ARTSeast June 2016

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ARTSeast June 2016

Summer at Norwich Cathedral: Walks, Music, Shakespeare & Spoken Word


Interview: Michael Pennington

Tickets and a meal

Local Arts Scene: North Norfolk

Visual Arts

eatre & Film


Eating Out

What’s On

Diss Auction Rooms - Art every Friday

The Gallery Sale Saturday 9 July 2016, Viewing: Thurs 7 July 2-8pm, Fri 8 July 10-6pm & Saleday from 8.30am Contact James Bassam for details ta Also

Modern Design Saturday 30 July 2016, Viewing: Thurs 28 July 2-8pm, Fri 29 July 10-6pm & Saleday from 8.30am Contact James Bassam for details

Diss Auction Rooms, Roydon Road, Diss, Norfolk IP22 4LN 01379 650 306 2 |

British Art Show 8 Norwich University of the Arts Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery 24 June - 4 September 2016 A Hayward Touring exhibition organised in collaboration with the galleries in Leeds, Edinburgh, Norwich and Southampton

Mikhail Karikis, Children of Unquiet, 2013-14 (production still) Š and courtesy the artist.

June 2016 | 3




8 Welcome


What’s On


14 Theatre & Film News

32 Ely Folk Festival

15 Fisher Theatre Competition


Editor’s Letter

Festival Round-Up

Cover Story

16 Theatre Royal Norwich


17 Norwich Playhouse Gyles Brandreth

Local Arts Scene

19 Mary Poppins – Behind the Scenes

34 North Norfolk Photos

Visual Arts

20-21 The Arts Council

35 North Norfolk Introduction

8-9 Visual Arts News

22-23 Coffee & a Chat – Michael Pennington

37 Yorke Trust Competition

Norwich Cathedral

10 Artists On View

39 Spotlight on Helen Herbert

11 Artist Profile – Jason Avery

40 Win a meal at The Thornham Deli

12 Lavenham Arts Festival 13 Alan Kitching – A life in Letterpress

27 34

Music 24 Wymondham Music Festival/ Shubert Festival


41 The Last Photo

26 Aldeburgh Festival

42 Directory

27 Simply Red Competition

43 Subscription/Competition Winners

Food & Drink 28 Food review: East Hills Café Bistro 31 Norwich Food & Drink Festival/ Taste of Sudbury

4 |

Towards the Back

25 Music News



Publishers Gary Enderby & Sarah Veness

Welcome to the June issue of

In the year of the 400th anniversary of

ARTSeast Magazine.

Shakespeare's death, this is one not to be missed.

At long last summer is here, and there are many

Our local arts scene feature takes a look at the

fantastic festivals and outdoor productions taking

popular North Norfolk region which is awash with

place up and down our region. This month sees

top-class galleries, performance venues and

the fantastic Aldeburgh Music Festival taking

festivals. With stunning beaches, quaint seaside

place in and around Snape Maltings and the

towns, big skies and a wealth of wildlife, North

excellent Forest Live concert series returns to

Norfolk is seen by many as the jewel in the

Thetford Forest.

county's crown.

Our cover feature this month focuses on the

This month we have some great competitions for

cultural events taking place at Norwich Cathedral

you including tickets to see Simply Red live in

this summer including poetry, music, theatre and

Thetford Forest, tickets to a live screening of

informative walks. The Cathedral is at the heart

Romeo & Juliet at The Fisher Theatre, Bungay,

of the fine city of Norwich and offers both

concert tickets from the Yorke Trust and afternoon

residents and tourists alike a packed and exciting

tea for two at the sumptuous Thornham Deli.

programme of events.

For now, sit back and enjoy our latest issue and,

For our coffee and chat feature we caught up

as ever, if you have any suggestions please do

with respected actor Michael Pennington ahead

get in touch.

Cambridge Arts Theatre this month.

ARTSeast Magazine DBH 21-22 Diss Business Park Hopper Way, Diss Norfolk IP22 4GT follow us @artseastmag

Editor’s Letter

of his performance as King Lear at the


Sarah Veness Editor

Editorial Sarah Veness 01379 773348 Advertising Gary Enderby 01379 773347 Karen Johnson 01379 773349 Accounts Design Copy Concept 01379 608358 Contributor Lucy Johnston Distribution Melvyn Veness Tim Walken Printed by: Town & Country Printers Published by Falcon Publications

June 2016 | 5

Visual Arts

New English Art Club Annual Open exhibition

The Divers – Walberswick by Peter Baldwin

Open 16-25 June 2016 10am to 5pm daily (closes 1pm on final day)

The Mall Galleries The Mall (nr Trafalgar Square), London SW1 Tel: 020 7930 6844

Op en all al l Open yyear! ea r !

e Fr e


membe rs

Sunday 26th June

oo No need to b


ed udeed nccllud IInc dee n in i n garrdden y. nntrry. eent

family. wildlife activities for all t he www .fairha Just off off the A47 halfway between Norwich and Great Yarmouth Yarmouth at NR13 6DZ


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Cover Story

Norwich Cathedral: A Cultural Hub Famed as a beautiful centre of worship in the heart of the city, Norwich Cathedral is also home to a rich and varied cultural programme. This summer, the Cathedral offers up an eclectic mix of music, theatre, poetry, art and culture. From Friday 17th to Sunday 19th June, Norwich's Cathedral Quarter will be celebrated with a series of free walks telling the story of the city's oldest quarter through time. Seven expert

In the year that marks the 400th anniversary of William

guides will lead seven different walks, each with a different

Shakespeare's death, the Cathedral is hosting a beautiful open-

theme including medieval churches, pubs and the historic

air version of Much Ado About Nothing on July 15th and 16th

characters who shaped the area. These walks are perfect for

(7pm). This much-loved comedy has an all male cast with

both visitors to the area or Norwich residents who'd like a

Elizabethan costume, music and dance and promises to be a

glimpse into the rich history of their fine city

very special weekend (

( On July 23rd (7.30pm), the Cathedral comes alive once again for a night of exceptional poetry and music at the hands of Poetry Slam Champion Harry Baker. Joined by musician Chris Read, the evening includes solo sets from both men before the two join forces to perform their new show which will take them to this year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Get ready for The following weekend, on June 25th (7.30pm), music lovers

award-winning words about life

are invited to a concert of Handel's Coronation Anthems

decisions, limousines and fat

performed by the Norwich Cathedral Chamber Choir and

bumblebees alongside some

Norwich Baroque. Conducted by Master of Music Ashley Grote,

seriously soulful sounds. With the

this will be a joyous celebration of music with a Royal flavour.

doors opening early at 6.30 -

Handel was commissioned to write music for the Coronation of

weather permitting - guests are

King George II in 1727 and his four Coronation Anthems are the

welcome to bring a picnic and

result. The most famous of the four is 'Zadok the Priest', which

sample the delights of the

has been sung at every Coronation since 1727. The concert

pop-up bar

also includes 'Come, ye Sons of Art' by Purcell, composed in


1694 in honour of Queen Mary II's birthday.

Cover image: Norwich Cathedral

June 2016 | 7

Visual Arts

Visual Arts News

First Exhibition for Exciting Suffolk Sculptor Graphic designer Anne Steel has been collecting broken pieces

Award for Suffolk Glassmaker

of jewellery for many years and has now begun making a series of unique creatures – mostly birds and animals, made

Laura Hart from Sudbury is 'absolutely delighted' after being

entirely from her collection of broken jewellery. Each piece is a

awarded gold in the glass category of Craft & Design magazine,

one off and can take months or even years to make as Anne

Selected Maker Awards 2016.

often has to wait until she can find the right shaped piece to

'Laura Hart seeks to represent

complete the design. Some of the designs use very old, antique

fauna and flora in order to record

pieces of fine gold and silver as well as semi precious stones.

and highlight the plight of

Anne will be hosting her first exhibition as part of the Aldeburgh

species that are likely to

Art Trail held to coincide with the Aldeburgh Festival, on the last

become extinct,' explains judge

3 weekends of June. Her exhibition will be at 4 Thellusson

Terry Brett, owner of York’s

Lodge, Church walk Aldeburgh, IP15 5DT along with Suffolk

Pyramid Gallery. 'Her aim is to

artist Lamorna Goodon on the weekends of 11th&12th, 18th

reproduce the butterfly or

&19th and 25th &26th June. To see more examples of her

orchid accurately and convincingly and in this respect

work please visit

she has learnt every technique necessary to achieve her goal. In conjunction with silver (used for the spindly limbs), glass lends itself to this task in ways that no other medium could. Laura’s art relies on her knowledge and experimentation and skill to make the material replicate the experience of looking at the subject. By painstakingly reproducing the subject that she is observing, Laura has created glass sculptures that are intriguing, beautiful and highly cherishable. In doing so she also achieves her aim of adding her voice to the protest at the loss of these precious species.'

Two Major Exhibitions for Norwich 20 Group Norwich 20 Group (N20G) is staging two major exhibitions at The Forum and The Undercroft (below the War Memorial) in Norwich during July. Eastern Horizons at The Forum, from July 4th-15th will feature work by more than 60 artists including paintings, sculptures, limited edition prints, digital art, moving images and installations. N20G members will be present every day, between 10am and 6pm, to talk to visitors about their art. The show will feature work by recent Norwich University of the Arts graduates, who are invited to join the group for a year, participate at meetings and exhibit alongside the members. Never Mind the B****** Art Show Here’s The 20 Group is at The Undercroft from Tuesday july 26th to August 7th, open daily 12 - 5pm. This is the third N20G exhibition in The Undercroft and will feature work by more than 40 artists, with art in a variety of media made especially for this huge space.

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Visual Arts

Cambridge Contemporary Art Exhibition Calling all Sculptors

Cambridge contemporary art is delighted to launch a new

Suffolk artists are invited to submit their ideas for a special

exhibition with prints and paintings by Brenda Hartill,

celebratory sculpture, to be displayed in the gardens of Care

sculptures by Illona Morrice and ceramics by Lara Scobie.

UK’s Glastonbury Court in Bury St Edmunds. The sculpture will

The exhibition runs until June 19th. Brenda Hartill is an

be a permanent outdoor centrepiece at Glastonbury Court,

innovative British painter and printmaker based in East

the tenth and final new care home to open in the county, and

Sussex. Her work explores the texture, pattern and light of

will be enjoyed by residents, colleagues and visitors for years

landscape and condenses these qualities in richly

to come. In addition to the main sculpture, the artist will also

coloured and textured images, often enhanced with silver

be asked to create a small token or element of the main

and gold leaf. Like Brenda Hartill, sculptor Illona Morrice

sculpture that will be located in the other nine Suffolk Care UK

takes her inspiration from the landscape that surrounds

homes. Artists will need to submit their ideas by July 31st. The

her. Living by the sea on the Moray coast in Scotland,

winning design will be chosen by a judging panel and

Illona uses the rock, stones and wildlife on the beach and

announced in September, ready for the finished sculpture to

in the mountains as a source of creativity. Lara Scobie is a

be unveiled in the gardens at Glastonbury Court in January

ceramicist based in Edinburgh whose work is

2017. Care UK will provide funding of up to £10,000 for the

predominantly concerned with the dynamic interplay

winning artist to create and install their sculpture. To find out

between form and pattern. This is explored through the

more go to

cohesive integration of drawing, surface mark making and


King's Lynn Tornado Art Trail A walking “arts trail” around King’s Lynn will display model Tornado aircraft this summer. Following on from last year’s very successful Spitfire trail, the Tornado trail will showcase Lynn’s historic centre, and celebrate RAF Marham’s 100th anniversary. Organised by the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk and the 42F (King’s Lynn) Squadron Air Training Corps, the trail will be one of RAF Marham’s ‘100 events’ of 2016.Each model is sponsored by local businesses, organisations and individuals who then decorate the plane as they choose. The trail runs from June 2nd to September with some of the planes being auctioned off after that to raise funds for charity.

June 2016 | 9


ON VIEW Delia Tournay-Godfrey New Paintings

Aldeburgh Cinema Gallery 51 High Street, Aldeburgh, Suffolk IP15 5AU 11th - 26th June 2016 | Open daily 10 am - 5 pm (closing 1 pm on last day) | 07790 296158

Nicola Slattery Painter and Printmaker

Art Courses

01986 788853


Picture Framing Service &


Mirrors 8F NBLF GSBNFT UP ýU ZPVS &NCSPJEFSJFT t 0JMT t 8BUFSDPMPVST t 1PTUFST t .FEBMT t 1IPUPT &UD Wills Yard, Chapel Street, Diss, Norfolk. Tel (01379) 644968

C u r we n Print Study C e n t re

EXCELLENCE IS A FINE ART Courses for artists of all abilities and ages 2015 Printmaking brochure out now NEW 01223 892380 01223 892380

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Visual Arts

Artist Profile: Jason Avery

Renowned for his beautiful landscape photography, Jason Avery is making quite a name for himself both locally and further afield. Yet unbelievably, just five years ago, Jason had never picked up a camera for anything more than a holiday snap. 'Ten years ago I was struck down with ME and my life changed overnight,' says Jason. 'I went from being an active retail manager with three children and a busy family life to someone who struggled to even walk down stairs.' Then, five years ago, Jason was walking past a camera shop with his wife Annalise and felt the urge to pop in. 'I've no idea why but it just seemed the right thing to do,' says Jason. 'I knew nothing about cameras but I had ÂŁ70 in my pocket and walked out with one.' Back home, Jason started taking photos in his back garden and was instantly hooked. 'I fell in love with photography that very day and found a purpose again after feeling lost for so long,' says Jason. 'From that day on I devoured every photography book going and managed to start learning from my mistakes.' Soon, friends and family began praising his work. 'Despite my confidence going down the drain, they managed to persuade me to show my photos to a local gallery in Saxmundham who agreed to take my work on,' says Jason. 'It was an amazing feeling.'

It wasn't long before Jason had his first exhibition in a barn on a local Alpaca Farm. 'I was terrified but lots of people showed up and I sold my first piece,' he said. Since then, Jason has exhibited at major galleries including at Snape Maltings. 'Quite a few people with ME have been to see my exhibitions and I love being able to show them that you can do something amazing with your life despite the diagnosis,' says Jason. Nine months ago, Jason opened his own gallery in Halesworth and business is going well. He takes commissions and bespoke work and also works commercially for businesses. 'I love my job,' smiles Jason. 'Working with Mother Nature is wonderful. I often go out for the whole day and will wait hours for the perfect shot. In our modern lives it's easy to rush through the day and miss the beauty of the world around you.' Recently, Jason has been making a name for himself working in the infrared medium. 'It's great to be able to look at a scene and see it in a different way to that which our eyes see it,' says Jason. 'Infra-red sees something porous e.g water as a dark colour and anything reflective such as a leaf as light. It creates a fantastic range of colours within the photo. For me photography is art and infrared photography captures the world in a different, surreal, way.'

June 2016 | 11

Visual Arts

Lavenham Art Festival This month head to the beautiful medieval village of Lavenham for their bi-annual Art Festival. Offering two days of art exhibitions, demonstrations, children's activities and painting, entertainment, music, food and drink, there is something for everyone! Â Visitors can walk around the village on an Artists' Trail, visiting the open studios of 18 local painters, sculptors, glass artists, potters and photographers, visit the Suffolk Art Society show in the church, tour exhibitions in the historic medieval Guildhall and Little Hall and watch art and craft demonstrations in the Market Place. There's lots for little people too; they can join in hands-on painting and Budding Artists activities, watch demonstrations of screen printing and printmaking, and, perhaps the highlight of the weekend, watch as sculptor Kate Denton makes a life-size

You can design  and make jewellery, guided by Sudbury jeweller Jonathan Lambert, watch spinners, weavers and potters in action and enjoy live music, a summer drinks bar and a hog roast. Local amateur artists' work will also be on show and there will be a wonderful exhibition of children's paintings, with a royal theme and prizes for best entries.

sculpture of a live animal. Last time it was a Shetland pony but this year's subject is still under wraps!






For more information go to

GAY HUTCHINGS GLASS ARTIST & PRINTMAKER As part of the Lavenham Art Festival Artist Trail my studio will be open to visitors on Saturday and Sunday 11th & 12th June, 11 am – 5 pm. I make colourful and original glass and prints, mostly based on the shapes and colours of nature and the human figure.


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W: E: T: 07770 881960

Photo: Helen Cathcart

Visual Arts

Alan Kitching - A Life in Letterpress June 3rd - August 20th The timeless designs of a world renowned typographer and

and professionals, how a sound

printmaker will be celebrated by a new exhibition, opening at

training in lettering can lead to a multi- faceted design career.

the Lettering Arts Centre at Snape Maltings this summer. Alan Kitching - A Life in Letterpress is a retrospective of the life and work of an artist and craftsman who has spent fifty years using hand-set type to create countless, beautifully expressive, designs.

As a special addition to the exhibition, Alan Kitching will bring a small letterpress to the Lettering Arts Centre for a set of special workshops that will run alongside the exhibition, giving families, school groups and professionals the opportunity to learn typesetting, imposition and printing from a master of the craft.

The exhibition will present a fascinating collection of type, used in a glorious display of expressive colour. A free-ranging collection of sketchbooks, posters, prints, book designs, equipment and assorted artefacts from Alan Kitching’s south London studio will emphasise the creativity of a man who is steeped in the wood and metal type forms and ink of the letterpress. It will also illustrate to all visitors, including students

The Lettering Arts Centre, the home of the Lettering Arts Trust, is one of only a handful of organisations in the country to offer courses and apprenticeships in letter design and letter carving. The comprehensive training opportunities include apprenticeships, journeyman schemes (shorter placements with Master letter carvers) and lettering workshops across the country.

Turn to learning y, From photography to floristr g, ceramics to silversmithin n try something new this Autum For more information about creative arts courses starting in the Autumn email or phone us 0344 800 8020

@NorfolkCLS Norfolk Community Learning Services

June 2016 | 13

eatre & Film

Theatre & Film News

Wartime Thriller comes to Bury From June 27th-July 2nd, the Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds is home to a stunning wartime show. Lotty’s War is a mesmerising

Shakespeare in the Garden

story of courage, passion and sacrifice and stars Ian Reddington (Robin Hood, EastEnders, RSC), Victoria Emslie (Downton Abbey,

In the year of the 400th anniversary of his death, Glemham Hall is

The Theory of Everything) and Mat Ruttle (Warhorse, The Railway

proud to present Shakespeare's masterpiece, Much Ado About

Children). See this thrilling show before its West End run. Lotty’s

Nothing, performed by The Castle Theatre Company on their 17th

War is a thriller set in the World War Two enemy occupied

annual tour to Suffolk. Head to the beautiful gardens of Glemham

Channel Islands, based on a true story, this critically acclaimed

Hall on Monday July 11th, at 7pm to enjoy a wonderfully

play is a must see show. With the last boat to England gone,

atmospheric and utterly English evening filled with comedy,

Lotty is housed in close quarters with the enemy. As loyalties waver amidst the temptations of forbidden love and the politics

6pm. The performance is In aid of the Game and Wildlife

of war, does Lotty dare to tread a passionate and dangerous

Conservation Trust & The Suffolk Community Foundation.

path to save a friend?

Masquerade Ball comes to Earlham Park! Maui Waui nights are well known to be all-singing, all-dancing, bringing

Photo: Jerry Tye

human folly, romance and revelry. Gardens open for picnics from

together the best in live music, dj’s, circus acts, fabulous performers and entertainment. This year they have teamed up with Norwich legends Bo Nanafana Social Club who have a long tradition of sell out shows puling in top acts from around the country. This years’ event will take place on July 9th in Earlham Park, Norwich, inside a beautifully-dressed circus big top. The main band, Kabaret, will be flown over from Paris for this oneoff gig. Kabaret are a top French Electro Swing Band with one hell of show! Expect to see Aerial Circus Shows, Live Bands, DJ’s along with Canapes, Cocktails and Cabaret. This spectacular show is coming into town for one night only, so its not to be missed! Additionally this year, the big top venue will also host to a one-off special CINEMA NIGHT on July 8th, where a cult classic will be screened (to be announced soon).

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eatre & Film

World-class Theatre in Bungay

The Fisher Theatre, in the heart of historic Bungay, has a

July 7th, 7pm

programme packed with a wide variety of film, theatre and

Branagh Theatre presents Romeo & Juliet

music. It also offers people the chance to watch live

Reuniting the stars of his celebrated film of Cinderella, Kenneth

streamings of world-class productions as they happen.

Branagh directs Richard Madden and Lily James as Romeo and

Live Streamings coming up…

Juliet, Derek Jacobi as Mercutio and Meera Syal as The Nurse,

June 16th, 7pm

in Shakespeare’s heart-breaking tale of forbidden love.

The Royal Shakespeare Company Encore present Hamlet. As relevant today as when it was written, Hamlet confronts each of us with the mirror of our own mortality in an imperfect world. Simon Godwin (The Two Gentlemen of Verona 2014) directs Paapa Essiedu as Hamlet in Shakespeare's searing tragedy.

July 12th, 5.30pm Glyndebourne Encore Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg Robin Ticciati will conduct the London Philharmonic Orchestra for his first ever Wagner opera. The distinguished Canadian baritone Gerald Finley, who began his career in the

June 27th, 6.30pm

Glyndebourne Chorus, returns to the role of Hans Sachs, with

Glyndebourne Encore présents Il Barbiere di Siviglia

American soprano Amanda Majeski as Eva.

The production stars two Glyndebourne favourites: the

internationally acclaimed lyric soprano Danielle de Niese as Rosina and Italian buffo baritone Alessandro Corbelli as Dr Bartolo. The award-winning young German baritone Björn Bürger will make his Glyndebourne debut in the title role.


WIN TICKETS ARTSeast has teamed up with The Fisher Theatre

July 3rd, 2pm Royal Opera House Encore presents Werther Werther loves Charlotte, but she promised her mother on her deathbed that she would marry Albert. After the marriage Charlotte suggests that Werther should travel – but not forget her. Charlotte, unhappily married, has fallen in love with Werther through his letters. He returns unexpectedly; Charlotte sends him away. Werther shoots himself and dies in Charlotte’s arms.

to offer one lucky reader the chance to win two tickets to the live streaming of Branagh Theatre's Romeo and Juliet on July 7th. To be in with a chance of winning, just email your name, address and phone number to Closing date: June 20th, usual terms and conditions apply. June 2016 | 15

Rhythm of the Dance Norwich Theatre Royal, June 20th The cultural core of the Emerald Isle is set to be showcased in

Two sell-out tours followed and then Rhythm Of The Dance

a high-energy production heading to Norwich Theatre Royal.

began in 1999 with a smaller group of musicians specially

Rhythm Of The Dance celebrates the best dance, song and music from Ireland using a mix of traditional performance

selected to star in the show. It still continues to be a worldwide hit today being staged around 200 times a year and now in its 17th year of presenting sold-out shows across four continents.

mixed with the latest modern technology. The production is the brainchild of Kieran Cavanagh who was approached by Ireland’s national broadcaster RTE to put together a dance troupe to accompany the National Concert N Orchestra of Ireland for an American tour.

The forthcoming show will feature 20 dancers – some of whom are world champion standard – along with the popular Young Irish Tenors group and a live band, and it has won a number of accolades worldwide.


Tues 24 May – Sat 4 June THE BODYGUARD Smash hit musical adaptation of the Whitney Houston film £8 - £48.50

Wed 8 June SAMANTHA BARKS Musical theatre star in concert £8 - £25.50

Sun 5 June CHARLIE LANDSBOROUGH Versatile singer-songwriter £7 - £19.50

Thur 9 – Sat 11 June ALL OR NOTHING The story and music of The Small Faces £8 - £25

Tues 7 June DANCING IN THE STREETS Celebration of Motown’s greatest hits £8 - £27.50

Sun 12 June SOME GUYS HAVE ALL THE LUCK Rod Stewart tribute £7 - £21.50

Sun 19 June BRITTEN SINFONIA Tenor Ian Bostridge with Britten Serenade £8 - £27

Fri 24 – Sat 25 June THE SLEEPING BEAUTY English Youth Ballet in sumptuous production £7 - £22

Mon 20 June RHYTHM OF THE DANCE Irish dance and music £7 - £24.50

Wed 29 June – Sat 30 July MARY POPPINS Spectacular production of wonderful musical £8 - £57.50

Tues 21 June JAMIE RAVEN LIVE Magician and illusionist £7 - £18.50

Book online: T H E AT R E ST R E E T, N O RW I C H N R 2 1 R L 16 |

The Sleeping Beauty

BOX OFFICE: (01603) 63 00 00

eatre & Film

Word Power! Gyles Brandreth - Norwich Playhouse - July 4th ‘No matter how eloquently a dog may bark, he cannot tell you that his parents were poor but honest.’ Only words can do that. Language is power. Words are magic. Join Edinburgh Fringe award winner Gyles Brandreth – wit and word-meister, former MP and Government Whip, Just A Minute regular,The One Show reporter, QI, Have I Got News For You, Room 101,The IT Crowd, Pointless and Countdown survivor - on an uproarious and unexpected magic carpet ride around the awesome world of words. Whether it’s global domination you’re after – or getting some nookie on a Friday night – you need the right words to get the right results. Discover them right here. Age 16+

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June 2016 | 17

eatre & Film

interviewed on stage following the screening and then opening the questions up to the audience Terence's last film, Sunset Song (2015), received plaudits all around the world and will be screened at The Riverside in the preceding week. All Tickets £7.50

Madame Butterfly – from Teatro Antico Taormina, Sicily Thursday 7th July 8.30pm Nagasaki, early 20th century. The geisha Cio-Cio-San, called Madame Butterfly, has married an American naval officer, Pinkerton, who deserts her shortly after the wedding. Butterfly bears his son and patiently awaits her husband's return. Opera in three acts Sung in Italian Runtime 3hrs approx Tickets £15.00 with Code MBtat £12.50

An Evening with Terence Davies – Riverside Nights Sunday 17th July 7.00pm We are delighted to announce that the multi-award winning British director, Terence Davies, will be our July Riverside Nights guest. His forthcoming film, A Quiet Passion, about the life of the American poet, Emily Dickinson, is released later this year following it's successful premiere at the 2016 Berlin Film Festival. We will be screening his 2011 film, THE DEEP BLUE SEA, starring Rachel Weisz and Tom Hiddleston followed by a Q&A where Terence will be

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World Cup '66 – Live – from Wembley Arena Saturday 30th July 2.30pm Relive the greatest day in English football history Summer 1966, and the eyes of the world are on London – the music, the fashion and the football – as the England team prepares for the World Cup final. Bringing together compelling match footage, fascinating stories, appearances from football heroes, and incredible songs from 1966 – all performed live by the best of today’s artists alongside some of the legends who sang them first time around – this will be a truly unmissable live event. Runtime TBC Tickets £12.50 with Code WC66 £10.00

Tickets bookable at the Riverside Theatre Box Office on 01394 382174 or online at

eatre & Film

Behind the Scenes

Photo: Johan Persson

At the end of this month Mary Poppins, one of the biggest shows ever to take to the Norwich Theatre Royal stage, arrives in Norfolk.

Here, John Bultitude, Senior Communications Officer at the Theatre, chats to company manager Neil White about the challenges of bringing this classic tale alive and why the show marks his return to the county that he loves.

It takes a bit more than a spoonful of sugar to transform the

Meanwhile her co-star Matt Lee is no stranger to the role of Bert

Norwich Theatre Royal stage into the setting for the smash-hit

having played it to great acclaim in the Cameron Mackintosh

musical Mary Poppins. A huge team of people are set to bring the lavish production, coproduced by Disney and world-renowned impresario Cameron Mackintosh, to the city. It is not just the 35 adult cast members and 12 children as well as the resident directors (one for the grown-up’s and one for the kids) and the resident choreographer. There is also a 13-strong

production in his native Australia winning the 2011 Helpmann Award for Best Actor. Matt has also taken major roles in the likes of Miss Saigon, The Witches Of Eastwick and Rent. It is the latest in a long line of shows that Neil has companymanaged with his two most recent productions Shrek and Oliver! both also coming to Norwich. Neil readily admits he loves every minute of his job, and is

orchestra, seven stage managers, three carpenters, three

particularly excited about bringing Poppins to Norwich from June

automation technicians, three lighting, three sound, five in wigs,

29th to July 30th. 'The area is particularly close to my heart. My

five in wardrobe, four chaperones, 25 additional people to get the

parents had a holiday home in Weybourne for 20 years and I

show in and out, 28 local staff, and the all-important physio.

would spend so much time there, particularly at Christmas and

At the helm of the show is Neil White, who is almost the ‘Poppins of Poppins’ making sure everything happens when it should. 'I am very aware that I am representing both Disney and Cameron, so

summer holidays,' says Neil. 'The North Norfolk coast is just a place you can escape to. I come from the Yorkshire moors which are wild and rural, and these are the seaside equivalent.

everything has to be done in exactly the right way,' says Neil. 'A

I also love taking a show to Norwich Theatre Royal. Going there is

lot of producers are very much money-men. Cameron is very much

just like putting on a pair of old slippers. You know everyone and

more involved with the artistic side of the show, the story-lining

how it works. Norwich is also very different to a lot of cities. There

and the way everything is constructed. He is actively involved in

is a calmer pace of life. As it is an independent theatre, there is

the creation and shapes everyone’s ideas into what works. There

also a lot more care and love that goes into the building, and the

is a buzz about a production like this compared to a lot of other

staff are just so passionate.'

touring shows. It is like going into a garage and being offered a Porsche or a Mini. Which do you want to drive?' And that Porsche-level of quality starts with the casting. Zizi Strallen takes on the title role and boasts a strong West End and touring pedigree with previous roles including Lana in Matthew Bourne’s

So Mary Poppins truly will be a labour of love for Neil, as well as bringing the full scale of a blockbusting West End production to the Norwich Theatre Royal stage. To book, call the box office on 01603 630000 or log onto

The Car Man, Demeter in Cats at the London Palladium and a UK tour, and Penny Pingleton in Hairspray for Leicester Curve. June 2016 | 19

Arts Council

Major ACE investment ear-marked to develop Norfolk and Suffolk's cultural economy.

On behalf of the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

New Wolsey Theatre, an Ipswich-based organisation with a

Cultural Board, Norfolk County Council has been successful

national remit and reputation will lead the development and

in its recent bid to Arts Council England’s Creative Local

delivery of the programme in partnership with Norfolk County

Growth Fund for investment to develop a bespoke business

Council, Suffolk County Council and a range of leading local

support programme which will help to ensure a resilient,

and national cultural and business partners, including, for

enterprising and diverse cultural sector across Norfolk

example, New Anglia Growth Hub and Creative United.

and Suffolk.

The programme will provide targeted business support,

One of only 9 projects across England to receive Creative

mentoring and grant investment for artists and creative

Local Growth investment in the first round as well as one of

entrepreneurs (music, theatre and literature) planning to

only three to receive the maximum award of £500k, the

develop and grow a cultural business. This support will be

project will support a wide range of business models in the

bespoke; created and delivered by cultural specialists with

cultural sector including social and community enterprise,

experience and knowledge of the market place for cultural

start-ups, micro-businesses and sole traders. The overall

goods and services and business development tools. The

ambition is to significantly increase the number, scale and

project, which has been designed by cultural leaders, will

diversity of cultural businesses and jobs in the sector across

promote and embed the benefits of a planned,

the two counties.

entrepreneurial approach to growth, with a focus on building

20 |

Credit: AVANT GARDE DANCE: Fagin’s Twist at DANCE EAST © Eric Richmond

Arts Council

revenues, increasing competitiveness, developing new

Please contact us if you would like to receive further

products and reaching new markets. The areas of business


support available will include, for example, legal, financial, HR,


planning, product development, market shaping, marketing, developing digital services and products, touring, showcasing

Mary Muir, Arts Officer, Norfolk County Council -

and expanding into new national and international markets.


It will be aimed at cultural entrepreneurs, small/medium sized

Jayne Knight, Arts Development Manager, Suffolk County

enterprises (SMEs) and new start-ups with the ambition and

Council -

drive to build or grow a business or social enterprise, working in Norfolk and/or Suffolk. We are awaiting the outcome of our final application to the European Regional Development Fund for just over £614k in essential match-funds. If this funding is secured, the full programme will launch with a high profile media campaign in January 2017 and run for three years.

June 2016 | 21

Coffee & aChat

Renowned actor Michael Pennington will be taking on the iconic role of King Lear at Cambridge Arts Theatre this month. Here Lucy Johnston catches up with him at the start of his tour‌. 22 |

Coffee & a Chat

Sitting across the table from me in the rehearsal room, with fly away white hair and a carefully unkempt beard, Michael Pennington looks absolutely the part. He is one week into his 94-date tour of King Lear, and is thriving on the energy he finds in the role. 'At 72, I might get a bit tired when I go for a walk or when I’m doing the washing up, but I simply never get tired on stage,' he beams, thrilled at the idea of the tour ahead of him. 'Doing extensive tours of full scale Shakespeare is very uncommon these days, but it’s part of a vital old tradition – one that I also upheld when I ran the English Shakespeare Company with Michael Bogdanov in the Eighties. I'm immensely grateful to ATG for letting me revive this precious tradition whereby people all over the country can see King Lear, as it should be seen - at a theatre near you. It remains for me the most exciting way of experiencing such a play.' Serendipitously it transpires that the first time Pennington trod the boards in a Shakespeare play was during April 1964, exactly coinciding with the 400th anniversary of the playwright’s birth. And now, 52 years later, on the day exactly coinciding with the 400th anniversary of the playwright’s death, he is still treading the boards, perfectly suited to this unique tour. 'It’s a strange, but wonderful coincidence – I couldn’t possibly have planned it, just like one can’t plan one’s career, which makes this all particularly special,' he smiles.'It was two years in the making and there are so many moments I look back on and think, if it wasn’t for that thing that happened, or that person, it would never have happened. It makes me very aware of the chances and opportunities that

we do or don’t embrace. And the whole company is fantastic - I couldn’t ask for a better experience.' So how does Michael step into such a powerfully emotive world, every day, and not feel drained by it. 'It might sound strange, but it’s actually enormous fun! It’s always different,' he says. 'At the start it’s like being on a horse that wants to throw you but, gradually, it settles into a thoroughbred that carries you through. For the audience too – it is a horrendously dark, harrowing story, of course it is, but it gives you that incredibly cathartic, cleansing experience – a true release. The astounding language is like a form of nourishment.' And does he feel any sense of pressure in the role, knowing that it’s such a grail for so many actors and since he also brings an anticipated scholarly approach to his interpretation through his respected writing, the highs of his time at the RSC in the 70s, and his founding of the English Shakespeare Company? “Well, if I’m any kind of scholar, I would class myself as of the spit-and-sawdust kind! And it’s certainly very flattering to be in the same room as all the greats who came before. But comparisons I find onerous - there is just so much material to work with, so much wealth, there is certainly no need to feel you are borrowing from others or that there isn’t space for you to make it your own. “And just think - four hundred years and we are still finding new ways to explore his work, and we must continue - even if we might sometimes feel a certain trepidation, we must find a way to make it relevant. Shakespeare was a master of making pictures out of words, his way of helping us see what is not actually there in front of us is still astonishing… he helps us understand humanity, even now. In a way, he has made us who we are. Shakespeare makes us all talented!' King Lear runs from June 29th -25th at the Cambridge Arts Theatre. For tickets go to or call 01223 503333 June 2016 | 23


Wymondham Music Festival Turns 21

In Celebration of Schubert

Wymondham Music Festival Fortnight returns for the 21st year

This June, Anteros Arts Foundation will be host to a festival of

from July 1st-16th. Festival Fortnight kicks off at Central Hall

chamber music, based around the music of Viennese composer

with the Festival Ceilidh, featuring Whirligig. On July 2,

Franz Schubert. Over the course of a week they will be

Wymondham High Academy will officially launch Festival

welcoming an exceptional roster of locally-based singers and

Fortnight in the Market Place.

instrumentalists to perform concerts in the intimate and relaxed

The Festival’s largest event, the Jazz Picnic returns to Becketswell on July 4th with Simon Nelson’s Dixie Mix. Folk fans have a real treat in store; Hannah Sanders and Ben Savage will be at Central Hall on July 8th. Local talent will feature at Wymondham Entertains, also at Central Hall on July 14th, followed by gutsy

setting of the Anteros music room. Performers will include Hannah Watson, Ben Schilperoort, Rosamund Walton, Anne Applin and Geoffrey Pratley, Rebecca Hunt and Norfolk Young Musician winner Andrew Harsley. In addition to the concert series, there will be a selection of

blues from Spikedrivers at The Regal (Ex Servicemen’s Club) the

innovative and informal events, teaching sessions and

following day. The Abbey has a busy programme of concerts and

opportunities to have a go! They will also be incorporating

recitals including Wymondham Symphony Orchestra’s Summer

Norwich's writing community and singers from Norwich

Concert on July 2nd, Chiron String Quartet, July 5th, Lady Sings

Cathedral Choir into performances, and there'll be opportunities

the Blues (music of Billy Holiday), July 6th, Jazz at The Abbey,

for amateur and aspiring musicians to take part in workshops and

Renato D’Aiello Trio, July 7th, Knights-Tidar Harpsichord Duo on

masterclasses with the festival's guest artists.

July 8th.



SCHUBERT FESTIVAL Monday 13th - Saturday 18th J U N E 2 0 1 6


Wymondham nd dh dh usi us usic sic ic Festival F Music Reg C Ch Charity ha arit iity ty y no o 1081375

24 |

FESTIVAL OFFICE T: 01953 333500

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Music News

A Salute to Shakespeare To celebrate Will Shakespeare’s 400th anniversary, Southrepps Chorale Musical Director, Stephen Richards has put together an eclectic programme of music to do the Bard proud. Southrepps Chorale will be performing their Salute to William Shakespeare at Binham Priory on July 8th at 6pm, complete with a picnic interval. The carefully crafted

A new roof – and a new season of music

programme has something for everyone and is conducted

The mediaeval parish church of St Mary’s Cratfield (near

(keyboard) with Anna Hopkins (flute) and Ivars Galenkieks

by Stephen Richards, and accompanied by Cathy Al-Bay Halesworth) lost four tonnes of lead to determined thieves last

(double bass). The Shakespeare plays and sonnets have so

December, but the parish and its friends have rallied round and

much to offer on a musical journey and the programme

costly repair work on the roof is now complete. A major supporter

includes excerpts from Leonard Bernstein’s West Side Story

has been Concerts at Cratfield, who treasure the church as a

(Romeo and Juliet), George Shearing’s Songs and Sonnets

concert venue. The new season of six summer Sunday afternoon

and David C Dickau’s If Music Be the Food of Love. The

chamber concerts opens with the Carducci Quartet and oboist

ladies will sing Double Trouble, music by film composer John

Nicholas Daniel on Sunday July 3rd at 3pm, then fortnightly:

Williams, from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. For

tickets from 01728 603077.

tickets call 01263 834030

Top Tenor Comes to Norwich One of Britain’s top tenors, who enjoys a strong international reputation, is set to take to the Norwich Theatre Royal stage. Ian Bostridge will direct the Britten Sinfonia concert on June 19th. The beloved Canetty-C larke

Italian baroque composer and violinist Corelli provides inspiration for the performance, which will feature Christopher Hogwood’s arrangement of Bach’s Fugue in B minor on a theme of Corelli which mixes a fast pace with a more melancholy air. Also in the programme is the Concerto

Credit: S im

Grosso in F Major Opus Six No 2 by Corelli himself. The June programme will also feature a piece commissioned by the Edinburgh Festival back in 1953 to commemorate 300 years since Corelli’s birth. The Norwich Theatre Royal programme will be completed by Three Welsh Songs Britten Serenade by the Welsh composer Huw Watkins, a highly sought-after pianist who has worked with a number of performers well

known to Britten Sinfonia audiences including long-time collaborator Alina Ibragimova, and the sinfonia’s principal oboist Nicholas Daniel. Ian’s work has also won a number of major international record prizes and has been nominated for 14 Grammys, and was awarded a CBE in the 2004 New Year’s Honours.

June 2016 | 25


A Celebration of Music From June 10th-26th, the stunning region around Aldeburgh

circus performers. Inspired by the surrealism of Rimbaud’s poetry

plays host to a wealth of world-class musicians at the Aldeburgh

set in Britten’s song cycle Les Illuminations, director Struan Leslie

Music Festival.

creates a newly-commissioned staging fusing music and contemporary circus performance. Soprano Sarah Tynan joins an

This celebration of music and

ensemble of international

arts has circus, birds and

circus performers, Aurora

pianos at its heart as can be

Orchestra and conductor

seen in the Festival

Nicholas Collon in a 75-minute

centrepiece Catalogue

devised piece which includes

d'Oiseaux on June 19th.

Britten’s Les Illuminations and

Olivier Messiaen's huge work

Young Apollo, Debussy’s String

for piano is a marathon

Quartet and music from John

journey through music and

Adams’ Shaker Loops.

nature from sunrise to midnight. Four concerts,

The final weekend of the

performed by Aldeburgh

Festival (24 – 26 June) will be

Festival Artistic Director

a huge celebration of the piano.

Pierre-Laurent Aimard, will

Pierre-Laurent Aimard

take place set against the

assembles an array of pianists,

panoramic backdrops and

from visiting international stars

teeming wildlife of Snape

to outstanding young musicians

Maltings and RSPB Minsmere

from East Anglia – and possibly

Birdsong fascinated French

you if you’re willing to sign up to

composer Olivier Messiaen

the Grade 1 Challenge!

all his life and Catalogue

Aldeburgh Music and the

d’Oiseaux is his largest work

Britten-Pears Foundation invite

inspired by birds, a 150-

anyone of any age who is

minute piece for solo piano


which creates a rich musical language from the depictions of 77 species of bird that Messiaen

interested in starting to learn Photo: Ben Hopper

the piano to sign up to the

Grade 1 Challenge at to receive

heard in his native Camargue region of south-west France.The

support over the next six months, with the chance to book practice

day starts at Snape Maltings with a view of sunrise over the River

rooms at Snape Maltings, attend tutorials and access a host of

Alde, the climax will be a FREE concert outdoors on the BBC

useful information on piano teachers, repertoire, exam boards and

Springwatch stage at RSPB Minsmere, and the finale will see the

more. Participants will have the opportunity to make their

audience back at Snape near midnight, seated on the concert hall

Aldeburgh Festival debut on the main stage at Snape Maltings

floor in almost total darkness.

Concert Hall in the Festival finale!

The Festival opens with Illuminations (10th, 12th &13th June),

To see the full Aldeburgh Festival 2016 programme, visit

the premiere of a new staged work for singer, string orchestra and

26 |

Photo: Claire Borley

Music Icons Simply Red come to Thetford

Simply Red will be performing in Thetford Forest on July 3rd as part of Forest Live, the concert series promoted by the Forestry Commission where acts perform in spectacular woodland locations around the country. Mick Hucknall’s iconic voice was the defining sound of British R‘n’B in the eighties and nineties and one in five British households has a Simply Red album. Culminating in over 60 million worldwide sales the band’s landmark albums include ‘Picture Book’,‘Men and Women’,‘A New Flame’,‘Stars’,‘Life’ and ‘Blue.’ As the band enters its fourth decade, buoyed by the excellent new album ‘Big Love’, their reputation as one of the

everything required for a great night out, including full catering and bar facilities, the gigs are renowned for their relaxed atmosphere. As part of Forest Live, Simply Red will be appearing in this region in Thetford Forest, near Brandon, Suffolk on Sunday 3 July. For tickets and further info call the box office tel 03000 680400 or buy online at


great British groups is set for some timely enhancement as they perform their greatest hits such as; ‘Money’s Too Tight (To Mention)’,‘Holding Back The Years’,‘If You Don’t Know Me By Now’,‘Something Got Me Started’,‘The Right Thing’,‘Stars’, ‘Fairground’,‘Angel’ and ‘Sunrise’. Forest Live is an independent programme organised by the Forestry Commission to bring forests to new audiences. Income generated from ticket sales is spent on protecting, improving and expanding England’s forests and woodlands and increasing their value to people and wildlife. Over Forest Live’s 15 years history,

WIN TICKETS ARTSeast has teamed up with Forest Live to offer one lucky reader the chance to win two tickets to see Simply Red in Thetford Forest on July 3rd. To be in with a chance of winning, just email your name, address and telephone number to

money raised has contributed to a wide range of projects, from

Closing date: June 20th, usual terms and

wildlife conservation to making improvements for visitors. With

conditions apply. June 2016 | 27

Food & Drink

Food Review: East Hills Café & Bistro, Brundall As soon as we arrived in Brundall on a sunny Saturday evening you could tell this was a lovely spot to enjoy a nice evening meal. The East Hills Cafe & Bistro sits on the bay at Brundall with unrivalled views over the yachts and boats moored on the River Yare. There is a balcony with tables where you can admire the view and the light and modern interior of the former boathouse

offer were gluten free. We were well looked after during our stay and even enjoyed a chat with the Spanish chef Carlos who was very attentive as he went round the tables making sure everything was satisfactory. He informed us that all their produce is sourced locally and they bake their own cakes and sausage rolls etc.

afforded a nice relaxed feel and even had its own gift shop. The East Hills Café & Bistro has an excellent large outside area with With Lemon Dover Sole as the fish of the day on the menu there was no need to take too long to decide. I opted this for my main meal and my partner ordered the wild mushrooms and pea risotto served with a parmesan top. I must say that the meal was accompanied by a more than generous side dish of vegetables.

decking for private parties and barbecues etc, and they also enjoy monthly jazz nights . It is open seven days a year and offers a friendly welcome by front of house and co-owner Sophie Hodgkinson who runs the bistro with her husband John and their business partner Jamie Podgers.The only downside perhaps, if you are not good on your feet, is

For starters we choose scallops wrapped in bacon cooked in a white

that you need to climb a few stairs to get to the bistro, but all in all we had

wine sauce with paprika and the smoked mackerel pate, and finished by

a lovely time, a fantastic meal and we certainly would urge anyone to take

sharing two desserts as we couldn’t decide. So apple & rhubarb crumble

a trip to East Hills Cafe & Bistro and sit back and enjoy the view. Enjoy!

and sticky toffee pudding it was (with cream)! Most of the desserts on

Gary Enderby

016 0 3 9 518 5 0


Brundall B Br und un undall nda n d llll Bay B Ba ay y Marina, M na n a Riverside, Riv Riverside, Brundall, Brundall, ndall, lll, Norfolk, Norfolk, k, NR13 N 3 5PN NR1 5PN 5P

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What’s Food &On Drink

Open Monday – Saturday 9am - 6pm. Sundays 10am - 4pm Join us in our vintage style tearoom for a taste of heaven in a cup, loose teas from around the world with freshly made cakes, sandwiches and light bites. 7B Bullock Fair Close, Harleston – near Budgens Supermarket Have a wheelchair or need a high chair? No problem!

Tel: 01379 855484 Email:

www.eastcoastcafeandstore .com At the East Coast Bar, Restaurant & Café you can enjoy a quiet drink, a tasty meal, delicious freshly ground Mozzo coffee, rare teas, yummy cakes and of course the essential - local ice creams. We also stock groceries from in and around Suffolk and a lovingly curated selection of merchandise and gifts. 152 Aldeburgh High Street, Suffolk IP15 5AQ

01728 454524

Staithe 'n' Willow is a beautiful thatched building, beside the river Bure on the Norfolk Broads. It's the perfect place to enjoy a wide range of food from breakfast, morning coffee and light lunches to afternoon teas and evening meals. We are fully licensed so you can enjoy one of our speciality Crab salads while basking with a Pimms. A specials board increases the variety on the menu, which includes gluten free and vegetarian choices. Fresh baked scones are an essential ingredient of our cream teas served with strawberry jam and clotted cream. Or maybe afternoon tea served with finger sandwiches, scones or a selection of delicious cakes. Or why not come for a tasty breakfast using locally sourced ingredients from our local butcher?

16 Lower Street, Horning, Norfolk, NR12 8AA Tel: 01692 630915 Opening Times: Summer: Sun 9.30am-5pm, Mon-Tues 9am-5pm, Weds 9am-6pm, urs-Sat 9am-7.30pm Winter: Sun, Mon & Weds 9.30am-4pm, Closed Tuesdays, urs-Sat 9.30am-7pm June 2016 | 29

Food & Drink

Special Events

at ‘The Park’

ur ad to o Treat D Eat u Can

All Yo rvery buffet se ca 3 cour ay 19th June Sund ad per he 0 0 . 3 2 £

The Park prides itself on providing a fine selection of special events during the year, we are now preparing more special events for 2016. For information on any of the events listed on our events, please contact Tracey or Stacey on 01379 642244 or Email: and we will be happy to help. Park Hotel, 29 Denmark Street, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 4LE Tel: 01379 642244 Email: 30 |

What’s Food &On Drink

Norwich Food & Drink Festival This month, the area in and around The Forum, Norwich will come

host to the ever popular Battle of the

alive with the exciting Norwich Food & Drink Festival.


In an exciting development this year, and to accommodate the

For one day only,The Forum will be

incredible growth and popularity of the festival, the event will see

transformed into a celebration of Norfolk Food & Drink, with an

the closure of St Peter’s Street in front of City Hall, which will be

Adnams beer garden, producers village packed full of delicious local food and drink for sale, Feast on the Street, cookery demonstration theatre featuring some of the county’s best loved and best known chefs, live music and children’s entertainment.The Battle of the Bangers will then tempt visitors into St Peter’s Street, where they can taste the mouth-watering sausages, from the ten butchers battling it out to be crowned winner of the judges and public votes. Sarah de Chair, Chair of Norfolk Food & Drink, said: 'We hope that hosting the event on Father’s Day will give families across the county something exciting and different to do, with lots of opportunities to spoil dad – with free sausage tasting, producers stalls and a host of beers, ales and gin on offer in the Adnams beer garden.'

Taste of Sudbury There is a fantastic line up of local chefs ready to do their cooking demonstrations on stage at the Taste of Sudbury Food & Drink Festival on June 12th 2016. Including Carl Shillingford from Shillingford’s at The Quay, Alan Paton from Stoke By Nayland Golf & Spa, Regis Crepy from The Great House, Lavenham, Mark Allen from The Angel, Stoke By Nayland and Julian Bisbal from The Swan, Monks Eleigh. Compere Mark David will keep everyone entertained throughout the day with his knowledge and passion for food. Market Hill and St. Peter's in the centre of Sudbury will be full of food stalls. Jam Tartz Pop Up Street Party Restaurant has a five course food and drink taster menu (call 01787 311556 to book a seat), perfect for helping to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday. In addition to the live cooking demonstrations, each chef will

fillet a whole salmon and there will be the opportunity for anyone to make sausages.

compete in the omelette challenge to see who can make the

Pick up your free 2016 brochure at the Tourist Information Centre

fastest three egg omelette, Nick Barrett and Regis Crepy will both

in the Library or download it from

go for the Guinness World Record to attempt to be the fastest to

More information can be found at June 2016 | 31

What’s On

Friendly Folk Get up close to some of the best roots and folk music acts around at Ely Folk Festival this July.This is a small festival with a big heart in the wonderful cathedral city of Ely offering the opportunity to listen to some fantastic folk music in an intimate and friendly environment. Meet the artists 'unplugged', take part in workshops, dances, sessions or perform in the Club Tent. The diverse music line-up this year includes Altan, Edward II, Monster Ceilidh Band, Rusty Shackle, Dougie MacLean and lots more. With on-site camping facilities, concerts, kids activities, workshops, morris dancing, ceilidhs, food and craft stalls, a real ale bar and much more, there's all the ingredients for a great weekend or day out in one neat package. Tickets are available via the website, kids under 10 get in free.

Altan ~ Dougie MacLean

Edward II ~ The Young’uns

Martin Simpson ~ Steamchicken Chris & Kellie While ~ RURA ELY OUTDOOR CENTRE Monster Ceilidh Band ELY·CAMBS·CB6 2SH Mawkin ~ and many more… MORRIS DISPLAYS, REAL ALE BAR, TRADE STALLS, WORKSHOPS, DANCES, CHILDRENS’ ENTERTAINMENT * All Artists booked subject to contract Season tickets: £69 (£79 after 31 May) ~ Concessions available ~ Day Tickets available ~ 10-17yrs reduced price

Box Office: Telephone: 01284 758000 32 |

What’s On

A Puzzling Day Out

Ip-Art 2016 Summer is just around the corner and Ipswich has something

The 2016 Jigsaw Festival at St Mary's church Newmarket runs

very special lined up in the form of music, theatre, open air

from July 9th-14th between 10am-4pm daily. It features

cinema, comedy, classical concerts, guided walks, museum

around 800 jigsaws in an ever changing display and all for

workshops and much more at the Ipswich Arts Festival.

sale.There is a wide variety of sizes and subjects to suit all

Many of the events are free, such as the 26th Ipswich Music Day,

tastes and ages. Entry £2 adults, children go free. Light

Global Rhythms, Brass on the Grass and the Indian Mela. There

refreshments will be available.

is even a free concert celebrating The Queen’s Birthday on June

The British Jigsaw Championships take place on Sunday July

11th but you will need to book your place for this traditional flag-

10th at 10am in the Turner Hall next to the church. Contestants

waving and fireworks event.The fantastic Ipswich Symphony

will compete to finish a 1000 piece puzzle against the clock.

Orchestra appear at the Corn Exchange on June 25th, featuring

There are three categories - "Elite" for those who feel they will

international star pianist Pavel Kolesnikov, while open air cinema

complete the puzzle in under three hours, Pairs and a Fun

days at Ipswich Town Football Club and Holywells Park are sure

section all with cash prizes. Entry fee £5, and you keep the

to be popular with families.

puzzle.To enter go to

For more information go to

Further info 01638 603489.

From June 12th-26th, the Once Upon a Festival - East Anglian Children’s Arts Festival - comes back to Bury for the second year, bigger and better with more shows and venues to engage even more children.

Children’s Arts Festival Returns

Karen Simpson,Artistic Director, said: 'I am really delighted that Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds is producing the second East Anglian Children’s Arts Festival which we have named Once Upon a Festival. We have a really exciting line up of shows this year and are presenting work right across the region in schools, village halls and arts venues including Theatre Royal,The Apex and Conservatoire East and in a wonderful tent in the grounds of the Cathedral.The Festival spans three weekends and there are many different ways to get involved.' Highlights include much-loved favourites Pinocchio,Tiddler,The Wind and the Sun,The Gruffalo’s Child and Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes. There are weekend tickets, fun filled evening performances at Conservatoire East, Disco Bambino at the Athenaeum, films at The Apex, a terrific open day at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds with the Dragon Festival rounding things off. Tickets are now on sale via the Theatre Royal website and The Apex. June 2016 | 33

Local Arts Scene: North Norfolk

North Norfolk's Big Blue Skies To an artist, Norfolk's big skies, stunning beaches and ancient pine

and Cromer have much to offer art lovers with theatres, galleries and

forests are a true gift. Nowhere is this more evident than the

music venues, alongside the usual seaside services. Many smaller

beautiful North Norfolk coastline.

seaside villages also have excellent galleries including Cley and

For centuries, artists have come to this region to find solitude to paint and create. The abundance of wildlife, particularly birds, also provides inspiration.

Blakeney. North Norfolk is home to many highly-regarded arts festivals covering all genres. With visual arts in mind, COAST ARTS 2016, which evolved from the Cromer and Sheringham Art and Literary Festival, will be

But step away from the quiet beaches, marshes and forests and

running events throughout the year culminating in the traditional art

you're never far from a stunning town or pretty village.

week across October half term. The renowned annual Cley

The Georgian market town of Holt is home to numerous art galleries

Contemporary Art exhibition takes place in and around the village of

with a rich mix of both traditional and contemporary art. It is also

Cley-next-the-Sea from July to August 2016.

home to the excellent Host Festival which has a strong fine art

History lovers will particularly enjoy the stately homes of the region

element including the prestigious Holt Festival Art Prize.

with Holkham Hall, near Wells, and Blickling Hall and Mannington Hall

The coastal towns of Wells-next-the-Sea, Hunstanton, Sheringham

and Gardens, both near Aylsham, providing stunning venues for exhibitions and events. June 2016 | 35

Local Arts Scene: North Norfolk


World-Class Music for North Norfolk

12 North Norfolk Music Festival 15-27 AUGUST 2016

With a packed programme of eclectic and exciting performers, the 12th North Norfolk Music Festival promises to be as spectacular as ever this August.This year new faces include the Russian pianist Alexander Melnikov, the Ferio Saxophone Quartet, British baritone Gareth Brynmor John, six musicians from Iceland and First Prize Winners of the 2015 Wigmore Hall International String Quartet Competition, the Van Kujik Quartet.


On the 100th anniversary of the birth of Yehudi Menuhin, the Festival celebrates with musicians who knew Menuhin well - violinists Marcia Crayford and Elisabeth Perry, cellist Niall Brown, pianist Melvyn Tan. They will be joined by NNMF joint director Simon Rowland-Jones and violinist Benjamin Baker from New Zealand.

BOX OFFICE 01328 730357

All this alongside performances by festival favourites Tom Horton, the

Doric String Quartet, Floreat Sonus and the Gould Piano Trio promise


to make this a vintage year.

FORTHCOMING EXHIBITIONS North Norfolk Open Studios: Brian Weinle Saturday 28th May - Sunday 12th June Maureen Cherry Monday 13th - Sunday 20th June Lisa Sawbridge 20th - Sunday 26th June

Mixed Media: Richard Newby, Suzanne Lakin, Denise Wingrove, Kate Gale Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July Warren Cooper Photography Monday 4th - Tuesday 12th July

36 |

Local Arts Scene: North Norfolk

Musical Magic

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Music lovers can discover a gem tucked away in the rural village of

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South Creake in the heart of the North Norfolk countryside.The

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Yorke Trust provides opportunities for students and children to study and perform in an un-pressurised atmosphere. Its base,The Creake


Centre, forms a flexible rural venue for the performing arts. It is an


ideal retreat for musicians who require a quiet and secluded



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location for study, rehearsal, composition or recording. On July 23rd, at 5pm,The Old Chapel at The Creake Centre will come alive to the sounds of The Tasman Duo with Lauren Bennett on violin and Bradley Wood on piano.The programme comprises: Beethoven - Sonata No.10 in G major Op.96 Gareth Farr - New work specially commissioned


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Brahms - Sonata No.3 in D minor Op.108 Winners of the Pettman Royal Over Seas League Chamber Music


week visit to the UK as part of this prestigious award. The prize is for



Competition 2015,The Tasman Duo from New Zealand make a five

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citizens of New Zealand and is awarded to outstanding young ensembles and enables them to study with eminent tutors in Britain, to attend the Edinburgh Festival and other summer schools to widen their cultural experience. Lauren and Bradley are the third award



WIN TICKETS ARTSeast has teamed up with the Yorke Trust to offer one lucky reader the chance to win four tickets to see The Tasman Duo on July 23rd.

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holders to be hosted by The Yorke Trust.






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To be in with a chance of winning, email your


name, address and phone number to Closing date June 20th, usual terms and conditions apply





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Local Arts Scene: North Norfolk

Helen Herbert A contemporary artist living in North Norfolk, welcomes visits to her studio.




Jester 60 x30cm

Telephone: 01263 821333 Email:

Driftwood wood Gallle lery Finee Art Prints ooff Norrffolk

9-11 Church Street Sheringham Norfolk NR26 8QR 01263826922

& Beyond d @yaho @ One to One Landsccape Photography Worksh ks ops

38 |

Bespoke Framing Service In a larrge range of wood moulldings di Photograph Restoration Scan to disc service for Sllides & Negatives ds/Sticks & Instant Prints from Memory Cards/ cd/d dvd Bespoke Printing Service to A1 siize, Full range of photographic pa apers by Permajet Mounts Available cut to siize in a lar arge choice of colourrs. Picturre Glass cut to siize Art and Crafft sup pplies inc Brushes//oils//watercolourrs Work by local artistts & craffts peopl ple on Displlay

Local Arts Scene: North Norfolk

Spotlight on....

Artist Helen Herbert

Please tell us about your background as an artist?

theatre or in a circus tent. Going to galleries and exhibitions

During the 1970s I trained as an illustrator at The School of

excite me - if they're good I want to rush into the studio

Art, Cambridge after which I had a career as a children's

to paint!

book illustrator for 20 years. I won awards for my paintings,

Which piece are you most proud of and why?

prints and drawings and always made time to exhibit my 'easel' paintings in the UK and abroad.

My painting "Mama Hen" is very special for me. Holding a hen was a wonderful experience. This painting is now being

How does book illustration differ from more traditional painting? Painting what I feel about a subject is very absorbing and can be liberating and exciting. Illustration is very different -

shown at the Red Dot Gallery in Holt which makes me proud that she's in such a special gallery.

What, in your opinion, makes North Norfolk such a special place?

you are responding to someone else's brief or the words of a story. I'm glad to have been an illustrator first because I wouldn't be able to distort the human figure without that training. My most recent paintings are about my memories of childhood with imagination, verging on dreams..

North Norfolk offers me many things. The light, for a painter, is remarkable. When my studio painting becomes too intense I escape to the beach with a sketchbook and paint. The sea has always been important to me as I was brought up on the east coast of Scotland. You have to make

What inspires you?

a special journey to North Norfolk because it isn't on the

I'm inspired by the world around me with people watching

way to anywhere.Sometimes it seems like the edge of the

top of the list. I'm never without a sketchbook even at the

world, especially as the sun sets over the sea. June 2016 | 39

minute survey Take a few minutes to complete our ARTSeast reader survey to be in with a chance of winning afternoon tea for two, with Prosecco, at the sumptuous Thornham Deli

Please circle all that apply

About you Age:

up to 30




What interests you? Visual Arts Music Film






over 70


How often do you visit an art gallery? Never Very occasionally Once a month


How often do you visit the theatre? Never Very occasionally Once a month


Do you visit stately homes or gardens?


Which type of music do you enjoy? Classical Jazz R&B Folk Opera How often do you dine out? Never Only on special occasions





Once a week


Once a month

The magazine What have you particularly enjoyed about reading this issue? What else would you like to see featured in ARTSeast? Which other publications do you like to read? Where did you pick up your copy of ARTSeast? Any other comments

Thornham Deli is a restaurant, deli, coffee shop and lifestyle shop offering the best in local produce. Situated in the traditional north Norfolk coastal village of Thornham, the menu reflects the seasonality of local produce and the kitchen team go the extra mile to ensure that every plate that leaves the kitchen is of the highest quality. Afternoon tea at Thornham Deli comprises a selection of finger sandwiches and cakes, scones, jam and clotted cream, plus a pot of loose leaf tea. Prosecco adds that extra touch of indulgence. One lucky reader and their guest can enjoy a luxurious afternoon tea for two, complete with Prosecco. To be in with a chance of winning, just complete this page and post to ARTSeast, DBH 21-22, Diss Business Park, Hopper Way, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 4GT


Address Tel no

Winner will be notified by letter. The prize is for afternoon tea with prosecco for two people. It can be taken any time during opening hours. The winner must notify the deli a few days in advance with an approximate time of arrival. Closing date for entries is June 20th. 40 |

The Last Photo Misty Dawn by Paul Thetford from Sheringham 'This image is called Misty Dawn and was taken last autumn along the River Thurne on the Norfolk Broads,' says Paul. 'It was quite a dull day but as the sun rose, it lit the mist and enabled me to take this stunning shot.' Paul's work can be seen at the Driftwood Gallery in Sheringham.‘

If you have an image you'd like to see featured in this section, please email a high-res jpeg (at least 200mm deep) to Please include your name, location, a contact phone number and a brief description of the photograph provided. The photo can be of any subject matter but will need to be portrait rather than landscape to fit the page.

June 2016 | 41

ARTSeast DBH 21-22, Diss Business Park, Hopper Way Diss, Norfolk IP22 4GT

Tel: 01379 773347 Email:


Phillips Cameras telephone (01603) 625261 Classic and Modern Photographic and Optical Equipment Bought-Sold-Exchanged Prop: Phillip Spinks 22 Wensum Street Norwich NR3 1HY

Opening Hours: Wed - Sat 9.30am - 4.30pm

WANTED & FOR SALE 19th & 20th century paintings by notable artists.

Artfellows Picture Framers & Art Gallery Bespoke Framing, Hand Finishing, Good Selection of Original Paintings, Antique Restoration Exclusive Greetings Cards 42 |

ARTSeast Magazine

Interested in the arts? ARTSeast is the only monthly magazine in the region devoted to the visual arts, theatre, music, film, dance, literature and education. We are as passionate about the arts as you are, and would love to bring you that bit closer to the eclectic mix of art happening in our region each and every month.

Subscribe for a year to ARTSeast and we will send you a free voucher worth £15 to spend online or in-store at Photo Elite in Diss. We can deliver ARTSeast direct to your door with a year’s subscription of twelve issues at just £19.20. We will also send you a £15 voucher courtesy of Photo Elite, 13 Market Hill, Diss IP22 4JZ which can be redeemed for any item from prints, enlargements, frames, cameras and much more, either online or in person. Items can be posted. Just order your subscription online and pay by PayPal to or by bank payment to Falcon Publications account no: 45594171 sort code 52-30-31 stating your name as reference. Please also remember to email your full name and address to Alternatively post a cheque made payable to Falcon Publications and send with your name and address to Falcon Publications, Subscriptions, DBH 21-22, Diss Business Park, Hopper Way, Diss, Norfolk IP22 4GT. ARTSeast magazine is distributed free each month to art centres, galleries, art & craft shops, cinemas & theatres, drama and dance schools, music venues, hotels, restaurants & coffee shops, museums and schools, tourist information centres & libraries. We deliver to the following locations: Acle, Alby, Aldeburgh, Attleborough, Aylsham, Beccles, Blofield, Brockdish, Brundall, Burnham Market, Bury St. Edmunds, Caister, Cambridge, Cley, Costessey, Cromer, Dereham, Dersingham, Diss, Downham Market, Earsham, Eye, Fakenham, Gt. Walshingham, Gt.Yarmouth, Gorleston, Halesworth, Harleston, Hethersett, Hingham, Holkham, Holt, Hoveton, Hunstanton, Ipswich, Kings Lynn, Lavenham, Leiston, Linton, Loddon, Long Melford, Long Stratton, Lowestoft, Ludham, Martham, Mendham, Mundesley, Norwich, North Walsham, Poringland, Pulham Market, Pulham St.Mary, Raveningham, Reepham, Scole, Sheringham, Snape, Southwold, Stalham, Stowmarket, Sudbury, Swaffham, Taverham, Thetford, Watton, Wells, Westleton, Woodbridge, Wroxham, Wymondham. If you cannot pick up a copy in your area then please let us know.

Competition winners from our previous issue: Pulse Festival Tickets - Paul Alston of Coggleshall, Essex, Chris Smith of

Opera in the Park at Culford School - Adam Harding of Norwich

Woodbridge, Clare Peters of Stowmarket

Meal at East Hills Cafe Bistro, Brundall - C Buddery of Gorleston

June 2016 | 43

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