - gessoing machine. Anything considered. Please phone 01722 336179 TRAINING Applegarth Framing, Derbyshire. Individual framing training, beginners to advanced, courses tailored to suit students’ requirements. Contact Mary Evans GCF Adv on 01283 703403 or Art of Framing Training School. or call Lyn Hall GCF Adv to request prospectus. Flexible training to suit your needs. Accommodation available. Based outside Guildford/Farnham. Call (01483) 810555 Atkin Framers Ltd – Individual/joint tuition on all aspects of picture framing offered to new and experienced framers. Fine Art Trade Guild and ILA Scotland accredited. Call Richard 07821 918 476 Down School of Picture Framing. ALL courses accredited by the Fine Art Trade Guild. Call Steven McKee GCF Adv 028 9269 3807 / 07834 787487 ART BUSINESS TODAY

NEW To advertise here email B2B

Harlequin Frames. Framing tuition tailored to individual needs. Courses fully accredited by the Fine Art Trade Guild. Contact Mal Reynolds GCF Adv. on 01673 860 249 or Hedgehog Art & Framing is a Fine Art Trade Guild accredited trainer. Basics to advanced, worldwide training on your premises. Over 500 students to date. Roy Rowlands GCF 01527 876293, In a Frame - Individual framing training by a qualified GCF (Hertfordshire/Essex borders). Courses fully accredited by the Fine Art Trade Guild. Call Richard Williams GCF on 01279 260069, Northern Framing School, Sheffield. Run by trainer and author Pete Bingham GCF. All aspects of framing, including GCF refresher courses and 4-day beginner course. 0114 245 1547 or Royall Framing (Bristol). Individual or joint tuition is offered by Mike Royall who's been a GCF since 1994 and is the only framing trainer in the UK who’s also a qualified adult education teacher. All courses are fully accredited by the Fine Art Trade Guild. For more information visit or call Mike on +44 (0)1454 617022 Sophie Brown Conservation Framing. Registered GCF tester in Australia. Individual tuition from basic to advanced framing. The emphasis is on conservation. +61 2 9518 0624 Sports Framing offer training from basics up to GCF standard. I day engineering courses on the Morsø. Oldham, Lancs.

GILDING COURSES A practical introduction to water and oil gilding in an intensive 3-day course with an optional 4th day covering antique frame restoration. Courses held in London, Oxford, Salisbury, Newark, Hastings and Scotland. www.gildingcourses or call Jan Pike on 01424 754104 or 07973 732184

________________________________ ________________________________

________________________________ ________________________________ UK School of Framing. A range of courses available at a pace to suit each level to allow students to enjoy and absorb what is taught. Courses take place at venues all over the UK and are accredited by the Fine Art Trade Guild., 01494 459545 Wessex Pictures Framing School (est 1987) offers training to novices and experienced framers. It is recognised by the Fine Art Trade Guild. The 5-day course in Leatherhead is £395 + VAT. Phone Garry White GCF, 0845 456 9970

Researched, edited and compiled by Annabelle Ruston and Fiona Ryan GCF

Supported by Conservation by Design



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EMAIL __________________________ ■ GUILD MEMBER (please tick)

PAYMENT By cheque (payable to Art Business Today) By credit card/debit card (please tick) ■ Mastercard ■ Visa ■ Maestro ■ AmEx

Published by the Fine Art Trade Guild




Guild Commended Framer Study Guide

Call Moira on 020 7381 6616 to order

■ CLASSIFIED (TEXT ONLY) 30 words: £35 + VAT (FREE to Guild members). 50p per word thereafter. Box number £10 + VAT, Guild members £5 + VAT ■ BOXED CLASSIFIED Box: £55 + VAT per 60mm (£40 + VAT to Guild members) + £5 for picture or box no


Annabelle Ruston

The indispensable part of every framer’s training

JUNE 2013 DEADLINE Please send coupon and payment by 14 May to: Art Business Today, 16-18 Empress Place, London SW6 1TT, UK

YOUR LISTING Harlequin Frames, Lincolnshire. Individually tailored textile framing workshops. Contact Mal Reynolds GCF Adv to discuss details 01673 860249 or e-mail

Conservation Framing

The GCF Study Guide


A Fine Art Trade Guild publication

Conservation Framing by Annabelle Ruston is published by the Fine Art Trade Guild with the support of Conservation by Design. 128pp; paperback; colour photographs; £12.99 (£11 to members), plus £2 p+p. Contact Moira Sanders on 020 7381 6616 or to order

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The power of framing How did Frame of Mind come about? $ !!* 1* (! 0+ 3+.' "+. +10 0!* 5! ./ 1! 0+ )!*0 ( $! (0$ ,.+ (!)/ /0 .0! 00!* %*# 0$!. ,!10% 3+.'/$+, 3$% $ %* (1 ! 3++ 3+.'%*# * ,% 01.! ". )%*# 3!*0 +* 0+ ! +)! )!) !. +" /0 "" $!(,%*# +0$!./ (! .* 0$! ". )%*# /'%((/ 3$% $ $ "+1* /+ !*!"% % ( * 0$! .1/0 ! % ! 0$ 0 0$! 3+.'/$+, 3+1( $ 2! 0+ (+/! 10 0$ 0 ". )%*# $ ,+0!*0% ( /+ 0$!5 !),(+5! )! %.! 0 0+ !(%2!. 0$%/ /!.2% ! 0 0$%/ ,+%*0 )5 $1/ * * * ! )! !0!.)%*! 0+ /!0 1, +1. +3* ". )%*# +), *5 0+ +*0%*1! 0$! 3+.' $ /0 .0! +1( /!! 0$! %))!*/! %""!.!* ! 0$ 0 $ 2%*# "+ 1/ * .! 0%2! +10(!0 ) ! "+. ,!+,(! %* (1 %*# )5/!(" * * 00!* ! +1./! 0 .%#$0+* *%2!./%05 /+ 3! +1( .! (%/! +1. .! ) +" .1**%*# /+ % ( !*0!.,.%/! * 0+ !. 3! "+.)! +))1*%05 *0!.!/0 +), *5 1. ,% 01.! ". )%*# 1/%*!// 3+1( ! .1* +* *+0 "+. ,.+"%0 /%/ 3%0$ *5 /1.,(1/ !%*# .!%*2!/0! 0+ %),.+2! +1. 0. %*%*# /!.2% !/ "+. /+ % ((5 !4 (1 ! 1(0/ How does Frame of Mind work? *%0% ((5 +1. "1* %*# )! %.! 0 ".+) 0$! .1/0 10 *+3 ! $ 0. %*!! $ / 0+ -1 (%"5 "+. 0$!%. +3* "1* %*# $!%. ,.+ (!)/ *!! 0+ ! %* 0$! 7/1 /0 *0% (8 +. 7 .%0% (8 0!#+.%!/ %* +. !. 0+ -1 (%"5 !"+.! /+ % ( 3+.'!./ * $!(, 0$!) /! 1.! "1* %*# ! $ 2! /,+*/+./ 3$+ ,.+2% ! 1/ 3%0$ "%* * % ( /1,,+.0 /1 $ / !/0 1//!4 +1*05 +1* %( $% $!/0!. %/0.% 0 +1* %( * 0$! .1* %/0.% 0 +1* %( .- % $ / !!* ) &+. /1,,+.0!. .! !*0(5 /'! "+. /$!!0/ +" )+1*0 + . * 0$!5 #!*!.+1/(5 # 2! 1/ /$!!0/ "+((+3! 5 .!#1( . , . !(/ +" )+1( %*# ! .! (/+ #. 0!"1( "+. $!(, ".+) %)+*/ * !//!4 ( // %..+. 0++ ! $ 2! + . +" %.! 0+./ 0+ $!(, 3%0$ ,( **%*# * +2!./!! +1. "%* * % ( ,.+#.!// 1..!*0(5 3! $ 2! /!2!* 2+(1*0!!. %.! 0+./ * 3! .! (++'%*# 0+ 1, 0$! *1) !. 0+ 0!* * 3+.'! %* +*/0.1 0%+* * +*(5 # 2! 1, $%/ &+ +1,(! +" 5! ./ #+ !82! !!* 2!.5 (1 '5 3%0$ 0$! ,!+,(! 3!82! !!* (! 0+ .! .1%0 66 April 2013

Theresa Bates GCF with a Frame of Mind trainee

Frame of Mind is a multi-award winning community interest company that enables adults with learning difficulties, mental health issues and dementia to develop confidence and a sense of purpose through learning how to frame. Co-founder THERESA BATES GCF explains how picture framing can change vulnerable people’s lives for the better . )! " %* 3+1( ! *+0$%*# 3%0$+10 +1. ! % 0! 0! ) +" /0 "" * 2+(1*0!!./ ! !),(+5 03+ +0$!. ,!+,(! "1(( 0%)! ,(1/ "+1. 0. %*!!/ 3$+ 3+.' &1/0 0$.!! $+1./ 3!!' /+ 0$!%. !*!"%0/ .!*80 ""! 0! ! (/+ $ 2! /%4 2+(1*0!!./ 3$+ + +*! 5 3!!' *5 +" +1. 0. %*!!/ *!! +*! 0+ +*! /1,,+.0 /+ . )! +" %* %/ -1%0! ( +1. %*0!*/%2! ! ". )! !2!.50$%*# ".+) "++0 (( /$%.0/ 0+ /0.!0 $! *2 /!/ ! $ 2! $! 0 /! (%*# ,.!// * * ) *%,1( 0! 1/0+)!./8 %) #!/ %* $+0+/$+, !"+.! ,.%*0%*# 0$!) / #% (6!/ 1. 3+.'/$+, %/ 1*%0 +* * %* 1/0.% ( !/0 0! 7.! (8 1/%*!// %* 0$! $! .0 +" 0$! +))1*%05 ! .! .!#%/0!.! * .! /!00%*# 1, .%!* / +" . )! +" %* .!#%/0!.! $ .%05 Who benefits from Frame of Mind? $! /! .!0 +" 3$5 ". )%*# 3+.'/ 0+ %),.+2! ,!+,(!8/ (%2!/ %/ 0$ 0 %0 .!-1%.!/ 0$!%. "1(( +* !*0. 0%+* /+ 0$!5 "+.#!0 0$!%. ,.+ (!)/ * 0$! 2+% !/ %* 0$!%. $! '%*# ,% 01.!/ #%2!/ 0$!) .! /+* 0+ #!0 1, %* 0$! )+.*%*# * !2!(+,/ 0$!%. /!(" !/0!!) . )! " %* +""!./ * !* .!/1(0 0+ /) (( ,.+&! 0/ 0$! 2 (1! +" 0$%/ 0+ 0. %*!!/ %/ %))! /1. (! ! "+.) '!5 , .0 +"

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