July 2015
Suffolk artist Emily Jarvis in coveted Paris Exhibition
Interview: Mark Curry
Local Arts Scene: Long Melford
Visual Arts
eatre & Film
Tickets and a meal! Music
What’s On
The Gallery Sale - Saturday 22 August 10am
Approx 200 lots of 18th-21st C oils & watercolours incl. choice pieces from The Peasenhall Gallery, featuring Suffolk coastal Viewing: Thursday 30 January&2-8pm, Cornish scenes. Friday 31 January Contact 10-6pm James Bassam & sale morning from 8.30am. for details Contact: James Bassam & Lisa West Catalogues: ÂŁ5 or on
Diss Auction Rooms, Roydon Road, Diss, Norfolk IP22 4LN 01379 650 306
18 October 2015
Opening times:
Monday to Satur Saturday day 10am to 5pm, Sundays 111am 1am to 5pm Gainsborough’s House, Gainsborough’s 46 Gainsbor Gainsborough ough Str Street, eet, 6XGEXU\ 6XͿRON 6 XGEXU\ 6XͿRON CO10 2EU 01787 372958 PDLO#JDLQVERURXJK RUJ P DLO#JDLQVERURXJK RUJ ZZZ JDLQVERURXJK RUJ Z ZZ JDLQVERURXJK RUJ
Charity Number: 214046
2 |
July 2015 | 3
KƉĞŶ͗ϭ Ɖƌŝů Ͳ ϯϭ KĐƚŽďĞƌ ϮϬϭϱ
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4 |
29 Welcome
Theatre & Film
What’s On
Theatre & Film News
Latitude Festival
Riverside Theatre
What’s On Listing
Editor’s Letter
Cover Story
20 Theatre Royal Norwich
Fisher Theatre Competition
Local Arts Scene
22 – 23 Coffee & a Chat – Mark Curry
34 Long Melford Photos
Visual Arts
Secret Garden Competition
35 Long Melford Introduction
8-9 Visual Arts News
Kid’s Corner
36-37 Melford’s Famous Old House Gallery
Emily Jarvis
Artists On View
Artist Profile – Bryan Harford
Suffolk Craft Society/Brush with the Broads
40 Jessica Muir/Melford Fine Foods
Alby Crafts
Cambridge Open Studios
Garden House Gallery
Bircham Gallery
Music News
Apex, Bury Competition
Norwich Jazz Weekender
North Norfolk Music Festival
Hart Glass
Interview with Eddie Johnson
Win a meal at the Bull
34 Directory 42
Subscriptions/Competition Winners
43 Directory Advertisers
Arts Council 30-31 Chief Executive Darren Henley
July 2015 | 5
ARTSeast ARTSeast Magazine DBH 21 Diss Business Centre
Editor’s Letter
Hopper Way, Diss Norfolk IP22 4GT
Editorial: Sarah Veness 01379 773348
Sales: Gary Enderby
Welcome to the July edition of
spotlight on our region, we also take a
ARTSeast Magazine.
look at some of the other arts events
01379 773347
coming up such as Cambridge Open I'm writing this from our lovely new
Studios, the North Norfolk Music Festival
offices in Diss (having dragged myself
and the Norwich Jazz Weekender.
away from the pool table and chocolate
We also caught up with ex Blue Peter
vending machine in our tenant's
host turned actor Mark Curry who is
appearing in the Agatha Christie thriller
Our cover feature this month focuses on
And Then There Were None in Bury and
the exciting work of Newmarket-based
Cambridge next month.
artist Emily Jarvis and the honour of
This month we have some great
having her work accepted into a
competitions including the chance to win
prestigious Paris exhibition. We're thrilled
tickets to a live screening of Othello at
Design: Copy Concept 01379 608358
Printed by: Town & Country Printers
for Emily and wish her all the best.
the Fisher Theatre, Bungay, tickets to the
This month's local arts scene focuses on
highly-anticipated Spooky Mens Chorale
Tim Walken
the picturesque Suffolk village of Long
gig at The Apex, Bury St Edmunds, a
Melvyn Veness
Melford, home to some excellent
family ticket to The Secret Garden at
galleries, eateries and stately homes.
Holkham Hall and our usual meal out
With the Latitude Festival shining a
for two.
Sarah Veness Editor ARTSeast Magazine is published by
Cover Story
Suffolk Artist in Prestigious Paris Show
Many of our readers will have heard of Emily Jarvis and seen
Having been invited to apply for the prestigious Art en Capital
her work in and around East Anglia. In anticipation of her
exhibition at the Grand Palais, Emily has secured a place for
latest series, which has been accepted into a major
the first two of the latest pieces to go to Paris for the masses to
international exhibition in Paris, we caught up with the artist
see from November 24th-29th. They will form part of a series of
to find out how she got this far.
10-12 works which Emily hopes will be taken by a Gallery in
Art has always been a central focus for Emily, who has dedicated her post graduation years to building an extensive
the French capital. In between developing new series and travelling for inspiration,
portfolio. Her first serious painting happened at Kings School in
Emily undertakes commissions and has painted many people,
Ely before studying Art at college in Cambridge. This was the
as well as horses, dogs and even racing cars and a parrot!
opportunity for her first ever exhibition and at the tender age of 16 she sold her first piece, based on her brother, to a collector.
More locally, you can find Emily’s art in The Saffron Walden Gallery, GingerWhite and Bury Framing Centre as well as a
Norwich Art School (NUCA) was her next destination, where a
unique piece on the window at The Pantry in Newmarket, and in
first class honours was attained in Fine Art. The course allowed
the popular Ravenwood Hall Hotel,
for many further exhibitions and an opportunity to get critique
from a wider audience. It's also where Emily started the first series of Portraiture, based on the Himba Tribe from Namibia.
For more information on Emily’s work please visit her website
This latest series is a return to that style of Portraiture based on or email
her travels and the research undertaken as a part of her Aunt's
her at to
(Mary Rice) book ‘Heat, Dust and Dreams’. The colours within
discuss a commission.
these pieces are incredibly varied and the subjects offer a poignant reflection. The piece ‘Ondatu’ on the front cover is just one of those previous pieces and they have a strong following.
Cover image: Ondatu by Emily Jarvis
July 2015 | 7
Visual Arts
Visual Arts News Art exhibition at the Fen Visitors to a Suffolk Wildlife Trust reserve will be able to enjoy tea and cake while admiring the artwork of more than 20 artists over the August bank holiday weekend. Original artwork will be on display in the Education Centre at Redgrave and Lopham Fen near Bressingham. The exhibition will be open to visitors from August 29th-31st from 10am-4pm. All work, which will be for sale, will be on the theme of nature and wildlife and include a range of flowers, animals and landscapes. Many
New artist for Ipswich gallery
of the artists, both
The John Russell Gallery in Ipswich welcomes its newest artist
amateur and
Karenza Jackson. Karenza's mixed media painting and prints
professional, are
will be on display from July 13th to August 8th. Karenza has a
local to the Fen
very fresh approach to her work which combines print, drawing
and have gained
and texture in the form of collage, made from her own prepared
inspiration from
papers and other media, giving a three dimensional
the beauty of the
appearance to her colourful compositions. Karenza is also a
local landscape and its wildlife. All sales will benefit the Trust.
printmaker and has been a member of the Gainsborough's
Admission is free and tea, coffee, homemade cakes and snacks will
House Print Workshop for some years.
Wells photographer wins international award A Norfolk photographer has won a prestigious international award for her work. Janice Alamanou from Wells-next-the-Sea has received the International Modern Art Award 2015 for her photograph ‘Genesis Elements – Water’. It's organised by PAKS Gallery and the MAMAG Modern Art Museum, Austria. 'I exhibit my work with them and they represented me in Paris at the Carrousel du Louvre exhibition,' explains Janice. 'The artists involved are international artists, both photographers and painters, who have been pre-selected for the exhibitions where their artworks are critiqued and judged. Unfortunately I was not able to attend because of prior commitments but the award is being sent to me.' Brought up on the wind-swept shores of the North Norfolk coast it is no surprise that Janice Alamanou’s photography is inspired by the elements. Nature and environment stands alone or blends with her love of people, the human form and portraiture, creating unique beautiful images that now exhibit worldwide. 8 |
Visual Arts
Assembly House Norwich Summer Show
Summer is finally here and The Assembly House is celebrating with a bright and beautiful exhibition of artwork from across the country from July 3rd to September 26th. Visit The Noverre Gallery for this fabulous exhibition which includes work by Andrew Waddington, Bruce Pearson, Kate Heiss, Catherine Bowdler, Glynn Thomas, Ian O’Halloran, Elaine Marshall and Lucie Sheridan. Open Tuesday to Saturday, 10am-6pm, admission free.
Home Educators Take to the Skies To mark the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, 42F King’s Lynn Squadron Air Cadets are devising a train of 22 model spitfires which will be located around King’s Lynn’s historic quarters. King’s Lynn Arts Centre have worked with four children from the Home Educators community, through a series of five workshops, to design and decorate one of the fibreglass models. These creative sessions have not only offered them an opportunity to be involved with a fun, community project, but also a chance to learn about the history of Britain and our involvement in the Second World War. Influenced by the work of artists such as Henri Matisse and Jeff Koons, the
19 artists under one canvas roof Burwash Manor in Barton, Cambridgeshire is playing host to the Artists' Marquee this month, with 19 local artists exhibiting their work over the course of the four weekends in July, from 10am-6pm. Mediums of work include metal work, printmaking, painting, ceramics, jewellery, illustrations, mixed media and woodturning. The exhibition is affiliated with Cambridge Open Studios, bringing art to everyone. Burwash Manor is a group of converted farm buildings
four young learners have incorporated bold visual styles into their work. They want to defy the negative connotations of war and create something which is positive and liberating. The Arts Centre’s spitfire will be on display in the venue’s courtyard - it will be the first model on the ‘flight path’, which opens on July 18th.
housing a selection of independent, unique shops and a day spa, plus a tearoom. July 2015 | 9
ON VIEW ALISON WAGSTAFFE artist – printmaker
Nicola Slattery
Artfellows Picture Framers & Art Gallery
Painter and Printmaker
Bespoke Framing, Hand Finishing, Good Selection of Original Paintings, Antique Restoration Exclusive Greetings Cards
Art Courses
01986 788853
Curwen Print Study Centre
UNIQUELY PRINTMAKING Courses for artists of all abilities and ages
2015 Brochure out now 01223 892380
10 |
Visual Arts
Artist Profile: Bryan Harford Born and educated in Yorkshire, Bryan moved to Ringstead,
Bryan has a busy Summer exhibition schedule ahead of him.
North Norfolk in 2012, to pursue a career as a professional
Forthcoming dates are listed below –
Artist. This came after a career as a teacher of art both within
the Prison system at HMP Wealstun and tutoring his own private life drawing classes. Bryan now runs two private Art
Sat 18th – Mon 20th – Ringstead Village Hall
Groups at Ringstead Village Hall, which have proven to be
Sat 25th- Sun 26th Gin Trap Gallery, Ringstead
very popular. AUGUST Sat 1st – Mon 3rd – Ringstead Village Hall Fri 7th – Sun 9th – Quayside Gallery ,Wells Next The Sea Sat 15th - Sun 16th -Gin Trap Gallery, Ringstead. Sat 22nd - Sun23rd -Gin Trap Gallery, Ringstead. Sat 29th - Sun 30th - Gin Trap Gallery, Ringstead.
Mr Harford’s own Artistic style and media is multi-faceted, but in the last three years he has been recognised, and gained a following for, his striking evocative Poster works that take their influence from the Golden era of Railway / Transport Posters of the 1920’s/30’s, particularly the L.N.E.R. commercial artists. 'I have been interested in this style of work for many years.,' says Bryan. ‘The popular resorts and landmarks of East Anglia and most other places were well documented poster-wise. What I am trying to achieve is to re-visit some places from the original posters and depict them from a different perspective. I also explore new sights that the railway companies did not graphically document. I am hoping to extend the scope of this artistic project to the whole of the East Anglian coast and beyond.' Bryans work can also be viewed on his website
July 2015 | 11
Visual Arts
Talented Suffolk Craftmakers
A Brush with the Broads
This 2015 Suffolk Craft Society flagship Aldeburgh Exhibition is a
For the second year running Britain's first 4-day Plein Air Painting
vibrant showcase for the finest works of talented Suffolk
Festival comes to the region from September 24th-28th. A Brush
craftmakers. The Exhibition has been a part of the Aldeburgh
with the Broads is a non-profit making event aimed at offering
Summer season for 44 years and the creative imagination on
artists - both professional and amateur - the chance to paint in
show is as fresh and stimulating as ever.
the stunning setting of the Broads National Park.
A cornucopia of delights awaits you at the Peter Pears Gallery
This year, Lincolnshire artist Mo Teeuw will be leading a free
exhibition hub, including sculpture, ceramics, metal and
ticketed painting workshop for the public, in the marquee at Sea
woodwork, glass, basketry, textiles, jewellery and furniture - the
Life Centre Gardens on Marine Parade Great Yarmouth on Sunday
perfect opportunity to find a “not on the high street”,
27 September, prior to the participating artists taking part in a
contemporary craft piece for your home, office or for that special
'Quick Draw'. This involves the artists painting a masterpiece in
gift, at prices to suit all pockets. Or you may just want to admire
just two hours between Britannia Pier and the Pleasure Beach.
and learn more about exceptional local craftsmanship.
The Quick Draw paintings will be displayed on the artists' easels
The Suffolk Craft Society, formed in 1970 to promote the value
in the marquee when the painting time is finished!
and importance of individual craftspeople in the creation of their
These paintings, along with the others produced over the festival,
work, currently supports around 110 makers.
will be on sale on Monday September 28th at The Boathouse on
For more information tel: 01473 432865 (before July 10th) or
Ormesby Broad. 10% of all sales will go to Nelson’s Journey -
01728 451503 after that. Email:
Norfolk’s charity for bereaved children. Last year A Brush with the
Broads raised nearly £500!
A Brush with the Broads 2015 Year 2
UK's first 4 Day Plein Air Painting Festival
24 -28 September 2015 BROAD SKIES GALLERY Ludham Bridge, Norfolk NR29 5NX
RELAX & LEARN IN THE HEART OF THE BROADS follow @BroadsSkiesGal on Twitter PAINTING HOLIDAYS, COURSES & WORKSHOPS 2hrs, 1 day or 1 week 12 |
Visual Arts
' 4&
32 .2
4 0
" 4 %
Hidden Gem If you are heading up the A140 to
the north Norfolk coast this summer why not plan a visit to Alby Crafts & Gardens? We are one of Norfolk’s hidden secrets! In a traditional brick and flint barn
$4 ' 4 . 40
setting with plenty of free parking, a buzzing cafĂŠ, a beautiful 4 acre
$ . . .4 . $
garden and lots of shops and
. 4
galleries to browse, you can easily spend half a day here away from
the hustle and bustle of the seaside towns.
We will be hosting a Summer Craft Fair in the grounds on Sunday 12th July so do come along, meet our guest
. 4
stallholders and browse some locally made products. Or if you
are a maker, call 01263 768863 for late pitch availability. The Hare and Moon Gallery has recently expanded and is proud to stock an even wider range of art and crafts by East Anglian makers. You will also find original paintings, limited edition prints and fine art sculpture at Studio House and
beautiful furniture, bowls and
lamps by cabinet maker
$ $ $
Keverne Dewick. There is a selection of courses
& workshops on offer at Alby Crafts & Gardens throughout the year including pottery, fine art
sculpture, paper cutting, wood turning, upcyclng furniture and rag rugging. Call Claire on 01263 768820.
)( 4 4+ 4 .2 4 4/ 4 4 2 % 4 .4 )*(4 4 ' 4 0))4,-
Breaking news: Patrick Martin of Norwich is now offering reiki and reflexology at Alby by appointment. To book call 07500 661166. July 2015 | 13
Visual Arts
ARTISTS: Your Art Deserves The Very Best Giclée Print Service We’ve been very pleased to once again provide many local artists with giclée print and framing for their Cambridge Open Studios events! From scanning or photography of original artwork through to the production of quality giclée prints and framing, we’ve helped prepare for the summer exhibitions and enabled artists to offer the very best giclée prints to their customers. . . . and if you’re not participating in any Open Studios events we can still offer you the best service around for the reproduction of your artwork. Contact us now to find out how you can benefit from having the most trusted giclée print provider behind you. All of our important contact info: Call us on 01223 834411 E-mail us at Visit us at Rectory Farm 1 Brewery Road Pampisford Cambridge CB22 3EN
‘Atmospheric Sea and Landscapes’ Painting in oils – a 2-day workshop with Stephen Higton. Venue: Wilby Coronation Hall, Wilby SUFFOLK, IP21 5LE Cost: £70 for the 2-day workshop. Bookings: Please ask to be put onto our mailing list for 2015
Stephen Higton Art will be exhibiting at Aldeburgh Gallery, Aldeburgh, Suffolk
9th to 15th July 2015 & 3rd to 9th Sept 2015
01379 388925 | 14 |
Visual Arts
Cambridge Open Studios Cambridge Open Studios (COS) is thrilled to announce that
Heather Stowell
its membership numbers for 2015 have grown by over 10%, continuing its excellent record of year on year expansion. The artists’ network, which is one of the oldest Open Studios programmes in the country, has seen steady growth since it began over 50 years ago and represents a flourishing community of artists, craftspeople and designer-makers throughout Cambridgeshire. This July, 323 Cambridge Open Studio artists will be taking part in 219 different locations. There will be a wide range of artistic media including painters, sculptors, jewellers, Binnie Macellari
photographers, illustrators, furniture makers and many more. 112 new artists have joined for 2015, promising an even greater variety of art for the public to enjoy. Over the weekends of July 4/5, 11/12, 18/19, 25/26, artists will open their doors free of charge, welcoming the public to view their work, learn how it’s created and in some cases, try your
Go behind the scenes of more than 275 local artists’ studios this July with Cambridge Open Studios.
and craft, and works to forge a lasting relationship between
Cambridge Open Studios has seen a steady growth since it began over 50 years ago and represents a flourishing community of artists, craftspeople and designer-makers throughout Cambridgeshire. There’s a wide range of artistic media on display, including painters, sculptors, jewellers, photographers, illustrators, ceramicists, furniture makers and many more.
local people and local makers. Participating studios will be
hand. Covering the whole county, Open Studios includes many outlying towns and villages as well as Cambridge city itself. The organisation promotes the making of original works of art
open from 11am – 6pm though it is worth pointing out not all studios are open on all of the weekends, so do check the website for opening dates or refer to the free Guide Book which lists all artists and groups participating. It really is a wonderful day out. Pick up your Guide Book, plan yourself a route and why not take in a pub lunch along the way. And remember to look out for the synonymous yellow flags that will be flying outside the ‘open’ studios.
Cambridge Open Studios brings artists together with the public, making studios and workshops accessible at certain times of the year. See our website/pick up a Guide Book for a full listing of participating artists. Entry is free and you’ll be guaranteed a most warm and friendly welcome!
Look out for the yellow flags indicating open studios! Saturdays and Sundays throughout July 2015 (4th/5th, 11th/12th, 18th/19th & 25th/26th) 11am-6pm For more info and your free guide visit: Follow us on Twitter:
Like us on Facebook
Pick up your free Cambridge Open Studio Guide book, from libraries, shops, park ‘n’ ride sites, and galleries to name but a few.
July 2015 | 15
16 |
Visual Arts
60 Years at the Cutting Edge
July 18th-August 1st 2015 As part of the Holt Summer Festival (July 19th-26th) the Bircham Gallery are delighted to be showing prints by H.J Jackson together with the launch of his new book ‘Afloat &
Ashore’ The Linocuts of H.J Jackson published by Mascot Media. The declining fishing industry features strongly in John’s work, and he likes his boats to look as if they have been to sea. The multiple layers of ink result in a ‘treacly’ appearance which helps to give them the look of working vessels. Mainly devoid of figures. John’s prints rely instead on the complex and seemingly confusing tangle of fishing gear to suggest the human involvement. On Thursday July 23rd at 10am John will be giving a 30 minute talk about his work with a questions session after (no booking necessary).
We will also be showing Wood Engravings by Howard Phipps
whose inspiration comes from the landscape, Ceramics by
Nicholas Homoky who is one of the country’s most highly respected and innovative contemporary potters and Turned
Wood by Richard Chapman who creates beautiful wooden vessels from his farm-smithy workshop in the depths of rural Norfolk – such as platters, bowls and urns.
July 2015 | 17
eatre & Film
Holkham hosts the stars of tomorrow
Theatre & Film News
The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) will perform a much-anticipated open-air performance of Oscar
Dr Longitude's Marvellous Imaginary Menagerie
Wilde’s most treasured play, ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ at Holkham Hall’s walled gardens on July 22nd. Spearheaded by proven director, Stephen Rayne, the ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ has a strong cast and production team of talented students who will soon be graduating from LAMDA. This performance gives the audience at Holkham a unique opportunity to see future talent first hand. As testament to the calibre of LAMDA’s productions, acting alumni include Benedict Cumberbatch, Hermione Norris, Jim Broadbent and Dominic Cooper to name but a few. Holkham Hall’s eighteenth century, six acre walled gardens provide a beautiful backdrop for the performance
Roll up, roll up, for the most ‘magnifical’, ‘tremendible’ and ‘fantasticulous’ experience in town! Ever wanted to count a Decapus’s, legs? Or wondered what a Whistling Pank eats? Would you like to catch a glimpse of the fabled ‘Massive Paw’, or lick a Tresillian Toad? Or perhaps see a cow that looks like Brian May? Then head to Fair Green, Diss (as part of Diss Corn Hall on tour) on July 19th. Dr Longitude and his team of “experts” are here to guide you through a puppet-packed, ludicrously lyrical and magically musical tour of the Imaginary Menagerie’s finest exhibits.
A Labour of Love A new play detailing the fight to re-open the Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds will be performed at the theatre as part of this year’s 50th anniversary celebrations. A Labour of Love has been written by local playwright, Danusia Iwaszko and will be performed from July 16th-25th. Actors from the local community have been cast in all parts and local musicians will be playing under the direction of composer, Phil Gostelow and director of the Theatre Royal, Karen Simpson. It’s 1959, and the Theatre Royal is a barrel store; derelict and in need of a new lease of life. Over the next six years, and against all the odds, the people of Bury St Edmunds and the surrounding villages finally returned to tread the boards. Based on the movers and shakers who worked so tirelessly, A Labour of Love tells the story of the special relationships that were forged and the hearts that were broken in realising a dream. An inspiring true story of a town, its community and what people can achieve when they pull together, this uplifting and toe-tapping musical will entertain all the family!
18 |
Advertisement Feature sopranos, his tenors and some very special guests. Recorded Live from the performance shown in cinemas on Sat 18th July.
Coming up at The Riverside The Riverside, Woodbridge offers an exciting mix of cinema, live screenings and shows to appeal to a broad audience.
The Merchant of Venice - Wednesday 22nd July, 7pm Royal Shakespeare Company, live from Stratford-Upon-Avon. Tickets:£12.50 In the melting pot of Venice, trade is God. With its ships plying the globe, the city opens its arms to all - as long as they come prepared to do business and there is profit to be made. When the gold is flowing all is well - but when a contract between Bassanio and Shylock is broken, simmering racial tensions boil over. A wronged father, and despised outsider, Shylock looks to
Othello - Wednesday 26th August, 7pm Live from Royal Shakespeare Company. Tickets £12.50 Othello is the greatest general of his age. A fearsome warrior, loving husband and revered defender of Venice against its enemies. But he is also an outsider whose victories have created enemies of his own, men driven by prejudice and jealousy to destroy him. As they plot in the shadows, Othello realises too late that the greatest danger lies not in the hatred of others, but his own fragile and destructive pride.
exact the ultimate price for a deal sealed in blood. Polly Findlay directs Shakespeare's uncompromising play with Makram J. Khoury, one of the most celebrated actors in Israel, in his RSC debut as Shylock. The cast also includes Patsy Ferran as Portia, also making her RSC debut and Jamie Ballard, returning to the RSC as Antonio, following Written on the Heart and Measure for Measure (2011). After more than a decade working in film and tv on projects from Star Wars to Holby City, Hugh Quarshie returns to the RSC to play Shakespeare's Othello. He was last seen in Faust and
Andrea Reiu’s 2015 Masstricht Concert - Encore Saturday 25th July, 7pm, Tickets £18 Affectionately known as ‘The King Of Waltz’ Andre performs a series of concerts in the Netherlands each year. The concerts are performed in front of thousands and set amongst the beautiful medieval backdrop of his home town of Maastricht. As always Andre is joined by his famous Johann Strauss Orchestra, his
Julius Caesar (1996). Hugh will play opposite Lucian Msamati in the role of Iago, returning to the RSC following his role as Pericles in 2006. The production is directed by Iqbal Khan.
ARTSeast Reader Offer The Riverside are offering readers of ARTSeast
The Merchant of Venice: CODE RSC1
£2.50 off per ticket for each screening.
Andre Rieu's Concert: CODE ARMasstricht
Please quote the appropriate code when booking.
Othello: CODE RSC2
Tickets and restaurant tables can be booked from the box office 01394 382174
July 2015 | 19
eatre & Film
Annie is in Town Norwich Theatre Royal - August 17th-22nd One of the summer's biggest musicals - Annie - is coming to Norwich Theatre Royal. Strictly Come Dancing favourite and accomplished stage performer Craig Revel Horwood heads the cast as the nasty Miss Hannigan, who runs the orphanage where the beloved orphan of the title is living in misery and torment. But Annie’s luck changes when she is chosen to spend Christmas at the home of the billionaire Oliver Warbucks,
says. 'I also have to do a New York accent so it gets very Barbra Streisand.'
which also spurs her on to find her real parents. The nasty
A warm-hearted story aimed at all the family, this stunning
Miss Hannigan has other ideas though, and is determined to
new production features a host of unforgettable songs
spoil Annie’s plans.
including It’s The Hard Knock Life, Easy Street, I Don’t Need
And star Craig Revel Horwood is confident people coming along will have a great time. What I love about playing Miss
N Hannigan is that you can have a lot of fun with the kids,' he
Anything But You, and Tomorrow. Don’t miss Annie – you can bet your bottom dollar that you’ll love it!
JULY BOX OFFICE: (01603) 63 00 00 Thur 2 July NORWICH SCHOOL GALA Stars of the future £7 - £15 Tues 7 - Sat 18 July JERSEY BOYS Award-winning smash hit musical £8 - £48.50
Puttin’ On The Ritz
Sun 19 July 10 Centre Stage Performing Arts School £7 - £15.50
Tues 21 - Sat 25 July PUTTIN' ON THE RITZ Kristina Rihanoff & Robin Windsor (Strictly) star in Hollywood's Golden Age musical £8 - £33 Wed 29 July - Sat 1 August PETER PAN RETURN TO NEVERLAND Theatre Royal Youth Theatre with new family musical £7 - £9
Book H E AT R E ST R E E T, N O RW I C H N R 2 1 R L 20 |
eatre & Film
Royal Shakespeare Company: Othello Fisher Theatre, Bungay - August 26th, 7pm (Tickets ÂŁ12) Live screening from Stratford-upon-Avon Othello is the greatest general of his age. A fearsome warrior, loving husband and revered defender of Venice against its
directed by Iqbal Khan (Much Ado About Nothing, 2012).
enemies. But he is also an outsider whose victories have created enemies of his own, men driven by prejudice and jealousy to destroy him. As they plot in the shadows, Othello realises too late that the greatest danger lies not in the hatred of others, but his own fragile and destructive pride. After more than a decade working in film and television on projects from Star Wars to Holby City, Hugh Quarshie returns to the RSC to play Shakespeare's Othello. He was last seen with us in Faust and Julius Caesar (1996). Hugh will play
WIN TICKETS ARTSeast has teamed up with The Fisher Theatre, Bungay to offer one lucky reader the chance to win two tickets to see Othello on August 26th. To enter, please email your name, address and telephone number to Closing date: July 24th, usual terms and conditions apply
opposite Lucian Msamati in the role of Iago, returning to the RSC following his role as Pericles in 2006. The production is July 2015 | 21
Here, ARTSeast chats to Former Blue Peter presenter and actor Mark Curry about his role in the world's best-selling thriller, And Then There Were None.
Coffee & aChat
Next month the UK-wide tour of Agatha Christie's most popular thriller And Then There Were None rolls into Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds and then on to Cambridge Arts Theatre with a star-studded cast. Produced by Bill Kenwright by special arrangement with Agatha Christie ltd, the show has been wowing audiences across the UK since January. Mark Curry is playing the part of Dr. Armstrong in the show. You’ve known Bill Kenwright for a while, nice to be part of one of his productions again? Yes, it really is. I wanted to do an Agatha Christie, one of these ones, because I kept seeing the posters and it looked sumptuous, it looked good and I actually really like her stuff. I think we’ve tried a couple of years for me to be in it and it hasn’t worked out, and it only just worked out this time! 22 |
Coffee & a Chat
So what attracted you to the part of Doctor Armstrong? I was asked to read it with Doctor Armstrong in mind. And what was appealing about it was that it’s not a part you’d usually associate with me, the nervy, and guileful, full of neurosis, ex-alcoholic – that really appealed to me. It’s a chance to show that I have a sensitive side. How have you prepared for your role - are you basing him on anyone? No, I didn’t really, but I’d done Woman in Black years ago in town, and I remembered the character I play, towards the end of the play, becomes a complete wreck, he has a breakdown almost, on stage – as Doctor Armstrong does. So I remembered those feelings and I think as you get older, you’ve got a bit more emotion in you anyway because of stuff that’s happened. And I felt very sorry for him. He’s got a past where he’s actually killed somebody on the operating table, so his murder he’d done – and it was, he killed her – is worse than anybody else’s in the play, because he’s a professional man and this person came to him to be saved, and he killed this woman because he had a drink problem. And it’s absolutely tormented him all his life.
And we’ve got a similar sense of humour and he’s just such a good bloke. It’s an eight-month tour of the UK – what are the nicest things about being on the road? The highlights are – every week is different. Every opening night is almost like your first night because you’ve got a new audience from that area, you’ve got a new stage to get to know, and it’s a new theatre, with different history. Whereas in the West End, it’s fantastic, but you’re going in the same dressing room night after night, you’re parking your car in the same place, or getting the same tube. Having done six months in the West End, it does become a little bit routine. But with touring, you’re discovering new places.
Did you know any of you cast mates before? Frazer Hines I’ve known since I was seven years old. I used to do Junior Showtime in Studio 3 at Yorkshire Television, and they were doing Emmerdale Farm in Studio 4, and during tea breaks and lunch breaks, he’d pop round and look at our show, and we as kids would say, look, that’s Joe Sugden! He was a big star! But we’ve never worked together. We lived in Yorkshire at the same time, we used to do personal appearances and things together, but we never did anything professionally. So when I saw his name on the bill, and sharing a dressing room, I couldn’t believe it! And he couldn’t believe it either, because when you’ve known somebody so long but your paths have never really crossed, it’s great.
Mark and the original cast in an earlier performance
A lot of people - especially those of us who grew up in the 80s - will know you more for Blue Peter? Do you still get recognised for it? I still get recognised today, and I think that’s because we were getting seven million viewers in our peak time, October to March, and that’s because there was less on telly, we didn’t have Sky, there were four channels. We also had a cross-section of audience watching us, because it was just before the six o’clock news, so grandparents, kids, parents watching us. That show, no matter what else I do, will always be with me. It’s a badge, you’ve got it and you were a part of history. And Then There Were None runs from August 3rd-8th at Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds (, 01284 769505) and from August 24th-29th at Cambridge Arts Theatre (, 01223 503333) July 2015 | 23
Film & eatre
Magical Theatre in Magical Surroundings The Secret Garden – Holkham Hall, August 12th
Chapterhouse Theatre Company bring their enchanting adaptation of this much-loved children's classic to the walled garden at Holkham Hall, Wells-next-the-Sea this August as part of a national tour. Join young Mary Lennox on her journey of discovery as she travels to her uncle’s house deep in the Yorkshire countryside, where unexpected friends and very magical creatures help her unlock the mystery of the secret garden. Alive with music and song and an array of especially-
WIN TICKETS One lucky reader has the chance to win a family ticket (two adults, two children) to see The Secret Garden at Holkham Hall. Just send your name, address and phone number to Closing date: July 24th, usual terms and conditions apply.
designed puppet creatures, Mary's story and The Secret Garden promises to capture the spirit of summer Holkham's very own 'secret garden'.
Just call us on 01379 773347 or email
24 |
eatre & Film
Kid’s Corner: Hollywood Cinema, Norwich Tucked away in Anglia Square, Hollywood Cinema found fame in 2013 as the setting for the premiere of the film Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa. Star Steve Coogan arrived in a blaze of glory and left in a helicopter afterwards for London's West End.But long before it hit the headlines, Hollywood Cinema has been a family favourite of ours thanks to its retro feel (the inside reminds me of cinema trips as a kid in the 80s), cheap food and drink and good value tickets. My partner - who is a sound and vision geek - also claims the quality of both is exceptional. At the weekends - and during school holidays - the cinema has a kid's club where all seats are just £1.49 for children or adults. They tend to show films that have been out a few weeks and it's a fantastic chance to see something you might otherwise have missed. The film we saw this time was Two by Two: Ooops…The Ark Has Gone - a family animation about a couple of clumsy fictional animals called Nestrians who are desperate to get on The Ark before the biblical flood comes.
It wasn't the greatest film we've ever seen but the kids enjoyed it and, as always, the sound and picture quality were both excellent. And for £1.49 per seat, it's hard to complain! We've seen some fantastic films at Hollywood over the years and it's great for a cheap morning or afternoon out. The chain also has cinemas in Dereham, Great Yarmouth and Fakenham.
Sarah Veness
Great Kid’s Shows coming to Our Region July 14th-19th - The Tiger who came to Tea
August 2nd - Sing-a-Long-a-Frozen
A musical play based on the much-loved book by Judith Kerr. The
This full screening of Disney's Frozen comes complete with lyrics on
doorbell rings just as Sophie and her mummy are sitting down to
screen to help you sing along, a live host, a free prop bag, a lesson
tea. Who could it possibly be…?
in dance moves and Singalonga Princesses! Royal, Norwich. Tickets:
Norwich Playhouse. Tickets:, tel:, tel: 01603 630000
01603 598598
August 2nd - Treasure Island
July 24th - Dean Friedman's Smelly Feet
Ahoy there landlubbers! Don't ye be mission' this tale of treasure
Smelly Feet is a toe-tickling, tune-humming kid's musical that debuted at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival last year to rave reviews. The Quay Theatre, Sudbury. Tickets:, tel: 01787 374375
July 25th - 26th - Aliens Love Underpants This hilarious tale based on the best-selling children's book is wonderfully brought to life on stage for the very first time. With stunning effects, madcap action, original music - and lots of aliens (of course!) Cambridge Corn Exchange. Tickets:
and treachery on the high seas. Featuring a cast of just three actors this is an unforgettable open-air show for all the family. Landguard Fort, Felixstowe. Tickets:, tel: 01473 433100
August 8th - Animal Alphabet A one hour show of fun and educational verse for children aged 3-7. Just one performer, no stage propels and lots of joining in! St George's Theatre, Great Yarmouth. Tickets:, tel: 01493 331484, tel: 01223 357851 July 2015 | 25
Celebrate World Music
Music News
Now in its 7th year, The Southburgh Festival of World Music brings its eclectic mix of music from around the world to Norfolk on August 1st. With two stages and a range of workshops, the festival features acts from as far afield as Africa, Cuba, Ireland and the UK guaranteeing non-stop entertainment for all ages and tastes. With a wide selection of delicious hot food and a craft area selling local and Fairtrade goods, it's the perfect family event. Last year was a sell-out so grab your tickets early. The Southburgh Festival is at the heart of the Mudeka Foundation, a charity set up by Anna Mudeka to provide orphans and disadvantaged children in Zimbabwe with education.
Ipswich Regent: Richard Thompson The multi-talented British singer-songwriter-guitarist Richard Thompson will tour the UK in support of his latest album, Still, which was produced by Jeff Tweddy from Wilco. Thompson’s unparalleled career now spans five decades, from his formative years as lead axeman and budding songwriter in seminal folkrock alchemists Fairport Convention to his acclaimed solo work. Richard is performing at the Ipswich Regent on September 18th.
Tom Odell performs in Thetford Forest Award-winning songwriter Tom Odells brings his compelling sound to Thetford as part of the Forestry Commission's Forest Live on July 5th. Released in 2013, his debut album 'Long Way Down' shot straight to number one. The singles from the album include 'Can't Pretend', 'Hold Me' and the gargantuan 'Another Love' and illustrate the song-writing maturity beyond his years which resulted in Tom receiving the ultimate industry accolade of 'Songwriter of the Year' at the 2014 Ivor Novello Awards. Last year Tom was chosen to perform the soundtrack to the John Lewis Christmas advert which generated millions of YouTube views. Tom's special guest for the night of Rae Morris. Tom said: 'This will be a whole new experience for me. I can't wait to bring my live show to the woods and I hope to see you there.'
26 ||
Be Spooked at the Apex
The Spooky Men’s Chorale - The Apex, August 11th, 7.30pm (£18) Ennobled by improbable facial hair and dignified with cavernous vocal chords, The Spooky Men's Chorale have been gleefully smashing up and reassembling the world of men's singing since 2001, and have sold out The Apex twice!
They will arrive tenderly brandishing their 5th album (due for release in the UK this summer): a long requested departure from the previous four voyages into magnificent silliness into an idyll in vast, calm, resonant deepness.
The repertoire, which began with a simple combination of Georgian table songs, immaculate ballads and vaudevillian nonsense, has expanded to include sly and witty commentary on their own favourite body parts, a surfing anthem, and a mock Sufi ode to the Bee Gees - all performed with passion and a twinkle in the eye. Their last UK tour saw a large number of sell-out concerts at major venues and a whole raft of ecstatic festival audience reactions. The Spookies will now continue their long, slow global conquest with a 6th visit to these isles, and a step-up in
WIN TICKETS ARTSeast has joined forces with The Apex to secure two prize tickets to this highlyanticipated gig for one lucky reader. To be in with a chance of winning, please email your name, address and phone number to Closing date: July 24th, usual terms and conditions apply
their supernova trajectory with some major festival dates. July 2015 | 27
Jazzing up Norwich For the second year in a row, the excellent Jazz Weekender returns to Norwich city centre, featuring an impressive line-up of the finest UK and international artists around today. The weekend of August 29th & 30th offers a real taste of London's Soho jazz vibe with 12 great shows taking place over two days in the Club Room at OPEN. Not only that, but you can choose to head over to the Maddermarket Theatre's Redwell Bar which is hosting an additional two festival shows featuring Georgina Jackson and Gabrielle Ducomble. A diverse programme awaits that embraces Dixie, Swing, Big Band, Bebop, Salsa and Contemporary Jazz; and whilst the event brings together artists from as far afield as Serbia, Cuba and
who've emerged from the fine city of Norwich itself - look out
the US, the shows also feature a wealth of talented performers
for Kit Downes, Freddie Gavita, Tom Dunnett and Nick Fitch.
28 |
North Norfolk’s Prestigious Music Festival
11th NORTH NORFOLK MUSIC FESTIVAL 11 - 22 AUGUST 2015 St Mary’s Church, South Creake The Marble Hall, Holkham Hall All Saints Church, Wighton
August 11th-22nd 2015 The North Norfolk Music Festival, under the artistic directorship of local residents Simon Rowland-Jones and Barry Cheeseman, begins its second decade of top-level chamber music concerts and song recitals with a performance by the young Marmen String Quartet. The Festival has an enviable reputation of presenting young musicians such as the Marmens to its exacting audience in north Norfolk. For the second year in a row, the excellent Jazz Weekender returns to Norwich city centre, featuring an impressive line-up of the finest UK and international artists around today.
It also brings musicians of international stature to Norfolk. This year these include the Russian pianist Yevgeny Sudbin, the Romanian Arcadia String Quartet, winners of two major
BOX OFFICE 01328 730357
competitions in the last couple of years and the young German baritone Benjamin Appl who is taking the world’s concert halls and opera houses by storm. A feature of this year’s Festival is an all day Schubertiad with three concerts of music by Schubert and four Beethoven concerts – The Leonore Piano Trio and the Lendvai String Trio play works by Beethoven written at the beginning of his career. Most of the concerts are held in St Mary’s Church, South Creake and this year the Festival presents it first concert in All Saints Church, Wighton. The Festival receives no public funding of any kind and relies entirely on box office sales and the support of its Friends and donors. For a full programme go to or telephone REGISTERED CHARITY NO. 1128730
01328 730357 to request a brochure. July 2015 | 29
Arts Council
Credit: Philippa Gedge
Here, we chat to the new Chief Executive of Arts Council England, Darren Henley about his ambitions for the region…. 'Since I joined the Arts Council in April this year, I’ve travelled
Perhaps most importantly, I have seen the transformation that
the length and breadth of the country meeting artists and the
the arts can bring to our schools; to our communities, villages,
people who run our arts organisations, museums, libraries
towns and cities. I’m excited to think about what the Arts
and local authorities.
Council can do to help inspire and rejuvenate more
In my second week in the job, I had the pleasure of visiting Ipswich, where I took part in a fantastic piece of theatre
communities, to support greater ambition and to secure the quality and originality of our national art and culture.
alongside a group of young people at the New Wolsey Theatre.
Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire are an integral part of that
More recently, I also spent a wonderful day listening to world-
ambition. But good things don’t happen by accident, they
class classical music as part of the Aldeburgh Festival.
happen because people share a vision and work together to
As well as experiencing for myself the brilliant artistic work on offer in this part of England, I have been learning about the
make it a reality. In the past three years, the Arts Council has invested more than
richness of our museums and collections here – Norfolk
£66 million in arts and cultural activity across Norfolk, Suffolk
Museums Service and the University of Cambridge Museums
and Cambridgeshire - from individual artists right through to
are great examples of this. And then there are organisations
our magnificent museums, our innovative libraries and highly
such as Suffolk Libraries who give communities in this area the
creative arts organisations.
opportunity to enjoy art digitally in their library spaces.
30 |
Arts Council
d at Opus No.7 performed at Norfolk and rts o d u ce rac, pr eachange A e g r Norwich Festival, Credit: Natalie Cheban e B S : e it D d e , Cre llad ’ La Ba rmouth Circus e, Great Ya n o ti us blossom and have choices that were never available in the Transla rill Ho Lost in nge Arts’ D a h c past. At the moment, creative talent is everywhere, but Sea
opportunities for that talent to reach its potential are not. One of the main ways in which we invest in arts and culture is through our National Portfolio Organisations, which receive regular funding from the Arts Council over a three year period. In this area, the list includes the likes of New Wolsey Theatre, Cambridge Junction, Seachange Arts and Norwich Arts Centre.
We will continue to make case to the government about the importance of investment in arts and culture in this country. We also need the support of our friends in local
Our investment has supported these organisations as they
government too. Local
produce a huge range of work, events and activities
authorities are the biggest investor in
throughout the year, including Norfolk and Norwich Festival,
art and culture in this country and if this funding is
Aldeburgh Festival, PULSE Festival and SPILL Festival.
withdrawn, irreparable damage will be done.
Our work developing talent begins with the work we fund for
At the Arts Council, we believe that great art brings
children and young people in and out of school; through the
opportunities educationally, socially and economically for all
opportunities we offer to young people to make the arts a
of us. If you’re a reader of a magazine like this, you will
part of their lives, as artists or audiences.
already know just how much the arts can change people’s
I would like to think that in Cambridgeshire, Suffolk and
lives. Our job is to make sure that we make this connection
Norfolk, a child will be able to grow up and enjoy the
with people from all backgrounds, because great arts and
opportunities the arts offer as never before - and when that
culture should be a part of everyone’s everyday life, no matter
child has talent, that he or she will have the chance to
who they are and where they live.'
July 2015 | 31
Ten Years of Latitude
July 16th-19th This year the spectacular Latitude festival celebrates its tenth anniversary in style! Back in 2006 Latitude Festival creator Melvin Benn set out to rewrite the festival rulebook, showing that music lovers could also be culture lovers, by creating the UK's first multi arts boutique festival. Today, in the stunning grounds of Henham Park, near Southwold festival goers will enjoy an eclectic mix of music, theatre, dance, comedy, film, literature and poetry. Headline acts include alt-j, Portishead, Noel Gallagher, Manic Street Preachers, Alan Davies, Jon Richardson and Jason Manford. There are more than 100 other acts confirmed for the festival across a range of genres. There are also two new exciting additions to the festival this year - swimming in the lake and hot tubs.
I wanted to bring something really fresh and new to Henham
Named Best Family Festival of 2012, Latitude has an array of
and I think we’ve done just that. We’ve added a whole new spa
family-friendly activities available for children and parents alike
area, Solas, offering massages and treatments alongside hot
that will create happy memories to last all year. Kids are
tubs and installations, which will all turn into a late night party
entertained day and night in the incredible Kids Area with
area for festival-goers to discover after sunset. In addition – the
everything from pond-dipping and stargazing to crafting funky
extraordinary Other Voices will make the journey from the west
headdresses, pizza making workshops, sticker art and
coast of Ireland to the east coast of England to create their
traditional woodland crafts. Families can also choose to stay in
incredibly intimate music environment. And we’re also bringing
the Family Campsite which comes complete with early morning
swimming to the lake for the first time, which will absolutely be
activities such as family yoga and face painting.
the icing on the cake for Latitude 2015! I'm looking forward to
Founder Melvin Benn says: 'Every year I challenge myself to
welcoming back all our regular festival-goers, and seeing some
build on previous summers and make each festival even better
new faces there this July.’
than the one before. With the start of a new decade for Latitude,
32 |
What’s On
What’s On – Here’s a quick look at what’s coming up in our region. If
July 18th - 20th - North Norfolk-based artist Bryan Harford is
you’d like an event, show, exhibition, performing arts
holding a solo exhibition, featuring many of his popular poster
class, festival, talk or anything else arts-related included
works, at Ringstead Village Hall, 10am-5pm. Also at Gin Trap
in our listings section, please get in touch. Each listing
Gallery, Ringstead from July 25th-26, 10am-6pm.
costs just £15 (no VAT) and you can pay by cheque to, tel: 01485 525103
Falcon Publications or by PayPal to If you’d prefer to pay by BACS online, call 01379 773347 for account details. To submit a listing, email details to
THEATRE & FILM July 7th - 11th - Sudbury Dramatic Society presents the We need details 8 weeks before the
elegantly crafted thriller A Few Good Men. Tickets:
date of the event to guarantee inclusion., tel: 01787 374745.
July 16th - The Fisher Theatre, Bungay is screening Everyman
July 8th - One of the most successful soul groups of all time, Shalamar perform at The Apex, Bury St Edmunds. 01284 758000 July 13th - Jolie Holland performs her mix of jazz, blues, soul and rock and roll at Norwich Arts Centre. Tickets:, Tel: 01603 660352
by the National Theatre LIVE. Starring BAFTA winner Chiwetel Ejiofor (12 Years a Slave). Tickets:, tel: 01986 897130 July 21st - 25th - Sue Holderness and Christopher Timothy star in the controversial Mrs Warren's Profession by Bernard Shaw at Cambridge Arts Theatre. Tickets:, tel: 01223 503333
July 17th - Classical Music for Cats. An evening of solo and ensemble chamber music from a variety of composers. Raising money for the Kitty Connections Charity. St Peter's by the Waterfront, Ipswich.
EXHIBITIONS July 3rd - August 1st - Rebecca Douglass Whatley Rural Moments Exhibition. Trees, animals, landscapers, skies - rural life in and around Diss, Norfolk. Maddermarket Theatre Art Gallery. July 11th - 25th - Colchester Art Society Summer Exhibition of paintings, prints and sculpture. Open 10am-5pm at Colchester Institute, J block, Sheepen Road, Colchester, CO3 3LL.
FESTIVALS/CRAFT FAIRS July 11th - 16th - The 2015 Jigsaw Festival takes place at St Mary's Church, Newmarket from 10am-4pm daily featuring 700 puzzles in an ever-changing display. July 12th sees the British Jigsaw Championship with elite, pairs and fun categories with cash prizes. Call 01638 603489. July 19th - 25th - The Holt Festival takes place around the town with a mix of art, music, theatre, lectures and film. Tickets:, Tel: 01603 598699. July 25th - Vocal Improvisation Workshop with Briony Greenhill. Geared towards more confident singers, it runs from 11am-4pm at the St John Ambulance Hall, Beccles. Concert at 3.30pm for friends and family. £25 (£20 concessions). To register email
July 2015 | 33
Local Arts Scene
34 |
Magnificent Melford In Tudor times, Long Melford was a bustling village made
The village contains two beautiful stately homes - Kentwell Hall
wealthy through the wool trade. Today, many of the fine
and Melford Hall. Kentwell, a moated redbrick mansion, is
buildings built at that time still stand and make Long Melford
famed for its Tudor reenactments and its stunning walled
a beautiful place to visit. With the longest tree-lined village
garden. Melford Hall, managed by the National Trust, is the
street in the country, it's also a paradise for shoppers, art
home of the Hyde Parker family whose cousin Beatrix Potter
lovers, antique dealers and all who enjoy a drink or a meal in
drew inspiration from the house and gardens and painted a
one of its many picturesque pubs.
series of watercolours at the house.
Long Melford found fame in the 1980s as the setting for the
The village's 15th century Holy Trinity Church is one of the
BBC series Lovejoy whose main character was a roguish
greatest Suffolk wool churches and stands proudly next to its
antiques dealer. Today antiques and art still feature in Melford
expansive green. The church plays host to an impressive
life and the town has a wealth of prestigious galleries with an
lunchtime concert series on Wednesdays in the summer,
eclectic mix of collections to satisfy lovers of the arts.
organised by Melford Music.
July 2015 | 35
Local Arts Scene
Welcome to Melford's Famous Old House Gallery
Melford's Famous Old House Gallery Hall Street, Long Melford, CO10 9JR Telephone: 07572 903363 Opening hours - 10am till 5pm, 7 days a week 36 |
Local Arts Scene
Exciting new Gallery for Long Melford
This month sees the grand opening of an impressive new gallery in Long Melford High Street
contemporary work. 'We showcase approximately 70 paintings at any one time,'
Melford's Famous Old House Gallery is the brainchild of Colin
says Colin. 'As well as paintings we will also be displaying
Fletcher and Jane Wanjiru who purchased the former Chimney
unique art pieces from around the world including bronzes,
Restaurant property in March 2014.
glassware, sculptures and other interesting items.'
An important and historic grade 2 listed building, it began life
The initial offering will show magnificent original works by
as a jettied rectangular medieval hall house and there are still
famous French artists including Edouard Leon Cortes, Jules
a wealth of exposed timbers inside and outside.
Rene Herve, Eugene Galien-Laloue and Antoine Blanchard. The
'The property was quite run down and tired with most of the windows to the rear literally falling to pieces,' says Colin. 'It has taken 14 months to bring the ground floor retail area back to life and create warm and homely spaces so that clients can browse and buy art in very comfortable surroundings with a bygone-age feel. We installed three new wood burning stoves as well as replacing the whole of the central heating system. The old commercial kitchen was totally renewed and now
paintings show iconic Parisian scenes such as The Notre Dame, The Moulin Rouge, The Opera and Port Saint Denis. Also on display will be four paintings by renowned German artist Fritz Wagner. The contemporary collection will feature Australian and New Zealand art including two fabulous original aboriginal pieces depicting earth scenes and Australian animals. There are also originals by Bryan Baldwin and Darren Roberts.
creates a light and airy space ideal to show modern
'We will be holding several exhibitions throughout each
contemporary work. '
calendar year and encourage artists who wish to have their
Together, Colin and Jane wanted to create a professional gallery where art lovers can feel relaxed and enjoy great art with simply no pressure at all. The gallery will be focusing largely on 19th and 20th original paintings but will also offer contemporary work. There are six rooms crammed full of paintings with one large room, formerly the old restaurant kitchen, reserved purely for modern
work displayed to make contact with us for consultation as soon as possible,' says Colin. Opening weekend - Thursday July 16th to July 19th, 10.00am to 8 pm daily. On Friday July 17th, the gallery will be formally opened by famous guest Dennis Taylor, the former world snooker champion. Usual opening hours - 10.00 till 5pm 7 days a week. July 2015 | 37
Local Arts Scene
Flora and fauna Cavendish glass artist, Laura Hart, specialises in the creation
In what Laura describes as a natural progression from flora to
of finely sculpted glass orchids and a posy of native British
fauna, her new butterfly collections, ‘Lepidoptera’, are created
flowers. Measuring thirty centimetres in diameter, the
from fused wings, pate de verre style cast bodies, with sterling
meticulously detailed blooms take up to ten days to create,
silver legs, antennae and proboscis. With painstaking attention
undergoing several firings and interstitial cold working processes before the final kiln form into hand-made moulds. Laura claims she’s an orchid ‘fanatic’ and at one time housed sixty-seven species in her conservatory. 'Orchids are the most successful and prolific genus of plant on the planet; Darwin devoted an entire book to them as prime examples of his theory of evolution and adaptation. I’ve developed six species to date; only another twenty thousand to go!'
Flanders Field Poppy
to detail, Laura recreates the insects as sculptural pieces, measuring on average eight to ten inches wingspan. 'I wanted them to appear as living creatures, not as pinned, dead specimens in a museum case.' A collection of Laura’s exotic glass flowers are currently exhibited at Hunter Gallery, Long Melford.
Bee Orchid
38 |
(Ophrys Apife
Local Arts Scene
Spotlight on.........Eddie Johnson Here we chat to local author - and ex London pub landlord - Eddie Johnson.
As landlord of the Two Puddings Pub in London's East End, you must have met some colourful - and famous characters? I met so many diverse and colourful characters in 40 years that it's hard to pick out one, perhaps the 'Colonel' Harry Wood an old boy who came in every night at half past five, when we opened. He'd served in two world wars, in world war 1 he was a stoker in the Royal Navy, in the second world war he was a private in the Pioneer corps in the army. Yet this man was homeless and picked up a bare living as a night watchman in the market. He was cantankerous at times but
Kray and a girlfriend. When I sold 1800 barrels in 1968/9 the busiest Watney Pub in the Eastern area. But the biggest highlight was in 1965 when my third son, Eugene was born.
could be wonderfully entertaining with his stories of East-end villainy and crime between the wars. Lots of sportsman used
How did the idea of your book come about?
the pub - Harry Redknapp met his wife there. Bobby Moore
My son, Matthew (of 'The the' fame) said in 2011, 'Dad, you're
would come into the pub. Rod Stewart was a regular on a
80 next year, it's 50 years since you took the 'Puddings' and
Friday night until someone recognised him and called his
the Olympic games are coming to Stratford, so write that book
name out from the stage. Van Morrison popped in when he
you've been talking about all these years.' So I did.
played for 'Them', Daniel Farson a very famous TV presenter was a customer, Terry Spinks, Sammy McCarthy both British boxing champions were friends and customers…the list is endless.
How long were you landlord and what were the highlights of your time there?
Long Melford is a world away from the East End. When did you move to the region? I first moved to Suffolk in 1969 to a village called Great Wratting, I bought a lovely thatched cottage and, although I'd commute to Stratford 3 or 4 times weekly, we spent an idyllic few years there. I then bought an old Elizabethan country
I was landlord from October 1962 till January 2000.
house in Steeple Bumpstead where we lived for fourteen years
Considering it was one of the rougher parts of London, a place
finally settling in Long Melford about 18 years ago.
where most landlords were lucky to last six years this was no mean feat. I had so many highlights including West Ham
What do you love about Long Melford?
winning the cup in 1963, England winning the world cup in
It's a serene gentle place to reside, full of history, nice pubs
1966, accompanied by a huge boost in trade. The night
and friendly people. I first moved because I thought it'd be a
someone tried to shoot me, missed and shot a policeman
better place for my kids to live, playing amid the haystacks etc
instead. The night a new barman serving a snowball shook it
rather than the traffic dangerous sooty streets of Stratford and
up and then when it opened the contents shot all over Reggie
I've never felt like straying from the area. July 2015 | 39
Local Arts Scene
An Art Lover’s Paradise
The Perfect Place to Meet
Set in the heart of Long Melford is the Jessica Muir
Long Melford Fine Foods is on Hall Street and serves up a
Gallery, showcasing Contemporary Crafts and Fine Art
tasty selection of light lunches, homemade cakes and
from UK based artists and makers, many of whom take
soups and hot drinks.
inspiration from a love of the British countryside.
Three local authors meet there regularly to catch up. Anni
This friendly gallery was opened in 2003 by artists Jean
Stewart, the author of two children's books, Margaret Moore
Muir and Jessica Brown. The gallery exhibits a range of
who has written a novel about life in the east end during
carefully selected ceramics, glass, jewellery, original artist’s
the war plus a children's poetry book and Eddie Johnson,
prints and paintings on two floors within the 15th Century
who has written about his decades as landlord of the
grade II listed building.. With collections from new, up-and-coming artists and makers shown alongside more established work, this gallery offers an eclectic mix. A variety of exhibitions run throughout the year. You can be guaranteed to find something unique & original which you won’t discover elsewhere.
famous Two Puddings Pub in London's East End. Ann and Tony have run Long Melford Fine Foods for six years. As well as serving a range of food and drinks, they also make hampers for all occasions and even run the local tourist information from the tearoom! 'We like to support local businesses,' says Ann. 'We buy fruit juice from a local orchard, use the village butcher for our meat and a lady in the village makes our jams and chutneys.'
Why not join us for a traditional cream tea?
Serving cream teas, light lunches, coffees, home made cakes and ice creams. Call in and see us you won't be disappointed. Look for the red signs and door. Debit and credit cards accepted
Long Melford Fine Foods Tea Room 1 Dudley House, Hall Street, Long Melford Tel. 01787 881361 40 | 4
minute survey Take a few minutes to complete our ARTSeast reader survey to be in with a chance of winning a meal for two at the beautiful Bull Hotel in Long Melford.
Situated on Long Melford's famous High Street, The Bull is a fine timbered house, built in 1450. Today wooden rafters, carvings, huge open fireplaces and period furniture still maintain the Inn's historic charm. The Bull is delighted to offer the chance to win a starter, main course and a drink for two people, subject to availability. To be in with a chance of winning, just complete this page and post to ARTSeast, DBH 21, Diss Business Centre, Hopper Way, Diss, IP22 4GT
Winners will be notified by email or phone, usual terms and conditions apply. Closing date for entries: July 24th
ARTSeast Magazine
Interested in the arts? ARTSeast is the only monthly magazine in the region devoted to the visual arts, theatre, music, film, dance, literature and education. We are as passionate about the arts as you are, and would love to bring you that bit closer to the eclectic mix of art happening in our region each and every month.
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ARTSeast magazine is distributed free each month to art centres, galleries, art & craft shops, cinemas & theatres, drama and dance schools, music venues, hotels, restaurants & coffee shops, museums and schools, tourist information centres & libraries. We deliver to the following locations: Acle, Alby, Aldeburgh, Attleborough, Aylsham, Beccles, Blofield, Brockdish, Brundall, Burnham Market, Bury St. Edmunds, Caister, Cambridge, Chediston, Costessey, Cromer, Dersingham, Diss, Downham Market, Earsham, Ely, Eye, Fakenham, Gt.Yarmouth, Gorleston, Halesworth, Harleston, Hethersett, Hingham, Holt, Hoveton, Hunstanton, Ipswich, Kings Lynn, Lavenham, Leiston, Linton, Loddon, Long Melford, Long Stratton, Lowestoft, Ludham, Martham, Mundesley, Norwich, North Walsham, Poringland, Pulham Market, Pulham St.Mary, Raveningham, Reepham, Scole, Sheringham, Snape, Southwold, Stalham, Stowmarket, Sudbury, Swaffham, Taverham, Thetford, Watton, Wells, Westleton, Woodbridge, Wroxham, Wymondham. If you cannot pick up a copy in your area then please let us know.
Competition winners from our previous issue:
Kaiserchiefs – Kenton Hawkins of Spalding
Doddle Pots of Holt – Fay Wheeler of Mulbarton
Pride – Judy Foster of Pulham Market
Oddly Norwich Puppet Theatre – Tina Hilton of Beccles
Ta Bouche meal – Gordon Keable of Norwich
42 |
DBH 21, Diss Business Centre, Hopper Way Diss, Norfolk IP22 4GT
Tel: 01379 773347 Email:
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Phillips Cameras telephone (01603) 625261 Classic and Modern Photographic and Optical Equipment Bought-Sold-Exchanged Prop: Phillip Spinks 22 Wensum Street Norwich NR3 1HY
Opening Hours: Wed - Sat 9.30am - 4.30pm July 2015 | 43
21st, 22nd & 23rd August 2015 at Glemham Hall, Suffolk A fresh approach to a timeless tradition
The Unthanks • False Lights Peatbog Faeries • The Young’uns Martin Carthy • Neil Innes
The Wilson Family • Josienne Clarke & Ben Walker • Leveret Steve Tilston • Greg Russell & Ciaran Algar • John Spiers Ten Strings & A Goat Skin • Faustus • Chris Wood & Andy Cutting Liberty To Choose • The Sam Kelly Trio • Mawkin • Steve Turner Phillip Henry & Hannah Martin • Peter Knight’s Gigspanner The Hut People • The Urban Folk Quartet • Vin Garbutt • Megson Andy May Trio • Maz O’Connor • Dan Walsh & Nic Zuppardi Richard Grainger •Mortal Tides • The Sail Pattern • Oompah Brass Martin Newell & The Hosepipe Band • Gavin Davenport • Charlie Dore Mary Humphreys & Anahata • Murphy’s Lore • The John Ward Band Hannah Sanders • Poultry Cross • Robert Castellani • Nick Murray Brown • Cathryn Craig & Brian Willoughby • Cousin Jack • Tin River • The Broadside Boys • Tilly Dalglish • Inca • The Two Nicks • Xenia & The Stringfellers • Shorelark • Hot Feet • Capstan Full Strength • Quay Street Whalers • ShipShape • Tanz • Adrian O • JC & Angelina • The Woodland Creatures • Daisy Vaughan Little Big Mouth • Wildwood Jack • Matt Watson • Busking Sharks • PaX-5 • The Rabble Chorus Chris T-T • Hadleigh Folk Club • Milkmaid Folk Club • Ceilidhs – Skiphire and Monty’s Maggot
with more music & spoken word from The SoapBox team Morris folk: Witchmen • Pretty Grim • Golden Star • Hageneth • Barley Brigg • Anstey Morris Rockingham Rapper • Thameside Mummers • Danegeld • Haughley Hoofers
Quality food and drink at fair prices at: The Imagined Suffolk Food Village • The Food Market • The Cobbold Arms Inn Workshops: Music • Instrument • Dance • Art and Heritage Craft
2015 media partners
FolkEast Festival 21-23 August