Harleston Town Guide 2020 - 2021

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The Official

Harleston Town Guide 2020/2021

Attractions • Recreation • Local Services


01603 859343 01508 521110 01379 644822 01379 882535 01502 710180 01986 888160 01986 888205

If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door

Musker McIntyre..... Opening doors throughout Norfolk & Suffolk

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Redenhall with Harleston Town Council p7

The Official Harleston Town Guide 2020-21 Š Redenhall with Harleston Town Council

Harleston Safer Neighbourhood Team


Harleston Library


Harleston Information Plus


Health and Welfare


reproduced without the written permission of the publishers or



Every effort has been taken to ensure that the contents of this guide

Out and About


are accurate, but neither Redenhall with Harleston Town Council or

Harleston’s Future


Whilst reasonable care is taken when accepting advertisements,

Local Walks




Map of Harleston




Falcon Publications, DBH 21, Diss Business Park, Hopper Way, Diss, Norfolk IP22 4GT

Harleston & District Business Forum


Editorial: Sarah Veness 01379 773348

Neighbouring Villages

p33, 35

Clubs and Societies


Directory of Advertisers


The Official Harleston Town Guide has been designed, produced and published by Falcon Publications on behalf of Redenhall with Harleston Town Council. No part of this publication may be copyright holder, Redenhall with Harleston Town Council.

the publishers can be held responsible for errors or omissions. the publisher will not accept responsibility for any resulting unsatisfactory transactions.

sarah@falconpublications.co.uk Advertising: Gary Enderby 01379 773347 gary@falconpublications.co.uk Accounts: Julia Aitken, 01379 773349 accounts@falconpublications.co.uk Design: Copy Concept 01379 608358 ian@copy-concept.co.uk For more information go to www.falconpublications.co.uk Cover image: Ian Carstairs

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Photo: Terri Elliott

Welcome to Harleston A Beautiful Waveney Valley Town Nestled in the Waveney Valley, Harleston is a small town of roughly 5000 residents. Despite its size, it has fantastic facilities and is a lovely place both to live and to visit. For the past few months our lives have been disrupted beyond recognition by Coronavirus. Many of the town’s businesses were forced to close and many events have been cancelled. But even in the midst of this tough time, there are many positives. Harleston Town Council have been very supportive of the efforts of the volunteers of the Kindness Help Hub, who have worked tirelessly to assist those more vulnerable residents with their shopping and prescriptions. Essential shops adapted to support the needs of the community. It proves just what a special place Harleston is. As we move forward, I hope that we will be back out enjoying all that our beautiful town has to offer. Well-known for its Wednesday market, Harleston also hosts numerous events throughout the year for people of all ages. You can’t help but be cheered by the beautiful flags which adorn the shops and are

Photo: Mark Werner

Harleston Information Plus is a great source of local information (see p11) and can guide visitors to local attractions and services. The residents of Harleston pride themselves on the friendly welcome given to visitors. The town’s main events include the Harleston and Waveney Festival, a family fun day, an antiques street market and the Harleston & Waveney Food Festival. In the winter, we host other markets and the much-loved Christmas lights switch-on event. Harleston is ideally situated to offer the best location for visiting the countryside, seaside and the fine city of Norwich. A nicer place would be difficult to find. So welcome to Harleston, we hope to see you soon.

changed regularly in line with different events or themes throughout the year.

Frances Bickley

The town is home to many independent shops,


cafes and restaurants all seeking to supply the

Redenhall with Harleston Town Council

needs of both local people and visitors. With free parking, Harleston is a perfect place to while away a very pleasant day shopping and stopping for a bite to eat or something to drink. | 5

Tues & Thurs Weds

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16:00 - 18:00 08:30 - 10:30

Redenhall with Harleston Town Council

Photo: Terri Elliott

Redenhall with Harleston Town Council runs the Harleston Community Leisure Facility based in the Leisure Centre, the town’s market, the allotments, the majority of streetlights, the War Memorial, the Clock Tower, bus shelters, the public toilets, the Recreation Ground and it’s play area, the Christmas Lights and the cemetery in Redenhall Contact: Lynda Ling, Town Clerk, Council Office, Memorial Leisure Centre, Wilderness Lane, Harleston IP20 9DD Telephone: 01379 854519 Email: harlestontc@harlestontowncouncil.co.uk Website: www.harlestontowncouncil.co.uk Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 9.30am-1pm and Wednesday 1pm-5pm.

Norfolk County Council is responsible for major county wide services such as education, highways, police, fire and rescue, social services and libraries. It co-ordinates strategic, transport and emergency planning. Its main office is in County Hall in Norwich. Telephone: 0344 800 8020 Website: www.norfolk.gov.uk

South Norfolk District Council, is responsible for planning (including most housing applications), housing, council tax and refuse collection, electoral registration, licensing, most leisure centres and pools and street cleaning. Its offices are in Long Stratton. Telephone: 01508 533633 Email: reception@s-norfolk.gov.uk Website: www.south-norfolk.gov.uk

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Photo: Tom Pullinger

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@ your service

borrowdiscoverconnect It's free and easy to join and there's something for everyone ... You can borrow all sorts of material from brand new bestsellers, classics, magazines, audio books, large print titles, Playaways, e-books and more You can also hire CDs and DVDs Regular Bounce and Rhyme times for children, and many other events and activities There's also free access to PCs as well as free Wi-Fi in the library Ask staff for details or contact Harleston Library on 01379 852 549 or harleston.lib@norfolk.gov.uk

We hope to see you soon! 10 |

Harleston Information Plus (HIP) Harleston Information Plus is an independent charity funded through grants and donations. The charity has a voluntary management board made up of local people, and with the help of around 40 volunteers and three part-time staff provides services and support to around 6000 people each year. It offers a community hub that is home to a number of valuable services, catering for visitors to the town, its residents and those that live in the surrounding villages of Norfolk and Suffolk. We always look forward to welcoming people at the Community Information Centre, so why not call in to browse or see if we can help you? Or visit our website where you will find a wealth of information about local businesses, services, community groups and events.

Community Information

Finding Employment

Clubs and society details Events around Harleston Volunteer opportunities Bus timetables Tourist information, local attractions, walking routes, accommodation guide

Jobs Club (Wed 10am-2pm) Local job vacancies Work skills training programme Careers guidance Jobs Club ‘pop-ups’ in surrounding villages

Community Events Knit and Natter Internet Café (Fri pm) U3A Board Games group

Community/Lifelong Learning

Advice and Guidance

First Aid Computer training Fraud awareness Self-employment

Citizens Advice (Weds am) Info on services and help agencies Foodbank vouchers Better Together project helping to combat social isolation

Charity Collection Point

Also at our Centre

And more…

Spectacles Children’s shoes Stamps ‘Smalls for All’ bras and (new) pants

NHS Child development checks Harleston Cinema bookings County Councillor surgery

Meeting Room hire Ticket office for local events For sale.….Harleston bags and books, knitted goods, dog poo bags!

We rely on grants and donations, and are particularly fortunate to have the support of Harleston Town Council and the Bullock Fair Charity to enable us to continue our service to the community. Opening Times: Mon-Fri (9.30am-3.30pm), Thursday (9.30am-12.30pm) and Saturday (10am-1pm) Harleston Information Plus, 8 Exchange St, Harleston, IP20 9AB Phone: 01379 851917 Email: hip@harleston-norfolk.org.uk www.harleston-norfolk.org.uk

Harleston Information Plus

@HarlestonIP | 11

Harleston Chiropody & Podiatry Clinic Day & Evening Appointments Nail Surgery Clinic Orthotic/Insole Therapy Foot Care/Advice Various Verrucae Treatments (Including needling) Ultrasound scanning available Product Sales Home Visits Available

Mr. W. J. Hutchings BSc. Podiatry Hcpc reg M.c.Pod 01379 640370 foot.clinic@btconnect.com 1 Roydon Road, Diss, Norfolk 12 |

01379 640370 Memorial Leisure Centre, Wilderness Lane, Harleston

Health and Welfare Harleston Medical Practice


Bullock Fair Surgery Bullock Fair Close Harleston Norfolk IP20 9AT

Bupa Dental Care

The telephone lines are open from 8.30am – 6.30pm (6.00pm on Wednesday). Tel: 01379 853217 Options: 1 – Appointments 2 – Cancellation line (open 24 hours) 3 – Dispensary 10.30-12 & 2-4pm 4 – Test Results after 11.30am 5 – Secretary For referrals only 10-3pm 6 – Reception (general reception enquiries) – after 10am GP routine same day access - Please call us between 8.30 and 10am if you require the attention of a GP · To request a home visit: 01379 853217 before 10:30am · Dedicated Cancellation line 01379 855908 · We update our website regularly: www.harlestonsurgery.co.uk · E-Mail: harleston.reception@nhs.net · The dispensary is busy, so please allow at least 3 working days prior to collection (at least 4 working days if the medication requires reauthorisation by a GP) · You can request a repeat prescription online at: www.harlestonsurgery.co.uk · The practice information leaflet is available from Bullock Fair surgery or online · Practice Manager, Maria Flood on: 01379 853217 Please note: The surgery will be closed each day 1-2 pm. Telephone lines remain open as usual during this period.

24-26 Redenhall Road, Harleston, IP20 9ER Telephone: 01379 854466 Out of hours emergencies: Private (Call to get number from answerphone), NHS - Dial 111 Opening times: Monday, Wednesday: 8am - 7pm Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8am-5.30pm Saturday: 8am-1pm Opticians Cecil Amey

33b The Thoroughfare, Harleston, IP20 9AS Telephone: 01379 853504 Jeffery & Associates

10 Old Market Place, Harleston, IP20 9BE Telephone: 01379 853494 Hearing Services The Hearing Care Centre Ltd

Based at: Jeffery & Associates (see above for address) Tel: 0800 096 2637 Cecil Amey Hearing

Tel: 01379 853504 (See above for address) Chemist Your Local Boots Pharmacy

17 The Throughfare, Harleston IP20 9AH Telephone: 01379 852338 Opening times: Monday-Friday: 9am-6pm Saturday: 9am-5pm NHS Non-Emergency Number Telephone: 111 www.nhs.uk

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4 London Road, Harleston Tel: 01379 853258

KNITTING & SEWING Beautiful yarns and patterns from Sirdar, Debbie Bliss, Patons, Katia and Stylecraft. Haberdashery and sewing sundries.

CURTAINS & BLINDS Made to measure curtains, roman blinds and net curtains. We now also offer roller blinds, venetian and vertical Blinds. 100s of fabrics to choose from in store

That’s not all.... we also offer an in-house Clothing Alterations and Repairs Service, and Dry Cleaning too.

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Harleston’s History Harleston is an unplanned town, unlike other medieval towns such as Great Yarmouth with its’ ‘rows’. This is a market town in the true sense of the word as, at its’ very beginning, the market preceded a settled community. Why the market became established here is not clear, but a Royal Charter was granted in the 13th century. The triangular market area was bounded by Exchange Street, the Thoroughfare and the Old Market Place/Broad Street. This became a considerable enterprise, serving a wide area. Medieval plots developed on the outside edge of this triangle, stretching back a long way from narrow frontages. They consisted of small orchards, gardens, outhouses and workshops and eventually became known as ‘Yards’. Small industries – tinsmiths, gunsmiths, saddlers and wheelwrights et al plied their trades and turned the yards into noisy, busy places. The buildings fronting the streets became shops with their owners living upstairs.These yards still exist but are now mainly residential. Within the triangle, the market flourished but gradually was built up with more permanent buildings. By 1839, the structure of the town centre was very much as it is today. All through this steady re-development, the daily spiritual needs of the townsfolk and market goers were being met by St Johns’ Chapel of Ease which stood for many hundreds of years on the edge of the Market Place. The chapel was demolished in the 1870’s and replaced by St Johns’ Church built in Broad Street in 1872. (The Chapel of Ease was only available Monday to Saturday. Everyone was obliged to attend St Marys’ Redenhall on a Sunday.) The building of the Corn Hall in Exchange Street 1850 and the coming of the railway in 1855 was indicative of prosperous times and signalled a sound economic future for the town.

Photo: Margaret Griffiths

Over the years, a good relationship built up between the people of Harleston and the many small businesses which thrived here – one steadfastly supported the other, the effect of WW1 was to reduce the population considerably, however the town battled on and took WW2 in its stride – even the closure of the railway did not knock the towns’ progress. The 1960’s was a particularly prosperous time in terms of employment opportunities when a number of small manufacturing firms moved in and created hundreds of manufacturing jobs. Most of these have gone now and Harleston is back to what it always was – a small, vibrant market town providing a wonderful place we can all enjoy. The town is proud of its heritage. For those who wish to know more, why not visit the Harleston Museum? Very small, but perfectly formed, the museum is stewarded by enthusiastic volunteers from May to September. The opening times are limited but can be opened at other times by arrangement – contact details on museum door. Entry is free.

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Out and About

Photo: Terri Elliott

Buses Regular bus services connect Harleston with Norwich, Diss and Beccles. For full details of bus services and pick up points contact: • Traveline on 0871 200 2233, www.travelineeastanglia.org.uk • Konect Bus on 03300 539358, www.konectbus.co.uk • Simonds on 01379 647300, www.simonds.co.uk Printed timetables are available at Harleston Information Plus. Information on National Express services can be found at www.nationalexpress.com

Borderhoppa Borderhoppa provides a range of vital community transport services which are available to people who have no other access to other forms of transport. Users of the service include the elderly, community groups, young people, the rurally isolated and those with

impaired mobility. Borderhoppa services allow users to carry out important tasks such as attend medical appointments, go shopping, attend local jobs clubs and training, participate in social events and visit friends and family. Borderhoppa Community Transport is a registered not for profit charity and has been in operation since 2002. Borderhoppa’s office is based in 40 Fuller Road, Harleston and has a team of paid staff and drivers. The service currently covers 56 parishes in south Norfolk and north Suffolk and continues to grow. We provide a door to door dial-a-ride service and also arrange regular members’ outings throughout the year to popular destinations. Our buses are available to any local not for profit organisations, clubs and societies for private hire at very reasonable rates. Most buses are fitted with wheelchair lifts to make them fully accessible. Prices are available on request. If you would like to make a booking or would like more information then please call 01379 854800 or visit our website: www.borderhoppa.org. You can also email us on adminborderhoppa@btconnect.com

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The official Harleston Town Guide is delivered FREE to every door in Harleston and a digital version is available online at www.harlestontowncouncil.co.uk and www.falconpublications.co.uk To make sure your club, society or business is in the next guide contact gary@falconpublications.co.uk

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Harleston’s Future is an independent, voluntary group committed to supporting the Town Council, local businesses and community life in Harleston. We work closely with the Town Council, local businesses and other groups, to organise a range of events and activities for the benefit of Harleston residents, the surrounding communities and visitors. As well as community events, the group runs a cinema, organises Heritage walks, provides a colourful array of flags throughout the year, works to help address road safety issues for pedestrians and vehicles and aims to provide a better home for wildlife. This year, 2020, is a special year for Harleston as it is the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower sailing to America and four of the 102 passengers were the Fuller family from Redenhall with Harleston. We have commissioned a Mayflower logo designed by Scribbly Roo (www.scribblyroo.co.uk). A wide range of additional Mayflower themed events and activities have been organised by Harleston’s Future and other local groups including:- a visit from the descendants of the Fullers; a lecture series; various activities with the local primary school; a chance to encounter people from 17th century Harleston in the Living History day; and a Harleston Play - 1620: A New World Odyssey. Whilst this year got off to a good start, at the time of going to press our plans to make this a special year of celebrations have been impacted by the corona virus. Some events such as the planned VE Day street party;

the 2020 antiques & vintage market and evening street party have been cancelled. We hope that some of the other planned events may still be able to go ahead later in the year. We still want to celebrate our links to the Mayflower, so those events which can’t be held this year will be rescheduled for 2021 when we hope to run our normal cycle of events and activities, including the popular open gardens weekend. Please check the website www.vistharleston.org.uk for further information about the activities organised by Harleston’s Future and other organisations in the Town. We rely on the support of volunteers. New supporters are always welcome and it is a great way to meet new people and get involved with your community. If you are interested and want to know more please contact us on info@visitharleston.org.uk | 19


Photo: Mark Werner

Harleston is close to the River Waveney - the boundary between Norfolk and Suffolk.

Walk 1 - Harleston via Starston. Approx distance of 2.8 miles. Steep gradients.

The walks explore the Norfolk side of the Waveney valley - an ancient landscape comprising a complex network of irregular fields bounded by old hedgerows, remnants of the ancient woods, winding lanes connecting villages, hay meadows and pastures, rivers and wetlands; all now set in modern arable land. There are many routes walkers can take, and further information on many more walks can be found at Harleston Information Plus which is situated in Exchange Street. Here are just three examples of the interesting walks you can take.

This walk starts at the Recreation Ground, turning onto Wilderness Lane, Starston Road and then down Bunn's Lane (off the B1134 Starston Road). If you turn right at the end of Bunn's Lane and follow the hill down The Street, you will see St Margaret's Church ahead. If you don't wish to visit the church, turn right past the village hall, and at the end of the pavement turn right onto the public footpath just after passing The Rectory. Ignore the track on the left but keep right on the grass path up the steep hill, go around the corner and continue with the hedge on your right. Cross the dismantled railway line, then the bridge over the ditch and continue beside another field up the hill to Bunn's Lane, cross the road and you will be back on Starston Road, where you can either make your way back to the Recreation Ground or go through Weavers Croft, passing Herolf Way and Pilgrims Way, on to Swan Lane and then onto the main street, The Thoroughfare.

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Walk 2 - Harleston via Lushbush. Approx distance of 3.2 miles. Moderate gradients. The start point is at St John the Baptist, Broad Street. With your back to the church, turn right along Broad Street. Keep right and walk along Redenhall Road out of Harleston towards Redenhall, past the poplar trees and turn left down the hill to Lushbush. Turn left at the T-junction, cross the bridge over the stream and turn right on the public footpath up the hill. Walk up this field edge path keeping the trees on your right. Turn right on reaching the road and, after a short distance, turn left onto the public footpath just after, and adjacent to, the drive to a house.

Photo: Mark Werner

Walk 3 - Harleston via Redenhall. Approx distance of 4 miles. Steep gradients. The start point is St John the Baptist, Broad Street. With your back to the church, turn right and walk along Broad Street, then Redenhall Road, and continue for approximately one mile to the roundabout.

Photo: Mark Werner

Walk on this wide grass field margin towards and then beside Gawdy Hall Wood. After a short distance turn right at the way marker post to cross the field over the hill down to the road, emerging opposite the junction. Turn right at the road (Church Lane), look out for the wooden memorial to a World War One plane crash on the right just before Church Lane Cottages. Turn first right and follow the road over the hill, continue ahead at the crossroads. Bear left at the junction and walk up Station Hill and continue along Station Road. Turn right at the end, cross where possible and return to the start point. This walk passes close to Gawdy Hall Big Wood, an undisturbed Site of Special Scientific Interest. Whilst there is no public access, the footpath is adjacent to it for a short distance and the large wood is visible from any of the country roads all around.

Cross at the roundabout and walk up to St Mary's Church. After visiting the church, return to the road and continue over the brow of the hill. Turn right into Cook's Lane. Continue along Cook's Lane turning left at the junction to walk down Cuckoo Lane, a very steep hill. Turn right at the T-junction onto Low Road. Turn right at the public footpath finger post just after Freston Farm and Freston House and walk up the steep hill (part of Angles Way). At the junction of footpaths, at the brow of the hill, continue ahead (by turning right then immediately left at the second way marker post) and keep the ditch on your left. Just before a small wood on your left, turn right to walk down to the road. Turn left into Green Lane, cross the A143 at the crossing point and continue as Green Lane becomes Jay's Green. As the road bears sharp right, continue ahead onto Straight Lane, turning left at the end to return to the start point at the church. | 21

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Origami boats made by the primary school children and hung inside St John's Church Harleston to mark the launch of the Mayflower 400 anniversary year. Photo: Harleston’s Future.

Education Archbishop Sancroft High School

Please do read our most recent Ofsted and Church Schools

(A Church of England Academy)

Inspection reports, visit our twitter feed @ASHS_Harleston

“I have come that you might have life and have it to the full” --

and explore our website: www.ashs.stbenets.org to gain a

John 10:10

greater insight in to daily life at the school. Rob Connelly,

'The school, through its distinctive Christian character, is outstanding at meeting the needs of all learners' (SIAMS Church Schools Inspection, 2017). Our vision statement outlines our plans to make our already very good school even better: 'Archbishop Sancroft High School is a successful and progressive Church of England High School where everyone thrives. We are a distinctive learning community where students are at the centre of everything. Our

our Head of School would be very happy to arrange a tour of the school to anyone who would like to see why we are so proud of our very special community. To contact us, please phone 01379 852561 or email office@ashs.stbenets.org Harleston CE Primary Academy Harleston CE VA Primary is a successful, thriving and friendly school with an open, positive ethos where the views of parents and children are valued.

emphasis is on educating the whole person. We provide an

We are committed to developing flourishing home, school

exciting and broad curriculum with dedicated support to

and community links and work closely with many of the

enable students to identify and develop their skills and

local services and businesses within the surrounding area.


We believe in developing the whole child, educationally,

‘The school provides high quality and inspirational teaching

spiritually, morally and culturally and offer strong pastoral

in an environment where everyone is challenged to achieve

support. A recent audit from the Diocese of Norwich (Oct

ambitious goals. Outstanding pastoral care ensures that

2017) concluded that ‘This is a caring school where the

every student is known individually and nurtured within

spiritual, moral, social and cultural provision is a strength.

our caring Christian community. Students leave the school

Pupil’s personal development and welfare is attended to

equipped with the skills, belief and confidence they need to


succeed in their chosen path; from ASHS to anywhere!'

Through an exciting, creative curriculum, we aim to equip

As a school we are wholeheartedly committed to providing

each child with the skills needed for lifelong learning,

the very best education for the Harleston community. In

developing confident pupils who have high aspirations and

August 2018 we joined St Benet’s Multi Academy Trust

are proud of their achievements. We work hard to ensure

along with Harleston Primary Academy and the two schools

that our curriculum meets the needs of individual learners,

Federated in January 2019. We are now on a very exciting

providing them with both challenge and support.

journey to create one unique ‘all-through school’ where children will join at age 3 and enjoy an exciting, enriching and challenging education experience that will allow them to flourish and grow, leaving at the age of 16 having developed the qualities and values that underpin the

We are incredibly proud of our school, have high expectations and continue to achieve good standards. Visit our website www.harleston.stbenets.org to find out more about us.

Christian Foundation of St Benet’s Trust and the Harleston Schools.

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Susan Whymark Funeral Service Ltd Owned and run by the Whymark Family

Independent Funeral Service Serving Eye, Harleston and surrounding areas Telephone personally answered 24 hours a day

Eye 01379 871168 Harleston 01379 851253 www.susanwhymark.co.uk email: susan@susanwhymark.co.uk Chestnut House, 12 Progress Way, Langton Green, Eye, IP23 7HU And Ley House, 11a London Road, Harleston, IP20 9BH 26 |

Faith in Harleston St. John's Harleston and St. Mary's Redenhall Learning to put Jesus first Sharing love & Good News We seek to be inclusive and welcoming to all, with Sunday worship ranging from the traditional, to the new and informal. During the week we have Saturday Chatty Church for young families, Midweek Mingle for a cuppa, toast and a chat, lunches, coffee and cake, community singing, prayer, Communion, and much more. We also run a range of study groups to deepen our faith, and to help us live that faith in everyday life. We seek to be at the heart of our community, and do all that we can to support and encourage our neighbours. St. John’s in particular is a warm, welcoming and well equipped building for church and community use, with flexible seating, kitchen and audiovisual equipment. St. John’s is becoming more and more popular as a large

venue in the heart of Harleston. So if you have an activity, concert or event in mind, St. John’s may be for you. St. John’s and St. Mary’s are part of a benefice of seven churches working together along the Waveney Valley. Sunday Worship at St. John’s is at 11am each Sunday. For details of services in St. Mary’s or any other enquiries, just get in touch.

Contact Details:

Revd. Nigel Tuffnell The Rectory, 10 Swan Lane, Harleston IP20 9AN Phone: 01379 308905 or 07443937050 Email: rector@7churches.org.uk Website: http://7churches.org.uk

Photo: Pledge to the Planet Credit: Ian Carstairs

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Photo: Tina Ewart

St. Thomas More Chapel Jay's Green, Harleston, IP20 9HH Contact: Father Charles 01986 893355 Roman Catholic Mass Sunday 9am, coffee afterwards, most Tuesdays at 8.00am and Holy Days at 7.30pm. London Road Church Harleston (Methodist & URC) Services: every Sunday morning at 10:30am, communion is celebrated monthly; the Sunday School meets at the same time during term time. Informal worship is on the fourth Sunday of the month at 6.30pm at London Road. For more information call Rev’d Katie Jackson on 01379 855239 The church hall is available for private functions. For bookings please call the dedicated number on the noticeboard outside. Baptisms and weddings by arrangement with the minister. Contact the Minister on 01986 896501 Hope Church Harleston Church office 644223, office@wearehopechurch.net Services: Hope Church Harleston is an authentic, lively, bible-based community church that has members of all ages, from all sorts of backgrounds. We meet at Archbishop Sancroft High School. On Sundays we have a relaxed and child-friendly atmosphere that begins with freshly-made coffee at 10.30am with the main meeting starting at 11am. Small groups meet throughout the week. We are a member of the Evangelical Alliance, and are passionate about serving our local community. Visit our website, www.wearehopechurch.net, for more details. So whether you are a Christian or on the edges of faith, or just wanting to see some friendly faces every now and again, we would love to welcome you.

Harleston & District Business Forum, in its current form, is 8 years old this year and has never been more vibrant or well supported. It provides likeminded business owners and other interested parties with a forum to share business information, to network, to be an official voice when approached by or when approaching local, regional and national authorities and ultimately to help grow businesses in the area and promote the town and surrounding area. It is an 'open' forum, meaning that anyone who owns a business, works in one, is an ex-business owner or is a member of any organisation interested in Harleston & District and its development, is welcome to join us. You may come to our breakfasts without committing yourself to membership (in the first instance). We are a very friendly, supportive crowd; just come along and see what we are about. Breakfast meetings are usually at The Swan Hotel, Harleston but occasionally elsewhere, on the first Wednesday of each month at 7.30am. We have several meeting formats, always preceded by a short introduction from each member, then followed by a speaker or a one to one networking session or members' talks. To book, email info@hdbf.org.uk and give your choice of full English or continental breakfast. The £10 meeting fee can be paid on the day. We also organise occasional outings and an annual Christmas dinner. For more information visit hdbf.org.uk or phone Andrew Denny, chairman, on 01379 853526 or 07917 458557. | 29

"We are always happy to welcome new students into our community and we will make you feel very welcome. Whether you are a boy, girl, man or woman, Karate or Kickboxing may be the best thing you have ever done for yourself." Minimum age for Karate 4 yrs, for kickboxing 13 yrs.

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Photo: Harleston’s Future

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Cherry Tree Stables Roydon Road Diss Norfolk IP22 4LN

Tel: 01379 870 999 3 Broad Street Harleston Norfolk IP20 9AZ

Tel: 01379 852 999 Monthly budget plan available

• Free health check

”Kloe’s Klub”

• Monthly flea treatments

• 1 free microchip

• Quarterly worm treatments

• 1 free vaccination

• Lung worm treatment

• Free first consultation for

• Plus extra discounts on

new conditions

products and services

Email: info@cherrytree-vets.co.uk www.cherrytree-vets.co.uk www.facebook.com/cherrytreepets

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Alburgh with Denton Preschool Nursery School Road, Alburgh, IP20 0BW Tel: 01986 788733 Harleston Preschool Nursery School Lane, Harleston, IP20 9HG Tel: 01379 853403 Our nurseries are inclusive and open to all members of the community. Our aim is to provide a friendly, caring learning environment; a place where Fun and learning meet! We also offer before and afterschool clubs and holiday clubs for school aged children. We are open all year round from 8am-6pm

‘Education is a journey not a race’

Harleston’s Neighbours Harleston is in the Waveney Valley and is surrounded

also the site of the Norfolk & Suffolk Aviation

by a host of beautiful villages. The town is situated

Museum. The village was used by the US airforce as

just to the north of the River Waveney, the boundary

the base for the "Bungay Buckeroos" in World War II.

between Norfolk and Suffolk. Among the

Fressingfield. The church in Fressingfield contains

surrounding parishes are:

the tomb of Archbishop Sancroft and contains some

Alburgh. The church in Alburgh, All Saints, contains

very interesting timbers. The Fox & Goose, now a

interesting relics of the First World War and there is

restaurant, was formerly a guildhall.

also evidence of a Stone Age grave in the vicinity.

Homersfield. More properly called South Elmham St

Brockdish. A pretty village situated on the banks of

Mary, this village has the oldest concrete bridge in

the River Waveney. It is the highest point on the river

Britain, built in 1870. Gravel extraction in the area

from which canoes and kayaks can access the water,

has revealed evidence of woolly mammoth and

the entry point being at the foot of the common. In

rhinoceros among other Ice Age creatures.

the summer of 2018, the Waveney Heritage Centre

Hoxne. It is said that St Edmund, King of East Anglia,

opened in the old primary school offering a wide

was slaughtered at Goldbank Bridge by the Danes.

range of talks, entertainment and cultural activities.

His hiding place was revealed by a newly married

Denton. The Church of Denton St Mary is one of 124

couple and he put a curse on all couples crossing the

existing round-tower churches in Norfolk. Its original

bridge to be married. The Swan Inn was once a 15th

round tower fell in the 16th century, and was

century lodge known as Bishops Lodge. It is also the

repaired in the most economical fashion, built of

site of the finding of the Hoxne Hoard of Roman

brick and square, but retaining the eastern curved


part built of flint. To the north-west at Darrow Green

Mendham. Famous for its connection with Sir

are the surviving earthworks of Denton Castle, a

Alfred Munnings, who was born in the Miller's House

small medieval motte-and-bailey castle..

in 1878 and later became President of the Royal

Dickleburgh. The village name derives from an Irish

Academy. The church, All Saints, has a timber

monk by the name of Dicul who had a brief

chancel-arch and a 14th century tower. The 1880's

settlement ("burgh") in the area in the late 6th

east window is also notable, depicting the Ascension.

century, nothing of which survives today. At one

Metfield. The name is derived from "meadow field".

time, the village was dominated by a mill with homes

The village has a 13th century parish church, St John

for the workers from 1780 producing herbage seeds

the Baptist, which was remodelled in the 1400s.

and grain.

During World War II a bomb dump exploded outside

Flixton. Until the latter part of the last century the

the village detonating over 1000 tonnes of explosive

village was the location of Flixton Hall, a grand

and killing five men.

country estate reputedly once considered by the royal family as an alternative to Sandringham. It is | 33

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34 |

Needham. Needham may be a small community but

connected by nameless roads that lead you in circles

it has a very long history dating back to the Romans

until you're back where you started. Impressive ruins

who left fine pottery jars, several kilns and a small

of the old Minster can be found at St Cross.

coin hoard at the east end of the village. The

Scole. On the outskirts of Diss, this was a coaching

charming church has a round stone tower which

station on the road from Colchester to Caister St

probably dates back to Norman times and a rather

Edmund, near Norwich. The 1655 Scole Inn is said to

macabre inscription on the back of one of the old

be haunted by Emma, who was murdered by her

pews. The river bank overlooking the bridge by the


old red brick water mill is a delightful scenic spot in the summer

Starston. The church of St Margaret has a chequer work to the parapet and the remains of wall

Pulham St Mary. The Romans may have had a

paintings. The village sign features a wind pump that

settlement here as various artefacts have been

enabled water from the Beck to be delivered to

found. During World War I the Admiralty constructed

Starston Place, demolished in the 1900s.

a large air station as a base for airships and 3000 naval personnel. The airships were known as 'Pulham Pigs'. Lately famous for the restoration of Pennoyer's School, which, when it closed in 1988, was the oldest

Syleham. St Margaret's is another of the roundtower churches of East Anglia. Also famous for the Syleham Watermill, subsequently used as a factory and now converted to residential properties.

elementary free school in England. The building is now a thriving village centre.

Weybread. In the church of St Andrew's there is a memorial plaque to Alfred Ablett who was born in

Pulham Market. Considered by many to be the typical English village, everything is centred around the green. The earliest recorded spelling is Polleham and is thought to mean the farmhouse or enclosure

Weybread in 1830 and was awarded the Victoria Cross during the Crimean War. Each pew end shows the word "free" - dating from the abolition of the pew rents.

by the pools or streams. The church of St Mary Magdalene has a stunning 17th century porch. The popular Crown Inn was once used to house workers who built the village's church in the 14th century.

Wortwell. Originally this was a hamlet within the parish of Mendham and gained parish status in 1885. The watermill is ancient and is referred to in conveyances as early as the 14th century.The river

Redenhall. Officially Harleston is called "Redenhall

was once a source of eels for the London market.

with Harleston". The parish church of St Mary serves Harleston and the 15th century tower is a most impressive sight.

Wingfield. Wingfield Castle, now a private home, was originally the home of the Wingfield family and their descendants, the De La Poles - Earls and Dukes

Rushall. The church of Rushall St Mary the Virgin is one of 124 existing round-tower churches in Norfolk. The Half Moon Inn is a 16th century coaching inn. The Saints. The Saints is renowned for its ability to

of Suffolk. The tomb of St John de Wingfield, chief of staff to the Black Prince, can be found in the 14th century St Andrew's Church. Wingfield Barns runs a programme of artistic events.

confuse you. It comprises a maze of twelve villages | 35

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Clubs and Societies Blackbelt Academy (martial arts) Contact: Richard Vince, 0800 169 1328

Harleston Round Table Contact: Mark Drury, 07912 015924

Community Crafts Contact: Liz Warren, 01379 853277

Harleston Scouts, Beavers and Cubs Beavers (6-8) Pauline Sinden, 07543 992228 Cubs (8-10) Chris Lown, 07927 077957 Scouts Richard Betts, 07582 375341

Exchange 2 Youth Group Contact: Chris Lown, 07927 077957 or Lucy Marjoram, 01379 852749 www.exchange2.org Flower Club Contact: Jenni Baker, 01986 782377 flowersbyjenni@gmail.com Friends of Norfolk Dialect Contact: Mr N Hart, 01379 852677 www.norfolkdialect.com Girlguiding in Norfolk (Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers) Contact: Tracey Betts, (South Norfolk Division Commissioner), 01379 854663 Harleston Allotments Association Contact: Dave Meekings, 01379 853342 Contact Rosie Riches at the Town Council to enquire first on 01379 854519 Harleston Camera Club Contact: Derek Chenery, 01379 852708

Harleston Tennis & Squash Club Recreation Ground, Wilderness Lane Contact: Paul Schultheiss, 01379 853997 for more info or the Leisure Centre on 01379 852088 for bookings. www.harlestontennissquash.co.uk Harleston Town Football Club www.harlestontownfc.com harlestontownfc@btinternet.com Harleston Wives Contact: Gill Riches, 01379 852857 Jobs Club Contact: Lucy Marjoram, 01379 851917 Lucy.marjoram@harleston-norfolk.org.uk Probus Club John Collard, 01379 676202 jaykprime@gmail.com Redenhall Ringing Society Contact: Lindy Ellis, 01986 788326

Harleston Choral Society Contact: Stella Brownsea, email: heidihouse@btinternet.com

Rotary Club Harleston & District Contact: Peter Brown, 01379 853505

Harleston Historical Society Contact: Brian Wright , 01379 853660

Royal Air Forces Association Contact: Mr H Websdell, 01379 853967

Harleston Garden Club Contact: William Thomas, 01379 853483 b.william.thomas@gmail.com

Royal British Legion Contact: Jim Keywood, 01379 853711

Harleston Ladies Evening Group Contact: Mrs Cathy Spurgin 01379 853193 Harleston Magpies Hockey Club Shotford Heath, Weybread, 01379 853706 magpieshockey.clubbuzz.co.uk Harleston Players Adult & Youth Drama Group Contact: Helen Farrar 01379 853747

Starston Bellringers Contact: Mr H Websdell, 01379 853967 U3A Contact: 01986 788149 www.u3asites.org.uk/harleston Waterlilies Swimming School Contact: Teresa [Treacle] Griffin, 01379 740489 Mobile: 07955 550164

Harleston Recreation Grounds Bowls Club Contact: Graham Pardon, 01379 852482 | 37

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Falcon Publications DBH 21, Diss Business Park, Hopper Way, Diss IP22 4GT Tel: 01379 773347/773348/773349 info@falconpublications.co.uk www.falconpublications.co.uk

38 |

Photo: Terri Elliott

| 39

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01379 852289 ojfencing@outlook.com Ollie Earl, Hill Farm, Redenhall Road, Harleston IP20 9QN | 41

Retinal Photography Glaucoma & Diabetic Screening 10 Old Market Place Harleston IP20 9BE Tel: 01379 853494

5-7 Church Street, Harleston Tel: 01379 852644 Open 7 days a week Mon-Sat 8am-5pm Sundays 8am-4pm

7B Bullock Fair Close, Harleston near Co-op Supermarket

Hair & Beauty Tel: 01379 855455 www.thecuttingcorner.co.uk 42 |

Photo: Tina Ewart

| 43

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44 |

43 The Thoroughfare, Harleston IP20 9AS

07733 542 340

Photo: Tina Ewart

| 45

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p41 Janet Kenyon

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