Anti-Boredom Sensory Making Ideas from Laura and Lauren

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You will need: a hairdryer

Using a hair dryer on cold se0ng, animate / move light weight shapes (made of :nfoil, :ssue paper or kitchen roll across the floor and table in a ‘catch’em quick game!

Tinfoil / kitchen paper


Add extra excitement with the light from your phone to spotlight different shapes! Moving foil fish across the rug using a hairdryer! Catch them!


you will need: 1. newspaper or any paper will do 2. scissors 3. a pencil 4. a glue stick or sellotape 5. a ruler

cut out a piece of newspaper 20cm long and 13cm wide.

make connectors to join your tubes together.

roll the paper tightly around the pencil.

to do this cut out a 6cm square piece of paper.

fix the loose edge with glue or sellotape.

roll the paper up really tightly, with no gap in the middle.

repeat process, you will need 12 paper tubes to make a cube.

bend it in half.

make more if you want to build bigger.

make a lot of connectors.

what shapes can you build? can you build a tower or a bridge? or something else?

You will need: An image (this could be a photo, book, newspaper etc.


Everyday objects to make sound with….what is around you! eg.:

Looking at your favourite image, cartoon, pain4ng, magazine ar4cle, use some objects around you to make a sound effect for the scene! Your voice for a car engine, some rice for footsteps on gravel, cutlery for chains? See how imagina4ve you can be to make your own ‘foley’ sound for your image, just like the movies!

You will need: a stone or log Acrylic paint PVA Glue Paintbrush

Using a stone or wood found at your home, paint them into an amazing door stop or book end! These are by the ar:st Nicolas Party for inspira:on – they are stones, not fruit! What can you create?

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