dutch selected artists, izmir brochure

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International Izmir Art Biennial May 2011


GENERAL INFO Selected dutch artists for the first international izmir art biennial 2001. We are individually selected dutch artists. We have decided to publish this brochure. Artists in various disciplines with own funding which speaks for their cultural entrepreneurship. Presenting and networking on an international level by craftmanship eloquence and authenticity. Temporary dutch art of a high level. Simon Borst Meir Salomon Zhanhong Liao Hilde Klomp


Name: Simon Borst Address: Paternosterstraat 53 City: Alkmaar Zipcode: 1811 KG Alkmaar Website: www.simonborst.blogspot.com Email: stmborst@versatel.nl Art description: dutch plein air painting

Name: Meir Salomon Address: Leiduinstraat 36 City: Amsterdan Zipcode: 1058 SL Website: www.meirsalomon.com Email: meirsalomon@gmail.com Art description: Painter

Name: Zhanhong Liao Address: Hoogstraat 73 City :Vlaardingen Zipcode: 3131 BM Phone: mobiel 31. 6. 49924220 Website www.liaozhanhong.com Email: liaozhanhong@yahoo.com Art description: Painting, object, performance and project

Name: Hilde Klom Address: Archipelstraat 15 City: Nijmegen Zipcode: 6524 LK Website: www.hildeklomp.nl Email: info@hildeklomp.nl Art description: Sculptures

Hilde Klomp

Balinese oerkrachten 019


Hilde Klomp, born on 29 october 1954. Graduated in photography by following many workshops. Besides exposing in my own country I expose abroad. I was on the biennale Florence 2007, Mexico 2008 and I wun the Leonardo da Vinci award 2009 for sculptures. The election took place in the museo del arte in Chianciano in Italy. That price also means an exhibition in the Gagliardi gallery in London in February 2010 www.gagliardi.org. In March 2010 I expose in the old Jaffa museum in Tel Aviv www.oldjaffa.co.il . In December 2010 my sculptures were be found in the Grand Palais in Paris and march 2011 in Galleria Pall Mall in London. My passion is to transfer emotion into a view. In both passions (photography/film and sculpture) I would like to express how beautiful simple movements are. I combine being artist with a parttime job as a personnel consultant in a judicial organisation. Recent expositions from 2007 1. Biennale Florence Italy, Ter Wadding, Kunstkado 2. Kunstmarkt, Lions club, Biennale Mexico, Veiling Bio in de Wolken 2009 Passie in Persingen, Grubbenvorst, Florence Biennale revisited Den Haag, Waelwijck kunstbeurs, Kunst aan de Kade Rotterdam, Besiendershuis, Nijmegen, Biennale Chianciano de Terme, Italy. Winner of First prize (ex aequo) of the Leonardo da Vinci award 2009 for sculptures, Soos Malden (streetchildren in Brasil), Kunstkado Doornenburg 1. Gagliardi gallery London, Church Angerlo, Besiendershuis Nijmegen Old Jaffa Museum Tel Aviv International womenday, Hamdorff manifestatie Laren, Ambachtsman Wittelte, De Synaps Oosterhout Galerie Kunstproeverij Groningen, Grand Palais Paris 2. Kunsproeverij Nieuwe Schans, Pall Mall Gallery London,Galerie Zeven Zomers Nijmegen, Izmir Biennale Turkey World wide exhibition Barcelona

Drie eenheid

Zhanhong Liao Painting, object, performance and project

Zhanhong Liao was born and grew up in Guangzhou, China. Graduated in Art & Design at City College of Manchester, U.K. and is member of Pulchri Studio, an artist association with 160 year history in Holland. She lives and works in The Netherlands since 1996 and has exhibited and worked in Symposium and residency inmany countries. Zhanhong has developed herself withher ‘Imaging diaries’ into a very solid artist with unique expression. She discovered the power of the ‘Imaging Diary’ to express her memories of China and her life in the west. The images (not the words as in traditional diaries) in her diaries have the role of storyteller: Images made out of paint, photo’s and drawings by Zhanhong herself, and on the other hand the existing images from magazines, motives on paper, illustrations, and fabric that she collected. By choosing this way of working a rich layered form arises, not only in the material; but also cultural and to its contents. The Imaging Diary appears to be an ideal transport means for the complexity of the underlying weight that Zhanhong puts into her works. The harmonic way, in which she proved to have combined both the traditional Chinese roots and the new western influence into her new life, is perfectly shown in her diaries. The books (her Diary) show a rich and very developed sensibility for color and composition and for a great craftsmanship in handling all sorts of materials. In the last years Zhanhong has worked on social projects, performance and experimented with computer. She searches the diverse ways to communicate with the public.

Dairy 'Meeting', Zhanhong Liao, Mixed Medium, A5, 2010

Detail Daily 'Somewhere temporary', A4, 2010

Simon Borst

ein hod artists village 01

Plein-air painting

Simon Borst paints plein-air, nature is my studio. From 1994 I worked spatially, sculpting and modeling in Amsterdam. Since 1997, I decided to concentrate on drawing and painting. Gradually I felt plein-air painting is the way i like to express myself. You could call me a self-taught in the tradition of the impressionists, I feel good in the wild. Between various factors such as lighting, structures and objects in space trying to find my style. Figuratively colorful and abstract lighting. Small size and large format work. With great courage and sense of craft, I try to add something to the works produced so far I am involved in organizing projects in holland and around the world such as the www.dfba.nl and connected tovarious foreign projects. through my art I like to be in contact with the world around me. TRAINING 1994 - 1996 General Education sculpture and painting, amsterdam 1997 - 1999 crejat Art School, alkmaar 1999 - 2002 artiance cultural training center, alkmaar various exhibitions during the year in holland PROJECTS AND EXHIBITIONS AROUND THE WORLD ITALY Organizer and Webmaster WWW.DFBA.NL BULGARIA VLADIMIR DIMITROV PROJECT PARTICIPATION "PLEIN-AIR" www.artgallery-themaster.com ISRAEL EIN HOD PARTICIPATION PROJECT-musical maestro SWEDEN JANUARI 2011 GALLERY COSMOPOLITAIN TURKEY BIENNALE IZMIR

ein hod artists village 02

self portrait

Meir Salomon Painter

Fire and water drawing is a new way of drawing, I use a (own made pigmented) paper, and draw with water on it, creating a relief with the use of the brush. The brush and the water create waves and a soft relief is formed, "sculpture" is born of a mutual collaboration between human handwriting and that of nature. Using fire flames to continue the composition. Bringing together fire and water, the constructed and the destroyed, the real and the unreal. 1947 - Born in Jerusalem, Israel. 1968 - 1970 Study at Avni Studio, Tel-Aviv, Israel. 1970 - 1975 Study at Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 1987 - Painting award, Roeselaar, Belgium. 1998 - Painting award, trienale of Amstelveen, The Netherlands. 1992 - Working at the garden of Monet in Giverny, France. 1994 - Working three month at the “yellow House� in the Provance, France (belongs to Kroller Muller Museum) 1970 living in the Netherlands and Israel

dessert 1

sterk in

drukwerk etrouwbaar goedkoop en bvoor iedereen reclamemaken

Sterk in Drukwerk Winkelskamp 1 7255 PZ Hengelo Gld Hof van Gent 17, 7007 JS Doetinchem T: 0575 464545 www.sterkindrukwerk.nl info@sterkindrukwerk.nl

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