Nn jan 2015

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WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR MEMO FROM NARA … Change… Change… Change…! Everyone talks about change without changing herself or himself. What change we want? Where do we want change? How to change? Politicians in a democracy want change in order to capture the Government and to help their own family members and friends and friends’ family. In a country like India, which is over populated by all standards, the people belong to different States speaking different languages following different religions, belonging to different castes, having different levels of education, earning different family income and holding different kinds of jobs do want change. Such vast variability in our society is maintained by men and women by casting their valuable votes once in five years to elect a Government. They can bring about changes in the Government if they are not satisfied with the performance of the previous Government. Of late such changes have been thought about in Arab countries which have been ruled by single families without giving a chance for the people of the country to participate in the governance. Protests were shown by people at different times without much success. But now the people after seeing the people in their neighbouring countries and their economic development, standard of life and employment opportunities started agitating in Egypt, Libya, Syria and other countries with great courage and determination. They are losing lives of many civilians who want democracy in their country. In fact, the world had woken up to think and fight for the right. Human beings are in general, power-mongers. They even butcher the fellow humans to meet their goals. Those power-mongers live in high citadels with all comforts not understanding the conditions of their country-men who do all the work for the progress and prosperity of the country. Another most important kind of change one has to bring about is to change oneself to suit the country’s development. If each one of us realizes the importance of change for the better, then a country can change for good. For instance, people talk about corruption which ruins the administration of a country without thinking about their own involvement in the process. The youth of our country came forward in countless numbers to support Anna Hazare, the champion of anti-corruption. One likes to think, how many of these youths bribed schools and colleges to get admission, how many of them bribed teachers for getting better grades, how many of them bribed the ministers to get a job and how many of them bribed the authorities to get a transfer to their native place? Even to get a constable job the candidate has to bribe, to get a Vice-Chancellor post one has to bribe and also to get a candidate seat to contest an election or a minister post one has to shell out crores of rupees as bribe to a political party. These are known to everyone including the media in our society. The bribe giver and the taker are also known; but how to eliminate such practices? Do you think anti-corruption law or Jan Lokpal Bill will solve it? I don’t think so and many others also think similar way. Each one of us has to change in not giving or not getting bribe at all levels. If we fail to do it then we stand as we stand today. Nothing will change…Don’t you think so?


TO QUOTE… Awards are so unnecessary because we get so much out of our work just by doing it. The work is a reward itself. – Natalie Portman The brighter you are, the more you have to learn. – Don Herold

JUST TO LAUGH Most 'First Class' students get technical seats, some become Doctors and some Engineers. * The 'Second Class' passes, and then gets MBA, become Administrators and control the 'First Class'. * The 'Third Class' pass, enter politics and become Ministers and control both.

BEING INDEPENDENT Being independent refers to the act of being in charge of yourself, and the consequences of your actions, instead of being subservient to other people, or other forces. Below are some basic understandings 1. Creates discipline of the mind and body

When you are directly in charge of yourself, you will have an understanding of how your own personal actions and thoughts * Last, but not the least, the 'Failures' join the underworld and control all affect reality. You are not subservient to anybody else and can see clearly what affects your actions are having in the environment the above. around you. This increase your discipline of the body and mind, in And those who do not attend any school, become Swamis and Gurus and which you continue to make the right decisions towards your goal. everyone goes to them. 2. Allows you to follow your passion You are not living someone else's passion, but your own. When you live your own passion, you can connect to within your passion and increase its energy even more. This correlates in an increase Eye contact in mental and physical manifestation directly. You will get more ideas about your goal, and you will develop a clear plan of how to Often times we are so busy thinking about our own problems or apply your ideas to achieve material manifestation. staring at the screens of our smartphones that we forget that the people around us are human beings who love being appreciated, just 3. Allows you to understand the factors of success like us. When being around people, one of the easiest and most efficient ways to make them feel special or at least, acknowledged, is If somebody else is doing all the work for you, you can't making good eye contacts. It doesn’t matter if you are hanging out with understand the main principles and variables which are creating friends, or having dinner with your family, or buying groceries at the the success. When you take charge of the ropes yourself, you can supermarket, eye contact can make the person in front of you feel see exactly what works and what doesn't. appreciated. It’s a way to show the people around you that you care for them. Staring at the screen of your smartphone leaves the impression 4. Strengthens your frame and reality against other realities that you are ignoring the people who you are with which can draw them away from you. So, when you have company, make the effort to When you have a strong frame, you can push back against others resist the temptation to constantly look at your phone and concentrate who try to override your frame or way of doing things. You also your attention can hold your ground against the invasion of different ideas and o on the other person. beliefs of other people, because you have formed inner mental Eliminate complaining, express positivity fibre which acts as a blockade and barrier against it. This helps to maintain the momentum in your manifestations, by stopping You may not realize that, but when you complain about something, you anything untoward from penetrating your mindset. are subconsciously creating a dysfunctional mindset that is going to later prevent you from finding a solution to your problem. This also What To Expect/Conclusion happens when we focus our energy on the negative aspects of our lives. But this doesn’t always impact your life only. Complaining can When you become independent, you are well on the path to make you become a “bad company” for others and you can start losing manifestation success. Being in charge of yourself develops friends. We are so used to thinking about how things can go wrong, remarkable control of the mind and body, and helps to create about the worst thing that can happen that we forget that there is a manifestation momentum. The only downfall from this is that you positive side to everything in life. Cultivating a positive mindset is hard may become oblivious to obvious mistakes which exist in your work in the beginning but it pays off once it becomes a habit. Why not life. concentrate on how things can work out the best for you and how you can make the best of your current situation? This way you can inspire other people to do so as well.


Do not regret growing older, it’s a privilege denied to many! Meet you next month –February, 2015

Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP E-mail: arumugakannu@gmail.com Ph : 0422 2423017 Mobile : 098422 42301 www.nara.tumblr.com (NARA’S DIGEST) www.nara2007.blogspot.com (NARA’S NOTEPAD)

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Politics and Cinema make a fool of people. Positive thoughts lead to a positive life. Laughter makes everything else easier. Every smiling face has beauty in it. Nothing boosts happiness more than a great book. Happiness lies in the small moments, not in the rush of things.

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