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'WomanHood Is' by WomenPhotoGR 8th March to 8th May 2021

www.artnumber23.uk | London - Athens

'WomanHood is' by WomenPhotoGR

Introduction WOMENPHOTOGR, the first community in Greece dedicated to female, LGBT+ and non-binary photographers presents WOMANHOOD IS, a virtual exhibition which explores the meaning of womanhood through the thought-provoking works and words of twenty artists based permanently or temporarily in Greece. The exhibition is launched on the occasion of International Women’s Day March 8th, a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of femininities, an important opportunity to discuss about accelerating gender equality. The exhibition WOMANHOOD IS is contributing to the open debate about women’s rights and the rise of the #metoo movement in Greece and the world. Curated by: Vicky Markolefa, Mind the Bump Productions.

Certain artworks are available for purchase via direct communication with the artists. The exhibition is suitable for individuals over 16 yrs


ANNA KARVOUNARI @ana.rchisme

Femininity springs from within us. It is not just a visual feature, it is multifaceted. Femininity is a well-known top model. Femininity is the lady who helps you clean the house. Femininity is a successful business woman. Femininity is the mother who raises her child by doing two jobs. Femininity is the playful look of the unknown girl at the bar. Femininity is the touch of the elderly wife. Femininity is all of these together or none of them. Femininity is every woman.


'Femininity In Full Bloom' | 30x45 cm Print


DIMITRA PAPAGEORGIOU @dimitra_papageorgiou

During the days of the quarantine, due to Covid 19, I have developed new ways to escape from my daily domestic routines by creating my own “Inclusion Calendar”. The project is exposing moments of my everyday life, staying home. From the very first days I went through my personal objects, observing them and of course photo shooting them. I create a self-portrait world by using things found in my personal collection, clothes, personal belongings, or even in my kitchen: colors, food, candies or trash and letting them illustrate my everyday thoughts and feelings with or without my physical presence. My need is to depict a different perspective of a self-portrait diary, my need is to create, my need is to be someone else, my need is to escape.


Inclusion Calendar' | 80x55 cm Framed Print


ERINA PAVLIDAKI @erina_pavlidaki

A lollipop for a man can be a sexual comment... For the woman, however, it is nothing more than a simple lollipop that she wants to enjoy... It may even symbolize a part of her femininity.


'Untitled' | 60x90 cm Print


POPI STAVRIANOU @stavrianoupopi

Tattoo “Agia Paraskevi” In the streets of Volos a woman is not judged for her faith in what she believes and prays. August 2020. I met her by chance in the port of Volos. She was waiting patiently to get food from an ouzeri. Her presence was so explosive, a composition of a way of life, full of adverse conditions that she reshaped with her dynamics and her own personal style and feminine nature. If the Tattoo was once not acceptable, that faith of hers decided to communicate with the higher being, Its call and help with the imprint on her arm. An amulet dedicated to the power of a selfless power, help and hope.


'Untitled' | 50x70 cm Print



The art of being a woman. Challenging task, trying to balance home, work, love, care, family, personal development. Woman to me is femininity, creativity, fertility, versatility. Niki Gleoudi was born and raised in Greece. International award winning - finalist and published photographer (Sony Awards, LensCulture, WomenStreetPhotographers, Miami Street Photo Festival, Italian Street Photo Festival, WomeninStreet, IPA and TIFA Honorable mentions). Member of BULB collective.


'Untitled' | 50x70 cm Print


IOANNA SAKELLARAKI @ioannasakellaraki_photography_

The image depicts my mother and her sister during their reunion after a separation of 37 years. By weaving together staged portraiture, natural environment, controlled interiors and traditional documentary photography, I aim at capturing their symbiotic, yet at times virtual, relationship. My aunt’s garden has served as a visual metaphor for some of the ideas around fabrications of familial bonds, homeland and identity, that I am concerned with in my artistic practice. The image title Methexis works as a gestural suggestion from Greek theatre. It describes the moment the audience participates, creates and improvises the action of the ritual.


'Methexis' | 50x50 cm Print


EFFIE PANAGOULA @effie_panagoula

Womanhood is fragile and at the same time one of the strongest concepts. Womanhood is broken and at the same time a healer. Womanhood is sensitive and at the same time a warrior. Womanhood is transparent and full of essence. There is nowhere else I'd choose to belong. I am fine art photographer living in Thessaloniki, Greece. I work around the concepts of existence, identity, time and memory. My work is a means to understand, heal, connect and communicate with my inner self, and thus a way to expand to the outside world.


'Untitled' | 50x70 cm Print


MARIA NEOCHORITI @marianeohoriti

I did not imagine that I would find it so difficult to write something about woomanhood. I tried to see it as an idea or a right as a self-existent situation that is not disguised, has nothing to do with gender or age. I found three words Reward Acceptance Enjoyment and a phrase by Lou Salome: A woman repays her debts to life with a single currency. Not with what she does but with what she is… she exhausts the wealth of her sex by constantly living with all her being, like something in which a hundred golden gates open and a hundred joyful, festive streets end up "


'Untiled' | 30x40 cm Print


ANTONIS PAPAKONSTANTINOU @tonypapakonstantinou

The term "violence against women" includes any act of genderbased violence that results in, or may result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or pain to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty whether it arises in public or private life. Hello, I am Antonis Papakonstantinou based in Volos. I have been dealing with photography for the last 5 years and I am a self-taught photographer. I mainly photograph portraits and dance.


'VIOLENCE' | 50x70 cm Print



Beauty, flower, strength, perfume, hug, kiss, love, responsibility, elegance, movement, endurance. Andreas Katsikoudis is teacher, photographer and filmmaker. He writes poems and organizes photo and art exhibitions.


'Untitled' | 30x45 cm Print


SOFIA DALAMAGKA @sofia_dalamagka

I remember my Grandmothers fingers, chunky and knobby, hands of a farmer, making my hair into a braid, frying fish or chips on the gas stove. I remember her folding with care all the linen and putting them in the closet, taking care, feeding and raising others. With them, also me. Memory, memory, memory…


'Untitled' | 50x70 cm Print


BASTIAN FISCHER @bastianfischerfotovideo

Women are intimately tied to the rhythm of nature, therefore inherently understanding equilibrium as a prerequisite for sustainability and a prosperous future. Their knowledge, and their daughters’ knowledge, is what we need to heal our world. Bastian Fischer is an awarded filmmaker and photographer based in Germany and Greece. His work displays his passion for humans and their stories. Influenced by his extensive travels and residencies in various countries, he puts a focus on a shared human experience rather than our apparent differences.


'Untitled' | 30x40 cm Limited Edition Print


DIMITRA PSICHOGIOU @dimitraps_photography

The “Woman ready to bloom” is part of a project in progress, started in 2020, consisting of diptychs entitled “Nature within me”. Refers to the relationship and the connection between woman and nature as a continuum from one image to another. Woman. The heart of the substance. Nature is woman and woman is nature. World’s power giving birth and getting born.


'Woman ready to bloom' | 44x30 cm Framed Print



Βeauty cases. How to abolish all these stereotypes that want a woman to abide to our age’s beauty standards, always well-groomed, with rich hair and wonderful skin without wrinkles, with a nice figure, always with the right make-up, always well-dressed, always sexy, despite her fatigue, despite the lack of time, despite her own taste. Maria Kanata is a photographer /visual artist. Her work explores the expanded uses of the photographic medium.


'Untitled' | 50x70 cm Print


AGGELOS BARAI @aggelos_barai

A woman who is a missionary holds on her hands a child and they pray in a church in Athens. The ceremony is being held by Evangelists to welcome the new member at their church. Τhis photo is part of a personal project where I document the immigrant communities in Greece. The project goal is to highlight their adjustment to society as well as to break down the stereotypes and prejudices about them.


'Untitled' | 50x70 cm Print


ZISOULA DASIOU @zdasiou Woman Gives birth to life gives birth to women gives birth to men gives birth to love gives birth to beauty gives birth to sharing gives birth to teamwork gives birth to affection gives birth to care gives birth to tenderness gives birth to warmth gives birth to braveness gives birth to strength gives birth to power gives birth to courage gives birth to patience gives birth to perseverance gives birth to thought gives birth to ideas gives birth to vision gives birth to inspiration gives birth to creation gives birth to ART Women listen! All the power and strength of the world are within us!


'Untitled' | 50x70 cm Print


YPATIA KORNAROU @ypatia_kornarou

Freedom of expression belongs to the woman's nature. The spontaneity of the female identity is trapped by the roles and the social stereotypes. Photography is of female gender, this why my goal is to make the photograph breathe in its frame. I find this important because the aim of creativity and art in general is to break the stereotypical aspect. So with a liberated view I render the infinity of the photographic shot.


'Untitled' | 50x70 cm Print



A woman's journey is the love of her womanhood. This journey is charming, because although it sometimes involves pains and mental anguish, these throes are of her own birth. I am an amateur self-taught photographer since my job is a Physical Education teacher. I’m also an obsessive collector of moments· simple moments, everyday moments, but moments that are not to be repeated. They make up my personal, symbolic journey through life. So, photography is my own way of being alone, treading my own waters, and looking within my inner world, perchance to find my very soul and a special place where... we are all the same.


'Untitled' | 50x75 cm Print



Ι live and work in Athens. I am an engineer with studies in business administration and a certified business coach. My occupation with photography started after my graduation from high school. I started with B&W film and I continued, with ups and downs, throughout the years, now shooting only digital. Although I have several thousands photos, I only recently decided to show my work and participate in seminars, workshops and photography groups. In 2018 I attended the workshops of Dionysis Koutsis while from October 2019 I am following Vassilis Gerontakos's courses. I participated in group exhibitions and compiled the photo book “Fleeting Glances'' (2019, self-publication). Part of my work has been published in Kiosk of Democracy and in Photologio.gr.


'WOMANHOOD IS a pearl noose' | 50x75 cm Print



I call you woman because you are trapped -Kiki Dimoula I grew up in Thessaloniki. I am a graduate of the Department of European Culture of EAP and a master's degree in ‘History of Art’. I have been a member of the group PHOTOPORI since 2015 and I have been dealing with photography since 2010.


'Untitled' | 50x70 cm Print


art number 23 London • Athens

Art Number 23 is a London based organisation with two physical Gallery spaces in London and in Athens and also a Virtual Gallery! We are organising art exhibitions in all our Galleries and we invite artists from all over the world to share their work with us and participate in our shows! The aim is to create opportunities, in order to encourage and support artists to exhibit and promote their work.

'womanhood is'

exhibition catalogue

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