National Trust of Scotland

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The following powerpoint was created for Anthony MacLaurin, a trustee of the National Trust of Scotland Foundation USA. Mr. Maclaurin commissioned the presentation to tell the compelling story of the National Trust to potential supporters. In his talks, these national treasures are brought alive by his extensive knowledge, dynamic personality and musical Scottish brogue. For more information on the National Trust of Scotland, go to:



•  A charitable Scottish Trust •  Conserves and protects Scottish heritage for future generations

The National Trust

•  129 heritage properties •  129,000 acres of land and 10,000 miles of coastline •  75 miles of mountain parks

•  100,000 precious artifacts and works of fine art •  Cares for 35 major gardens

The National Trust

•  Over 2,000,000 visitors •  Teaches over 20,000 children the lasting joys of nature


The National Trust



The National Trust


C O U N T RY S I D E and W I L D L I F E

Ben Lawers Perthshire

Ben Lawers •  3,948 foot peak •  Renowned for alpine plants •  Pioneering conservation of natural habitat (peat bogs) •  Protection of red deer, ravens, black grouse, ptarmigan •  A current Trust fundraising initiative

Glencoe Lochaber

Glencoe •  History dates toVikings 794-1266 •  Passed to MacDougall Clan in 11th Century •  MacDougalls lost glen to Robert Bruce in 1306 •  Gifted to Angus Og, chief of MacDonald Clan

Glencoe •  MacDonalds and Campbells fought over land and sheep •  1691 – Allegiance decree by KingWilliam III led to tragic slaughter of MacDonalds by Campbells •  National Trust now protects 12,800 acres, with visitor center seen by thousands each year

I S L A N D S and C O A S T L I N E

Staffa West Coast

Staffa •  Basalt columns and dramatic sea caves •  Inspiration for artists, poets and naturalists over the centuries •  Visited by QueenVictoria, JMW Turner,Wordsworth, Tennyson, many others •  1829 – Mendlessohn wrote “Fingals Cave” after visit


National Trust Gardens •  70 gardens and designed landscapes maintained by team of 100 gardeners •  35 major gardens, every Scottish garden style included •  Over 3,500 species cultivated •  Falkland Palace Garden a current fundraising effort

Inverewe Western Ross

Inverewe •  Lush, subtropical garden warmed by Gulf Stream •  Estate encompasses 2,000 acres, 54 acres are garden •  Created from bare rock by Osgood Mackenzie in 1862 •  Highlights include Olearia from New Zealand, Himalayan Blue Poppies, Tasmanian Eucalypts, and Rhododendrons from China and Nepal

Arduaine Gardens West Coast, Argyll

Arduaine Gardens •  Highlighting magnolias, rhododendrons, azaleas, Tibetan poppies, and Himalayan lillies •  James Arthur Campbell created 20 acre garden in 1898 •  Garden was gifted to National Trust in 1992

C A S T L E S a n d G R E AT H O U S E S

Culzean Castle Ayrshire

Culzean Castle •  Former home of Marques of Ailsa, chief of clan Kennedy •  Robert Adam rebuilt it as a fine country home for the Earl of Cassillis – 1777 to 1792 •  The Kennedys gave General Eisenhower an apartment for his own use after the war

Culzean Castle •  Restored through $4 million gift from American millionaire William Lindsey •  Adam designed magnificent ceilings, oval staircase and drawing room with armoury of swords and shields •  Beautiful gardens and parks •  National Trust built a small version to capture the imagination of youngsters

Crathes Castle The Grampians

Crathes Castle •  Land gifted to Burnetts of Leys by King Robert the Bruce in 1323 •  Castle built 1553 to 1596 •  Unique Scottish renaissance painted mural ceilings •  Gifted to the National Trust in 1951

Crathes Castle •  Restored through $4 million gift from American millionaire William Lindsey •  Adam designed magnificent ceilings, oval staircase and drawing room with armoury of swords and shields •  Beautiful gardens and parks •  National Trust built a miniature version to capture the imaginations of young visitors

Crathes Castle •  520 acres of woodlands and fields •  4 acres of walled gardens •  Ancient topiary IrishYew hedges dating to 1702

MacLaurin Ceilings •  Inspired by visit to Crathes Castle by Anthony Maclaurin in 1969 •  Authentic reproduction murals painted by Kimberly Ray in MacLaurin’s home in Manchester,Vermont

B AT T L E F I E L D S & M E M O R I A L S

Culloden Battlefield Leanach

Culloden Battlefield •  Jacobite rising of 1745 •  Battle on April 16, 1746 •  Jacobite Charles Edward Stewart vs. George I, House of Hanover •  Last pitched battle fought on British soil

Culloden Battlefield •  Catholic Jacobites were supported by King of France •  Short, brutal battle caused 2,000 Jacobite casualties, vs. 300 for government troops •  Brutal crackdown of Jacobites followed, with banning of kilts and tartans •  Education center built in 2008

Glenfinnan Loch Shiel

Glenfinnan •  Bonnie Prince Charlie raised standard August 19, 1745 •  Alexander MacDonald built memorial for Jacobites in 1815 •  Trust took ownership in 1938. Visitor center built. •  August 19 gatherings at Tower remember rising of 1745


Robert Burns Cottage Ayrshire

Robert Burns Cottage •  The Bard of Ayrshire was a Scottish poet, lyricist and farmer •  Cultural icon and a source of inspiration to founders of liberalism and socialism •  Wrote Auld Lang Syne, A Red, Red Rose,To a Mouse and Tam O’Shanter

Robert Burns Cottage •  Father of 9 children •  “Burns Suppers” are celebrated all over the world on January 25th, serving whisky and haggis •  Burns wrote 559 poems and 300 songs •  The National Trust has preserved his birthplace and opened the Robert Burns Museum in 2010

Our Funding

The National Trust

•  The Trust is independent from government funding, receiving full support from membership and individual donations •  It costs the Trust $72 million annually to care for these irreplaceable properties

Our Members & Supporters

The National Trust

•  Through the generosity of American donors from coast to coast, the Foundation has been able to fund important projects in Scotland

Legacy of Famous Scots

The National Trust

•  The Burns Monument, the first memorial dedicated to the life and work of Robert Burns will receive vital structural repairs and fresh interpretation around the iconic structure

Yesterday’s Trades, Today

The National Trust

•  The Traditional Croft Management Program, at the Balmacara Estate encourages continuation of small scale communal farming practices, protecting these increasingly rare agricultural communities

Yesterday’s Trades, Today

The National Trust

•  The Culzean Stone Masonry Workshop has carried out highquality stone repairs to many NTS historic properties. Planning for future the workshop runs the Stone Masonry Apprentice Program

Protecting Endangered Wildlife

The National Trust

•  St. Kilda Seabird Monitoring is a critical program at this dual UNESCOWorld Heritage Site. One million seabirds call St. Kilda home in the spring and summer months.

Protecting Endangered Wildlife

The National Trust

•  The Bat Reserve and Wildlife Conservation Projects at Threave Estate support bat education programs, training bat rangers, bat monitoring and homes for bats.

Conserving Collections

The National Trust

•  A Conserved Fresco in the dining room at Holmwood House brought back to life the unique 19th century Greek revival design of the home.

Conserving Collections

The National Trust

•  Conservation work at the House of Binns offers an opportunity to experience our historical evolution from the 17th century to contemporary times through the lens of the Dalyell (pron. Dee-el) family, who resided there for 400 years.

Please Join Us Caring individuals like you provide the support on which all of the Trust’s successes – past, present and future – have been built. Join us as we preserve Scotland’s treasures for current and future generations to enjoy.

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