Hospital Arts Programme October - December 2018

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Hospital Arts Programme

Working together St John's, Western General, Royal Infirmary and Royal Edinburgh

October - December 2018

Š Anne Elliot

Royal Edinburgh Hospital Summer Camp

Hospital Arts Programme October - December 2018

Working together Introduction to Programme It’s been a busy and beautiful summer; there’s been lots happening with new projects beginning and new artists coming in to work on workshops, as well as the continuation of our regular programme of events and activities. We aim to provide a variety of activities across hospitals, involving people from many different backgrounds and we are constantly looking at ways to improve the wellbeingof patients in acute and elderly care settings. To achieve this we work with staff, families and patients, asking for their feedback to ensure what we put on is of real relevance. So, this summer, as part of our conversations with staff and patients, we have been working closely with Activity Coordinators and Occupational Therapists, looking at how we combine ‘forces’ to reach more patients, providing meaningful activities that enhance wellbeing on the wards which reach as many patients as possible. This can take many different forms and is dependent on the levels of identified need and interests within each hospital. For example, we put on a series of five- week making workshops on wards Tom Krasny workshop at REH identified by activity coordinators: where boredom is highlighted as an issue we organise musicians, singers or performers to go onto the ward to entertain; and sometimes its important to create a bit of time where we simply sit down with each other and have a natter to work through some ideas.

© Hannah Imlach

Working together

Working together works! The combination of all of our skills, experience and knowledge leads to a more focused experience for a larger number of patients. Together we address issues of boredom, isolation and stress. What we bring to the collaborations is the perspective of artists, as occupational therapist Hazel Samson says, “Each artist that attends the wards brings with them their own talents and a willingness to share and explore this with patients. This can have a positive impact on the patients’ wellbeing and provide a space where the focus is not on the reason they are in hospital. As occupational therapists it also provides us the opportunity to discuss the impact of engaging in an activity and whether it might be something they would want to continue with in the community.” Hazel Samson, OT, St John's So what’s new in the coming months?

In addition to working with the four hospitals, we have received funding from EVOC to extend community links at Prospect Bank, a specialist dementia unit in the heart of Leith and we will soon begin similar work at the Western General, and also with Liberton Hospital once they move to the Royal Edinburgh campus. We have just been awarded funding to establish a Reading Friends project across the hospitals. Elaine Gallagher, who was the guest editor on the last brochure, will work with us to establish the Reading Friends project which is a collaboration with the Scottish Book Trust and the Reading Agency, but more about that later. We have a fantastic group of volunteers across all the hospitals, and we are always looking for more, so if you are interested please do get in touch (contact info at the back of this brochure). We have introduced a volunteer variety hour over three dates in the public space at the Royal Infirmary, and we will be extending the number of volunteers we work with through the Reading Friends project. A big thank you to everyone who gives so generously of their time and talents, you all make a difference. As usual we hope you enjoy our programme and what we have planned for October to December (plus some highlights and photographs of the fantastic work completed and fun events from July to September). We look forward to working with everyone on 2018 REH Fete the autumn programme. All the best,

Hospital Arts Programme team

Visual Arts Workshops

© James McLardy

St John’s

St John’s

© James McLardy

Workshops Steve Hollingsworth and James McLardy A highlight from our work at St John’s over the last three months has been the workshops developed by artists James McLardy and Steve Hollingsworth. James and Steve have extensive experience of working with people with complex disabilities. They have been working closely with the Occupational Therapy department at St John's, particularly with Hazel Samson and Billi-Jo Bathgate on Ward 3, and with Irene Davidson and Tara Donaldson on the Stroke Ward. With patients they have created large and colourful collaborative artworks; big, gestural swirls of colour on paper and canvas, but what has been happening in these workshops is best told by the people involved:

Working together


St John’s

“We made long ‘wands’ with ink wads, sponge pads and brushes on the end of the wands to carry ink or paint. Each participant chose a colour of ink or paint and loaded their wand with their chosen colour. A large sheet of paper or canvas was attached to a revolving turntable, and once the paper or canvas was spinning the participants lowered their wands onto the paper or canvas. By moving their arms, hands and bodies to move the wands on the paper, the groups worked together to make a collaborative artwork. Even within this collaborative process you could see peoples personalities coming out in the marks they were making, but everyone was equalised in making one work, it felt very focused.’’ Steve Hollingsworth & James McLardy, Artists

‘’We had great feedback from patients and their relatives re: the workshops. Dr Ramsay, consultant and nursing staff also popped in to give positive feedback.’’ Sam Tuff, SCN Stroke Ward.

© James McLardy (3)


Steve Hollingsworth and James McLardy (cont.)


Working together

St John’s

© James McLardy

Steve Hollingsworth and James McLardy (cont.)

“The workshop was very much a whole group task that I think worked well as people felt ‘involved’ in doing something together. There was some really positive chat generated by one of the participants who had been at the previous session and was ‘looking forward to this one.' Also, one of our ladies with very little language was attempting to communicate later with her daughter via her letter communication chart that she ‘had been painting.' Her daughter was really touched. I have to say the finished paintings look great and hopefully we can look at putting them up on the wall in the unit.’’ Irene Davidson, OT, Stroke Ward And don’t forget, during October to December you will have the fantastic storyteller Max Scratchmann and the lovely Miss Annabel Sings visiting the wards. We hope you enjoy them!

Working together


St John’s

Š Albie Clark (2)

Events Max Scratchmann Max is a fantastic storyteller and multimedia artist who uses different tools to tell a story. He is also an exceptional collaborator, listening and transforming ideas into something meaningful for patients. What a scorcher this summer has been but with the autumn and winter nights drawing in Max will be working with Occupational Therapists and staff on the wards to create sessions encouraging memories of golden autumn afternoons and frosty winter nights and the gatherings that go with them. This is a chance to gather together, listen to each other’s stories and enjoy an hour with this very special storyteller.


Working together

St John’s Events Singin' and Reminiscin' with Miss Annabel Sings With a passion for reminiscence and the help of a huge back catalogue of your favourite songs from every genre, Edinburgh’s premier Cabaret singer and host will be celebrating the power of song and what they mean to us. Annabel is pleased to be back for a regular session at St. John's and to bring her special brand of stories and songs to friends old and new. She invites you to join her for an informal hour to sing together, share stories, laugh, dance or simply sit back and enjoy some entertainment.

Working together



DATE/S Monday 1st & 15th October

Max Scratchmann*

Monday 5th & 19th November

Monday 10th December

Wednesday 10th October

Miss Annabel Sings*

Wednesday 7th November

Wednesday 5th December



11am - 12pm

Ward 3

1.45pm - 2.45pm

Ward 17

11am - 12pm

Ward 3

1.45pm - 2.45pm

Ward 17

11am - 12pm

Ward 3

1.45pm - 2.45pm

Ward 17

11am - 12pm

Stroke Ward

1.45pm - 2.45pm

Ward 17

11am - 12pm

Stroke Ward

1.45pm - 2.45pm

Ward 17

11am - 12pm

Stroke Ward

1.45pm - 2.45pm

Ward 17

© Albie Clark

* Open to patients and staff on the ward/s

Western General

Sarah Phizacklea

Western General Introduction

Š Hannah Imlach

The Western General will be jam-packed with Artlink artists and performers over the next three months! We are really excited about our first 5 week Making Workshops on Wards 71 and 72, where artists James McLardy and Hannah Imlach will be working with patients with support from Rachel Muir, the activity coordinator for those wards. Look out for photos of that in the next brochure.

Anne Elliot will be cooking up a storm talking with patients about meals that evoke fond memories for them. An illustrated recipe book which will include patients’ stories, paintings, drawings and the recipes for those meals will be coproduced by the ward and Artlink. As part of the EVOC-funded programme we are also talking with staff to extend our programme to other elderly care wards. We are very interested in establishing a team approach to this work, getting people together from the community and


Working together

Western General from wards to explore how we can support older people moving from hospital care to the community. Get in touch if you want to know more (details at back of brochure). We will continue with a programme of performance events on wards. Look out for Sarah Phizacklea whose performance will be available to all patients on wards in the RVB. What’s more, Miss Annabel Sings has curated a plethora of talent for the all new ‘That’s Entertainment’ slot; it’s all about the local community, getting people in and making sure that by working together we can make people feel better!

© The Reading Agency

As part of Reading Friends expect to see some volunteer readers on the wards. If you are interested in volunteering or having a volunteer read on your wards then get in touch with us.

Working together


Western General

© Hannah Imlach

Workshops Making Workshops with James McLardy and Hannah Imlach Following on from the highly successful Making workshops on the Stroke Ward at the Royal Infirmary, James and Hannah will join forces with activity coordinator Rachel Muir. Rachel is the only activity coordinator at the Western General. Working together will increase the scope of our work allowing us to involve more people. James and Hannah talked of using what they had learned in their workshops at the Royal Infirmary to inform a new series of workshops. As they so eloquently put it, “all we have to do is start with a process and be ready to change it for each person as we go along, we are always flexible in what we provide, reactive and responsive to each participant's involvement which helps us build a supportive environment where participants have the opportunity to talk and share experiences during the making process.” We look forward to the work that develops out of this workshop and will be sharing photos and highlights from it in the next brochure.


Working together

Western General

Photos and ornaments hold memories for people and people don’t often realise that food is also a great trigger for nostalgia. After all, who doesn’t have a story to tell about their granny/mum/dad telling them off for not eating their dinner? What's more, most of us will have fond memories of cooking or eating our favourite foods. Anne will work with staff and patients to talk about their favourite meals and chat about the happy memories each meal brings to the fore. Based on a description of each meal, Anne will recreate the dish and set up a series of still lives for people to draw and paint. These artworks will be used to illustrate a cookery book featuring the stories and recipes behind each meal. Ward 50 and Artlink will work together to produce this illustrated recipe book.

© Anne Elliot


NEW! Workshops with Anne Elliot: Recipes Hold Memories


Sarah Phizacklea Western General here she comes! Sarah is Artlink’s multi-instrumentalist, goldenvoiced, super hero and is always a hit on the wards. It’s a two way street when it comes to enjoying and learning from the performance and Sarah has commented recently that her experience as a performer on the wards has taught her so much about herself and her music and helped her grow in confidence. The power of song is tangible but what songs speak to you? We all have one or two that resonate. Sarah will be working with you and activity coordinator Rachel to find the songs that have special meaning to you. Enjoy a relaxed hour of live music and chat as she takes you on a journey through the eras to find your song.

Working together


Western General Events

Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings With a passion for reminiscence and the help of a huge back catalogue of your favourite songs from every genre, Edinburgh’s premier Cabaret singer and host will be celebrating the power of song and what they mean to us in a hospital environment. Annabel has been working regularly on ward 71 and noticed a real sense of family as staff, patients and family got to know each other in her sessions. She will visit all four of the wards Artlink works with over the next quarter to build on this. You are invited to join her for an informal hour to sing together, share stories, laugh, dance or simply sit back and enjoy some entertainment.

NEW! That’s Entertainment Miss Annabel Sings has been curating a series of performances on wards 51 and 55 in the Anne Fergusson Building.

© Albie Clark

Artlink have introduced a few more wards to the programme which include Medicine for The Elderly Wards, and it is with great pleasure we begin a collaborative journey with staff and patients to find out what makes them laugh, smile and feel good. What we learn from working together will inform future entertainment and workshops on the wards so if you have any requests or suggestions then just let us know! We have a big book of entertainers from a variety of disciplines. Have a look below to see who will be visiting your ward to brighten up the day with some enlivening entertainment. Paul Novak, Magician


Working together

Western General Events

Magadalena Durant This classically trained singer will be bringing you pop and opera hits from all over the world.

Paul Novak Comedy, chat and magic from everybody’s favourite close-up magician.

Sarah Phizacklea This golden-voiced multi-instrumentalist will be sharing her favourite songs and what they mean to her.

Ben Nardone There’s no business like show business so dust off those vocal chords: it’s show-tune sing-a-long time!

The Pearls Artlink love this Retro musical duo. Val and Sarah will be performing songs from the ‘20s to the ‘70s!

Miss Annabel Sings Songs and stories inspired by the festive season with Edinburgh’s Queen of Cabaret.

Working together






Making Workshops with James McLardy and Hannah Imlach+

Starting In October and running for 5 weeks


Wards 71 & 72

Mondays 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th October

2pm - 3.30pm

Ward 50

Mondays 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th November

2pm - 3.30pm

Ward 50

Monday 3rd December

2pm - 3.30pm

Ward 50

11am - 12pm

Ward 70

1.30pm - 2.30pm

Ward 71

11am - 12pm

Ward 72

1.30pm - 2.30pm

Ward 73

11am - 12pm

Ward 70

1.30pm - 2.30pm

Ward 71

11am - 12pm

Ward 72

1.30pm - 2.30pm

Ward 73

11am - 12pm

Ward 70

1.30pm - 2.30pm

Ward 71

1.45pm - 2.45pm

Ward 55

Workshops with Anne Elliot: Recipes Hold Memories°

Wednesday 3rd October

Wednesday 24th October

Sarah Phizacklea*

Wednesday 7th November

Wednesday 21st November

Wednesday 5th December

Magdalena Durant+

Tuesday 9th October

* Open to patients and staff on all wards in the RVB building + Open to patients and staff on the ward/s ° Open to patients on Ward 50





11am - 12pm

Ward 70

1.30pm - 2.30pm

Ward 71

11am - 12pm

Ward 72

1.30pm - 2.30pm

Ward 73

Wednesday 4th December

11am - 12pm

Ward 70

Wednesday 18th December

11am - 12pm

Ward 72

Paul Novak+

Tuesday 23rd October

1.45pm - 2.45pm

Ward 51

Sarah Phizacklea+

Tuesday 6th November

1.45pm - 2.45pm

Ward 55

Ben Nardone+

Tuesday 20th November

1.45pm - 2.45pm

Ward 51

The Pearls+

Tuesday 4th December

1.45pm - 2.45pm

Ward 55

Miss Annabel Sings+

Tuesday 18th December

1.45pm - 2.45pm

Ward 51

Wednesday 31st October

Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings*

Monday 12th November

* Open to patients and staff on all wards in the RVB building + Open to patients and staff on the ward/s

Laura Spring, Sensory Workshop, Midlothian

Š Laura Spring

Royal Infirmary

Royal Infirmary Introduction We would like to say a big hello and welcome to Kim McGovern, the new activities coordinator at the Royal Infirmary. To further develop this new working relationship, Kim will be working with artists Claire Barclay and Laura Spring on 5 week Making workshops on different wards in the hospital. We know we keep banging on, but this is yet again another example of where working together benefits the patient experience. As Carey Moss and Kim McGovern, the activities coordinators at the ERI say, "The importance of Artlink and the RIE working together is that it opens up a wide range of interesting and stimulating activities. Â The activities the patients attend would not normally be accessible to them within their communities; it also encourages group and social interaction as a lot of patients in hospital can become isolated and withdrawn."

Š Albie Clark

We hope you managed to catch the fantastic Vintage Chorus who performed in the Main Foyer of the hospital, they stopped some people in their tracks and brought a smile to the faces of visitors and to the faces of busy staff as they moved around the hospital. The response to their performance was so positive Carey Moss we’ve introduced the all-new Volunteer Variety Hour: more info on that later in the brochure. And finally we are really envious that the Royal Infirmary will have the wonderful singer Magdalena Durant all to themselves throughout October to December. Magdalena has the voice of an angel and the rare ability to sing songs from opera to pop to folk. We hope you enjoy her visits to the Royal Infirmary.

Working together


Royal Infirmary

Claire and Laura undertook a research trip to Brazil in 2017, visiting local communities, universities and psychiatric hospitals in Rio as part of a programme which explored the work of Scottish and Brazilian artists who work within care communities. They took part in various activities and events in favelas, hospitals, galleries and universities. They were most influenced by their meetings with artists and psychologists who had worked with the pioneering Brazilian artist Lygia Clark.

© Alison Stirling


Making Workshops with Claire Barclay and Laura Spring

Lygia Clark workshop by Laura Spring and Claire Barclay

Clark’s work crosses over from art therapy to contemporary art and back again. She created artworks and workshops in which the artists and the participants in her workshops used objects to establish very different forms of non-verbal communication, which she described as ‘relational objects’. Since their visit to Brazil, Claire and Laura have been thinking about how these experiences and the idea of the ‘relational object’ could feed into the work they do in the hospitals. We are delighted that Claire and Laura will be working with Carey Moss – Activities co ordinator on Ward 201 and Kim McGovern, Activities co ordinator on ward 104. Ward 201 is a stroke ward and Ward 104 is a care of the elderly ward. We look forward to some interesting artworks coming from them! We'll be displaying photographs of the workshops in the next brochure. 24

Working together

Royal Infirmary

© Courtesy of the artist

Events Magdalena Durant The Team here at Artlink welcomes Magdalena Durant back to the wards at The Royal Infirmary. Magdalena is an old friend of the programme and we are very excited for her and the activity coordinators Kim and Carey to have the chance to work together and learn from one another for this next quarter. Magdalena is an accomplished classically-trained singer and teacher with a gentle, bright personality. Staff and patients are always in a good mood once Magdalena has visited; one patient at the western commented he felt, “Very lucky to have heard such a magnificent voice during his visit and didn’t feel like he was in the hospital at all.” Look out for Magdalena in one of the brilliantly busy activity rooms on the ward or roaming bed to bed. She’ll brighten up your day with some classical song, opera or pop from all over the world.

Working together


Royal Infirmary

Artlink's Hospital Arts team has been working with some incredible volunteers over the years and we want to show them and their skills off in the all-new Volunteer Variety Hour showcase. Scotland has a fantastic history of variety artists and that isn’t changing any time soon. It remains one of the UK’s most well loved forms of entertainments in clubs, pubs, theatre and on TV. Every quarter we will be celebrating some of the most exciting talents of volunteer groups and organisations in the local area to ERI, The Western and St. John’s. We have had singers, storytellers, choirs and all manner of musicians offer their time for free over the years. Most recently, the truly inspiring Vintage Chorus (pictured) based at the historic Festival Theatre in Edinburgh performed at the ERI. Their main passion (led by the inspiring Wendy Weatherby and Duncan on the keyboard) is to celebrate the healing power of singing together and developing new skills, whatever your age. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for some exciting local volunteer groups and individuals cheering up the whole hospital community over lunch in the Main Foyer. If you are interested in volunteering you or your group's musical or dance skills for a public space performance during the next quarter at The Western General (January – March 2019) then please do get in touch with Miss Annabel Sings at and start the conversation!


Working together

© Miss Annabel Sings


NEW! Volunteer Variety Hour

Royal Infirmary

© Anne Elliot

Events Gramophone Disco with JRF

Working together

© Albie Clark

JRF is fast becoming a regular face on the hospital arts volunteer scene. Fresh from a busy summer entertaining the Summer Campers at The Glasshouses and the hit of The Royal Edinburgh annual Summer Fête, JRF and their vintage gramophones are a magic way to brighten up any afternoon. Enjoy an hour of vintage musical ambience as you have your lunch or come and have a look at some wonderful gramophones. They will certainly brighten up your lunchtime and get your toes-a-tapping.


Royal Infirmary

Š Miss Annabel Sings

Events The Vintage Chorus Artlink are excited to invite the Vintage Chorus back to sing for the hospital community. The Vintage Chorus is an a capella community choir who meet every Tuesday morning at the Festival Theatre in Edinburgh. The group is made up of an eclectic mix of older people with a passion for song and a zest for life. The Vintage Chorus are led by the brilliant musician Wendy Weatherby. Wendy hopes the Vintage Chorus will be a chance for people to have a good time singing music of all styles in an informal and cheery atmosphere. So come along and see what The Vintage Chorus get up to and find out about joining the chorus!

Festive Fun! Miss Annabel Sings is still on the hunt for a group or individual to provide some festive fun over lunchtime! Are you a singing group and want to practice your carolling? Maybe you are a dance troupe and you can show us some moves just in time for impressing your colleagues during office party season. Whatever it is you do, and you would like to show the hospital community what a wonderful variety of volunteers are out there, than don’t hesitate to get in touch (see above for contact email).


Working together


Making Workshops with Claire Barclay and Laura Spring*




Mondays 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th November

10.15am - 11.45am

Ward 201

1.30pm - 3pm

Ward 104

Monday 3rd December

10.15am - 11.45am

Ward 201

1.30pm - 3pm

Ward 104

10.45am - 11.45am

Activity Room at 201 ERI

1.30pm - 2.30pm

Ward 202

10.45am - 11.45am

Activity Room Ward 104

1.30pm - 2.30pm

Ward 101

10.45am - 11.45am

Activity Room at 201 ERI

1.30pm - 2.30pm

Ward 203

10.45am - 11.45am

Activity Room Ward 104

1.30pm - 2.30pm

Ward 202

10.45am - 11.45am

Activity Room at 201 ERI

1.30pm - 2.30pm

Ward 203

Tuesday 2nd October

Tuesday 16th October

Magdalena Durant*

Tuesday 30th October

Tuesday 13th November

Tuesday 27th November Gramophone Disco with JRF째

Tuesday 30th October

12pm - 1.30pm

Main Foyer

The Vintage Chorus째

Tuesday 27th November

12pm - 1.30pm

Main Foyer

Festive Fun!째

Tuesday 11th December

12pm - 1.30pm

Main Foyer

* Open to wards 101,104, 201, 202, 203 + Open to patients and staff on the ward/s 째 Open to everyone

Summer Fête

© Albie Clark

Royal Edinburgh

Royal Edinburgh Introduction What a summer we have had, and we don’t just mean the weather. The Summer Camp theme has been full on and a real success. Also, artist Tom Krasny worked on ten wards doing workshops, which involved making goldfish hats, and these creations have been truly spectacular. We hope you spotted your hats at the stall during the summer fete.

© Anne Elliot

Over the summer we have put on quite a few activities such as the Garden Party, the Bus Trip, Treasure Hunt (who can forget that?!) the Summer Fête and the final knees up on the 26th September. It’s been a blast! The creative output from our Summer Camp redcoats Annie and Miss Annabel Sings has been immense. Tom Krasny has also picked up the baton from the workshops Anne Elliot and art therapist Lynda Girvan have been doing on the Robert Fergusson Unit. Tom has taken some of the ideas discussed in those workshops and has captured the interests of patients by introducing materials that can be taken apart and put back together to create ever changing sculptures. We have really enjoyed the support and input from the OT’s on the ward, particularly Alice Landrock and Alana Greenlees who have taken part in these

Working together


Royal Edinburgh Introduction (cont.) workshops and helped us to identify what elements work best with the patient group. We have loved working with the patients to see how they respond to materials, colour and texture and we have been inspired by the levels of interest and concentration they have brought to the project. Tom will return in February to present ideas for a finished artwork. Its been a long journey but we feel we are getting there and we really look forward to what we think will be a stimulating and interactive artwork at the end of the process.

© Anne Elliot

© Tom Krasny

Finally we hope you caught the Doors Open Day at the Glasshouses when photographer Natalie Feather presented her work as part of the ‘Significant Spaces’ photography project. Natalie has been working closely with Becky Brazil over the last year. As this is likely to be our last year in the Glasshouses, due to the redevelopment of the hospital, we thought this would be a fitting time to give as many people as possible access to these amazing spaces.


Working together

Royal Edinburgh

Š Anne Elliot


Singin' and Reminiscin' with Miss Annabel Sings

With a passion for reminiscence and the help of a huge back catalogue of your favourite songs from every genre, Edinburgh’s premier Cabaret singer and host will be celebrating songs that make us feel good and the memories that go with them. This group has been growing in number every week since it started in July and has quickly become a firm favourite in The Royal Edinburgh Weekly Calendar with staff and patients alike gathering together for song and chat. One patient on Craiglockhart ward recently mentioned to Miss Annabel that this group was a real turning point and after it things really started to look up. Annabel now wants you to join her and her lovely assistant (superstar volunteer JRF) for an hour at the Glasshouses to sing, laugh, dance and enjoy the healing power of music and song. All abilities are welcome and If you simply want to enjoy some entertainment then please do come along for there really is nothing better than sharing an experience with friends, old and new. Please take note of the dates the group is running and see you there!

Working together


Royal Edinburgh Events

Soup-er Festive Celebrations!


One-to-One Art Session with Anne Elliot

© Anne Elliot

‘Tis the season to get together! The Hospital Arts Team and their bevy of brilliant volunteers invite YOU to a festive afternoon of disco music, dancing, song and of course SOUP. What better way to say thank you and celebrate a fantastic year at Artlink than with a party? Of course, ‘tis also the season for goodwill so Artlink at the Glasshouses will be inviting a local Edinburgh food charity to join the party. If you have a non-perishable food item you would like to donate than please do bring something along on the day. Never forget: The group who eats, dances and sings together perform better together. See you there Soup-er stars!

Anne is offering a small number of people the opportunity to make art on a one-to-one basis. These sessions can take place either at the Glasshouses or on the wards. If you know someone who would benefit from these one-to-one sessions please contact Anne Elliot to discuss and book a slot.

D.I.Y. Culture with Anne and Neil The Glasshouses are open to patients and staff who have an interest in skills-based activity working with wood, paint and plants whilst maintaining the much loved Glasshouses.


Working together

Royal Edinburgh

Š Albie Clark

Workshops Open Studio with Anne Elliot As ever you are invited to make use of the art studio at the Glasshouses, a great space to work on large scale art projects, a messy space to paint freely and without worrying about getting paint everywhere, as well as being a meeting place to gather with other like minded people to share ideas, knowledge and techniques. Anne will introduce a new theme for October to December, which is all about harvest and food sharing. People taking part will help make props and decorations for the end of year event, the soup-er celebrations! All materials and protective clothing are provided.

Working together


Royal Edinburgh

© Anne Elliot

Workshops & Events Slow Gardening at the Glasshouses As the growing season starts to slow down in autumn, there is still lots of seasonal gardening activity you can get involved with at the Glasshouses. You can do jobs such as collecting seeds, planting spring bulbs, pruning and feeding the birds. We can even look to the start of next year’s growing season by planting garlic and winter broad beans in the vegetable plot! The apple harvest is historically a significant time in the Royal Edinburgh calendar. There are many apple trees around the hospital; you can find apple trees in the old orchard, at the Glasshouses and the community gardens. Due to the hot summer the apples will ripen earlier this year. It is a bumper crop so why not come to the Glasshouses to pick your own and try out your favourite apple recipes. At the Glasshouses we have an apple tree nursery, some of which have been grafted from the old trees in the R.E.H. orchard. As the Glasshouses are probably moving next summer the trees need rehoming; please get in touch with suggestions of where the trees could be transplanted.


Working together





3pm - 4pm


Wednesday 19th December

1pm - 4pm





11am - 12pm


Wednesdays Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings°

17th & 24th October, 14th & 21st November, 12th December

Soup-er Festive Celebrations!° One-to-One Art Session with Anne Elliot* PLEASE BOOK IN ADVANCE


D.I.Y. culture with Anne and Neil*


Open Studio with Anne Elliot*


1pm - 3pm


Slow Gardening at the Glasshouses+


1pm - 3pm


* Open to inpatients only + Open to anyone ° Open to patients, families and staff at the REH

For more information and to book a place, contact Miss Annabel Sings at the Glasshouses on 46127 or email

Findlay House at Prospect Bank

© Albie Clark

Prospect Bank

Prospect Bank Introduction It has been a time of learning and getting to know everyone at Prospect Bank. Artlink continues to work with staff, family and patients, finding ways to get to know the staff and patients on what are very busy wards. So far staff and new activity coordinator Jess Cody have begun working with Artlink to introduce a programme of activities onto wards; activities that bring people together, raise a laugh and build confidence. We also started to introduce staff workshops, the first involving staff taking part in sound workshops with artist Jim Colquhoun to look at ways of altering the ward environments with more positive and relaxing sounds. We are still finding our feet on the wards and to do this means that we need to make sure we meet as may people as possible and introduce activities where staff and patients are relaxed and enjoy themselves. Miss Annabel Sings has been entertaining staff and patients, and was delighted when at a recent performance patients and staff started dancing. "I feel like a girl again! I’ve not done this in years!" beamed one patient as she danced with staff. Now the autumn and winter months are approaching we will be working with patients, families and staff to create an exciting menu of ‘nights out at home’ with a series of live music events called The Supper Club. We will also be introducing volunteers from The Reading Friends Scheme and more afternoon sing-songs. It’s going to be a busy winter at Prospect Bank! Prospect bank at Findlay House is a Dementia unit in the heart of Leith. This project is funded by EVOC and we are interested in tapping into the rich community of artists, musicians, groups and individuals in the surrounding area. If you or your group would like to share your talents, passions and skills we would love to hear from you and welcome you into the community at Prospect Bank. Contact for more information.

Working together


Prospect Bank Events The Supper Club Staff have identified that 6pm (between dinner and suppertime) is a time when residents need some activity. Enter stage left: The Supper Club! We are inviting a variety of musicians from Edinburgh’s vibrant live music scene to entertain with a series of sumptuous evening events in the style of a Supper Club. We will be working together to create a night out for residents in the comfort of their own home. This is a chance for staff, families and patients to dress up and share an experience. Each event will take place in the dining room and will be hosted by Miss Annabel Sings and Prospect Bank Staff.

Singin' and Reminiscin' with Miss Annabel Sings With a passion for reminiscence and the help of a huge back catalogue of your favourite songs from every genre, Edinburgh’s premier Cabaret singer and host will be using songs and personal stories to help you remember good times and create a bit more fun. Annabel invites you to join her for an hour to sing, laugh, dance or simply sit back and listen.


Working together

Prospect Bank Events

Magadalena Durant This classically trained singer will be bringing you Pop and Opera hits from all over the world.

Chippy McFarlane All your favourite Scottish songs and stories from this absolute diamond of a guy.

Miss Annabel Sings Edinburgh’s Queen of Cabaret will entertain with stories and songs from cinema and TV.

Ben Nardone There’s no business like show business so dust off those vocal chords: It’s show-tune sing-a-long time!

The Pearls Artlink love this Retro musical duo. Val and Sarah will be performing songs from the ‘20s to the ‘70s!

Lewis Forbes Enjoy an hour of toe-tapping festive music from Edinburgh’s number one Jazz pianist.

Working together






Magadalena Durant*

Monday 8th October

6pm - 6.45pm

Prospect Bank

Chippy McFarlane*

Monday 22nd October

6pm - 6.45pm

Prospect Bank

Miss Annabel Sings*

Monday 5th November

6pm - 6.45pm

Prospect Bank

Ben Nardone*

Monday 19th November

6pm - 6.45pm

Prospect Bank

The Pearls*

Monday 3rd December

6pm - 6.45pm

Prospect Bank

Lewis Forbes*

Monday 17th December

6pm - 6.45pm

Prospect Bank

Monday 15th October

3pm - 4pm

Living Room at Prospect Bank

Monday 26th November

3pm - 4pm

Living Room at Prospect Bank

Monday 10th December

3pm - 4pm

Living Room at Prospect Bank

Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings<>

* Open to patients and staff to patients, staff and families at Prospect Bank

<> Open

For the first time this year, we will bring the Reading Friends scheme into hospitals, building on Elaine Gallagher's Books and Blether sessions on the wards. Â For three years, Elaine has been visiting patients on wards, reading to them, chatting with them and keeping them company.

Working together

Š Albie Clark


We are delighted to be working together with The Reading Agency and Scottish Book Trust to bring the nationwide Reading Friends programme to hospitals in the Lothians. Reading Friends will bring volunteers and participants together through a shared enjoyment in reading, being read to, or just having a blether.

Elaine Gallagher


© The Reading Agency

Volunteering Elaine’s new role as Volunteer Mentor will be to work with Reading Friends to establish a network of volunteers across hospitals. Quite simply, volunteers will bring a selection of books, magazines and other reading materials to Care of the Elderly, Mental Health and Dementia wards in the Royal Edinburgh, Western General, Royal Infirmary, Prospect Bank and St John's hospitals. They will visit with patients and read and chat to them in order to provide company and an activity to look forward to. If you would like more information or you are interested in becoming a reading friend, then please don’t hesitate to contact Elaine by emailing


Working together

About Reading Friends

Reading Friends is a new UK-wide project which uses reading to empower, engage and connect isolated older people, including people with dementia and their carers. It uses a unique befriending model and works with partners to provide those who are vulnerable and at risk of isolation with opportunities to engage in social reading activities.

Š The Reading Agency (2)

Reading Friends works with people drawn from the local community, or partner organisations, who are passionate about reading and befriending older people. They use resources and toolkits to provide reading activities such as one-to-one and group social reading, book chats, themed and reader curated book lists, book gifting and author events. More information can be found at

Working together


Developing Future Partnerships Artlink is an arts and disability organisation established in 1984. Artlink believes participation in the arts has an important role to play in realising personal and social change. We want your involvement in this programme and your feedback on exhibitions, events and workshops. We depend on you to make this programme work and your participation will help us to shape future direction. So call or email us if you need more information, or you want to talk about what’s on or would like an activity placed on your ward.

Connect with Us @ArtlinkEdin



Contacts Artlink Office: 0131 229 3555 Artlink Glasshouses: 0131 537 6127 Information on workshops:

Information on events:

Treasure Hunt at REH

13a Spittal Street Edinburgh EH3 9DY Artlink is a company registered in Scotland No. 87845 with charitable status, Scottish Charity No. SCO006845

Image: James McLardy

Artlink Edinburgh & The Lothians

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