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Mini Board
Mamba Forever
“Omg! is it true about Kobe??!” seemed like a strange post to read the day after LeBron passed his scoring record. Do I Googled Kobe and nothing was trending. There was one article from New York Post. I didn’t really want to show Luis. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that we were watching Empire Strikes Back because he had just been talking about Han Solo’s hair and I had been about to say that I can’t believe Harrison Ford is alive and Carrie Fisher is not. I shared the article, but not the thought.
My uncle, who never shied away from asking Luis how he was able to be a Kobe fan wrote some nice words. “I strongly believe in second chances. ... Kobe not only continued to thrill basketball fans with his unique ability and fierce competitiveness but by all accounts was a great dad and had begun to carve out a post basketball career that promised to be productive and meaningful. A terrible tragedy—especially with his young daughter and the seven other passengers.” Kobe will be missed. —MV
WAit... it’s NOT A DArth vADer ornAMent?
Cold Feet
Judge received these grippy socks as a gift last christmas, but refused to wear them. We tried again, and he was shaking so badly his foot is blurred. —MV
Tiny Aspirations
Inspired by a process video I had shown him, Kal wanted to draw the Twins from Terraria as small as he possibly could. Who says Instagram is bad? —MV
Filtering A Connection
Betty loves to play with “chapsnat” as she calls it. One day before school, there was a filter to age your face. When she laughed at her reflection, i couldn’t believe how much she looked like her great-grandmother. i took a bunch of screenshots. Betty really does have light eyes and an underbite like my grandma (and almost the same birthday— July 8 and 11), but they were practically identical when Betty genuinely smiled. —MV
Terrain of Boredom
The first week back to school after the new year, i decided to keep track of the license plates we drove past. This map is from the first day, though Delaware and D.c. should also be highlighted. We saw 26 plates, including hawaii. While there are michigan and indiana plates in our neighborhood, i think the amount of out-of-state plates in other parts of Brooklyn is an indicator of how much renovation and gentrification has taken hold in those neighborhoods. —MV