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September 2015

Exciting New Gallery for Norwich

Interview: Brian Patten Local Arts Scene: Halesworth

Visual Arts

eatre & Film


WIN Tickets and a meal! Education

What’s On

2 - 4 October Guildhall, Cambridge


Visit quoting promo-code ‘ARTSeast’ 2 |

...Event Cinema!

Suffolk Libraries, in partnership with Creative Arts East, is launching an innovative new project which brings quality theatre and exhibition events to Suffolk communities using the latest digital screening equipment. The first events have now been confirmed at Gainsborough and Hadleigh libraries. • Dutch National Ballet’s Cinderella at Gainsborough Library Saturday 12 September. 2.30pm and 6.30pm with doors opening 30 minutes before. Tickets £7.50 per person and the Voices Café will be selling drinks, snacks and icecream. to book a ticket please contact Gainsborough Community Library on 01473 260888. • Swan Lake at Hadleigh Library - Wednesday 7 October 2015. Screening start time is 7pm (Doors open at 6.30pm). Tickets £7.50 per person and refreshments available. to book a ticket please contact Hadleigh Library on 01473 823778. visit Suffolk Libraries Presents...’ is an Arts Council England funded project which is being run in seven of the county’s libraries with the aim of bringing more Suffolk residents into contact with the arts in a familiar and accessible local venue.

September 2015 | 3

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: +






Theatre & Film

What’s On



Theatre & Film News

36 Norfolk Arts Awards/Hippodrome


Norwich Theatre Royal

37 Black History Month

Cover Story


Cinema City Competition

38 Roman River Music



Eastern Angles

39 What’s On Listings

Editor’s Letter

Gallery in the Lanes

Visual Arts

Local Arts Scene

8-9 Visual Arts News

40 Halesworth Photos


Artists On View

41 Halesworth Introduction


Artist Profile – Andrew Kitson

42 Halesworth Arts Festival


Gt. Walsingham Gallery/

43 Spotlight on – Dan Bradbury

Jessica Muir Gallery

44 The Little Gallery


Famous Old House Gallery


Art Unequalled


Alby Crafts/Willow Ceramic Studio


Diss Camera Club/ Competition

24-25 Coffee & a Chat – Brian Patten


Mascot Media Book Reviews


Broad Horizons


Kid’s Corner


45 Angel Hotel Competition

28-29 Riverside Theatre

Arts Council 30-31 Creative People & Places



Music 32

Music News



Beccles Public Hall

46 Subscriptions/Competition Winners



Tom Robinson Competition

47 Directory


Thetford Grammar School


William Alwyn Festival


Hethersett Old Hall School

September 2015 | 5


ARTSeast ARTSeast Magazine DBH 21 Diss Business Centre Hopper Way, Diss Norfolk IP22 4GT

Editor’s Letter

Editorial: Sarah Veness 01379 773348 Sales: Gary Enderby

Welcome to the September edition of ARTSeast Magazine.

to the dynamic Halesworth Arts Festival

01379 773347

which is well worth a visit. Poet Brian Patten is appearing at the festival and


As I write this, we are

kindly took some time out to feature in our

just a month away

coffee and chat interview this month.

from the Norfolk Arts

As usual, we also have some great prizes

Awards. On September

to offer readers this month including

19th, we will be

Cinema City tickets, the chance to see Tom

heading to the Maddermarket Theatre,

Robinson at The Apex and a meal for two


Norwich for the exciting awards ceremony.

with wine at The Angel Hotel, Halesworth.

Melvyn Veness

We'll keep you posted on how we get on!

Autumn will soon be upon us (yuck) and

Isobel Demangeat-Ransome

This month's cover focuses on a new

we've started taking bookings for the 2016

gallery opening in Norwich - Gallery in the

Visual Arts Directory. Last year's was a

Lanes. It's the sister gallery to Riverside Art

resounding success so please get in touch

& Glass in Wroxham and we wish them all

if you'd like to feature in the new guide.

the very best in their new venture.

But for now, keep your fingers crossed for a


Our local arts scene this month takes a

late burst of summer sunshine and enjoy

Tim Walken

look at the Suffolk market town of

this month's issue.

Melvyn Veness

Design: Copy Concept 01379 608358

Printed by: Town & Country Printers

Halesworth which, in October, will be home

Sarah Veness Editor

@artseastmag ARTSeast Magazine is published by

6 |

Cover Story

A Brand New Gallery for Norwich Will Teather

Lara Cobden

stunning and affordable. Their friendly gallery team have a wealth of knowledge to help customers find artwork they will treasure. 'Most of the staff in the gallery are artists themselves, so we really understand the background of the work.’ says manager Claire Gallery In The Lanes is an exciting new gallery in the heart of the famous Norwich City Lanes on Bedford Street. It shows contemporary original artwork across all mediums. Gallery in

Cansick. 'We want everyone to be able to enjoy beautiful artwork that they can afford. Kevin Turton

the Lanes is the sister company to Riverside Art and Glass

To do this we have created a

based in Wroxham. Following the success of Riverside Art and


Glass the team decided to expand with a Norwich city centre



team that know Bob Crooks

their stuff, across

There is a wide range of work on view from both

all mediums and

local and international

price ranges.'

artists. Their exhibition

All browsers are

covers the wonderful glass

welcome to their

work of Bob Crooks to the stunning hanging art by Kevin Turton and beyond.

space in the heart of Norwich, you can also visit their website to view and buy art. We are sure you will find something

Recent acquisitions to the

you love.

gallery include Lara

Cobden’s delicate landscape oil paintings and the strikingly beautiful sculptures by Steve Yeates which utilise the glass from vandalised bus shelters. Gallery in the Lanes prides itself on sourcing artwork that is

Cover image: Tranquility by Jan Dingles supplied by Gallery in the Lanes

September 2015 | 7

Visual Arts

Visual Arts News

Shirley Vauvelle Exhibition During September Cambridge Contemporary Crafts are showing a new collection of Shirley Vauvelles' sculptures.

Francis Jeans in Ipswich

Shirley’s inspiration comes from her continually evolving garden,

Francis Jean's first

her love of the coast, country walks with her dog and the fun of

solo exhibition in

creating objects that are a little bit different and quirky.

2010 captured the

Influences emerge from Scandinavian art and design. She

buzz of the emerging

applies texture and colour to create pieces that are totally

waterfront culture

individual, each has a little tale to tell. Shirley creates sculptures,

within sight of the

using white earthenware to hand build flower components,

John Russell Gallery,

small creatures, birds and fish. Texture is embossed into the

Ipswich. This new

surface, with under glazes and oxides being applied to give

work, also on display

layers of colour. These

at the John Russell Gallery from September 7th-October 3rd, has

are then assembled

been mainly painted in London depicting his particular fascination

together with driftwood,

with the double images formed by reflections of busy streets on

wire, reclaimed maps,

shop windows and buildings, the fleeting movement of people,

vintage magazines and

traffic and trains cemented in time against a strong structural,

other interesting finds

architectural composition. He always produces his work directly

from the local beaches.

from life, sitting in and amongst his subjects and often out in all

Each piece is

weathers, painting in pure oils straight onto good quality, self-

unique.This free exhibition runs from September 5th to October

stretched canvas. This is a not to be missed exhibition of this very

4th 2015, Monday to Saturday from 10am to 5.30pm and

talented Cambridge-based artist.

Sunday from 11am to 5pm.

Beccles Old Dairy Art Trail For one weekend in September (12th-13th), 12 artists based in Beccles and two nearby villages will be opening their studios to the public – showing everything from lino cuts to paintings, textiles, screen prints and drawings. A taster of all artists’ work will be on display at the Old Dairy Studios in Beccles, and you'll be able to meet artists and see them at work both at the Old Dairy and in 5 home-based studios from 10-5. The studios form a delightful rural trail – from Wheatacre in beautiful rural Norfolk, through the perfect market town of Beccles, to the idyllic tucked away village of Brampton. The full list of participating artists is Liz Clark, Bill Haward, Patricia Davidson, Helen Derbyshire, Louise Doherty, Ni Goodling, Helengai Harbottle, Harriete Cork, Marilyn Jackson, Richard Nejranowski, Ben Quail and Fran Squires. Original art work, prints and cards will be available to buy at reasonable prices – but there’s no pressure to buy. Overall, this will be a fun day out and an opportunity to learn something new. Leaflets with maps and further information are available from Old Dairy Studios, Hungate Lane, Beccles, NR34 9NT and from local shops. Please phone Patricia Davidson on 07875 124346 if you have any queries.

8 |

Visual Arts

Mandell's Gallery: Katarzyna Coleman This month Mandell's Gallery in Norwich is holding a solo exhibition of recent works by artist Katarzyna Coleman. The unusual industrial landscape of South Denes in Great Yarmouth has been the visual obsession of Katarzyna Coleman for the last fifteen years. Her studio, in an industrial building that she shares with fellow artist, John Kiki, lies just South of where the dwellings behind South Beach Parade dissolve into the strange and desolate peninsula that hangs between the Yare and the sea, docks still on its inner side and the new outer harbour, pretty inaccessible, on its outer side.This bleak landscape has gradually developed over time as the fortunes of Yarmouth have oscillated between stagnant downturns and the optimistic upturns of the fishing boom, followed by North Sea oil and, more lately, renewable energy infrastructure. Coleman's work is intense, meditative and compelling.

Local Artists Exhibit for Cancer Research UK An exhibition of art, paintings and photographs from around the North Norfolk coast will help

raise money to beat cancer this September.

An English Garden at CRAFTCO

Maria Geogiou walked 46 miles from Cromer to

Photographer Liz Allen-Pytaleua and her friend

This September, artist and jewellery maker Susan Horth will create a bejewelled English garden at CRAFTCO, a gallery situated in the seaside town of Southwold in Suffolk. The garden will be exhibited as part of a joint show with artist Mark Burrell. Susan’s intricate beaded creatures, both standing sculptures and wearable jewels, sit amongst spring flowers in ‘apple blossom’ greens and sugar pinks. Every sculpture is completely bespoke and ‘alive’ with its own distinct personality, at once fantastical and unnervingly realistic. The works are sculpted with delicate wire upon which Susan builds layers of textures and stitching, adding glazed papers and metal foils, beads,

Hunstanton in September 2013 in memory of her father, Peter Allen, who sadly lost his battle with cancer in 2007. Liz documented her walk along the North Norfolk coastal path, capturing many of the stunning landscapes and iconic landmarks that will be familiar to locals and visitors alike. Liz’s photos will appear alongside works by west Norfolk based artist Bryan Harford, who shares Liz’s passion for the Norfolk landscape. Like Liz, Bryan has seen first-hand the devastating impact of cancer, having lost three family members to the disease: The exhibition takes place at Thornham Village Hall on September 26th-27th from 10am – 6pm. All profits from the exhibition will be donated to Cancer Research UK.

pearls, antique adornments and semi precious stones. Her bejeweled garden will be presented alongside a series of oil paintings by artist Mark Burrell, whose work is known for rich narrative and use of colour. September 2015 | 9


ON VIEW Claire Louise Dowson An exhibition of paintings inspired by H. Rousseau at Buckenham Galleries, Southwold from 12th to 30th September 2015 Preview: 2-4 pm 12th September

Nicola Slattery Painter and Printmaker

Art Courses

01986 788853

Curwen Print Study Centre

UNIQUELY DISTINCTIVELY PRINTMAKING Courses for artists of all abilities and ages

Brochure available 2015 Brochure out now 01223 892380

ALISON WAGSTAFFE artist – printmaker

tel 01263 740400 10 |

Visual Arts

Artist Profile: Andrew Kitson It's not everyday you get to do a job combining the things you

Bernie Ecclestone who began to arrange passes for Andrew to

love but artist Andrew Kitson has managed just that.

attend Grand Prix.

Born into a family of racing enthusiasts, Andrew was brought

'This was fantastic as it gave me access to the biggest names

up around motor racing. 'My parents took me to my first race

in racing and I got to meet and paint many of my heroes,' says

when I was just six months old at Brands Hatch,' says Andrew.

Andrew. 'People like Nigel Mansell, Ayrton Senna, Damon Hill

Racing was very much a part of family life. Andrew's dad worked as an amateur racetrack mechanic at weekends and

and David Coulthard. I've been fortunate to paint their triumphs which have been turned into signed limited edition prints.'

often took Andrew with him. 'I loved polishing the cars, pumping tyres and putting the numbers on,' recalls Andrew. But as he grew up, Andrew began to develop another passion. 'I found I loved drawing and was good at it,' he says. 'But even in art lessons I used to get in trouble for drawing racing cars instead of what I was supposed to be drawing.'

In the early 2000s Andrew heard about a young driver who'd

At first Andrew's dream was to design racing cars but when he

been tipped by Maclaren to be the next big thing.

realised he didn't excel at maths and physics, he turned his

'I first met Lewis Hamilton and his family when he was about

attention to technical illustrations of cars.

17 and gave him my card,' says Andrew. 'A while later - after

'I loved this job and carried on working at the racetracks in my

his Formula 3 win in Monte Carlo - he called and

spare time too,' says Andrew.

commissioned me to paint his car. Since then I've always painted his wins including when he became Formula 1 World

About this time, Andrew taught himself to paint and began to

Champion. It's a great honour.'

paint - as well as draw - racing cars. Soon his paintings began to sell.

Andrew now paints full time and alongside his passion for cars, he also enjoys painting portraits of rock bands, including local

'I would approach people and ask whether they'd like a

Norfolk band Walkway who recently supported Status Quo.

painting of their car - often classic cars - and they soon started saying yes,' says Andrew.

Although he has a waiting list, Andrew is more than happy to discuss commissions.

Soon the commissions were coming thick and fast. Andrew eventually caught the attention of Formula 1 supremo

Go to for more details. September 2015 | 11

Visual Arts

Bee Inspired at Great Walsingham Gallery

British Art at its Finest

Great Walsingham Gallery & Framing are delighted to be hosting

The Jessica Muir Gallery, is a contemporary art gallery in the heart

‘Bee Inspired’ an exhibition curated by textile printmaker Annette

of Long Melford. Established in 2003 and run by artists Jessica

Rolston, from Designermakers@21 in Diss. Artists were invited to

Brown and Jean Muir, the gallery is well known for exhibiting

respond to the bee theme, creating unique work in their own

carefully selected original work from leading British artists and

specialist area.

makers as well as supporting new and up-and-coming artists.

The show features work by 15 artists and makers from across the

The gallery offers a wide variety of applied art including original

region, including printmaking by Louise Bird who is well known for

artist prints, ceramics, glass, and jewellery at a wide range of prices.

her mezzotints and etchings of bees and hand printed fabrics made into cushions and lampshades by Annette Rolston and Mike Fenton. Other artforms include ceramics, stonecarving, mixed media, drawings, topical cartoons, woven textile art, papercuts, mosaics and upcycled furniture. The jewellery case features exquisite beaded brooches and corsages by Titania Fisher and artisan glass jewellery by Clare Gaynard.

Current work for sale includes original prints from gallery favourites Angela Harding, and Celia Hart with are displayed alongside ceramics from Ken Eardley, Pru Green and exquisite little sculptures of garden birds from Felicity Lloyd- Coombes. New jewellers to the gallery this year include Kate Rhodes and Lesley Ross. Artists cards and gift vouchers are also available. Collections change throughout the year and you can be guaranteed to

The exhibition has been so popular it is now extended until the end

discover something unique and original which you won’t find

of September. For a full list of exhibitors see the website below.


Showcasing contemporary art inspired by a love of the British countryside

The Jessica Muir Gallery Hall Street, Long Melford Suffolk CO10 9JR Tel: 01787 310400 Email: 12 |

Visual Arts

î‚Še newly opened Famous Old House Gallery in Long Melford showcases famous Parisian scenes from artists such as Edouard Leon Cortes, Antoine Blanchard, Eugene Galien-Laloue and Jules Rene Herve. Cortes is a highly collectable painter and was one of the most proliďŹ c French artists at the turn of the 19th century. His views of Paris capture the city during all its seasons over 60 years. Melford's Famous Old House Gallery Hall Street, Long Melford, CO10 9JR Telephone: 07572 903363 Opening hours - 10am til 5pm, Wednesday to Sunday

Pick up your free copy of the ARTSeast Visual Arts 2015 Guide Available throughout Norfolk & Suffolk Also online at Additional copies available on request

Please telephone 01379 773347

Now taking bookings for the 2016 Guide September 2015 | 13

14 |

Visual Arts

' 8&

76 26

8 4

" 8 %



Create a special gift Painting pottery is easy and fun and you don’t have to be creative to do so! At Willow Gallery Ceramic Painting Studio, you can create a completely unique gift or very special keepsake in a relaxed and welcoming environment.


Select from a fantastic range of over 100 different items, 32

' 8 2 84 #


colours and many different techniques to create your own piece.


It's an ideal activity for people of all ages and abilities as Willow provide everything you need and are on hand to give advice.





$ 2 2 28 2 %






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After you've finished creating your work of art, there's the option


to browse through the gallery and retail showrooms or simply



enjoy a cup of tea, coffee and a delicious slice of cake in the tearoom.



The studio is open seven days a week from 10am to 5pm so pop in whenever you fancy. You'll be guaranteed a warm welcome.



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Visual Arts

Toledo by John Hut ton

Kinetic by Lee Acaster

Diss and District Camera Club Annual Exhibition, September 23rd-26th This month sees the highly-regarded Diss and District Camera Club's Annual Exhibition at St Mary's Church in Diss.


Formed 35 years ago, on September 16th 1980, by camera enthusiasts Roger Parker, Mike Wilby and Peter Faiers, the Camera Club is open to all and caters for all abilities and experience levels. They describe themselves as a bunch of happy amateurs who share a common interest in photography. It currently has around 35 members and meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month from September to May where members share photographs, ideas and techniques. Meetings are held at the Grasmere Club, overlooking the Mere, on Denmark Street in Diss. This year's exhibition promises to showcase some excellent work and is open from 10am-4pm, admission free. Members of the Camera Club will be in attendance to provide information about the Club's programme of events and if you are interested in joining, they can give you details on how to become a member. Full details can be found at The Camera Club can also find us on facebook, flickr and youtube.

16 |

WIN A DISS CALENDAR ARTSeast has teamed up with local Diss collector Dennis Cross to offer four lucky readers the chance to win a beautiful calendar of historical photos of the town. To be in with a chance of winning, please email your name, address and phone number to Closing date September 25th. The calendar is available to purchase locally at Diss Tourist Information & Photo Elite, Market Hill, Diss or direct from Dennis Cross on 01379 651897. It is priced ÂŁ8.75 with all proceeds going to Norfolk's Big C Cancer Charity. All images are from Dennis Cross' collection of Diss postcards & ephemera.

Visual Arts

Norfolk Printmaking at its Best

In a year that has seen publication of the hugely successful

A biography of the artist takes the reader from childhood in

‘The Artful Hare’ and a new version of the popular ‘The

King’s Lynn and Briston, through Norwich Art School to a career

Printmaker’s Cat’, Norfolk Broads-based publisher Mascot

at Boulton & Paul before John was able to become a full-time

Media has turned the spotlight on local printmaking talent.

printmaker. Eschewing the services of a printing press for a

Afloat & Ashore

humble tobacco tin, John’s complex linocuts make him a legend in artistic circles.

Linocutting legend HJ Jackson is the star of ‘Afloat & Ashore’, a 144-page hardback that reproduces around 150 of the Norfolk

Fine Print

artist’s extraordinary prints of fishing boats, the changing

Jackson is also an essential part of The Norwich Print Fair

Norwich cityscape and the lost railways of Norfolk.

infrastructure. Celebrating its 20th birthday this year, the art collective and printmaking showcase was founded by Martin Mitchell, but has been supported by the Jackson family for much of its two decades. Mascot Media has published ‘Fine Print’, which gathers together the work of 55 Print Fair members past and present to create a fascinating collection of original prints. All the key techniques are showcased over the 144-page softback, from wood engravings and linocuts, through mezzotint and drypoint, to woodcuts, screenprints and collagraphs. September 2015 | 17

Thetford Grammar: A Real Community

Thetford Grammar School is a friendly and family based community, a high achieving co-educational independent day school in East Anglia, from rising 4s to the Sixth Form. The strength of this “all through” school is that it enables us to place great emphasis on a supportive environment, one in which pupils take responsibility for themselves and for each other. Our pupils come from all round the region, Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire, a testament to our popularity. But come and see for yourselves. Bring your children for a ‘taster’ day with us. Let them be the best judge of whether TGS is the right environment for them.

The small, frriendly school that gets results for individuals WƌĞƉ ^ĐŚŽŽů KƉĞŶ DŽƌŶŝŶŐ dƵĞƐĚĂLJ ϮϮ ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ϵ͗ϭϱĂŵ ʹ ϭϬ͗ϯϬĂŵ

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Advertisement Feature


Are small classes the key to your child’s success and happiness? Stephen Crump, Headmaster of Hethersett Old Hall School,

and look to see how happy the children are. Are they confident

explains why the small classes and individual attention at

and polite? Can they tell you about their talents and how the

his school are so valued by parents.

school enables them to pursue their particular interests?

'Choosing a school is one of the most important decisions we

Don’t be afraid to ask plenty of probing questions, not just

face as parents. Perhaps it’s even more daunting if it’s an

from the person showing you around and from the Head, but

independent school you are considering - the glossy

from other parents, pupils and teachers, too.'

prospectuses and well-made websites all tell the same story of academic excellence and outstanding facilities.

Hethersett Old Hall School has an open event on Saturday October 3rd from10am -12 noon for families with children

Educational research points towards one very important factor,

from nursery age to sixth form. To book a place – or to

however – children make the best progress when taught in

arrange an individual tour at a different time – please call

small groups. The extra attention from the teacher, allowing

the registrar, Linda Jones, on 01603 810390 or email

individualised guidance and support makes all the difference.

We keep our classes small to maximise the educational progress of all pupils.

A small number of scholarships, exhibitions and bursaries are available. Please ask for further details.

A current parent, with two daughters at the school, recently wrote to us that: “I looked around other schools and decided on Hethersett Old Hall because I could see if offers something extra. There is a uniquely relaxed, family feel which is brilliant for children’s all-round development as well as their academic success. I really can’t imagine a better place for my children to thrive and grow”. In the end, there is no substitute for visiting a school in

Hethersett Old Hall School Hethersett Norwich NR9 3DW

person. Visit when the school day is in full swing if you can, September 2015 | 19

eatre & Film

Theatre & Film News

Waiting for Godot James Acaster: Norwich Arts Centre

Samuel Beckett’s 60-year-old masterpiece is brought to the

Off The Kerb presents James Acaster in Norwich on September 26th

Theatre. Vladimir and Estragon meet as dusk approaches,

stage of the Theatre RoyaL, Bury St Edmunds by London Classic with Tom Lucy and Mark Olver MC. James began performing stand-

Estragon tries to remove his boot while Vladimir examines his

up comedy in January 2008 and has appeared on Never Mind the

hat. The two men quarrel, then embrace and unannounced, two

Buzzcocks, Russell Howards Good News (BBC Three), Dave's One

eccentric travellers arrive. Seemingly master and servant, one

Night Stand (Dave), Live at the Comedy Store(Paramount) and

stands weighed down at the end of a long rope, the other

Chris Addison's Show and Tell (E4). He has his own Radio 4 series

carries a whip. So begins Waiting for Godot, a ground-breaking,

James Acaster's Findings and regularly features on The Josh

anarchic mediation on the meaning of life and death, a

Widdicombe Show on XFM. It promises to be a great night.

timeless play.

Poetry in Beccles Beccles Public Hall are welcoming the hugely talented Dean Parkin with his performance Poem For Suffolk. Dean is half-Suffolk Lowestoft mother, Yorkshire father. A childhood with two ways of saying everything. No wonder he became a poet! Poem For Suffolk sees Dean unleash his local side and share discoveries from a year-long mission across the county - to meet people of all ages and help them create their own poems about their Suffolk lives. And the result? An entertaining mix of "talking proper", film and music presented by Dean with long-term collaborator, Maurice Horhut at the piano. A tender, revealing and funny show about what modern Suffolk really means. There will be a post-performance Q&A, refreshments on sale and a Poem For Suffolk book signing.

20 |

Rebecca Norwich Theatre Royal, September 21st-26th ‘Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.’ It has to be one of the most famous opening lines to any novel. Daphne Du Maurier’s timeless Rebecca is a book beloved of generations of readers, as well as an iconic Alfred Hitchcock movie, and now it is brought to the stage by the internationally-acclaimed Kneehigh Theatre and comes to Norwich Theatre Royal this month. Following the mysterious death of his first wife, Maxim de Winter returns to Manderley with his new young bride. Surrounded by memories of the glamorous Rebecca, the new Mrs De Winter is consumed by jealousy. She sets out to uncover the secrets of the house and a past fiercely guarded by the sinister housekeeper Mrs Danvers, and discovers that all is not what it seems in Manderley.

Katy Owen, Ewan Wardrop, Andy William and Lizzie Winkler, and introducing Imogen Sage, who completed her training at

The cast is led by Poldark actor Tristan Sturrock as Maxim de

the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in 2014, as

Winter, Emily Raymond as Mrs Danvers, with Richard Clews,

Mrs de Winter.

SEPTEMBER Hetty Feather

BOX OFFICE: (01603) 63 00 00

Mon 14 - Sat 19 Sept BEFORE THE PARTY Tom Conti and Gwen Taylor star in stylish 1940s family drama £7 - £24

Mon 21 - Sat 26 Sept REBECCA Spellbinding new production of du Maurier's classic £8 - £25

Sun 20 Sept TREE FU TOM CBeebies star in magical adventure £7 - £14

Mon 28 Sept MINISTRY OF SCIENCE LIVE Fun and experiments - explosions guaranteed! £7 - £14.50

Tues 29 Sept - Sat 3 Oct HETTY FEATHER Jacqueline Wilson’s plucky heroine in Victorian family adventure £7 - £20.50

Book H E AT R E ST R E E T, N O RW I C H N R 2 1 R L September 2015 | 21

eatre & Film

Coming to Cinema City Norwich From Friday September 18th

EVEREST (12A) Inspired by the incredible events surrounding an attempt to reach the summit of the world's highest mountain, Everest documents the awe-inspiring journey of two different expeditions challenged beyond their limits by one of the fiercest snowstorms ever encountered by mankind. Starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Keira Knightly, Robin Wright, and Sam Worthington. From Friday October 2nd

MACBETH Macbeth, a duke of Scotland, receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders his king and takes the throne for himself. Justin Kurzel directs this British adaptation of the Shakespeare play. Starring Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, Sean Harris, David Thewlis. From Monday October 12th

SUFFRAGETTE Suffragette is a moving drama exploring the passion and heartbreak of those who risked all they had for women’s right to vote - their jobs, their homes, their children, and even their lives. Starring Meryl Streep, Carey Mulligan, Helena Bonham-Carter, Ben Whishaw, Romola Garai.


From Monday October 26th


SPECTRE A cryptic message from his past sends James Bond on a quest to uncover a sinister organisation while M battles political forces that want to shut down the British secret service. Starring Daniel Craig, Ralph Fiennes, Christoph Waltz, Monica Bellucci.

22 |

To enter, please email the answer to the following question, plus your name, address and phone number to Q. Meryl Streep stars as the leader of the suffrage movement, what was her name? Closing date: September 25th, usual terms and conditions apply

eatre & Film

Eastenders Writer pens new Eastern Angles Play Ba

Eastern Angles, the theatre company that produced the

ck on

nationally acclaimed Ragnarok and We Didn’t Mean to Go to

… ur to

Sea return this Autumn with Parkway Dreams a heartwarming and nostalgic new musical documentary play. Using the voices of people who lived in Peterborough during the 1970s and 1980s this funny and poignant new drama by Eastenders writer, Kenneth Emson tells the extraordinary back room story of the architects and politicians who transformed the old Fenland city into new town and surrounding ancient villages into modern townships. It’s also the story of families torn apart, the foundation of life-long friendships and the emotional upheaval of moving home. Parkway Dreams will open at the Sir John Mills Theatre in Ipswich on September 30th before beginning a national tour to a series of New Towns including Harlow, Corby and Hemel Hempstead. The tour will round off with two performances at the Mercury

PParkway Par arkwa rkw kwaay kwa ay DDr Dreams reams ream ms A musical pla la ay yb yK enneth Emson play by Kenneth d llyrics y yrics b with music and y Simon Eg er ton by Egerton

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Theatre in Colchester on October 23rd ad 24th. For more information and tickets visit:

Touring Sept 30th - Oct 26th 2015 Box Office: 01473 211498

September 2015 | 23

In the run up to his highly-anticipated performance at the Halesworth Arts Festival, ARTSeast caught up with top poet Brian Patten.

Coffee & aChat As one of the UK's best-loved poets, Brian Patten has been writing poetry for over 50 years, making his name in the 1960s with Adrian Henri and Roger McGough and The Mersey Sound Anthology. But how did a lad from Liverpool discover his talent for writing poems?

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Coffee & a Chat

'It began with books,' says Brian. 'I was a solitary child and home wasn’t the happiest of places, it was a pretty dysfunctional household. If I wanted to vanish from the adults who surrounded me I found the best place to hide was in books. Then when I was about 13 I began writing at school. It was a secondary modern school and I was in the “c” stream and as bit of a trouble-maker, quite happy sitting at the back of the class. One day the headmaster stormed in. He’d found an essay I’d written and moved me to the “a” stream. Not that I improved at anything, I just continued to write. I discovered it was a good way of getting off other lessons. Still is.' But what is the first poem that Brian remembers? 'It's a very untypical poem by John Keats called Meg Merrilies. It began ‘Old Meg she was a gypsy, and lived out on the moor’,' says Brian 'I liked it because it reminded me very much of an old woman called Lizzy who slept in a chair in our kitchen because she had nowhere else to go and had no possessions. There was one special teacher who read it to us, and the poem inspired me because I realised poems came out of ordinary life. The Keats poem, written maybe around 1810, was also about an old lady who slept in a kitchen in a small terrace house in a back street by the gasworks. It wasn’t something apart from the day to day world. The teacher who read it to us crops up in a poem of mine called ‘Geography Lesson which you can find of my website.’ Rather thank sticking solely to writing poetry, Brian has, over the years, developed a passion for performing his poetry. 'The poet Adrian Mitchell, a much missed friend, once said, "Most people ignore most poetry because most poetry ignores most people,”' says Brian. 'I think that’s very important for poets young and old to take on board. You have to attempt to communicate ideas in a way anyone can understand. But at the same time you must find a fresh way

of saying it. Some phrases grow blunt over the years. Words, like implements, need to be sharpened. Also I think humour is important, especially in performance. Sometimes things are so serious that laugher’s the best medicine. I try to make the performances a journey, beginning in childhood and ending on the brink of the abyss, where some nifty footwork is needed.' But what is it about poetry in particular that Brian loves? 'Poetry reminds us of things we tend to forget, emotions we’ve felt, things that have been special in our lives and that are still there, waiting to be unearthed from beneath the frets a busy world heaps on us,' says Brian. 'Also its great if you have a short attention span.' Alongside his performance at next month's Halesworth Arts Festival, Brian has other projects in the pipeline. 'My Collected Love Poems fell out of print for a while and has just been reissued by HarperPerrenial,' says Brian. 'Also, I’ve a short book, a version of Beowulf, called Monster Slayer coming out from Barrington Stoke, an independent publisher. They’re a brilliant outfit. Their books are designed to break down the barriers that can stop a child from reading, from dyslexia and visual stress to simple boredom. (That’s why the book’s called Monster Slayer and is very short). It’s been illustrated by the brilliant Chris Riddell.' Brian is appearing at the Halesworth Arts Festival on Sunday October 18th at The Cut Arts Centre. It's a chance to hear him read his poems and also to talk about landmark moments in his writing life. To book tickets go to To find out more about Brian go to

September 2015 | 25

eatre & Film

Publishing is our business

A True Norfolk Heroine Norfolk based Broad Horizons Theatre Company presents this exciting new play, written by John Mangan and performed by Judi Daykin - a life-affirming celebration of a woman whose trailblazing story will never be forgotten. It is 1915. Norfolk nurse, Edith Cavell, has been captured by the Germans and accused of treason. She has faced sixty days of near solitary confinement, interrogation and now a trial. Surely the Germans will not execute a woman? Yet, Edith Cavell is facing another trial, alone in her cell. Sixty days alone with the only person who knows who Edith Cavell really is – herself. Edith Cavell is facing the silence.

We can publish your theatre programme or local publication free of charge. To find out more contact – Falcon Publications DBH 21 Diss Business Centre, Diss IP22 4GT Tel: 01379 773347

26 ||

Set in Edith’s prison cell in the St Gilles Prison in Brussels, John Mangan’s new play explores the life and trial of this trailblazing woman. A pioneer of nursing training, with a strong sense of duty, Edith found herself trapped in an occupied country surrounded by an English hating German Military hierarchy. 'John’s new play brings out the human cost of duty and sacrifice, not to mention Edith’s strong character and sense of humour, along with her life story,' says actor Judi Daykin. 'It’s a fabulous piece of writing.'

eatre & Film

Kid’s Corner: Norwich Theatre Royal Open Day Have you, like me, ever longed to tread the boards at Norwich

to take part in, including a

Theatre Royal, to nose inside the dressing rooms or work the

chance to name a dwarf in


the upcoming pantomime Well last month the children and I had the chance to do just that when the theatre threw open its doors and let the people in.

Snow White, decorate a cookie, have their faces painted, have a go at manning the giant spotlights and trying on the many marvellous costumes.

For one day a year, the public have complete access to the theatre at the annual open day. You can either wander at your leisure or, if you prefer, take a guided tour by one of the theatre's many knowledgeable volunteers.

It was fantastic to visit the dressing rooms and we all took turns to sit in front of the spotlit mirrors imagining we were someone famous. One highlight for the children was the chance to go below stage to learn how the trap doors work - they were thrilled to learn that one trap door is traditionally reserved for the baddie with the other for the goodie!

Archie, 7, Elsie, 5 and I decided to go it alone and headed straight for the main stage. The children's faces were a picture when they stepped out in front of the main auditorium and realised how big the theatre actually is. We learned all about the job of the prompt and had a go at pulling a scenery curtain across the stage.

The Open Day is a fantastic idea and really made the theatre come alive for us. We often go to see shows but this was a chance to see a completely different side of the building and to learn just what goes on behind the scenes. We'll definitely

Dotted around the theatre were various activities for the children

be back next year. Sarah Veness September 2015 | 27

eatre & Film

Centenary Celebrations for Riverside Theatre This month sees the 100th anniversary of the stunning

auditorium so that they could put on their shows. After

Riverside Theatre in Woodbridge.

dismantling it a few times it was decided to leave it in situ,

The Woodbridge Electric Theatre opened on Saturday September 25th 1915. Built by Reads of Aldeburgh, it boasted

reducing the seating capacity to about three hundred. In 1984 the cinema was put on the market with it's future in the balance. Mr Pat Betts a Framlingham businessman had the initiative, energy and capital to restore the theatre with luxury seating and had the latest (at the time) Dolby stereo sound system installed. A conservatory style restaurant was built adjacent to it which was managed by the now owner Mr Stuart Saunders who combined both restaurant and theatre by introducing a dinner and film package that is still popular today. Under the direction of Stuart Saunders the cinema followed a

an unusually large screen, twenty four feet by eighteen feet and produced its own power with two oil driven engines in a small room located where the bar is today. On the opening matinee the six hundred and fifty seat cinema was crowded to capacity boosted by several of the troops stationed in the town. In the days of silent film shows, unwarranted sound effects were

policy of taking release date films and has sought to combine old world charm with present day comfort. In recent years a digital projector has been installed which offers a top quality picture on screen, combined with superb sound. The flexibility of digital projection has enabled the cinema to participate in the screening of live events which are transmitted via satellite.

supplied by the 7.30 train from London to Yarmouth with a sudden hiss of steam from the engine as it pulled into the

The Riverside has come a long way in 100 years and their


centenary celebrations are a testament to the hard work necessary to ensure that the premises continues provide a

Through the twenties, thirties and forties, the Woodbridge cinema was well supported. It was not until the fifties, when television came about that, audiences started to drop however the cinema was able to fight off becoming a bingo hall by controversially opening on Sundays. In the sixties the local youth concert party built the first stage in the 28 |

service to the local community.

eatre & Film

Coming up at The Riverside This month the Riverside offers up its usual eclectic mix of

The next day The Woodbridge Excelsior Band present At The

theatre, film and music while at the same time celebrating its

Movies. Formed in 1846, the band have played at many

centenary. As part of the centenary celebrations, on September 12th, Deben Players are performing two comedy sketches written by George Holmes. Electric is set in 1915 in a typical turn of the last century drawing room with a cast of 10 including Papa, who

prestigious events. They are probably most famous for being the band, that in the 1970's, featured on a T.V. advert for a famous crisp brand! Today they thrive under the musical director- ship of Chris Lewis-Garnham and will be performing a programme of well known film theme tunes.

is slightly unhinged, Fidget the Butler, Giles, an upper class twit,

On September 26th The Riverside are screening the popular

Fanny, the feisty maid and the daughter of the house Fay. “100

1974 film Swallows and Amazons starring Virginia McKenna,

Years On” is based in a typical turn of this century family

with a personal appearance and Q & A by Sophie Neville who

kitchen with a cast of 10 including Gary a youngster with a

played Titty in the film. On holiday with their mother in the Lake

Mohican hair style, piercings and tattoos, Amy, a Goth and Gran

District in 1929 four children are allowed to sail over to the

who is slightly unhinged.“The Knockout” starring Charlie Chaplin

nearby island in their boat Swallow and set up camp for a few

will be screened between the two performances. This film was

days. They soon realise this has been the territory of two other

shown during the first week of The Riverside opening in 1915!

girls who sail the Amazon, and the scene is set for serious rivalry.

Beethoven Concerto – Thursday 10th September, 7.30pm Vermeer – Friday 11th September, 7.30pm Manet – Saturday 12th September, 3pm Director/Producer Phil Grabsky is with us to introduce all three events and follow up with a Q & A Tickets and restaurant tables can be booked from the box office 01394 382174 £2.50 off each of the above screenings for ARTSeast Readers

September 2015 | 29

Credit: Paul Cotter

Supporting people and places to be more creative The Arts Council wants more people to experience and be

The Arts Council has invested a total of ÂŁ37 million in a small

inspired by the arts, no matter where they live or their

number of locations of greatest need to establish action


research partnerships. Our vision for Creative People and

The Creative People and Places programme provides an opportunity for the Arts Council to focus its investment in parts of the country where people’s involvement in the arts is significantly below the national average. The aim is to increase the chance that people will take part in the arts. There can be a range of reasons that communities have very little to do with the arts. It could be through lack of opportunities to attend and participate, or because of barriers

Places is to support the public in shaping local arts provision, creating long-term collaborations between local communities and arts organisations, museums, libraries and other partners including local authorities and the private sector. It is giving those communities the power to experiment with new and radically different approaches and to develop inspiring, sustainable arts programmes that will engage local audiences.

such as socio-economic factors, physical accessibility, or a

Three of these projects are based in the East of England,

limited offer. The Arts Council believes that everyone has the

Fenland and Forest Heath, Peterborough and Luton.

right to access the arts and we want to transform the opportunities open to people in these places – the Creative People and Places programme is one way in which we are working to achieve this. 30 |

Arts Council

As part of the Peterborough Presents Music Takeover, composer Omar Shahryr worked with local voluntary music groups to create a new piece that was performed in the city centre.

Peterborough Peterborough Presents is a consortium of local artists, arts organisations and communities working together to create great art. Through working with local communities to commission and create new and inspiring events, Peterborough Presents is working to increase opportunities for Peterborough people to participate in cultural activities. That Copyright Dan Donovan

could be anything from attending local festivals, exhibitions and shows, to joining a choir or dance group.

Fenland and Forest Heath

Peterborough Presents Training, which offers workshops and professional development for artists and community

Market Place is about more people creating and experiencing

organisations, through to the Small Commissions Programme,

great art in Fenland and Forest Heath: Brandon, Chatteris,

which provides funding of up to ÂŁ2,000 for arts projects that

March, Mildenhall, Newmarket, Whittlesey, and Wisbech.

involve local people.

Through talking to people about the kind of cultural activity they want to see locally, Market Place wants to create a distinctive arts programme that’s unique to the people and places that have shaped it. It aims to make a lasting change

Upcoming activities include the Enchanted City, part of the Peterborough Arts Festival (September 5th-6th), which will illuminate some of the city’s best loved landmarks in unique and surprising ways.

in communities; increasing the number of people inspired by the arts, helping develop skills, and growing ambition and creativity in their neighbourhoods.

For more information about Peterborough Presents and forthcoming activities / opportunities, please visit: events include a captivating new outdoor piece by


C-12 Dance Theatre called Market Stall, which will be performed September 5th-6th in March, and the Fenland

Copyright Ruth Campbell/Metal.

Literary Festival on 5 September 5th in Wisbech, which will celebrate literature of all types and include a range of workshops from local authors. For more information about Market Place and forthcoming activities / opportunities, please visit:

As part of the Peterborough Presents Training Programme, local artists are supported by East Street Arts in a workshop about working in non-arts spaces.

September 2015 | 31


Music News

Sweet Billy Pilgrim come to Cambridge Sweet Billy Pilgrim will be bringing their critically acclaimed masterpiece Motorcade Amnesiacs to Junction 2 in Cambridge on Thursday September 17th.

Tubular Bells for Two One album, two men, too many instruments. The multi-award winning hit show returns! In a tense and thrilling ride, two crazy

Released in May, Motorcade Amnesiacs, is the Mercury Prize

Aussies perform Mike Oldfield's masterpiece, Tubular Bells, with a

nominated band's fourth studio album and has received stellar

twist. They are run off their feet as they tackle over 20 instruments

reviews across the board including from Sunday Times, The

to accomplish a feat that usually requires an entire entourage of

Independent and Q magazine. Not ones to respect musical

musicians. Be taken on an epic journey, from the eerie theme from

boundaries, Sweet Billy Pilgrim have thrown every ounce of their

The Exorcist, to the raucous sound of 'The Caveman'. This

belief and passion into the creative process resulting in the

physically demanding performance has mesmerised sellout

genre spanning excellence of this new album.

audiences worldwide. It is not to be missed!

Bury welcomes Midge Ure Music icon Midge Ure is appearing at The Apex in Bury St Edmunds on September 17th In 1995, Midge delivered his fourth solo album, Breathe, to BMG just 10 years after the phenomenal successes of Band Aid and Live Aid. Always one to ring the changes, this album had a very Celtic feel with a plethora of acoustic instruments from uilleann pipes to mandolins and accordions alongside Midge’s trademark soaring electric guitar riffs. The album went triple platinum and was a massive success all over Europe. After the successful reformation of Ultravox in 2009, Midge feels it's time to revisit his Celtic roots, and will perform Breathe in its entirety for the first time in 2015; ably accompanied by the two musicians from India Electric Co, recreating the nature of the album. He will also play a selection of his other hits like Vienna, Dancing with Tears in My Eyes, Fade to Grey and If I Was. 32 |

Advertisement Feature


80s Icon Hazel O’Connor comes to Beccles The year 2015 marks award-winning actress, singer-

Barra. This show has run successfully ever since in the US,

songwriter Hazel O’Connor’s 35th anniversary in the music

Germany, Holland, Ireland and the UK. Hazel has continued her

and entertainment industry.

live career by performing on average 30 shows a year

To celebrate, Hazel will be performing at Beccles Public Hall on October 8th. Striding into the spotlight with the cult movie, Breaking Glass, in 1980, Hazel immediately became an iconic figure. Classics from the film - including Eighth Day, Big Brother and the iconic Will You – seem even more relevant in our present time. Back in the day, 1980, it was pretty rare to find a singer, writer and actress all rolled into one. 'Nobody quite knew what

including solo shows and festivals. In 2011 she started working with Clare Hirst (sax) and Sarah Fisher (keyboards) creating a successful trio, which has performed both in the UK and Europe. The trio perform songs from Hazel catalogue plus covers and jazz classics with a Hazel twist. Join Hazel, Clare and Sarah at Beccles Public Hall when Kulture Shock, Beccles presents ‘An Evening with Hazel O’Connor.’

bag to put me in,' says Hazel. 'Nowadays it’s totally acceptable to wear a black bra and mini skirt on TV shows; be a film star, singer and composer, not to mention an authentic ‘Girlpower’ advocate.' Alongside her film and music career, Hazel has also won acclaim for her acting roles in, among others, the stage production of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and the West End Musical The Girlfriends. She also wrote and starred in her own musical Sing Out Sister at Riverside Studios in London. In the early ‘90s Hazel made three albums with Sony and toured extensively through the UK, Germany, Ireland, France and Holland. By 1998 she decided to write and perform her now highly acclaimed show BEYOND BREAKING GLASS

TICKET INFO Tickets are £20 available from BPH and Kulture Shock, Blyburgate or by calling 01502 712922. After the show Hazel will be meeting the audience, signing autographs, including her autobiography. As well as the show, ticket holders get free admission to a screening of Breaking Glass at Beccles Public Hall on Thursday October 1st. ‘Breaking Glass Barefoot, The Autobiography of Hazel O’Connor’, £12.99, is available in advance from Kulture Shock for just £5 when you purchase your tickets or on the night for £7.99.

alongside top Irish harp player and composer Cormac De September 2015 | 33


Songwriting Legend Tom Robinson hits Bury

British songwriter and broadcaster Tom Robinson will be lighting up the stage at The Apex, Bury St Edmunds on October 27th. His music career began with the London acoustic trio CafĂŠ Society, whose 1975 album was produced by Ray Davies. With the Tom Robinson Band (TRB) in the late seventies he was a vocal supporter of Rock Against Racism and LGBT rights enjoying chart success with Glad To Be Gay, 2-4-6-8 Motorway and Up Against The Wall. TRB's debut album Power In The Darkness went gold in the UK and Japan, and after the band

new album in almost 20 years. The songs are as vibrant and

broke up in 1979 Tom subsequently wrote songs with both

edgy as any he's ever written: the sound of a veteran

Peter Gabriel and Elton John.

craftsman - drawing on his long, rich fund of experience - with

His third band Sector 27 was unsuccessful in the UK, but in

a renewed energy and purpose.

New York they played Madison Square gardens with The Police

before splitting in 1981. After further solo hits in 1983 with War Baby and Atmospherics: Listen To The Radio, Tom was offered his own regular radio show on the BBC World Service. His broadcasting has subsequently won two gold Sony Academy Radio Awards, and Tom has hosted programmes on BBC Radios 1, 2, 3, 4, 4 Extra, 5 Live and 6 Music - where he


WIN TICKETS ARTSeast has teamed up with The Apex, Bury St

currently presents three shows a week. In recent years he's

Edmunds to offer one lucky reader the chance to

become known as a champion of independent musicians -

win two tickets to see Tom on October 27th.

both through BBC Introducing and via his own new music blog at Fresh On The Net.

To be in with a chance of winning, just send your name, address and phone number to

In 2015, inspired by the vibrancy of today's new artists, Tom has returned to the recording studio with award-winning producer and multi-instrumentalist Gerry Diver to make his first

34 |

Closing date: September 25th, usual terms and conditions apply.

September 2015 | 35

What’s On

Hippodrome Circus Review It's been a good few years since I've been to a circus so I wasn't sure what to expect of The Hippodrome Circus Grand Summer Spectacular. But nothing could have prepared me for just what a spectacle it is. This is circus like no other. From the moment you step inside the stunning purpose-built Hippodrome, you're swept away in the magic of it all. Situated just a few steps from the seafront, the circular building is reminiscent of a bygone age. The seats were very comfortable and each one offered an unrestricted view of the entertainment…..and what entertainment it was. We were greeted by the presenter Jack Jay and his side kick Johnny

White and Olivia Farnese-Swing Dancers whose performance

Mac, an hilarious duo who presented many funny sketches.

was very polished and glamourous. All of this coupled with the

They were very ably supported by a host of truly talented artists from around the world including The Flying Maltese, an iconic troupe who kept everyone on the edge of their seats with their daring and clever airborne acts. The Togni Brothers form Italy took skill and daring to a new level while Roberto Carlos, said to be the world’s best juggler ( no argument from me), also performed a stunning laser light show. Other acts that will keep you enthralled are Mikal and the Ionescu family, The Althelia

jaw dropping surprise that transformed the arena in the second half of a two hour fun and entertainment package will explain why this circus, currently celebrating 112 years in the entertainment business, is one show not to be missed. If you want to know what the surprise is, I'm not giving it away but everyone loved it. The shows runs until September 20th so grab a ticket while you can! Melvyn Veness

ARTSeast nominated for Norfolk Arts Award Norfolk has always been a county where the arts has flourished, with writers such as Philip Pullman, actors like John Mills and Matt Smith, musicians like Beth Orton and Sir Malcolm Arnold and artists such as John Sell Cotman and Colin Self helping to put the county on the map. The Norfolk Arts Awards aims to celebrate current and upcoming artists following in their footsteps, who provide rich and thought provoking work for everyone to engage with. ARTSeast is incredibly proud to have been nominated for The Broadcast and Press Award for the second year running. The awards ceremony takes place at The Maddermarket Theatre on September 19th. The nominees for this years awards are: The Hansells Solicitors ’Business and the Arts’ Award

The Music Award

The Visual Art Award

Norwich Philharmonic Society

Lorraine Bewick

Abellio Lewis Wright

Alice Lee

Cookes Instruments

Toni Lawton

Norse Commercial Services Adnams The Education and Community Award

The Broadcast and Press Award

Marcus Patterson - Sistema

BBC Voices

Wymondham Arts Centre

Ian Johnson - Access to Music

Mustard TV

Norwich Print Fair

Daren Grice - Garage

ARTSeast publication

Young Norfolk Arts Festival

Dr Frank Bates Musical Theatre & Dance Award

The Jarrold New Writing Award

The Hy Kurzner ‘Arts Entrepreneur’ Award

The Theatre Award Ria Conway The Royal Shakespeare Company’s production of ‘Henry 1V Part One and Two’ starring Antony Sher, directed by Gregory Doran The Sewell Barn Theatre Cromer Pier Shows – Cromer Pavillion Theatre.

'Pasco Kelvin, The Arts Centre

Mary Kemp, Melinda Raker and Vanessa Scott for Norfolk's Own Cookbook Everything Stops For Tea

The Fashion and Costume Design Award

Julia Blackburn for Threads - The Delicate Life of John Craske

Norfolk Van Dal Jason Larke

The Peter Barrow Bursary Award for ‘Best Newcomer’

The Lost in Translation Circus Company

Kirsteen Wythe Jessica Clarke

36 |

Alan Marshall and Mascot Media for The Artful Hare (and numerous other books)

This award will be given to an individual

who is starting out on a career in the arts and who has already demonstrated exceptional ability, drive and passion for their craft. Lifetime Contribution to the Arts Award This award will be given to an individual, venue or arts organisation that has contributed significantly to Norfolk’s arts scene over a long period of time. The Eastern Daily Press ‘People’s Choice’ Award Supported by Eastern Daily Press This is your chance to vote for your favourite performer, musician, writer, artist, producer, director, venue, festival or arts organisation for a prestigious Norfolk Arts Award. Norfolk Icon Award A new award for 2015 celebrating Norfolk work extending beyond the region.

Black History Month 2015 Norfolk celebrates Black History Month (BHM) with over 100 exciting events across the county this October as we celebrate Black Culture past, present and future. BHM serves as an education project as well as an entertaining experience for those who know little of, or are just curious about, African and Caribbean culture and the British connection. Abraham Eshetu Chair of Norfolk BHM said; 'This year we have organised a variety of events for different ages and tastes from talks and

African & Caribbean Market St Thomas' Hall on Earlham Road, Norwich - just a stone's throw from the city centre - plays host to a celebration of African & Caribbean culture in Norfolk on October 10th. Browse a wide selection of fabulous African & Caribbean crafts, sample some delicious food and enjoy the live acoustic music on offer throughout the day.

lectures to theatre and music, from family fun to children’s

activities and an African market.'

Facebook: Norfolk black Month


Norfolk Black Month History kicks off at a launch event on September 25th at City Hall Norwich. Don't miss the African and Caribbean market on Oct 10th at St Thomas Church, the family festival at the Sainsbury centre for visual arts on October 25th and the finale of Norfolk BHM will be at the Norwich Arts Centre featuring Hot 8 Brass Band on Sunday November 1st. There will be over 100 events across the county in libraries, music venues and theatres featuring talks, music, comedy, workshops, theatres, films and literature events.


September 2015 | 37

What’s On Chiaroscuro

Prestigious Roman River Music Festival Now in its sixteenth year, the Roman River Music Festival

Will McN ic


brings international artists to intimate locations in Colchester and the surrounding countryside. 25 concerts take place in just three weeks alongside a growing education programme engaging local children and championing the beautiful often undiscovered villages of the Roman River, Colne and Stour valleys. Once a single day aimed at encouraging young people to play music within the medieval whitewashed walls of Fingringhoe Church, today the Festival punches above its weight with musicians travelling from Europe and America, commissions, a dedicated Festival Artist and a magnificent venue that hasn’t been seen by the public in over 50 years! Highlights include a world premiere by pianist composer Gwilym Simcock performed by the Sacconi Quartet in Colchester’s iconic firstsite, Handel’s Messiah played on period instruments led by Matthew Truscott of the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and Joe Stilgoe bringing music hall and bittersweet cabaret songs the a former horseshoe theatre that now houses Liquid nightclub! 38 |

Sarah Burnett

What’s On

What’s On – Here’s a quick look at what’s coming up in our region. If you’d

September 25th - December 6th - Following Hercules - The

like an event, show, exhibition, performing arts class, festival,

Story of Classical Art. Forty objects on display featuring

talk or anything else arts-related included in our listings section,

Hercules including miniatures, prints, drawings, paintings,

please get in touch. Each listing costs just £15 (no VAT) and you

Wedgewood cameos and a giant polystyrene statue.

can pay by cheque to Falcon Publications or by PayPal to

Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge. If you’d prefer to pay by BACS online, call

01379 773347 for account details. To submit a listing, email details to We need details 8 weeks before the date of the event to guarantee inclusion.


September 20th - The NHS Acute Stroke Unit Charity Fundraiser. Enjoy a glass of fizz and some of the region's finest cabaret

September 19th - Counterfeit Sixties Show. Re-live the sounds

performers. The Maddermarket Theatre's Redwell Bar. 7.30pm.

of the swinging sixties, as Britain's No. 1 tribute show brings

alive the magic of the sixties, with their tribute to over twenty five bands of that era. Haverhill Arts Centre, 7.30pm - 10.00pm.

September 22nd - Romeo & Juliet - Kenneth MacMillan’s groundbreaking ballet is a 20th-century classic. Live Screening at The Fisher Theatre, 7.15pm.

Saturday 19th September – ‘Baroque to Broadway’ - Concert by the Seckford Ensemble - an exciting journey in Brass Music spanning three centuries. St Mary’s Church, Harkstead, 7.30pm. Tel: 01473 328314.

October 1st-3rd, 7th-10th - The Thrill of Love by Amanda Whittington. A remarkable play about Ruth Ellis, the last woman to be hanged in Britain.

September 25th - UEA Choir, Chamber Choir and Symphony Orchestra auditions for new members. UEA Music Centre. All ensembles rehearse weekly.

FESTIVALS September 4th- 6th - Sundown Festival 2015. Top quality urban music event showcasing many of the biggest names in


the industry including Tinie Tempah, Rudimental and Ella Henderson.Norfolk Showground.

September 5th - September 27th - Artworks 16th Annual Exhibition of new contemporary artworks by East Anglian artists. 10am to 5pm daily. Blackthorpe Barns, Rougham, Bury St Edmunds. September 12th -13th - Artists open studios, in and around Beccles. Central display at Old Dairy Studios, Hungate Lane, Beccles, NR34 9TN. 10.00 - 5.00. Leaflets with maps available from Old Dairy Studios and local shops.

September 3rd-13th - Cambridge Film Festival. 154 films in 11 days across 8 locations. Something for all the family. To find out more go to September 18th-20th - The 8th annual Out There Festival of International Street Arts & Circus Entertainment returns to Great Yarmouth. Numerous events in St George's Park and around the town.

September 2015 | 39

Local Arts Scene: Halesworth

A Thriving Market Town Dating back to the Middle Ages, Halesworth is steeped in the

The annual Halesworth Arts Festival takes place every October

history of brewing and agriculture.

and brings a host of well-known names to the town for fifteen

Today, visitors can still enjoy a wealth of fine historical buildings which gives a nod to the town's wealthy past. Halesworth was

days of events and art exhibitions. It also holds a very successful Antiques Street Market every summer.

granted market town status in 1222 and trade was greatly

Shopping in the town is mainly situated along the Thoroughfare

increased when the River Blyth, on which it sits, was made

and includes a fine range of independent traders. The town's

navigable in 1756.

museum is housed in its Victorian Railway Station and holds

But while rich in history, Halesworth is very much a modern

exhibits from local history and geology.

town with a vibrant community Arts Centre - The Cut - based in

And if you fancy a stroll in the countryside, one of Halesworth's

a former 19th century maltings. The Cut offers an eclectic mix

claims to fame is that it boasts the largest green in the UK. This

of theatre, music, dance, exhibitions, workshops and courses.

43 acre site is a haven for wildlife.

The town is also home to a number of galleries showing a wide variety of different types of art. September 2015 | 41

Local Arts Scene

A Fine Festival

Looking for a festival that has something to suit all tastes? Then head to the heart of the pretty Suffolk market town of Halesworth next month for 15 days of music, theatre, art, poetry, film and much more. The highly-acclaimed Halesworth Arts Festival, which runs

With its broad appeal - from comedy, poetry and classical & jazz music to art exhibitions and afternoon performances – a wide range of tastes is catered for. The Swingles, Dillie Keane, the Demon Barbers and David Gower are just some of the names that feature in 2015.

from October 10th-25th is based at The Cut Arts Centre, a fine

One of the UK's best-loved poets, Brian Patten, will be hosting

old converted maltings building with a purpose built

what promises to be a magical evening (please turn to p26-

auditorium that has raked seating and superb acoustics.

27 to find out more). Literary fans will enjoy the fantastic Dickens Abridged where Charles Dickens' work is outrageously condensed by the co-founder of the Reduced Shakespeare Company, Adam Long.

Opening the festival are Jewish Music Group Shir who promise to get you up on your feet and dancing! This small Festival consistently punches above its weight and nowadays attracts audiences from all over the country to this beautiful town, 8 miles inland from Southwold on the coast. Come along‌you're guaranteed a warm welcome.

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Local Arts Scene: Halesworth

Spotlight on....Dan Bradbury Here we chat to the Head of Development at the World Land Trust about the charity and its Halesworth-based art gallery. Q Please explain a little about the work of the World Land Trust and how the gallery fits into the business plan? World Land Trust (WLT) is an international conservation charity that protects the world's most biologically significant and threatened habitats by funding the purchase of land to create nature reserves. WLT raises awareness, in the UK and elsewhere, of the need for conservation; improving understanding and generating support through education, information and fundraising. We use the gallery as part of this awareness building in the local area and of course it’s also a source of income for the charity with the money raised from

the gallery, which includes welcoming visitors, talking to them

the commission on sales going towards supporting WLT’s

about the works on display and the artists, and answering

overseas conservation work.

questions about the work of World Land Trust. As Helen will tell you there is actually no typical day in the gallery and on

Q. What specific areas of art does the gallery focus on?

occasion it can be very busy especially with new artworks

WLT Art Gallery exhibits wildlife and landscape art by

going on display every month. We also have a team of trusted

contemporary artists working in a wide range of media

volunteers who help in the gallery.

including printmaking, painting, photography and sculpture.

Q. What exhibitions are planned for the new few

We also hold an unusual collection of vintage hand-coloured


engravings by Edward Lear and Joseph Smit. The gallery offers original art and prints as well as a selection of wildlife and art

The gallery is run in partnership with the Wildlife Art Gallery,

books and greetings. Also on sale are hand-painted boxes and

Lavenham, which gives us the opportunity to feature new

ethical jewellery. WLT Art Gallery is open Monday to Friday

artwork and artists on a monthly basis. We often have themed

from 10am- 4pm and occasionally at the weekend. The gallery

exhibitions which we announce in advance. WLT held a

can be booked for intimate evening events.

particularly well attended and successful exhibition in May and June called ‘Watching Spring’ to coincide with BBC2’s

Q. What is your role within World Land Trust? My role is Head of Development. My main task is to raise

Springwatch. The show featured wonderful canvas photographs by presenter Chris Packham, who is also a WLT

income for WLT’s charitable activities, whether by fundraising

patron. We are very excited to announce that in October we

or through other opportunities such as retail and the gallery.

will once again be displaying more of Chris’s striking images.

I work closely with Helen De Block who is the Gallery Coordinator. Helen is responsible for the day-today running of

September 2015 | 43

Local Arts Scene

Harry Becker at The Little Gallery This month, The Little Gallery in the Market Place, Halesworth will be holding its second exhibition of Harry Becker’s work following the very successful exhibition of this sought-after artist last year. The work is coming from two private collections and will feature pieces typical of Becker, i.e. sketches of farmhands working, farm animals, and other figurative work in a variety of media, scale and prices.



October this year will be the 150th anniversary of Harry Becker’s birth so it seems appropriate to be having this exhibition in a Gallery so close to the villages where he spent a good deal of time living and working. Becker is buried in Blythburgh churchyard along with his wife Georgina and daughter Janet, who also has a commemorative plaque dedicated to her inside the Church. There will be a very special


portrait of his daughter by Becker included in the exhibition.

SAT 5 ʹ SAT 19 SEPT 2015

The exhibition will run from Saturday September 5th for two


weeks. For more information and opening times go to The exhibition catalogue will be available to view on-line before the exhibition but no sales before the private view on the evening of September 4th.

minute survey Take a few minutes to complete our ARTSeast reader survey to be in with a chance of winning an Italian meal for two, with wine, at the excellent Angel Hotel in Halesworth.

In the heart of the Halesworth's main Thoroughfare, the Angel is a traditional coaching inn, also housing Cleone's, an Italian restaurant. Cleone's was conceived in 1995 and set out to offer carefully prepared, authentic Italian dishes including pastas, pizzas, meat, fish and vegetarian options. The Angel is delighted to offer one lucky reader the chance to win a meal for two, with wine, at their Wednesday evening Pizza and Pasta night. To be in with a chance of winning, just complete this page and post to ARTSeast, DBH 21, Diss Business Centre, Hopper Way, Diss, IP22 4GT.

Winners will be notified by email or phone, usual terms and conditions apply. Closing date for entries: September 25th.

September 2015 | 45

ARTSeast Magazine

Interested in the arts? ARTSeast is the only monthly magazine in the region devoted to the visual arts, theatre, music, film, dance, literature and education. We are as passionate about the arts as you are, and would love to bring you that bit closer to the eclectic mix of art happening in our region each and every month.

Subscribe for a year to ARTSeast and we will send you a free voucher worth £10 to spend online or in-store at Photo Elite in Diss. We can deliver ARTSeast direct to your door with a year’s subscription of twelve issues at just £19.20. We will also send you a £10 photo courtesy of Photo Elite, 13 Market Hill, Diss IP22 4JZ which can be redeemed for any item from prints, enlargements, frames, cameras and much more, either online or in person. Items can be posted. Just order your subscription online and pay by PayPal to or by bank payment to Falcon Publications account no: 45594171 sort code 52-30-31 stating your name as reference. Please also remember to email your full name and address to Alternatively post a cheque made payable to Falcon Publications and send with your name and address to Falcon Publications, Subscriptions, DBH 21, Diss Business Centre, Hopper Way Diss, Norfolk IP22 4GT.

ARTSeast magazine is distributed free each month to art centres, galleries, art & craft shops, cinemas & theatres, drama and dance schools, music venues, hotels, restaurants & coffee shops, museums and schools, tourist information centres & libraries. We deliver to the following locations: Acle, Alby, Aldeburgh, Attleborough, Aylsham, Beccles, Blofield, Brockdish, Brundall, Burnham Market, Bury St. Edmunds, Caister, Cambridge, Chediston, Costessey, Cromer, Dersingham, Diss, Downham Market, Earsham, Ely, Eye, Fakenham, Gt.Yarmouth, Gorleston, Halesworth, Harleston, Hethersett, Hingham, Holt, Hoveton, Hunstanton, Ipswich, Kings Lynn, Lavenham, Leiston, Linton, Loddon, Long Melford, Long Stratton, Lowestoft, Ludham, Martham, Mundesley, Norwich, North Walsham, Poringland, Pulham Market, Pulham St.Mary, Raveningham, Reepham, Scole, Sheringham, Snape, Southwold, Stalham, Stowmarket, Sudbury, Swaffham, Taverham, Thetford, Watton, Wells, Westleton, Woodbridge, Wroxham, Wymondham. If you cannot pick up a copy in your area then please let us know.

Competition winners from our previous issue: Sean Hughes, Norwich Playhouse – Carol Lawrence of Bury St.Edmunds

Hippodrome Circus – Jacqui Taylor of Felixstowe, Pamela Raven of Ringsfield,

Maui Waui Festival – Rachel Frost of Brome

Beccles, Peter Tenant of Shipdham, Ros Pye of Cringleford

Alfred Munnings stay – Sally Allen of Maldon

Castle Inn meal – Doreen Sims of Ilford, Essex

46 |



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