Making Babies Happen book & epub

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Making Babies Happen

Diana Malone

Contents Introduction – Our fertility Acupuncture Alcohol Allergies Pollution and chemical exposure Dairy foods Omega 3-6-9, Electromagnetic radiation Genetic modification of food Genito-urinary infections Herbs to boost fertility The liver, a vital organ Minerals Parasites Positive affirmations for fertility Getting a good night’s sleep Stress and your fertility Reiki Thought field therapy The contraceptive pill Why meditate

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I have written this book to empower couples trying for a baby. During my research I found little information or advice between the Doctors surgery and the mention of medical intervention. My intention is to fill that void, handing back control to the couple when they thought they had none. Facebook: Making Babies Happen Skype: diana.malone46 Email:

Diana Malone

Introduction – Our fertility All women have a desire to be fertile. To know they could have a child if they wished. It is this feeling of being fertile, that potential within that so many desire and identify with. Fertility is a form of female power we must work with responsibly and consciously if we are to truly flourish. The number one predictor of a women’s status worldwide is whether or not she has dominion over her fertility, the ability to say when and how many when it comes to having babies is one of the most significant factors leading to the greatly expanded role of women in business, education and self-development in the last 50 years. Ideally pre natal life close to the mother’s heart is bliss for the unborn. Women need to choose to live out their pregnancies wisely because the way they do so affects themselves and their offspring, the generations to come. Infant Amnesia is a term used to explain the fact that most people don’t consciously recall much that happened to them before the age of three. The truth is that our bodies always remember lying in the womb, birth and early childhood. Parents have a huge influence on the mental and physical attributes of their children. This influence starts long before birth and continues The ability to conceive throughout life. All of us retain the imprint of and bear children entire lives within ourselves starting before can profoundly affect birth. Our lives begin in the water of amniotic the way a women fluid, our first environment. These periods in feels about herself early childhood are the critical times that on a very deep level most of our expectations and potential are created. Pre natal and birth memories, there impact and the unborn are among the many reasons why women have learned to manage their fertility well. We must become conscious vessels. The ability to conceive and bear children can profoundly affect the way a women feels about herself on a very deep level. So when a women finds that she is unable to have a child she is often thrown in to great despair and feels a sense of injustice thinking why me? Seeing 3 teenage mothers having no problems getting pregnant

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becomes almost impossible to bare unless the woman can find some meaning in the experience and come to terms with it. The pioneering work of Alice Dumar PhD founder and executive director of the Dumar Center of Complimentary Healthcare in Massachusetts has clearly documented that women who have been diagnosed as infertile are twice as likely to be depressed as a controlled group and that this depression peaks at about two years after they start trying to get pregnant. And even though infertility is not life threatening, infertile women have depression scores that are indistinguishable from those of women with cancer, heart disease of IVF. Approximately one in every six to ten couples has a problem with infertility. About 40% of the problems are related to a male factor, a 60% to a female factor. Statistics show that sperm counts have been gradually falling over the past century. Decreased sperm counts are associated with cigarettes, marijuana and alcohol use as well as environmental factors. The most common factors affecting female infertility is smoking, following a high glycaemic index diet with inadequate micro nutrients, irregular ovulation, endometriosis, the history of pelvic inflammation infection, from RUD’s or other sources causing scarring to the fallopian tubes, Unresolved emotional stress and immune system problems and of course age. A certain percentage of women, who have been told that they are infertile, for medical reasons, get pregnant without treatment. Infertility is never a straightforward affair. Many physical, emotional and psychological factors are involved in conception, so many that it is ridiculous to try to reduce fertility to a matter of injecting the right hormone at the right time. An infertility specialist once said ‘I do all the latest high tech surgery, hormone treatment to try to make someone pregnant, when it is all said and done, I still don’t know who will get pregnant and who will not and why. After all my years of training, this area is still a mystery that I cannot control’.


Diana Malone

Acupuncture Acupuncturists have been writing about fertility treatments since at least the 11th century. The primary goal of Acupuncture is to treat the root cause of health problems and the underlying energy imbalances. To do this there are many suitable acupuncture points. The secondary goal of Acupuncture is to treat the branch – the manifestation of the route imbalance. At this point it may be helpful to use points known to have an effect on male or female infertility. Fertility focused acupuncture treatment has been found to increase blood flow to the reproductive organs, balance the hormone levels, regulate the menstrual cycle, help improve the lining of the uterus and the quality of eggs released. Additionally conditions such as polycystic ovaries and endometriosis have also been shown to improve. The benefits for male fertility have also been found with positive effects on sperm count, morphology and motility, as trying to conceive, can often be a stressful experience. Many find that undergoing a course of acupuncture reduces associated problems such as anxiety, stress and insomnia it also helps to improve the chances of pregnancy by improving wellbeing in general. An ample blood supply to the uterus is important for fertility because the blood increases the endometrium – the lining of the uterus. A fertilized egg must securely Acupuncture implant in the endometrium in order for a increases blood flow pregnancy to develop. If the endometrium to the uterus thereby is too thin it is more difficult for the egg to boosting fertility properly implant. Numerous studies including Elizabeth Stener-Victorin‘s 1996 study published in the journal ‘Human reproduction’ have shown that acupuncture increases blood flow to the uterus thereby boosting fertility. Women with irregular menstrual cycles may find their fertility impaired because it is hard to predict when ovulation occurs. Studies have shown that acupuncture can regulate the menstrual cycle. One such study conducted at the university of 5 Virginia by Lisa Pastoray in 2008 found that women with

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absent periods, had restarted after acupuncture treatment and many became pregnant. There is evidence that stress can impact fertility. One study in Berkley, California found that stress hormones can suppress sperm count, ovulation and sexual activity. Acupuncture balances the autonomic nervous system and triggers the release of endorphins. Both of which can help make the patient feel calm and relaxed. For an Acupuncturist near you, make contact with the British Acupuncture Council.


Diana Malone

Alcohol Alcohol and male reproduction Alcohol is a direct testicular toxin. It causes atrophy of seminiferous tubules, loss of sperm cells, and an increase in abnormal sperm. Alcohol is also known to be a strong Leydig cell toxin (these produce testosterone in the presence of luteinizing hormones). It can have an adverse effect on synthesis and secretion of testosterone. Alcohol can cause significant deterioration in sperm concentration, sperm output and motility. Semen samples of men consuming excessive amounts of alcohol have shown distinct, morphological abnormalities. It has also been established that about 80% of chronic alcoholic men are sterile and furthermore that alcohol is one of the most common causes of male impotence. There is now an ever increasing recognition that alcohol is the most common chemical teratogen (abnormalities of physiological development) presently causing malformations and mental deficiency in the human offspring. It was not until 1967 in France, that Lamoin and his team first described in scientific terms a group of children effected by maternal alcohol abuse which included defective intrauterine postpartum Semen samples of growth, unusual facial features, congenital men consuming malformations such as cardiac defects, excessive amounts of cleft palate, combined with mental sub alcohol have shown normality. Five years later an independent distinct, morphological observation by Dr Jones and his colleagues abnormalities in the USA, finally lead to recognition of a clear dysmorphic condition associated with maternal gestational alcoholism. Alcoholism named as foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) which has since become a clearly established clinical entity. The most common characteristics of children born with FAS are growth abnormalities, craniofacial abnormalities, musculoskeletal abnormalities, cardiac abnormalities such as congenital heart disease, nervous system abnormalities, Neuro developmental delay 7 on mental deficiency. The average IQ in children born with

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FAS is around 65 indicating moderate mental handicap. Alcohol is quite capable of crossing the placental barrier and entering the foetus causing the level of alcohol in the foetus to be approximately that of the mother. In the first 21 days of the foetal development, the preliminary cell or organization of the embryo will begin to take place, if an excessive amount of alcohol is consumed before the blastocyst is embedded in the uterus, the impact can be so severe the foetus is miscarried. By the end of the 36th day often long before the women even realizes she is pregnant, the neural tube is clearly present and open and most of the rudimentary organs have already been formed, such as limbs, heart, brain, eyes, mouth, digestive tract etc. It is therefore obvious that if alcohol is consumed during these critical days this can result in various forms of malformation without any specific outward signs of FAS. Even though it is considered that the first trimester is the most critical period for alcohol induced malformations to occur in both human and animals. Experiments have been able to demonstrate that the effect of alcohol continues throughout the whole gestation period affecting critical brain development and function. It therefore stands to reason that when considering becoming pregnant all alcohol should cease. It is the only way of ensuring the best health before and during pregnancy.


Diana Malone

Allergies The 20th century environment is high in toxins. These are A) Inhaled, such as traffic effluent, cigarette smoke, pesticides, flea droppings from pets, house dust mites, dandruff, good old pollen. B) Ingested, such as hazardous food additives, pesticides on food, fluoride from the water, alcohol, caffeine, aluminium, artificial hormones, growth promoters, the pill, fertility drugs and medicines. C) Controversially vaccines and immunizations, bacteria and viruses, together with injections, antibiotics and mercury amalgam fillings in our teeth, any or all of these may potentially result in an over responsive immune system. Other ma jor allergens are gluten grains, wheat, oats, barley and rye. Many more people are being diagnosed with either wheat intolerance or Coeliac Disease. If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and are constantly told it is stress or nerves try going onto a gluten or milk free diet for a few months to see if things clear up. There is nothing to lose. If this is not the answer, then it could be candida or intestinal parasites. On the whole, those with a milk allergy are tired, heavy, lethargic, have black rings under their eyes and are prone to fatigue, bloating, diarrhoea, also catarrh and snoring. Those with a gluten allergy or sensitivity may also suffer from diarrhoea, Caffeine has been have a tendency towards hyperactivity, be closely linked to argumentative, may find people irritating, an increased risk they are thin, sometimes to the point of of miscarriage anorexia, and have itchy eyes, irritable skin, poor sleeping patterns, possibly up and down all night to urinate and sometimes workaholics. Other very common intolerances are sugar and caffeine found in coffee, tea, chocolate and cola. Caffeine has been closely linked to an increased risk of miscarriage and high levels of sugar may be a trigger to gestational diabetes. Some people are allergic to citrus fruits, this can give them diarrhoea, sneezing, skin problems from a vague little itch that seems to have no visible origin to full-blown eczema. Arthritis has


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been linked to citrus fruit intolerance. Some people react to a particular fruit whilst others are allergic to all citrus fruits. The belladonna family which comprises tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and aubergines can also be an irritant. To reiterate the body may react to one or to the whole family of food groups. Another huge source of ‘allergies’ using the word in its broadest sense, are food additives. These seem to lurk in everything you pick up – unless it is food in its natural state. The government has banned the six worst offenders tartrazine (E102), quinoline yellow (E104), sunset yellow (E110), carmoisine (E122), ponceau 4R (E124) and allura red (E129). However, those still allowed in the UK include 48 additives that have been suggested to cause hyperactivity, 82 may cause digestive disorders, 54 have been linked to asthma, 53 possible connections to skin rashes and eczema, 36 that may trigger insomnia. 52 known carcinogens and 30 being directly related to liver or kidney disorders. Shockingly some of these additives are made from the same companies who make a fortune from the production of Ritalin and many other similar medications. The defence system can be weakened by the lack of zinc and other nutrients, causing the enzyme system to become compromised. Conversely the allergies may lead to the deficiency. Irritation from detergents can make the skin sore and this will require zinc, oils and vitamins A, E and B for repair. Inhaling pesticides, smoke or flame retardant can irritate the lungs and create a demand for selenium and vitamins A and E to sooth them. Pesticides will also create a shortage of manganese, as they inhibit the uptake from the gut. Calcium and zinc are used up in driving lead out of the body. These minerals are needed to make enzymes work, but being so exhausted they are then not there to do their stuff. Close attention must be paid to allergies. For a parent suffering from a food allergy, health is going to be impaired and there may be mal-absorption that will generally lead to nutritional deficiencies. Allergies in parents very often lead to allergies in their offspring which can seriously impair development. Clearing up allergies may mean that drugs do not need to be taken to alleviate the symptoms caused by the allergens. Allergies may cause excessive mucus in the nose, gut or blocked fallopian tubes which could cause infertility. If the

Diana Malone

mother’s allergies are not resolved and she is breast-feeding she may find her baby suffering from colic because of a masked cow’s milk allergy in the mother. Other than laboratory testing, one of the most accurate ways to discover allergens is to follow an ‘exclusion diet’. When we eat certain foods every day, it’s often hard to pinpoint which, if any, are contributing to any health problems we may be having. So by following an exclusion diet-that is avoiding suspect foods for a set time period, and then reintroducing them one at a time-we can more clearly see what causes a reaction. Asking these four questions will work out the potential suspects: 1. What foods (or drinks) do I suspect that I react badly to? 2. What foods do I eat at least once if not more every day? 3. What foods would I find hardest to give up? 4. Which of these foods are in the list of the top allergens? A food that fulfils these criteria’s is a strong suspect. If there is more than one food, choose whether to test them all together or one at a time. Once ready eliminate the foods on this list completely for 15 days. Check all food contents and make sure that none is consumed. After 15 days a simple pulse test can be done.

When we eat certain foods every day, it’s often hard to pinpoint which are contributing to health problems

1. Take your pulse at rest, for 60 seconds. Write it down. 2. Eat more than the usual amount of one of the excluded foods. Take care to only eat the substance tested. 3. Take your pulse after 10, 30 and 60 minutes. Write down the results. 4. Keep a record for the next 24 hours.

If the pulse remains static or only increases a bit (under 10 extra beats a minute) and there appears to be no reaction within 24 hours then reintroduce this food in a moderate way. Then carry out the same process for the other foods.


Making Babies Happen

If the pulse does increase by more than 10 beats a minutewhich can happen if the food prompts your immune system to mount an allergic reaction-or if you have any noticeable symptoms within 24 hours, avoid this substance and wait another 24 hours before testing the next food on the list. The foods that caused a reaction will need to be eliminated for six months and certainly for the whole period of trying for a baby and pregnancy. If this equates to a significant amount of foods make sure you work to keep the diet balanced. A nutritional therapist can help to ensure a healthy diet during this time.


Diana Malone

Pollution and chemical exposure Many of the chemicals in everyday products disrupt the hormonal balance. Often they mimic the effects of estrogen in the body. While women and men need estrogen in their body to remain healthy, too much of this hormone has a profound effect on our well-being, sexual and reproductive health, as well as being a known risk factor for estrogen dependent cancers of the breast, ovary, endometrium (lining of the uterus) and prostate. Much of what we know about the influence of everyday toxins on infertility comes from research into those who work with these chemicals. A recent Canadian study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that women who work with organic solvents such as artists, graphic designers, laboratory technicians, veterinary technicians, cleaners, factory workers, office workers and chemists, have a greater increased risk of both miscarriage and of giving birth to premature or low birth weight babies, a stark comparison to women who are not exposed to the chemicals. Hairdressers and others who work in the beauty industry are also exposed to these kinds of organic solvents, again they have much higher rates of infertility, miscarriage and babies who are born with birth defects. These kinds of solvents are not restricted to the work place. They are also commonly used in cleaning products, toiletries and paints found Male fertility can in homes. Pregnant women who live near also be affected by petro-chemical factories also experience chemical exposure more threatened abortions and toxemia (meaning the toxins spread an infection via the bloodstream), anemia, nausea and vomiting. Male fertility can also be affected by chemical exposure. Men who work in jobs that bring them into regular contact with pesticides and toxic chemicals are more likely to father children with birth defects. These men will often bring chemical residues from their work place home with them on their clothes, hair and in their semen- increasing their 13 partner’s exposure to these dangerous toxins. Hormone

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disrupting chemicals that find their way into the food chain are now believed to be responsible for the global decline of sperm counts. Some twenty different toxic chemicals with the potential to harm sperm quality and production have been found in recent studies. In contrast, there is evidence from the US suggesting that men who eat organic foods have sperm counts that are twice as high to those who don’t. Finally, studies show that more than 350 man-made toxic chemicals are being passed on to babies in increased amounts through pathways such as the placenta. Unlike adults a developing baby is very sensitive to changes in the supply of nutrients and the presence of poisons. So, just the simple act of changing your household cleaning products to organic or eco-friendly ones can have a huge impact on your fertility.



Toxic minerals are in the air, the soil and our food. Over the past 100 years the levels have risen sharply and they overload the body’s capacity to eliminate them. Here’s what you can do to reduce your exposure. Stay away from busy roads, smoky atmospheres, remove the outer layers of vegetables, thoroughly wash all fresh vegetables and produce in a vinegar solution. Just add a desert spoon of vinegar to a bowl of water. Limit your intake of Tuna or non-organic farmed Salmon to no more than once a week, if at all really. Aim to eat fish from less polluted waters. Avoid copper and aluminium cookware, and please do not wrap food in aluminium foil or if you have to put some greaseproof paper in between. Avoid canned food as these are often contaminated with aluminium or lead. Cut down on alcohol or avoid altogether before and during pregnancy, as this increase lead and cadmium absorption. Avoid antacids as these can contain aluminium salts. Stay away from refined foods as they lack toxic fighting nutrients. Check if your water pipes are made of lead or copper if so do not use a water softener as these dissolve lead more easily. Do not drink or cook with hot tap water. Use filtered water or drink distilled or spring water. And finally take a good antioxidant supplement. Many of the substances considered to be bad for us such as alcohol, pollutants and cigarettes cause their damage by interfering with essential nutrients. After discovering that high lead, cadmium and low zinc were associated with still births, difficult births and deformed babies. Professor Bryce

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Smith of the University of Reading began a comprehensive study to determine just how important those minerals are. He tested no less than 36 different minerals in a dozen different ways from a hundred mother and baby pairs. He measured their hair levels, blood levels, amniotic fluid, placental levels pubic hair, cord blood, you name it he tested it. And although his entire sample group all experienced normal births, ie no complications or malformations. Much to his surprise the mineral levels were far from normal. He found that the lower the zinc levels in the placenta the smaller the baby. Also the higher the lead and cadmium levels the smaller the baby. So clear were the results that Bryce Smith can predict both birth weight and head circumference just by analyzing minerals in the placenta. He also found a tendency for high aluminum levels in those who had premature placenta membrane rupture. Bryce Smiths initial study was carried out in 1980 and the amazing results lead to many further studies from which we can understand the dangers of anti-nutrients and the detrimental effects they have on pregnancy today. Lets take a look at what they are. Then examine how you can find out if you are affected and what you can do to protect yourself and your unborn baby. Lead Bryce Smith had already established from his work in the 1980s that the higher the lead the lower the birth rate. But a later study conducted with Dr Neil Vaud of the University of Surrey found elevated levels of lead in the placentae of still born babies and those born with Spina bifida or brain damage. An American study An American study also found high levels of lead in babies also found high levels who died from cot death. Perhaps more of lead in babies who interesting is the fact this correlation exists died from cot death even in mothers whose lead levels would be considered normal. Like many environmental poisons there appears to be no thresh hold that lead can categorically be called safe. At any age lead is a powerful neurotoxin babies and children are particularly vulnerable as their nervous systems are still developing. So thanks to Bryce Smith’s pioneering work and tireless campaigning lead has been taken out of petrol. But although our exposure today may be lower than previous decades lead pollution is still present in the atmosphere, and also comes from water 15

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contaminated by lead piping and from flaking paint and paint dust, pesticides, cosmetics and industrial exposure. Copper This is both an essential element and a toxic one due to the widespread use of copper in water pipes plus exposure from jewellery, kitchen utensils and swimming pool antifungal agents. Today we are more at risk from toxicity than deficiency. Of the 2 milligrams we need each day that amount is supplied by just drinking water that has passed through copper pipes. Long term use of the contraceptive pill, IUD’s, fertility hormones such as Clomid, further increase copper levels in the body. Yet high levels of copper depress zinc which is vital not only during pregnancy but also for fertility. Once a woman is pregnant the copper levels in her blood tend to rise dramatically and stay elevated until a month before birth. The reason is believed to be that copper acts as stimulant for the uterus, but if there is already a high level to start with this additional accumulation can cause copper toxicity. Toiletries and Cosmetics The following comes from a booklet produced by Maria Griffiths called ‘Watch It’. There were sixty-seven noxious chemicals used in our bathroom products. Thirty-nine were known carcinogenic (cancer-causing) and twelve were listed as causing miscarriage: forty-one were skin irritants: sixteen were said to affect the central nervous system: ten to cause nausea and vomiting: ten to cause asthma and nine were said to be teratogenic (baby damaging).


Diana Malone

Dairy foods New research conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, has found that men who eat three portions of full fat dairy a day have lower quality sperms than those who do not. The team compared the diets of 189 men aged 19–25, none of whom were overweight and all of whom who exercised regularly, these were fit young men. They had each man fill out a detailed questionnaire about exactly how much and how often they ate certain foods including dairy, meat, fruit and other food types. They then examined each man’s sperm, looking at the shape, how fast it could travel and other markers that indicate fertility. Their results are sure to displease many a dairy farmer. They found that men who ate more than three servings of full fat dairy a day had sperm of 25% poorer quality than those who did not. The portion of dairy for the purposes of the study including an ounce of cheese, a teaspoon of cream, a scoop of ice cream or a glass of full fat milk. Leading author of the study, Miriam Afache has a few ideas as why dairy might be impeding the fertility of the men who consumed it in high quantities. They say the association could be attributed to the high levels of naturally occurring reproductive hormones in commercial dairy products. It is also possible that the presence of other compounds in dairy such Dairy products as pesticides, chlorinated pollutants and containing hormones heavy metals could account for this relation. interfere with the Dairy foods eaten by women show female hormones problems from benign breast conditions, chronic vaginal discharge, acne, menstrual cramps, fibroids, chronic intestinal upset and increased pain from endometriosis. We have to look at the correlation between over stimulation of the cows mammary glands through the use of certain hormones intended to increase milk production and subsequent over stimulation of our own. Nursing babies as well as their mothers are affected by what the mothers eat. They sometimes develop symptoms such as 17 cows’ milk allergy when their mothers are consuming cow’s

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milk. We also have to consider bovine growth hormones and antibiotics that the cows are fed that pass through into the milk and into our bodies. Dairy products containing hormones interfere with the female hormones. But also unfermented, pasteurized and homogenized dairy are so mucus forming that it is linked to serious disorders such as infertility from blocked fallopian tubes, cancer of the breast and cervix and endometriosis, menstrual cramps, heavy menstrual flow, tender breasts, ovarian tumours and cysts and vaginal infections. The best option, if you continue to eat dairy products are to eat organic as they will have no hormones or antibiotics in them. If you can find the will to cut out dairy from your diet for at least a month, have a look at the advantages you can see within your body, emotionally and physically and decide from there whether you need to incorporate dairy into your diet at all.


Diana Malone

Omega 3-6-9, Essential Supplement for Fertility and Pregnancy

For years it has been driven into our heads that fats are bad, we must eliminate fats from our diet to lose weight, prevent heart disease and more. However, what many people seem to fail to realize is that there are some fats that are actually good for us and are in fact crucial to our good health. There are three different types of unsaturated fatty acids – Omega 3, 6 and 9. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are essential to the body. Omega 9 are not essential for human health because unlike Omega 3 and 6 which cannot be manufactured by the body, Omega 9 is naturally occurring, because the body does contain the necessary enzymes for synthesis of the fatty acids to take place. However, there are some cases where the body is unable to produce adequate amounts of Omega 9, so in this case a supplement is definitely beneficial. Since Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are unable to be produced by the body, we must gain it by eating foods that are rich in these unsaturated fats, or use a dietary supplement to get the correct amount. The three best sources of EFAs which provide the different levels of unsaturated fats are borage, flax and fish oil. Each of the types of fatty acids are processed individually by the body and work in different ways, it is important to ensure you are getting the There are some fats proper intake of each.

Omega 3

that are actually good for us and are in fact crucial to our good health

Flax and Fish Oil are rich in this fatty acid. It has been shown to help fertility by regulating the hormones, increasing cervical mucus, promoting ovulation and improving the quality of the uterus by increasing the blood flow to the reproductive organs. Omega 3 fats also contain two acids that are crucial to good health; DHA and EPA these two acids have been shown to help many forms of disease. Low levels of DHA have been linked to depression and other mental health issues. During pregnancy a lack of DHA maybe associated with premature birth, low birth weight and hyperactivity in children.


Making Babies Happen

Omega 6 Borage oil is rich in omega 6 fats, which can assist fertility by improving reproductive cell structure, decrease risk of inflammation and improve the condition of organs in the body.

Omega 9 Monounsaturated fats are found in various food sources, the highest amount found in olive oil. Other sources of Omega 9 includes fresh seeds and nuts, avocado and sunflower oil. It is important to have a plentiful supply of EFAs before becoming pregnant and to continue to eat fish or take fish oil supplements during pregnancy to maintain optimal health. During pregnancy, essential fatty acids are important to your baby’s’ brain, eye and heart development. EPA is necessary to grow a healthy circulatory system. DHA is an important component for a healthy central nervous system. Having a sufficient level of these fats in your system is also thought to help prevent miscarriage and premature delivery. For men, EFAs can also make a big difference. They improve the circulation to the genitals, which helps to support the prostate and the other elements needed for reproduction. It lowers blood pressure, which helps with erectile dysfunction. Omega 3 is important in the production of sperm. DHA, one of the fatty acids contained in fish oil has a significant impact on the viability and the health of sperm. When there are not enough fatty acids present, cholesterol replaces the needed fatty acid in the sperm membrane and this prevents sperm from proper maturation. This in turn, helps to create more free radicals which damage any healthy sperm that may be present. By increasing the intake of EFAs through the consumption of fish or fish oil supplements, the resulting sperm are healthier, have better motility and the chance of a successful conception increase.


Diana Malone

Electromagnetic radiation and how it can damage your fertility

Radiation comes from many sources and is constantly present in our modern environment. Most of its effect on our bodies is damaging but quite inconspicuous. You often only know the exposure is problematic in hindsight. Damage from various types of radiation can affect sex cells, developing embryos and growing children. It also plays a roll in many diseases because of the damage caused to cellular DNA. This renders the body unable to repair its injuries, causing mutations that can be passed along to the next generation of cells. Many man- made devices make use of electromagnetic radiation in our homes and work places. Electro Magnetic Fields (EMFs) emanate from the wires that deliver the electricity from all the appliances and devices that are plugged into power points, such as TVs, DVDs, microwave ovens, radios, computers, electric clocks and the like. EMFs can have the same effect on the body as Geopathic Stress and many other types of radiation already described. In time, this may lead to health and fertility problems as well as lowered immune function. So what are the dangers? Studies have connected EMFs to health problems such as behavioural changes, birth defects, memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease. Studies on mice show that exposure to low frequency Damage from various EMFs leads to offspring being born under types of radiation developed. One theory on how EMFs disrupt can affect sex cells, normal body function is they interrupt the developing embryos typical roll of calcium in the brain. Another and growing children theory is that EMFs affect how cells grow and reproduce. There are many theories; however, it comes down to the fact that each cell in the body contains positive and negatively charged elements that are kept in a delicate balance on the inside and outside of the cell wall. EMFs disorder and disrupts this critical balance that disturbs the millions of electrical impulses that the body uses to regulate cellular activity. EMFs have a very real health consequence. Not only for you but also for the developing baby and your 21 growing children. Scientists found that rats exposed to EMFs

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for thirty days had more problems than unexposed rats when learning to press a bar on command. Exposure had affected their memory and cognitive abilities. It also affected the next generation, exposing offspring throughout uterine development and nine days after birth developed permanent learning disabilities. Electro magnetic fields are almost unavoidable. They easily penetrate walls and our bodies. Hence the importance of avoiding and changing all the things you have control over, because for each aspect of life we know that negatively affect infertility there are many more we are still unaware about. So for the sake of your health and fertility, do the absolute best you can to give your body the maximum chance to conceive a healthy baby. One of the areas of your home that is of the highest concern when it comes to EMFs is your bedroom. Many scientists and researchers now feel that magnetic fields both from within and without the bedroom, the single biggest factor in poor sleep and poor health. Most people have a number of electrical devices within their bedrooms such as clock radios, TVs, stereos, electric blankets, and computers. Nearly all of these can ruin your sleep and substantially increase your risk of developing a number of illnesses including fertility problems. While you sleep you move into unconsciousness and your body relaxes. In this vulnerable state research indicates that you are at 100 to 150 times more open to damage from EMFs than when you are awake. Children often are up to 1,000 times more sensitive to these fields when they are asleep. A TV screen in your bedroom will radiate energy all night. Even after it has been unplugged. However, the worst of all electrical bedroom appliances are clock radios, electric alarm clocks, electric blankets, water bed heaters. So replace your alarm clock with a battery operated device, always make sure that you are 1.5 meters away from your television set and ensure that no electrical wires run under your bed.


Diana Malone

Genetic modification of food For years the Food Standards Agency has been reassuring consumers they would not be exposed to GM materials by eating meat and dairy products from GM fed animals. Scientific studies have now found small amounts of GM DNA in milk and animal tissues from GM fed livestock. Studies in GM fed livestock are finding horrendous effects including lesions on the gut, toxic effects on body organs, unexplained deaths and stunted growth in their offspring. This raises huge concerns about the long-term health impact on humans consuming products from GM fed animals. Nearly all the milk, dairy products and pork in UK supermarkets are produced from animals fed with GM crops, and none of this is labelled, according to the Soil Association investigators. Tests of animal feed and the survey of company policies have revealed that all the supermarkets widely allowed the use of GM feed. The report found that around 60% of the maize and 30% of the soya fed to dairy cattle and pigs is genetically modified; so most consumers are unwittingly eating food produced from GM crops every day. Now the supermarkets have Nearly all the milk, been trumpeting the non-GM food policies dairy products and removed all of their own-labelled foods and pork in UK made directly from GM product ingredients supermarkets are by October 2002 in response to consumer being produced concerns. However, unknown to most of the from animals fed public, supermarkets did not prohibit the use from GM crops of GM animal feed, because of a legal loop hole. There is no requirement to label food produced from GM fed animals, so shoppers would find it hard to avoid food produced from these. Currently the only food standard that guarantees the nonuse of GM feed is organic. The basic food industry mark – the little red tractor – allows the use of GM feed. Even ethical labels like ‘Freedom Foods’ allow animals to be fed GM crops. For non-organic food, Marks and Spencer offer the only 23 refuge in offering all its milk and fresh meat from non-GM

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feed. But it does allow genetically modified feed for its frozen and processed foods. All meat and dairy foods can and should be produced from non-GM feed. Unlike the dairy and pig sectors, the poultry sector has widely adopted non-GM feed policies. Around a third of eggs are from GM fed hens. The Soil Association report includes a review of GM feeding trials on twelve animals and one human, but found negative health effects. Their report also describes some of the ways that these findings were dismissed, by FSA and European Food Safety Authority and the biotechnology companies, and lists eleven scientific reasons why genetic engineering changes the biology of plants posing risks to health. 1. Russian rat trial of GM soya concluded very high mortality and stunted growth in the offspring. 2. Italian mice trial of GM soya found metabolic effects on body organs. 3. The FSA commissioned human trial of GM soya by Newcastle University found that the GM DNA transfers out of food into the gut bacteria. 4. Monsanto rat trial of GM maize found changes in body organs indicating toxic effects. 5. Aventis chicken trial of GM maize found mortality doubled and significant change in the composition of the meat. 6. Aventis rat trial of the novel protein of GM maize found reduced body Nearly all the milk, weight and metabolic affects. dairy products 7. UK study on sheep found that and pork in UK within a few minutes the genes supermarkets are in the GM maize move into the being produced bacteria in the mouth changing their from animals fed characteristics. from GM crops 8. Monsanto rat trials of GM oilseed rape found that there was a reduction in body weight and increased liver weight. 9. Australian mice trials of GM peas found allergic reactions including inflammation of the lungs. 10. The Calgene mice trial of GM tomatoes found gut lesions and seven out of forty died within two weeks. 11. UK government commissioned a rat trial of GM 24

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potatoes by Rowett Research Institute and they concluded finding gut lesions. So in conclusion here, until we have more evidence that GM is safe, buy organic wherever possible and write to your supermarkets and ask them if GM feed is being used in the production of their food.


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Genito-urinary infections As many of these infections are symptomless they therefore may remain undetected. Sadly the number of people who are suffering from genito-urinary problems continues to rise. There are many reasons, increased use of the pill, IUDs, poor nutritional status leading to a weak immune system, early sexual activity, to mention but a few. Greater sexual freedom leading to more partners certainly increases the risk of certain infections. Although some infections appear among couples that are faithful to each other. Most of the infections can have dire consequences for fertility, sterility and the foetus. Not to mention the general health of the sufferer.

Candida The most common would be candida (thrush). It occurs naturally in the body and in healthy people causes no problems. It is well known as the cause of thrush both oral, which is common in babies, and vaginal. But it is now recognised that an overgrowth of the yeast can be a contributory factor in other conditions. In some cases this may arise as a condition secondary to viral bacterial infections. These thrive because of a weakened immune system. The use of antibiotics kills off both good and bad organisms in the gut and other mucus membranes allowing the yeast which are not killed off to proliferate. Symptoms of chronic candida are many. Those such as allergies and sensitivities to food and/or chemicals, cravings for refined foods and carbohydrates and alcohol intolerances, IBS, iron or zinc deficiency can affect nutritional status therefore compromise reproductive outcomes. Short courses of vitamin A which protects the mucus membranes have been found to be helpful. Also the local application of real live yoghurt to the vagina reduce itching and fight the organisms.

Chlamydia 26

This is a nasty pathogen. It is thought to be the most common sexually transmitted pathogen in the western industrialised

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world. It is responsible for a great deal of sexually transmitted infections as well as infertility and ill health in infants. In men it can cause inflammation of the prostate tubes, a painfully and potentially sterilising infection. In women the most common problems are pelvic inflammatory disease and cervical cell dysplasia. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of the womb (uterus) and Fallopian tubes. It also affects the ovaries sometimes. Whatever is responsible for the infection usually travels into the uterus from the vagina or neck of the womb. Cervical dysplasia is characterized by abnormal (dysplastic) cells in the cervix. Extending into the vagina, the cervix is the lowest part of the uterus. Although cervical dysplasia does not produce symptoms itself, it is potentially dangerous because it can progress to cervical cancer, the second-most common type of cancer in women, especially among younger women. When it spreads from the cervix to the womb lining it may induce endometriosis. If it goes into the fallopian tubes it can cause salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes), which can result in blocked fallopian tubes and infertility. If the tubes are partly blocked there is a risk of an ectopic pregnancy which can be very serious. More anti-bodies are found in infertile couples than in fertile ones. In children at least 50% of infants born to chlamydia positive women are likely to develop infections. One study quoted a 61% rate of infection with a 44% rate of clinical disease in infants born to infected mothers.

Let’s talk Herpes There are various types of herpes virus Herpes can result in causing a number of conditions. Some spontaneous abortion of which we have already mentioned. and congenital and Researchers have concluded that herpes can perinatal infections result in spontaneous abortion, congenital and perinatal infections in the infant or a disseminated infection and death in the mother. The frequency of risk factors is yet unknown. In their study there was a 40% incidence of serious perinatal disease or illness. Some of the infants whose mothers became infected in the last three months of pregnancy had perinatal morbidity, such as prematurity, uterine growth retardation and neonatal infections with herpes type 2. The main problems were babies with immature immune systems not being able to cope with 27

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the virus leading to an overwhelming infection, resulting in possible brain damage and eye infections causing eye damage. They may also be jaundiced, have pneumonia and with that comes breathing difficulties or even spells of no breathing at all. There have also been reports of physical impotence in men who suffered from herpes and procitis (ulcerations of the lining of the rectum) which then resulted in nerve inflammation. So before you start trying for a family please go to your sexual health clinic and get checked out. If you have anything going on you can get treated and if you have the all clear you will give your baby the best body to be born in with the healthiest sperm possible.


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Herbs to boost fertility Long before modern medicine developed the drugs and high tech procedures we are all familiar with today, practitioners treated many ailments with herbal remedies including fertility. If you are exploring natural supplements as an aid to getting pregnant make sure you first check with your health care provider, especially if you are already taking any conventional fertility drugs. In most cases women should not take fertility drugs with herbal supplements at the same time. If you are considering taking fertility boosting herbs please do not just take bottles from the pharmacy shelf because you have heard one product or another can be helpful. Find a registered medical herbalist who will take a comprehensive medical history and make herbal choices based on your particular health and fertility issues. Tell them about any other drugs you are taking to avoid any potential harmful interactions. Herbs that are recommended for boosting fertility in women are: Black cohosh, an anti-spasmodic that helps to relieve menstrual cramps and stimulates the ovaries. Take it during the first half of the menstrual cycle and stop after ovulation. Evening primrose oil can improve the quality of cervical mucus, this should also be stopped after ovulation as it could cause uterine contractions which can jeopardize an implanted embryo. Chaste berry, called the Women should not female herb, aids in regulating hormones. It is take fertility drugs with safe to use at any time in the cycle but please herbal supplements stop if pregnancy occurs. Red raspberry leaf at the same time strengthens the uterine lining and lengthens the luteal phase of a menstrual cycle enhancing the possibility of implantation. And lastly, false unicorn, which is a root that has been long used as a fertility booster and is thought to help regulate the ovaries. Just as for women there are long-term tonics that work on supporting and balancing the hormone producing system of a man’s body. Ginseng is the premier tonic for men in Chinese medicine and is considered the king of herbs. It increases 29 energy, stamina and sexual functioning. Chinese or Korean

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Ginseng is probably the most male orientated of the Ginsengs as it tends to increase the production of male hormones. Ashwagandha, Indian Ginseng has similar affects. This one is an anxiety suppressant and a grounding herb that is valued by Indian culture for its specifically rejuvenating effects on glandular and sexual function, stamina and energy and is the main Ayurvedic lifelong tonic for men. Triphala, tones the reproductive system. Every person in India at some time during his or her lifetime takes this herb as a general internal toning tonic. Sarsaparilla root is clinically proven to stimulate production of testosterone. It also stimulates progesterone, natural cortisone, as a blood purifier and speeds recovery after injury and hard athletic performance and is a good all round stamina building tonic.

Herbs to help with stress in males and females Chronic stress has the potential to cause hormonal imbalance, lowered egg and sperm health, as well as create a lack of libido. Herbs that support healthy stress response, nourish the nervous system and support endocrine function are important. Bee pollen has been reported to have great results in boosting immunity and fertility. Bee propolis has been found to support healthy immune, inflammation and the stress response in the body.

Herbs that support healthy stress response, nourish the nervous system and support endocrine function are important

Chamomile flowers (Matricaria recutita) are a nerve tonic and mild sedative helping to reduce stress, relax the nervous system and induce a restful state in the body.

Eluthero root and stem bark (Elueutherococcus senticosus) strengthens the immune system which is brilliant for people under severe stress. This herb helps people to feel better, perform better and recover from immune suppression more quickly.


Fo-ti, also known as Ho Shou Wu or He Shou Wu, root (Polygonum multiflorum) supports both thyroid and adrenal function, both of these are extremely important and sensitive to stress. The vine and leaf are sometimes used to aid stress, nervous tension and insomnia. Lemon Balm leaf (Melissa officinalis) is an excellent nervous

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system support herb. It supports healthy stress response, lessens depression and anxiety. Is good for emotional health, and stress response which is important prior to conception. Do not for use for people with hypothyroidism. Linden flower and bract (Tilia platyphyllos, T.cordata) has the ability to mildly lower blood pressure, reduce depression and support nervous system function. This is ideal for anxiety, depression and insomnia being very gentle and safe. Maca root (Lepidium meyenii) is a nourishing food for the endocrine system, aiding the pituitary, adrenal, and thyroid glands (all involved in hormonal balance.) it supports both the immune and stress response on the body. Motherwort aerial parts (Leonurus cardiaca) supports heart health and reduces anxiety. Schisandra, fruit and seed (Schisandra chinensis) assists healthy hormonal balance through Endocrine system support. It promotes proper immune and stress response in the body. Shatavari root (Asparagus racemosus) boosts healthy fertility and it is an immune system and nutritive tonic. It supports overall immune system function.


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The liver, a vital organ If the liver is weak and congested it can cause hormonal imbalances in women due to the liver’s influence over estrogen. This causes malfunctioning of the ovaries and problems with conception and menses and difficulty at time of menopause, loss of sex drive, femininity and developing more male qualities. For men, hormone imbalances can also occur, producing female qualities including an increase in breast size, sterility and impotence. The liver is the largest internal organ in our body. It is a humble and hard-working gland. If we allowed it to fulfil its mission to keep our blood stream free of damaging poisons we could live indefinitely. But unfortunately it does accumulate toxins, often before we are even born. The liver is not just a large filter but also an endocrine gland that plays a key role in digestion in the formation of blood and in defending our bodies against infection. As soon as the body absorbs any substance the liver intercepts it, the liver then accepts and neutralizes this substance and transforms it or rejects it. In fact if the liver did not alter the nutritive substances we eat they would all be poisonous to us even the nutrients from so-called healthy foods. During digestion, the liver secretes bile into the small intestine, lubricating the intestinal walls. Bile regulates the level of The liver accumulates friendly bacteria destroying unwanted and toxins, often before dangerous organisms as they invade the body. we are even born It also stimulates the peristaltic activity that forces your fectal material to move through and out of your body. Bile, along with digestive fluid from the pancreas acts upon fats, proteins and starches, transforming them into useful substances. When the liver is unable to neutralize toxic substances because it its overworked, weak and congested, toxic bile is secreted and speeds through the small intestine creating inflamed tissues. This is the main cause of leaky or permeable gut. There is no question; the 32 liver is intimately connected to digestive functions. It needs

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to be healed before the digestion, our immune system and overall well-being can reach an ideal level. The liver filters and transforms proteins, sugars and vitamins into usable substances. Transforms carbohydrates into fat if they are not to be used immediately and stores it and portions out cholesterol according to need and neutralizes its excess. If this doesn’t make the liver busy enough it also maintains the fluidity of the blood by regulating its coagulation ability and thus preventing haemophilia and phlebitis. It destroys all red blood cells and helps make new ones and helps the immune systems by providing the proteins necessary to make white blood cells. It regulates body temperature too.

Looking for signs of an impaired liver. Even though the liver is in distress we won’t be able to say ‘Oh I have a pain in my liver’. This silent hard-working organ never aches. Nevertheless, Chinese medicine says the liver cries when it is in trouble. An external sign of this is shown on the face between the eyebrows. There maybe one or several deep lines and/or swollen puffiness. A person with a weak congested liver barely tolerates the cold in winter and may suffer chills usually following a meal. If people have an overactive liver, they may often feel feverish and find the summer months very uncomfortable. Because an impaired liver cannot process toxins, even the brain and central nervous system are affected. Symptoms may range from depression, spaciness, daydreaming and an inability to concentrate and remember things. Leading to more serious disorders causing mental aberrations. In its extreme, the influence the liver has upon the brain can be seen in the final stages of cirrhosis when a coma occurs just before death. You can test the health of the liver right now. Put the fingers of the right hand completely underneath the right rib cage. It will probably notice it feels hard i.e. congested and quite tender. If all three joints of the fingers don’t fit completely under the ribs, the liver needs some tlc.


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Minerals Folic Acid, Manganese and Zinc

Folic Acid: Getting an adequate supply of folic acid reduces the risk of birth defects and miscarriages, prevents premature birth and low birth weight. The best dietary sources include green leafy vegetables, whole grains like brown rice, rye and wholemeal bread, organic meats, milk and salmon. But sunlight, heat or an acid environment can easily destroy these. So unless we eat very fresh and/or raw food it is hard to get sufficient quantities. The folate form of folic acid is also thought to be manufactured by the friendly bacteria in our intestinal tract, but the overuse of antibiotics destroys this bacteria and can contribute to a deficiency. Folic acid in the form of folate vitamin supplements has been proven to be up to twice as effective as the equivalent in food. We recommend 600mg before and during your pregnancy. The average daily intake in the UK is actually less than 200mg. During pregnancy your baby draws on your folic acid stores for its own growth, but a deficiency may not cause any obvious signs for you, so be sure you are getting enough. Take a supplement that gives you a balance of all the other vitamins and minerals. Manganese: In a recent study the concentration of manganese in human hair was measured in mothers and babies. Babies born with congenital malformations were significantly lower in hair manganese, as were their mothers, suggesting that manganese deficiency may be another cause of birth abnormalities.


Zinc: Low zinc can also have a negative effect on pregnancy. Research shows pregnant animals deficient in this crucial mineral are more prone to miscarriage and still birth or giving birth to young with a range of defects, such as brain malformations, impaired immunity systems, cleft palates and urinary abnormalities. Zinc levels will decrease by as much as 30% during your pregnancy and this will probably be because of the baby taking your stores. So ensuring you are getting enough prior to and throughout your pregnancy is absolutely essential.

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Parasites About one in six people in the UK that are tested are shown to have one or more parasites. It is not necessary to travel to far-flung countries to pick up parasites or to have a stressed lifestyle. Parasites aren’t always the big tropical types. Many common varieties are microscopic single cells. Contaminated drinking water, even in the UK is a common source. Both plant and animal foods carry parasites and cleaning and cooking methods together with a trend of pre-packaged salads and ready meals often do not destroy them before ingestion. Other culprits can be overcrowding in cities, pets, poor food handling, restaurant meals, exotic foods, poor hygiene, antibiotics, sexual practices, rodents and house flies, forgetting to wash your hands after cleaning up or your animal could transmit a parasite to you. Pets are a wonderful part of our lives, yet pets, like humans, are often victims of serious infections that can unintentionally be passed onto their owners. We regularly worm our pets but never do we think to treat ourselves. Though for 1,000s of year’s indigenous people have understood the anti-parasitic properties of local available plants and use them regularly. Bear in mind that man has lived in close proximity with domestic and farmed animals for 1,000s of years and probably been a host to Poorly digested food many organisms, without compromising and a toxic home in his health or fertility. Modern lifestyle has the gut is a place for changed all of that. High sugar consumption, parasites to settle processed diets, additives, drugs – street and prescriptive chemicals, radiation, heavy metal toxins, candida and stress make an environment that encourage parasites to take hold and thrive. Mercury, slowly leaking from dental amalgam fillings can be a cause of low stomach acid. Poorly digested food and a toxic home in the gut is a place for parasites to settle. If a couple is infertile, there is a good chance that one or probably both of them are infected with some sort of 35 pathogen. So what do parasites do to us? When given an

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environment they can thrive in, parasites rob the host, i.e. the human, of essential nutrients, lowering resistance from disease and abstracting fertility. Sometimes more than one variety of pathogen is present adding to the burden on the host. Most parasites exist in three stages; eggs, hatchlings and adults. Adults in the gut lay eggs from which hatchlings emerge as small as white blood cells and travel through the gut wall lodging anywhere in the body including the brain, liver, kidney, muscles, organs – not only the digestive tract. Parasites do not have a digestive system of their own and rely on our digested food to thrive. Adult parasites produce waste in the gut including a toxic chemical called fenol. The fenol breaks down the gut lining creating gaps in the mucus membrane allowing rubbish to enter the bloodstream, creating inflammatory conditions both in the gut and distant regions of the body. Hatchlings produce ammonia, a brain irritant responsible for mood changes, irritability, disturbed sleep and brain fog. The parasites live a parallel life inside of our bodies feeding off our own energy, or our own cells or the food we eat depleting our immunity leaving us open to other viral, bacterial or chemical assaults and even feeding off the health supplements we use. So what do we do? The good news is parasites should not affect a healthy body, so eat organic foods, wash your vegetables in vinegar, cook meats and fish thoroughly and be absolutely scrupulous with washing hands and use lemon juice and vinegar on kitchen and bathroom surfaces. Pumpkin and Papaya seeds have been documented to help with a parasite cleanse as the parasites become paralyzed and fall away from the gut lining. Seek the advice of a professional or carry out research to ensure it is carried out in the correct manner.


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Positive affirmations for fertility Affirm and Conceive!

Daily positive affirmations for conception Positive affirmations will help increase fertility and general well-being through relaxation. Using positive affirmations is a form of healing based on re-wiring your subconscious mind to new and more positive thinking while allowing the release of old negative thinking. During our lives we may have taken up negative thinking patterns based mostly on our fears, life uncertainty and discouraging experiences. These negative thoughts have now become the cause of mental and emotional blocks that might prevent couples from allowing the process of conception to take place within their bodies. Positive affirmations are a great way to meditate and to bring a positive outlook back into our lives. If we stop for a moment and think about it, we will notice that many of us already practice affirmations. When we tell others that we are going to do something, we are affirming something that is intended to manifest into our lives. In order for us to manifest an idea into reality, we first have to create a thought, then express this thought either verbally or mentally in the form of a sentence or an image and then choose the actions necessary to manifest it. Positive affirmations are meant to be a Positive affirmations support through the process of conception are a great way to by helping to release all the mental blocks meditate and to bring that prevent us from truly manifesting the a positive outlook desire to become pregnant and assist in back into our lives affirming positive and encouraging thoughts into action. How many times do we listen to our female friends and all they say are the negative things they feel about being pregnant and about the birth? Why do we listen? What impact does that have on our subconscious? Do we want a baby or are we really afraid? Will our lives change too much? We need to sit and really think about what our thoughts are and to use the affirmations to change those negative thoughts 37 into positive ones.

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The following are positive affirmations that will help bring healing and balance in your physical body • I trust my body. • New balance is coming to my body now. • My reproductive organs work in perfect harmony with my body to allow an easy conception. • Every time my period comes I rejoice in the fact that my body is functioning correctly. • My hormones are perfectly balanced and my menstrual cycles are becoming more and more regular. • My eggs are healthy and happy to be released during my next ovulation. • I ovulate around day 14 and my fertility signs are very clear to me. • My body knows how to conceive a healthy baby. • The most perfect egg is preparing to be released by my ovary and the most perfect sperm is preparing to fertilize it. • I allow new beginnings in my life.

Affirmations to release mental blocks At the mental level we often see how the mind introduces thoughts of worry, fright and insecurity that weaken our will and hope for the future. Positive affirmations will help increase mental strength and release Positive affirmations old thinking patterns that no longer serve our will help increase life purpose.

mental strength and release old thinking patterns that no longer serve our life purpose


• I trust and I love myself. • I accept the gift of life within myself. • I willingly release old thinking patterns based on fear and selfdoubt. I allow new ones based on love and selfconfidence. • I now choose positive thoughts that nurture and support my life. • I accept the responsibilities of motherhood (fatherhood) and I know I will rise to the occasion when the time comes. • I am now a loving parent to myself.

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• I focus on the power of now. • I release fears about age and time. • I set my worries aside and I allow my body to do its job. • I surrender to the power of nature as I celebrate a new cycle of birth within myself.

Affirmations for emotional healing Positive affirmations are very useful in counteracting negative emotions that pull us down. Sadness is a very common emotion in couples who cannot conceive, but it can also hinder fertility. • I now release all emotional blocks that prevent me from conceiving a baby. • I now release all unwanted built-up emotional patterns that prevent me from connecting to my inner self. • I am now becoming more and more confident about my ability to become a mother (father). • I now release all my fears and concerns about infertility and I declare myself fertile. • As my sadness lifts away a renewed sense of hope settles in my heart. • I express my feeling and I share them with my partner.

Affirmation for lifestyle changes The following positive affirmations will help you and support you while you make the necessary life style changes to increase your fertility.

Positive affirmations will help you and support you while you make the necessary life style changes to increase your fertility

• I choose a healthy lifestyle that enhances my fertility. • I drink plenty of purified water every day. I am hydrated and healthy. • I choose healthy foods every day. I now crave only foods that increase my wellbeing. • I am very energetic and I channel my energy in positive ways. • I educate myself about a healthy pre-conception life style.


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• I eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. • I take natural vitamins and minerals my body needs to increase my fertility. • It is easy for me to avoid alcohol, too much coffee and unhealthy food choices. • I easily avoid hydrogenated, highly processed foods and I enjoy simple foods made by nature. • I love my new healthy life style.

Affirmation for manifesting a baby Positive affirmations help you manifest into your life what you have desired for so long. It is time to allow the manifestation process to take place. • • • • • • • •

I welcome my time to be a parent. I graciously accept my creative powers. I allow the creative forces within me to be released. I allow my creative energies to work through me and bring me a healthy pregnancy and baby. I deserve the best outcome and with joy I am thankful of a new life. I experience a profound connection to the miracle of life. I now manifest my decision to have a baby. I visualize having a baby.

Affirmation to heal with light and energy There is a subtle energy field that surrounds your physical body. This energy field is life giving and it is often referred to as the life force. Good health There is a subtle is achieved when the life force is balanced energy field that and allowed to flow freely. When it is blocked surrounds your and unbalanced, it leads to dis-ease. The physical body following positive affirmations are meant to assist your healing journey by using light and energy. If you like to use healing crystals, place a rose quartz crystal on your heart area.


• I allow the light to cleanse away all my fears, indecisions and concerns regarding pregnancy, delivery, and parenting. • I allow harmonious energies to heal me in this very moment.

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• I am open to new energies and I allow new life to enter my life. • I visualize the colour pink surrounding me and bringing me love. • I now access my spiritual abilities and intuitive perception. • I visualize a bright white light cleansing away all my fears and negative thoughts. • I am safe and I am loved. It is a good idea to practice positive affirmations while you meditate. Relaxation breathing is a great technique to use while relaxing in meditation. You can also say your affirmations out loud by looking in the mirror or you can write them down in your journal. I sometime like to send myself an e-mail containing affirmations I know I will need to read at a later time. The choice is yours, but most of all be creative! and use positive affirmations as part of your daily life.


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Getting a good night’s sleep Many people do not realize just how important proper sleep is for their health. With today’s hectic lifestyle our society is sleeping less in order to work more. Research studies show that depriving your body of the sleep it needs decreases the quality of your life and decreases your longevity. Inadequate sleep disrupts health in many ways such as leading to abnormal hormonal and metabolism imbalances, accelerated aging and increased onset and severity of onset type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, memory loss and more. Sleep holds the reigns of the body’s temperature, blood pressure, secretion of many hormones and numerous other functions of mind and body. It is increasingly clear that good sleep and enough of it is critical for both mental and physical health. Too little sleep has wide ranging ill effects. Going without two to three hours’ sleep every night for as little as one week, seriously undermines mood, alertness and performance in the typical adult. David Dinges of the University of Pennsylvania and his colleagues confirm this. In their study, sixteen men and women who normally averaged about six to seven hours’ sleep per night, agreed to cut back to about five hours per week. The volunteers took a Depriving your battery of tests to measure tension, memory, body of the sleep it maths ability, moods and more, several times needs decreases the a day. They showed deficiencies in virtually quality of your life every aspect of functioning. After completing the study the subjects needed two nights with about eight hours of sleep to get back to normal. We need to get in tune with our bodies daily cycles, regulated by a kind of internal body clock located in the part of the brain known as the hypothalamus. This is true whether or not women are having menstrual periods. These daily cycles follow the day and night rhythms of nature relying on light and darkness to time the release of various hormones and 42 neurotransmitters that makes us sleepy or wakeful among

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other things. Before electricity we would go to bed when the sun went down and would get up when the sun comes up. This is called our circadian cycle, and today we have lost that ability to listen to our bodies to know exactly when that time is. During certain hours of the night, the body goes into repair. If we go to bed too late, we miss these vital hours. If we do this over time, this is where our hormone balance becomes out of synchronization. For most people seven to nine hours is an ideal amount of sleep with more people requiring nine hours versus seven. So we should get to bed before 11pm because during the hours of 11pm and 1am the gall bladder dumps toxins. If you are awake, the toxins back up into the liver, which then sends toxins into your blood stream. Also sleep in complete darkness, or as close to darkness as possible. When light hits the eyes it disrupts the circadian rhythm of the pineal gland and production of melatonin and serotonin, disrupting the quality of sleep. You can achieve this with black out blinds, shades or curtains over the bedroom window.


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Stress and your fertility In today’s modern, fast paced society, it is easy for people to become stressed. In fact, one would almost think that being stressed is the “in” thing, and if we aren’t stressed it must mean there is something wrong with us! Realistically however, stress is not a good thing for our bodies in general, and has a very real impact on fertility.

Can stress have an effect on your fertility? Believe it or not, our bodies are equipped to prevent conception from occurring during times of extreme stress. The presence of adrenalin, the hormone that is released by our bodies during stressful times, signals to us that conditions are not ideal for conception. Adrenaline inhibits us from utilizing the hormone progesterone, which is essential for fertility. It also causes the pituitary gland to release higher levels of prolactin, which also causes infertility to occur.

How stress impacts fertility Recent research tells us that stress boosts levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, which inhibits the body’s main sex hormones GNRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone) and subsequently suppresses Stress is not a ovulation, sexual activity and sperm count. good thing for our GNRH is responsible for the release of bodies in general, Luteinizing hormones and follicle-stimulating and has a very real hormones by the pituitary, the suppression impact on fertility of testosterone, oestrogens, and sexual behaviour. Chronic stress may cause lack of libido as well as a decrease in general fertility. This has become such a common issue that they have created a name for it ‘Stress Induced Reproductive Dysfunction’. These facts are very important to consider if you have been trying to conceive with no results. It also shows that stress relief should be a part of every couple’s conception 44 plan even if they are going through IVF.

Diana Malone

Trying to carry a pregnancy to term during stressful times places the foetus at risk. The body knows this, which is why it generates an environment that is basically inhospitable to conception. Generally, a stressed person is an unhealthy person. Women with stress are generally overly tired, filled with nervous tension and may not be living a healthy lifestyle, not eating properly or worse. If there is difficulty conceiving, stress may very well be a factor. If fertility tests have been performed and have found that there are no medical reasons for infertility, it is time to evaluate all areas of one’s life and determine how much stress there is. Of course it may be clear that we are stressed. In that case, it is time to start defeating that stress to help fertility. Stress comes from environmental toxins, from the food we eat and all the other things we have to cope with on a daily basis. The more we FIX all these areas in our lives the more our stress levels will be reduced.

How to reduce the effect of stress on your fertility Reduce the stress in your life. This of course obvious, as well as easier said than done. But reducing the stress in your life is so important on so many levels. It will not only help your fertility and health but also your quality of life. If your job is really stressful, maybe begin to find a different job or occupation. If that is not possible some of the tips below will help you to deal with your stress differently. Change how you react to stressful situations. When faced with an on-going stressful situation there is only one thing you have control over‌ how you react. Pay attention to how you react to the stressful people at work, or to your stressful situation. Do you turn it over in your head all night long, do you create scary future visions of what could happen. Getting control of how you react will have a big impact on what happens inside of your body when a stressful situation presents itself. This takes some attention and practice. Do you have a stressful job and then find yourself going to the gym carrying out a vigorous workout? Exercise is a stress in itself and you are placing one stress on top of the other. Maybe instead of a gym programme you need to do Thai Chi, Chi Gong or Yoga to bring the stress levels down instead of elevating them even higher. Have a practice or habit that helps you to reduce stress.


Making Babies Happen

Here are some suggestions of practices or daily habits that help reduce the effects of stress on your health. • Make sure you are getting enough sleep • Get an adequate amount of healthy exercise daily • Meditate • Start practicing Yoga • Seek counselling • Consume natural, calming herbs and supplements • Acupuncture • Exercise • Reading a book in the park • Journal • Take warm baths • Surrender and let go


Diana Malone

Reiki Reiki is a form of energy healing using light touch along the energy centres or Chakras in the body. It helps to induce deep relaxation. It puts your internal Feng Sui in order and promotes a peak state of well-being. Reiki is a form of bodywork that is especially beneficial for conception, expectant and new mothers because it helps to prepare women for the emotional, spiritual and physical changes necessary for a centred conception, pregnancy, labour and post-partum recovery experience. Our chakras are concentrated energy centres in our bodies and are considered the energetic hubs of our next for our roles played by our ma jor and minor organs. If your physical functioning is compromised due to injury, inflammation or disease your physical capacity is diminished. Similarly if your energy centres are blocked your body will manifest the blockage as a physical or emotional symptom. Our reproductive systems in particular are very susceptible to the effects of stress, anxiety or changes in our hormones and endocrine levels. There are a number of women who Reiki is a form of functionally can support a pregnancy but still bodywork that is have difficulty conceiving. Reiki is supportive especially beneficial and helps prepare the body for conception on for conception, all levels. It can be safely used in conjunction expectant and also with charting, IVF, IUI (intrauterinenew mothers insemination) and other methods. So Reiki assists in clearing blockages in our human energy field that causes imbalances in the way our bodies operate. The benefits for fertility and labour are that it balances the endocrine system, reduces stress, increases our energy levels, improves our immune system health, reduces muscle pain, reduces levels of anxiety and depression, improves methods of detoxification, reduces morning sickness, promotes good prenatal health and eases 47 labour pains.

Making Babies Happen

Reiki can be learnt by anyone, in any country of the world. There are practitioners everywhere. It may be beneficial for you to learn the 1st Reiki Level so you can treat yourself and with time that of your new baby. Learn what the chakras are in the body, the points of energy and how they effect how we feel on a daily basis. For example the root chakra, our first chakra is depicted by the colour red. This relates to birth, procreation and the earth. Connecting to the root chakra energy is essential in living in a lifeless stressful. Being disconnected can cause addictions and depression. Physically this chakra relates to the spine, kidneys,immune system, skeletal system and reproductive organs. Meditation and Reiki concentrating on the root chakra can help you feel safe, secure, grounded and stable. This will aid in your fertility journey. You will feel more rooted, alive and able to trust and a connection to all things


Diana Malone

Thought field therapy Thought Field Therapy is a revolutionary advance in the way psychological disturbances are perceived and managed. It is a system that accesses and resolves the essence and root causes of problems. All negative emotions are condensed information in energy form, bound in what Dr Roger Callahan called the Thought Field. Treatment influences the body’s bioenergy field by tapping your fingers on specific points on the body located along meridians. As this happens the body eliminates imbalances in the energy system and in the process, weakens and eradicates negative emotions and the symptoms of psychological distress. TFT heals at a fundamental level and happens very quickly. Trying to conceive can be tiring both physically and mentally. It affects our spirit, mind and body. TFT is a helpful and easy technique based on ancient Chinese medicine. In theory, it is very similar to acupuncture. The theory behind this technique is that when a person’s emotions are tightly wound up, it affects their physiological condition. Therefore by relieving the stress and freeing up the emotions of a person, a change is brought about in the physiological condition of a person helping them to conceive. This technique is wonderful because it Trying to conceive addresses both fertility and stress reduction can be tiring both at the same time. TFT is also a highly effective physically and technique at removing psychological blocks mentally. It affects our to conception. Past traumas, memories, spirit, mind and body beliefs about pregnancy, birth and parenthood, can all affect how we truly feel about having a baby. Although we may feel ready to be a parent, are there any hidden blocks that are stopping you from conceiving? TFT helps to identify and resolve these blocks, and move us towards having a baby. TFT targets a person’s disrupted energy meridian system (Chi or Qi) as the real driver behind heightened stress levels, 49 and the inability to conceive. This simple do-it-yourself

Making Babies Happen

acupressure technique balances one’s energy and eliminates the body and mind’s stress response. Dr Roger Callahan was the founder of the technique and there are trained therapists worldwide. His book ‘Tapping the Healer Within’ explains how TFT came into being and shows the basic steps to follow. I would suggested that a therapist be sought in the first instance as they will make sure you have the correct sequence and will show you how to carry out the technique for yourself.


Diana Malone

The contraceptive pill Oral contraceptive pills generally contain two synthetic hormones or steroids, estrogen and progesterone in various combinations. The mini pill contains just progesterone and can cause irregular bleeding and has a higher chance of pregnancy with it use. But it really does not matter which type a woman is taking because it is with ingested or injected hormones that are known to be dangerous to women’s health. So how does the pill work? The levels of estrogen and progesterone rise and fall during the menstrual cycle, being higher towards the end of the month. Both estrogen and progesterone remain high throughout pregnancy thereby preventing the ovaries preparing for another egg to release. The combined pill works by confusing the body into thinking that it is pregnant by keeping the hormone levels high. Because estrogen alone causes irregular bleeding, progesterone was added to the pill. Commonly prescribed mainly progesterone pills will make the cervical mucus thick and sticky and the lining of the womb attrified and thin. Both of these actions increase the contraceptive affects making if difficult for sperm to enter the womb, or for the womb to accept a fertilized egg. So normal menstruation is prevented. Indeed, the pill is often prescribed for painful periods on the assumption that The combined pill it will relieve them. It does so by stopping works by confusing normal ovulatory cycles, including periods the body into thinking all together substituting withdrawal bleeding that it is pregnant for a normal period. The pill is then stopped for a few days each month. Painful cramps due to prostaglandin release may be part of the response to inflammation and using steroid hormones to suppress this natural response does nothing to treat any inflammation of the neck of the womb. Often after a woman has stopped taking it, the hormonal system does not go back to normal. Having been given the message to switch off for a long time, it takes time, sometimes a very long time for the body to re51 adjust. Once pregnant there are problems after using the pill,

Making Babies Happen

for example; ectopic pregnancies, miscarriage, food allergies, genito urinary infections and congenital abnormalities. In pregnancy the effects of raised progesterone and estrogen levels are controlled by the body’s automatic safety mechanisms. However, contraceptive hormones disturb this automatic safety control. Minerals such as zinc and magnesium, plus vitamin deficiencies are increased by this hormone use and by toxic metals i.e. from nickel jewellery, dental braces, mercury fillings or cadmium from smoking. These all accumulate and damage cell functions. Women taking hormones are more likely to have toxic metals or oxidation chemicals stuck on or adducted onto their DNA causing chromosome and gene changes which can be passed down through the generations. They also tend to have impaired liver clearance of other environmental chemicals including pesticides, which have estrogenic activity. So if you have never taken the pill, do not be persuaded to start, try a more natural form of contraception. If you have taken the pill in the past it is advisable whether you are pregnant or not to have a check up with a practitioner who is trained to recognize mineral imbalances as this is very common in women who have taken the pill. Until your body is in balance, it is preferable for you to avoid pregnancy.


Diana Malone

Why meditate Apart from releasing stress, meditation and deep relaxation, can have a dramatic effect on the more serious illnesses that often result in a stressful lifestyle. The relaxation response changes and balances our chemistry, which then improves the functioning of our whole body. When planning to have a baby, meditate and evaluate your physical, mental and spiritual health. Prepare the body for the process of creating new life, a baby’s’ first home. Our body, our consciousness and our mental state are the first impressions the soul will experience. We can prepare ourselves physically and spiritually for conception. For women, imagine yourself pregnant and visualize your body. Thought vibrations you create as you think about your body affect your chemistry. Fall in love with that image. That lovely rounded figure that surrounds your baby with physical nurturing and love. Become the open receiver of this seed and this new soul. You can also spiritually prepare yourself for conception by becoming open and receptive. Practicing meditation and visualization, can stimulate receptivity; a primary feminine quality. Meditation prepares you mentally and physically to receive universal energy. When you experience this universal energy and acknowledge it in Imagine yourself your thoughts, your internal energy will rise pregnant and visualize to match the quality of the infinity within you. your body, fall in love Many women today struggle with the pain of with that image infertility, the inability to become pregnant or maintain pregnancy. This pain is deeply felt and traumatic. Keep mediating and doing yoga as it helps you stay connected at a time you may feel isolated. If you decide on treatments involving hormone therapy, meditation can be an important component of yourself care program. Sex must be especially meaningful if you are planning to conceive. You can also meditate before intercourse together. This can be particularly helpful if you are struggling with infertility and 53 you seeing sex as something you have to do and something

Making Babies Happen

that isn’t working. Try to enjoy your time together and let your body take the time to get stimulated so you can relax into intercourse. Then once you conceive your life changes profoundly, your thoughts turn towards caring for your baby, and the security of your family. According to the philosophy of Kundalini yoga the soul of the child enters the body of the unborn foetus at 120 days. Prior to conception and the 120 day marker it is advised that women meditate deeply and engage in excellent self-care. Both before and after 120 days the physical, mental and spiritual vibrations of the mother have a direct and lasting effect on her developing baby, the words you say, you’re thoughts, the foods you eat and the situations you participate in influence your baby. Within the pregnant woman, the future generations of the world are being created. Even though pregnancy is an important foundation for your baby’s future, it is meant to be enjoyed. Enjoy your life and try to relax and prepare for the changes in your body mind and lifestyle. For men meditation can relieve the stress caused by their lifestyle and the thoughts associated with the facet the couple is unable to conceive. Use visualizations of the positive outcome you would like to see. Focus on the sperm being healthy, mobile and ready to create a new life. Enjoy intercourse for the contact and closeness it provides and refrain from focusing on it as a means to a pregnancy.


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