art pro tacheles
EGGON crying 1 65 x 45 x 35 cm 35kg
EGGON crying 2 50 x 45 x 40 cm 28kg
EGGON pissing 110 x 50 x 50 cm 40kg
EGGON dead 175 x 45 x 40cm 25kg
EGGON Hard time for Cinderella Shoe size 40 each 0,5kg
EGGON Buste 60x 40 x 35 cm 18kg
EGGON Singerie 70 x 60 x 35 cm 12kg
EGGON Loup 120 x 100 x 45cm 30kg
EGGON Girafe 85x 35 x 30 cm 9kg
EGGON Boris 110 x 45 x 55 cm 18kg
EGGON Teddy 80 x 70 x 50 cm 18 kg
EXHIBITIONS &PROJECTS 2005-2007 Arts and crafts diploma, jury congratulations at «l’école Boulle», Paris, France 2007 Exhibitions and Collective projects with the Art and crafts association “Co-Arter”, Paris, France 2007 Performances and installations «Vanités» exhibitions in «Theatre de Verre», Paris, France 2010 Street art documentary, Streetosphere, Berlin, Germany 2011 Grouding member of the berliner association “Art Pro Tacheles” 2012 Collective exhibition «αùtopoίesiς» in +-0, Berlin, Germany 2012 MAP#1, Project initator and exhibition, Berlin, Germany 2013 MAP#2,MAP#4, project initiator, Berlin, Germany 2013 MAP#3, project initiator, Assos, Turkey