Arts & Business Corporate Brochure

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Where culture and commerce connect


“This small book will give you some big ideas about how the private sector and the arts can work together. “Our role is to turn these ideas into great partnerships of lasting value.” Colin Tweedy Chief Executive Arts & Business



Arts & Business sparks new partnerships between commerce and culture. We connect companies and individuals to cultural organisations and provide the expertise and insight for them to prosper together.



“We believe that arts and culture have enormous potential for engaging with business and its people. Working with Arts & Business and our arts partners isn’t merely about philanthropy. It helps us attract and retain the most talented employees and improves our creative thinking.” David R Adair Head of Community Affairs PricewaterhouseCoopers



We are Arts & Business We forge partnerships that pay dividends, commercially and culturally. Culture breeds creativity and innovation, which we believe, now more than ever, are vital components of any successful business. As art and culture become increasingly present in people’s lives, and businesses look for more meaningful ways to engage with consumers, the arts can help drive commercial innovation, restore trust and maintain brand loyalty.


We believe the rewards of investing in culture are many. The return on investment through the partnerships we help to bring about build brand equity, motivate staff, inspire creativity, engage stakeholders, strengthen communities, win column inches and push cultural boundaries. We work with all art forms and all fields of business. Together, our 500 Business Members and 1100 Arts Members form our Business Network, the UK’s largest meeting place for the arts and business.


For businesses, we forge partnerships of real value by providing a unique combination of cultural expertise, market intelligence and dynamic networks.



“The vitality of the visual and performing arts adds a crucial spark to all of our lives. “The Arts & Business network of members, plus its vital insight and evaluation, support our strategy of building long-term cultural partnerships and promoting creativity, to enhance the social and economic fabric of the UK.” Des Violaris Director, UK Arts & Culture BP



Our services for business Business Consultancy Our flexible consultancy services have helped shape the success of many leading businesses including American Express, Aston Business School, Old Mutual and many more. Building successful, inspiring and innovative partnerships is what drives and motivates us. We work hard to make every project unique, distinct and true to the aspirations of each partner, whether it is a one-off cultural branding project or a longterm sustained relationship.

Business Membership More than 500 member companies, from local businesses to global brands such as BP, Sky and Deutsche Bank, draw on our services and insights to create rewarding and inspiring cultural partnerships. They receive the latest market intelligence and research, networking opportunities and strategic support to help maximise the return on their investment.

With more than 30 years’ experience, we have an intimate understanding of what it takes to deliver successful collaborations, including assessing your company’s existing activity with culture or mapping out and delivering a cultural strategy. We can also advise businesses on getting the most out of their boards using arts-based training, or creating an inspiring workplace through our contemporary visual art commissioning and exhibition service.



“At Prudential, we believe in developing our people, so learning and development, and helping our employees to reach their full potential, are at the heart of our business. “Arts & Business has worked with us on bespoke and innovative training programmes that have been invaluable to our organisation and positively impacted on performance at all levels.� Helen Ellis Head of Corporate Responsibility and Community Relations Prudential UK & Europe



For philanthropists, we bring knowledge, networking opportunities and support services to the business of individual giving.



“Individual endeavour is a bedrock of our national life and Arts & Business is focusing more and more to ensure that philanthropy continues to develop.� HRH The Prince of Wales



Our services for individuals For more than 20 years Arts & Business has been working with individuals on their personal engagement with the arts. From placing business people on the boards of arts organisations, through to working with the Government and advising on giving tax efficiently, our experience gives us a clear lead in developing this important source of knowledge and income for the arts. We also recognise the commitment that philanthropy demands. So, together with our President, HRH The Prince of Wales, we are proud to celebrate the work of leading philanthropists with The Prince of Wales Medal for Arts Philanthropy.


Culture House With our extensive knowledge of the cultural sector in the UK (and abroad, through our international networks), we are able to provide individuals who wish to develop their cultural philanthropy with bespoke advice on how they can make the most impact with their money. Members of Culture House can also enjoy a unique series of private cultural events that will broaden and deepen their engagement in and enjoyment of the arts.


“What excites me about Culture House is that you get to see and feel the passion and enthusiasm of real people.” Akram Khan Dancer & Choreographer Akram Khan – Juliette Binoche and Akram Khan, ‘In-I’ Photographer: Marianne Rosenstiehl



For arts organisations seeking partnerships with business, we are the leading source of learning and development opportunities, tailored fundraising advice and resources.



Our services for the arts Arts Consultancy More than 30 years’ experience of the arts sponsorship marketplace has made Arts & Business the first port of call for information, research and advice on private funding and partnerships in the cultural sector. We are uniquely qualified to advise and train cultural organisations in developing income streams and building partnerships with individuals, trusts, foundations and businesses. And we provide information, training and guidance on all sources of voluntary income generation for arts organisations across the cultural spectrum.

Arts Membership More than 1100 arts and cultural organisations benefit from being part of our community, driving discussion and promoting best practice in fundraising. Our members include individuals working in fundraising and development for cultural organisations across the UK, from small local theatres to international art galleries, museums, orchestras and film companies.

Bottom image: LABAN – Youth Dance at Laban. Photographer: Belinda Lawley



“Arts & Business plays a crucial role in Britain’s arts community, helping to build creative alliances between the private sector and arts organisations across the country. “The private sector is providing vital investment and expertise that is enabling artists and arts institutions to flourish and excel, and I applaud this strong commitment to social responsibility.” George Osborne MP Trustee Arts & Business



Making an impact A hard act to follow: NoFit State Circus and Paul Ralley Appointed to the board of NoFit State Circus under the Arts & Business Board Bank programme, Paul Ralley helped transform the circus from near bankruptcy to the UK’s leading contemporary circus company with an international reputation. Using his business acumen and experience, Paul set in place a framework that enabled the fast-growing arts organisation to gain a new lease of life.

NoFit State’s objectives: • To determine if NoFit State was able to continue trading through its commercial wing • To employ Paul’s expertise to help translate NoFit State’s creative ideas into financially viable plans and provide staff with advice on financial management.

Paul’s objectives: • To gain experience of negotiation skills, marketing and the performance management of executive directors

The impact: • Through the Board Bank placement, Paul learned to negotiate and prioritise more effectively and gained a valuable insight into the internal dynamics of an arts organisation

• To learn about public funding, cultural and education policies, charity law, accounting, the workings of the Welsh Assembly Government and the art of prioritisation.

• The 180 hours of Paul’s business experience and advice given over a two-year period were crucial to the organisation’s rescue and transformation • The introduction of new financial systems enabled the circus to double its turnover within 18 months • NoFit State now possesses the financial and business skills to match its creative vision and talent.

Paul Ralley, Nofit State Circus Photo: Brian Griffin



Making an impact A canny investment: Scottish Widows and Arts@Work When investment, insurance and pensions giant Scottish Widows was looking for fresh, innovative ideas to activate its corporate social responsibility strategy, it came to Arts & Business for inspiration. Following our recommendation, the company appointed a specialist arts project manager to develop the Arts@Work programme, aimed at engaging the company’s 4000 Edinburgh employees through arts-based initiatives. Arts@Work aimed to bring creativity into a sector which is by nature risk averse, traditional and conservative. It was founded on the idea that a happier, more creative and committed staff equals better business and, potentially, more satisfied customers. It is at heart a people development project, programming a wide variety of arts and cultural events for staff to access at whatever level they wish. Objectives: • To extend and deepen Scottish Widows’ staff’s engagement with the arts in line with the company’s corporate social responsibility strategy

The impact: • The arts project manager’s skills were used to facilitate staff meetings and away days to encourage creativity and team-building • Arts & Business’ evaluation demonstrates that Arts@Work has provided ‘personal development benefits’ to 68% of employees and impacted greatly on their attitudes, behaviour, skills and business competitiveness • Almost 60% of staff reported that the programme increased their job satisfaction, pride and confidence, and made them more likely to recommend Scottish Widows as an employer • The project yielded a model for arts-based initiatives that Arts & Business is now replicating successfully with other businesses.

• To improve staff performance

Ann McCluskey at Scottish Widows


• To increase employment satisfaction and inspire creativity within the organisation.

This project was stimulated through an investment from Arts & Business. These investment programmes are only available in Scotland, Northern Ireland & Wales


Making an impact Banking on the Future: Lloyds TSB Commercial Finance When Lloyds TSB Commercial Finance (LTSBCF) was looking for an innovative approach to its marketing it turned to Arts & Business for support. Aiming to stand out in the commercial finance marketplace, the company had already begun to use artistic imagery to ‘lift’ its direct marketing communications but recognised that it could be even more creative. Arts & Business suggested developing an annual student art prize in which the winning student’s work became the central image for a LTSBCF marketing and advertising campaign.

Objectives: • To enhance LTSBCF’s reputation with its customers through memorable advertising and marketing campaigns

By its third year, 2009, the competition attracted in excess of 500 entries with students from art colleges across the UK participating in a series of regional heats. Arts & Business established the competition for LTSBCF and now plays an advisory role, sourcing judges, liaising with art colleges and making recommendations on developing the competition each year.

The impact: • The creation of original artwork for use in advertising campaigns

• To create a series of eye-catching events to entertain clients and prospects • To demonstrate a commitment to new student talent • To build a strong profile in the trade/ business press.

• Greater recognition within the company’s target audience: LTSBCF now commands the highest brand awareness in its market • A 40% increase in new client numbers following the first competition • High take-up of invitations to events and positive feedback from clients • Increased press coverage, boosting LTSBCF’s profile.

1st, Olga Grotova 2nd, Christopher Chun Yat Ho 3rd, Richard Partridge



Making an impact Craft comeback: American Express and UK craft businesses There is nothing more satisfying than developing a project that has a resonance and impact far beyond the client’s initial expectations. So it is with Crafted, a programme of expert mentoring and business support that Arts & Business has developed for American Express in partnership with the Walpole Group.

Objectives: • To increase the business understanding and capabilities of up to 12 craft businesses

American Express wanted to find a practical way of addressing the rapid decline of traditional craft skills, a cause that would be backed by leaders within the luxury sector both in the UK and across the globe, many of whom are reliant on the skills of artisan workers.

• To raise awareness and debate around the decline of traditional craft skills and promote the need for new, more entrepreneurial mindsets that will allow traditional crafts to flourish

Twelve craft businesses will receive the benefit of expert support from business leaders including Bill Amberg and Robert Ettinger. Companies supporting the project include the Maybourne Group, Liberty and Dunhill. Through advocacy, PR and a dedicated Crafted website ( we aim to raise awareness of the importance of these valuable craft skills and present craft in an exciting, fresh and contemporary way.

• To match the craft businesses with expert mentors from the craft and luxury goods sector who can expand their ambitions and horizons

• To improve the links between the luxury goods industry and craft entrepreneurs. The impact: • Traditional skills will be preserved through increased entrepreneurship • Perceptions of crafts will be modernised and improved • The business prospects of the supported businesses will be improved • The craft businesses’ learning and experience of the project will be shared through social networks and user-generated content.

Soane Britain workshops, bespoke English furniture. Photographer: Phil Sharp



“For businesses that engage effectively with culture, the reciprocal economic and organisational returns are immense.� Tom Wilcox Managing Director Whitechapel Gallery



Find out how working with Arts & Business can transform your brand, inspire staff, build new business or help you give to the arts. We’d love to work with you.


Visit our website to find the Arts & Business office in your region. Website: Email: Telephone: 020 7378 8143


Accessibility All Arts & Business publications are available in large print, audio and braille formats upon request. Please contact the marketing department.

President HRH The Prince of Wales

Telephone: 020 7378 8143 Email:

Head Office Nutmeg House 60 Gainsford Street Butlers Wharf London SE1 2NY

Chief Executive Colin Tweedy

Telephone: 020 7378 8143 Email: Website:

Arts & Business is supported by 500 businesses, 1100 arts organisations and by:

Arts & Business Cymru is supported by:

For contact details of our regional offices please visit our website.

Arts & Business Limited is a charity registered in England & Wales (274040) and in Scotland (SC039470), and a registered company limited by guarantee (England 1317772). It trades through Arts & Business Services Limited, a registered company limited by shares (England 4027285). VAT number 629018442. Member of CEREC (Comité européen pour le rapprochement de l’economie et de la culture)

Photography unless otherwise credited: James Deavin


Paper: Mohawk Options PC100 • 100% Recycled • FSC • Carbon Neutral • Manufactured using wind power

Arts & Business Scotland is supported by:

Arts & Business Northern Ireland is supported by:



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