Artseast April 2016

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ARTSeast April 2016

Exciting Expansion at The Coconut Loft, Lowestoft


Interview: Vicki Michelle

Tickets and a meal

Local Arts Scene: Dedham

Visual Arts

eatre & Film



What’s On

Diss Auction Rooms

“Art every Friday” Viewing: Every Thursday 2-8pm Viewing: Thursday 30 January 2-8pm, Also The Gallery Sale Friday 31 January 10-6pm Saturday 9 July 2016, contact James Bassam for details

Diss Auction Rooms, Roydon Road, Diss, Norfolk IP22 4LN 01379 650 306

2 |

April 2016 | 3







Local Arts Scene


18 Theatre & Film News

34 Dedham Photos

20 Theatre Royal Norwich

35 Dedham Introduction

Cover Story

21 Maddermarket Theatre Competition

36 Sir Alfred Munnings Art Museum


22-23 Coffee & a Chat – Vicki Michelle

Editor’s Letter

Coconut Loft

37 Spotlight on Terry Jeffrey 38 Win a meal at Le Talbooth Restaurant

Visual Arts

39 The Last Photo

8-9 Visual Arts News 10 Artists On View


11 Artist Profile – David Smeaden

40 Subscription/Competition Winners

12 Paintopia 2016

41 Back Issues 42 Directory

20 Music 24 Music News


25 Cambridge Early Music 26 Rita Coolidge/East Anglian Brass 27 Maui Waui Pirate’s Ball Competition

Literature 14 BooksEast Festival

Food & Drink

15 Mascot Media

28 Food review: The Oaksmere Hotel

Art Council

What’s On

16-17 Seachange Arts

30 Weird & Wonderful Wood 31 Fairy Fair Competition 32 Kid’s Corner: Half Term Fun 33 Alde Valley Spring Festival

4 |



Welcome Editor’s Letter

ARTSeast ARTSeast Magazine DBH 21-22 Diss Business Park Hopper Way, Diss Norfolk IP22 4GT follow us @artseastmag Publishers Gary Enderby & Sarah Veness

Welcome to the April issue of ARTSeast

Our local arts scene focuses on beautiful


Dedham village nestled on the border between

Editorial Sarah Veness 01379 773348

Essex and Suffolk. Once home to renowned I love this time of year. With the clocks going

artists John Constable and Sir Alfred Munnings,

forward, the lighter evenings mean more time to

Dedham is a paradise for artists, art lovers and

get out and about to enjoy our beautiful region.

photographers alike.

Our cover this month features exciting changes

Yet again, we are thrilled to be able to offer some

at The Coconut Loft Gallery in Kirkley, Lowestoft.

fantastic prizes to our readers this month

Expanding into new rooms, this delightful gallery

including tickets to see The Vortex at The

and coffee lounge is also opening a deli stocked

Maddermarket Theatre, Norwich, tickets to Maui

with delicious local products.

Waui's Pirates Ball, a family ticket to the Fairy Fair

For our coffee and chat feature we caught up

and a meal for two at the award-winning Le

with Allo Allo actress Vicki Michelle ahead of her

Talbooth Restaurant in Dedham.

appearance in hit pole-dancing comedy The

This month we are also featuring a literature

Naked Truth at King's Lynn Corn Exchange later

section which we hope you'll enjoy. If you have

this month. Appearing in the play with her

any ideas or suggestions of things you'd like to

daughter Louise for the first time, Vicki is excited

see in ARTSeast, do please get in touch.

to be back in Norfolk after filming Allo Allo here

For now, enjoy this April issue and fingers crossed

decades ago.

the sun keeps shining now spring is here!

Sarah Veness Editor

Advertising Gary Enderby 01379 773347 Karen Johnson 01379 773349 Accounts Design Copy Concept 01379 608358 Distribution Melvyn Veness Tim Walken Printed by: Town & Country Printers Published by Falcon Publications

April 2016 | 5

Cover Story

A Jewel in Lowestoft's Crown

The once fashionable South Lowestoft area of Kirkley, established

looking for new local artists to support and is now home to a

by Sir Samuel Morton Peto in the late 1800s, is going through a

branch of the Norfolk Knitters and Stitchers and the Waveney

renaissance following years of decline. No business epitomises

Author Group who each meet weekly and have facilitated the

this renewed gentrification than The Coconut Loft in Waterloo

development of a distinctive food menu which is continually


Bistrofying. From its opening in June 2014 art was displayed on

To the amazement of most locals, the new owners, Richard and Gina, transformed a tired empty shop into a blaze of colour, warmth and bonhomie. Great Italian coffee and affordable art, at first, seemed more akin with Southwold than Kirkley but slowly this quiet side street, close to the main sea front promenade, has become a jewel in Lowestoft’s crown.

stark white walls but, in the past few weeks two new galleries have been spawned from the derelict pump house and the exposed brickwork has added an urban feel to the display areas. Peto has surely stopped turning in his grave and will now be looking on with quiet approval at this cultural revival.

The discovery of a seawater well (now a feature) at the centre of the shop led to the rediscovery of its historical beginnings as the South Lowestoft Seawater Slipper Baths and added to its appeal.

With the best coffee in the region and a newly opened delicatessen, The Coconut Loft has become a

Initially The Coconut Loft only boasted coffee, cake and two

great destination for foodies and

galleries of bright paintings but, within a short space of time, local

art lovers alike.

crafts started to appear and exhibitions by local artists have adorned the art spaces with regularity. The business is always

6 |

Cover image: The Coconut Loft

Visual Arts

Do you have an exhibition or event coming up?

ARTSeast can help promote your exhibition to art lovers across Norfolk & Suffolk each and every month. Just call us on 01379 773347 or email

ARTSeast Bringing you closer to the arts

5 TH MAY to 21 ST MAY 2016 Open Wednesday I Thursday I Friday I Saturday 11am to 4pm

April 2016 | 7

Visual Arts

Suffolk Exhibition supports Farmers

Visual Arts News Artist Talks in Norwich Responding to popular demand from its customers, Gallery in the

Twelve artists from across the UK are exhibiting in Suffolk from

Lanes is to host a series of

April 12th with sales of their work helping raise funds for the

artists’ talks beginning this

Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI). The Rural Themes

spring. The events will be free and

exhibition at The Gallery Highwaymans in Risby, Bury St Edmunds

informal and give unique access

aims to raise awareness of the valuable work the RABI does for

to the artists whose beautiful

the farming community. It will feature paintings by Clare Blois and

work is regularly on show at the

textiles by Jacque Wakely RBSA from Scotland, Eric Pentecost and

venue. Book early to avoid

Charles Summers FRSA from Cornwall, Celia Bennett from

disappointment! The first

Gloucester, Mark Weston from West Sussex, Jerry Alexander from

artists giving talks will be figurative artist

Essex, Nick Andrew from Wiltshire, Fiona Scott-Wilson from Kent,

Dee Nickerson and ceramicist Clare Cummins on April 14th at

Clive Meredith from Hampshire, Susie Lidstone from Surrey and

6pm. Refreshments will be provided. The two artists are friends

Gerry Defries from London. The artists belong to Creative

and have known each other for many years. The audience will

Coverage, which represents selected professional artists and

experience a lively and intimate discussion giving insight into

craftspeople. Gallery owner Juliet Fisher says: 'This exhibition runs

the pair's relationship as artists and how their work has

for two weeks but the artists work will be exhibited in the gallery

developed during their careers.

until June.'

Oliver Bedeman: Nature Boy The Fairhurst Gallery in Norwich are presenting an exciting new body of work from Oliver Bedeman, a figurative painter living and working in London, whose work focuses on imagined and often dream-like portraiture. Following a degree in Painting at Brighton University, Oliver studied at the The Royal Drawing School in London where he won the Lady Rothermere Award and residency in 2008. More recently, Oliver’s painting of his brother Tom, has been selected for the 2016 Columbia Threadneedle Prize exhibition, on view at the Mall Galleries from February 3rd 2016. Oliver's bold paintings reinterpret observed moments of rushing London life through highly charged portraits of poets, brothers and saints - most of which are born of the imagination whilst others embody those who mean most to the artist. The world of the London tube lines, and this anonymous yet shared experience, remains a motif for Oliver's work. Oliver picks and borrows from a huge range of traditions and fantasies, from Hockney to Whitman, Ginsberg to Dylan, Wild West to Munnings. His practice explores these, and the role of the poet in this world, giving body to a group of paintings that contain more than enough individual voice.

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Visual Arts

Wivenhoe House: 'Constable' Artist Appointed Acclaimed contemporary artist Kate Bright has been chosen to complete Wivenhoe House hotel’s landscape commission, celebrating 200 years since John Constable painted Wivenhoe Park.

East Anglian Artists Exhibition

Nearly 40 professional artists from the UK and Europe applied for

After winning the prestigious Suffolk Museum of the Year

the post, which will see Kate, who grew up in Suffolk, responding to

Award in 2015, the Museum of East Anglian Life in

the original masterpiece with a contemporary landscape painting, to

Stowmarket is pleased to announce its latest temporary

be completed for the anniversary in September. Kate said: 'I am

exhibition, Life through the Eyes of East Anglian Artists

delighted to be involved in the celebrations that mark the 200th

featuring oil paintings, drawings, and watercolours by

anniversary of the painting. I grew up in Suffolk and, as a landscape

well-known 19th and 20th Century artists from our region.

painter, I am only too aware of his importance both as a ground

Running from April 16th to March 31st 2017, the pictures

breaking Romantic painter but also as a local hero.' Kate will be

will be complimented by related artefacts from the

attending Wivenhoe House’s Constable Challenge day on Sunday

Museum' s own Collection to emphasise connections

June 12th when amateur artists are invited to set up around the

between what we see and how we live. Lisa Harris,

grounds of Wivenhoe House and create their own masterpieces for

Collections and Interpretation Manager says; 'The

an autumn exhibition at the hotel when Kate’s painting will be

exhibition covers farming and country life including


harvest and the wool trade, as well as looking at the

coastal economy and transport in the countryside. Many of the artists represented will be familiar to Art enthusiasts including Thomas and Edward Robert Smythe, John Moore, and Arthur James Stark. Twentieth Century artists Anna Airy and Harry Becker are represented by drawings. All have connections with East Anglia and the works have been selected to illustrate the living and working conditions of local people.'

Harleston & Waveney Arts Trail Open Studios The very popular Harleston & Waveney Arts Trail open studios event this year offers public access to twenty-five professional artists’ studios with drawings, paintings, prints, textiles and mosaics on display, giving valuable insight into how their artwork is produced. It takes place from 11am-6 pm over two consecutive weekends from May 21st - 22nd and the following Bank Holiday weekend May 28th - 30th. Full details can be obtained in the Trail brochures which will be available at various locations during April including galleries, pubs, restaurants, Information Centres and libraries in the region and the HWAT website. There will be an opportunity to meet the artists together at an Open Studios Preview exhibition of mini works in the foyer of the River Waveney Study Centre, Earsham, Bungay on April 15th at 12 noon in the foyer. There will be a second Preview Exhibition of artists’ work at the Pennoyers Centre, Pulham St Mary from Wednesday April 27th – Tuesday May 17th. April 2016 | 9


ON VIEW Nicola Slattery Painter and Printmaker

Art Courses

Artfellows Picture Framers & Art Gallery Bespoke Framing, Hand Finishing, Good Selection of Original Paintings, Antique Restoration Exclusive Greetings Cards

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ALISON WAGSTAFFE artist – printmaker

Norfolk & Norwich Open Studios 2016 May 28th - June 12th

2016 Brochure available 10 |

Visual Arts

Artist Profile: David Smeaden

From a very young age, David Smeaden loved to draw. 'I loved birds and would spend hours copying them from an ornithology book,' says David. 'I remember my school teacher praising me and saying that I'd managed to get them just right.' Growing up in the East End of London, David left school and trained as an apprentice draughtsman. 'Although I loved art, I never considered going to art college,' says David. 'Looking back, I'd have loved to have been a book illustrator but it just wasn't something I realised was an option for me.' Instead, as the years passed, David moved from being a draughtsman into office work. But art was still a passion. 'I taught myself to draw and paint and developed a real passion for both architecture and landscapes,' says David. 'My skills as a draughtsman came in very handy when it came to fine detail and perfect lines on buildings.' Now retired and living in Lavenham, David uses a mixture of pen and ink and acrylic and watercolour washes. 'I'm always drawing even when I should be decorating,' he laughs. 'As long as I'm drawing, I'm happy.'

'Turner is my idol,' says David. 'His paintings were fantastic for the age and I love looking into his work and discovering what it's all about.' As the warm weather approaches, David can be found outside with an easel. He also enjoys photography and often draws from photographic images. This year, David's work will be on display during the Lavenham Arts Festival on June 11th-12th at 48 High Street Lavenham. It will also feature in the Lavenham Art Society Exhibition at Lavenham Church from August 20th-29th. He also had a painting selected for an exhibition of Lavenham artists, both past and present, at Lavenham Guildhall which runs all year. 'It was a fantastic honour to be recognised for that exhibition and I'm proud I was one of the chosen artists,' says David. David's paintings can be found in London, Jersey, Australia, Japan, Canada and America. He is currently looking to exhibit his work in more local galleries across the region.

To find out more go to

David is inspired by the work of J.M.W.Turner and Edward Seago.

April 2016 | 11

Visual Arts

Paintopia 2016 This May, Sprowston Manor in Norwich will have several world champions and a huge array of talented bodyartists in their midst at the international body painting event – Paintopia. The Paintopia festival is the brain child of Jennie Roberts. Little did she know when she started it five years ago that it would attract world wide body artists to compete for the title of Paintopia Body Painter of the Year. Whilst body painting is still growing in the UK, it is a multi-million worldwide business, particularly in the USA with shows like Face Off, Skin Wars and Naked Vegas racking up the viewing ratings. Jennie is keen to ensure that the UK does not get left behind. 'There is a huge amount of unrecognised talent in the UK, and

known as the Picasso of Body Painting, five time world champion

Paintopia gives them a worldwide platform to show off those skills

Madelyn Greco, UK former world champion Carolyn Roper, You

and shine,' enthuses Jenn. 'The support from both trade and

Tube star Pinkstylist and Instagram star Maria Malone-Guerbaa

individual delegates is amazing, everyone is determined to make

with many more yet to be confirmed and announced.

this year the most successful to date.'

Sunday is perhaps the most fun day of the weekend because it is

The theme this year is Urban Jungle with the event getting off to a

open to the general public so they can enjoy the fabulous artwork

spectacularly colourful start with a brand new UV paint session on

up close, learn more about working in the make-up and bodyart

the Thursday afternoon/evening. The rest of the weekend will

industry and shop at the wide variety of exhibitor stands stacked

consist of competitions and masterclass demonstrations by

with face paint, make up and prosthetics. There is a music tent

exhibitors and guest artists.

featuring local bands and musicians throughout the day.

Judges and guest artists this year include LA-based Pashur,

Tickets will be available from

12 |

Visual Arts

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Sunday 24 April 2016 10.00 – 16.00


The Open Academy Salhouse Road Norwich NR7 9DL      

Beads Patchwork & Quilting Books Threads Vintage Textiles Food & Refreshments

Admission by ticket, £6.00 in advance or £7.00 on the door. For further information please visit our website : contact; Katie on 07833 147821 Email :




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Exciting line-up for Inaugural BooksEast

Ranulph Fiennes Credit: Ian Parnell

From May 9th to 15th, East Anglia’s newest book festival,

an international bidding war); Laura Dodsworth will talk about

BooksEast, brings a range of celebrated authors to Suffolk’s

her beautiful and inspirational book Bare Reality; Britain’s

county town for a festival with a difference. Ipswich Corn Exchange, Film Theatre, Town Hall and its gallery spaces and café and other venues across the town, will be buzzing as a wide range of writers descend on the town to inspire and delight audiences of all ages from 4 to 104.

leading thinker Charles Handy will reveal the thinking behind his latest book The Second Curve; and many, many more authors and events are planned, including pro cyclist David Millar and Jason Hazeley and Joel

Horrid Henry author Francesca Simon will be talking about her

Morris, creators of the hugely

latest book The Monstrous Child; intrepid adventurer and

popular Ladybird books for

explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes will be in conversation with his

grown-ups (The Husband:

long-time collaborator Anton Bowring in Life at the Limits in an

How it Works etc.) in

evening sponsored by Fred Olsen Cruise Lines; Granta ‘Best of

conversation with comedian Katy Brand.


Hurley C re

dit: Joan na Hurley

British’ novelist Xiaolu Guo will discuss her book I Am China; a Bright Futures panel will include Eimear McBride (author of the Bailey’s Women’s Prize for Fiction 2014 winning novel A Girl is a HalfFormed Thing currently touring the UK in an acclaimed stage production), Andrew Michael Hurley (The Loney, winner of the Eimear McBride

Costa First Book Award

2015) and Jessica Cornwell (The Serpent Papers, subject of 14 |

Adding theatre and community spirit to the festival, there will be a literary pub crawl created by Eastern Angles’ Ivan Cutting, inviting audiences to join George Orwell and Arthur Ransome as they work out their differences while wandering from pub to pub. Best-selling adult colouring author Millie Marotta has provided colouring sheets for a competition everyone can take part in. There are short story competitions for young people and writing workshops from the likes of Jill Dawson whose latest novel The Crime Writer will also be launched during the festival. Festival details and updates are available at


Celebrating the Chicken Following last year’s popular ‘The Artful Hare’, Norfolk-based book producers Mascot Media have turned their attention to the humble hen and cantankerous cockerel. The spotlight is again on Britain’s printmakers in a new title for May, entitled

While many of the prints reproduced depict birds the artists

‘The Little Chicken Book’. It reproduces a remarkable variety

have known and loved, others are by printmakers who seldom

of images over 168 colourful pages.

see a chicken that isn’t destined for the dinner table!

Of the 54 artists featured, 17 are based in Norfolk, Suffolk,

There are realistic and stylistic renditions, as cockerels and

Cambridgeshire and Essex, showing that East Anglia is a

hens lend themselves to graphic reinterpretation. The

hotbed of printmaking talent. Author Alan Marshall notes;

common thread running through this collection is that all the

'Whether it is rural artists using their own egg-layers as a

images are based on original prints – i.e linocuts, wood

convenient and colourful subject, or simply the charm of these

engravings, etchings, collagraphs and woodblocks. Small

domesticated birds, there is a considerable body of work

handmade editions are created, numbered and signed, with

dedicated to the humble chicken.'

each having its own slight variations that add to the charm of owning an original print.

This isn’t a breed-by-breed guide to the world of domestic fowl. There are 93 chicken breeds that are acknowledged by the

Published in mid-May, the small-format hardback book

British Poultry Standards – and that excludes hybrid crosses!

contains more than 160 images and retails at £12.95.

April 2016 | 15

Arts Council

SeaChange Arts awarded £1million to transform arts experiences in coastal towns

Great Yarmouth based SeaChange Arts is to help

The project will see SeaChange Arts work with six lead

transform the way people living and visiting coastal

partners across England to help build stronger

towns experience the arts, thanks to nearly £1million

relationships with audiences in areas of lower arts

from the Arts Council.


Coasters is an exciting three year project that will take

The consortium is made up of Activate (Dorset), Mouth

new, high quality international indoor and outdoor circus

of the Tyne (North Tyneside), Freedom Festival (Hull),

and street arts work to coastal towns across England.

Hastings Borough Council, Worthing Theatres and

The work toured through Coasters will draw inspiration

Leftcoast (Blackpool)

from the coastal locations they visit to help encourage

Coasters will kick off in Great Yarmouth in June 2016

the local community to get involved, both as audiences

and will tour to coastal towns across England through to

and programmers.

Spring 2019. It is supported using £987,500 of public

In addition to bringing high quality work to new audiences, Coasters is also aimed at harnessing arts and culture to help change people’s perceptions of coastal towns. 16 |

funding by the National Lottery through the Arts Council’s Strategic Touring Programme.

Arts Council

Hedley Swain, Area Director, South East, Arts Council

Joe Mackintosh, Chief Executive, SeaChange Arts, said:

England, said:“This is an exciting project and we are

“Coasters by its nature brings together organisations

really pleased to be able to support it with such a

from the furthest corners of the country. These locations

significant investment through our Strategic Touring

often have shared issues with building audiences and

Programme. Through a combination of partnerships

accessing truly exceptional work. But the English coast

across the country and touring of work to areas with

and seaside is also rich in heritage; a place of fun and

lower arts provision, SeaChange Arts’ Coasters has a

frivolity; a place where society’s rules are a little relaxed.

great opportunity to transform how people engage with

Coasters is about enabling local communities and

arts and culture in coastal towns through circus and

organisations to capitalise upon and celebrate this

street arts. An evaluation of our Strategic Touring

through rich, accessible experiences and contributing to

Programme highlights that activity is having a lasting

the re-imagining of our coastal places.”

impact on both artists and audiences. Arts and culture are really important parts of the success of our coastal towns and I look forward to seeing Coasters creating a lasting legacy.”

Les P’tits Bras Credit: David Street

April 2016 | 17

eatre & Film

Theatre & Film News Agatha Christie Classic comes to Bury

Mark Steel: Who Do I think I Am?

The Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds plays host to Agatha Christie's A Murder is Announced from April 19th23rd.“A murder is announced and will take place on Friday, October the thirteenth, at Little Paddocks at six thirty pm." The residents of Chipping Cleghorn are astonished to read an advert in the local newspaper that a murder will take place this Friday at Little Paddocks, the home of Letitia Blacklock. Unable to resist, the group gather at the house at the appointed time, when the lights go out and a gun is fired. Enter Miss Marple, who must unravel a complex series of relationships and events to solve the mystery of a killer. The show stars Judy Cornwell, best known for her much loved portrayal of Daisy in Keeping Up Appearances, and Diane Fletcher, forever immortalised as Elizabeth Urquhart in House of Cards.

See comedian Mark Steel in his newest stand up show, a surprising and enthralling story told with aplomb... It never really bothered me that I’d never met my mum. It never occurred to me I needed to meet her to 'find out who I was', as it didn’t seem likely I’d discover I was someone different to who I thought I was. Could it turn out I was three stone lighter than I thought, or I spoke Italian or supported Arsenal or had a fear of Liquorice Allsorts? But after the birth of my own son, I realised it’s quite an event to have a child, and she may well remember giving birth to me, and maybe even the adoption. Previously, Mark has written and presented 'Mark Steel’s In Town' on BBC Radio 4 and toured it live around the UK. Mark has presented the BAFTA nominated 'Mark Steel Lectures' for BBC2, is a regular on BBC One’s 'Have I Got News For You' and Radio 4’s 'Newsquiz'. He’s also appeared on BBC2’s 'QI' and 'Room 101'. Presented by Off the Kerb Productions, Who Do I Think I Am comes to The Apex, Bury St Edmunds on May 12th.

Community Show seeks Local Cast Diss-based theatre company The Keeper’s Daughter are seeking local cast and crew for a professionally directed community production of Romeo and Juliet. The Keeper’s Daughter’s Romeo or Juliet is an imaginative promenade adaptation played out as you have never seen.The promenade show uses areas of arts buildings that actors are not so used to performing in such as the toilets, cellars and the bar - often especially the bar! Director Mark Finbow said: 'The show is hugely imaginative and we’re seeking a community company who are equally as creative. You’ll need to be. It’s a hugely exciting project and not the sort of opportunity that happens often locally so we hope people will get involved.' Rehearsals begin in May at St Mary’s Church Hall, Diss - with auditions on April 12th (7pm) at the same venue - and will tour in July to venues including Bungay Fisher Theatre, John Peel Centre and the stunning St Edmondsbury cathedral, culminating in a final performance at a secret location in Diss as part of DissFest. Actors aged 16+ are invited to apply for audition or to become part of the backstage crew. Email:

18 |

eatre & Film

Do you need a programme, brochure or leaflet published?

Falcon Publications publish a range of programmes, brochures and town guides for arts venues and local councils. Can we help with yours? Just give us a call on 01379 773347 or email for further details

April 2016 | 19

Photo: Topher McGrillis RSC

Celebrating Shakespeare in Norwich

RSC’S A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM – April 26th-30th The Royal Shakespeare Company’s special project to mark the

In Norwich, Norfolk’s local amateurs The Common Lot continue

400th anniversary of the Bard’s death on April 23rd 1616 is

their preparations to take their turn on stage as the six ‘rustic

now well under way, and will soon be heading for Norwich.

mechanicals’, which includes one of Shakespeare’s most loved

Its nationwide tour of A Midsummer Night’s Dream: A Play For

characters, Bottom.

The Nation opened in Stratford-upon-Avon in mid-February and

Local rehearsal schedules have included workshops led by RSC

will travel to 12 different venues across the UK, arriving at

practitioners, live link ups with other amateur groups around the

Norwich Theatre Royal from April 26th-30th.

country, and a ‘Bottoms School’ in London for the 14 different

In an inspirational staging, the RSC’s 18-strong professional cast is appearing in each venue with a different cast of six local actors and 30 schoolchildren - and across the entire tour will perform with a total of 84 amateur actors from 14 different

actors playing the role, including Norwich’s Owen Evans, giving them the opportunity to rehearse with RSC professional actress Ayesha Dharker who plays Titania, Queen of the Fairies. The theatre, television and film actress will also share a number

amateur theatre companies, and 583 schoolchildren who will

of her scenes on the Theatre Royal stage with the pupils from

make up the Fairy Train.

Sprowston High School who will play her Fairy Train.

APRIL BOX OFFICE: (01603) 63 00 00 Tues 29 Mar – Sat 2 Apr HAIRSPRAY Claire Sweeney stars in smash hit musical comedy £8 - £45

Hobson’s Choice

Sun 3 April RUSSELL KANE Right Man Wrong Age tour. 15+ £7 - £17.50 Tues 5 April UKULELE ORCHESTRA OF GREAT BRITAIN All-singing, all-plucking superstars £8 – £28.50 Fri 8 – Sat 9 April MY FIRST BALLET Sleeping Beauty Especially for those aged 3 and up £7 - £23

Tues 12 – Sat 16 April HOBSON’S CHOICE Martin Shaw, Christopher Timothy star in classic comedy £8 - £28.50

Tues 19 – Sat 23 April SWAN LAKE Northern Ballet with new adaptation of Tchaikovsky’s masterpiece £8 - £37.50

Tues 26 – Sat 30 April A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM Beguiling comedy in new RSC production £8 - £25

Book online: T H E AT R E ST R E E T, N O RW I C H N R 2 1 R L 20 |

eatre & Film

Bringing Noel Coward's Masterpiece to life The Vortex - The Maddermarket Theatre, May 20th-28th Noel Cowards's roaring Art Deco drama brings music, dance and incredible flapper dresses to the Maddermarket stage in May. The Vortex is surely the best example of Noel Coward’s work. It was the play that launched his career as a writer & actor, and remains to this day as one of the outstanding ‘relationship based stories’ in recent history. In the first two acts Coward delivers all you’d expect from him, style, wit, wisdom, humour, with memorable characters throughout. The 1920’s music and dance sequences all help to allow the audience to relax and enjoy the opulence of the period. But then, just before the interval, we are shown a hint of what is about to take place in act 3. Noel Coward returns his audience to a totally different atmosphere, where we see a mother and son enter into a bitter sweet domestic scene that ranks amongst one of the most perfectly written, touching scenes in theatre. The Vortex focuses on sexual vanity and drug abuse among the upper classes. A young composer, Nicky, proposes to his lover named Bunty. Meanwhile, Nicky’s mother has affairs with younger men. The action of the play centres on Nicky’s confused sexuality as well as his resentment for his mother. His mother ends up having an affair with Nicky’s ex-lover’s fiancée. Directed by Stash Kirkbride, this promises to be a fantastic


WIN TICKETS ARTSeast has teamed up with The

production and one not to be missed. It is sponsored by

Maddermarket to offer one lucky reader the

Allen’s Music who are supplying the Black Grand Piano

chance to win two tickets to the Vortex on

on stage. To book tickets call the Box Office on 01603 620917 or go to

Saturday May 21st at 7.30pm. To be in with a chance of winning, just email your name, telephone number and address to Closing date for entries: April 22nd, usual terms and conditions apply. April 2016 | 21

As one of the most iconic shows on British Television in the 1980s and early 90s, Allo Allo provided a springboard for the career of actress Vicki Michelle. Playing waitress Yvette Carte Blanche, she was a famous face in households up and down the country. 'Allo Allo was sold to 80 countries and is still on TV now,' laughs Vicki. 'People still recognise me all the time wherever I go in the world. In Bulgaria, it's one of their biggest prime time shows and I kept getting stopped in the street!' Fast forward nearly 25 years from the end of the series and Vicki's career is still going strong. Fresh from playing Marilyn Monroe in the hit show Hello Norma Jeane in London, Vicki will be appearing in The Naked Truth at King's Lynn Corn Exchange later this month. She's no stranger to the county. 'I'm very familiar with Norfolk as many of the exterior shots for Allo Allo were actually filmed in the county,' says Vicki. 'We spent three of four weeks at a time in places like Swaffham, Cromer and Hunstanton.


nda Lusa

Credit: Li

I've also been to King's Lynn a number of times to watch my ex brother-in-law Eddie Reeves who was a very famous speedway racer. I'm really looking forward to heading back to the town.' The Naked Truth arrives in King's Lynn as part of a nationwide tour on April 29th-30th.

22 |

Coffee & aChat

From the pen of the incredibly talented Dave Simpson (writer of smash-hit comedy Girls Night Out), The Naked Truth is a comedy set in a village hall pole dancing class. Five very different women struggle hilariously to conquer pole dancing for an event to raise awareness and money for a breast cancer charity. 'I play a very prim and proper lady who evolves as the show goes on,' says Vicki. 'I'm going to have to have pole dancing lessons for the part which sounds like a lot of fun.' The show also stars, among others, Vicki's daughter Louise Michelle. 'Louise is playing the pole-dancing instructor so she's really had to master it for the show,' laughs Vicki. 'This is the first time we've done a play together and I'm really looking forward to it.' The play is being directed by Emmerdale and Strictly Come Dancing star Lisa Riley. 'Lisa's been in the show herself for years so she knows it inside out which is brilliant,' says Vicki.

As saucy waitress Yvette in Allo Allo, Vicki Michelle was loved by millions. Now her latest production is bringing pole-dancing to King's Lynn! Sarah Veness caught up with Vicki before the start of her nationwide tour‌..

Theatre aside, Vicki is still a regular on TV. Reality show fans will remember her 2014 appearance in I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here. 'Being on the show was amazing but it was much harder than I thought,' says Vicki. 'The food rations were tiny and even when we won a trial, the extra food we were given e.g possum was often awful. There was great camaraderie though and I became very close to people. We still get together every now and then and I love to see them.' Vicki's most recent television roles have seen her star as Patricia Foster in Emmerdale and Penny Lester in Doctors. Film work has included starring in Silent Hours with Hugh Bonneville and a lead role in the new psychological thriller Dragged Up Dirty. Aside from her acting work Vicki is also a committed charity worker and in 2010 was awarded an MBE for her long-term efforts. With her sisters, she owns the celebrity specialist speaker agency, Trading Faces which provides speakers, presenters, actors, comedians, musicians and sports personalities for corporate and private events.

To book tickets to see The Naked Truth call 01553 764864 or go to

April 2016 | 23


Music News


Trunch Concerts 2016 The 19th annual season of concerts in St Botolph’s Church, Trunch, near North Walsham has been announced. There will be six fine and varied concerts, appealing to a wide range of tastes. As ever, performers include a mix of top professional artists and

Credit: Jim Callaghan

World-famous Percussionist comes to Cambridge

successful local groups. Proceeds continue to be donated to the ongoing maintenance of St Botolph’s, one of Norfolk’s finest medieval churches. April 30th sees the Icknield Ensemble take to the stage followed on June 11th by pianist Bruce Vogt. On July 9th Romanian pianist Anda Anastasescu comes to Trunch while August 6th see wind chamber music ensemble Norfolk Winds in concert with pianist Mary Howard. On September 10th, the East Norfolk Operatic Society perform an evening of wit and melody from the great operettas of Gilbert & Sullivan and Songs from the Shows. The final concert on October 8th features Vocality! who specialise in attractive and entertaining programmes, often of popular arrangements of music for up to 11 singers.

Cambridge Corn Exchange plays host to Dame Evelyn Glennie in Conversation on April 26th. Dame Evelyn Glennie, Artist in Residence for the 2015/16 Cambridge Classical Concert Series, is one of the most uniquely inspirational musicians and creative percussionists in the world. Find out about her fascinating life and work in this unique 'in conversation' event, in which she will illustrate her inspirational approach by performing a range of pieces with her long-standing collaborator and pianist Philip Smith. Special guest interviewer Libby Purves is a broadcaster, theatre reviewer and author, best known to many as the presenter of BBC Radio 4’s Midweek.

Jacqui Dankworth To mark the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death, jazz star Jacqui Dankworth heads to Norwich Playhouse on April 16th to revisit the musical settings of Shakespeare's poetry inspired by and taken from the seminal album Shakespeare And All That Jazz, composed by her late father Sir John Dankworth. The music is based on works such as Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer's Day, O Mistress Mine, the story of Macbeth and a comical setting of Shakespeare's complete works! The brilliance of the music, the genius of Shakespeare's poetry and world class musicians combined with Jacqui's emotional and virtuosic voice will make for a very special concert. Jacqui is also a seasoned actress as well as an accomplished singer. She has worked with the RSC, National Theatre, toured the UK and India with John Dexter's theatre company, played Cinderella in Stephen Sondheim's debut West End production of Into The Woods and appeared in many other West End productions including Les Liaisons Dangereuses, and Sophisticated Ladies, a review of the music of Duke Ellington. 24 |


Celebrating Exceptional Early Music Talent Festival of the Voice, May 12th-15th 2016 A celebration of choral repertoire in the hallowed chapels of St John’s College, Trinity College and Jesus College, Cambridge Early Music’s Festival of the Voice 2016 showcases exceptional home-grown talent which is now internationally regarded. Recognised as a hub of historically-informed performance and education, the Festival of the Voice celebrates core composers Bach, Monteverdi and Gesualdo contrasting them with works by Schubert, Beethoven and Ligeti.

Three Medieval Tenors

Acclaimed tenor James Gilchrist is ex King’s, and The Gesualdo Six’s director, composer and organist Owain Park, is at Trinity. Festival of the Voice also includes Belgium stars and Gramophone Record of the Year winners Vox Luminis, who perform Byrd and Tallis in St John’s on May 12th (their director’s

Festival of the Voice’s Artist-in-Residence is star a cappella

birthday). Their concert is Early Music Today’s ‘Top 5 events not

group VOCES8, who appear in its current line-up for the last

to miss’. The Three Medieval Tenors (John Potter, Christopher

time as baritone, CEO and education specialist Paul Smith

O’Gorman and Rogers Covey-Crump) will also lead a vocal

leaves the group in June. Winners of Classic FM’s Album of the

workshop on May 14th for all singers exploring Conductus, the

Year 2015 for Lux, VOCES8 includes two Trinity alumni.

forgotten song of the Middle Ages.Â

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April 2016 | 25


Singing Legend heads to The Apex American Grammy Award-winning singer Rita Coolidge is taking to the stage at The Apex, Bury St Edmunds on April 30th. Rita's credentials are the stuff of legend, and after a career spanning over 40 years, her impact is undiminished, her voice as pure, sweet and powerful as ever, and her ability to get inside a song honed by experience. As an A-list backup singer, Rita has toured and recorded with the likes of Joe Cocker, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Leon Russell and Stephen Stills. In 1971, A&M Records moguls Herb Alpert and Jerry Moss signed her to the label, and one of the most enduring solo careers in all of music was underway... During her career, she has released more than a dozen albums, including 1978's multi-platinum 'Anytime... Anywhere'. In 1973, Rita married Kris Kristofferson and during their marriage the pair teamed up for a number of hits and was twice named Country Duo of the Year.

East Anglian Brass Band Association Presents

Grimethorpe Colliery Band

Champion Brass Band to perform in Norwich On May 8th 2016 one of the world’s top brass bands Grimethorpe Colliery Band will perform at St Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. The concert is presented by the East Anglian Brass Band Association and commences at 6.30pm. Founded in 1917, during the First World War, Grimethorpe Colliery Band have played at such diverse events as the FIFA

Sunday 8th May 2016 St Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, 6.30pm

World Cup, the BAFTA Awards, BBC Proms, Eurovision and at the London 2012 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony. The band received a BAFTA nomination for its contributions to the hit movie 'Brassed Off' for which Grimethorpe was the focal point.

Box office 01449 672600 or 07790241299

Association Chairman Christine Wade said 'We are delighted

Tickets £12.00, £15.00 and £17.00

Open Brass Band Champions and the 2014 Brass in Concert

that Grimethorpe Colliery Band is to perform at St Andrew’s Hall. The band is currently ranked 3rd in the World, is the 2015 British Champions. The audience can look forward to a thoroughly

Charity number 1062760 26 |

enjoyable evening.'

A Swinging Party in the Woods May 14th

DJ's include Tallulah Goodtimes - the best Electro Swing DJ around, Bedwell, the master of Electro, praise be to the man who

Arghhhh! Me hearties we be founded shipwrecked, and laid out to bend, a big Pirate’s Ball and we'll party till the end! Maui Waui sets up in the woods once more in deepest Suffolk for

plays the best electro tunes to have ever been recorded, Bedwell will thump them out and finish the night off dance style! With a whole host of CRIME SCENE DJ's to be

a fully fabulous evening of swinging sounds, Pirate Style, with

announced, plus Cabaret and performance by the Fool Hardy

music from around the globe, live bands, DJ's, cabaret, circus,

Circus this is an event not-to-be-missed!

decor and colourful characters! As well as a fully stocked bar, there will be food for those with travel- hungry bellies!

Tickets (£25 entry and camping, £20 entry only) are sold in advance from

Go along dressed up to the sails or down to the deep! Whatever you fancy - go as yourselves and enjoy this excellent piratethemed extravaganza!


Camping is available so bring your tents, caravans or campervans. With Live music from Lamuzgueule, all the way from France! Maui Waui are flying this great band in especially for this night. You may have seen them at Maui Waui festival 2014 in full splendour. Lamuzgueule play the best in original electro swing in full colour with a stage show to swing your way into the summer! Mobius Loop play gloriously eccentric gypsy folk from around the globe, fusing world music and conscious rap with eruptions of free formed dance charged with an intense, energetic live show!

WIN TICKETS ARTSeast has teamed up with Maui Waui Events to offer one lucky reader the chance to win two tickets to the Pirate's Ball. To be in with a chance of winning, just email your name, telephone number and address to Closing date: April 22nd, usual terms and conditions apply.

April 2016 | 27

Food & Drink

Food Review: The Oaksmere, Brome near Diss Our party of four were very warmly welcomed to the Oaksmere and shown promptly to our table. There was such a wide, interesting and varied choice on the menu it was hard to decide what to opt for, but we were not one bit disappointed with any of

very comprehensive list, with the option to add extras at £2.50 each if you so wished. We all opted for different sides - sweet potato fries,

our choices.

Dauphinoise potatoes, mac and cheese, seasonal roots and greens For the starters, one chose prawn, shrimp and crayfish cocktail, two had

and heritage tomato salad. The two steak dishes were complimented

Cromer crab and scallop gratin with chilli and Gruyere and the fourth

with peppercorn sauce. Again, all was beautifully presented.

selected potted beef and bacon with Yorkshire pudding and onion. All were beautifully presented and full of flavour – and very filling.

We thought we wouldn’t have room for desserts, but in the end Mr Yorkshireman opted for steamed syrup sponge with ice cream (a

For the mains, two chose the 40-day aged Warren Hills rump steak

favourite of his childhood we found out), two shared the absolutely

280g, one opted for the 200g Barnsley lamb chop and the third

delicious Assiette Gourmande platter of mini desserts and the fourth

couldn’t resist the Oaksmere Angus beefburger in a Brioche bun with

had his, oh so predictable, cheese board with quince jelly which we all

wholegrain mustard mayo, salad, gherkin, coleslaw and skinny fries.

just had to sample, didn’t we?

The Yorkshireman in our group thought his luck was in – Yorkshire pudding and Barnsley chop all on one menu! The rump steak was to die for – so tender and cooked to perfection, the best we had tasted in many years. The burger was a meal in itself and the Barnsley chop

We were now well and truly full and extremely pleased with our lovely evening of fine dining. There was absolutely nothing we could have faulted.

was delicious. One aspect of the menu that we particularly liked was

Following very many years of absence from the Oaksmere we will be

the option to choose two sides and one sauce per main dish from a

going back very soon, we promise!

Pam Johnson

For more information visit our website, to make a reservation or table booking please call 01379 873940 The Oaksmere, Rectory Road, Brome. Eye, Suffolk IP23 8AJ T: 01379 873940 E: 28 |

Food & Drink

THE MILL INN Karen, Steve and the team welcome you to The Mill Inn, Aldeburgh. A traditional seafront pub with log fires serving ADNAMS finest ales and wines…great homecooked comfort food, families and dogs very welcome! We offer exclusive use hire and buffet style lunches for walking groups. our amazing hickory smoked ribs cooked in our own American smoking oven!

!" $ "


!! fabulous rib of beef Sunday roasts succulent 8oz angus steak burgers

…..seasonal fish dishes and much more!!! " -& )+-

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Bookings or phone 01728 452563

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Get Eat: Monday – Saturday: 10am - 10pm Sunday: 10am - 9pm Visit: 39 St. Giles Street, Norwich NR2 1JN Call: 01603 612790 Logon:

all ay with to Thursd ert this adv April 2016 | 29

What’s On

Weird and Wonderful Wood For those who love wood, those fascinated by the beauty of wood, and beautiful wooden objects, this magical weekend is a rare chance to see how objects are made and an Photo: Heritage Snapper

opportunity to try making things. Set in the stunning grounds of Haughley Park, Stowmarket, this specialised art and craft event includes demonstrations on furniture making, musical instrument making, displays by traditional fletchers and bowyers, chain saw carving, wheel wright, hurdle making, wood turning, pole lathe turning, sign writing, labyrinth making, flute maker as well as coracle making and traditional gypsy caravan displays. Visitors will be able to meet over a hundred artists and craftspeople, enjoy watching their practical skills and appreciate their work. There will be a working mobile sawmill on site, so if you want to bring your own tree, it can be cut for you!

Workshops, for both adults and children are free and include activities such as archery, willow weaving, spoon wittling, withy work, papermaking, gypsy flower making, pole lathe turning, scrap wood, puppet making, jewellery making, den building, and Monkey-do tree climbing. This friendly, relaxed and somewhat extraordinary event has something for all the family. Allow time to enjoy a wealth of excellent locally sourced and produced food and drink (including a licensed bar) and beautiful surroundings to explore when you want a break.

Special Events

at ‘The Park’

The Park prides itself on providing a fine selection of special events during the year, we are now preparing more special events for 2016. For information on any of the events listed on our events, please contact Tracey or Stacey on 01379 642244 or Email: and we will be happy to help. Park Hotel, 29 Demark Street, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 4LE Tel: 01379 642244 Email: 30 |

What’s On

A Magical Family Affair Now in its 14th year, the award-winning Fairyland Trust returns with the magical Fairy Fair late spring.

create in the Woods and a Woodland Trail to explore. The event offers plenty for all the family; children can also tend

The Norfolk based charity with a national reputation for

cuddly British wildlife and other magical creatures In the

introducing families to flowers, wildlife and trees will run the Fairy

Fairyland Wildlife Hospital, or visit the Fairy Queen and King. The

Fair, amid the stunning 86 acres of gardens, ancient woodlands

king and Queen will be residing in the woods, telling children

and lakes of Holt Hall, over the late May Bank Holiday weekend

about trees and all their magic. Budding Fairies and Elves can

(May 24th-25th).

take part in Elf and/or Fairy Training which covers all the

Tickets for the Fair, which won the Festival Kidz Gold Award for Best Day Festival in 2013, and was runner up in the Families Choice category in 2014, are already on public sale. The event, a

important elements of how to be a proper Fairy or Elf. Mum and Dad may enjoy live music and performances, plus quench their thirst in the Trusts own onsite pub, The Good Elf.

firm favourite with families, is once again packed with magical

Drop-in activities include building your own Fairy House in the

activities to delight children and entertain all the family such as,

woods, sending a post card from the Pixie Post office and the

the Trust’s renowned workshops including: Fairy Crowns, Fairy

popular Fairyland Photobooth.

Gardens and the ever popular, Magic Wings Wildflowers will be a major theme of the Fair this year. Sarah


Wise who created the Fairy Fair says: 'Folklore tells us that Fairies like wildflowers, while natural history and science show that wildflowers are also best for bees and other wildlife. If you come to the Fairy Fair you’ll discover which the fairies favourites are – and which ones are easy to grow in your garden.' For the first time, a team of Wildflower Fairies will be on hand at the Fair to help children make their own wearable Fairy Wildflower. It’s not just flowers. Pirates are running games and there are Magic Animal Shields and Elf Sticks to make, Secret Dens to

WIN A FAMILY TICKET ARTSeast has teamed up with the Fairyland Trust to offer one lucky reader the chance to win a family ticket to the Fairy Fair. To be in with a chance of winning, just email your name, address and telephone number to Closing date: April 22nd, usual terms and conditions apply. March April 2016 | 31 33

What’s On

Kid's Corner: May Half Term Fun Mission Impudseyble - Lowestoft Marina Theatre (May 31st-June 1st) Britain’s newest secret agent is off the leash… and ready for action! Join Pudsey on an interactive spy adventure for the whole family starring everyone’s favourite Britain’s Got Talent champions. K9 Intelligence Agents Ashleigh and Pudsey must defeat their arch nemesis Dr Feline before Pudsey must complete a deadly assault course in order to save the world and complete their mission. Dinosaur Park - Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds (May 27th) This award-winning, laugh-out-loud spin on Spielberg’s classic is a theatrical celebration of cinematic nostalgia. Welcome to the unlikely setting of Lyme Regis Community Centre where the Park Family

Set to a stunning classical score this original production will delight ballet audiences and families alike. Mary English - Norwich Puppet Theatre (May 28th) A trunk is found in a dusty old attic. A trunk that contains secrets, and carries tales of adventure and revolution from across the globe. A trunk that will be unlocked for the first time in over 100 years. Mary English was a 19th century adventurer whose letters form part of the National Archive. KinAesthetic Theatre Co. have worked with Taverham Junior School to develop a show incorporating puppetry, visual theatre and an original sound score to recount the rare story of an unsung hero.

embark on a journey to a misty past. When things go wrong, family

King Arthur & The Inglewood Puppet Show - Beccles Public Hall &

feuds are faced with the rapturous roar of DIY dinosaurs. Just like the

Theatre (June 1st)

film that inspired it, the show is suitable for the whole family. Pinocchio Ballet - St George's Theatre, Great Yarmouth Join Ballet Theatre UK as they tell the tale of a wooden puppet with only one wish…to become a real boy. Follow Pinocchio on his quest as he overcomes obstacles, faces consequences and even ends up in the belly of a whale yet proves that dreams really do come true.

Deep in the enchanted forest, where supernatural beings abound and the realm of the dead crosses that of the living, King Arthur is set the ultimate challenge, to uncover what it is that women most desire. Known for their modern take on traditional folk stories, Moon on a Stick brings their unique fusion of puppetry and live action to reinvent this ancient tale.

S Shakespeare hakespeare F Festival estival at N Norwich Nor or wich Cathedr Cathedral ral al See S ee William W illiam S Shakespeare’s hakespeare’s comedic medic play play, y,, Much Muc h Ado A About bout N Nothing Nothing, othing, p performed erfor o med b byy The L Lord ord Chamb Chamberlain’s erlain’’s Men amidst the b beautiful eautiful op open en air sur surroundings roundings of the Cathedr Cathedral al C Cloisters. loisters. Friday F riday 15 and Saturday Saturrday 16 July July, y,, 7.00pm. Tickets T ickets on on sale from from S Saturday aturdaay 23 2 A April, pril, ncessions). priced pr iced £20 (a (adults) dults) & £18 (co (concessions). Booking Bo oking o online nline b byy visiting www or at the N Norwich or wich Theatr Theatree Ro Royal yal boxx office (01603 630000). bo

Follow F ollow w us

32 |

What’s On

The Alde Valley Spring Festival 2016 ~“From this Land” In the book “A Painters’ Place” Banks Head, Cumberland

[or manure!], the sound of a

1924-31 [Abbot Hall Art Gallery / Redcliffe Press, 1991] Jake

sheep calling or the shouts of

Nicholson writes “I wonder if we realise how poor our lives

children running by.

have become now that so many of us are separated from our

This year’s Spring Festival

animals?” One of the pleasures of visiting a working farm in

Exhibition explores the

springtime is the layer of sound that seems to ebb and flow

theme of “From this Land”

over the fields - a rich medley of mechanical and organic

international artists, writers and makers. Highlights include The

celebrates the coming together of

Rite of Spring, 2016 by Maggi Hambling, The Carrier by

food, farming, landscape and the arts

Laurence Edwards and a new “Writing at Great Glemham”

in just such a setting. This seems

residency programme. The Exhibition is arranged around the

important in today’s world, as

farmyard barns, tidied for the opening. Pop Up Open Studios in

identified above by Jake Nicholson’s

a second farmyard show work by furniture makers and an

words. There is nothing more

instrument maker. For more information about Farm Nature

refreshing than looking at a work of art Tobias by Craig Hudson


with new works by over 40 local, national and

noises. The Alde Valley Spring Festival

with a whiff of hay on the air

Cockerel by Tessa

Walks, Festival Talks and Weekend Tea Rooms visit:

The Alde Valley Spring Festival 2016

Maggi Hambling: Rite of Spring, 2016; oil on canvas, 915mm x 2740mm

23rd April ~ 22nd May @ White House Farm, Great Glemham, Suffolk IP17 1LS Open 10am ~ 6pm, Weekends, Weekdays [Tues-Fri] & Bank Holiday Mondays New Work by over 40 local, regional, UK & international Painters, Sculptors, Writers & Makers. Festival Exhibition, Farm Walks, Open Studios [weekends], Farm Suppers, Festival Talks, Big Spring Picnic, Pop Up Tea Rooms & inaugural “Writing at Great Glemham” residency programme. Come by foot, bike or car-share. Free parking & free entry to Festival Exhibition & Farm Walks.


~ April 2016 | 33

Local Arts Scene: Dedham

Delightful Dedham In the heart of Constable Country lies Dedham - a beautiful

The village has its own gallery - Shakespeare House Gallery -

village on the banks of the River Stour.

which showcases the work of artist Terry Jeffrey among other artists

It was here that John Constable went to school while the beautiful lowland landscape around the village provided inspiration for his

and craftspeople. Housed in a converted church, Dedham's Art & Craft Centre offers

renowned paintings. Many of his famous works of art feature

three floors showcasing the work of more than 60 artisans

Dedham, including Dedham Mill, which his father owned.

including photography, ceramics, jewellery, painting, sculpture,

Dedham was also home to Sir Alfred Munnings, President of the Royal Academy. His house in the village, Castle House, is now open to the public as The Munnings Art Museum and makes for a fascinating day out. Famous art restorer and forger Tom Keating lived in Dedham until his death in 1984 and is buried in the churchyard of Dedham Parish Church.

antiques and woodcraft.The Centre's Tearoom is the perfect place for coffee and cake or tasty afternoon tea. If you're feeling fit, you can hire a boat from the Boathouse Restaurant and row a mile and a half down the River Stour to Flatford Mill, another stunning building and area closely linked to the work of John Constable. Dedham is the perfect place for a day out with excellent pubs, beautiful walks and interesting attractions.

April 2016 | 35

Local Arts Scene: Dedham

Discover Munnings Suffolk Horse Fair, Lavenham (1902)

Visitors to The Munnings Art Museum will discover the life and

friend, Laura Knight, hang in rooms that overlook the gardens

work of the prolific East Anglian artist and past President of

and paddocks where horses are still in residence.

the Royal Academy, Sir Alfred Munnings (1878-1959). Established in the early 1960s, after Munnings’ death, the

Further rooms focus on the 1920s and 1930s, when Munnings' emerged as a highly sought after equestrian portraitist and

museum, located in the artist’s home, owns the largest

visited some of the wealthiest estates in Europe and abroad to

collection of paintings, drawings and sculpture by Munnings

paint. Finally, the displays concentrate on the landscapes

and retains the furniture, objects and personal items belonging

Munnings painted during WWII, his renowned Newmarket

to both he and his wife. The ground floor rooms of the museum present a diverse display of art tracing Munnings’ early life through to his time as a commissioned WWI artist. The exhibition includes childhood

horseracing scenes and conclude with his most controversial work: Does the Subject Matter?, his comment on Modern Art. In the garden, visitors will find Munnings’ Studio, housing his painting materials and props.

drawings, ‘belle époque’ poster designs, made during his

A Special Exhibition ‘In Focus: Munnings and the Horse’ runs

lithography apprenticeship, and his first large scale canvas, A

during the museum's season from March 25th-October 30th

Suffolk Horse Fair, Lavenham. Iconic paintings of East Anglian

2016. The museum is open Weds – Sun 2pm to 5pm, Café

rural life and of Cornwall, where Munnings met his lifelong

open from 12pm, Shop, free parking.

36 |

Spotlight on.... Artist and Gallery Owner, Terry Jeffrey Please tell us about your background as an artist and the type of work that you do? I have been a professional artist since 1984 after leaving the printing industry. Up to then I painted in my spare time selling my work at many galleries in and around north east Essex. My first one person show was at Frinton Gallery in the 1970's

Q. Please tell us about the piece that you are most

with the most recent at the John Russell Gallery, Ipswich. I

proud of? What inspires you?

enjoy painting marine scenes, landscapes and architecture, using watercolour and oil.

It's difficult to have a painting that I'm most proud of as every painting is capable of improvement or change. I'd like to think

Q. You have a gallery in Dedham. How did the gallery

that the best work is still to be done. However some time ago I

come about and what does it specialise in?

painted a view of Mistley Quay which was selected by the

The Garden Gallery at Shakespeare House Gallery is situated

Royal Watercolour

at the rear of the building and is accessed via the garden.

Society Open at

My wife Margaret and myself rent the premises. We started off

Bankside Gallery,

with my paintings and her antiques, which made a good mix.

London. It was sold

After the demise of the antique trade, the gallery moved over

and I managed to

to home accessories and gifts, with the majority of the

purchase it back at

paintings exhibited in the Garden Gallery. This building was

auction many

once an antique restoration workshop. Shakespeare House

years later! I am

operated as an antique shop for over 200 years and dates

inspired by the soft

back to the 15th century. The Sun Inn nearby was once called

light of East Anglian mornings, the estuaries and

The Bard and no doubt there is a connection there.

rivers, the fine old buildings.

Q. What does your typical day involve?

Q. What, in your opinion, makes Dedham such a special place?

My typical day starts off with a painting session of around 2 hrs, usually at the easel starting or completing a painting for

Dedham is a special place for me because it is one of the few

the gallery. I often go out early if the weather is good to work

villages that has managed to keep a thriving High Street with

up sketches and take photographs. I work on sight if possible. I

shops and pubs and restaurants that are used and

make all my own frames and part of the day is usually taken

appreciated by visitors and residents. Another attraction is the

up with this. Sometimes I'm required to visit a client's property

wealth of access to good walks along the riverside, along with

for a commission enquiry.

the fame of John Constable and Sir Alfred Munnings.

April 2016 | 37

minute survey Take a few minutes to complete our ARTSeast reader survey to be in with a chance of winning a three-course lunch for two people at the luxurious Le Talbooth Restaurant in Dedham. Please circle all that apply

About you Age:

up to 30




What interests you? Visual Arts Music Film






over 70


How often do you visit an art gallery? Never Very occasionally Once a month


How often do you visit the theatre? Never Very occasionally Once a month


Do you visit stately homes or gardens?


Which type of music do you enjoy? Classical Jazz R&B Folk Opera How often do you dine out? Never Only on special occasions





Once a week


Once a month

The magazine What have you particularly enjoyed about reading this issue? What else would you like to see featured in ARTSeast? Which other publications do you like to read? Where did you pick up your copy of ARTSeast? Any other comments

The award-winning Le Talbooth Restaurant is all about great food, great service and a great location. Established in 1952, its picturesque setting beside the River Stour makes dining a delightful affair. The food is carefully designed, meticulously prepared, exquisitely presented and tastes sensational. One lucky reader and their guest can enjoy a delicious three-course lunch for two at Le Talbooth Restaurant. To be in with a chance of winning, just complete this page and post to ARTSeast, DBH21-22, Diss Business Park, Hopper Way, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 4GT


Address Tel no

Winner will be notified by letter. The prize is to be taken Monday to Saturday, subject to availability and must be taken by Saturday October 29th 2016. The prize does not include drinks. Closing date for entries is April 22nd. 38 |

The Last Photo ‘Sunset and Showers’ by Ian Foster from Pulham Market, Norfolk This image was taken at low tide on the shores of the Moray Firth at Inverness, Scotland, with the Kessock Bridge in the distance. ‘

If you have an image you'd like to see featured in this section, please email a high-res jpeg (at least 200mm deep) to Please include your name, location, a contact phone number and a brief description of the photograph provided. The photo can be of any subject matter but will need to be portrait rather than landscape to fit the page.

April 2016 | 39

ARTSeast Magazine

Interested in the arts? ARTSeast is the only monthly magazine in the region devoted to the visual arts, theatre, music, film, dance, literature and education. We are as passionate about the arts as you are, and would love to bring you that bit closer to the eclectic mix of art happening in our region each and every month.

Subscribe for a year to ARTSeast and we will send you a free voucher worth £15 to spend online or in-store at Photo Elite in Diss. We can deliver ARTSeast direct to your door with a year’s subscription of twelve issues at just £19.20. We will also send you a £15 voucher courtesy of Photo Elite, 13 Market Hill, Diss IP22 4JZ which can be redeemed for any item from prints, enlargements, frames, cameras and much more, either online or in person. Items can be posted. Just order your subscription online and pay by PayPal to or by bank payment to Falcon Publications account no: 45594171 sort code 52-30-31 stating your name as reference. Please also remember to email your full name and address to Alternatively post a cheque made payable to Falcon Publications and send with your name and address to Falcon Publications, Subscriptions, DBH 21-22, Diss Business Park, Hopper Way, Diss, Norfolk IP22 4GT. ARTSeast magazine is distributed free each month to art centres, galleries, art & craft shops, cinemas & theatres, drama and dance schools, music venues, hotels, restaurants & coffee shops, museums and schools, tourist information centres & libraries. We deliver to the following locations: Acle, Alby, Aldeburgh, Attleborough, Aylsham, Beccles, Blofield, Brockdish, Brundall, Burnham Market, Bury St. Edmunds, Caister, Cambridge, Cley, Costessey, Cromer, Dereham, Dersingham, Diss, Downham Market, Earsham, Eye, Fakenham, Gt. Walshingham, Gt.Yarmouth, Gorleston, Halesworth, Harleston, Hethersett, Hingham, Holkham, Holt, Hoveton, Hunstanton, Ipswich, Kings Lynn, Lavenham, Leiston, Linton, Loddon, Long Melford, Long Stratton, Lowestoft, Ludham, Martham, Mendham, Mundesley, Norwich, North Walsham, Poringland, Pulham Market, Pulham St.Mary, Raveningham, Reepham, Scole, Sheringham, Snape, Southwold, Stalham, Stowmarket, Sudbury, Swaffham, Taverham, Thetford, Watton, Wells, Westleton, Woodbridge, Wroxham, Wymondham. If you cannot pick up a copy in your area then please let us know. Competition winners from our previous issue:

40 |

Cinema City Tickets - Carl Harrison of Gorleston

David Connett of Attleborough

Martin Newell at Wingfield Barns - Valerie James of Cratfield

Dawn Middleton of Wickford

East Anglian Game & Country Fair Family Tickets:

Linda Buller of Little Snoring, Fakenham

Reginald Barber of Woodbridge

Paul Alston of Coggeshall

Clare Opie of Cambridge

Maria Broom of Woodton

Trisha MacDougall of Lowestoft

Martine Holden of Thorpe St. Andrew

Shirley Knott of Gt. Walsingham

Meal at the White Lion, Aldeburgh - Karen McIntosh of Taverham

ARTSeast Magazine

Back Issues

March 2016

February 2016

December/January 2016

November 2015

October 2015

September 2015

Back editions of ARTSeast are available at ÂŁ1.60 per issue. Please email confirming which issue you require and your address and contact details. You can then pay online using the bank account details which can be found on p40 of the magazine. Alternatively, if you'd prefer, you can post a cheque for the same amount enclosing the issue details and your address within to ARTSeast Magazine, DBH 21-22, Diss Business Park, Hopper Way, Diss, Norfolk, IP21 4GT. August 2015

July 2015 April 2016 | 41

ARTSeast DBH 21-22, Diss Business Park, Hopper Way Diss, Norfolk IP22 4GT

WANTED & FOR SALE 19th & 20th century paintings by notable artists.

42 |

Tel: 01379 773347 Email:


Pick up your free copy of the ARTSeast Visual Arts Guide 2016 Available throughout Norfolk & Suffolk

Additional copies available on request Also online at

01379 773347 follow us @artseastmag April 2016 | 43

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