Hospital Arts Programme January - March 2018

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Exchanging Knowledge

Hospital Activities Programme St Johns, Western General, Royal Infirmary and Royal Edinburgh

January - March 2018

Hospital Activities Programme January - March 2018 Introduction to Programme Working together with artists, staff, patients and families is an important part of our work in Hospitals. It informs all that we do. In this programme we will highlight the benefits of working together, illustrating how sharing ideas and creative skills lifts morale and creates a more positive sense of community.

Š Anne Elliot

Within each hospital we establish social spaces where involvement in cultural activity brings people together around a shared interest in a performance, an exhibition or a workshop. As well as working with Senior Charge Nurses and Occupational Therapists, this work has been further enhanced with the appointment of activity coordinators within some of the hospitals. This enables us to work with key people within each hospital as well as working in spaces within wards.

Workshop taking place in Tent Gallery, Edinburgh College of Art during the Common Play exhibition.


Exchanging Knowledge

Exchanging Knowledge

© Albie Clark

In November 2017 we exhibited work in ‘Common Play: Making Things Happen’ at the Tent Gallery, Edinburgh College of Art. The exhibition brought together three Artlink mental health programmes – The Glasshouses at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Leylines in West Lothian and Curious Routes in Edinburgh. The exhibition encouraged audiences to take part in a series of drop-in events led by people with mental health problems. It was a real success!

Hand-screenprinted ping pong table by Leylines artists for the Common Play exhibition.

Artlink have commissioned three early career artists to make new work within the context of health and care. Each artist will be mentored by an experienced artist within one of three areas - mental health and community; dementia and high support needs; staff & patients. The results from these commissions will be on show at St Johns, the Western General and the Royal Infirmary from February 2018. There is more information on these commissions in each of the hospital sections.

Exchanging Knowledge


Laura Cave-Magowan, Wave, mixed media

Staff & Patient Show – Looking for Collaborators Have you shown work in past staff and patient exhibitions? Would you like to help shape how the 2018 staff and patient show looks? Would you like to work with an illustrator? Have you an interest in the history of your hospital? Laura Cave-Magowan is an illustrator based in East Lothian. She is fascinated by narratives and has been visiting Lothian Health Services Archive to unearth personal and interesting stories from its vast historical collection. Laura has been commissioned to collaborate with staff and patients who have an interest in making artworks to work with her around some of the ideas emerging from her research. This is a different approach to the annual Open Show and an opportunity for some people to become really involved in the process.


Exchanging Knowledge

Exchanging Knowledge Laura is “very excited by the opportunity to engage with staff and patients, exploring different narratives and discovering a common thread." As part of this new approach, we will experiment with where we show the work, placing it within spaces that have a relevance to the artworks produced – i.e. we may show work relating to the history of care on wards, work related to historical figures in department offices or even put on community events in public spaces. So if you like painting, drawing or crafts please get in touch with Grace by emailing to contribute to the exhibition which is planned for the end of February 2018.

Send us your Feedback You will notice a change in the layout of this programme; we have tried to reduce the text and make the programme calendar simpler. We would really appreciate feedback on the changes, so any comments or suggestions should be emailed to Trevor at We have really enjoyed working with you all in the past year and would also like to take this opportunity to send best wishes to everyone for a great 2018 from the Artlink team.

Exchanging Knowledge


St John’s

Art Group with Anne Elliot

© Albie Clark

St John’s

The Glasgow Swing Dance Society performing in the Coffee Lounge

Public space events have been working well at St John’s and after a year of trying out different spaces for public performance, you have decided that the coffee lounge is the perfect spot!

© Nadia Rossi

We continue to provide opportunities for distraction and entertainment on the wards, made all the easier by the support of Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists on Ward 17, Ward 3 and Pentland Court. Over the past two months we have added another element to the programme by placing a dancer on these wards. Feedback has been really positive; the staff have been taken aback at the patients reaction to the workshops, with one staff member commenting, “I have never seen the patients move this much!”

Exchanging Knowledge


St John’s

Š Pester & Rossi

Artist Residency

Nadia Rossi

Nadia is a visual artist based in Glasgow. She makes costumes, sculptures and installations and creates public events. She has a strong interest in grass roots community activism, exploring ideas emerging from community fairs, processions and ceremonies. As part of this mentored commission Nadia will be placed with Artlink artists working in St Johns mental health wards as well as artists working on community mental health projects. The artist is looking forward to spending time gaining a sense of the diverse range of collaborative processes and projects that are currently taking place across Edinburgh & the Lothians.


Exchanging Knowledge

St John’s Artist Residency

Nadia Rossi (cont.) This learning opportunity and mentorship will provide her with a broader understanding of the potential of the arts within mental health communities. Work resulting from this commission will be shown at St Johns. We are keen to show this work in contexts and situations that are relevant to the people that Nadia will be collaborating with. So, look out for the work in the grounds of the hospital, in community halls or on your ward.

© Albie Clark

Events Miss Annabel Sings: Sing in the New Year Everybody can sing! It doesn’t matter what it sounds like, it’s all about what it feels like. Join Miss Annabel for an hour of sing-a-long and learn some vocal exercises and techniques.

Exchanging Knowledge


St John’s

Enjoy a relaxed hour of live music with this multi-instrumentalist, golden-voiced super hero!

Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings and Caitlyn With the help of her record player, Edinburgh’s premier Cabaret singer will use songs and stories to help you remember the good old days.

Keara Murphy As the winter starts to fade, Burns Night hostess and Radio 4 comedienne Keara Murphy joins us for an hour of traditional Scottish storytelling and song. All served up with some original stories and a nod to the man Robert Burns himself.

© Cera Impala


Sarah Phizacklea

Cera Impala Armed with her banjo and a voice that sends shivers down the spine, Cera Impala is visiting the hospitals this week to inject some magic into the day. This Edinburgh based country and folk musician will get your toes a-tapping to songs old and new.


Exchanging Knowledge

St John’s Magdalena Durant and Graeme Waterhouse Everybody’s favourite singer Magdalena Durant is back with her sublime voice and one of her students! This month we are lucky to welcome onto the scheme Graeme Waterhouse. He will be accompanying her and of course entertaining you!

Bruce Davies

© Albie Clark

Our song man Bruce is back for another set of sessions that appeal to all ages. Bruce specializes in telling the stories behind songs. Join him today for a relaxed hour and maybe share your own stories behind your favourite songs.

Art Group New art group with Anne Elliot for the residents of Pentland Court.

Exchanging Knowledge


EVENTS CALENDAR - ST JOHN’S EVENT Miss Annabel Sings: Sing in the New Year*

Sarah Phizacklea*

Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings and Caitlyn +

Keara Murphy*








11am - 12pm

Ward 3

1.45pm 2.45pm

Ward 17

11am - 12pm

Ward 3

1.45pm 2.45pm

Ward 17

11am - 12pm

Pentland Court

11am - 12pm

Ward 3

1.45pm 2.45pm

Ward 17

11am - 12pm

Pentland Court

11am - 12pm

Ward 3

1.45pm 2.45pm

Ward 17

Monday 15th

Monday 29th

Wednesday 31st

Monday 5th

Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings +


Wednesday 14th

Cera Impala*


Monday 19th

* Open to patients and staff on the ward/s + Open to patients and staff at Pentland Court


EVENT Magdalena Durant and Graeme Waterhouse*

Bruce Davies*







11am - 12pm

Ward 3

2pm - 3pm

Ward 17

11am - 12pm

Ward 3

1.45pm 2.45pm

Ward 17

Monday 12th

Monday 26th

Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings +


Wednesday 14th

11am - 12pm

Pentland Court

Art Group with Anne Elliot <>

January through March


10am 11.30pm

Pentland Court

* Open to patients and staff on the ward/s + Open to patients and staff at Pentland Court <> Closed group

Western General

Anthony Schrag & Marcus Oakley

Western General Exhibition

Movement: Amongst Other Things As part of the wider exhibition programme, Amongst Other Things, artist Anthony Schrag has been working with a dedicated group of Occupational Therapists (OTs) at the Western General. In a series of lunch time workshops, OTs identified that there was a limited understanding of their profession within the hospital as well as more generally. As participant Tracey suggested: “No one would know what an OT does unless they actually needed them.”

© Albie Clark/Grace Johnston

The project started from the idea that movement is a ‘non-conventional way of communication’, and explored how it can be used creatively to express and communicate what an OT does, and who they are. Through drawing, sculpture, photography, choreography and writing, the group identified 5 key movements that they regularly use within their work: measuring, investigating, observing, listening and empowering.

Exchanging Knowledge


Western General Exhibition

Movement: Amongst Other Things (cont.)

© Grace Johnston (3)

OTs work in partnership with others within the hospital and they wanted to emphasise just how important these relationships are within their work. They identified key departments in WGH with whom they work closely – Physiotherapy, Social Work, The Discharge Hub, Administrative Staff & other OTs – and matched these departments with each of the 5 movements. For example, both OTs and Physiotherapists are required to measure patients’ reactions and responses within their work. They then presented each partner with a particular ‘gift’ relating to these actions.


Exchanging Knowledge

Western General

© Grace Johnston

Exhibition “These workshops have given us a great team-building experience. We’ve been able to laugh at ourselves, admire the artistic and creative sides of each other, and reflect on our profession together, and it’s all resulted in us feeling closer as a team. This obviously contributes to a much more pleasant working environment, and working together.” Outcomes arising from these workshops are now on show in the Western General Gallery. Choreographer Christina Liddell took each of these actions and developed them into a dance, and illustrator Marcus Oakley took inspiration from original sketches of the actions made by the OT’s. The work will be on exhibition over the coming months. In addition, please see the programme calendar at the end of this section for a list of events, workshops and performances in the Western General. Exchanging Knowledge


Western General Events

Miss Annabel Sings: Sing in the New Year Everybody can sing! It doesn’t matter what it sounds like, it’s all about what it feels like. Join Miss Annabel for an hour of sing-a-long and learn some vocal exercises and techniques.

Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings and Caitlyn With the help of her record player, Edinburgh’s premier Cabaret singer will use songs and stories to help you remember the good old days. This month we invite emerging artist and youth theatre leader Caitlyn McFarlane to join us for a very special project. Together they will be gathering stories and songs from the days of the dancehall to inspire a series of performances devised and performed by the children and young people of Mix Up Theatre, Edinburgh in Spring 2018.

Sarah Phizacklea Sarah is a multi-instrumentalist, golden-voiced super hero! Enjoy a relaxed hour of live music and chat as she takes you on a journey through songs you know from every era.

Keara Murphy As the winter starts to fade, Burns Night hostess and Radio 4 comedienne Keara Murphy joins us for an hour of traditional Scottish storytelling and song. All served up with some original stories and a nod to the man Robert Burns himself.


Exchanging Knowledge

Western General Events

Cera Impala Armed with her banjo, Cera Impala is visiting the hospitals to inject some magic into the day. This Edinburgh based country and folk musician will get your toes a-tapping to songs old and new.

Allan and Ron: Stories and Songs Life is full of stories and even better when it’s filled with songs. Join our wonderful volunteers Allan and Ron for an hour of storytelling and song.

Magdalena Durant and Graeme Waterhouse Everybody’s favourite singer Magdalena Durant is back with her sublime voice and one of her students! Graeme Waterhouse will be accompanying her to help entertain you.

Bruce Davies Globetrotting musician Bruce is stopping off for a trip down memory lane with his gentle brand of story and song.

Exchanging Knowledge





Miss Annabel Sings: Sing in the New Year*


Wednesday 17th

Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings and Caithlyn*


Sarah Phizacklea*

Keara Murphy +

Cera Impala +

Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings* Allan and Ron: Stories and Songs*




Wednesday 24th



11am - 12pm

Ward 72

2pm - 3pm

Ward 73

11am - 12pm

Ward 71

11am - 12pm

Ward 70

2pm - 3pm

Ward 71

11am - 12pm

Ward 70

2pm - 3pm

Ward 71

11am - 12pm

Ward 72

2pm - 3pm

Ward 73

Wednesday 31st

Wednesday 7th

Wednesday 21st


Wednesday 21st

11am - 12pm

Ward 71


Wednesday 28th

1.30pm 2.30pm

Ward 70

* Open to patients and staff on all wards in the RVB building + Open to patients and staff on the ward/s

EVENT Magdalena Durant and Graeme Waterhouse*

Bruce Davies*







11am - 12pm

Ward 70

2pm - 3pm

Ward 71

11am - 12pm

Ward 72

2pm - 3pm

Ward 73

Wednesday 14th

Wednesday 21st

Allan and Ron: Stories and Songs*


Wednesday 28th

1.30pm 2.30pm

Ward 72

Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings*


Wednesday 28th

11am - 12pm

Ward 71

* Open to patients and staff on all wards in the RVB building

Hannah Imlach

Hannah Imlach, Cloud Viewer, 2013

Royal Infirmary

Royal Infirmary It has been great working with the newly-appointed Activity Coordinator Carey Moss at the Royal Infirmary. There is now a designated activity space which we use on a regular basis, leading singing and reminiscing sessions with patients from the wards. Support from the activity coordinator as well as use of this new space has resulted in higher uptake, meaning that even more patients are benefitting from involvement in activities. Artist James McLardy will also be working on ward 201 in the new year. Over the past few years, James has been working on dementia wards at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital developing some pretty exciting collaborative practices with family, patients and staff. His plan is to extend this work to wards on the NRI, with support from the new activities coordinator. We have also established a mentored commission for early career artist Hannah Imlach. Hannah is a visual artist based in Glasgow who creates sculptures inspired by environmental research. She will work alongside James McLardy on wards and with artists who create sensory based work with people with high support needs. We asked Hannah what her expectations were and she responded, “I am struck by the simultaneous sensitivity and boldness of each artist’s approach, all are unified by a responsiveness to the language, gesture and experiences of each individual they work with. In relation to my own practice, I am particularly interested in learning about projects where the artist uses creative processes as a catalyst for building relationships, generating mutual learning and promoting self-expression."

Exchanging Knowledge


Royal Infirmary Events

Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings and Caitlyn With the help of her record player, Edinburgh’s premier Cabaret singer will use songs and stories to help you remember the good old days. This month we invite emerging artist and youth theatre leader Caitlyn McFarlane to join us for a very special project. Together they will be gathering stories and songs from the days of the dancehall to inspire a series of performances devised and performed by the children and young people of Mix Up Theatre, Edinburgh in Spring 2018.

Sarah Phizacklea Enjoy a relaxed hour of live music with this multi-instrumentalist, golden-voiced super hero!

Elaine Gallagher: Book and a Blether Our fantastic volunteer, book lover and poet Elaine will be popping by the ward to visit you.

Keara Murphy As the winter starts to fade, Burns Night hostess and Radio 4 comedienne Keara Murphy joins us for an hour of traditional Scottish storytelling and song. All served up with some original stories and a nod to the man Robert Burns himself.


Exchanging Knowledge

Royal Infirmary Events

Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings With the help of her record player, Edinburgh’s premier Cabaret singer will use the most romantic songs and stories to celebrate Valentines month.

Cera Impala Armed with her banjo, Cera Impala is visiting the hospitals to inject some magic into the day. This Edinburgh based country and folk musician will get your toes a-tapping to songs old and new.

Magdalena Durant and Graeme Waterhouse Everybody’s favourite singer Magdalena Durant is back with her sublime voice and one of her students! Graeme Waterhouse. will be accompanying her, to help entertain you!

Bruce Davies Our song man Bruce is back for another set of sessions that appeal to all ages. Bruce specializes in telling the stories behind songs.

Exchanging Knowledge


Royal Infirmary

James McLardy

Royal Infirmary Workshop James McLardy James McLardy will be working with Carey Moss on Ward 201. The rope weaving nancy that James has made will be installed in the activities room on ward 201 where Carey will work with patients on rope weaving over a period of months. James will visit and work with them to in order to arrive at a final solution for the woven rope. This activity has developed out of the extensive work that James has done on dementia wards at the Royal Edinburgh. January through March Ward 201. Dates and times to be arranged with the ward.

Š Albie Clark (2)

This activity is open to other wards; please speak to Carey Moss for more information.

Exchanging Knowledge


EVENTS CALENDAR - ROYAL INFIRMARY EVENT Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings and Caitlyn*

Sarah Phizacklea +

Elaine Gallagher: Book and a Blether°

Keara Murphy +






Wednesday 10th

11am - 12pm

Activity room on 201

1.45pm 2.45pm

Ward 101

3.15pm 4.15pm

Ward 104

11am - 12pm

Wards 202 & 203

1.45pm 2.45pm

Ward 202

3.15pm 4.15pm

Ward 203




Tuesday 16th

Saturday 20th

Tuesday 6th

Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings*


Wednesday 7th

11am - 12pm

Activity room on 201

Elaine Gallagher: Book and a Blether°


Saturday 17th

11am - 12pm

Wards 202 & 203

1.45pm 2.45pm

Ward 101

3.15pm 4.15pm

Ward 104

Cera Impala +


* Open to wards 101,104, 201, 202, 203 + Open to patients and staff on the ward/s ° Open to patients on the ward/s

Tuesday 20th

EVENT Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings +






Wednesday 7th

11am - 12pm

Activity room on 201

1.45pm 2.45pm

Ward 201

3.15pm 4.15pm

Ward 202

11am - 12pm

Wards 202 & 203

1.45pm 2.45pm

Ward 203

3.15pm 4.15pm

Ward 104

Magdalena Durant and Graeme Waterhouse +


Elaine Gallagher: Book and a Blether°


Bruce Davies +

Workshops with James McLardy «»


January through March

Tuesday 13th

Saturday 17th

Tuesday 20th

Dates and times to be arranged with the ward

+ Open to patients and staff on the ward/s ° Open to patients on the ward/s «» This acitivity is open to other wards; please speak to Carey Moss

Ward 201

Royal Edinburgh

Marcus Oakley Workshop

Royal Edinburgh In November and December some of you took part in workshops with Natalie Feather. Natalie was awarded the photography commission as part of Greenspace/Artspace by LHSF and she is documenting - along with patients and staff - parts of the hospital and grounds that have meaning to patients and staff. Natalie will be back in the new year and if you would like to take some photographs with Natalie please get in touch with Becky Brazil to arrange. Email: Our workshops at the Glasshouses led by artist Anne Elliot continue to flourish, offering a supportive environment where people can meet, participate in a creative activity and support each other during the process of making. Everyone is very welcome to join in so please keep coming to the workshops, we love to see you every week. The days and times are in the following REH programme. In the New Year we will establish three new making workshops happening January to March 2018, run by artists Vanessa Lawrence, Claire Barclay and Marcus Oakley as well as continuing the workshops with James McLardy. These will take place on wards and at the Glasshouses; we will be in touch with wards and participants individually to arrange dates and times for these.

Š Albie Clark

In January we begin a project with youth group Mix Up Theatre in Edinburgh. Miss Annabel Sings and performance artist Caitlyn MacFarlane will be gathering stories from the dance hall days in our first collaboration with the theatre group. These stories will inspire short performances that will be shared at the Royal Edinburgh hospital in the spring of 2018.

Exchanging Knowledge


Royal Edinburgh

© Anne Elliot

Workshops Grace O’Hara taking part in one of the Wednesday art group outdoor sketching and painting workshops.

Open Art Studio with Anne Elliot An expressive art group experimenting with many different techniques such as watercolours and drawing. People often think they can’t do art; you will be surprised at what you can achieve in this supportive and encouraging environment, so why not come along and give it a go.


Exchanging Knowledge

Royal Edinburgh Workshops

Volunteers Group with Anne Elliot The Glasshouses are a much loved facility for patients at the Royal Edinburgh. The tradition of helping out with small DIY and gardening projects continues in this supportive and encouraging weekly workshop.

Sing for Fun with Penny Stone Patient singing group led by musician Penny Stone in the Glasshouses. Open to all patients who like to sing! We are looking to get more people involved in the patient singing group so if you have an interest in singing or music please contact Penny to get involved.

Garden Club with Anne Elliot Get some hands-on time with nature at the Glasshouses with Anne Elliot. Enjoy working in the warmth of the middle greenhouse to do some gentle indoor table top gardening such as potting on, watering, sowing seeds and learning how to propagate plants. If the weather is fine you can also work outdoors digging, planting potatoes, cutting grass and helping to weed. All great fun and good to get you active in a gentle way.


Burns Lunch at the Glasshouses With your hosts Keara Murphy, Penny Stone and Anne Elliot. An important event in the winter calendar at the Glasshouses celebrating Scottish culture.

Exchanging Knowledge


Royal Edinburgh Making Workshops

Marcus Oakley Marcus Oakley will work with patients and staff on the ward exploring art for the windows.

Claire Barclay Claire has just undertaken a research trip to Brazil; this workshop will develop ways of working that have come out of that research. We will be approaching people to participate in these workshops.

Making Workshops - Vanessa Lawrence Vanessa Lawrence will be coming back to the wards to offer more watercolour painting workshops.

Š Albie Clark

Learning Teams James McLardy James will continue to work with Pentland and Canaan wards on developing ways of working with people with dementia.


Exchanging Knowledge






Open Art Studio with Anne Elliot*

Jan - March

Every Tuesday from 9/1 to 20/3

1pm - 3pm


Volunteers Group with Anne Elliot*

Jan - March

Every Wednesday from 10/1 to 21/3

11am - 12pm


Open Art Studio with Anne Elliot +

Jan - March

Every Wednesday from 10/1 to 21/3

1pm - 3pm


Sing for Fun with Penny Stone +

Jan - March

Every Wednesday from 10/1 to 21/3

3pm - 4pm


Garden Club with Anne Elliot +

Jan - March

Every Thursday from 11/1 to 22/3

1pm - 3pm



Thursday 25th

12.30pm 2.30pm


Day to be arranged with ward

Times arranged with ward



Times arranged with ward

Various wards

Various wards

Pentland and Canaan

Burns Lunch +

Making Workshop with Marcus Oakley°

Jan - March (5 weeks)

Making Workshop with Claire Barclay°

Jan - March (5 weeks)

Making Workshop with Vanessa Lawrence°

Jan - March (5 weeks)


Times arranged with ward

Learning Teams with James McLardy°

Jan - March (5 weeks)


Times arranged with ward

* Open to inpatients only + Open to anyone ° Open to patients and staff on the ward/s

Prospect Bank

Creative Workshops

Prospect Bank

Š Anne Elliot

Workshops Š Anne Elliot

Activities Nurse Jacqui McKay and Artlink artist Anne Elliot delivered a series of creative workshops at Prospect Bank. Working with seasonal themes, patients were encouraged to paint autumn leaves, create Halloween decorations from coloured paper and create hanging decorations from clay for the ward. Miss Annabel Sings has also delivered a programme of performative events which have gone down really well. Going forward into 2018 Artlink plan to continue having a conversation with staff at Prospect Bank about the work that has happened to date and what might happen in future. We are looking to build on their experiences while also making connections to the work that James McLardy has been doing with the learning team on Pentland Ward in the REH.

Exchanging Knowledge


Š Albie Clark


Are you interested in volunteering for Artlink? Please do get in touch with Anne Elliot at or Miss Annabel Sings at


Exchanging Knowledge

Developing Future Partnerships Artlink is an arts and disability organisation established in 1984. Artlink believes participation in the arts has an important role to play in realising personal and social change. We want your involvement in this programme and your feedback on exhibitions, events and workshops. We depend on you to make this programme work and your participation will help us to shape future direction. So call or email us if you need more information, or you want to talk about what’s on or would like an activity placed on your ward.

Connect with Us @ArtlinkEdin



Contacts Artlink Office: 0131 229 3555 Artlink Glasshouses: 0131 537 6127 Information on workshops:

Information on exhibitions: Information on events:

Artlink Edinburgh & The Lothians 13a Spittal Street Edinburgh EH3 9DY Artlink is a company registered in Scotland No. 87845

Image: Hannah Imlach, Icosahedron Kite, 2012

with charitable status, Scottish Charity No. SCO006845

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