MAY 20 - JUN 17
Charlie & Darci Swindells
Len & Susan Magazine
Artists Repertory Theatre receives support from the Oregon Arts Commission, a state agency funded by the State of Oregon and the National Endowment for the Arts.
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Dámaso Rodríguez, Artistic Director/Interim Managing Director
CAST Anthony................................................................. Blake Stone + Caroline.................................................................. Emily Eisele + CREATIVE TEAM Director.................................................................. JoAnn Johnson^* Scenic Designer....................................................... Tim Stapleton Costume Designer................................................... Alex Pletcher Lighting Designer.................................................... Kristeen Willis Crosser# Sound Designer....................................................... Sharath Patel^ Asst. Scenic Designer.............................................. Samie Pfeifer Dramaturg.............................................................. Luan Schooler Stage Manager....................................................... Michelle Jazuk^* Props Master........................................................... Emily Wilken Production Assistant............................................... Megan Moll Production Assistant 2............................................ Haley Hanson Board Op................................................................ Alan Cline Commissioned by South Coast Rep An NNPN Rolling World Premiere Produced by Marin Theatre Company, Olney Theatre, Geva Theatre, and Phoenix Theatre Produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc. (www.playscripts.com)
TIME: Now SETTING: Caroline’s room in Portland, OR RUN TIME: Approximately 90 minutes with no intermission The video and/or audio recording of this performance by any means is strictly prohibited.
* Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. Actors’ Equity Association, founded in 1913, represents more than 49,000 actors and stage managers in the U.S. Equity negotiates wages and working conditions, providing a wide range of benefits, including health and pension plans. Equity seeks to foster the art of live theatre as an essential component of our society. www.actorsequity.org ^ Artists Repertory Theatre Resident Artist # The scenic, costume, lighting, projection and sound designers are represented by United Scenic Artists + Equity membership candidate This theatre operates under an agreement between the League of Resident Theatre and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.
LORT League of resident theatres
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A MESSAGE FROM ARTISTIC DIRECTOR DÁMASO RODRÍGUEZ “BECAUSE SOMEWHERE, EVEN UNSEEN, UNNAMED WE WAIT FOR EACH OTHER.” –Caroline, in Lauren Gunderson’s I and You Welcome to Artists Rep and to the Portland premiere of Lauren Gunderson’s funny, tender, and profound I and You, which wraps up our 2017/18 season. Last year, at a season announcement event, Director JoAnn Johnson called this seemingly simple story of two opposites a “cosmic hug” for audiences. I couldn’t agree more. There’s a reason we chose this boldly hopeful play as the finale of a season packed with complex and ambitious plays by unflinchingly honest writers, each confronting many of the anxieties we’re facing today. I know many of you were in the audience for every show. I think it’s safe to say that it has been a memorable 35th Anniversary season. The plays themselves felt so urgent and timely we dubbed the line-up “New. Now. Necessary.” I’m still processing all that’s played out onstage and off in the past 10 months. We began with the incendiary An Octoroon, a play that radically examined our country’s troubling, racist history while white supremacy rallies made 21st century news cycles. We followed up by transforming our lobby and
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Morrison stage into a pop-up, interactive art gallery that set the stage for the fiendishly entertaining Caught, a genre-defying performance comprised of lies as a means to viscerally convey the manipulative results of propaganda, appropriation, and fake news. With the hyper-naturalistic The Humans, our theatre was sold out nightly while audiences watched a family’s holiday meal play out in real time – with all its uncannily familiar conflict, affection, and unconditional love. Then, in the early months of 2018, many of you braved the potentially daunting five-and-a-half hour Antarcticset World Premiere of the epic Magellanica, to be rewarded by E.M. Lewis’ unforgettable, bighearted, and riveting storytelling. As audiences for this limited engagement told us, the time flew by, and we hope to revive the production someday so that more people can experience it. With only a brief pause between productions, the Pulitzer Prize winning Between Riverside and Crazy added its tour de force performances to the season’s highlight reel, and our World Premiere commission The Thanksgiving Play filled the
theatre to capacity. We laughed at ourselves and hopefully fostered conversations for our audience members about the ways in which progressive views might hinder us from affecting real change. Ending this ambitious, challenging, and transformative year with I and You feels like the natural coda to this season. Through the relationship of two remarkably different people, we are each reminded that diversity of experience and a wide variety of opinion, even at the most challenging and divisive of times, is an asset rather than a liability. This spirit of collaboration and shared purpose has been foundational to our work this season, both on and off stage. Artists Rep has been buoyed by unprecedented support, the committed partnership of
subscribers, community members, and donors of gifts at every size to create art together. Thank you for being a part of this theatre, and I know that after a brief summer break, our 2018/19 season will reveal new surprises and opportunities for connection. Until then,
P.S. Subscribing is the best way to enjoy the vibrant, timely, and imaginative plays of our 2018/19 season—plus we’ve created a new set of subscriber perks that we hope will upgrade your theatre-going experience at Artists Rep.
SPECIAL THANKS PANCHO SAVERY, Professor of English and Humanities
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LAUREN GUNDERSON Lauren Gunderson is the most produced living playwright in America, the winner of the Lanford Wilson Award and the Steinberg/ ATCA New Play Award, a finalist for the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize and John Gassner Award for Playwriting, and a recipient of the Mellon Foundation’s 3-Year Residency with Marin Theatre Company. She studied Southern Literature and Drama at Emory University, and Dramatic Writing at NYU’s Tisch School where she was a Reynolds Fellow in Social Entrepreneurship. Her work has been commissioned, produced, and developed at companies across the U.S. including South Cost Rep (Emilie, Silent Sky), The Kennedy Center (The
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Amazing Adventures of Dr. Wonderful and her Dog!), The O’Neill, The Denver Center, San Francisco Playhouse, Marin Theatre, Synchronicity, Olney Theatre, Berkeley Rep, Shotgun Players, TheatreWorks, Crowded Fire, and more. She co-authored Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley with Margot Melcon. Her work is published at Playscripts, Inc. (I and You, Exit Pursued by a Bear, The Taming, and Toil and Trouble), Dramatists (Silent Sky, Bauer, Miss Bennet), and Samuel French (Emilie). Her picture book Dr. Wonderful: Blast Off to the Moon was released from Two Lions / Amazon in May of 2017. Learn more at LaurenGunderson.com and @LalaTellsAStory.
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And, it’s about coming together and how that makes us stronger.
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DIRECTOR’S NOTE BY JOANN JOHNSON American people to shout, sing, and embrace their oneness despite the brutality, division, and destruction they have suffered. He speaks with a voice that honors us all, the common people, and calls upon us to “keep encouraged.” Anthony and Caroline are just kids—two high school students who have homework to do, basketball games to play, music and waffle fries to share, and parents to manage. They also struggle under the weight of challenges that people so young should not have to bear. This is familiar territory to us, isn’t it—the spectacle of young people ravaged by trauma, who find their unity and their voice and teach us that there is hope.
“I AND THIS MYSTERY—HERE WE STAND.” Anthony enters Caroline’s world speaking these words, words that she is unprepared to hear, let alone understand. Their relationship begins in mystery. How do two strangers come together? How do they begin a conversation, and then come to hear, respect, and love one another despite their differences? How is such a thing possible? Those words that Anthony speaks are from Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass—his sprawling free verse poem that bursts with music, energy, and optimism, that calls upon the Civil War-ravaged
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A wise friend taught me that a gift is not a gift until it is received, and that to receive is an act of courage and is itself a gift. Sometimes a gift may come to us when we are not aware of it. I believe that this play is a gift. Our playwright Lauren Gunderson has written that a play can be viewed as a benediction: “In the church I went to as a kid [….] I remember our pastor walking the same path up the center aisle at the close of every Sunday service. His arms reaching forward and out, his black robe becoming large in it’s spread, his slow pace, his open eyes, and him saying: ‘And now go into the world with open hearts and minds.’ It was an encouragement to take what you felt and learned
inside and go use it outside. I quickly switched my source of deepest connection from church to theatre as a young woman. But I still appreciate the theatricality of church, and the churchiness of theatre. At their best, they both gather people together, both tell important stories, both use the emotional lift of music and art, and both send us out into the world with more empathy, compassion, creativity, and wonder. And they both contain benedictory power.” Whitman, too, wrote passionately of the benedictory power of art in his prologue to Leaves of Grass— words that are offered as a gift from Anthony to Caroline and to all of us: “This is what you shall do: Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the young and with the mothers of families, read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life, re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem.”
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JOHN WILLIAM “TRANE” COLTRANE (SEPT 23, 1926– JULY 17, 1967) was an American jazz saxophonist and composer. Born in Hamlet, North Carolina, Coltrane grew up in a religious family. His affinity for meditative, gospel-like songs can be partially credited to his father preaching, and both of his grandfathers being community leaders and ministers. In December of 1938 his father and grandfather passed away in a short span of time, followed by his grandmother and aunt. At twelve, in a now financially and emotionally struggling family, Coltrane used music to help him through, starting with clarinet and alto saxophone. After some time in the U.S. Navy where he played with a quartet of other soldiers, he moved to Philadelphia in 1946 and immersed himself in the new wave of East Coast bebop musicians. Coltrane picked up the tenor saxophone and played in
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gigs around the city before he became more involved in recording music. During the course of his career Coltrane helped to pioneer the use of modes, a harmonic framework in jazz, and was at the front lines of free jazz. He led at least fifty recording sessions and appeared on many albums for other famous musicians of the time including trumpeter Miles Davis and pianist Thelonious Monk. As he navigated the music world Coltrane became addicted to drugs and alcohol. After he was fired by Davis in 1957, Coltrane quit using cold turkey after having a spiritual experience. In the line notes of A Love Supreme, Coltrane’s best known work, he states that, “I experienced, by the grace of God, a spiritual awakening which was to lead me to a richer, fuller, more productive life. At that time, in gratitude, I humbly asked to be given the means and privilege to make others happy through music.” A theme in Coltrane’s music references God in a Univer-
salist sense—not advocating one religion over another. His sobriety enhanced his already held conviction that his music was fundamentally spiritual. As his career continued his music took on an increasingly spiritual dimension. In San Francisco in 1971 the Saint John Coltrane African Orthodox Church was founded by Franzo and Marina King after attending one of Coltrane’s performances in which they felt a divine presence in his music. The position of importance that Coltrane holds is not just in the history of jazz, his performances, and albums, but in the way that he used his art as the vessel to achieve a spiritual transcendence. Coltrane, like Walt Whitman
and Ralph Waldo Emerson, was a breaker of forms. He remade the traditional in order to craft completely new ways of embodying the human spirit and artistic expression. Coltrane studied Eastern religions as well as Christianity which led him to release more avant-garde devotional music. His search for spiritual freedom and to an extent, political freedom, was not just for himself but for all of black America. Coltrane referenced both the African American tradition stretching back to West African music and the American/Western tradition stretching back to the English Romantics culminating in an Afro-Modernist view. Coltrane’s influence can still be felt today—through his explorations in jazz, the influence of his legacy in other types of music, and his revolutions for the African American identity.
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Walt Whitman was born in New York on May 31, 1819, only thirty years after George Washington was inaugurated as our first president. Whitman was part of the first generation of citizens born in the new United States of America, at a time when the country was fresh, idealistic, and energized by winning freedom in the Revolutionary War. One can imagine the heady exuberance of that time, when the newly minted country was bursting with confidence, gusto, and a fierce, if short-lived, sense of national unity. One of Whitman’s early memories was being plucked out of a parade crowd when he was six years old and hoisted up on the shoulders of General Lafayette. Whitman later came to see this moment as a kind of anointment: the French hero of the American Revolution chose him, the child who would become the poet of this new democracy. Whitman’s formal education ended after only six years but he continued his education through libraries, museums, theatre, and diving into conversations with people from all over the city. When he was eleven, he began working in a printing shop, which led to his interest in journalism and newspapers. He was
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enthralled by the way ideas and events could be translated into words and quickly communicated to many people. At sixteen, he was an experienced printer with a steady career ahead of him, when fire destroyed much of New York’s printing and business centers, leaving Whitman and many others without work. In spite of his lack of formal education, he worked a few unhappy years as a teacher, before returning to journalism in the mid-1840s. In his twenties he began writing fiction and poetry. Whereas other writers of the time almost always had extensive formal, classical education, Whitman’s was derived entirely from his promiscuous curiosity and desire to know about history, geography, archeology, music—and the lives of the people he saw all over the city. Still, his early efforts at poetry exhibited a classical style, and tended toward didactic, stilted, and inert language. There is very little in his early work that hints at the poet he would become. In the early 1850s, Whitman would burst forth with a distinctly American voice—one quite different from the European expression: free flowing rather than formal, vernacular rather than elite, untamed rather than
hidebound. There is scant documentation of his transition from a dull, staid poet into the profoundly original, sensual, ecstatic writer of Leaves of Grass. First published in 1855 (by Whitman himself, who set the type, designed the cover, and oversaw every detail of publication), Leaves of Grass consisted of a preface and twelve untitled poems. His name was not included in the first edition, although his portrait—dressed in workman’s clothes, shirt open, cocked hat, and a casual stance —was opposite the title page. Compared to the formal author portraits that usually graced published works, Whitman’s choice was provocative. As no other contemporary writer had done, Whitman reveled in the physical body, delighted in the senses, and grappled with serious social issues of the day. He seemed to view the poet as the natural spokesperson for democracy, unbound by convention, reverberating the clamorous politics of the day, and embracing the multitudes that make up the union of America. His body is everyone’s body, everyone’s body is his, and to celebrate democracy is to celebrate all.
I Celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
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Skeleton Crew Small Mouth Sounds Everybody Teenage Dick A Doll’s House, Part 2 Wolf Play The Revolutionists
OUR 2018/19 SEASON IS HERE! Check out artistsrep.org For more information.
FULL SUBSCRIBER PERKS It’s the PERKS of being a full subscriber! As some of our most loyal supporters, you’ll not only receive the best available seats to each of our plays, but you’ll also get the following benefits all season long: •DESIGNATED SUBSCRIBER PARKING (New this year! A section of our lot that is only for you.) •FREE PARKING (Only available to FULL SEASON SUBSCRIBERS.) •FREE TICKET VOUCHER (Receive ONE FREE TICKET per subscription to a performance in our 18/19 season.) •SUBSCRIBER KICK-OFF (Mingle with the Resident Artists, directors, and staff at a subscriber-only party with snacks and beverages.) •FREE EXCHANGES (For when your schedule changes.) •ENCORE PRIVILEGES (Purchase tickets for friends at the insider rate of $35/ticket and if you attend again, your ticket is FREE.) •PERKS CARD (New this year! Receive special discounts to participating companies, including: Portland Shakes, Portland Thorns, City Home, Broadway Books, Staged!, Artists Rep, and many more! Full list & discounts will be distributed with season tickets.)
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1515 SW Morrison Portland, OR 97205
Open Tues-Sun, noon-6pm
Artists Repertory Theatre’s mission is to produce intimate, provocative theatre and provide a home for artists and audiences of varied backgrounds to take creative risks. Founded in 1982, Artists Repertory Theatre is Portland’s premiere mid-size regional theatre company. Artists Rep became the 72nd member of the League of Resident Theatres (LORT) in May 2016 and is an Associate Member of the National New Play Network (NNPN).
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hosting a stunning
602 events
PER year & counting An artistic home FOR Resident Artists
local actors, designers, directors and writers
TABLE | ROOM | STAGE A home for playwrights
access for all arts for all tickets
for Oregon Trail Card holders
ACTORS & CREATIVE TEAM BIOS BLAKE STONE Anthony Blake Stone is proud to take the Artists Rep stage again, after appearing as George Keckley in the 2016/17 season’s production of A Civil War Christmas. Blake lives in Portland, where he has worked with various theatre companies, such as Portland Center Stage, Milagro, Staged!, and Post5. Some notable roles for Blake include Ram Sweeney in Heathers: The Musical, Mila in the World Premiere of Swimming While Drowning, Eric Holmes in Hands Up, and Rodney in That Pretty, Pretty. In his free time, Blake enjoys hiking the beautiful scapes of the Pacific Northwest, and finding new adventures around every gorgeous corner. He also spends too much of his time manning an Instagram account for his cat, Gizmo, who is sorry he could not attend this evening. Blake hopes to take the many incredible acting experiences he’s had in Portland with him, as he hopes to embark for Los Angeles in the fall of 2018. You can next find Blake in the upcoming true crime drama The Wonderland Murders which is set to premiere on the Investigation Discovery Channel this fall. Blake has always been pushed and encouraged by his wonderful friends and family, and for that, would like to dedicate his performance as Anthony to these great people. You know who you are. Enjoy the show!
EMILY EISELE Caroline Emily is psyched to be back at Artists Rep after appearing in last season’s American Hero. She is a recent alum of the Third Rail Repertory Theatre Mentorship Company, where she performed in The Norwegians, Edgar & Annabel, and ID[ea]. Other local credits include This Thing That We Made (2017 Fertile Ground Festival), Band Geeks (Broadway Rose), Women of Troy (Play on Words), and Into the Woods (Village Players). Emily is a co-founder of Bedrock Theatre, a new company that adapts fairy-tales and legends into immersive, outdoor adventures. Their first season is slated to launch in 2019.
JOANN JOHNSON Director JoAnn Johnson is a professional actor and director based in Portland. Her directing credits at Artists Rep include Ballerina, Birdsend, Crumbs from the Table of Joy, Vanya, Blackbird, The Gin Game, and Grand Concourse. Other directing credits include The School for Lies and boom (Theatre Vertigo); Macbeth (Quintessence Theatre Group); Richard II and King Lear (Northwest Classical Theatre Collaborative); Precious Little (defunkt theatre); Big Love and Eurydice (University of Portland); The Detective’s Wife (Hellfire Productions); and The Turn of the Screw (Portland Shakespeare Project). For Artists Rep JoAnn has appeared onstage as Rev.
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CREATIVE TEAM BIOS Chausable in The Importance of Being Earnest, Katherine Gerard in Mothers and Sons, Hattie in Ten Chimneys, Vivian Bearing in Wit, Flora in Humble Boy, Leo in Indiscretions, Agnes in A Delicate Balance, Mrs. Rafi in The Sea, Margaret Civil in A Perfect Ganesh, and Alice in Retreat from Moscow. Other roles include Sister Aloysius in Doubt and Kate Keller in All My Sons (Arkansas Repertory Theatre); Big Mama in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Mrs. Stavrogin in The Devils (Portland Center Stage); Leni Riefenstahl in Leni (Insight Out Theatre Collective); Sarah Bernhardt in Memoir and Anna in Boston Marriage (CoHo Productions); Madame Arcati in Blithe Spirit, Lady Bracknell in The Importance of Being Earnest, and Judith Bliss in Hay Fever (Tacoma Actors Guild); and Meg in The Birthday Party, Nancy in Seascape, and Aunt Sally in Fifth of July (Profile Theatre). Other theatres include The Old Globe, Sacramento Theatre Company, San Jose Repertory Theatre, Liminal, The Empty Space, Pioneer Theatre, Utah Shakespeare Theatre, Imago Theatre, and many seasons with the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. JoAnn has toured internationally in the role of A in Three Tall Women. She is a Resident Artist at Artists Rep and a member of both Actors’ Equity and SAG-AFTRA. Educated at Wells College and University of Oregon, JoAnn has a BA in English and an MA in Rhetoric.
TIM STAPLETON Scenic Designer Tim Stapleton is a National Endowment for the Arts Fellow. A professional scenic designer for forty 20 | Artists Repertory Theatre
years, he has also worked with Oregon’s Regional Arts & Culture Council as a liaison to Social Services, and taught theatre courses for Willamette University, Central Washington University, Lewis & Clark College, and Slippery Rock University. Some of his Portland designs include This Lime Tree Bower, Indiscretions, The Laramie Project, Breaking the Code, Killer Joe, The Night of the Iguana, The Quality of Life, The Miracle Worker, and A Civil War Christmas, all at Artists Rep. Recent favorites include Waiting for Godot with NWCTC and The Turn of the Screw with Portland Shakespeare Project. He received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Drammy Committee in 2017. Tim’s paintings have been exhibited in Huntington, West Virginia, with The Kentucky Arts Commission, at the Cranbrook Academy of Art in Michigan, as well as the Mina Dresden Gallery and The California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. His short stories, paintings, and poetry have been published by Inkwater Press, Pine Mountain Sand and Gravel Literary Journal, Mission at Tenth, and online by FOUR and TWENTY short form poetry, The Verse Marauder, and I’m From Driftwood. Tim holds an MFA in Creative Inquiry.
ALEX PLETCHER Costume Designer Alex Pletcher was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, but since has lived/worked in the Netherlands, Brazil, Los Angeles, and most recently Portland. As a set and
costume designer, she is fortunate enough to have collaborated with critically-acclaimed producers such as the L.A. Philharmonic, Opera Omaha, Pacific Musicworks, The Geffen Playhouse, Brimmer Street Theatre Co., Edinburgh Fringe Festival, L.A. Theatre Ensemble, Gray Oak Productions, NBC, ABC, 20th Century Fox, and HBO. She is a Co-Founder and Creative Director of Portland Razor Co., a brand that celebrates both ritual and style. Alex holds a BA in Theatre for Design and Production from the UCLA School of Theatre, Film, and Television.
KRISTEEN WILLIS CROSSER Lighting Designer Kristeen received her BA from Centre College in Danville, KY and received her MFA in lighting design from Wayne State University, Hilberry Company in Detroit, MI. Previously, she designed lights for several Artists Rep productions, including The Thanksgiving Play, The Humans, Feathers and Teeth, American Hero, The Skin of Our Teeth, The Miracle Worker, The Understudy, Tribes, Foxfinder, The Cherry Orchard, and Eurydice. She designed the set for Between Riverside and Crazy, Marjorie Prime, We Are Proud To Present…, Broomstick, 4000 Miles, and Foxfinder. She has designed scenery and/or lighting for several area theatres including Northwest Children Theatre’s Shrek The Musical; Profile Theatre’s True West, Master Harold and the Boys (2013 Drammy), and Thief River; CoHo Productions’ Frankie and Johnny in
the Clair De Lune and The Outgoing Tide; Milagro’s Oedipus El Rey (2012 Drammy) and Third Rail Repertory Theatre’s The Aliens, A Bright New Boise (2014 Drammy), and Gideon’s Knot (2014 Drammy). As always, she is grateful to her husband, Mike, for all of his love and support.
SHARATH PATEL Sound Designer Sharath was raised between Appalachia and India while spending the following years studying across Europe and New England. Before arriving in the Pacific Northwest, he spent nearly a decade as a lead sound designer in New York City. Recent design highlights include Between Riverside and Crazy, Grand Concourse, The Price, Tribes, The Motherfucker with the Hat (Artists Rep); WIG OUT! (American Repertory Theatre/Company One-Boston); Ibsen in Chicago (Seattle Repertory Theatre); The Crucible, The Royale (ACT Theatre-Seattle); As You Like It (California Shakespeare TheaterOakland); Coriolanus: Fight Like a Bitch (12th Avenue Arts-Seattle); Free Outgoing (East West Players-Los Angeles); 26 Miles, Dead Man’s Cell Phone, Buried Child (Profile TheatrePortland); The Piano Lesson, Jitney, King Hedley II, The Brother Sister Plays (Portland Playhouse). Regional/ international credits include designs in New York City, Washington D.C., Boston, Norfolk, Raleigh, Aspen, India, France, England, Germany, and Romania. Sharath recently completed a year-long Visiting Assistant Professorship at Reed College and co-led the Light and Sound Training Artists Repertory Theatre | 21
CREATIVE TEAM BIOS Program in Vietnam in conjunction with the U.S. Department of State, U.S. Consulate, and World Learning Inc. He has previously served as a lead designer, guest artist, instructor, or lecturer at Yale, Fordham, Columbia, Willamette, Ohio, Portland State, and Butler Universities. Sharath is a member of the Theatrical Sound Designers and Composers Association (TSDCA) and is an Arts Envoy for the U.S. Department of State. He holds an MFA in Sound Design from the Yale School of Drama and is very proud to be a Resident Artist at Artists Rep. www.sharathpatel.com
SAMIE PFEIFER Asst. Scenic Designer Samie works as an actress, painter, musician, designer, and assistant in the Portland theatre community. She moved to Portland from Kansas to attend the Portland Actors Conservatory where she met Scenic Designer Tim Stapleton and began working for him. Her recent design credits include defunkt theatre’s The Pride, and acting and musician credits in Shaking the Tree Theatre’s The Caucasian Chalk Circle.
LUAN SCHOOLER Dramaturg Luan Schooler was born in West Texas, where she trailed her big sister into dance classes and community theatre. When she was 12, the family packed up and moved to Anchorage, Alaska, where play practice and recitals continued to consume her. After being kicked out of high school, she was eventually accepted into the
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theatre program at CalArts. One thing led to another and a life in theatre was launched. Over the years, she morphed from acting, directing and writing, into dramaturgy and literary management. She has worked with many theatres around the country, most notably with Perseverance Theatre in Juneau, Alaska (where she met and married the marvelous Tim), Denver Center Theatre Company, Oregon Shakespeare Festival and Berkeley Rep, and developed new plays with exceptional artists including David Edgar, Naomi Iizuka, Salman Rushdie, Dominique Serrand, Leon Ingulsrud, Lisa Peterson, Paula Vogel and Molly Smith. In the Mid-Aughts, she took a sabbatical from theatre to open a cheese shop, but happily left it behind to return to theatre. In 2015, she joined Artists Rep to launch Table | Room| Stage, the theatre’s new play development program. Here, she is developing work with Yussef El Guindi, Larissa FastHorse, Andrea Stolowitz, Linda Alper, Dael Orlandersmith, Hansol Jung, Steve Rathje, Anthony Hudson, and Susannah Mars. She also does production dramaturgy on most of Artists Rep’s shows, recently directed The Thanksgiving Play here, and keeps her thumb in a variety of other pies (including working with Lisa Peterson on her translation of Hamlet for Oregon Shakespeare Festival’s Play On! Project).
MICHELLE JAZUK Stage Manager As a stage manager in Portland theatre for more than a decade, it has been Michelle’s pleasure to
collaborate with several companies. She has worked with Oregon Ballet Theatre, Portland Center Stage, Broadway Rose Theatre Company, Theatre Vertigo, Staged!, and Third Rail Repertory Theatre. However, her usual home has always been with Artists Rep where some of her favorite projects include Magellanica, Caught, Marjorie Prime, Trevor, Cuba Libre, The Skin of Our Teeth, Tribes, The Big Meal, Ten Chimneys, God of Carnage, The Lieutenant of Inishmore, All My Sons, House, Garden, Orson’s Shadow, and Theatre District. She is also proud to recognize her time with Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, where some of her favorite projects included Metamorphoses, One, Drawer Boy, Sing Hallelujah!, and Always Patsy Cline. She is lovingly appreciative of the continued support from her family. Michelle is proud to be a Resident Artist with Artists Rep, and member of Actors’ Equity Association.
EMILY WILKEN Props Master Emily is a professional artist based in Portland, OR, and is on staff as the Scenic Charge Artist and Craftsperson with Oregon Children’s Theatre. Since first working with Artists Rep in 2014 Emily has managed props for The Skin of Our Teeth, A Civil War Christmas, and Feathers and Teeth, has done artisan work on The Quality of Life and The Playboy of a Western World, and was a scenic painter for The Importance of Being Earnest, A Civil War Christmas, American Hero, Trevor, and Cuba Libre. She has also enjoyed designing props for CoHo Productions, Monmouth Independence
Community Arts Association, Northwest Classical Theatre Company, Oregon Children’s Theatre, Portland Playhouse, Profile Theatre, Theatre Vertigo, and Third Rail Repertory Theatre. Additionally, she is a freelance scenic designer having designed locally for Action/Adventure Theatre, Beirut Wedding World Theatre Project, Broadway Rose Theatre, Corrib Theatre, Enlightened Theatrics, Lincoln High School, Milagro, and Valley Repertory Theatre. Upcoming projects include scenic designs for Romeo and Juliet with Portland Actors Ensemble, Ordinary Days with Broadway Rose, the Day of the Dead production with Milagro, and The Taming with CoHo Productions. www.emilywilken.com
MEGAN MOLL Production Assistant Megan Moll is excited to return to Artists Rep after working on Between Riverside and Crazy and An Octoroon this season. She also worked on Feathers and Teeth and The Importance of Being Earnest in Artists Rep’s 2016/17 season. Recently, Megan made her debut at CoHo Productions, stage managing for both Year of the Rooster and Philip’s Glass Menagerie (part of the Fertile Ground Festival). Megan enjoys spending her time in the theatre in any way she can. She is thrilled to be a part of Artists Rep’s season once again.
ALAN CLINE Board Op Alan is an artist and technician working in Portland since 2010. He is thrilled to be part of Artists Rep’s season.
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STAFF Artistic Director/Interim Managing Director: Dámaso Rodríguez
Individual Giving & Sponsorship Manager: Molly Moshofsky
Producing Director: Shawn Lee
Development Director: Sarah Taylor
Associate Producer: Kristeen Willis Crosser
Director of New Play Development & Dramaturgy: Luan Schooler
Technical Director: Nathan Crone
ArtsHub & Producing Partnerships Director: Jerry Tischleder Company Manager & Casting Director: Vonessa Martin Director of Education: Karen Rathje
Master Carpenter: Eddie Rivera Master Electrician: Ronan Kilkelly Operations & Sound Technician: David Petersen Scenic Charge: Sarah Kindler Costume Shop Manager: Clare Hungate-Hawk
Resident Artists: Linda Alper, Ayanna Berkshire, Bobby Brewer-Wallin, Chris Harder, Michelle Jazuk, JoAnn Johnson, Kevin Jones, Val Landrum, Sarah Lucht, Susannah Mars, Gilberto Martin Del Campo, Mary McDonald-Lewis, Michael Mendelson, Allen Nause, Amy Newman, Vana O’Brien, Rodolfo Ortega, Sharath Patel, Gregory Pulver, John San Nicolas, Vin Shambry, Andrea Stolowitz, Joshua J. Weinstein, Megan Wilkerson, Carol Ann Wohlmut
Jeffrey Condit, Vice-Chair
Literary Intern: Logan Starnes
Tom Gifford
ADMINISTRATIVE Director of Finance & Administration: Jim Neuner Finance Associate: Vonessa Martin Management Associate: Allie Rangel
Facility & Operations Associate: Sean Roberts
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mike Barr, Chair Cyrus Vafi, Treasurer Patricia Garner, Secretary Marcia Darm, MD, Past Chair Julie Ball Blake Johnson Erik Opsahl Michael Parsons Pancho Savery Andrea Schmidt
MARKETING + BOX OFFICE Director of Marketing & Audience Development: Kisha Jarrett
Graphic Designer & Marketing Associate: Jeff Hayes
Audience Development & Marketing Associate: Mary Beth Leavens Patron Services Manager: Christina DeYoung Data Analyst & Ticketing Manager: Jon Younkin Box Office Systems Associate: Jack Ridenour
Charlie Capps, Ben Serreau-Raskin, Bryce Gill Electricians: Amy Beery, Molly Gardner, Cameron McFee, Kevin Young, Alan Cline, Xzavier Beacham
Box Office Associates: Stephanie Magee, Miranda Russ Publicist: Nicole Lane
AUDIENCE SERVICES Director of Audience Services: Karen Rathje Music Events Specialist: Susannah Mars House Managers: Deborah Gangwer, Valerie Liptak, Tara McMahon, Miranda Russ, Shelley Matthews, Joe Myhra, Andrea Vernae Concessions: Jennifer Zubernick, Geraldine Sandberg, Paul Jacobs Artists Repertory Theatre | 25
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workforart.org Work for Art is a program of the Regional Arts and Culture Council.
OUR SUPPORTERS We built the set, sewed the costumes, adjusted the lights, called the cues, and rehearsed, and rehearsed, and rehearsed. YOU GENEROUSLY DONATED TO MAKE IT HAPPEN. TAKE A BOW. This list celebrates Artists Rep donors of $100 or more who gave between April 1, 2017 and April 1, 2018. Join this cast of characters with a gift today. Call Sarah Taylor at 503.972.3017 or visit www.artistsrep.org.
GAME CHANGERS ($100,000+)
Anonymous (1) Robert & Mercedes Eichholz Foundation James F. & Marion L. Miller Foundation Renaissance Foundation
VISIONARIES ($50,000–$99,999)
The Collins Foundation Ronni Lacroute Meyer Memorial Trust Oregon Community Foundation Creative Heights The Regional Arts & Culture Council, including support from the City of Portland, Multnomah County and the Arts Education & Access Fund David & Christine Vernier
PRODUCERS ($25,000–$49,999)
Edgerton Foundation Arthur & Virginia Kayser The Shubert Foundation Ed & Rosalie Tank The Estate of David E. Wedge
PATRONS ($10,000–$24,999)
Anonymous (2) Ausplund Tooze Foundation The Boeing Company Ginger Carroll, In memory of J. Michael Carroll Margaret Dixon The Kinsman Foundation Romy Klopper The National Endowment for the Arts - ArtWorks Rafati’s Catering Charlotte Rubin
Arlene Schnitzer Marcy & Richard Schwartz John & Jan Swanson Darci & Charlie Swindells William Swindells Work for Art, including contributions from more than 75 companies & 2,000 employees
STAGEMAKERS ($5,000–$9,999)
Anonymous (1) Julia & Robert S. Ball Karl & Linda Boekelheide Marcia Darm MD & Bruce Berning Jeffrey G. Condit Robert & Janet Conklin Dark Horse Wine Steve Fenwick & Martha Wilson Denise & Robert Frisbee Patricia & Bennett Garner Dan Gibbs & Lois Seed Tom Gifford & Patti Fisher Polly Grose Hotel deLuxe The Jackson Foundation Hugh & Mair Lewis Charitable Fund of the Southwest Washington Community Foundation Lynn & Jack Loacker Kristine Olson Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation Oregon Arts Commission, a state agency Lorraine Prince Rose E. Tucker Charitable Trust Standard Insurance Company US Bank Foundation
OCF Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation
DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE ($2,500–$4,999)
Anonymous (1) Molly Butler & Robin Manning Kitt & Butch Dyer Stephen Fuller Diane Herrmann Intel Corporation Matching Gifts Drs. Dolores & Fernando Leon Leonard & Susan Magazine Allen & Frances Nause Bob & Linda Palandech Patricia Perkins Alan Purdy Charles & Miriam Rosenthal Steve & Trudy Sargent Norm & Barb Sepenuk James G. & Michele L. Stemler
BACKSTAGE PASS ($1,000–$2,499)
Anonymous (4) Ruth Alexander F. Gordon Allen & Janice M. Stewart Phyllis Arnoff The Autzen Foundation Mike Barr Bruce Blank & Janice Casey Nita Brueggeman Denise Carty & Roger Brown Family Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation Richard & Nancy Chapman Michael & Lynne Chartier Nathan Cogan Family Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation Barbara & Tom Cooney Allison Couch & Tom Soals Susan Dietz Betty & Richard Duvall
Marc Franklin & Mary Lou Moriarty Carol Fredlund & John Betonte Free Geek Jane & Howard Glazer Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation Jan & Dave Halsey Curtis Hanson Marlene & Clark Hanson Pam Henderson & Allen Wasserman Higgins Restaurant Cody Hoesly & Kirsten Collins Dr. Kathleen P. Holahan Barbara Holisky & Gary McDonald Mark Horn & Mark Wilkinson Sarah & Alan Horton Jessie Jonas Juan Young Trust Kristen & Michael Kern Jody Klevit Bruce & Cathy Kuehnl Leslie R. Labbe Ann Laskey Kirsten & Christopher Leonard Jim & Eva MacLowry Carter & Jenny MacNichol Susannah Mars & Gary Johnson James Mast Laurie & Gilbert Meigs Deanne & Wilfried Mueller-Crispin Megan Murphy Erik & Raina Opsahl Pacific Power Foundation Kay Parr Duane & Corrine Paulson Joan Peacock, In Loving Memory of Ben Buckley David Pollock Gregory Pulver & Rick Woodford
Artists Repertory Theatre | 27
OUR SUPPORTERS CONTINUED Richard & Wendy Rahm Julia Rea & Jim Diamond Bonnie & Peter Reagan Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation Robert Reed Richard & Mary Rosenberg Joanne & James Ruyle Marilynn & Richard Rytting Dr. & Mrs. William Sack Dianne Sawyer & Pete Petersen Drea Schmidt & Emilee Preble Roy Schreiber & Carole Heath Wayne D. Schweinfest Bert Shaw & Liana Colombo Elizabeth Siegel The Collier Smith Charitable Fund
Harold & Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust, In Honor of Marcia Darm Faye & Lucille Stewart Foundation Marilyn & Gene Stubbs Tonkon Torp LLP Marcia Truman & Allen Tooke Elaine & Ben Whiteley
SUPERSTARS ($500–$999)
Anonymous (2) Kay & Roy Abramowitz Kip Acheson & Elizabeth Carr Adventure Connection Amelia Albright & Aaron Woldrich Kirby & Amelia Allen Bakersfield Cotton Warehouse Cheryl Balkenhol Dennis Bash Leslie & Richard Bertellotti
Lesley Bombardier Michele Bowler-Failing & Bill Failing Dan Brook & Teresa St. Martin Ellen Cantwell Charles & Barbara Carpenter Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation Sherrill Corbett & Scott Pillsbury Marie-Jose & Martyn Corden Patsy Crayton Berner Jim & Vicki Currie Carol Daniels Edward & Karen Demko Cheri Emahiser Leslye Epstein & Herman Taylor Peg & John Espie Kyle & Charles Fuchs Don & Judy Fuller Susan & Dean Gisvold Jason Glick & Kristen Kyllingstad
Lynn Goldstein Melissa & Bob Good Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Penny & Alan Greenwood Dick Hamlet & Corinne McWilliams Richard L. Hay Mike & Judy Holman Lois Hrella John & Judy Hubbard Joan Jones Judith & Gregory Kafoury Beth & Chris Karlin Keeton Corporation Carol Kimball PJ Kleffner Elisa & Steven Klein Leslie Kolisch & Roland Haertl Deborah Kullby Susanne Dziepak Kuhn Linda & Ken Mantel Dr. Robert & Kimberly Matheson
OUR THEATRE CANNOT EXIST ON TICKET PURCHASES ALONE. We depend on you to pick up the mantle of funding art in our community. Ticket sales alone only cover 40% of what it takes to keep this theatre running. Your donations are essential to making great art possible. Questions? Contact Molly Moshofsky at mmoshofsky@artistsrep.org or 503.241.9807 ext. 129. There are many ways to make your gift including monthly donations, gifts of stock, and IRA rollover distributions.
28 | Artists Repertory Theatre
Dan McKenzie Robert & Jessica McVay Dolores & Michael Moore Don & Connie Morgan Katherine Moss Verne & Aki Naito Native Arts and Cultures Foundation Chris & Tom Neilsen Barry & Jane Newman David & Anne Noall Marcy Norman Northwest Film Center Ted Olson, Linda Nelson & Roz Babner, In Loving Memory of Madeline Nelson Alfred & Eileen Ono Patrick Lumber Company Matching Gift Program Ron Pausig Olliemay Phillips Dee Poujade John Ragno Brennan P. Randel & Matthew Corwin Scott & Kay Reichlin Vernon Rifer & Linda Czopak Dámaso Rodríguez & Sara Hennessy The Carol Schnitzer Lewis Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation Peter & Jeanette Scott Ursula Scriven Jinny Shipman & Dick Kaiser Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians Nick & Sandra Snell Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation Wendy Sternberg & Winhard Bohme Greg & Martha Struxness Donald & Roslyn Sutherland Julia Tank & Jim Prihoda Paul Thompson & Portia Sipes Trew Gear Karen Whitaker Carole Whiteside Andrew Wilson & Dr. Ronnie-Gail Emden Pam Whyte & Ron Saylor
INSIDERS ($250–$499)
Anonymous (3) Meg & Chuck Allen Bob Amundson & Sully Taylor Linda Apperson F. Blair Batson Eric Beach Jane Bergin Earle & Kathleen Bevins Ann Brayfield & Joe Emerson Sonia Buist, M.D. Cambia Health Foundation Don Caniparoli & Sarah Rosenberg Cecile Carpenter Chuck Carpenter & Carl Brown Valri & Vince Chiappetta Elaine & Arnold Cogan Deborah Correa Priscilla & Nick Cowell Debbie Cross & Paul Wrigley Robert Daasch & Linda Schaefer Nancy & John Decherd Barbara & George Dechet Wolfgang Dempke & Alise Rubin Linda Dinan Steven Dotterrer Norma Dulin & James Barta Kari Easton Carmen Egido & Abel Weinrib Elizabeth & John Ehrsam Marilyn Kay Epstein George & Donna Evans Jim & Betty Ferner Donna Flanders & Carl Collins, In honor of Cody Hoesly Larry & Marilyn Flick Don & Marlys Girard Roswell & Marilynn Gordon Barbara & Marvin Gordon-Lickey Paul & Theresa Graham Allan Griffin Candace Haines Paul Harmon Dawn Hayami Edward & Leah Hershey
Stephen & Sharon Hillis Kirk Hirschfeld Eric & Keena Hormel Lynnette & Don Houghton Icenogle Family Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of Renaissance Charitable Foundation Joni & Bill Isaacson Janice & Benjamin Isenberg Philanthropic Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation Blake Johnson & Mara Krinke Marianne KeddingtonLang & William Lang Edward & Elaine Kemp Karen Kemper Carol & Jeff Kilmer Lucien & Sally Klein Ted Labbe & Kelly Rogers Barbara LaMack & Jim Kalvelage Bill & Shelley Larkins Literary Arts Roger Leo Peter & Janice Linsky Steve Lovett & Connie Sullivan Dorothy Lyman John Lynch Mary Lyons Ralph Maiano Earlean Marsh Stacey Martinson & Brad Sealey Laurie & Jay Maxwell Ruth Medak Judy & Steven Miller Paul Miller Scott & Jane Miller David & Anne Munro Evelyn & Tom Murphy Robert Nimmo & Linda Jensen Stephanie Oliver Pacific Power Matching Gift Program Sue Pickgrobe & Mike Hoffman Andrew & Peggy Recinos Helen Richardson & Don Hayner Jane Robinson & Michael Sands Rebecca Ross Ms. Cara Rozell Rick & Halle Sadle Natalie Sue Schmitt
Luan Schooler & Timothy Wilson Erika Schuster & Clay Biberdorf Mary Ann Seth-Wish & John Wish John Shipley H. Joe Story Milan & Jean Stoyanov David & Rosemarie Sweet Diane Taylor Sarah & Robert Taylor Teutonic Wine Company Chris Ullom Tony & Gail Vander Heide Paul Vandeventer Sue & Jim Walcutt Robert & Ann Watt Carl Wilson & Evan Boone Carol Ann & Patrick Wohlmut Maureen Wright & Lane Brown Cynthia Yee Janet Young & Robert Hinger Alan & Janet Zell Kurt & Heather Zimmer
FRIENDS ($100-$249)
Anonymous (4) Christine Abernathy Aesop John Ahlen & Don Main Kris Alman & Mike Siegel Thomas Robert Anderson Andina Restaurant Kristin Angell Ruby Apsler ArborBrook Vineyards Elizabeth & Stephen Arch Ernest & Tina Argetsinger Herman Asarnow & Susan Baillet Arlene Aschraft Nancy Ashton Ruth Beiser Bach Susan Bach & Douglas Egan Matt Baines Debbie & John Bakum Ann Balzell & Joe Marrone, In memory of Deforest Arn Piper
Artists Repertory Theatre | 29
OUR SUPPORTERS CONTINUED Linda Barnes & Robert Vanderwerf Laura Barton George Bateman Joan Baucus Mary Beach Anne Becklund Alan & Sherry Bennett William Bennington Pamela Berg Dr. Dana Bjarnason Catherine Blosser Joe Blount Dawn Bonder Betty & Fred Brace Margaret & Donn Bromley Lauretta Burman Marlene Burns & Jon Dickinson
Thomas A. Burns Ida Rae Cahana Douglas Campbell Michael Carter & Teresa Ferrer Jean Carufo & Barbara Engelter Tom & Anne Caruso Chamber Music Northwest Lou & John Chapman Julie Child John & Kathryn Cochran Molly Cochran & Sam Ellingson Bradley Coffey Ilaine Cohen CoHo Productions Rick & Jean Collins
Seasonal Food for all occasions
30 | Artists Repertory Theatre
Leslie & Alan Comnes Anne Conway & Louis Baslaw Harriet Cormack Gerald Corn Linda Crane Joel Datloff & Linda Wiener Elaine & Earl Davis Marvin & Abby Dawson Carolyn DeLany-Reif Tonya DeCroce & Gary Weiss Jewel Derin Deschutes Brewery Elaine & Bill Deutschman Lisa Dodson Jeanne & Lauren Donaldson Ed Doyle & Judy Posey Anne Driscoll K. Eaton The Ellermeiers Laury Ellis & Kathy Fode Jim & Joan English Nevill Eschen David Evans Jeff Feiffer Sherry Fishman Greg & Carol Flakus Katie Flynn Heidi Franklin Patricia Frobes & Richard Smith George Fussell John & Chris Gardner Vanessa & John Gebbie Susan GendeinMarshall & Lee Marshall Andy Ginsburg & Danielle L. Erb Linda Gipe Nick Giustina & Patricia Brewer George Goodstein Gretta Grimala HP Matching Gifts Kathleen Haley & Steven Wax John Hall & Jean Jensen Hall Gail & Irvin Handelman Ulrich Hardt Kimberly Harrison Meredith Hartley & Jeremiah Pyle Thomas Hellie & Julie Olds Joe & Diana Hennessy Sarah Hershey Charles & Margaret Hickman
Ron & Barbara Higbee John Hirsch Hot Diggity Pet Sitting Beth Hutchins Kristine & Steve Hudson Carol & T.A. Hull Irving Street Kitchen Constance Jackson & Xavier Le HÊricy Chris Jacomino Jeri Janowsky & John Crabbe Katharine Jansen Kay & Steve Jennings Colleen & Jeff Johnson Phyllis Johnson Erika & Tom Kane Catherine & Tim Keith Nancy G. Kennaway Karen Kervin Heather Kientz Shawn Kilburn Doris & Eric Kimmel Larry King & Daniel Hutchison Frederick Kirchhoff Anneliese Knapp Tom & Judy Kovaric Elyse & Ron Laster Kelly & Brenda Lawrence Mary Lou & Ross Laybourn Mark J. Lee Wallace & Janet Lien Nathan B. Leverenz Eli Levine Richard Lewis & Meg Larson Scott Lewis Keely Lyons Literary Arts Little Red’s Bakeshop Ralph London Leslie Louderback Jane Luddecke & Robert Anderson Dr. Christine Mackert Sheila Mahan Michelle Maida & James Hager Jim & Midge Main Michael & Deborah Marble Sara Marchus John & Renee Manson Ellen Margolis Ms. Nancy Matthews Lynn Mayer Debra Mazer Robert McAdams Carla McKelvey Meg McGill & Mark Ramsby
Anne & Kathy McLaughlin Kathy McLaughlin Andy C. McNiece & Nancy L. Haigwood Katie McRae Mariellen Meisel Michael Mendelson & Tim Thompson William Meyer JJ Miner Susan & Greg Miner Monique’s Boutique Michael Morgan & Nancy Babka Nancy Moss Diane Morris Patrick Mulcahey Molly Jo Mullen, Alternative Dispute Resolution Multnomah Whiskey Library New Deal Distillery NIKE Matching Gifts Terry O’Brien Kevin O’Donnell Oregon Ballet Theatre Oregon Symphony Nancy Park Kathy Parker Beth Parmenter & Alan Miller
Katherine Patricelli & Dennis Reichelt Michael Parsons & Katelyn Randall Gordon & Sondra Pearlman Carla Pentecost Robert Pescovitz Pierre & Linda Pham Kevin Phaup Donna Philbrick Janet Plummer & Donald Rushmer Roger Porter Terrance & Barbara Porter Portland Baroque Orchestra Portland Opera Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club Jay & Barbara Ramaker Harry & Susan Rectenwald Dick & Linda Reedy Ed Reeves & Bill Fish Betty & Jacob Reiss, In Memory of Andy Glass Charles & Judith Rooks Kathryn Ross Ms. Cara Rozell David Saft & Laura Lehrhoff
Jane Sage Pancho Savery William & Meredith Savery Magda Schay Jean Scott & Myrth Ogilvie Joyce Semradek Gil Sharp & Anne Saxby Mary & KC Shaw Laurel & Dan Simmons Karen & E. Smith Neil Soiffer & Carolyn Smith Olivia Solomon Karen & Charles Springer Barbara & Bill Stalions Stash Tea Company Pat & Larry Strausbaugh Scott Stephens & Leslie Houston Julia Surtshin & Richard Sessions Gary Taliaferro Roberta Taussig Leslie Taylor & Doug Beers Tektronix Matching Gift Program Robert Thinnes Marilee Thompson
Tracy Thornton Roberta & Ward Upson Cyrus Vafi Kaye Van Valkenburg Phil VanderWeele & Joan Snyder David & Julie Verburg Alec Vesely Janet Vining & Eric Vega Pamela Vohnson & David Streight Marilyn Walkey & Mike McClain Judi & J. Wandres Janet F. Warrington Maureen K. Wearn & Frederick Wearn, MD M. Howard Weinstein Mike & Linda Wells Ann Werner, In Honor of Rosalie Tank Victoria Wetle Larry & Erleen Whitney Anthony Wilcox Pat & Frank Wilson Richard Winkel Lawrence W. Woelfer Sabina Wohlfeiler Ed Woodruff Susan Woods Kathleen Worley Deb Zita & Maryka Biaggio
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Artists Repertory Theatre’s mission is to produce intimate, provocative theatre and provide a home for artists and audiences of varied backgrounds to take creative risks. Artists Rep is Portland’s premiere mid-size regional theatre company and is led by Artistic Director/Interim Managing Director Dámaso Rodríguez. Founded in 1982, Artists Rep is the longest-running professional theatre company in Portland. Artists Rep became the 72nd member of the League of Resident Theatres (LORT) in 2016 and is an Associate Member of the National New Play Network (NNPN).
Artists Repertory Theatre | 31
Dominique Morisseau
directed by
William (Bill) Earl Ray
STARTS SEP 2 It’s 2008, and one of the last auto plants in Detroit is dying on the vine. The factory workers that remain are living paycheck-to-paycheck but amidst the backbreaking work and brutally long shifts, they have somehow shaped themselves into a makeshift family. Faye, a factory lifer, is the glue that holds everything together. But with less than six months before she can retire with a full pension, Faye learns that management has a plan that could threaten her whole existence, leaving her torn between loyalty to her coworkers or her own survival. Heartbreakingly tense with moments of ethereal beauty, Skeleton Crew reveals the struggle to stay relevant in a society that constantly changes.