On The Air Park Radio - Autumn - Winter 2020

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ontheair EDITION 4


Park Radio: Your Local Station for Diss, Eye & Harleston

• • • •

Meet the Team • Third Birthday Friends of Park Radio Win a Luxury Hamper Looking to the Future

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welcome A guide to Park Radio….your truly local station

Welcome to the fourth edition of “On the Air” as we now look forward to not only celebrating our third Birthday of being on air full-time, but also 10 years since the Park Radio project was launched in the basement of Candies in Diss. Whilst 2020 has been dominated by Covid-19 we have maintained our upbeat and informative output and aimed to provide an alternative, to the other media outlets, which has proved to be even more popular especially during the peak of the lock-down. We would like to thank all our listeners, advertisers and supporters who have stuck with us – we couldn’t have kept going without you! We all vacated our studios in March and have either been broadcasting live from our homes or been busy making programmes remotely for later transmission – you can hardly see the join! Park Radio is all about the 40+ volunteers who devote so much time to help provide a first class local radio service to the communities we are licensed to serve across Diss, Harleston and Eye – I personally thank them all for what they do. We were all delighted to receive the South Norfolk Covid-19 Community Heroes Award. We still have a busy programme of work to do which includes a plan to expand our broadcast area so we can reach more listeners across the Waveney Valley. We hope you continue to enjoy what we do and will help us by completing the short questionnaire inside which will automatically enter you into a prize draw to win a luxury hamper from Juliette @ Fredricks Fine Foods. Good Luck! If you have any comments about Park Radio please email me direct on chris@parkradio.co.uk

Contents: p3



News Pages


Jono Woodward / James Grint


Alan Brett / Roella Trudgill


Nick Woods / John King


Amanda Osborne / Ann Hughes


Experts on Air

p16-17 Programme Schedule p18-19 Listener Feedback p20

JD Young Competition


Focus: Harleston


Nominated Charities


Friends of Park Radio


Reader Survey/ Competition


Bounce Back Deals / Customer Testimonials


Future Plans

On the Air was produced by Falcon Publications on behalf of Park Radio.

Keep listening!

Advertising: Gary Enderby, 01379 773347 Editorial: Sarah Veness, 01379 773348 Design & Artwork: Ian Foster, Copy Concept i.foster4@icloud.com DJ Photos. Credit: Photo Elite

Chris Moyse Station Manager



Throughout the pandemic, Park Radio has maintained its remit to supply an upbeat and relevant local radio ser vice . Great News – We have bee n recognised as one of the key COVID-19 Community Her oes by South Norfolk Cou nci l– which is a wonderful testam ent to all your commitment and hard work. Plus – in late Aug ust our application to Ofcom for additional funding was app roved – which helps with our running costs for the foresee able future! Who’d have thought that a little rural radio station cou ld have accomplished so much in the face of such adversity – and come through it with flying colours. Thanks to everyo ne who nominated us. We all feel ver y proud.



in s back e studio h t ich we d h e t vaca ges w n m e a ll e a t h he to sc Since t uption umerou y interr eated n n r a c t it u o h ith Marc 24/7! ad-on w the air ced he n fa o e d v e a h gy we stay e – we echnolo t ic f m v o r e e s s u our mes fro sensible rogram e p h t e v h li g ing ream Throu – start le to st ur area een ab o b s kday e s v o r e a h ch w e es ac a m e o m h p s r 6 te 6am to presen 1st from r e ! b E m IV all L Septe ve too will be uests li t g u p w t u ie terv – our o le to in ven ab e e r a We and rnings! quality Mid Mo on the lf these e s during it hows – ides r s p ic s io u d a st m t Park R speciali team a of our by the y d it e s r d r e div eekday -reco uring w gly pre d in n v io lo s is were r transm eady fo r w e ekend. e m o w h s on ne t the a d n nd fund a a s e g in im t n f ! eve t a lot o happen e spen ke this a g the m o We hav p t t kee in ment u o ip b u a q e e for all ionat capital steners ry pass li e r v u ll o a ll re thank a We we g – and in o g e . rt servic f suppo sages o s e m e th






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Park Radio

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• • • • •

• • • • •

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10 years

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ago…. Mid 2010: Jo ined forces with John C needed for ross to raise the first ever the revenue Park Radio R we in Diss SL under Can dies Shoe S hop Late summ er/Autumn 2010: Studio Ridgeons an build - free d free labou materials fr r from Keith om November Moyse Const 28th 2010: F ruction ir st 30 day RSL February 2 commenced 011: Chris b ecame a Dir Between 20 ector of Par 11 and Christ k Radio Ltd mas 2012: F Between 20 our more 30 12 and 2017 day RSL's : Events team community maintained presence at a high every conce awareness an ivable even d funds - w t ra is ing e were the b wasn't on th usiest radio e air! :) station that 2014: Applic ation subm itted to Ofc 2015: Applic om for a full ation appro 5 year licen ve ce d by Ofcom November 26th 2017: G o -Live with th March 2020 e 5 year licen : Covid-19 st ce ru ck! November 2020: Happ y 3rd Birthd ay - on-air fu ll time


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jono james

Name: Jono Woodward

Name: James Grint

Programme Time: Weekdays, Afternoons 12pm-3pm

Programme Time: Weekdays, Park Breakfast 6am - 9am, Fridays, Eighties Obsession 6pm - 9pm Alternate Saturdays, Sounds of the Decades (80s) - 12pm-3pm

Music Genre: Classic hits and best of today Food – Likes: Lasagna - I make a mean lasagna Dislikes: Liver. Yuk! Favourite Place to Visit in East Anglia: The Norfolk Broads or a walk along the Suffolk Coast Favourite Holiday Destination: Either Cadiz in southern Spain, or Pula in Croatia Your Greatest Achievement: Managing to do my dream job for the last 27 years working in radio

Music Genre: 80s Food – Likes: Simple traditional food Dislikes: Pineapple and anchovies Favourite Place to Visit in East Anglia: The Norfolk Broads Favourite Holiday Destination: Santorini, Greece Your Greatest Achievement: Fitting 72 marshmallows in my mouth! Star Sign: Cancer

Star Sign: Pisces Biggest Influence and why: Probably my two boys. They teach me new stuff about myself every day. Every day is a new experience

Biggest Influence and why: My Dad because he’s a legend





Name: Alan Brett

Name: Roella Trudgill

Programme Time: Saturdays, Park Radio Juke Box, 10am-12pm Sundays, repeat of Saturday’s programme, 1pm-3pm

Activity: Park Radio Promoter

Music Genre: 50s/60s Favourite Place to Visit in East Anglia: The North Norfolk coastline Favourite Holiday Destination: Jamaica Your Greatest Achievement: Being co-owner of The Old Bakery in Pulham Market, when it was a restaurant. Also, working on Radio Broadland in Norwich in 1990 - a great adrenaline kick

Music Genre: Motown Food – Likes: Roast beef, cheesecake and a cheeky pimms! Dislikes: Spicy food Favourite Place to Visit in East Anglia: A bus trip out to Harleston, Eye and Diss for the day Favourite Holiday Destination: Northumberland Your Greatest Achievement: Having three children and feeling proud of their achievements Star Sign: Leo

Star Sign: Leo Biggest Influence and why: When the pirate radio ships opened up along the East Coast in 1964. I was an impressionable teenager and presenters like Tony Blackburn and Kenny Everett were the dudes of the day

Biggest Influence and why: My primary school teachers at Scole who encouraged my life-long learning


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Name: Nick Woods

Name: John King

Programme Time: Sundays, Steampunk Rock show, 6pm-9pm

Programme Time: Sunday 9pmMidnight

Music Genre: Rock, Symphonic Metal, Goth & Industrial

Music Genre: I love all sorts of music. Weird and wonderful, prog to punk, jazz to folk, world to outof-this world

Food – Likes: Seafood, Thai and chocolate Dislikes: Broccoli and liver Favourite Place to Visit in East Anglia: Anywhere on the coast Favourite Holiday Destination: Thailand Your Greatest Achievement: Life skills from travelling Star Sign: Cancer Biggest Influence: Fletcher Christian - he followed his heart

Favourite Place to Visit in East Anglia: Southwold to Gorleston, Snettisham to Mundesley Favourite Holiday Destination: New York, Greece, Italy but I want to visit all the places I haven’t been Your Greatest Achievement: Joining Park Radio, Blackbelt in Krav Maga, DJing in New York, getting my mum to the top of Tintagel in her 80s Star Sign: Gemini Biggest Influence and why: John Peel and Alan Freeman for music and lots of people who have supported me, all of them my heroes 11

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Name: Amanda Osborne

Name: Ann Hughes

Title: Park Radio Diss Railway Station Adopter

Title: Park Radio Diss Railway Station Adopter

Activity: With Ann, we plan and purchase plants to create displays in the platform planters for the summer and autumn, maintaining them every week. The aim is to give a good ďŹ rst impression of our town while promoting Park Radio

Activity: I, along with Amanda, design a new planting scheme for Diss Railway Station every season. We then weed, water and maintain the tubs and borders every week

Music Genre: Latin and Soul

Favourite Place to Visit in East Anglia: Southwold

Favourite Place to Visit in East Anglia: Santon Downham Favourite Holiday Destination: South Africa Your Greatest Achievement: Being content with my life Star Sign: Cancer

Music Genre: Motown

Favourite Holiday Destination: Viginia, USA Your Greatest Achievement: Being a parent Star Sign: Virgo Biggest Influence and why: As a Christian, it has to be my belief

Biggest Influence and why: My father - he was kind, generous with his time and made everyone around him feel special 13

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experts on air Nick Stolls – Dentist I came to Suffolk soon after graduating in the

committee for Norfolk

early 80s. I couldn't have found a more special

dentists and it was in

place to live, work and bring up a family for

that capacity that I was

the past 40 years. I joined a practice as a fresh

pushed in front of a

faced dentist, often being mistaken for the

microphone to give the

work experience boy and for five years I

profession's side of the

learned my craft, under the guidance of a very

story whenever issues

patient and understanding senior colleague. In

affecting dentistry featured locally and

1987 I started a practice in Harleston which

nationally. So it was a natural progression to

grew over the next few years until we had

use radio to promote dentistry and spread the

three dentists and multiple staff providing a

message about how people might improve

service as the only dental practice in that

their oral health and perhaps in a small way

town. It still is. But times move on and I retired

dispel the fear and reticence over the public's

from clinical practice a couple of years ago

perception of dentistry. I am grateful for the

and now spend much of my time working to

chance on a monthly basis to be able to

represent my colleagues nationally in a role

mardle on about a subject dear to my heart

that involves negotiations with the Dept of

and perhaps in a small way improve the state

Health and NHS England. Very different from

of oral health in this wonderful corner of East

drilling and filling but equally rewarding. I also

Anglia whilst offering a little entertainment on

act as secretary to the representative

the way.

Kevin Parson – Parson Estate Agents I am owner/Director of Parson Estate Agents,

poor performance of the £ against the €/$ due

a family run sales and lettings property agent.

to Brexit. In the heyday, I regularly featured on

I first started at Leicester Polytechnic, now

Sky TV and on exhibition panels as a Florida

Leicester University in

Property Expert. Now as the Local Property

1975 and studied Estate

Expert for the South Norfolk and North Suffolk

Management. I moved to

area, my videos are heavily featured on Social

Bury St Edmunds in 1978

Media as well as my YouTube channel and we

and have worked in the

are known locally for our informative and

property market for 42

educational posts. It’s important for Park

years. Property has

Radio to be part of the community not only

always been my passion

playing a variety of music to suit all ages and

having built (quite

tastes, but discussing interesting topics which

literally) my own house in the late

are important to the local people such as

1980’s and when asked about hobbies, it truly

property, legal matters and what’s happening

is property. I have sold homes in Florida and

in the area. Attending local events, and

Spain, although not so much now since the

organising events which benefit local charities

economy downturn in the late 2000’s and

is an integral part of the station’s success.






06:00 Breakfast – James Grint Waking up the Waveney with the latest News, Weather, Travel and Competitions

06:00 Breakfast – James Grint Waking up the Waveney with the latest News, Weather, Travel and Competitions

06:00 Breakfast – James Grint Waking up the Waveney with the latest News, Weather, Travel and Competitions

06:00 Breakfa Grint Waking Waveney with News, Weathe Competitions

9:00 Mid Mornings - Chris Moyse Interviews/community news and views from Diss, Eye and Harleston

9:00 Mid Mornings - Chris Moyse Interviews/community news and views from Diss, Eye and Harleston

9:00 Mid Mornings - Chris Moyse Interviews/community news and views from Diss, Eye and Harleston

9:00 Mid Mor Moyse Interviews/com and views from and Harleston

12:00 Afternoons – Jono Woodward - the Time Tunnel and and all your sport & entertainment news! Plus win the Pizza Meal Deal

12:00 Afternoons – Jono Woodward - the Time Tunnel and and all your sport & entertainment news! Plus win the Pizza Meal Deal

12:00 Afternoons – Jono Woodward - the Time Tunnel and and all your sport & entertainment news! Plus win the Pizza Meal Deal

12:00 Aftern Woodward Tunnel and an sport & entert news! Plus wi Meal Deal

15:00 The Home Run – Bob Ellis - Music, travel, local and national news and sport plus What’s On across Diss, Eye & Harleston and Tea at 3.30 too!

15:00 The Home Run – Nigel Rennie Music, travel, local and national news plus What’s On across Diss, Eye and Harleston and Tea at 3.30 too!

15:00 The Home Run – Nigel Rennie Music, travel, local and national news plus What’s On across Diss, Eye and Harleston and Tea at 3.30 too!

15:00 The Ho Nigel Rennie local and natio plus What’s O Diss, Eye and and Tea at 3.3

18:00 Park’s Best – The very best music from the Park Radio vast library of songs! 19:00 The Rock Show Sean Knox Liven up your Monday night with the loudest show on the dial

18:00 Park’s Best – The very best music from the Park Radio vast library of songs! 19:00 Rewind Sunday Introducing - Andrew Cooper Another chance to hear!

18:00 Park’s Best – The very best music from the Park Radio vast library of songs! 19:00 Rewind Sounds of the 60’s – Bob Ellis Another chance to hear!

18:00 Park’s very best mus Park Radio va songs! 19:00 Dance Nigel Lungle more muscle!

22:00 Music Through the 22:00 Music Through the 22:00 Music Through the 22:00 Music T Night Night Night Night



ast – James up the h the latest er, Travel and

FRIDAY 06:00 Breakfast – James Grint Waking up the Waveney with the latest News, Weather, Travel and Competitions

SATURDAY 07:00 Breakfast – Jack Horrey Saturday morning fun and a chance to win Breakfast too!

rnings - Chris 9:00 Mid Mornings - Chris 10:00 Park Radio Juke Moyse Box - Alan Brett Pure mmunity news Interviews/community news gems from the 50’s & 60’s! m Diss, Eye and views from Diss, Eye n and Harleston

oons – Jono the Time nd all your ainment n the Pizza

SUNDAY 07:00 Good Morning Sunday - Nigel Lungley Including the Moment of Reflection at 7.45

10:00 Sunday Introducing - Andrew Cooper Homegrown music from musicians and bands from across our area

12:00 Afternoons – Jono Woodward - the Time Tunnel and and all your sport & entertainment news! Plus win the Pizza Meal Deal

12:00 Sounds of the 13:00 Park Radio Juke Decades – The very best Box - Alan Brett Pure music from 70’s and 80’s – gems from the 50’s & 60’s! with Adrian James & James Grint [alternative weeks]

ome Run – e Music, travel, onal news On across d Harleston 30 too!

15:00 The Home Run – Bob Ellis - Music, travel, local and national news and sport plus What’s On across Diss, Eye & Harleston and Tea at 3.30 too!

15:00 Sounds of the 60’s - 15:00 The Soul & Motown Bob Ellis Memories from Show – followed by at a golden age gone by! 17:00 Country Express – Nigel Rennie – the very best of Country Old and New!

Best – The sic from the ast library of

18:00 80s Obsession James Grint 1980s hits from A-ha to ZZ Top and everything in between

18:00 Dance in the Park – 18:00 Steampunk Rock Nigel Lungley Music with Show – Nick Woods – more muscle! alternative and eclectic!

in the Park – y Music with

21:00 The Late Show 21:00 Rock Steady Dave & Bob Welcome to Calvin Armstrong the Weekend! Three hours Reggae, Ska and more of Music and Mayhem!

21:00 The Vinyl Knight John King Everything eclectic and quite unusual!

Through the




I have been listening to Park Radio for

about what is going on

around 18 months and the reasons that I

locally since finding

converted to Park are:

Park. This covers all

The music is just fantastic! More varied than

local traffic and

any other station I have ever listened to.

transport news as well

Park often say "we play the tunes other

as a daily round up of news events and

stations have locked away" and it is true. I

community notices in the surrounding areas

hear songs on Park that haven't been played

within Waveney. National news is also

on radio for years. The variety of music is

covered but local issues are so important

amazing. In addition, Park don't just play an

and particularly during the covid-19 crisis,

artist’s most popular tunes, they play the full

Park has risen to the challenge of keeping

range including lesser known but equally

the local community updated and informed.

great songs by a given artist. Listening to

Local views. One of the great things about

Park has really broadened my music

Park is that it provides airtime for local


business leaders, town and council leaders,

Supporting local upcoming artists. Sunday

local venues and local people with

listening with Andrew Cooper has local

something important to share with the

artists playing in the studio and it is so great

community such as local historians etc.

to see and hear local artists given airtime.

I hope that Park continues to grow as it is a

Local news. One of the biggest attractions

vital community service in the Waveney

of Park is that it focuses on local news and


events. I have never been so well informed

Regards, Mike Holden

Park Radio has been my virtual colleague throughout the past two months whilst I have been on my own in the office. The radio sits next to me on my desk where Chris and the team have kept me feeling happy, inspired and hopeful that normality will return before too long. Out of lockdown, myself and my colleague, Amber listen to Park Radio in the office every day. Despite being born in different decades, we both enjoy the amazing uplifting variety of music played. I also really enjoy listening to the regular interviews with local business people and those championing local organisations and events. These are great ways to highlight and promote such businesses, facilities or amenities in and around Diss, Harleston and Eye. As to the community as a whole, I cannot emphasise enough what a lifeline Park Radio is in


comments Spending 24/7 in lockdown we found Park

amazing entertainment for

Radio early on and can just say we wish we

the people of Diss,

had found it earlier. As a local radio station,

Harleston and Eye as well

dedicated to the people in the surrounding

as an information service

market towns, it has been a joy to have the

which was truly lacking

radio on all day (without having to switch

before the advent of Park

from station to station during the day to

Radio. In these days of

find an enjoyable station).

loneliness and mental health issues, Park

It has served to keep us up-to-date with

Radio is the one station that local people

news in the local area, helping us to

can turn to for local news, entertaining

maintain that community feel at these

music and, lets not forget, the amazing

difficult times. We have listened with

volunteers who broadcast in such a friendly

interest to several interviews and

and “easy listening manner”.

discussions with local representatives who,

We truly hope that any grant applications

in many cases, have served to answer many

submitted by Park Radio, or indeed licence

concerns within our local areas. We also

decisions by Ofcom, are considered with the

appreciate the hourly national news

thoughts of all those in the local area as


they provide a service which, if not

We love the music played especially the

supported and allowed to lapse, will be

classics but these are interspersed with

hugely missed. They have great support

more recent tracks as well as local artists

locally and deserve to thrive way beyond

and bands - meaning Park Radio has appeal

these strange times we are all experiencing.

to a wide section of the local community.

David and Wendy Chattaway

We feel that Park Radio is providing

such a rural area. In addition to those matters referred to above, Park Radio keeps everyone, particularly those less able to travel into the three main towns regularly, to feel connected and part of the community. The regular national and local news reports together with weather updates provide an invaluable forum to ensure everyone is included and kept informed. In summary, Park Radio stands apart from other local radio stations – the passion, commitment, expertise and enthusiasm of the presenters is second to none and infectious! The people of Diss, Harleston and Eye need Park Radio - our lives are far richer everyday by listening to Park Radio. Denise Smith





Located on the Market Place in Harleston, JD Young Hotel is a great place to stay, have a meal or stop for a drink in the heart of this lovely market town. To be in with a chance of winning lunch for two people, just answer this very simple question....

On what FM frequency can you listen to Park Radio while in Harleston? Entries can be accepted in the following formats. BY POST to Park Radio c/o Harleston Information Plus, 8 Exchange Street, Harleston, IP20 9AB or BY EMAIL to studio@parkradio.co.uk Closing date: November 21st 2020 – Good Luck!


Focus: Harleston

Photo: Pete Mason

Harleston is an historic Market Town located in

400 anniversary year, Pilgrims Way; Mayflower

the heart of the Waveney Valley. If you look

Way; Speedwell Industrial Estate and Fuller

up, you can see some strange shaped tiled

Road, reflect our links with the Mayflower.

roofs that have replaced the original thatch.

Four member of the Fuller family from

Beneath the “modern” facades, old timber

Redenhall with Harleston, were amongst the

frame buildings are hidden, step inside and

102 passengers that sailed to America on the

you can get a feel for just how old they are.

Mayflower in 1620.

We are working on a heritage trail with

Harleston offers a good range of easily

plaques that will provide easily accessible

accessible independent shops selling a wide

information telling the stories of these old

range of products. There is a good selection of


coffee shops, pubs and restaurants, many with

The road names give clues too, Exchange

outdoor tables. The temporary pedestrian

Street, which leads up to the old corn

priority zone in the Thoroughfare, together

Exchange (now Cornucopia), look out for the

with the attractive new trees and planters, has

old weigh bridge, which still has its full

made a real difference to the Town. There is

workings inside the adjacent Coop Funeral

free parking in the Town’s two car parks. So

Care building.

come and wander around, do some socially

On some of the more recent estates around

distanced shopping, relax and enjoy the

town there are also references to Harleston’s

Town’s new “café culture”.

past, for example Bullock Fair which used to

More information about Harleston can be

be the cattle market. More topically, in this

found on www.visitharleston.org.uk


charities Nominated Charities 2020 Since our full-time launch in November 2017 we felt it was important to make a real difference to others and set ourselves a challenge to help both local and national charities.So far we have raised funds from numerous events for The Samaritans and Pancreatic Cancer, and have selected the Big C and the Scoliosis Association UK this year. We have a few ideas up our sleeve to help raise funds safely before Christmas! Please keep listening and an eye on our socials for more details on how you can get involved. Cancer touches the lives of many people and the Big C is a great support to those who have been affected by this illness. The Big C Cancer Support and Information Centre is in the grounds of the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. The Centre is a warm and welcoming place where anyone affected by cancer can go for support, information and respite. It is staffed by Big C

cancer specialist nurses, palliative care specialist nurses, a health education officer and supported by numerous loyal volunteers. The Centre is situated close to the hospital’s Colney Centre, with the nearest car park being K. The Centre is managed by Big C, a local cancer charity based in Norfolk and Waveney. For more information about their cancer support services, please visit support.big-c.co.uk The Big C Centre at the NNUH is open to those diagnosed with cancer and those who care for them. It is somewhere to sit, reect and relax, away from the hospital and clinical environment.

SAUK is the only UK wide patient support organisation for people with scoliosis and their families, providing support advice and information and to raise awareness of the condition. Scoliosis is when the spine curves and sometimes twists to the side. This can happen before birth, in young and older children, teenagers and also as adults. Sometimes there is no reason known why this happens, or it could be congenital or be caused by a trauma. It is a condition that as a parent you may pick up if you see your child bend over

in front of you the spine may not look quite straight or there may be a slight protrusion of the ribs to one side. It is quite a complex condition but when diagnosed there are now many different options available, such as bracing in younger children to try and stop the curve to possible fusions. If left untreated it can at best cause discomfort and at worse cause breathing problems with the possibility of ending life in a wheel chair. However some forms may be so slight that you can live your life to the full without treatment or even knowing you have a curvature until you start to get a few aches and pain in old age. But if you notice anything different with your spine or your child’s please refer to your Doctor for further examination.


friends Become a Friend of Park Radio We have all been touched by the level of support and friendship that has been shown to us, notably during the pandemic. Park Radio is now launching a new scheme which invites you to become ‘a Friend’ of the station.

We propose the following.

Individual Friend : Annual subscription : £25 Includes: Goody bag Quarterly Newsletter Invite to Park Radio’s Birthday celebration

Corporate Friend : Annual subscription : £100 Includes: Goody bag Quarterly Newsletter Invite to Park Radio’s Birthday celebration Half price advertising campaign

We................................................................would like to subscribe in the Individual/Corporate

(insert which) ........................................................category and would like more details which can be posted to me/us at – ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................Post Code...................................... When completed send or take to Park Radio, DYCC, Shelfanger Road, Diss, IP22 4EH


Publishing is our business

Falcon Publications DBH 21, Diss Business Park, Hopper Way, Diss IP22 4GT Tel: 01379 773347/773348/773349 info@falconpublications.co.uk www.falconpublications.co.uk


Park Radio Competition Complete the survey and win a luxury hamper from Juliette at Fredricks Fine Foods, Diss (Closing date for this competition is November 21st 2020) The purpose of this survey is to assess the approximate listener numbers plus raise awareness and obtain feedback form those who listen to Park Radio. Where do you live – name of town or village Please tick box  Male or  Female

Age Group

 15-24

 25-40

Have you heard of Park Radio How often do you listen?

 Every day

 Morning

Where do you listen?

 Home

 Radio

 56 plus

 Yes or  No

When do you listen?

How do you listen?

 41-55

 Several hrs

 Afternoon

 Regularly

 Evening

 Work

 Office

 Internet

 Phone

 Occasionally

 Weekday

 Weekends

 Car

Main reason for listening?  Local news  Music  Both LISTENING Which radio stations do you listen to apart from or instead of Park Radio        

BBC Radio 1 BBC Radio 2 Heart Radio Norfolk Radio Suffolk Greatest Hits Radio (Formally Radio Norwich) Ipswich 102 Other – specify

When completed send or take your entry to Park Radio, DYCC, Shelfanger Road, Diss, IP22 4EH Name: Address:




Daytime telephone number: Usual terms and conditions apply: Your data will be secure and not shared with any other source


(from September 1st 2020)

Rates subject to change and review


Advertising & Bounce-back deals Park Radio offers a real cost effective way to reach customers across the Waveney Valley. During the current pandemic Park Radio has been keen to support local businesses and provide Covid-19 bounce-back advertising packages that are within everyone’s reach and budget. Many local businesses from the Diss Deli & Espresso Bar, the Apiary Cake & Coffee House in Harleston to The Handyman in Eye – plus many others have taken full advantage and have been so impressed and pleased with the results. Why not give it a try! If you would like to find out more please either email chris@parkradio.co.uk or call 01379 210000


Customer Testimonials ‘With the pandemic slightly easing off we, as a small independent eatery and espresso bar, could now open for takeaway. We thought we needed to let our locals know this, so we turned to Park Radio for help. The service from Chris Moyse and his team was impeccable, even when we had to re-make the commercial. First day we opened we were busy, busy, busy with many of our clients saying they had heard the advert. Well done Park Radio!’ The Diss Deli & Espresso Bar (Mike & Sue) ‘We, at The Apiary Cake and Coffee House in Harleston, understand the need for the community to work together through the current pandemic. Park Radio came to us with an unbeatable offer which was such great value for money at a time when keeping our operating costs down was vital for the survival of our business. We were invited on to the Mid Morning programme which

gave us the ideal vehicle to help promote what we do even more! We wish Chris and all his very hard-working team a long and prosperous future.’ Mike Chappell ‘The Handyman in Eye has always supported Chris and the team at Park Radio from the very early days – we now listen to the station all the time in the shop – and love it! We are so impressed with how the station has kept going through Covd-19 and really makes a huge effort to lift listener’s spirits. We decided to show our appreciation and sponsor the Mid Morning programme and have found that using radio has made a real difference to our business.’ Bruce Salter & Ollie Green The Handyman in Eye



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Expansion Plan

Ofcom, the regulator, approved our application to increase our power output so we can be heard by more listeners and appeal to even more advertisers across South Norfolk and Mid Suffolk. Despite the delays imposed by Covid-19 we have now been able to purchase the necessary kit for £3,000, and at the time of writing, we now plan to install the equipment and invite Ofcom to commission it – it would be yet another great milestone to mark our 3rd Birthday! Our aim is to encourage new customers from our the wider area to advertise with us – we already have advertisers in Long Stratton and Bungay waiting to use us!

Mid Mornings….takes to the road! To mark our expansion plan we will be bringing the Mid Morning programme to YOU as we take to the open road across the Waveney Valley. Our aim is to present the three hour programme from your place – it could be your pub, your factory, showroom, garage or even your shop. All the usual features, competitions and interviews with you and your community will be included – sounds like fun? It will be! If you have a good broadband connection and would like us to broadcast live from a location across South Norfolk and Mid Suffolk – let’s hear from you NOW. Email chris@parkradio.co.uk or call us 01379 210000



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