The Book of Miscreations

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The Book of


THE FIRST miscreation

Classification Origin Size Behaviours

Bird; Scorpion, Parrot and Cassowary. Discovered in an unknown rainforest by a British explorer. 1.5 - 2m tall and 80cm wide. They are aggressive but only if you are a danger to it or its chicks. When it is mating season the female and males dance together and form a lifelong bond. It is not a very social animal and only lives with its mate and chicks between mating seasons.

Habitat Diet

Forests and rainforests. They are omnivores. They eat rabbits, foxes and sometimes smaller creatures or plums and seeds.


It has monstrous claws, a strong tail and a poisonous stinger; it uses its feathers to frighten predators and prey.

Conservation Status

Threatened. The Snype is threatened by habitat destruction and poaching for their feathers. Many people in Scotland love to use their long fluffy feathers on hats and scarves.

The Book of Miscreations

the first miscreation



The Book of



Classification Origin Size Behaviours Habitat Diet Abilities

Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations

Mammal; Hippo, Rhino and Pangolin.


HIPPANG First found in Africa. 1.6 m tall; their bodies grow to 6m including the tail. They are aggressive and males have been known to fight to the death for females and territory. They have been seen attacking Jeeps and people. African lakes and mud bays. They are herbivores and mostly eat grass and fruit when they can reach it. They have a strong tail and use it to knock victims over. They have almost impenetrable scales which are strong enough to stop a bullet and this makes it hard to kill for poachers. They are able to open their mouths to 45 degrees. Mothers will attack anything that gets within 10m of their young. Critically Endangered. Poachers love their scales and horns. One horn can sell for £25,000 and 25 scales can sell for £50. People in China want the scales to use them in medicines and their horns are used as trophies.


Classification Origin Size Behaviours Habitat Diet Abilities Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations

Mammal; Bat, Fox and Scorpion.


SCABAT It was first mentioned in a tablet made by the Aztecs. 1m long, 30cm thick with a wingspan of 1.5m. They live in packs of 10 or less. Mothers will leave their babies the moment they learn to fly. This means 1 in 5 will starve to death. To make sure that at least one of their young survive they almost always have two babies at once. Caves and forests. They are insectivores and omnivores. At night they come out to eat scorpions, moths, beetles and sometimes ants. If they have the chance they will also eat mice, rabbits and small birds. They sleep upside down. When they have a rabbit, mouse or something else in their claws they bite them with a lethal venom strong enough to kill a bear. Endangered. Humans have been killing them for their venom and meat. Their venom can be made into anti-venom which is used to treat snake bites.


Classification Origin Size Behaviours

Mammal; Cuttlefish, Ferret and Sea Dragon.


FETTLEDRAGON Found by a diver in 2001 when he was attacked by a mother who was defending her eggs. They grow to approximately 50cm long and 17cm high. Females can be as aggressive as honey badgers when defending their eggs. Some will fight things 10 times their size and sometimes even bigger things. The males are about 15 cm smaller than the females. Males will catch food to bring back females in their dens which is where they will lay eggs.

Habitat Diet Abilities Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations

They live in shallow water, reefs, kelp forests, rivers and ponds. They eat sea snails, snails, worms, crabs, crayfish, lobsters and small fish. They can change colour to scare attackers. When their tail changes to blue it means they have just eaten and they will rapidly change colour if they feel threatened. Threatened. This is because of habitat destruction and the warming of the ocean.


Classification Origin Size Behaviours Habitat Diet Abilities

Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations

Mammal; Scarlet Macaw, Blue Macaw and Wild Dog.


TACAW The Portuguese explorer Prince Henry saw the Tacaw when he was walking in some trees and he heard a loud shriek. Can grow to 2m long and 50 cm wide. They live in groups that can be up to 100 strong. They nest in tall trees and they scare away predators from their nest with their powerful screeches. Hot plains and forests. They are omnivores. They eat small mammals and birds, nuts and bugs. They have the flight capabilities of a chicken - well, close to a chicken - so they mostly make huge jumps. They have very strong beaks and amazing hearing, being able to pick up sounds up to half a mile away. Critically endangered. There are only 5000 to 6000 individuals left in the wild. In the past humans thought they were dangerous to them and nearly hunted them to extinction.


Classification Origin Size

Mammal; Scarlet Macaw, Blue Macaw and Wild Dog.


CHEWASP First found in Africa, spotted chasing a zebra. It can grow up to 1m tall and 1.5 m long. They have been seen forming packs of up to 15. All pack members are females with one


female being their leader. She is the only one who can mate with a male. Males live alone and are kicked out of their pack when they reach adulthood, when they leave they find a mate then die after mating. Females will attack and test the males to make sure they are good enough.

Habitat Diet

Hot plains. They are carnivores. They eat gazelles, wildebeest, impalas, zebra and occasionally baby buffalo. Their strategy to get fast enough to catch gazelles is to flap their wings facing back to make


them lift to make them go faster. They are as strong as lions but don’t attack lions. They have venom that causes strong itching, pain, stinging and headaches followed by a red bump. In high doses it can cause dizziness and lots of pain.

Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations

Critically endangered. We don’t know why.


Classification Origin Size Behaviours Habitat Diet Abilities

Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations

Mammal; Tree and Anteater.


LEAFEATER First found in Africa. They tend to be 1m long and 60cm high. With their tail up they can reach 1m in height. They are mostly solitary and have only been seen with their babies. They don’t stay with their mates for long and their babies leave their mums before the next mating season. Hot grasslands, savannas and forests. They mostly eat ants and leaves and seeds but sometimes other bugs. They defend themselves by sticking their tail and nose up and closing their eyes to look like a small tree. If they are found by a predator they have sharp claws to slash at their attacker. Critically endangered. This is because more and more roads are being made and the leafeater is having to cross these roads and most don’t make it over alive.


Classification Origin Size

Behaviours Habitat Diet Abilities Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations

Mammal; Snail and Giant Ground Sloth.


SNAILLIT They were believed to have gone extinct around 10,000 years ago, but were recently found to still be alive in Scotland. Scotland can be very cold so this makes scientists think that due to the coldness in Scotland, the Snaillit is not overheating. They are typically 3m tall; their arms can be 2.5m long and 1m thick and their claws can be 30cm long when stretched out. They are quite calm creatures and don’t attack unless threatened. They have a symbiotic relationship with the Hooper. Snaillits have pretty much non-existent eyesight so Hoopers help them by screeching when they see danger and in return Snaillits will defend the Hoopers from the predator. They spend most of their time grazing. Grassy fields and forests. Grass, leaves, seeds and fruit. Their tail will constantly secrete a slimy liquid that males use to mark their territories. They have terrible eyesight but amazing hearing. Due to Dramingos preying on them they have evolved a big spiky shell on their backs and long arms and claws to swipe at attackers. Critically endangered.


Classification Origin Size Behaviours Habitat Diet Abilities Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations

Mammal; Aardwolf, Troodon and Fennec Fox.


DEVIL DOG First discovered in Africa. They are also found in Australia. Thought to be related to the Scrapper and Unknown. Grow up to 85 cm long (not including the tail) and 60 cm tall. They travel in small packs of three, but live mostly solitary. They can be quite aggressive and territorial towards other animals. Hot plains and deserts. Mostly Pecoms but will eat any other small creature they can find, including fish. Excellent hearing including sonar and echolocation. Can make clicking sounds which can’t be heard by people. Very good night vision. Threatened. Hunted for their coats and tails by humans. The warming climate is causing wildfires and their water sources to dry up.


Classification Origin

Mammal; Bear and Owl. Was first found by a hiker in the woods of Europe. He managed to send a picture to his friends before never being seen again.


2.4 - 3m long and 1.6m high. When standing on their hind legs they can reach a height of 3m.


Very solitary. Females tolerate the company of their own children but the moment they reach maturity they are banished. They are fiercely protective of their territory which can cover up to 30 miles.

Habitat Diet Abilities Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations



Forests and tundra; found in Northern Europe and Greenland. Snaillits, reindeer, deer and berries. Top predator within its ecosystem. Can move almost completely silently through the forest. Its fur changes colour and pattern with the seasons to provide camouflage among the trees. Its beak can deliver a one tonne force through its bite. Endangered. This is due to poaching and deforestation. Because of this, deer and reindeer have started overpopulating.


The Book of



Classification Origin

Bird; Hummingbird and Butterfly. First found by a British explorer when one landed on his face and started to sing.


The smallest species measures 6cm long and 5cm wide; the largest species measures 40cm long and 35cm wide.


It is quite skittish and friendly. It will fly away as soon as it hears a stick snap. They are solo and don’t often socialise with others. Males will leave the females when their eggs hatch.

Habitat Diet Abilities Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations



Rainforests and jungles. The sweet nectar in flowers; it has to drink 3 times its body weight every day. They lay the smallest eggs of any bird; most lay a single egg in their nest and protect that egg with their life. They have long antennae so they have an amazing sense of their surroundings. Not concerned, but is beginning to lose its habitat.


Classification Origin Size


Habitat Diet

Bird; Dragon and Flamingo. First found in Australia. They grow up to 2m tall with a 1.75m wingspan. They have a strong sense of family and have been seen attacking hunters as a flock sometimes killing poachers. Dramingos who see chicks with no parents will take care of the chick until the parents come back, if the parents don’t come back they will adopt the chicks. The male impresses the female by doing a dance, if the female likes him she will join in. Wetlands, swamps and bogs and sometimes hot plains. They are carnivorous mostly eating shrimp but sometimes bigger animals.


They can work together to kill some of the biggest animals, because of this they are one of the top predators in their ecosystem. They have been known to take on a male lion in pairs and in groups they can take on things as big as rhino, buffalo and sometimes elephants.

Conservation Status

Threatened. They are starting to be hunted for their fluffy feather tails but their main threat is habitat destruction.

The Book of Miscreations




Classification Origin Size Behaviours Habitat Diet

Abilities Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations

Bird; Kiwi, Ostrich and Crane.


OSHKAY First discovered in Africa, they are prehistoric birds and have been here since the Ice Age. They are as tall as a fully grown man and up to 70cm wide. They have a strong mothering instinct and have been seen fighting to the death for their babies. They have been seen to steal others babies if they lose theirs. Those born without the black rings on their eyes are abandoned by the mum or dad. We don’t know why they do this but no matter what you do these chicks will die. Hot plains and savannas. They are omnivores. They will eat small creatures if they can catch them but mostly eat grass or fruit. They have sharp spurs on the back of their legs which they use as a weapon to defend themselves. They use the long curved beaks to fish out small mammals from their burrows. Endangered. They are going the way of the dodo for unknown reasons.


Classification Origin Size Behaviours Habitat Diet Abilities

Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations

Bird; Peacock and Compsognathus.


PECOM First found by an explorer in Brazil. They can grow up to 40cm long and 7cm wide. Their eggs are about 1cm wide. When it is mating season the males will catch bugs and dig burrows using the items they caught to decorate. Then they will spread their feathers and dance. If the female likes him he will then show her the burrow. If she likes it, they will become partners. Forests and rainforests. They are mostly insectivores but will eat plants too. They are very sleek and fast. They can reach speeds of up to 50mph. They have the ability to dig and climb trees. Sadly, climbing trees is not going to help escape their number one predator; the Devil Dog. They are too are fast and can climb trees, which is why the Pecom have evolved to dig. Not concerned.


Classification Origin Size Behaviours

Habitat Diet Abilities Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations

Bird; Blue Jay and Albatross.


ALJAY Lost to history. They can grow to 72cm tall and 45cm wide. When it is mating season the males will try to impress females by spreading their wings and calling out. Some will bring gifts for the females, the bigger the gifts the more likely the female will pick the male. When their nests are under attack from Tacaws they will pick up their eggs or chicks in their talons and fly away. Hot plains, forests and grasslands. They are carnivores. They eat rabbits, fish, gazelles, mice and baby deer. They can spread their head feathers to make them look bigger than they are and have been recorded to fly 12,562 miles without stopping. Threatened. Habitat destruction is making it difficult for them to find places to nest safely.


Classification Origin Size Behaviours Habitat Diet Abilities

Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations

Bird; Vulture and Hyena.


VULCHA Unknown. They can grow up to 50cm tall and have a 2m wingspan. They are fearsome carnivores but they are mostly scavengers. They will spread their wings and then charge and screech to scare other carnivores away from a carcass so they can eat it. Savannahs. They are carnivores. They will eat anything that is dead or dying. They have a bone crushing bite and a sharp beak. In order to eat rotting meat they have evolved stomach acids strong enough to corrode steel. Endangered. When poachers kill an animal they will poison the body to stop the Vulcha from alerting conservationists to the body of the dead animal. One poisoned carcass can kill over 500 Vulchas.


Classification Origin Size Behaviours Habitat Diet

Bird; Pygmy Tortoise and Sandpiper. Origin unknown. 25cm tall. Their legs take up most of their height. They nest in the reeds along the beaches where their eggs are camouflaged from predators (large birds). When threatened they dig small ditches to hide in, leaving only their shell exposed. They spend most of their time digging in the wet sand for food. Coastal, mostly sandy beaches and dunes. Can be found across Europe. Sandworms, clams, mussels and small crabs.


They can headbutt predators and can dig in the sand. They can outrun most other birds but cannot fly.

Conservation Status

Threatened due to erosion of beaches and damage caused by the construction industry. The acidification of the ocean is impacting the availability of their food.

The Book of Miscreations




The Book of



Classification Origin Size

Behaviours Habitat Diet Abilities Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations

Reptile; Cobra and Thorny Devil. Discovered by Ancient Egyptians; have been found mentioned in ancient texts.


DEVIL’S COBRA 50cm long and 7cm wide at thickest part of body. The frills around their face can be 10cm wide. They are quite tough but they seem to think they’re bigger than they are. They are very territorial and have been known to start fights with Hippangs but mostly end up fleeing. Their biggest enemies are Tacaws who are very intelligent so know how to avoid their poison. African desert. Mice and Drabola. They have venomous poison and a barb on their tail. They have very strong belly and back armour with spikes on the top armour. Endangered. Farmers kill them to protect their livestock. The Devil’s Cobra is fond of chickens and their eggs.


Classification Origin Size



Mammal; Orca and Basilisk. One was found dead on a beach. Females can grow to 3m long in the wild and males can grow to 2m. They are not too sociable and only stay with their partner and children. They nest on beaches. The males will defend their mate and claim a part of the beach. The females will then dig a burrow to nest in. This makes it hard for predators to eat their eggs. Females will not leave their nest until they all hatch. They can have up to six eggs in a clutch but only two to three end up surviving. Oceans, reefs and sandy beaches.


They are carnivores. They eat crabs, fish, eels, and when they can, Fettledragons. This is rare because they are so aggressive thus difficult to prey on.


They have a prehensile tail that they use to swim with and attach themselves to rocks and coral.

Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations



Of least concern. Their only problem is habitat destruction.


Classification Origin Size

Reptile; Dragonfly and Fat-tailed Gecko. Unknown. 15cm long, 20cm wingspan.


As they move so fast scientists have been unable to observe much of their behaviours other than their extreme aggression in hunting.


Can be found anywhere with moderate temperatures and a natural water supply. Very common in the tropics.

Diet Abilities Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations



Insects and baby birds. Fast and agile. Highly successful predator with a near 100% success rate. Phenomenal sight; they can spot prey from up to 300 metres away. No concern.


Classification Origin Size Behaviours Habitat Diet


Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations

Reptile; Monarch butterfly and Komodo Dragon. First discovered by ancient Romans on the island of Komodo.


MONARCH DRAGON Grow to 66cm tall and 1m long. They are not very social and are very calm hunters. They first bite their prey to make it bleed making the prey easy to track if it gets away. Hot plains, desert and dry forests. They are omnivores. They eat only the nectar from plants and never the fruit, leaves or seeds. They eat water buffalo, deer, wild boar and baby horses. They have a long tongue used to sip nectar from flowers. Their antenna can sense movement through vibrations making them one of the only creatures that can detect earthquakes. They have amazing hearing which allows them to find prey easily. Threatened. They are hunted as trophies and their prey is being shot by farmers. Their habitat is being destroyed for agriculture, forcing them to feed off livestock and making them a target for farmers.


Classification Origin Size Behaviours Habitat Diet Abilities

Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations

Reptile; Water Monster and Bumblebee. Unknown.


WATERBEE They can grow up to 1m long and 9cm thick. Their wingspan is one of the smallest in the animal kingdom in relation to its size. Their front wings are about 32cm long; the back wings are about 25cm long. They make giant nests in trees hanging over a river. These nests can house up to 20 Waterbees at one time. They are a very social creature and live as a community with a queen and king. Only the king and queen can have babies which prevents inbreeding. Near river banks and lakes. They prey on fish and reptiles such as Aligar and Zip-Zaps. They can flap their wings as fast as a dragonfly can. They have a spike at the ends of their tail that is used as a weapon for defence. They have a venomous bite and a splitting jaw that makes it easier to swallow prey. Threatened. The pollution of rivers is making the water poisonous leading to a decline in fish populations, making the likelihood of starvation higher. Flooding caused by climate change is destroying their habitats.


The Book of



Classification Origin Size Behaviours Habitat Diet Abilities Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations


LONG-TAILED BLACK TIP SHARK Fish; Black Tipped Shark and Python. First found in the Great Barrier Reef. Up to 6 m long and 50 cm wide. Its favourite food is the tuna fish. They hunt by approaching the fish slowly, suddenly striking and wrapping their tail around it. They then slowly crush the gills of the tuna fish until it dies. When it is mating season males fight for females. Mainly lives in tropical climates such as rain forests, rivers and reefs, occasionally found in the open ocean. A pure carnivore, it specialises in hunting big fish and sometimes mammals. Has a special type of spine that allows it to twist 360 degrees around; this helps with wrapping around its prey. Its black stripes can change colour to scare predators. Critically endangered. In China their tails and fins are a delicacy and overfishing of tuna is making their food source scarce; as a result, more of them are dying of hunger.


Classification Origin Size

Behaviours Habitat Diet Abilities Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations


ELECTROID Fish; Anglerfish and Electric Eel Some people call them nightmare fuel and with good reason. They can grow as long as 12-18 double decker buses. Their mouths can open 50 degrees. Their biggest teeth can grow to 70cm long and 10cm wide. When hunting they don’t move but sort of drift along until they sense pray. They then slowly open their mouth and light up their bulbs. They slowly lure their prey into their mouth, then SNAP! Faster than a blink of an eye it’s trapped and swallowed down. They live in the midnight zone in the depths of the sea. Fish. They also eat whales. They have 4 long antennae with bulbs on them. The biggest one is used to catch their prey. Unknown.



ALIGAR Classification Origin Size Behaviours Habitat Diet Abilities Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations

Fish; Alligator Gar and Archaeopteryx. It was first sighted in Hawaii but has since been found all across the tropics. They can grow up to 70cm long and 7cm wide. Their wingspan can be 80cm. They live along the river banks. They dig holes in the banks and gather plants to use as bedding to make a safe and warm home. Hot wet climates. Fish, worms and insects such as beetles, dragonflies and butterflies. Waterbees are their main predators but the Aligar has little to no defence mechanisms so have learnt to mimic the calls of the water bee predators. Not concerned.


Classification Origin Size Behaviours Habitat Diet Abilities Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations


kelpfish Fish; Seahorse and Kelp. First found near a beach in Scotland. Females grow to 5.3m long and males 7.4m long. The female will kick young males out of the school; this is to stop inbreeding. They live in groups of females and young; all males are eventually kicked out. When it is mating season the female will look for one male to mate with all the females in the school. The female will carry their eggs in their fur until they hatch. They live in kelp forests and sea grass patches. Worms, kelp and sea grass. They avoid getting eaten by predators by digging their long nose into the sand and inflating mini black balloons on their bodies making them look like pieces of kelp. Endangered. The main reason for this is urchin overpopulation.



The Book of



Classification Origin Size Behaviours Habitat Diet

Amphibian; Lotus Flower, Frog and Newt. The Squirp was first found in Brazil. They have since been found in Scotland and some other rainy countries. They grow to be 30cm - 40cm high and up to 43cm long. They live together in groups of ten or less. Males try to impress the females by going and finding rare flowers and fruits and bringing them back to the females. When startled the Squirp runs as fast as it can to water. Swamps, rivers, bogs and wetlands. They eat most bugs, worms, beetles, flies, dragonflies and the lotus fruit.


They sleep by turning upside down in the water and sticking the flower on their butts out of the water. They have poisonous skin so you should not eat them.

Conservation Status

Threatened. They are facing extinction because humans are destroying swamps and draining rivers. They are popular animals in the exotic pet trade. They are disappearing fast from their natural habitat and are being shot by hunters for their poison that humans then use as rat poison.

The Book of Miscreations



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GeckolotL Classification Origin Size Behaviours Habitat Diet

Amphibian; Newt and Axolotl. It was first found in the Great Barrier Reef by an explorer. Most grow 30 - 40cm long and 15cm wide. They are very social. They will intentionally starve themselves if alone leading us to believe they can’t survive alone and need social contact. Deep oceans, beautiful reefs and sandy beaches. They are omnivores who mainly eat seagrass and kelp, but will also eat sea urchins or sea snails. There are two main species; the deep water species and the shallow water species. The deep water species can flash their colourful spots at predators to temporarily blind them. The shallow water one can’t do this and lack the light bulb on their backs.


Conservation Status


The Book of Miscreations

They can’t lay their eggs in water so during breeding season live on land in burrows. Males fight until all the females have made burrows with a male. Once they have chosen their mate, they live in the burrows until their eggs have hatched and their babies have grown. They then return to the water. Endangered. They are dying out quickly due to warming oceans and plastic pollution.

The Book of Miscreations


Classification Origin Size Behaviours Habitat Diet Abilities Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations

Amphibian; Beta Fish and Arrow Frog. In the Middle Ages they were eaten, but soon after people released them when they realised they were deadly and they were banned from kitchens.



5cm long and 3cm thick. Mothers will carry their eggs on their backs. This keeps them protected from predators but if the mother goes out of water for too long the eggs will die. Rainforests and rivers. Bugs and seeds. A shot of their poison can kill an adult elephant or 15 humans. Not concerned. They are so poisonous nothing eats them. They are an invasive species in Australia because of the poison. They have been killing carnivores in Australia such as birds and snakes and cats, dogs, dingos and more.

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Classification Origin Size Behaviours Habitat Diet Abilities Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations



UNKNOWN It was first mentioned in an explorer’s diary. The explorer was never found. They have been seen up to 10m tall and 11m thick. No two Unknowns ever look the same. They can be big or small, thin or thick, strong, dull or colourful. Extremely aggressive. Has been seen in forests and jungles, grasslands, savannas and deserts, rivers and wetlands, mountains, tundra and even oceans. All living things (including plants). It will eat anything living it finds. They don’t seem to eat their prey instead they engulf it and prey slowly until you can’t see it. Since they eat all living things, including plants, they leave a trail of destruction behind them. Practically extinct at times but somehow they keep reappearing.

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SCRAPPER Classification Origin

Unknown. This creature has been thought to be related to the Unknown and DNA testing has shown that their closest relative is the extinct Tasmanian tiger.


Most captured specimens are 3m long, 65cm wide and 80cm tall. However, the problem with these measurements is we have yet to grow one to adult size in captivity or find one in the wild so their full size remains unknown.


We don’t know much about their behaviours but we do know they are not sociable and are very aggressive to others. They only come out at night.

Habitat Diet Abilities Conservation Status

The Book of Miscreations

Dark and wet caves with some sub-species living in forests amongst the trees. They are carnivores and eat rats, Scabats and mice. They have the ability to make their hair stand on end to make themselves look bigger. They have thermal sense which they use to find their prey at night. Sub-species endangered. The main species has no threat but the forest species have started eating livestock such as cows, pigs and sheep leading to farmers shooting them.

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Interview with the Artist

Ruby Stone

Interview with the Artist Ruby Stone By Max Alexander

What inspired you to start creating your miscreations? I think it all started in school where our topic was Rainforest and our job was to make an animal combined with another animal from the rainforest. I just did it in my jotter at first and it was a doodle but then I decided to redraw it and I created the Snipe. A scorpion and emu with the majesty of them all. Have you been interested in animals for a long time? I’ve always loved animals. Especially my little furbaby over there (points to sleeping ball of fluff Bertie the Cockapoo). How do you start when you’re thinking about a new miscreation? My starting point is usually just to search up animals ... I just look for something interesting and then when I spot an animal I start thinking about what might go with it. Hooper, who isn’t in the book, was supposed to be a bunny kangaroo. I saw a kangaroo and then knew a rabbit would go best with the big feet, cotton tail and some nice big ears ... but I don’t know if I’ll ever finish drawing it ... 86

The Book of Miscreations

Is Hooper fully formed in your imagination? Oh yes. So when you say you don’t know if you’ll ever finish it, it does exist, just in your brain? Yes, and on paper, I just haven’t completely finished him. What do you enjoy working on most with the miscreations? Oh I love imagining how they’d be and what they look like, my favourite part is just drawing the posture. I loved drawing Unknown a lot because I could just do whatever I liked.

What’s the trickiest part about it? The trickiest part is trying to make them look diverse. I’m not very good when it comes to drawing patterns. Most of the time I take patterns from the animals I’m looking at like Fettle Dragon with his stripes, I came up with the colour scheme but most of the stripes come straight from the cuttlefish… But that’s how they end up looking so realistic right? Mmhmm, sometimes I think they lack it; I would love if I added some stripes to Scabat…

Continues overleaf

Interview with the Artist Ruby Stone


But you do imagine sub-species don’t you? With variations like that.. Oh yeah, like with Scrapper, he has a tree-dwelling sub-species who I imagine would have a green colour instead, a dark green because he only comes out at night. Do you have a favourite miscreation? That is actually tricky to think about. I think one of my favourites so far that I can absolutely depend on is Geckolotl. I just love their friendly nature. Followed shortly by the Squirp. I just fall in love with these newt-like things. They’re so cute. Do have any future plans or dreams for your miscreations? I would love to create more, and when I get older and better at drawing I’ll draw the whole lot of them, maybe in digital, I’m starting to make a lot more digital drawings. So you’re talking about expanding the world of your miscreations but also your artistic skills and ways of drawing? I want to try and make more realistic ones, I do like my style so far but would love for them to look more realistic, that’s where digital drawing is good.


The Book of Miscreations

Interview with the Artist Ruby Stone


Acknowledgments Designed by Albie Clark at Artlink.

Artlink Edinburgh & The Lothians

Established in 1984, Artlink is an arts and disability organisation. We believe participation in the arts

13a Spittal Street

has an important role to play in realising personal

Edinburgh EH3 9DY

and social change. Artlink is a company registered in Scotland No. 87845 with charitable status, Scottish Charity No. SCO006845










animal lover


with artist

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Ruby Stone

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