2 minute read
What gets you up in the morning?
Depends how i’m feeling, it’s usually coffee, and the excitement of the fact I’m living a life I love and am excited to get on with my day of creating!

Here You Will Find Me 152 x 202 Acrylic on Canvas $5200 BUY!
Who’s your favourite living artist?
It's impossible to choose one, I have so many. I love Grayson Perry, and performance artist Marina Abramović and right now I'm obsessing over the dutch painter Peggy Kuiper.

Sun Basker 65 x 81 Acrylic on Canvas $850
Whats your star sign?
I am a cancer sun, Leo rising and Capricorn moon. This is a combination I love, my cancer sun means I’m soft and sensitive, I wear my emotions on my sleeve, I feel it deeply then I move on (or try to lol). Cancers are naturally very nurturing and hospitable, I love caring for people and cooking for my loved ones.

Still Life II 65 x 81 Acrylic on Canvas $850
My Leo rising is my very extroverted side, where my loud bubbly and fiery side can be found. My Capricorn moon is my work ethic, I am very driven and hard working and love to get shit done! Sometimes it’s great and sometimes I need to know when to stop and let myself rest, I have very high expectations for myself.

Still Life, 65 x 81 Acrylic on Canvas $850

A Trip to Rome 65 x 81 Acrylic on Canvas $850
What really makes you happy?
FOOOOD, most of all sitting down to eat with my nearest and dearest humans, cooking is another creative outlet and expression for me and I can never be bored of eating.

Reach Me 200 x 150 Acrylic on Canvas $5200
What’s the strangest job you’ve ever had?
It was back home in the UK when I was 15, I used to be driven out into a field and left in a trailer to scoop ice cream for people walking their dogs.
I would sit there for 8 hours until someone came to collect me, i used to feed cones to the donkey and horses who would be walking past, at the time it felt totally normal, but now it feels hilarious.

Finding You Here 185 x 173 Acrylic on Canvas $4900