Summer Arts Camps!
Music Classes and Workshops!
Art Classes for Kids, Teens & Adults!
CSMA Headquarters Finn Center 230 San Antonio Circle Mountain View, CA
Founded in 1968, Community School of Music and Arts is Northern California’s largest nonprofit provider of arts education programs. With 160 staff and faculty members, CSMA is one of the largest community schools in the United States. Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, CSMA is dedicated to making the arts and arts education accessible to all, regardless of age, experience, background or financial means. At CSMA, the Music School provides private lessons, classes and workshops in over 20 instruments. The Art School offers a professional quality art studio environment for students of all skill levels and interests.
students served through on-site and off-site arts and music programs each year
classes, camps and workshops taught by professional artists and musicians
of every dollar CSMA receives is spent on programs for over 20 Bay Area communities
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SUPPORT ARTS4ALL CSMA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit center for arts education. We rely on donations from foundations, corporations, government agencies and individuals to fund programs, operations and financial aid for youth and low-income families. Learn more at
Your contribution supports: Financial aid for under-served students who otherwise would not have access to arts education
CSMA invites you to support Arts for All through a tax-deductible donation. Fed Tax ID #23-7023900. For more information, contact CSMA’s Development Department at 650-917-6800, ext. 351.
Program subsidies for our in-school art and music education programs in more than 50 local schools Free community concerts and art exhibitions that showcase emerging and established talent
CSMA is grateful to its many generous donors, including our Corporate, Foundation and Government Supporters below.
Hurlbut-Johnson Charitable Trusts
Bill Graham Foundation
Michael and Ina Korek Foundation
City of Mountain View Group of Northern California
PA R A M Á S I N F O R M A C I Ó N S O B R E C LA S E S D E M Ú S I C A Y A RT E , L LA M A A S E R V I C I O A L C L I E N T E , 650-917-6800
W H AT ’ S I N S I D E
MUSIC SCHOOL 6/6: Summer Music Workshops begin 6/18: Summer Music Classes and Private Lessons begin 7/2-4: Independence Day Weekend (building closed) 8/5: Summer Music Workshops end 8/8: Summer Music Classes and Private Lessons end 9/5: Labor Day (building closed)
ART SCHOOL 6/6: Summer Camps begin 6/18: Art & Preschool Classes begin 7/2-4: Independence Day Weekend (building closed) 8/5: Summer Camps end 8/13: Preschool Classes end 8/15: Art Classes end 9/5: Labor Day (building closed)
Sign up for CSMA's monthly newsletter to receive the latest info and events in your inbox.
Community • Financial Aid and Application Checklist 4 • Welcome to CSMA 4 • New Music and Art Classes 6
07 Music • Private Music Lessons 9 • Music Classes 10 • Music Workshops 11
CSMA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Janis Zinn, Chair Sohi Sohn, Vice Chair James Sandstrom, Finance Committee Chair Sharmila Acharya, Secretary Mike Couch Judy Crates John D'Ambrosio Juliette Faraco Lloyd A. Holmes
Bruce Humphrey Suyun Kim John J. Miller, Jr. Lynn Miller Bob Reay Carolyn Stuart Suchitra Subrahmanyan Jinlin Wang Sean Wilkinson
CONTACT CSMA 650.917.6800 • • Executive Director: Vickie Scott Grove Marketing Director: Erin Brownfield Marketing Associate: Andrea Minobe Graphic Designer: Jenny Draper Photo/Artwork credits: CSMA students, James Dewrance, Mary Bender, Erin Brownfield, Meredith Forster, David Kim, Andrea Minobe, Emma Patrick, and
13 Visual Arts • Preschool Art Classes 14 • Youth Art Classes 15 • Teen and Adult Art Classes 16 • One-Day Art Workshops 17 • Art Camps 18
22 Information Guide • Registration Guidelines and Policies 22 • Programs and Services 23 • COVID-19 Safety Precautions 23 Please note: Catalog was accurate at time of publication, but class schedules are subject to change. See for latest info.
How to Apply for Financial Aid We believe everyone should have access to an arts education. Our mission at CSMA is to inspire excellence through art and music education for people of all ages and abilities. CSMA offers financial aid to students who meet income guidelines. Financial aid is available for all CSMA classes, camps and lessons. Tuition assistance is offered based on family size and income. Financial Aid is approved on a rolling basis as applications are received. Financial Aid must be approved before recipients can enroll. As some programs fill up quickly, we recommend applying at least one to two weeks before the start of your lesson, class or camp. For more information about Financial Aid or how to apply, please contact: Emma Tecson, Registrar, at or 650-917-6800 ext. 0. Para ayuda en Español comunicarse con nuestra oficina de Servicios al Estudiante ya sea en persona, por correo electrónico a info@, o llamando al 650-917-6800 ext. 0. 如需中文协助﹐请与我们的学生服务处联系﹐电子邮件地址为 或致电 650-917-6800 ext. 0. By the Numbers Fiscal Year 2021
40% $317K
of our schools in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties received financial support from CSMA in financial aid CSMA awarded to underserved students and schools
APPLICATION CHECKLIST Follow the steps below to complete CSMA’s Financial Aid Application, which is available online at Parents/legal guardians/applicants need to provide photocopies of qualifying documentation: Option 1 Federal tax return (first page only). W2 forms documenting all income on tax return and previous two months pay stubs for all wage earners in the family. Option 2 Free and reduced price meals (FRPM) letter Option 3 Housing/Section 8 voucher Email the completed application with qualifying documentation to or mail it to the following address: Student Services Finn Center 230 San Antonio Circle Mountain View, CA 94040
Financial Aid approval usually is determined within two business days.
Students who are awarded Financial Aid need to email Student Services at: to register.
As a member of the National Guild for Community Arts Education, CSMA is committed to making arts education available to all.
PA R A M Á S I N F O R M A C I Ó N S O B R E C LA S E S D E M Ú S I C A Y A RT E , L LA M A A S E R V I C I O A L C L I E N T E , 650-917-6800
Welcome to Summer at CSMA! We’re delighted to share our summer 2022 schedule with you. Our mission at CSMA is “Arts for All” and summer is an especially good time to hit pause on our busy lives to nurture our creativity, learn new skills and be part of the arts community in Silicon Valley.
VIBRANT VISUAL ARTS PROGRAMS with classes in a range of artistic disciplines. Join us for drawing, painting, photography and more, either in an 8-week class or a shorter workshop. CSMA teaching artists excel at bringing the joy of creating to people of all ages.
We offer:
A LARGE (AND VERY POPULAR!) CERAMICS STUDIO where ceramicists of all ages and ability levels create with clay! A variety of clays and glazes are provided and there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing your own creations come out of the kiln.
A COMPLETE MUSIC PROGRAM for children to adults, working with leading faculty musicians from all over the world. Includes private lessons continuing through the summer months, plus introductory classes, music workshops, and important complements to music learning such as music theory, composition and appreciation classes.
Looking forward, I see a bright future for CSMA with expansion on our campus and to new communities. With all that our schools, families and students have been through, we are experiencing a renewed appreciation of the power of the arts and their fundamental role in exploring human potential for each and every one of us. Thank you for joining us in this journey. Vickie Scott Grove CSMA Executive Director
ROBUST SUMMER PROGRAMMING SERVING CHILDREN AND TEENS including 9 weeks of summer arts camps, preschool classes, family workshops and kidfocused art and music classes. CSMA’s large, airy campus is a beloved summer second home for young artists and musicians!
C O M M U N I T Y S C H O O L O F M U S I C A N D A RT S • S P R I N G 2022 • 650-917-6800 • W W W. A RT S 4 A L L . O R G
New! Discover some of our latest offerings
Ages 11-17. We will explore the creative process of putting words together to form your song, and also the basics of music making and writing melodies. All skill levels are welcome, no previous music or lyric writing experience necessary. It is recommended to have beginner experience on an instrument (such as guitar, ukulele, or piano) while attending this class. PAGE 11
Ages 5-8. Enjoy an afternoon creating artwork to celebrate Summer! No travel required to find inspiration in cool treats, beach scenes and adventures. We'll explore 2D and 3D projects together for creative summer fun. PAGE 17
Ages 14-17. Are you planning (or considering) applying to a college art program? Join us in this workshop to learn more about the art school application process, art portfolio expectations and resources for building a strong portfolio. Guidance will be provided for students working in a variety of media. Students are invited to bring a sample of work for informal critique. PAGE 17
Ages 18+. Get your hands dirty as you learn the elements of wheel thrown ceramics. With guided instruction, you will learn to shape clay to create one or two functional pieces. Work will be fired and glazed by faculty after the workshop and will be ready in three or four weeks for pick up. This is a great workshop to give ceramics a spin! PAGE 17
PA R A M Á S I N F O R M A C I Ó N S O B R E C LA S E S D E M Ú S I C A Y A RT E , L LA M A A S E R V I C I O A L C L I E N T E , 650-917-6800
Music CSMA offers a comprehensive music education program through private lessons and group classes in a variety of instruments and styles. Class Offerings by Age Range
Preschool Classes 2-5 years
Getting Started! Kindergarten — Grade 2
Introductory Classes Kindergarten — Adult
Private Music Lessons 4 years — Adult
Musicianship • Music Theory • Ear Training • Composition
Performance • Ensembles • Recitals
Music Theory Grade 2 — Adult
Complete Music Education M
Private Lessons • 25+ Instruments • Distinguished Teachers
At CSMA’s Music School, you’ll find: • Faculty of internationally recognized professional musicians • Classical, jazz and contemporary styles • Classes in music theory, composition and improvisation • Music workshops and master classes
S U M M E R S E M E S T E R 2022 • R E G I S T E R AT A RT S 4 A L L . O R G
Your Complete Music Education at CSMA CSMA’s music education program offers private lessons and much, much more! Discounted Core Curriculum Classes: Core Curriculum classes offer additional training in musicianship, composition, music theory and ensembles. These classes develop a student’s musical intelligence by teaching the reading, writing and listening skills necessary to reinforce and build on what students learn in their private lessons. The Music Theory & Composition program at CSMA teaches music comprehension skills to reinforce and expand on what is learned in private instrument lessons. A full list of current Core Curriculum classes is available at Private lesson students receive a 50% discount on one Core Curriculum class each semester (except summer). Workshop Weeks: Workshop Weeks (Fall & Spring only) feature a series of special workshops led by CSMA music faculty. Past workshops have included: Recital Preparation, Music History and Composing Your Own Music. Merit Scholarships: Merit Scholarships are awarded to students in grades 1-12 who show a high level of commitment, talent and
achievement in their CSMA studies. To be eligible, students must have taken private lessons for two consecutive semesters at CSMA and be nominated by their private lesson teacher. Merit Scholars are regarded as the ambassadors of the CSMA Music School. Merit Scholars have been accepted to some of the nation’s most prestigious music programs, including The Juilliard School, New England Conservatory of Music and Berklee College of Music. Music Examinations: Many CSMA faculty prepare students for the Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM), Royal Conservatory of Music Exam Program (RCM) and Certificate of Merit (CM) exams. CSMA is a host to both ABRSM & RCM and is a Founding School for the Royal Conservatory exams. Certificate Program: CSMA’s Music Certificate program offers three levels of study: Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced. Each level requires students to take part in private lessons, Music Theory or Core Curriculum classes, performance opportunities and concert attendance. For more information about our Certificate Program, go to By the Numbers CSMA’s Music School
900+ 60 96%
private lesson students served highly trained, professional music faculty satisfaction rate
IMPORTANT POLICIES Refunds: Students may request to withdraw or change teachers within three days after the second lesson. Requests for withdrawal must be made in writing by email to the Private Lesson Team, After this three day period, no refunds or teacher changes are granted.
Absences and Make-ups: There is no school credit, reimbursement or refund for missed lessons due to a student’s absence. CSMA does not guarantee a make-up for a missed lesson due to a student’s absence. If a lesson is missed due to a teacher’s absence, a make-up lesson will be scheduled.
PA R A M Á S I N F O R M A C I Ó N S O B R E C LA S E S D E M Ú S I C A Y A RT E , L LA M A A S E R V I C I O A L C L I E N T E , 650-917-6800
R E G I S T E R AT A RT S 4 A L L . O R G • S U M M E R S E M E S T E R 2022
Private Music Lessons CSMA offers private music lessons for students of all levels and all ages on over 20 instruments and voice, plus theory and composition. Currently, we are offering both in-person and online lessons. To enroll, complete our Private Lesson Questionnaire online at CSMA is the only music school in our community that gives students access to a complete, comprehensive music education. CSMA music students, at all levels, have opportunities to listen, learn, play, collaborate and perform.
In CSMA’s Private Lesson program, you’ll find:
• Faculty of internationally recognized professional musicians and educators
For detailed information about how to enroll in private lessons, please visit Questions? contact the Private Lesson team at 650-917-6800, ext. 330 or
• Distinguished Teachers, recognized for their extraordinary professional experience
New Students
• Instruction in classical, contemporary, jazz and popular styles
• Individualized attention, emphasizing development of solid music fundamentals
Complete our Private Lesson Placement Questionnaire online at
• Performance opportunities Private music lessons take place at CSMA’s Finn Center or online on a weekly basis and may be 30, 45 or 60 minutes.
CSMA is committed to matching every student with a teacher appropriate for learning style, level and goals. The Private Lesson Program Manager and Program Coordinator will work closely with all new students or their parents to assist with teacher placement and to answer all questions.
Please note: Students must have an instrument for daily practice. CSMA also offers specialized jazz instruction, designated by asterisks in the following program list. Brass • Baritone/Euphonium Ages 10-Adult • Horn Ages 10-Adult • Trombone Ages 8-Adult • Trumpet Ages 5-Adult • Tuba Ages 12-Adult Keyboard • Piano* Ages 4-Adult Percussion • Drums* Ages 7-Adult • Percussion* Ages 7-Adult • Vibraphone* Ages 9-Adult Strings • Bass Ages 9-Adult; upright and electric • Cello Ages 6-Adult • Guitar* Ages 6-Adult; acoustic and electric • Ukulele Ages 6-Adult • Viola Ages 6-Adult • Violin Ages 4-Adult
Theory • Composition Ages 7-Adult • Theory/Aural Training Ages 7-Adult Voice • Voice Ages 8-Adult Woodwinds • Bassoon Ages 10-Adult • Clarinet* Ages 8-Adult • Flute Ages 6-Adult • Oboe Ages 10-Adult • Piccolo Ages 10-Adult • Recorder Ages 7-Adult • Saxophone* Ages 9-Adult
Tuition for Summer Semester 2022 (7 weeks): • 30-minute / $350
• 45-minute / $506.10 • 60-minute / $681.10 Please note: Tuition is higher for study with faculty designated as Distinguished Teachers. Continuing Students Continuing students receive registration materials prior to each semester. They are given priority for time/date selection for their lessons. Financial Aid
In keeping with our commitment to Arts4All, CSMA offers tuition assistance to qualified students. To apply, contact our Student Services office or download the forms at
C O M M U N I T Y S C H O O L O F M U S I C A N D A RT S • S U M M E R 2022 • 650-917-6800 • W W W. A RT S 4 A L L . O R G
S U M M E R S E M E S T E R 2022 • R E G I S T E R AT A RT S 4 A L L . O R G
Music Classes Class
Little Musicians 1
2-3 years
Sat, 9:00-9:45 AM
June 18 - August 13
$200/8 wks
Little Musicians 1
2-3 years
Sat, 10:00-10:45 AM
June 18 - August 13
$200/8 wks
Little Musicians 2
3-4 years
Sat, 11:00-11:45 AM
June 18 - August 13
$200/8 wks
Little Musicians 2
3-4 years
Sat, 12:30-1:15 PM
June 18 - August 13
$200/8 wks
Do Re Mi
Grades K-1
Sat, 12:30-1:15 PM
June 18 - August 6
$180/7 wks
Intro to Guitar
Grades 4-8
Wed, 5:00-6:00 PM
June 22 - August 3
$180/7 wks
Intro to Guitar
Wed, 6:00-7:00 PM
June 22 - August 3
$180/7 wks
Intro to Keyboard
Grades 1-2
Sat, 9:00-9:45 AM
June 18 - August 6
$180/7 wks
Intro to Keyboard
Grades 3-5
Sat, 10:00-10:45 AM
June 18 - August 6
$180/7 wks
Intro to Keyboard
Grade K
Sat, 11:00-11:45 AM
June 18 - August 6
$180/7 wks
Intro to Voice
Mon, 5:00-5:50 PM
June 20 - August 8
$180/7 wks
Intro to Voice
Mon, 6:00-6:50 PM
June 20 - August 8
$180/7 wks
For complete course descriptions and information, scan the QR code or go to
Currently, CSMA music classes are held in person at Finn Center. Class schedules are subject to change. Please visit for the most up-to-date information.
In keeping with our commitment to Arts4All, CSMA offers tuition assistance to qualified students. To apply, contact our Student Services office or download the forms at
• Registration: Online enrollment now open at • Ages: Students must meet age/grade requirements indicated. • Class size: Maximum class size varies per class. Classes are subject to enrollment minimums. Classes that do not meet the minimum enrollment will be canceled 48 hours before the start date. CSMA reserves the right to cancel the course or to offer the class with an adjusted tuition rate, length and/or number of class meetings. We recommend that all students enroll in classes at least a week before the start date of the class. • Attendance: Success depends upon regular student attendance, participation and practice. Please notify teachers in advance of absences. There are no make-up classes for student absences. • Calendar: Full semester calendar on page 3. • COVID-19: Policy information on page 23. Please go to for the latest safety precautions prior to attending class.
PA R A M Á S I N F O R M A C I Ó N S O B R E C LA S E S D E M Ú S I C A Y A RT E , L LA M A A S E R V I C I O A L C L I E N T E , 650-917-6800
R E G I S T E R AT A RT S 4 A L L . O R G • S U M M E R S E M E S T E R 2022
Music Workshops Class
Broadway Bound II
10-14 years
Mon-Fri, 12:30-3:00 PM
June 20 - July 1
$500/10 days
Composing for the Small Ensemble
Grades 5-8
Mon-Fri, 9:30 AM-3:30 PM
July 25-29
$475/5 days
Crash Course in Music History: Classical Music
10-18 years
Mon-Fri, 1:00-4:00 PM
June 13-17
$300/5 days
Digital Music Creations
10-18 years
Mon-Fri, 9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 6-10
$475/5 days
Songwriting Workshop
11-17 years
Mon-Fri, 9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 27 - July 1
$475/5 days
Summer Music Institute at Tateuchi Hall*
Grades 6-12
Mon-Sun, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
July 10-23
$1,950/14 days
Theory Bootcamp
10-13 years
Mon-Fri, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
June 13-17
$300/5 days
Theory Bootcamp
10-13 years
Mon-Fri, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
August 1-5
$300/5 days *By audition only
For complete course descriptions and information, scan the QR code or go to
Students at all skill levels who study an instrument (at CSMA or off-site) can enhance their private lessons with Core Curriculum classes including Music Theory and Composition. • Develop the skills to learn the language of music • Understand how music pieces are organized to improve reading ability • Express a piece of music more efficiently and effectively • Become a better musician by understanding music theory To learn more, please visit
Florin Parvuluscu of the San Francisco Symphony leads a workshop during Summer Music Institute at Tateuchi Hall.
C O M M U N I T Y S C H O O L O F M U S I C A N D A RT S • S U M M E R 2022 • 650-917-6800 • W W W. A RT S 4 A L L . O R G
Word of Mouth “Our private lesson teacher is just a really, really good teacher, which is rare. She’s professional, friendly, totally dedicated to her students and CONSTANTLY thinking of how to best engage her students with music. We are so grateful to have her.”
"I was really impressed with the variety of projects that the teacher selected and the quality of work that came out of the students. She also shared good tips with the kids that my child was excited to tell me about after the class. Thanks for a great session!"
"I love this school. The staff is knowledgeable and kind. The registration and check in processes for the camps was well done. During covid they adapted and made having fun at camp still possible. My kids love these camps. They are creative and well organized. I've probably attended ten summer camps and four music classes for my kids. Definitely a positive experience and place to be."
"Love the small class size. Feels like the teacher can give each child adequate attention. My son begged me to sign him up for more."
PA R A M Á S I N F O R M A C I Ó N S O B R E C LA S E S D E M Ú S I C A Y A RT E , L LA M A A S E R V I C I O A L C L I E N T E , 650-917-6800
Visual Arts Whether you are looking to seriously develop your artistic abilities or just have fun dabbling with a new hobby, CSMA has a class for you. Class Offerings by Age Range
Preschool Art 2-5 years
Youth Art 5-7 years, 8-11 years and 10-14 years
Teen and Adult Art 14-17 years and 18+ years
Ceramics & Sculpture
Fashion Design
Drawing & Illustration
Visual Arts Program Mediums
Digital Arts
At CSMA’s Art School, you’ll find: • A positive, supportive, pressure-free environment • Small class size for personalized instruction • A faculty of accomplished professional artists and arts educators • A community to enjoy making art with others
S U M M E R S E M E S T E R 2022 • R E G I S T E R AT A RT S 4 A L L . O R G
Preschool Art Be a part of CSMA’s preschool program with our Little Artists classes! We focus on sequential learning in art with classes that continually build on concepts, skills and techniques. Most classes include parent or caregiver participation, providing a fun experience for both adult and child! At the end of each session, students can repeat the level with a new curriculum or move on to the next level depending on readiness and age. • • • • •
Experiment and learn through fun, hands-on, creative activities Discover new art mediums and more Learn from a faculty of experienced early childhood educators Nurture their natural, inner creativity and sense of exploration Develop a lifelong love of learning!
Little Artists 1: Art Explorers
2-3 years
Sat, 10:00-10:45 AM
June 18 - August 13
$200/8 wks
Little Artists 1: Art Explorers
2-3 years
Sat, 11:00-11:45 AM
June 18 - August 13
$200/8 wks
Little Artists 2: Shape and Color
3-4 years
Sat, 9:00-9:45 AM
June 18 - August 13
$200/8 wks
Little Artists 2: Shape and Color
3-4 years
Sat, 10:00-10:45 AM
June 18 - August 13
$200/8 wks
Little Artists 3: Young Creators
4 years
Sat, 11:15 AM-12:00 PM
June 18 - August 13
$200/8 wks
For complete course descriptions and information, scan the QR code or go to
Currently, CSMA preschool art classes are held in person at Finn Center. Class schedules are subject to change. Please visit for the most up-to-date information.
In keeping with our commitment to Arts4All, CSMA offers tuition assistance to qualified students. To apply, contact our Student Services office or download the forms at
• Registration: Online enrollment now open at • Ages: Students must meet age requirements indicated. • Class size: Maximum class size of 10 unless otherwise noted. Classes not meeting minimum registration will be canceled. CSMA reserves the right to cancel the course or to offer the class with an adjusted tuition-rate, length and/or number of class meetings. • Materials: All materials are supplied for preschool classes. • Dress: Please wear comfortable clothes appropriate for movement, getting messy and making art. • Calendar: Full semester calendar on page 3. • COVID-19: Policy information on page 23. Please visit for the latest safety precautions prior to attending class.
PA R A M Á S I N F O R M A C I Ó N S O B R E C LA S E S D E M Ú S I C A Y A RT E , L LA M A A S E R V I C I O A L C L I E N T E , 650-917-6800
R E G I S T E R AT A RT S 4 A L L . O R G • S U M M E R S E M E S T E R 2022
Youth Art Classes Class
Draw, Paint, Sculpt
5-7 years
Sat, 10:00-11:00 AM
June 18 - August 13
$200/8 wks
Draw, Paint, Sculpt
5-7 years
Sat, 11:15 AM-12:15 PM
June 18 - August 13
$200/8 wks
Draw, Paint, Sculpt
8-11 years
Thu, 4:30-6:00 PM
June 23 - August 11
$250/8 wks
Creative Cartoons
8-11 years
Tue, 4:30-6:00 PM
June 21 - August 9
$250/8 wks
Drawing and Painting
10-14 years
Wed, 4:30-6:00 PM
June 22 - August 10
$250/8 wks
8-11 years
Sat, 10:00-11:30 AM
June 18 - August 13
$250/8 wks
10-14 years
Sat, 12:00-1:30 PM
June 18 - August 13
$250/8 wks
Teen Ceramics Studio
14-17 years
Fri, 4:00-6:00 PM
June 24 - August 12
$295/8 wks
Digital Illustration
10-14 years
Thu, 4:30-6:00 PM
June 23 - August 11
$250/8 wks
Digital Illustration II
10-14 years
Fri, 4:30-6:00 PM
June 24 - August 12
$250/8 wks
Fashion Sketches
8-11 years
Mon, 4:30-6:00 PM
June 20 - August 15
$250/8 wks
For complete course descriptions and information, scan the QR code or go to
Currently, CSMA youth art classes are held in person at Finn Center. Class schedules are subject to change. Please visit for the most up-to-date information.
In keeping with our commitment to Arts4All, CSMA offers tuition assistance to qualified students. To apply, contact our Student Services office or download the forms at
• Registration: Online enrollment now open at Summer registration will close on June 13, 2022. • Ages: Classes available for all artists age 5 through 14. Students must meet age requirements indicated. • Class size: Maximum class size of 12 unless otherwise noted. Classes not meeting minimum registration will be canceled. CSMA reserves the right to cancel the course or to offer the class with an adjusted tuition-rate, length and/or number of class meetings. • Materials: Basic materials are supplied for all youth classes. • Attendance: Success depends upon regular student attendance, participation and practice. Please notify teachers in advance of absences. There are no make-up classes for student absences. • Dress: Please wear clothes appropriate for making art. • Calendar: Full semester calendar on page 3. • COVID-19: Policy information on page 23. Please visit for the latest safety precautions prior to attending class.
C O M M U N I T Y S C H O O L O F M U S I C A N D A RT S • S U M M E R 2022 • 650-917-6800 • W W W. A RT S 4 A L L . O R G
S U M M E R S E M E S T E R 2022 • R E G I S T E R AT A RT S 4 A L L . O R G
Teen and Adult Art Classes Class
Ceramics Studio
18+ years
Sat, 2:00-4:30 PM
June 18 - August 13
$365/8 wks
Ceramics Studio
18+ years
Mon, 6:45-9:15 PM
June 20 - August 15
$365/8 wks
Ceramics Studio
18+ years
Tue, 9:30 AM-12:00 PM
June 21 - August 9
$365/8 wks
Ceramics Studio
18+ years
Tue, 6:00-8:30 PM
June 21 - August 9
$365/8 wks
Ceramics Studio
18+ years
Thu, 10:00 AM-12:30 PM
June 23 - August 11
$365/8 wks
Ceramics Studio
18+ years
Thu, 6:00-8:30 PM
June 23 - August 11
$365/8 wks
Ceramics Studio
18+ years
Fri, 6:30-9:00 PM
June 24 - August 12
$365/8 wks
Ceramics Studio II: Special Projects
18+ years
Wed, 6:45-9:15 PM
June 22 - August 10
$365/8 wks
Teen Ceramics Studio
14-17 years
Fri, 4:00-6:00 PM
June 24 - August 12
$295/8 wks
Drawing I: Foundations
14+ years
Thu, 6:30-8:30 PM
June 23 - August 11
$275/8 wks
Intro to Painting
18+ years
Wed, 6:30-8:30 PM
June 22 - August 10
$275/8 wks
Painting: Watercolor Study
18+ years
Tue, 6:30-8:30 PM
June 21 - August 9
$275/8 wks
Intro to Digital Photography
14+ years
Thu, 6:30-8:30 PM
June 23 - August 11
$275/8 wks
For complete course descriptions and information, scan the QR code or go to Currently, teen and adult art classes are held in person at Finn Center. Class schedules are subject to change. Please visit for the latest information.
In keeping with our commitment to Arts4All, CSMA offers tuition assistance to qualified students. To apply, contact our Student Services office or download the forms at
• Registration: Online enrollment now open at Summer registration will close on June 13, 2022. • Class size: Maximum class size of 12 unless otherwise noted. Classes not meeting minimum registration will be canceled. CSMA reserves the right to cancel the course or to offer the class with an adjusted tuition-rate, length and/or number of class meetings. • Calendar: Full semester calendar on page 3. • COVID-19: Policy information on page 23. Please visit for the latest safety precautions prior to attending class. 16
PA R A M Á S I N F O R M A C I Ó N S O B R E C LA S E S D E M Ú S I C A Y A RT E , L LA M A A S E R V I C I O A L C L I E N T E , 650-917-6800
R E G I S T E R AT A RT S 4 A L L . O R G • S U M M E R S E M E S T E R 2022
One-Day Art Workshops Class
Adventures in Jewelry Making Workshop
11-17 years
Sat, 1:00-5:00 PM
June 25
$85/1 day
Family Art Workshop: Summer Fun
5-8 years
Sat, 1:00-2:30 PM
July 16
$30/1 day
Get Your Hands Dirty: Ceramics Wheel Workshop
18+ years
Tue, 6:00-8:30 PM
August 16
$95/1 day
Get Your Hands Dirty: Ceramics Wheel Workshop
18+ years
Thu, 6:00-8:30 PM
August 18
$95/1 day
High School Art Portfolio Workshop
14-17 years
Sat, 2:00-4:00 PM
July 30
$55/1 day
For complete workshop descriptions and information, scan the QR code or go to Currently, CSMA art workshops are held in person at Finn Center. Class schedules are subject to change. Please visit for the latest information.
In keeping with our commitment to Arts4All, CSMA offers tuition assistance to qualified students. To apply, contact our Student Services office or download the forms at
C O M M U N I T Y S C H O O L O F M U S I C A N D A RT S • S U M M E R 2022 • 650-917-6800 • W W W. A RT S 4 A L L . O R G
S U M M E R S E M E S T E R 2022 • R E G I S T E R AT A RT S 4 A L L . O R G
Summer Art Camps CSMA’s Art Camps let students have fun and get creative in a safe, welcoming environment. For Summer 2022, we are offering 9 weeks of small-group, age-appropriate day camps held at our beautiful Mountain View campus. Kids will have fun learning skills like drawing and painting, fashion, digital arts, ceramics and even stone carving! Led by CSMA’s experienced teaching artists, camps include personal attention, outdoor breaks and new projects with every session. In addition, we are pleased to offer a selection of virtual programs for the at-home artist. See our registration site for more information. • Session 1: June 6-10
• Session 6: July 11-15
• Session 2: June 13-17
• Session 7: July 18-22
• Session 3: June 20-24
• Session 8: July 25-29
• Session 4: June 27-July 1
• Sesson 9: August 1-5
son loved every “ My minute of camp and we couldn’t believe how much artwork he brought home on Friday afternoon! He was so proud of what he made and learned.
• Session 5: July 5-8
For complete camp descriptions and information, scan the QR code or go to Currently, CSMA camps are held in person at Finn Center. Virtual camp programs are available on our website. Class schedules are subject to change. Please visit for the most up-to-date information.
In keeping with our commitment to Arts4All, CSMA offers tuition assistance to qualified students. To apply, contact our Student Services office or download the forms at
• Registration: Online enrollment now open at • Ages: Students must meet age requirements indicated. • Camp size: Maximum class size of 12 unless otherwise noted. Classes not meeting minimum registration will be canceled. CSMA reserves the right to cancel the course or to offer the class with an adjusted tuition-rate, length and/or number of class meetings. • Materials: Basic materials are supplied for all onsite camps. • Lunch/Breaks: Students must bring their own nut-free lunch and snacks. Lunch and breaks may take place outdoors, weather permitting. • Calendar: Full semester calendar on page 3. • COVID-19: Policy information on page 23. Please visit for the latest safety precautions prior to attending camps.
PA R A M Á S I N F O R M A C I Ó N S O B R E C LA S E S D E M Ú S I C A Y A RT E , L LA M A A S E R V I C I O A L C L I E N T E , 650-917-6800
R E G I S T E R AT A RT S 4 A L L . O R G • S U M M E R S E M E S T E R 2022
Session 1 Art Camps
Wild About Books
5-6 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 6-10
$475/5 days
A Jungle Adventure
6-7 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 6-10
$475/5 days
Wearable Art
8-11 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 6-10
$475/5 days
Painting & Printmaking
10-13 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 6-10
$475/5 days
Session 2 Art Camps
Animals, Animals, Animals
5-6 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 13-17
$475/5 days
Ancient Worlds
6-7 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 13-17
$475/5 days
Drawing for Kids
8-11 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 13-17
$475/5 days
Project Fashion
10-13 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 13-17
$475/5 days
Session 3 Art Camps
Toy Travels
5-6 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 20-24
$475/5 days
Circus, Circus
6-7 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 20-24
$475/5 days
Cartoon Craze
8-11 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 20-24
$475/5 days
Sculpture & Stone Carving
10-13 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 20-24
$475/5 days
Digital Design
11-17 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 20-24
$500/5 days
Session 4 Art Camps
Extraordinary Habitats
5-6 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 27-July 1
$475/5 days
The Knight’s Quest
6-7 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 27-July 1
$475/5 days
3D World
8-11 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 27-July 1
$475/5 days
Sculpture & Stone Carving
10-13 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 27-July 1
$475/5 days
Digital Design
11-17 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
June 27-July 1
$500/5 days
C O M M U N I T Y S C H O O L O F M U S I C A N D A RT S • S U M M E R 2022 • 650-917-6800 • W W W. A RT S 4 A L L . O R G
S U M M E R S E M E S T E R 2022 • R E G I S T E R AT A RT S 4 A L L . O R G
Session 5 Art Camps
Mix It Up
5-6 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
July 5-8
$380/4 days
Art in Outer Space
6-7 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
July 5-8
$380/4 days
Time Traveler
8-11 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
July 5-8
$380/4 days
Found Object Jewelry
10-13 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
July 5-8
$380/4 days
Session 6 Art Camps
Art of the Imagination
5-6 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
July 11-15
$475/5 days
Forest Explorers
6-7 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
July 11-15
$475/5 days
Building Imagination
8-11 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
July 11-15
$475/5 days
Graphic Novels
10-13 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
July 11-15
$475/5 days
Digital Illustration
11-17 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
July 11-15
$500/5 days
Session 7 Art Camps
Sand, Surf & Sun
5-6 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
July 18-22
$475/5 days
Toon Town
6-7 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
July 18-22
$475/5 days
Watercolor Wonders
8-11 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
July 18-22
$475/5 days
Snail Mail Art
10-13 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
July 18-22
$475/5 days
Digital Illustration
11-17 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
July 18-22
$500/5 days
Session 8 Art Camps
The Book of Me
5-6 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
July 25-29
$475/5 days
Storyland Adventures
6-7 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
July 25-29
$475/5 days
Mythical Creatures
8-11 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
July 25-29
$475/5 days
Drawing Illusions
10-13 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
July 25-29
$475/5 days
PA R A M Á S I N F O R M A C I Ó N S O B R E C LA S E S D E M Ú S I C A Y A RT E , L LA M A A S E R V I C I O A L C L I E N T E , 650-917-6800
R E G I S T E R AT A RT S 4 A L L . O R G • S U M M E R S E M E S T E R 2022
Session 9 Art Camps
Color My World
5-6 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
August 1-5
$475/5 days
Dragon & Fairy Friends
6-7 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
August 1-5
$475/5 days
Drawing with the Masters
8-11 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
August 1-5
$475/5 days
Amazing Art Inventions
10-13 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
August 1-5
$475/5 days
Digital Game Art
11-17 years
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
August 1-5
$500/5 days
New! Ceramics Camps Young ceramicists looking for a summer deep-dive into handbuilding and wheel throwing will love our half-day exploration of clay! Students will enjoy spending time in our spacious, sunny ceramics studio. Clay, tools, glazes and materials are included. All experience levels are welcome in this two-week studio class. • Session A: June 6-17 • Session B: June 20-July 1 • Session C: July 11-22 • Session D: July 25-August 5 For complete camp descriptions and information, scan the QR code or go to
Ceramics Camp
Clay Creations
8-11 years
9:30 AM–12:00 PM
June 6-17
$525/10 days
12-14 years
1:00 PM–3:30 PM
June 6-17
$525/10 days
12-14 years
1:00 PM–3:30 PM
June 20-July 1
$525/10 days
Clay Creations
8-11 years
1:00 PM–3:30 PM
July 11-22
$525/10 days
12-14 years
1:00 PM–3:30 PM
July 25-Aug. 5
$525/10 days
C O M M U N I T Y S C H O O L O F M U S I C A N D A RT S • S U M M E R 2022 • 650-917-6800 • W W W. A RT S 4 A L L . O R G
S U M M E R S E M E S T E R 2022 • R E G I S T E R AT A RT S 4 A L L . O R G
Registration Guidelines and Policies Please note: Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information in this catalog. We regret any errors, omissions and/ or changes that may have occurred after publication. Teachers may change. See for the most up-to-date information.
Transfers: Students may apply for one class transfer per semester. Transfer requests must be made in writing (form available at and you can email it to No transfers or refunds will be approved unless the following conditions are met:
Student Services Office Hours
• All requests must be received no later than three business days after the second class. • Requests are subject to space availability and management approval. • A processing fee of $20 per class/camp/workshop is charged if a
Mon-Fri: 9:00 AM-5:30 PM, Sat: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM 650-917-6800 ext. 0; Registration Deadline Many classes, camps and workshops fill up quickly. We strongly encourage students to enroll at least two weeks prior to the starting date. After first class/camp, enrollments are accepted on a spaceavailable basis only and are also subject to instructor/Program Manager approval. Payment Information
student requests a transfer. Absence A make-up may be scheduled if the missed session is due to teacher absence. Missed classes/camps/workshops due to student absence are not made up.
Students register for a full semester and payment in full is required at the time of registration. There is a $5.00 nonrefundable registration fee. This fee is charged once per semester, per student.
Leaves of Absence: In cases of emergency or serious illness, a leave of absence may be requested. All requests must be accompanied by a doctor’s note and made in writing to the Student Services Staff. If approved, school credit may be given for those absences.
Photo & Video Release Policy
Registration confirmations are emailed. If you do not receive email confirmation of your registration, please contact the Student Services office. (Emails come from
By registering yourself or your child/ren, you give permission for CSMA to: (1) take photographs of you or your children as they participate in CSMA activities; and (2) use, reuse, modify, publish and republish those photographs and any derivative works (“Photos”) in any format or media, including the Internet, for purposes related to CSMA’s mission, including marketing.
Wait List Policy Registrations are processed in the order received. In some cases, students may be waitlisted due to enrollment limits. There is no charge for this service. If registering online, your online shopping cart will indicate if a class is waitlisted. If registering by mail or email, you will be notified by CSMA if a class is waitlisted. You will be notified by CSMA if/when space becomes available. Class/Camp/Workshop Refund Policy
CSMA may use Photos without compensation to you or your children. To opt out of CSMA’s Photo/Video Release Policy, call or visit our Student Services office for assistance. Financial Aid Program
Cancellations: Programs must meet minimum enrollment requirements as determined by CSMA. Full tuition refunds or school credits are given if CSMA cancels a class/camp/workshop. School credits are valid for 12 months from date of issue.
In keeping with our commitment to Arts4All, CSMA offers tuition assistance to qualified students. To the extent funds permit, assistance is available on a sliding-scale basis, based on family size and income. If you wish to apply, please contact our office for the appropriate form, or download them from our website. See page 4 for more information.
Withdrawals: Upon receipt of a Request for Withdrawal Form or email prior to the first class/camp/workshop, Student Services will determine your eligibility for refunds or school credits as follows:
Non-Discrimination Policy
• At least 2 weeks prior to first class/camp/workshop: Full tuition refund less $20 non-refundable processing fee per class/camp/ workshop. • 2 weeks before through 24 hours prior to start of class/camp/ workshop: 50% school credit less $20 non-refundable processing fee per class/camp/workshop. • Day of and after the first class/camp/workshop: No refunds or school credits are given.
Special Needs/Access
CSMA admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, gender identity, sexual orientation or national origin in its educational, admission and financial aid policies or programs.
If you or your child has any special needs, please contact the Student Services Office at 650-917-6800 ext. 0 or via CSMA is committed to accommodating differences so that the arts are accessible to all.
PA R A M Á S I N F O R M A C I Ó N S O B R E C LA S E S D E M Ú S I C A Y A RT E , L LA M A A S E R V I C I O A L C L I E N T E , 650-917-6800
R E G I S T E R AT A RT S 4 A L L . O R G • S U M M E R S E M E S T E R 2022
Programs and Services In-School Programs: Arts are an essential part of a child’s school day. In 2019-20, our Art4Schools and Music4Schools programs provided quality arts education to over 21,000 children in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties. Our in-school programs are taught by professional arts educators as part of the regular school day. Our programs meet California State Educational Standards and are integrated with existing school curriculum. CSMA also offers after-school choruses, music programs and art clubs at partner elementary schools. • Kelsey Rieger, Art4Schools Program Manager; 650-917-6800 ext. 341; • Cullen Blain, Music4Schools Program Manager; 650-917-6800 ext. 307; Corporate Arts Programs: CSMA offers music and art programs to local employees at their workplace. Programs include private music lessons, group music classes and visual arts programs. For more information, please contact: • Kyle Jubenville, Corporate Arts Program Manager; 650-917-6800 ext. 309; Special Needs Program: As part of CSMA’s commitment to Arts4All, we provide classes to students from Gatepath, Abilities United and Morgan Autism Center. Taught by our professional faculty, weekly classes provide hands-on experiences in a supportive environment to meet the special needs of these students. Facility Rentals: Finn Center provides an outstanding venue for small-scale performances, presentations and recitals in Tateuchi Hall. For more information, please contact: • Concert Hall and Rental Manager; 650-917-6800 ext. 312
COVID-19 Safety Precautions As you join us for lessons and classes this year, please be aware that CSMA has a mandatory vaccination policy for onsite staff and faculty. If an employee qualifies for an exemption as defined by federal and state law, they follow weekly testing protocols. 99% of staff and faculty are vaccinated at this time.
Please visit for the latest safety precautions prior to attending classes, camps, workshops and other CSMA events at Finn Center.
All programs will meet or exceed all current standards issued by the Santa Clara County Public Health Department, State of California and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Masks may be required depending on current health guidance. Please see our website for up-to-date information.
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation!
C O M M U N I T Y S C H O O L O F M U S I C A N D A RT S • S P R I N G 2022 • 650-917-6800 • W W W. A RT S 4 A L L . O R G
Founded in 1968, Community School of Music and Arts is Northern California’s largest nonprofit provider of arts education programs. At CSMA, we are committed to Arts4All! We believe that everyone should have access to an arts education. Our music and art programs inspire students of all ages, skill levels and backgrounds. We offer tuition assistance for qualified applicants. For more information, visit
F I N N C E N T E R , 230 S A N A N T O N I O C I R C L E M O U N T A I N V I E W, C A 94040