Bennata So Ink Artwork Catalogue

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蘇思靈 Bennata So Sze Ling

蘇思靈,香港 蘇思靈 香港各界文化促進會副會長,於香港大學畢業獲文學院 學士學位,師承中國嶺南畫第二代大師趙少昂的弟子譚聖卓學 習水墨畫。於 2018 年參加了的<醉墨留痕-譚聖卓師生畫展>以 及<香港藝術界慶祝 69 週年國慶大滙展>,又於 2019 年參加了 美協舉辦的<香港藝術家邀請展>, <水墨藝博>以及<水木清華聯 展>。 她將當代靈感融入中國傳統繪畫中,學習並創造了自己的風格。 她採用大膽的西方色彩層層渲染的方法以描繪厚重原始的山石, 再以留白的方式對比描畫輕於鴻毛、細膩多變的行水流雲。輕 重對比的平衡巧妙地反映了她積極的生活態度,展現出她豐富 多彩的氣質。 她的風景靈感來自中國哲學 “ 道” ,引領觀眾從有限的空間裡, 找到無限的想像力和意境,遠離煩囂,既入世又出世,"方寸之 內,其大無外"。她的藝術作品力求找到大自然平衡之美,引導 觀眾在狹窄的城市中找到光明、希望、又怡然自得的態度。


Bennata So Sze Ling, Hong Kong So Sze Ling, Bennata, Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Culture Association, graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Arts and has been learning Chinese Lingnan painting with Tam Sing Chuk, who was a student of the Lingnan master Zhao Shao’ang. She attended the Tam Sing Chuk Teacher and Student Painting Exhibition and HK Artist Celebrating The 67 Anniversary Of The PRC in 2018, the Hong Kong Artist Invitational Exhibition held by HK Artists Association, Ink Asia and Shui Mu Tsing Hua Joint Exhibition in 2019. By blending the contemporary inspirations into traditional Chinese ink techniques, she takes her learnings to create her own style. She applies layers by layers of bold western colour to depict the heaviness, solidity and the raw texture of the mountains, to reflect and making contrast with the light, tender and capricious clouds and water by leaves out certain spaces in blank. The well-balanced structure represents her proactive lifeattitude thus illustrating her diverse and rich temperament. Her landscape is inspired by Chinese Philosophy Dao, which leads the audience immerse into the boundless contemplations (intangible artistic conceptions, freedom, imagination) within limited boundaries ( tangible reality, visual constraints, confined space of the art piece ) and, striving to find the beauty of balance which leads viewers to find hope and brightness, feeling at ease in a confined city.


張家界之嶺 | Boundless Within Boundaries —Zhangjiajie 2018 水墨設色紙本 | Ink and water color on paper 116 x 94 cm 張家界之仙境壯濶雄偉,將之解構後重組,把心中的張家界重 現。中間的巨峰為焦點,以雲海為襯扥,仙鶴追逐於其間,引 領觀眾走進畫中,感受 “方寸之內,其大無外”的無邊無際之 遼濶意境。


待君歸來 | Waiting for your return 2018 水墨設色紙本 | Ink and water color on paper 45.5 x 47.5 cm <南歌子·桃源待君賦歸來> 飄飄雲如雪,渺渺雪如煙。 隱隱荒渡系客船。 最怯風來、匆匆鼓離帆。 莫奏陽關曲,但聞鶴鳴山。 知君此去不日還。 待到歸時、複飲蒹葭邊。 —微博網友<路不拾貓>贈題


秋霞 | The Golden Sunset 2018 水墨設色紙本 | Ink and water color on paper 94 x 46 cm 以秋遊山野為靈感,重彩反覆渲染,突出山石之厚重、樹林之 靈氣、輕霧之透薄、排雲之氣勢;金秋與紫霞之對比色,小人 醉臥於夢幻仙境之崖上,眺望對岸彩林中之白木─白木獨立其 中乃自身之投射,縱使是獨立仍然悠然自得,不為外界所紛擾, 自在逍遙。


曙光 | New Hope 2019 水墨設色紙本 | Ink and water color on paper 47 x 47 cm 跨年登高時的第一線曙光,壯麗觸動。於山頂的視角,既有一 覽眾山小之視野,卻亦有山河廣濶無邊之壯觀。以天空和山脈 上映射的金黃色,襯托出太陽留白的極光,使畫面結構的輕重 曉有趣味。


夕照 | The Sunset 2019 水墨設色紙本| Ink and water color on paper 47 x 47 cm 向晚日夜的矛盾,訴之於冷暖色的碰撞,聚焦在那處留白之夕 陽上。朦朧的落日餘暉,落在湖面,金光粼粼。片刻即逝之美 境、雀群伴孤舟而人去留空,映照出 “歸去,莫負好時光” 之心境。


蘇思靈 | So Sze Ling Bennata

Unit 7, 10/F, Block A, Ming Po Industrial Centre, 18 Ka Yip Street, Chai Wan All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical , photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. The publisher does not warren or assume any legal responsibilities for he publications’ contents. All opinions expressed in the book are of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Artify Gallery.


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