Patron Brochure

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John Vusi MpuďŹ - Water is Life -Linocut-2011 (detail)

Education & Patron Programme THE BUS FACTORY 3 Helen Joseph Street, Newtown Cultural Precinct, Johannesburg, South Africa

011 492 1278

Artist Proof Studio



Artist Proof Studio

WHO WE ARE Artist Proof Studio (APS) is an innovative and engaged, community printmaking centre of excellence. It has been in operation in Newtown since 1991. APS focuses on all aspects of professional hand printing: creation, sales, community engagement and training. Central to these many activities is a commitment to the transformation of passion into possibility, as well as the active participation of talented individuals to shape a better future for themselves and their communities. This is done primarily through our education unit.

THE EDUCATION PROGRAMME APS has been subsidising young artists targeted from underserved communities for 25 years. Acceptance into the printmaking training programme is based primarily on talent and a willingness to learn. Interested students from various walks of life and at different levels of prior experience are invited to apply. Over the course of three years, students develop skills and knowledge in drawing, printmaking, visual literacy, critical studies and basic business practice. They also receive work-placement training through Special Projects and commissioned projects.

Third year is by invitation only and students are expected to develop a portfolio of 10 artworks, an artist statement and curate a group exhibition by the end of that year of study. Following a successful Third Year, graduates are invited to complete an internship/post graduate year where they work in one or more of the units gaining workplace experience and focus on developing their portfolios further. The studio also runs a year-long part-time programme aimed that only teaches participants printmaking skills. This only runs on a Saturday and is aimed at talented high school children or individuals that work or study during the week. We currently subsidize over 50 students a year in the Education Unit. This is done primarily through fundraising, partnerships, patron funding and funds raised through the sale of prints. As Corporate Social Investment becomes more focused on active partnerships that are mutually benecial rather than charitable donations, APS is strategically positioned to embrace and welcome opportunities for exchange.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF BEING A PARTNER/PATRON TO APS ? · All donors can opt to receive a section 18A Certicate · APS qualies as a Socio-Economic Development (SED) recipient and level 4 BEE contributor with 100% black beneciaries thereby adding to the benets of your BBEEE scorecard

ADDITIONAL BENEFITS OF A PARTNERSHIP WITH APS Decorate or install artworks in your ofces that will grow in value over time as the artists become established · Share in the experience of a developing artist and contribute to their success · Create networking opportunities through exhibitions and events · Make a social responsibility commitment which is a sustainable investment.

Artist Proof Studio Partner Enrolment Form

Partner Details: Name: Company/Organisation:


Cell: Tel: E-mail: Capacity of Partnerships:





(tick appropriate circle)




If you have an apprecia on and interest in art. You could subsidize a selected student by offering R17 000 p/a and get quarterly reports on their progress and have first choice to select artwork developed from that ar st's por olio. Your financial support contributes towards the individual's transport and access to addi onal prin ng materials and studio me for them to further develop their por olio over and above allocated class me.


You can choose to be a mentor. This partnership enables you to engage in the ar st's development. You will be invited to class cri ques and to meet the ar st periodically in the studio and see how they are progressing. In addi on to your financial contribu on of R17 000 p/a, you may offer input in terms of business and communica on skills.


You are a company and would like to make a contribu on towards the development of ar s c excellence. You could make a dona on to the educa on unit that supports a selec on of students or an educa onal programme.


You are a company that has skills and exper se in planning, business and or communica ons. You could offer in-kind support through training sessions and seminars aimed at senior students and alumni ar sts.


You are an ar st or educator and would like to offer support to a developing ar st/programme by sharing your experience of crea ng and developing artwork through seminars and workshops.

Below is a breakdown of education costs per student for 2017 Total Cost per student per year

Patron Contribution per student per year

First year (25)

R31 000

R17 000 per student

R775 000

Second year (20)

R31 000

R17 000 per student

R620 000

Third Year (12)

R31 000

R17 000 per student

R372 000

Part Time Course(10)

R15 500

R8 500 per student

R155 000

Full Time Course

Total Cost per class per year

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