Eric Ho Artwork Catalogue

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何紀嵐 Eric Ho (He Jilan)

何紀嵐 何紀嵐先生1974年生於香港,成長在藝術之家,受其父何百里先 生薰陶,藝術觸覺敏鋭。1997年獲加拿大安大略省約克大學純藝 術榮譽學士;1998年獲多倫多辛力加學院設計文憑及加拿大認可 註冊設計師。 作品以極限主義演繹東方哲理,簡潔利落。2000 年回港,於2003年獲香港理工大學設計管理碩士,並積極參與藝 術創作。何紀嵐先生畫作充滿水墨元素,注入黑白主調,襯托出 虛與實,有與無之隂陽雙對而雙生的存在關係,反影生活進退動 靜的節奏。年來所創《遊絲墨舞》《絲路行中》《板塊》《飛 絮》《香港格式》和《深黑印象》水墨系列,特顯剛柔對比,透 視水墨全新動感。 事實上, 何紀嵐先生的獨特風格吸引了公眾的目光, 他的繪畫 經常出現在國際美術拍賣會上, 如佳士得, 羅芙奧藝術集團, 保利拍賣和富得拍賣等, 因而吸引了世界各地不同的藝術收藏 家。故其作品多為私人訂藏。 何紀嵐先生一直非常活耀於藝術 行業, 多年來為自己和世界各地許多藝術家組織了不同類型的 展覽。繼「雅品畫廊」後, 何紀嵐先生設「思無為軒」及「水 墨弄堂」藝術平台積極推展水墨藝術。


Eric Ho (He Jilan) Inspired at an early age by his father He Baili - the renowned Chinese painter of the Linglan School, Eric has taken his interest in visual arts since his youth. Born in Hong Kong and then moved to Canada in the 80s’, Eric received his Bachelor degree with a specialized honour in Fine Arts from York University, Ontario Canada in 1997. In 2003, he obtained his Master degree in Design Management from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. During his stay in Canada, he organized and curated numerous art and charity exhibitions. He also exhibited in several art fairs and exhibitions in the U.S. and Canada. Eric has explored his art with different mediums such as oil painting, watercolors, photography, sculpting, printmaking, Chinese ink painting and Chinese calligraphy. Due to the upbringing under Western and Eastern cultures, his creative work also reflects this mixed cultural influence and has been collected by overseas organizations and collectors. His recent artworks produced in Hong Kong have continued his artistic conception. By using Chinese ink painting skills to represent Yin and Yang - the two opposing principles in nature, Eric draws on his understandings of Chinese philosophy together with modern art and Chinese calligraphy and reflects them with his own unique style paintings. Indeed Eric’s unique style has caught the public eye and his paintings are often seen in international fine art auctions, i.e. Christie, Ravenel International Art Group, Poly Auction and Treasure Auction whereby attracted different art collectors around the world.


絲路行中 | Journey of Rocks 2019 水墨設色紙本 | Ink and water color on paper 64 x 64 cm


太行石崖 | Tai Hang Gorge 2019 水墨設色紙本 | Ink and water color on paper 89 x 76 cm


深黑印象 | Deep Impression 2019 水墨設色紙本 | Ink and water color on paper 94 x 30 cm


何紀嵐 | Eric Ho (He Jilan)

Unit 7, 10/F, Block A, Ming Po Industrial Centre, 18 Ka Yip Street, Chai Wan All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. The publisher does not warren or assume any legal responsibilities for he publications’ contents. All opinions expressed in the book are of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Artify Gallery.


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