Stern Pissarro: The Gallery Collection | Post-War & Contemporary

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THE GALLERY COLLECTION Post-War & Contemporary

Stern Pissarro Gallery

front cover (detail)

A L E X A N D E R C A L D E R (1898 – 1976)

Composition Gouache on paper 57 × 77 cm (221 ⁄ 2 × 301 ⁄ 4 inches) Signed, dated and dedicated lower left, à Marie Paule et Jean Leymarie Calder 69 illustrated on page 9

back cover (detail)

J I M D I N E (B. 1935)

A Smaller Fortress Oil on board 91.5 × 122.2 cm (36 × 481 ⁄ 8 inches) Titled, signed and dated on the reverse A Smaller Fortress, Jim Dine 1981 illustrated on page 29

T H E G A L L E RY C O L L ECT I O N Post-War & Contemporary

Stern Pissarro Gallery 6 6 S T. J A M ES ’ S S T R E E T, LO N D O N S W 1 A 1 N E , U K TEL: +44 (0)20 7629 6662  EMAIL: STERN@PISSARRO.COM

L U C I O F O N TA N A (1899 – 1968)

Concetto Spaziale Gouache on paper 14.8 × 22.4 cm (57 ⁄ 8 × 87 ⁄ 8 inches) Signed lower right, Fon Executed in 1957 Provenance Galerie Ad Libitum, Antwerp Collection of William Bollansée Private collection, Belgium

Literature Luca Massimo Barbero, Lucio Fontana: Catalogo Ragionato delle Opere su Carta, vol. III, Skira, 2013, ref. 57 DSP 67, p. 798 (illustrated)

This work is accompanied by a photo certificate of authenticity from the Archivo Fotografico of the Fondazione Lucio Fontana dated 21st July 1970 under the archive number 532/2.


L U C I O F O N TA N A (1899 – 1968)

Concetto Spaziale, l Quanta Waterpaint on canvas 40 × 30 cm (151 ⁄ 8 × 113 ⁄ 4 inches) Signed, L. Fontana and illustrated with 3 sketches on the reverse Executed circa 1960 Provenance Private collection, Viareggio Galleria Angolare, Milan Private collection, Switzerland Private collection, United Kingdom, thence by descent

Enrico Crispolti, Lucio Fontana, Catalogo Ragionato di Sculture, Dipinti, Ambientazioni, vol. I, Milan, 2006, no.59 Q 14a, p. 516 (illustrated)

Exhibitions Milan, Galleria Angolare, Accrochage, 29th October – 14th November 1975 (illustrated)

Literature Enrico Crispolti, Fontana, Catalogo Generale, vol. II, Milan, 1986, no. 59 Q 14a, p.343 (illustrated)

This work is registered under the archive no. 59 Q 14a at the Fondazione Lucio Fontana.


A L E X A N D E R C A L D E R (1898 – 1976)

Composition Gouache on paper 75 × 109.5 cm (291 ⁄ 2 × 431 ⁄ 8 inches) Signed, dated and dedicated lower left, à Ray & Jeanne Sutter, Sandy Calder 70 Provenance Raymond & Jeanne Sutter Collection (neighbours of Calder in Saché), gifted from the artist, 1970 Private collection, Paris Galerie Carole Brimaud, Paris Private collection, acquired from the above in 1992 This work is registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, number A28063.


A L E X A N D E R C A L D E R (1898 – 1976)

Spirale Gouache and ink on paper 75 × 110 cm (291 ⁄ 2 × 431 ⁄ 4 inches) Signed and dated lower right, Calder 1969 Dedicated lower middle and lower right à Anne – Marie with an illustration of a hammer Provenance Collection Anne-Marie Marteau, Tours, France, gifted from the artist Thence by descent, private collection This work is registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, under the application number A27972.


A L E X A N D E R C A L D E R (1898 – 1976)

Calder in his studio in July 1972 painting the gouache on the following page 8.


McGovern Gouache on paper 76 × 56 cm (297 ⁄ 8 × 22 inches) Signed and dated upper right, AC 72 Provenance Collection of George J. Goodstadt, acquired from the artist This work has been registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, under application number A26042.


A L E X A N D E R C A L D E R (1898 – 1976)

McGovern Gouache on paper 76 × 56 cm (297 ⁄ 8 × 22 inches) Signed and dated lower right, Calder 11-7-72 Provenance Collection of George J. Goodstadt, acquired from the artist This work has been registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, under application number A17775.


A L E X A N D E R C A L D E R (1898 – 1976)

Composition Gouache on paper 57 × 77 cm (221 ⁄ 2 × 301 ⁄ 4 inches) Signed, dated and dedicated lower left, à Marie Paule et Jean Leymarie Calder 69 Provenance Collection Marie-Paule and Jean Leymarie, France, gifted from the artist, 1969 Thence by descent, private collection This work is registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, under application number A28172.


PA U L J E N K I N S (1923 – 2012)

Phenomena like Byron Oil on canvas 74 × 60 cm (291 ⁄ 8 × 235 ⁄ 8 inches) Signed lower left, Paul Jenkins, titled, signed and dated Paul Jenkins 1990 Saint Paul on the reverse and on the stretcher Provenance Waterhouse & Dodd Fine Art, London/New York Private collection, Europe, acquired from the above in 2012 Private collection, Austria


PA U L J E N K I N S (1923 – 2012)

Phenomena Greet by Day Acrylic on canvas 146 × 114.3 cm (571 ⁄ 2 × 45 inches) Signed lower right, Paul Jenkins Executed in 1994-1996 Provenance Private collection, New York, acquired directly from the artist


PA U L J E N K I N S (1923 – 2012)

Phenomena Winter Harth Oil and sand on canvas 66 × 122 cm (26 × 48 inches) Signed, titled and dated on the reverse, Paul Jenkins “Phenomena Winter Harth” 1978 Provenance Private collection, California


N O R M A N B L U H M (1921 – 1999)

Jocasta Acrylic on cardboard laid down on wood 59 × 89 cm (231 ⁄ 4 × 35 inches) Signed and dated lower right, bluhm 73 Provenance Martha Jackson Gallery, New York, archive no. 15408 Galleria d’Arte Rinaldo Rotta, Genoa Private collection, Europe

Exhibited Milan, Norman Bluhm, Galleria Il Cerchio and Galleria Rinaldo Rotta, 1974 Venice, Norman Bluhm, Circolo Artistico Palazzo delle Prigioni Vecchie, 19th July – 22nd August 1974 Mrs Carolyn Bluhm (widow of Norman Bluhm) from the Estate of the Artist has confirmed the authenticity of this work. This work is accompanied by a photo-certificate from Galleria d’Arte Rinaldo Rotta, Genoa.


J E A N - PA U L R I O P E L L E (1923 – 2002)

Abstract Composition N Acrylic on paper laid down on canvas 89.7 × 49.5 cm (351⁄4 × 191⁄2 inches) Signed with initial lower right, R and titled, AC (Abstract Composition) N Executed in 1972 Provenance Christie's, London, 1st July 1999 Galerie Roche, Bremen, Germany Kaspar Gallery, Toronto, Canada Private collection, Italy


J E A N - PA U L R I O P E L L E (1923 – 2002)

Carros Oil on canvas 89.5 × 116 cm (351 ⁄ 4 × 455 ⁄ 8 inches) Signed and dated lower right, Riopelle 66 Signed and dated, Riopelle 66 and titled, Carros on the reverse Provenance Galerie Maeght, Paris Galerie Samuel Lallouz, Québec Private collection, USA, acquired from the above in 1987 Christie’s Paris, 5th June 2013 Private collection, Paris, acquired from the above sale

Literature P. Schneider, Riopelle signes mêlés, Paris, 1972, p. 142 & 174, no. 134 (illustrated) Vie des Arts, vol. XXXI, no. 126, Montréal, 1987, p. 75 (illustrated) Y. Riopelle and T. Riopelle, Catalogue raisonné de Jean-Paul Riopelle, vol IV, 1961-1971, Montréal, 2014, p. 98, no. 1966.031H.1966 (illustrated) This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity issued by Yseult Riopelle.


R O B E R T M OT H E R W E L L (1915 – 1991)

Gauloises on Grey Acrylic with collage on board 59.7 × 24.8 cm (231 ⁄ 2 × 93 ⁄ 4 inches) Signed lower right, RM Executed in 1972 Provenance Harriet Walker Fitts, acquired from the artist circa 1972 Jack Flam, Katy Rogers and Tim Clifford, (eds.), Robert Motherwell Paintings and Collages: A Catalogue Raisonné, 1941-1991, Collages and Paintings on Paper and Paperboard, vol. 3, New Haven 2012, p. 165, no. C318, illustrated

Exhibitions Provincetown, Massachusetts, Provincetown Art Association, Drawings and Photography, Summer 1973 This work is registered under the artist’s studio no. PH 32-11.


J E A N - M I C H E L B A S Q U I AT (1960 – 1988)

Boar, Milk, Oil Wax Crayon on paper
 45.4 × 30.2 cm (177 ⁄ 8 × 117 ⁄ 8 inches) Inscribed, BOAR BOAR BOAR BOAR MILK OIL Executed in 1981 Provenance Galerie Lucien Durand, Paris Private collection, Paris Private collection, New York Private collection, Hong Kong

Literature B. Blistène, R. F. Thompson, R. D. Marshall, E. Ochoa, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Works on Paper, édition Galerie Enrico Navarra, 1999, p. 108 (illustrated)

Exhibitions Buenos Aires, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Jean Michel Basquiat, Obras Sobre Papel, 1997, pp. 42-43 (illustrated) Recife, Museu de Arte Moderna, Jean Michel Basquiat, Obras Sobre Papeis, 1998, pp. 42-43 (illustrated) Sao Paulo, Pinacoteca, Jean Michel Basquiat, Obras Sobre Papeis, 1998, pp. 42-43 (illustrated)


TO S H I M I T S U I M A I (1928 – 2002)

Vagues “Wave” Acrylic on paper 127 × 95 cm (50 × 373 ⁄ 8 inches) Signed lower right, IMAI Inscribed on the reverse in Japanese and English, VAGUES “WAVE”, 1992-1997 Signed and dated on the reverse, TOSHIMITSU IMAI août (August) 1992 Provenance Dr Jean-Paul Coussy (Director of the MAGCP Museum, France), acquired directly form the Artist, March 15th 1998 Dr Giorgio Tosetti, Italy, acquired from the above


Exhibited Paris, Galerie Chozo Yoshii, Hommage à André Malraux - Les voix du Silence, September - November 1997

Literature G. C. Calza, Imaï, Electa, Milan, 1998 (Onde/Waves series)

J E A N D U B U F F E T (1901 – 1985)

Texte Terreux Oil on paper laid down on canvas (assemblage) 49 × 57 cm (191 ⁄ 4 × 221 ⁄ 2 inches) Signed and dated upper left, J. Dubuffet 59 Signed, J. Dubuffet titled, Texte Terreux and dated on the reverse, mai 59

New York, Arnold Herstand & Compagny, Dubuffet, earth and terrain: Assemblages, texturologies and materiologies: paintings and works on paper from 1955-1962, May - July 1989; catalogue, no. 4, n.p. (illustrated)

Literature Provenance Galerie Daniel Cordier, Paris Private collection, Paris, acquired from the above in 1960

Max Loreau, Catalogue des travaux de Jean Dubuffet, Fascicule XIV: Célébration du sol II, texturologies, topographies, Lausanne, 1969, no. 183, p. 113 (illustrated)

Exhibited Paris, Galerie de France; Paris, Galerie Baudouin Lebon, Dubuffet: sols et terrains, 1956-1960, January - March 1988; catalogue, p. 67 (illustrated)


TO S H I M I T S U I M A I (1928 – 2002)

Soleil Fendu Oil on canvas 73 × 60 cm (283⁄4 × 235⁄8 inches) Signed upper left, IMAÏ; signed, titled and dated on the reverse Provenance Private collection, Japan


TO S H I M I T S U I M A I (1928 – 2002)

Red Composition Oil on canvas 80 × 55.2 cm (311 ⁄ 2 × 213 ⁄ 4 inches) Signed Toshimitsu Imai, dated 1963 Paris Inscribed in Japanese on the reverse Provenance Private collection, USA


C H R I S TO (b. 1935)

Over the River (Project for Arkansas River State of Colorado) Wax crayon, graphite and charcoal on board 35 × 38.5 cm (133 ⁄ 4 × 151 ⁄ 8 inches) Signed and dated, Christo 1999, titled and inscribed with technical notes upper middle; signed, dated and inscribed on the reverse Provenance Baldwin Gallery, Aspen, 2000 Collection of Melva Bucksbaum, New York, acquired from the above, 2000

Exhibition Aspen, Baldwin Gallery, Over The River: Project for the Arkansas River, Colorado, March-April 2000 This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by Christo.


C H R I S TO (b. 1935)

Surrounded Islands (Project for Biscayne Bay, Greater Miami, Florida) Enamel paint, wax crayon and graphite with fabric and printed paper collage on board, in two parts 56.6 × 71.1 cm (22 × 28 inches); 28 × 71.1 cm (11 × 28 inches) Signed and dated, Christo 1983, titled upper middle and inscribed with technical data throughout; inscribed on the reverse Provenance Private collection, Chicago, acquired directly from the artist, 1983 Gulf Coast Community Foundation, Florida, USA, donated by the above, 2017 This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by Christo.


C H R I S TO (b. 1935)

Over the River (Project for Arkansas River, State of Colorado) Acrylic, pastel, wax crayon, graphite and charcoal with fabric and printed topographical map collage on board, in two parts 77.5 × 66.7 cm (301 ⁄ 2 × 261 ⁄ 4 inches); 77.5 × 30.5 cm (301 ⁄ 2 × 12 inches) Signed and dated lower left, Christo 1997, titled upper left and inscribed with technical notes throughout; signed, dated and inscribed on the reverse Provenance Guy Pieters Gallery, Knokke Private collection, United Kingdom, acquired from the above This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by Christo.


C H R I S TO (b. 1935)

Valley Curtain (Project for Colorado) Collage with coloured pencil, graphite, graph paper, photograph by Shunk-Kender and stapled fabric on board 71.1 × 56.6 cm (28 × 221 ⁄ 4 inches) Signed and dated lower right, Christo 1971 and inscribed with technical notes Provenance Studio di Arti Visive Oggetto, Italy Private collection, Switzerland, acquired from the above This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by Christo.


C H R I S TO (b. 1935)

Wrapped Reichstag (Project for Berlin) Acrylic, wax crayon, coloured pencil and graphite with taped photograph by Wolfgang Volz and printed map collage on board 36.3 × 56.6 cm (141 ⁄ 4 × 221 ⁄ 4 inches) Signed and dated lower right, Christo 1994, titled lower middle and inscribed with technical data on the upper margin; signed and dated on the reverse Provenance Collection of Mary Lippens This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by Christo.


G E R H A R D R I C H T E R (b. 1932)

Blech (Sheet Metal) Oil on canvas 20 × 27 cm (77 ⁄ 8 × 105 ⁄ 8 inches) Signed and dated on the reverse, Richter, 1988 and numbered, 681-23 Provenance Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn, Germany, 1988 (this series was included in the annual bonus) Private collection, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Literature Kunst-und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany), Gerhard Richter: Werkübersicht/Catalogue Raisonné 1962-1993, vol. III, Ostfildern-Ruit, 1993, p. 85, no. 681-23 (illustrated) Butin, H, Gerhard Richter: Editions 1965-1993, Catalogue Raisonné, Kunsthalle Bremen, 1993, no. 55, p. 142-143 (illustrated) Butin, H., Gronert, S., Dallas Museum of Art, Gerhard Richter: Editions

1965-2004, Catalogue Raisonné, Hatje Cantz, 2004, no. 65, p. 210 (illustrated) Butin, H., Gronert, S., Olbricht, T., Gerhard Richter: Editions 1965-2013, Catalogue Raisonné, Ostfildern/Cologne, 2014, no. 65, p. 234 (illustrated) Elger, D., Gerhard Richter: Catalogue Raisonné, nos. 6521 – 805-6, vol. 4, 1988-1994, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden & Gerhard Richter Archive, Hatje Cantz, 2015, no. 681/1-30, p. 190 (illustrated) Butin, H., Olbricht, T. (ed.), Gerhard Richter: Unikate in Serie/ Unique Pieces in Series, Snoeck, Cologne, 2017, pp.156-157, pp. 158-159 (illustrated) Gerhard Richter: Die Editionen, Folkwang Museum, Essen, Germany, 7th April – 30th July 2017, pp. 21, 35, 58


L É L I A P I S S A R R O (b. 1963)

Gold Fingers #Drake Acrylic and gold powder on canvas 130.5 × 190.5 cm (513 ⁄ 8 × 75 inches) Executed in 2018 Provenance Studio of the Artist, London This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by the artist.


J I M D I N E (b. 1935)

A Smaller Fortress Oil on board 91.5 × 122.2 cm (36 × 481 ⁄ 8 inches) Titled, signed and dated on the reverse A Smaller Fortress, Jim Dine 1981 Provenance Private collection, Japan The Market Auction, Tokyo, 25th October 2007 Private collection, Hong Kong The Studio of the Artist has confirmed this work is listed in the Artist's inventory records.




(b. 1933)

Teardrop Acrylic on canvas 38 × 45.5 cm (15 × 177 ⁄ 8 inches) Titled, (Namida/Teardrop), dated, 1989 and signed, Yayoi Kusama on the reverse Provenance Private collection, Japan Private collection, Japan, acquired from the above Private collection, Japan Private collection, Asia This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from the Kusama Enterprise under the registration no. 1876.


YAYO I K U S A M A (b. 1929)

Rain on Red Poppies Enamel and ink on paperboard 27.3 × 24.1 cm (103 ⁄ 4 × 91 ⁄ 4 inches) Signed and dated upper left, Yayoi Kusama 1978; signed again, titled in Japanese and dated on the reverse Provenance Robert Miller Gallery, New York Victoria Miro, London Private collection, UK, acquired from the above This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from the Kusama Enterprise under the registration no. 3353.


YAYO I K U S A M A (b. 1929)

Late Autumn Skies Enamel and ink on paperboard 27.3 × 24.1 cm (103 ⁄ 4 × 91 ⁄ 4 inches) Signed and dated upper left, Yayoi Kusama 1978; signed again, titled in Japanese and dated on the reverse Provenance Robert Miller Gallery, New York Victoria Miro, London Private collection, London, acquired from the above This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from the Kusama Enterprise under the registration no. 3352.


A N D R É L A N S KOY (1902 – 1976)

Composition Oil on canvas 81 × 54 cm (317 ⁄ 8 × 211 ⁄ 4 inches) Signed lower right, LANSKOY Provenance Private collection, Germany This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from the Comité Lanskoy confirming its inclusion in the forthcoming Catalogue Raisonné de l’Oeuvre d’André Lanskoy.


K A R E L A P P E L (1921 – 2006)

Personnage dans la Tempête Oil on canvas 115.9 × 88.9 cm (455 ⁄ 8 × 35 inches) Signed and dated lower centre right, k. appel ‘54



New York, Martha Jackson Gallery, Karel Appel: First American Exhibition, 6th – 31st December 1954, no. 6 (illustrated)

Martha Jackson Gallery, New York Private collection, New York Private collection, USA, thence by decent

This work is registered in the archive of the Karel Appel Foundation.


OT TO P I E N E (1928 – 2014)

MyMy Fire gouache on card 67.5 × 47.8 cm (265 ⁄ 8 × 187 ⁄ 8 inches) Titled lower left, MyMy; signed and dated lower middle, O Pienne 75 Provenance Galerie Löhrl, Mönchengladbach Private collection, Germany, acquired from the above


OT TO P I E N E (1928 – 2014)

Wo Alu und Honig Fließen Fire gouache with aluminium on cardboard 99 × 64 cm (39 × 251 ⁄ 4 inches) Signed and dated lower right, O Piene 72 and titled lower left Provenance Private collection, Austria


G É R A R D S C H N E I D E R (1896 – 1986)

Abstract Composition Acrylic on paper applied on canvas 75.5 x 53.6 cm (293⁄4 × 211⁄8 inches) Signed and dated lower left, Schneider - 70 Provenance Galleria Lorenzelli, Milan Private collection, Austria, acquired from the above in 1989 This work is accompanied by a letter of authenticity signed by Laurence Schneider and Patrick-Gilles Persin which confirms the archive no. GS-P-70-021.


OT TO P I E N E (1928 – 2014)

Sure Do Fire gouache on cardboard 70 × 99.5 cm (271⁄2 × 391⁄8 inches) Signed and dated lower right, O Piene 12 and titled lower left Provenance Corporate collection, Germany


C H U N KW A N G -YO U N G (b. 1944)

Aggregation 13-A025 Mixed media with Korean Mulberry paper on board 47 × 39 cm (181⁄2 × 153⁄8 inches) Signed, dated and titled on the reverse Executed in 2013 Provenance Private collection, England


C H U N KW A N G -YO U N G (b. 1944)

Aggregation 12-MY019 BLUE Mixed media with Korean mulberry paper mounted on board 131 × 163 cm (515⁄8 × 641⁄8 inches) Executed in 2012 Provenance Private collection, Belgium


J E A N - M I C H E L AT L A N (1913 – 1960)

Composition Pastel on paper 54 × 46 cm (211 ⁄ 4 × 181 ⁄ 8 inches) Signed and dated lower left, Atlan 58 Provenance Private collection, New York Artcurial, Paris, 7th December 2005 Private collection, France

Literature Jacques Polieri, Atlan, Catalogue Raisonné de l’oeuvre complet, Milan, 1996, no. 1534, p. 565 (illustrated in colour)


J E A N - M I C H E L AT L A N (1913 – 1960)

Composition Oil on canvas 100 × 65.3 cm (391 ⁄ 2 × 253 ⁄ 4 inches) Signed lower middle-left, Atlan Executed circa 1958

Provenance Galerie Arditti, Paris, 1958 Private collection, France This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity issued by Monsieur Jacques Elbaz.


S E R G E C H A R C H O U N E (1888 – 1975)

Neuvième Symphonie de Beethoven Oil on canvas 41 × 24 cm (16 × 91 ⁄ 2 inches) Signed and dated lower right, Charchoune 1959 Literature Pierre Guénégan, Charchoune: Catalogue Raisonné, 1951-1960, vol. IV, Lanwell & Leeds Ltd. 2011, no. 1959/018, p. 213 (illustrated) This work is accompanied by a certificate from Pierre Guénégan numbered 256/2011 and dated 26th April 2011.


S E R G E C H A R C H O U N E (1888 – 1975)

Composition Inspirée par le Credo de la Messe en C Mineur de Bach Oil on canvas 116 × 73 cm (455 ⁄ 8 × 283 ⁄ 4 inches) Signed and dated lower right, Charchoune 1959 Literature Pierre Guenegan, Charchoune: Catalogue Raisonné Vol.IV, 1951-1960, Lanwell & Leeds Ltd., 2011, no.1958/012, p. 208 (illustrated) This work is accompanied by a certificate from Pierre Guénégan dated 17th September 2010.


D A M I E N H I R S T (b. 1965)

Shark spin Acrylic on card 48.7 × 65.8 cm (191 ⁄ 8 × 257 ⁄ 8 inches) Signed on the reverse, D Hirst, blind stamped and dated, April 25th - 26th 2009 Provenance Private collection, USA Private collection, UK


D A M I E N H I R S T (b. 1965)

Spin Household gloss on paper Diameter: 45.8 cm (18 inches) Signed with the Artist’s Stamp and dated 2001 on the reverse Provenance Private collection, London, employee of the artist, gifted from the artist Private collection, England, acquired from the above


A R M A N (1928 – 2005)

Accumulation Accumulation: shapes of iron and violins on panel 116 × 89.9 cm (455⁄8 × 353⁄8 inches) Signed on the underside of the canvas, arman Executed in 2003 Provenance Private collection, France This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from the Fondation A.R.M.A.N in Geneva.


A R M A N (1928 – 2005)

Colère de Violon Sliced violin and acrylic on canvas 81 × 60.2 cm (317⁄8 × 233⁄4 inches) Signed on the lower edge, arman Executed in 2003 Provenance Bugno Art Gallery, Venice Private collection, Italy Private collection, France, acquired from the above

Exhibited Venice, Centro d'Arte Cultura et Bugno Galerie Arte, Arman: opere recenti, June 2004 This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity issued by the Artist and is recorded in the Arman Studio Archives, New York under no. APA# 8021.03.242. It is also listed in the Archives of Denyse Durand-Ruel who is preparing the forthcoming catalogue raisonné of Arman under no. 8076.


Y V E S D A N A (b. 1959)

Figure Vers le Ciel Bronze 74 × 7 × 5 cm (291 ⁄ 8 × 23 ⁄ 4 × 2 inches) Edition 1/8 Executed in 2017 This work is registered under reference no. 683.1 in the studio of the artist.

Provenance Studio of the Artist, Switzerland


Y V E S D A N A (b. 1959)

Passages (n.485)

Passages (n.481)

Passages (n.483)

Bronze 42 × 6 × 4 cm (​105 ⁄ 8 × 23 ⁄ 8 × 15 ⁄ 8 inches) Signed ​and inscribed ​on the base​, DANA ​14/18 M Executed in 2010

Bronze 47 × 6 × 4 cm (​181 ⁄ 2 × 23 ⁄ 8 × 15 ⁄ 8 inches) Signed ​and inscribed o ​ n the base​, DANA ​15/18 M Executed in 2010

Bronze 35 × 5 × 4 cm​ (​10 5 ⁄ 8 × 4 × 15 ⁄ 8 inches) Signed a ​ nd inscribed o ​ n the base​, DANA ​16/18 M Executed in 2010




Studio of the Artist, Switzerland

Studio of the Artist, Switzerland

Studio of the Artist, Switzerland


M O S H E TA M I R (1924 – 2004)

Der Reiter Mixed media and collage on paper 101 × 72 cm (393 ⁄ 4 × 283 ⁄ 4 inches) Signed upper left, M Tamir Provenance Private collection, Switzerland


L É L I A P I S S A R R O (b. 1963)

Transparency of Mental Content Acrylic, oil and resin on canvas 160 × 120 cm (63 × 471 ⁄ 4 inches) Signed lower right, Lélia Pissarro Executed in 2009 Provenance Studio of the Artist, London

Literature Lélia Pissarro, The Colours of Silence, London 2010, p.56 This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by the artist.


H A N S A R P (1886 -1966)

Seuil Brass 127.7 × 68.2 × 15.3 cm (501 ⁄ 4 × 267 ⁄ 8 × 6 inches) Edition 2 of 2 Executed 2nd December 1959 Provenance Francis Briest Paris, 17 June 1985 Helly Nahmad Gallery Private collection, Switzerland

Literature J. Polieri, Jacques Polieri présente 3 auteurs nouveaux: Jean-Pierre Faye, Fernando Arrabal, Jean Thibaudeau, Paris, 1959 (titled Seuils) I. Jianou, Jean Arp, Paris, 1973, p. 76, no. 199 (smaller marble example illustrated) E. Trier, Jean Arp, Sculpture, His Last Ten Years, New York, 1968, p. 111, no. 199, pl. 30 (smaller marble example illustrated) A. Hartog & K. Fischer, Hans Arp, Sculptures, A Critical Survey, Ostfildern, 2012, p. 325, no. 199a (plaster and marble examples illustrated)

Exhibitions Brussels, Festival international du Théatre d'Avant-garde, 7th July 1960 (presented during the performance) This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from the Fondation Arp, signed by Greta Stroeh Clamart-Meudon and dated 25th April 1995.





8, 49








42, 43

4, 5, 7, 8, 9 44, 45 22, 23, 24, 25, 26


50, 51






18, 20, 21


10, 11, 12


31, 32, 33










46, 47

40, 41

36, 37, 39 28, 53

14, 15

Stern Pissarro Gallery


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