Because of Arts NC State

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where the arts are for everyone



a great story We use stories to teach and to learn. To connect with ourselves and with others. And to explain ourselves and our ideas. Since joining Arts NC State in 2015, I have heard many great stories from students, alumni, and friends of Arts NC State. Stories of joy, challenge, and inspiration. More than once, I’ve heard the words, “The arts saved my life.” Here, we believe in the artist within everyone. Enclosed in these pages are stories of support for the six visual and performing arts programs of NC State University. I hope they will inspire you to create your own story with your support for Arts NC State. With your support, we can grow our programs, broaden our access, and maintain financial sustainability. Join us. Because of Arts NC State. Where the arts are for everyone. RICH HOLLY, Executive Director for the Arts


Rich Holly leads a drumming class with students Rebekah Middleton ‘19, Rahul Bhat ‘21, and Kristen Lovell ‘19. PHOTO BY BECKY KIRKLAND 3

The Nile Project’s weeklong residency at NC State culminated in NileFEST, a free outdoor concert and celebration. Here, artist Dare Coulter ‘15 works on a mural with community children. PHOTO BY BECKY KIRKLAND



because of nc state When you excel in science and math, you come to NC State. That’s what Mitchell Moravec ‘18 believed. As a first-year student, Mitchell lived in the University Scholars’ Living and Learning Village. There he learned about Arts NC State and quickly became a regular audience member at performances across campus and in the greater Raleigh community. His involvement led to a leadership opportunity when Mitchell was appointed to the Arts NC State Board of Advisors as one of its student representatives. As a board member, Mitchell learned about the importance of giving to the arts and chose (while still a student!) to support the John C. McIlwee Theatre Endowment.

The arts were not something I necessarily “did” before NC State. I arrived very STEM-resourced and oriented, but I had the underlying personality of being creative with solutions and thinking critically. The arts and science together, as I came to understand, provide different but equally valuable ways to think creatively and critically about the world.  – MITCHELL MORAVEC ‘18

Campaign priority: Artist Residencies Artist residencies allow students and artists to learn from one another and to create together in sustained, immersive ways. Arts NC State programs actively work with professional artists who are passionate about both creating and teaching. They engage our entire community, forging unforgettable partnerships between NC State and the worldwide community of artists. These experiences can only become regular parts of Arts NC State’s programming through significant investments of private support. 5


because of  the arts In April 2017, Claire Hider BS ‘17, MS ‘18, entered her artwork in the Student Art Sale, held each April in Talley Student Union. After the sale, Claire was surprised to learn that she was the first recipient of the Visual Artist Award. With the award came recognition and a financial prize. But it also came with an opportunity to forge a relationship with an important presence in the Triangle art world: Roxanne Hicklin, the longtime Director of Art & Scenic Operations at SAS and the donor behind the Visual Artist Award. Roxanne was so delighted with the selection of Claire’s work that she purchased two of her paintings: one for her home and one to be displayed on the SAS campus (alongside its internationally known art collection). Claire even got to visit SAS, hand-deliver her painting, and receive a tour. Winning the award has, perhaps most importantly, given Claire the motivation to succeed as an artist and a young professional. Whether or not Claire chooses to pursue 6

Student artwork is displayed in Talley Student Union as part of the 2018 Student Art Sale. PHOTO BY VIKI REDDING

the arts professionally (her degrees are in textile design and management), she is now an award-winning artist with artwork in a major corporate collection. The generosity of Roxanne Hicklin, as both a donor and a mentor, made those unforgettable experiences possible.

Campaign Priority: Technology NC State is a hub for technology and innovation. Creativity is required for innovation. And where better for students like Claire to learn and hone creative skills than in the arts? Arts NC State seeks to reflect the university’s think and do ethos by offering leading-edge technology to members of the campus and local communities. We envision digital workstations for the Department of Music, a high-tech makerspace within the Crafts Center, among other exciting projects. Private giving will turn these ideas into realities. And financial support will help turn NC State students into creative, engaged, and bold thinkers who can use technology creatively to solve problems and improve lives. 7

Brenda Brickhouse ‘80 studies a Herb Jackson painting during the grand opening of the new Gregg Museum of Art & Design. PHOTO BY BECKY KIRKLAND

Campaign priority: Equipment Take an extra-close look next time you visit a Gregg Museum of Art & Design exhibition or attend an Arts NC State performance. So much surrounds you— lights, sounds, staging—and all of those things are vital to your experience. In 2017/18, the Gregg Museum mounted a solo exhibition of paintings by Herb Jackson titled, A Door is not a Window. Each painting was illuminated by special lights that rendered them luminous, like stained glass windows. That lighting was made possible by a gift from the Wells Fargo Foundation. Investments in equipment create opportunities for us to produce and present art in new, compelling, and unexpected ways.



because of our community Did you know?  The Crafts Center is one of the largest of its kind in the nation and serves – in addition to current students – over 1,000 community patrons each year.  The Gregg Museum of Art & Design charges no admission and most of its programs are free and open to the public.  LIVE@Lake Raleigh, an outdoor concert series presented by NC State LIVE and Visit Centennial, is free and family-friendly.  University Theatre’s summer TheatreFEST series employs community actors, designers, and technicians who, in turn, mentor NC State students.  The Department of Music hosts summer camps for middle and high school students who want to develop their musical talents.  The NC State Dance Program offers a multitude of free master classes throughout the academic year for the campus community.

A Community Partnership In 2015, the Gregg Museum was awarded a competitive grant from the Wake County Board of Commissioners. Commissioner Sig Hutchinson explains why the Gregg got his vote and why everyone should support the arts in their community.

Successful communities attract and retain creative people. Creative people live and love the arts. Whatever you love about our community, the arts make it better. Whatever you love about NC State, the arts make it better. The arts speak to our souls and help us see the world in different ways. They add beauty and design to everything we do. A gift to Arts NC State is a gift to your community. – SIG HUTCHINSON, Wake County Commissioner 9


because of education Violinist Isaac Stern said, “Music is what happens between the notes.” Sometimes, education is what happens between classes, between semesters, between the spring and fall. For Madison Johnson ‘20, the summer of 2018 brought a new opportunity to learn as a student at the American Dance Festival (ADF) in Durham, NC. Madison is a member of the NCSU Dance Company and arrived at ADF expecting to meet and learn from great dancers and choreographers. What she did not anticipate was how meeting people from all over the world, learning about their life experiences, cultures, and languages would broaden how she views her place in the world. Madison came away from her ADF experience dreaming of where she could travel, whom she could meet, and what languages she could learn. Madison received a scholarship to attend ADF; she would not have been able to participate without it. Her indelible experience was made possible by the generosity of others.

Campaign Priority: Student Travel Madison Johnson’s story is familiar to anyone who has followed a passion, traveled, or collaborated with people of different backgrounds. Off-campus opportunities lead to unforgettable experiences, but they can be prohibitively expensive for students, many of whom are already struggling to meet their on-campus tuition and living expense obligations. Donors can help equalize access to student travel with their support. Giving enriches students personally and professionally, as they will be required to think globally and engage with people and ideas from all around the world throughout their careers.

Staton Michaels ‘19 performs in the spring 2018 Jazz Ensemble I concert. PHOTO BY ROBERT DAVEZAC

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Inspired by NC State’s Memorial Belltower, students practice raku pottery firing at the Crafts Center. PHOTO BY GEORGE THOMAS


create your story Think and Do the Extraordinary: The Campaign for NC State The Think and Do the Extraordinary Campaign is the most ambitious fundraising effort in NC State history, with a goal of $1.6 billion in private support. The campaign launched in 2016 and will conclude in 2021. All gifts made to Arts NC State count toward the campaign.

Secure Arts NC State’s future: Create your named endowment Endowed gifts provide lasting, reliable sources of funding and help ensure that programs can continue in perpetuity. Endowments can either be unrestricted or restricted. For example, you could choose to establish an endowment that supports all of the arts programs, subject to the executive director’s discretion. You may also establish an endowed scholarship that provides a financial award to students. Or, you may choose to support a particular program or initiative, such as student travel.

Improve Arts NC State’s present: Make a one-time campaign gift One-time campaign gifts to provide special equipment or technology, for example, are also necessary to growing Arts NC State. Commitments toward equipment, technology, and other initiatives will heighten the experiences and opportunities of all participants in Arts NC State’s programs. Gifts can be financed a number of ways that can be advantageous for you, including pledges paid over multiple years and planned estate commitments.

Learn more about making a campaign gift by contacting the Arts NC State development office at (919) 513-4101. 13


Crafts Center

Dance Program

Gregg Museum of Art & Design

Department of Music


University Theatre


our six programs Crafts Center Open to campus and the community, the Crafts Center provides hands-on, immersive, lifelong learning skills. Focus areas include clay, wood, jewelry, lapidary, mixed media, photography, glass, and fibers. Students and patrons from all disciplines, backgrounds, and skill sets find a welcoming, supportive, and creative home here.

Dance Program This nationally recognized program educates, empowers, and inspires NC State student dancers and choreographers to find and express their creative voice.

Gregg Museum of Art & Design A collecting and exhibiting museum with over 35,000 objects, the Gregg makes art accessible to the NC State community and public. It’s the museum of NC State University, where objects spark ideas – and admission is always free.

Department of Music NC State Music provides educational opportunities for student and community participants through a variety of ensembles and courses, and offers both Music Minor and Arts Entrepreneurship Minor curricula. The department also serves as a cultural resource for the university and the greater community through numerous performances and presentations.

NC State LIVE NC State LIVE has established a regional and national reputation for presenting a professional performing arts season of the highest artistic excellence, connecting artists and audiences in a meaningful exploration of the diverse cultures and issues that define our communities and world.

University Theatre Open to all NC State students, regardless of major, University Theatre’s mission is to provide quality theatrical, artistic, and practical experiences for the students and larger campus as well as Triangle communities. 15

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Daniela Patino-Zabaleta ‘21, Audra Chenoweth ‘20, and Lauren Monroe ‘21 perform in the Panoramic Dance Project dance company’s spring 2018 concert. PHOTO BY JILLIAN CLARK

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