artweek casablanca (EN)

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Foire Internationale d Art Contemporain d Afrique et du Méditerranéen.2011


MAROC 2011 02

Contemporary Art Fair of the African Continent and the Mediterranean ARTWEEK FORUM. FORUM. Forum for the Promotion and Development of the Cultural Industries in Africa and the Mediterranean

INDEX HIGH ROYAL PATRONAGE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...…………….…..……..….…..……….. 4 - 5 CASABLANCA ARTWEEK 2011 PRESENTATION ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...….……………..……………..……. 6 - 8 Contemporary Art Fair of the African Continent and the Mediterranean

LANDRY WILFRID MIAMPIKA’S PRESENTATION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....………….…..……..……. 9 - 10 Professor of Modern Philology at the Universidad de Alcalá. Curator and art critic

OBJETIVES CASABLANCA ARTWEEK 2011 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………… 11 - 13 ARTWEEK FORUM PRESENTATION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……..………… 14 - 16 Forum for the Promotion and Development of the Cultural Industries in Africa and the Mediterranean

GRAPHIC SCHEME OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……… 16 - 17 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND ADVISER COMMITTEE …………………………..………………………………………………………………………………..……….……...………… 18 - 20 TECHNICAL DATA CASABLANCA ARTWEEK – ARTWEEK FORUM …….……………………………………………………………………………………….……..………...……… 21 - 23 GENERAL PARTICIPATION CONDITIONS ………………..……………………..………………………………………………………………………….……………...…………..…… 24 - 30 APPLICATION FORM ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....…….………………………………….…. 31 - 33




CASABLANCA ARTWEEK 2011 PRESENTATION Contemporary Art Fair of the African Continent and the Mediterranean

CONTEMPORARY ART FAIR OF THE AFRICAN CONTINENT AND THE MEDITERRANEAN Fundación Temas de Arte was created in 1998 in order to promote and spread contemporary art and culture in all their forms. It has always put a stress in quality and innovation, encouraging the creation of solid and continuous structures that can bring art and culture closer to the largest number of people in society. From 1998, Fundación Temas de Arte has conceived, organized and sponsored diverse projects, activities, meetings, fairs and exhibitions. The sum of all the results it has achieved so far has turned it into a prominent point of reference in the field of independent cultural management. Its team is formed by distinguished professionals in possession of a vast and acknowledged experience and always in connection with the art sphere. Fundación Temas de Arte is aware, within its program and objectives, of the importance and interest that arises from the relevant process of professionalization, development and spreading of contemporary art in the African Continent and the Mediterranean. Morocco’s geographical location, its proximity to Europe, its vast tradition of contemporary artists and plastic creators, as well as the formation of a professional system in the country by means of art galleries, museums, collections and publications, have turned it into a strategic spot in which professionals of the art scene, critics, collectors and art gallery owners from different countries can find their place. It has established an artistic dialogue between the East and the West, held by a country that is now at its peak in terms of spreading and creation of contemporary art. Fundación Temas de Arte, therefore, being aware of Morocco’s importance in the international art scene, intends to open a new chapter in the already vast path of our neighbour country by means of CASABLANCA ARTWEEK Contemporary Art Fair of the African Continent and the Mediterranean. Encouraging the art market means encouraging all the industry that is necessary to bring its product closer and closer to most of the citizens; it means opening new fields to creation and knowledge, and it means broadening the intellectual debates that make us reflect and shape our own criteria. It is nowadays out of the question that the most advanced, professionalized and influencing galleries are present in those countries that have been able to structure the platforms necessary for popularization, knowledge and acquisition of Contemporary Art. The Art Fairs in Basel, Munich, Paris, Miami, New York, London, Dubai or Madrid have marked a milestone, not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively, in each and every aspect referred to the Contemporary Art sphere.

All these Art Fairs are important for their host cities and countries, and after each edition they always bring a positive outcome, and also become a launch pad towards other countries. For instance, do you think Madrid would have the same position and consideration within the Art scene without ARCO? Obviously, it would not. This process has taken several years, but it is undisputable that the seed for all this was the creation of the first contemporary art fair in Spain in the 80s. This project came to a positive conclusion thanks to the support of Madrid and Spain’s gallery owners, artists, institutions and the media. The waiting list of galleries worldwide willing to take part in these fairs is long and constant. Have you thought why? It is studied and proved that, along the 5 days the Fair lasts, more visitors attend the art gallery’s stand than along several months of normal programming of the gallery in its own space. The amount of international professional contacts is multiplied, as well as the professional interchanges between galleries, exhibition commissioners, museum directors, and people responsible for public and private collections. Just from the communication and spreading point of view, for a little more than the price of advertising a colour page in the most valuable magazine, in an art fair it is possible for you to multiply the profitability of that advertising inversion by 100. Obviously, from the commercial point of view, the real sales possibilities multiply by 100 if the contact with the customer is direct. The organization of an International Art Fair must co-ordinate the following aspects for the benefit of the gallery, institution or museum that takes part in it and, definitely, for the benefit of artists and collectors and because of that CASABLANCA ARTWEEK guarantees: Promotion and spreading of the Fair among: professionals of the art scene, collectors, commissioners, media, general public. Creation of parallel activities during the Fair: international meetings, conferences, complementary exhibitions added to the exhibition offer. International spreading of the Fair: positioning among the most important contemporary art fairs in the world. Design of a modern fair space in which the work of art plays the leading role. Providing the Fair with all the services the gallery owner may need in order to carry out his responsibilities while it is taking place. Welcome to CASABLANCA ARTWEEK Contemporary Art Fair of the African Continent and the Mediterranean.


LANDRY WILFRID MIAMPIKA’S PRESENTATION Professor of Modern Philology at the Universidad de Alcalá. Curator and art critic

Contemporary Art Fair of the African Continent and the Mediterranean Casablanca 2011. 1st Edition Virtually always reduced to traditional art because of the colonial ethnology, African art is a contemporary reality that is marked by continuity tensions and discontinuity with the latest trends of global contemporary art. Taking into account diverse disciplines (painting, sculpting, photography, video art, installations, performances, etc.), Africa finds itself as one of the most creative and fertile continents these days. The current acknowledgement of its artistic production –in a context of globalization of artistic experiences and of the ‘contemporary’ concept– is due to its emergence linked with the transcontinental vocation of its art, and to the uprooting of creators, who bet on a transgressor thematic and formal hybridism, and also on a subversion of the ways of understanding and making art. Art is an open space for heterogeneous artistic configurations. In this dynamics, contemporary African art is a space made by junctions of alternative, crosscultural and transcontinental proposals. Therefore, Casablanca Artweek is meant to show the diversity of possibilities and expressive trends of the current contemporary African art, as well as its constant dialog with its own tradition, and also its tensions with other artistic traditions. From the voice and daily routine of the very own artists (combining their personal mythology with their collective history), the “event” (space of exchange, discussion and confrontation) is meant to have the boost of contributing to the knowledge of the complex and unknown artistic proposals from Africa, from its limits and delimits, enriched by practices and modes from here and there. Presenting itself before the cultural institutions and the art critic, it is an art that augurs, among its unavoidable challenges, to represent various identities as a Single and Plural continent, which invents its own contemporaneousness, its own strategies to do and play with art inside the ‘contemporary’ concept.

Landry-Wilfrid Miampika Professor of Modern Philology at the Universidad de Alcalá, Curator and art critic



ARTWEEK ARTWEEK CASABLANCA 2011 has been conceived as the first contemporary art fair in the world specialized in the promotion, spreading and sale of works and editions belonging to artists from the African Continent and the Middle East. Morocco’s geographical geographical location, its proximity to Europe, its vast tradition of contemporary artists and plastic creators, as well as the formation of a professional system in the country by means of art galleries, museums, collections and publications, have turned it into a strategic spot in which professionals of the art scene, critics, collectors and art gallery owners from different countries can find their place. It has established an artistic dialogue between the East and the West, held by a country that is now at its peak peak in terms of spreading and creation of contemporary art.

ARTWEEK ARTWEEK CASABLANCA 2011 will encourage meetings and dialogue through the most representative artistic expressions from the East and the West. West. ARTWEEK ARTWEEK CASABLANCA 2011 will pay particular particular attention to the latest visual expressions; besides, being it an INTERNATIONAL FAIR, it will specially emphasize the participation of the GALLERIES and PUBLISHERS that have excelled the most in their field through their activities and international impact. impact. Encouraging the art market means encouraging all the industry that is necessary to bring its product closer and closer to most of the citizens; it means opening new fields to creation and knowledge, and it means broadening the intellectual debates that make us reflect and shape our own criteria. criteria.

It is nowadays out of the question that the most advanced, professionalized and influencing galleries are present in those countries that have been able to structure the platforms necessary for popularization, popularization, knowledge and acquisition of Contemporary Art. The organization of an International Art Fair must coco-ordinate the following The Art Fairs in Basel, Munich, Paris, Miami, New York, London, Dubai or aspects for the benefit of the gallery, institution or museum that takes part Madrid have marked a milestone, not only quantitatively, but also in it and, definitely, definitely, for the benefit of artists and collectors: qualitatively, in each and every aspect referred to the Contemporary Contemporary Art sphere. Promotion and spreading of the Fair among: Professionals of the art scene. Collectors. Commissioners. Media. General public. Creation of parallel activities during the Fair: International meetings. Conferences. Conferences. Complementary exhibitions added to the exhibition offer. International spreading of the Fair: Positioning among the most important contemporary art fairs in the world. Design of a modern fair space in which the work of art plays the leading role. Providing Providing the Fair with all the services the gallery owner may need in First International Contemporary Art Fair specialized on the African order to carry out his responsibilities while it is taking place. Continent and Middle East Morocco: artistic connection between East and West Meeting and dialogue of the artistic expressions from East and West Participation of the latest visual expressions, galleries and editors with international impact. impact


ARTWEEK FORUM PRESENTATION Forum for the Promotion and Development of the Cultural Industries in Africa and the Mediterranean


As part of CASABLANCA ARTWEEK 2011, the First Forum for the promotion and development of the Culture Industries in Africa and the Mediterranean will take place, organised by the Temas de Arte Foundation and CASABLANCA ARTWEEK, in collaboration with the Moroccan Ministry of Culture, Casablanca City Council, the Spanish Embassy in Morocco, the Cervantes Institute in Casablanca, as well as other public and private institutions. th


The Forum will take place on the 17 and 18 November 2011 and its main aim will consist in disseminating and promoting the development of work carried out by professionals, companies and cultural agents connected with the cultural and artistic field in the African continent and the Mediterranean strip. With this Forum, the intention is to create open talks on creativity through the intervention of distinguished professionals who will address diverse issues about the creation and production of Culture Industries in Africa and the Mediterranean, as well as the conservation and protection of historical and cultural heritage and the reaching out to new cultural management means using digital platforms as new challenges for contemporary creation. In addition, among the various issues to be addressed, special emphasis will be given to incentivising the development of the Spanish culture industries abroad as a sustainable means and enhancer of economic wealth and a cultural bridge which will lay the foundations for a policy on business cooperation connected with Spanish culture industries in an international field. The programme will be established based on the following lines: Introduction to the Management Culture Industries: analysis of creation and positioning, professional profiles, analysis of cultural sectors, management of cultural diversity, sustainability and development of Culture Industries. Strategies for cooperation and internationalisation. Legal, political and economic framework: Legal, political and economic foundations of the Culture Industries; evolution and models, administrative and institutional frameworks, legal aspects of culture companies, intellectual property, analysis of the creation of culture companies and industries, financing lines, economic incidence and channelling of culture as an enhancer of economic development. New Cultural Management means: Technology and innovation, internet, virtual platforms, cultural networks and portals, electronic publications, creativity and communication of technological initiatives. Historical and cultural heritage of Africa and the Mediterranean: Concept and different manifestations, popular culture and its manifestations. Local heritage (Casablanca). Intervention and dissemination: concepts of heritage protection, conservation and restoration, cultural tourism. Legislation and management. The challenge of the culture industries as a new business model. Brief look back over the issues addressed at the Forum and Conclusions.


PROGRAMME OUTLINE Thursday 17th November 11.00 – 12.30: Participant registration and reception of documentation 12.30 – 13.30: Official Opening of the First Forum for the Promotion and Development of Culture Industries in Africa and the Mediterranean. Intervention from the authorities. 13.30 – 15.00: Lunch. 15.30 – 16.30: Opening presentation and issues to be addressed in the Forum. Speaker presentations. 16.30 – 17.00: Break. 17.00 – 18.30: Session I. Introduction to the Management of Culture Industries: 18.30 – 20.00: Session II. Legal, political and economic framework of the Culture Industries. 20.00 – Close.

Friday 18th November 10.00 – 11.30: Session III. New Cultural Management means: 11.30 – 12.00: Break. 12.00 – 13.30: Session IV. Historical and cultural heritage of Africa and the Mediterranean. 13.30 – 15.00: Session V. The challenge of the culture industries as a new business model. Brief look back over the issues addressed at the Forum and Conclusions. 15.00: Closing address of the First Forum for the Promotion and Development of Culture Industries in Africa and the Mediterranean.









Victor del Campo General Director of ARTWEEK Casablanca President of Fundación Temas de Arte, Spain. Director of International Contemporary Art Fairs, Exhibition Curator, Advisor and Consultant of public and private Collections of Contemporary Art. Ahmed Jaride Chief of regional project ARTWEEK Casablanca Plastic Artist, Exhibition Curator. Founder of GENAP. Founding president of Village des ateliers d’artistes, director of Zon'Art. Casablanca Latifa Benali Communication Director of Morrocco and Africa Clotet Comunicación Communication Directors of the Mediterranean, Europe and America Cristina Casado Europe Coordinator Elga Wimmer North America and South America Coordinator Organisé par:

Gran Via 6 - 4° planta 28013 Madrid. España. Tél:+34 915 247 403 -


Región de Maghreb:

Región de Oriente Medio:

1. Sami Ben Amer (Artist. Director of l’Ecole des Beaux Arts) Tunis 2. Moulim EL Aroussi (Art critic, university investigator) Casablanca 3. Abdelkebir Rabi (Artist) Casablanca 4. Abdelkarim Ouazzani (Artist, Director of l’INBA-Tetouan)

7. Charbel Dagher (Art critic, university investigator) Lebanon 8. Adel Siwi (Painter. Writer) Egypt 9. Ismail Al Rifai (Curator. Artist) United Arab Emirates /Sharjah

Región de África:

10. Catherine David (Museum Inspector in Paris) France/Paris 11. Roger Pierre Turine (Expert) Belgium

5. Christine Eyene (Art critic and Curator) Cameroun 6. Landry-Wilfrid Miampika (Professor of Modern Philology at the Universidad de Alcalá, Curator and art critic) Congo -Brazzaville

Región de Europa:

Región de América: 12. Elga Wimmer (Exhibition Curator) New York. USA




Contemporary Art Fair of the African Continent and the Mediterranean




Promotion and diffusion of the commerce of the art galleries and of the Cultural Industries linked with the plastic arts of Morocco, Africa and the Mediterranean.


Fundación Temas de Arte and CASABLANCA ARTWEEK.


Ministry of Culture of Spain, Ministry of Culture of Morocco, Spain Embassy of Morocco, Cervantes Institute Casablanca, Casa Árabe, Town Hall of Casablanca, etc.


From 16th to 20th of November 2011


Hyatt Hotel - CASABLANCA

Schedule: Access:

From 11:00 to 21:00 h. Undiscontinuously. Wednesday and Thursday strictly professional. Friday, Saturday and Sunday opened to general public.


Fair, Conferences, Discussions, Magisterial Classes, Exhibitions, Projetc Rooms, Black Box, etc.


With professional invitation or acquiring entry in the main entrance of the Fair.


VIP Area , Professional & Collector Area, Café, Restaurant, Wifi, etc.


Wednesday 20:00h. Grand Opening


Best Stand. Best Project of an Artist, Best Revelation Creator


Forum for the Promotion and Development of the Cultural Industries in Africa and the Mediterranean




Promotion and diffusion of the Cultural Industries linked with the plastic arts of Morocco, Africa and the Mediterranean.


Fundación Temas de Arte and CASABLANCA ARTWEEK.


Ministry of Culture of Spain, Ministry of Culture of Morocco, Spain Embassy of Morocco, Cervantes Institute Casablanca, Casa Árabe, Town Hall of Casablanca, etc.


17th and 18th of November 2011


Conference Hall – Hyatt Hotel. CASABLANCA


Thursday 24th of November: From 11.00 to 20.00 hs. Friday 25th of November: From 10.00 to 15.00 hs.


With professional invitation or acquiring entry in the main entrance of the Fair.



GENERAL PARTICIPATION CONDITIONS 1. ORGANIZATION The Organization of ARTWEEK CASABLANCA is the responsibility of FUNDACIÓN TEMAS DE ARTE, regarding all the aspects related to its conception, realization and administration. FUNDACIÓN TEMAS DE ARTE shall appoint the ARTWEEK CASABLANCA ORGANIZING COMMITTEE, which will decide the participants at the Fair considering the deliberations of the ADVISORY COMMITTEE, which shall have its own BY-LAWS. Both COMMITTEES shall be assisted by a TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP, which will examine, among other matters, the administrative documentation that the applicant GALLERIES or PUBLISHERS should present. The ADVISORY COMMITTEE shall evaluate each and every one of the documents prepared by the Technical Working Group responsible of the examination of the administrative documentation provided by the applicant GALLERIES or PUBLISHERS. The ADVISORY COMMITTEE shall also evaluate the dossiers provided by the GALLERIES or PUBLISHERS, containing graphic information on their artists, especially those to be shown at ARTWEEK CASABLANCA, and on their gallery spaces (or installations, in the case of PUBLISHERS) and exhibitions programming (or publications, in the case of PUBLISHERS). ARTWEEK CASABLANCA MANAGEMENT shall be designated by FUNDACIÓN TEMAS DE ARTE and shall, as the latter’s delegate, execute ARTWEEK CASABLANCA conception, realization and administration. All deliberations, qualifications and classifications shall be confidential, although Applicants shall be informed of their scores. 2. ACCEPTANCE OF THE RULES An Applicant ART GALLERY and/or PUBLISHER, through its authorized representative(s), assumes the obligation on its own behalf and that of its employees to abide by these PARTICIPATION RULES. The presentation of an Application for Participation necessarily implies, on the part of the Applicant, the complete and unconditional acceptance of the present Participation Rules for ARTWEEK CASABLANCA. 3. CONDITIONING FACTORS FOR SPACE LIMITATION FUNDACIÓN TEMAS DE ARTE, at the proposal of the MANAGEMENT, shall decide a maximum total of available exhibition space for exhibiting GALLERIES or PUBLISHERS. 4. OBJECTIVES ARTWEEK CASABLANCA has been conceived as the first contemporary art fair in the World specialized in the promotion, diffusion and sale of works and publications corresponding to artists form the African Continent and the Middle East.

Moreover, ARTWEEK CASABLANCA will encourage meetings and dialogue on the most representative artistic expressions from the East and the West. ARTWEEK CASABLANCA will pay particular attention to the latest visual expressions; besides, being it an INTERNATIONAL FAIR, it will specially emphasize the participation of the GALLERIES and PUBLISHERS that have excelled the most in their fields through their activities and international impact. Consequently, ARTWEEK CASABLANCA aims to: a) Present and promote the activities of international GALLERIES and PUBLISHERS that offer an overall vision representative of 20th and 21st century artistic creation. b) Faithfully reflect the latest developments in the visual arts of Africa and the Middle East. c) Offer guarantees of professionalism, through the quality of the exhibitions, relationships with collectors, and ties to museums and other art entities. d) Promote the diffusion and collection of contemporary art. e) Provide related information through its publications. 5. CONDITIONS FOR PARTICIPATION The presentation of applications to participate in ARTWEEK CASABLANCA shall be limited to GALLERIES, PUBLISHERS and INSTITUTIONS that present, exclusively, 20th and 21st century artworks. 5.1. Applicants should provide a statement, on their own responsibility, declaring that they have engaged in continuous, permanent activity as a GALLERY or PUBLISHER, in accordance with these criteria: - A minimum of one year open to the public. - Opening dates and hours coinciding with those generally established for such venues. - Minimum of four different shows per year, open to the general public with free admission during the usual opening hours (PUBLISHERS shall be exempt from this requisite); therefore, APPLICATIONS should include examples of invitations and materials generated by the mentioned shows. Non-compliance with these conditions shall be cause for refusing participation at ARTWEEK CASABLANCA and, consequently, such Application will not be considered. 5.2. The Applicant GALLERY or PUBLISHER should also include in its APPLICATION graphic information on its artists, especially those to be presented at ARTWEEK CASABLANCA, and on its gallery space (or facilities, in the case of PUBLISHERS) and exhibitions programming (or editions, in the case of PUBLISHERS), as well as including biographies of its artists and any other relevant texts (e.g. reviews and articles in specialized publications, the press, and other mass media) of interest.

5.3. The Applicant GALLERY or PUBLISHER should provide evidence of its activities, which shall be assessed, according to a series of criteria for evaluation, on an international scale (e.g. guidelines and program of the gallery and quality of the shows put in its space, or the quality and distribution of its editions, in the case of PUBLISHERS; evidence of direct collaboration with artists; professionalism and marketing policy; participation in the main international fairs; exchange of shows with galleries outside its own country; international promotion of the Gallery’s artists, and presence of its artists in public and/or private collections, edition of publications on its artists/exhibitions, repercussion of activity in the media and any other activity of interest). 5.4. The Applicant GALLERY or PUBLISHER shall also present the following: - Administrative certification, up-to-date at the time of presenting its APPLICATION, issued by a public office with certification authority in the country where the GALLERY or PUBLISHER is domiciled. 5.5. All administrative documentation presented by the GALLERIES or PUBLISHERS shall be in Spanish, in French or in English. 5.6. APPICATIONS should be sent, in writing, writing, to ARTWEEK CASABLANCA before 25th of May 2011. Once the APPLICATION is accepted, under the conditions detailed in Section 5, FUNDACIÓN TEMAS DE ARTE, through MANAGEMENT, shall inform the Applicant in writing of the decision made regarding its admission admission or refusal, in keeping with the conditions set put in sections 5 and 6 of these SPECIFIC PARTICIPATION RULES. As a result of the selection process, one of the following situations will take place: 6. SELECTION AND PARTICIPATION 6.1. The PARTICIPATION of Applicant GALLERIES and EDITORS shall be settled by FUNDACIÓN TEMAS DE ARTE, following the proposals of the Organizing Committee. These decisions shall be based on the Conditions expressed in these SPECIFIC RULES. 6.2. MANAGEMENT shall notify the applicant GALLERY or PUBLISHER that is has been accepted as an EXHIBITOR, so that it may –within no more than 15 working days from the notification reception date– formalize the CONTRACT FORM, and make the necessary payments. 6.3. The EXHIBITING GALLERY or PUBLISHER, through its authorized representative(s), assumes the obligation on its own behalf and that of its employees to abide by the SPECIFIC and GENERAL PARTICIPATION RULES, as well as the conditions expressed in the CONTRACT FORM relating to registration rights, payment schedule, set-up dates, insurance and other matters.

7. EXHIBITIOR OBLIGATIONS The EXHIBITOR must present a project and declare the artworks to be presented at ARTWEEK CASABLANCA with sufficient time before the Fair’s holding, i.e. each one of the works should be accompanied by a brief description, citing its provenance: artist’s name, title, date, technique, edition number, medium, measurements, and any other data facilitating the artwork’s identification. 8. ARTWORKS TO BE SHOWN EXHIBITORS shall present, exclusively, original 20th and 21st century avant-garde artworks, including: a) Oil paintings, watercolors, pastels, drawings. b) Graphic and original multiples c) Original sculptures (posthumous copies made from original moulds should be labeled as such) and installations. d) Photography, video, electronic and digital art. e) Experimental and emerging art. The following are prohibited; a) Forged artworks, or pieces of illicit origin. b) Highly restored, damaged or altered pieces. c) Work proceeding from mail-order art sales. d) Pieces included in the category of the applied arts (glassware, ceramics, jewelry, design, etc.) 9. EXCLUSION The following shall be motives for exclusion of an EXHIBITOR from ARTWEEK CASABLANCA, before or during the Fair, and, when appropriate, for closure of its stand: a) Closure of the GALLERY or PUBLISHER. b) Lack of compliance with the SPECIFIC or GENERAL PARTICIPATION RULES, as well as the non-observance of the conditions expressed in the CONTRACT FORM: b.1) Failure to pay any amount owed to FUNDACIÓN TEMAS DE ARTE due to participation in ARTWEEK CASABLANCA. b.2) Presenting forged artworks or work of illicit origin, as well as highly restored, damaged, or altered pieces. b.3) Presenting work proceeding from mail-order art sales. b.4) Presenting pieces included in the category of the applied arts (glassware, ceramics, jewelry, design, etc.). b.5) Non-compliance with the stand’s public opening hours, or manifest irregularity in opening hours.

b.6) Non-compliance with warnings received in writing regarding the stand’s presentation and maintenance. b.7) Subletting part (or all) of the stand to one or more other AVANT-GARDE ART GALLERIES or PUBLISHERS. b.8) Consideration that the artwork on show or the decoration and presentation of the stand do not meet ARTWEEK CASABLANCA international standards. c) Sale of forged artworks or artworks of dubious identity. 10. STAND ASSIGNATIONS MANAGEMENT shall assign a stand to each EXHIBITOR, once the latter has fulfilled each and every one of the prerequisites. These assignations shall be based, primarily, on: a) Quality of the proposed artworks. b) Division of the pieces into subgroups according to their particular characteristics and the overall layout of ARTWEEK CASABLANCA. Once the stands are assigned, MANAGEMENT shall draw up a plan of the halls showing the location of each and every individual stand corresponding to every EXHIBITOR. MANAGEMENT reserves the right to modify the conditions of each stand, within reasonable criteria and deviating from the locations, dimensions or shape requested, when the concept, configuration, or distribution of the overall exhibition space so require. Each EXHIBITOR shall be informed of its stand assignment with a copy of the map of the entire Fair, indicating its exact location. 11. INSPECTION OF THE ARTWORKS ON DISPLAY MANAGEMENT, its Delegates, advised by the COMMITTEE, shall inspect the stands, both during set-up and throughout ARTWEEK CASABLANCA, in order to supervise and control compliance with the present rules, as well as to verify that the design, presentation, and set-up of the stand is in accordance with the objective criteria and spatial conception of ARTWEEK CASABLANCA. In the event of objections involving any of the artworks on display or to be displayed, the EXHIBITOR shall be compelled to put an end to the situation that could have motivated such objections, removing the piece or replacing it with another, admissible one. If not, the stand shall be closed, and the EXHIBITOR shall have no right to any form of compensation. The supervision and control of these aspects may justify the exclusion of an EXHIBITOR from the next edition of ARTWEEK CASABLANCA, according to Sections 5 (‘Conditions for Participation’) and 6 (‘Selection and Participation’) of the present RULES.

12. CATALOG ARTWEEK CASABLANCA publishes an OFFICIAL CATALOG of the Fair, in paper format, in which each EXHIBITOR must include advertising, under the conditions detailed in the CONTRACT FORM, accordingly to each program. The EXHIBITOR shall contribute to the quality of this publication by providing the graphic and written material necessary for guaranteeing its quality and accuracy. The EXHIBITOR should comply strictly with the deadlines for reception of this material. 13. PRESS OFFICE The Press Office’s mission is to present information regarding the artists and EXHIBITING GALLERIES or EDITORS to the daily and specialized press. EXHIBITORS should therefore provide wide-ranging, accurate information, as well as high-quality graphic material, which may be requested of them. 14. PARTICIPATION OF OTHER INSTITUTIONS, PUBLICATIONS, ART AND CULTURE MAGAZINES AND PUBLISHERS Using its own judgment, FUNDACIÓN TEMAS DE ARTE may admit as participants in ARTWEEK CASABLANCA those INSTITUTIONS that are known for their commitment to promoting and collecting contemporary art, as well as a selection of PUBLICATIONS, ART AND CULTURE MAGAZINES and PUBLISHERS. FINAL PROVISION FUNDACIÓN TEMAS DE ARTE shall not be held responsible for the opinions declared by the COMMITTEE or by any of its members, either before or after the meeting deciding on admissions, in relation with any of the Applications presented.



APPLICATION FORM Only the galleries selected by the committee will be invited to exhibit at CASABLANCA ARTWEEK GALLERY NAME













APPLYING FEES Registration fee (including Liability Insurance)

OTHER PROVISIONS For all the exhibitors

Galleries and Editors (Only One type of Stand)


Press and Publications Stand

4 m2

500 €

300 €/m2

……….. 7.500,00 € ………..

250€/m2 ………..

Catalogue + Web site

Double page in full colour

500 € ………..

TOTAL (included taxes)





WAREHOUSE(max. 6m2)

50 €/m2



200 per Gallery Stand, Editor, Institution. FREE 200 per Gallery Stand, Editor, Institution. FREE 2 per Gallery Stand, Editor, Institution. FREE


50% Discount


……….. PAYMENT METHOD (Bank transfer) Registration fee: 25th of May 2011 Stand: 30th of June 2011: 50% - 1st of October 2011: 50% Account number EXPO PRIVILEGE: 145/450/2121119803350063/59 Swift Code: BPC OMAMC

Gallery signature and stamp

APPLICATION FORM II Gallery Background

Exhibitions 2009-2010

Casablanca Artweek 2011 Proyect Artists to be featured at the Fair

The gallery should attach pdf or jpg files in order to show the works of the artists who will be featured at the Fair and the gallery exhibitions during 2009-2010 visually th Deadline to present the application forms: 25 of March 2011. th th The Advisory Committee responsible for the study of the application forms will meet between 30 of May and 10 of June 2011. th The confirmation to take part at the Fair will be communicated the 10 of June 2011


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