Art Department Weekly | Issue 90 Vol. 12

Page 11

STAR MOMS Amongst the many things Star Wars has done well in 12 films, portraying moms is not one of them. In typical Disney fashion, nearly every major character has a tale of that starts with the loss of their mother. If you are ranking the mothers of Star Wars, you probably have to grade Shmi (Anakin’s mom) highest, as she willingly gives her child away to live a life better than the one she can provide. She ultimately dies at the hands of Tusken Raiders, leading Anakin closer to his dark future. The rest of the Star Wars galaxy is littered with sad tales of lost mothers. Padmé dies from a broken heart and never gets to raise her twins. Lyra Erso is killed by Krennic while her daughter, Jyn, watches. Rey’s nameless mother rescues her daughter by sending her into hiding before she herself is killed. Then there is the interesting case of Leia Organa. Leia is raised by Bail and Breha Organa. We see Breha onscreen once in ROTS holding a baby Leia. Breha is then killed when the Death Star obliterates Alderran. While seemingly a loving mother, we have very little evidence of that onscreen. Leia doesn’t mourn for long before moving on with the mission. In the new trilogy, we see Leia as general and mother. She sent her son Ben to train with Luke. That decision led to Ben becoming Kylo and embracing the dark side. We never get to see a happy family reunion because Leia uses the last of her lifeforce to distract Kylo in his battle with Rey, leading to the ultimate demise of Kylo Ren. In a way she saves Ben’s life while sacrificng her own, which is the ultimate motherly sacrifice. —LV

May 5, 2020 • Art

Department Weekly


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