Programme març 2014

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Museu Mar铆tim de Barcelona 7 - 9 May 2014





Marques de Comillas hall Opening


Key Speaker Conference


Coffee break

11:00 *

Ports & Cities Session


Conference hall MMB

Conference hall Rosa Sensat

Conference hall EOI

Corsairing & Slavery Session

Politics Session

Panel Towards the Central Med

Corsairing & Slavery Session

Politics Session

Panel Black Sea Trade

Lunch break

15:30 **

Ports & Cities Session


Guided tour of the Royal Dockyards of Barcelona (Drassanes Reials de Barcelona)



Thursday 8th Time 09:00 10:30 11:00 * 12:40

Marques de Comillas Trade & Traders Session Coffee break Trade & Traders Session

Conference hall MMB Power Projection Session

Conference hall Rosa Sensat Resources of the Sea Session

Conference hall EOI Panel La Marina y la movilización…(1)

Power Projection Session

Resources of the Sea Session

Panel La Marina y la movilización… Panel Black Sea History

14:00 Lunch break 15:30 Medieval Trade & Power Projection Labour Session Panel Black Sea History ** Traders Session Session 19:00 Guided tour to the Royal Dockyards of Barcelona (Drassanes Reials de Barcelona) 20:00 Spanish historians and researchers meeting (1) This session will be held at the conference hall UB Friday 9th Time 9:00 10:30 11:00 *

Marques de Comillas Science & Technology Session Coffee break Science & Technology Session

Conference hall MMB Relations between Regions Session

Conference hall Rosa Sensat Culture & Ideology Session

Conference hall EOI Health Session

Relations between Regions Session

Culture & Ideology Session

Consular networks Session

14:00 Lunch break 15:30 Science & Relations between Panel Politics, Culture ** Technology Session Regions Session and Society 17:45 Conference closure 18:15 MMHN Genera Assembly Meeting 20:30 Dinner * Morning sessions will have a break from 12:20h to 12:40h ** Afternoon sessions will have a break from 16:40h to 17:00h


WELCOME TO THE 4th MEDITERRANEAN MARITIME HISTORY NETWORK CONFERENCE The principal aim of the Mediterranean Maritime History Network (MMHN) is to act as a clearing house for the exchange of information concerning research currently underway, related to the field of Mediterranean maritime history, widely conceived. Previous conferences were held in Valletta (2002), Messina/Taormina (2006) and Izmir (2010). The 4th Mediterranean Maritime History Network Conference is being hosted by the Museu MarĂ­tim de Barcelona. Over the last few decades, this institution has become a focus point for maritime history in both Spain and the Mediterranean area. More than a mere repository of artefacts, the Museu MarĂ­tim de Barcelona, is a vibrant centre for maritime culture. Housed in the Drassanes Reials de Barcelona, the former Royal Dockyards, whose origins date back to the Middle Ages, it is one of the most impressive and best preserved buildings in the city of Barcelona, which day by day reminds us of our maritime heritage. The galley arsenal from the thirteenth century, rebuilt in the sixteenth century, this is an unique building.


PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME SCHEDULE Wednesday 7th 9:00 Welcome & Opening (Marques de Comillas Hall) 9:30 – 10:30 Key Speaker Conference. Dr. Carlos Martínez Shaw (UNED): Una historia total del mar y sus orillas 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 – 14:00 Parallel sessions 14:00 – 15:30 Lunch 15:30 – 18:00 Parallel sessions 18:00 – 20:00 Guided tour to the Royal Dockyards of Barcelona (Drassanes Reials de Barcelona) 20:00 – 23:00 Congress Welcome Dinner (Drassanes Reials – Grada Major)

Thursday 8th 9:00 – 10:30 Parallel sessions 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 – 14:00 Parallel sessions 14:00 – 15:30 Lunch 15:30 – 19:00 Parallel sessions 19:00 – 20:00 Guided tour to the Royal Dockyards of Barcelona (Drassanes Reials de Barcelona) 20:00 – 21:30 Spanish historians and researchers meeting

Friday 9th 9:00 – 10:30 Parallel sessions 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 – 14:00 Parallel sessions 14:00 – 15:30 Lunch 15:30 – 17:30 Parallel sessions 17:30 – 18:00 Closing ceremony. Closure Speaker. Sr. Senén Florensa (Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània): El Mediterraneo hoy (Marques de Comillas Hall) 18:00- 20:00 MMHN General Assembly Meeting (Conference Room) 20:30- 23:00 Congress Farewell Dinner, organized by the Fishermen Guild of Barcelona (Fishing Port)


SESSIONS PROGRAMME Wednesday 7th 11:00 – 18:00h: Marques de Comillas Hall PORTS & CITIES Chair: Cristina, Giovanni (Università degli Studi di Catania) Catania and Valencia’s way to modernity: Industrialisation, infrastructures and trade networks in two port cities of Mediterranean Europe (1850-1915) Balta, Georgia (University of Greenwich) From Shipping Revolution to Chinese Investment: How has the Port of Piraeus Shaped the Greco-Chinese Relations from the 1950s to the 2000s? Azzopardi, Simone (University of Malta) The Grand Harbour Extension Project Guidi Sánchez , José Javier (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) The harbours of the south Catalonia (Spain) in the Middle Ages (centuries X-XIV A.D.). From al-Andalus to the consolidation of the system of the Kingdom of Catalonia-Aragon and the expansion for the West of the Mediterranean. García Sánchez, Laura (Universitat de Barcelona) Un escenario de poder en la Cataluña mediterránea: la Plaza de Palacio y el Portal de Mar de Barcelona. Casasnovas Camps, Miguel Ángel (Institut Menorquí d'Estudis) La economía portuaria de Menorca. Un caso de bipolaridad insular (siglos XVIXVII). Rodrigo Alharilla, Martín (Univestitat Pompeu Fabra) Barcelona 1845 - 1900: un puerto atlántico en el Mediterráneo. Soberón Rodríguez, Mikel (Codex. Arqueologia i Patrimoni) Mirant la ciutat des del port. Barcelona i les obres portuàries baixmedievals. García Garralón, Marta (Universidad Nacional de Educación Distancia UNED) Proyectos y trabajos en el puerto de Barcelona a lo largo del siglo XVIII. Borrás Matamoros, Noelia (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) El port dels Alfacs i la nova població de Sant Carles de la Ràpita. Puente Pérez, Ginés (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) Los problemas derivados de la construcción del Puerto de Salou: 1816.


Wednesday 7th 11:00 – 18:00h: MMB Conference Hall CORSAIRING & SLAVERY Chair: López Nadal, Gonçal (Universitat de les Illes Balears) Corso y mundo mediterráneo. Reflexiones. Homenaje a Michel Fontenay. Fe Cantó, Luis Fernando (Université d'Orléans) Un ensayo de geo-historia del corso magreb entre el siglo XVII y el XVIII. Sicking, Louis (Universiteit Leiden) Islands, pirates and privateers in the late medieval and early modern Mediterranean. Gürkan, Emrah Safa (İstanbul 29 Mayis University) A Mediterranean Faction? Corsairs, Imperial Elites and Decision-Making in 16th century Constantinople. Ben Rejeb, Lotfi (University of Ottawa) The Cruise of the Abaellino, an American Corsair, in the Mediterranean during the War of 1812. Holjevac, Robert (Croatian Institute of History) Marcus Antonius de Dominis (1560-1624) as the bishop of Senj on the frontiers of Triplex Confinium. White, Joshua Michael (University of Virginia) Piracy and the Evolution of Ottoman-Venetian Maritime Law, 1482-1670. Davis, Robert C. (Ohio State University) Escape to Majorca


Wednesday 7th 11:00 – 18:00h: Rosa Sensat Conference Hall POLITICS Chair: Bagarić, Petar (Sveučilište u Zagrebu - University of Zagreb) The Adriatic Sea in the Croatian political culture 1945-47. Gallia, Arturo (Università degli Studi Roma Tre) The Island of Ponza in the maritime strategies of the Kingdom of Naples (XVIII century). Alfaro Zaforteza, Carlos (King's College, London) Revolution, reaction and state-building in Liberal Spain: The challenge of political violence on the Mediterranean coast. Vitali, Francesco (La Sapienza Università di Roma) Some important passages of Mediterranean politics of Ferdinando I from the point of view of Apostolic Nuncios. Carpentier, Bastien (Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale) Giovanni Andrea Doria et le contrôle militaire de la Méditerranée à l'époque de Philippe II (1584-1598). Réseaux sociaux et factions d'entrepreneurs de la guerre. Valiente, Severine (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III) Les réseaux d’espionnage de la monarchie catholique de Philippe II en Méditerranée orientale. Santiago Medina, Barbara (Universidad Complutense) Ecos de un pasado olvidado: La Inquisición del Mar a través de los fondos del Archivo Histórico Nacional (Madrid). López Campillo, Rosa Mª (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) Daniel Defoe, propagandista político de la Guerra de Sucesión Española: la estrategia marítima de Mr. Review.


Wednesday 7th 11:00 – 14:00h: EOI Conference Hall PANEL: TOWARDS THE CENTRAL MEDITERRANEAN: KINGDOM OF NAPLES, MALTA AND IONIAN ISLANDS BETWEEN POLITICS AND DIPLOMACY (16th-19th C). THE CENTRAL MEDITERRANEAN: MALTA Organizer: Mirella Mafrici and Simon Mercieca Chair: Henry Frendo Mafrici, Mirella (Università degli Studi di Salerno) The Knights of Malta, the Mediterranean Sea, the Turkish (XVI-XVII Century) Naymo, Vicenzo (Università degli Studi di Messina ) The Order of Malta and the Roccella’s Carafas in the Mediterranean: dynastical strategies of a family from the Kingdom of Naples. Sirago, Maria (Liceo Classico Jacopo Sannazaro di Napoli) A new naval policy in the second half of the XVIIth Century: Andrea d’Avalos, the prince of Montesarchio, and Gregorio Carafa, the Gran Master of the Order of the Knights of Malta. Delli Quadri, Rosa Maria (Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale) The Kingdom of Naples and the Ionian islands in the French decade. Grech, Ivan (University of Malta) Manpower shortages in the Mediterranean: the Order of St John's Labourforce Recruitment Problems during the Long Seventeenth Century. Abela, Joan (University of Malta) A Vibrant Economy based on Trade – Port Activities in Malta 1530-1565. Mercieca, Simon (University of Malta) Maritime Trade on Canvas: The Unedited Stories behind Five NineteenthCentury Ex-Voto Paintings at the Cospicua Parish Church in Malta. Theuma, Frank (University of Malta) The Tyranny of the Winds: Maritime connections and disruptions between the Eastern Mediterranean and Malta in the late eighteenth century


Wednesday 7th 15:30 – 18:00h: EOI Conference hall PANEL: BLACK SEA TRADE (LATE 18TH– 19 TH C.) Chair: Patrick Boulanger Ardeleanu, Constantin (Universitatea Dunărea de Jos din Galați) Danubian Grain and the Mediterranean Deposit Ports (1829–1853). Pagratis, Gerasimos (University of Athens) The Ionian Islanders’ Maritime Trade in Black Sea (1800-1807). Luca, Cristian (Universitatea Dunărea de Jos din Galați) Greek ship-owners and shipmasters in the Lower Danube and North-Western Black Sea ports during the late eighteenth century. Kapetanakis, Panos (University of Greenwich) The British “ blue water trade policy” penetrating the Black Sea and the Danube (late 18th -19th centuries).


Thursday 8th 9:00- 14:00h: Marques de Comillas Hall TRADE & TRADERS (Modern and Contemporary) Chair: Cook, John (Independent Scholar) “Freights Down – Ships Down”. One of the consequences of the 1920 freight market collapse Andreoni, Luca (University of the Republic of San Marino) Juifs, réseaux marchands et échanges commerciaux au XVIIIe siècle: le cas des maisons de Salvatore e Lazzaro Recanati de Livourne et Moisè de Raffael Coen d'Ancône Cózar Navarro, María del Carmen (Universidad de Cádiz) The Spanish Merchant Navy before the opening of the Suez Canal. Aragón Ruano, Alvaro (Universidad del País Vasco) The Mediterranean connections of Basque ports during the 18th century. Hernández Sau, Pablo (Universidad Pablo de Olavide) ¿Decadencia o readaptación en el Mediterráneo del Siglo de las Luces? El concepto historiográfico de decadencia a revisión, una propuesta alternativa en la comprensión del Mare Nostrum de la segunda mitad del s.XVIII. Martin Corrales, Eloy (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) Litigios de capitanes otomanos en la Barcelona de fines del siglo XVIII y comienzos del siglo XIX. Placer Cervera, Gustavo (Universidad de La Habana) Las finanzas genovesas en la conquista y colonización de Cuba. Vallugera Fuster, Anna (Universitat de Barcelona) Comerç marítim d'art a Barcelona al darrer terç del segle XVIII (1770-1808).


Thursday 8th 15:30 – 19:00h: Marques de Comillas Hall MEDIEVAL TRADE & TRADERS Chair: Morro, Guillem (Universitat de les Illes Balears) Un dret reial sobre el comerç medieval a Síria i Egipte: El dret del Quirat. Pagani, Gianluca (Universidad de Sevilla) Un puerto mediterráneo: Génova, finales siglo XII principios del siglo XIII, rutas comerciales, rutas diplomáticas. Juárez Valero, Eduardo (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia UNED) El mar Mediterráneo y la guerra del vidrio / The Mediterranean Sea and the War of Glass Duarte, Luis Miguel (Universidade do Oporto) La deuxième colonne d’Hercule: les équivoques de la conquête portugaise de Ceuta. Sequeira, Joana Isabel (CHAM- U. Nova de Lisboa/ CITCEM – U. do Porto) From Pisa to Lisbon. The role of the Salviati-Da Colle Company in fifteenthcentury Mediterranean trade. Roskar, Jelena; Gardas, Miro; Lachner, Visnja (University of Osijek) Legal regulation of trade of fish, wine and salt in the statutes of Dalmatian cities in the Medieval Time. Veneri, Aspa (Université Paris-Sorbonne IV) Rivalry between the Byzantine Maritime Powers in the Mediterranean Sea since the 13th century.


Thursday 8th 9:00 – 19:00h: MMB Conference Hall POWER PROJECTION Chair: Sra. Marta García Garralón Freller, Thomas (University of Applied Sciences of Aalen) Echoes of decay - or demonstration of strength? Reinhold Lubenau`s Ottoman Mediterranean naval campaign diary (1588). McLay, Keith (University of Chester) “No Peace without Spain”: Barcelona during the War of the Spanish Succession, 1702-17013/14. Frumin, Mitia (Lander Institute - Jerusalem Academic Center) Maritime aspects of Russian siege of Beirut of 1773 by primary sources. La Nave, Gaetano Daniele (Università di Napoli - L'Orientale) The build-up of the Soviet fleet in the Mediterranean and the Western fear (1963-1975). Zoričić, Filip (Sveučilište u Splitu - University Split) Pula/Pola – the main base of the Austro-Hungarian Navy in the Mediterranean Guimerà, Agustín (Centro Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas CSIC) Maritime Frontier and Naval Strategy: Spain and the Mediterranean (17831808). Sánchez Carrión, José Maria (Independent Scholar) The sea battle of Portman (1873). Escribano Páez, Jose Miguel (European University Institute) The peripheral military administration of the Mediterranean enterprises of Emperor Charles V. Losa Serrano, Pedro (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) La rivalidad propagandística entre whigs y tories sobre la Batalla Naval de Málaga en 1704. Pascual Ramos, Eduardo (Universitat de les Illes Balears) La armada franco-española de la expedición de conquista de Mallorca (1715). Sánchez Baena, Juan José; Fondevila, Pedro (Cátedra de Historia Naval. Universidad de Murcia) Los Guarda Estandartes: la formación de los oficiales de la Escuadra de Galeras de España (1728-1748). Fuente, Pablo de la (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawla II); Pujol, Marcel (Escola Superior de Conservació i Restauració de Béns Culturals de Catalunya) Un cementerio de la escuadra del almirante D. Miguel de Oquendo en Roses. Fuente, Pablo de la (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawla II); Haler, Pierre (CEDIP) Entre la literatura y la historia: “Un de Begur” de Josep Pla y el hundimiento del mercante Palermo a cargo del submarino U-72 (1916).


Iordache, Luiza (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona); Güell, Casilda (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) La ayuda soviética a la República española a través del Mediterráneo (19361937). Tarruell, Cecilia (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales) Entre Chrétienté et Islam : parcours des serviteurs des galères de la Monarchie hispanique (fin XVIe-début XVIIe siècles). Saint-Roman, Julien (Université d'Aix-Marseille) Ouvriers mutins et déserteurs à l'arsenal de Toulon à la fin du XVIIIe siècle.


Thursday 8th 9:00 – 14:00h: Rosa Sensat Conference Hall RESOURCES OF THE SEA Chair: De Nicolò, Maria Lucia (Università degli Studi di Bologna) La pesca nel Mediterraneo. Diario di viaggio del XVI secolo Vaills, Jean-Louis (Univerité Perpignan) Les amers, une manipulation de l’espace par les signes. Florido del Corral, David (Universidad de Sevilla); López González, José Antonio (Universidad de Extremadura); Ruíz Acevedo, Juan Manuel (Universidad de Huelva) El montaje de una Almadraba. Entre la tradición y la tecnología. Vidal Bonavila, Judit (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) El desarrollo marítimo durante los siglos XVI y XVII: Las almadrabas catalanas. Pujol Hamelink, Marcel (Escola Superior de Conservació i Restauració de Béns Culturals de Catalunya); Garrido Escobar, Alfons (Universitat de Girona); Solà Valls, Laia (Universitat de Girona) El sardinal, l'art que revolucionar el mon de la pesca i el regim senyorial de la costa catalana a la segona meitat del XVI (1550 - 1620). Corcoll Llobet, Antoni (Universitat de Barcelona) La pesca de l'eriçó de mar. Carbonell Camós, Eliseu (Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural) La qüestió del carril. Conflicte al món pesquer a la costa del Maresme a finals del XIX.


Thursday 8th 15:30 – 19:00h: Rosa Sensat Conference Hall LABOUR Chair: Papadopoulou, Alexandra (Ionian University) Sailors, workers of a community or citizens of the world? Maritime labor in the sailing ships of the island of Spetses, 1860-1870. Von Briesen, Brendan (Universitat de Barcelona) Sharing the Load: the labor organization of cargo handlers in the Port of Barcelona at the turn of the Nineteenth Century. García Domingo, Enric (Universitat de Barcelona) Notes for the Study of Seamen Welfare in Spain (1864-1936). Cantano Carballo, Ricardo (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) El ressorgiment català del XVIII. L’exemple dels Llauger de Canet: de pagesos a mariners i comerciants Ibarz Gelabert, Jordi (Universitat de Barcelona) Sindicalismo sin organización. Conflictividad obrera de los estibadores portuarios de Barcelona entre 1947 y 1962.


Thursday 8th 9:00 – 12:30h: Universitat de Barcelona Conference Hall PANEL: LA MARINA Y LA MOVILIZACIÓN DE RECURSOS HUMANOS Y MATERIALES EN EL SIGLO XVIII Organizer: Maria Baudot and Agustin González Enciso Baudot Monroy, Maria (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia UNED) No siempre enemigos: la expedición conjunta hispano-inglesa para instalar en los ducados toscanos al infante Don Carlos en 1731. Díaz Ordónez, Manuel (Universidad de Sevilla) Corona española: deslocalización manufacturera del cáñamo y ubicación industrial en el Mediterráneo, 1750-1754. González Enciso, Agustín (Universidad de Navarra) El revisionismo español y las expediciones navales en el Mediterráneo, 17151748. Solbes Ferri, Sergi (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) Movilización de transportes marítimos para traslado de tropas durante las campañas de Italia de la década de 1740. Torres Sánchez, Rafael (Universidad de Navarra) “El mercado naval europeo”. La movilización de recursos en la expedición anfibia a Menorca, 1781-1782. Rivas Ibáñez, Ignacio (Universidad de Navarra) La movilización de información en tiempo de guerra: el sistema de inteligencia español y las operaciones militares en el Mediterráneo durante la Guerra de la Oreja de Jenkins (1739-1744).


Thursday 8th 12:40 – 19:00h: EOI Conference hall PANEL: BLACK SEA HISTORY Organizer: Gelina Harlaftis and Evrydiki Sifneos Harlaftis, Gelina (Ionian University) The Black Sea and its port-cities, 1770´s-1910s. Development, convergence and linkages with the global economy. Iurkova, Oksana (Institute of History of Ukranie) The Study of the Ukrainian Port Cities of the Long 19th Century: Historiography, Archival sources and Contemporary Research Problems. Konstantinova, Victoria (Berdyansk State Pedagogical University) Ukrainian port cities in the context of urbanization processes in the Russian Empire, the mid-19th-early 20th century. Lyman, Igor (Berdyansk State Pedagogical University) Berdyansk of the 19th -the early 20th century: the unrealized plans to become "the second Odessa". Sifneos, Evrydiki (National Research Foundation) Odessa and its parallels in the port-cities of the Mediterranean: Flaws, Networks and identities. Frangakis-Syret, Elena (University of New York) Commerce, Credit and the World Economy: the View from Izmir, c.1770s1830s. Sydorenko, Anna (Ionian University) Crimean ports and connection with the Mediterranean and Western Europe markets (last quarter of the 19th century - beginning of the 20th century. Galani, Katerina (Ionian University) Crossing the Gates to the Black Sea: Constantinople: an imperial and international maritime centre. Tchkoidze, Eka (Ilia State Univertity) Trade development and shipping of city of Batumi at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.


Friday 9th 9:00 – 17:30h: Marques de Comillas Hall SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Chair: Gertwagen, Ruthy (University of Haifa) Technological aspects of maritime trade and warfare in the late medieval Mediterranean. Da Costa Picas do Vale, José Augusto (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) Between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea: A bridge not too far. King D. Carlos and Prince Albert, pioneers of modern Oceanography. Martinović, Ivica (Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb) The reception of Nikola Sagri’s observations of tides from Petrić’s Pancosmia (1591) to Bacon’s De fluxu et refluxu maris (1653). Gluzman, Renard (Tel-Aviv University) The Life-Cycle of Venetian Round Ships in the Renaissance Period Gugliuzzo, Carmelina; Restifo, Giuseppe (Università degli Studi di Messina) Gli alberi furono alberi. Forest management and Naval Policy in Early Modern Age Mediterranean. Durán Fuentes, Manuel (Universidade da Coruña) Enlightenment in historic lighthouses. Proposal of an operating mechanism for the oldest lighthouses. López Miguel, Olga (Museu Marítim de Barcelona) Models of Knowledge Transfer about Shipbuilding. The Naval Architecture Chair (1829-1845). Moreno Rico, Javier (Independent Scholar); López Miguel, Olga (Museu Marítim de Barcelona) The Sisteré Company. Experiences of the transition from sail to steam at a shipyard in Barcelona in the nineteenth century. Solà, Àngels (Universitat de Barcelona) Els mestre d’aixa barcelonins a cavall dels segles XVIII i XIX. Alonso Mora, Alba (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) El papel del mar en el desarrollo de la minería del condado de Prades y la Baronía de Entença (siglo XIV).


Friday 9th 9:00 – 17:30h: MMB Conference Hall RELATIONS BETWEEN REGIONS Chair: Fabijanec, Sabine Florence (Institut des sciences historiques de l’Académie Croate) Le rôle économique des espaces insulaires dans les terres croates en Adriatique orientale médiévale. Vaquer Bennasar, Onofre (Universitat de les Illes Balears) Comercio marítimo de mallorca, 1448 – 1650. Vázquez Lijó, José Manuel (Universidade da La Coruña) La matrícula de las embarcaciones del Levante (1785-1802). Blanes Andres, Roberto (Independent Scholar) Trade relationship within Tabarca and Valencia (1600-1703). Kaps, Klemens (Universidad Pablo de Olavide) Looking West: Trans-national merchants between Trieste and Barcelona, 17501820. Masi, Guianluca (Università degli Studi di Firenze) The commercial relationship between the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and the Republic of Ragusa in the sixteenth century. D’Andrea, Diletta; D'Angelo, Michela (Università degli Studi di Messina) British merchants in the Mediterranean during the Napoleonic wars: William Denison and William Sanderson between Malta and Sicily. Clemente, Alida (University of Human Sciences Niccoló Cusano) Maritime trade and smuggling in the perspective of Naples (18th century). Makarov, Andrei (Saratov State Technical University) Anglo-Italian trade networks in the late seventeenth century. Rigamonti, Federico (Independent Scholar) Dutch seamen and Sicilian merchants, 1608-1648. A strained albeit necessary relationship. Lev, Yaakov (Bar-Ilan University) Italian Traders in Mamluk Ports and Cities: Maritime and Economic. Kuru, Mehmet (University of Toronto) Ottoman merchants, Venetian partners: solved – unsolved cases from 17th century. Stamou, Panos N. (KERIE Centre for Greek-Russian Historical Research) Russian ecclesiastic material in Greece 18th-19th c. The case of Sadorini island. Radić Rossi, Irena (Sveučilište u Zadru – University of Zadar); Nicolardi, Mariangela; Bondioli, Mauro (independent Scholar); Vieira de Castro, Filipe (Texas A&M University) Shipwreck of Gnalić – Mirror of the Renaissance Europe.


Friday 9th 9:00 – 14:00h: Rosa Sensat Conference Hall CULTURE AND IDEOLOGY Chair: Apostolou, Irini (Université d’Athènes) Images de îles de la Méditerranée dans la revue Le Tour du monde : journal des voyages (1860-1914). Buttigieg, Emanuel (University of Malta) The Order of St John and power-projection through rituals in the Grand Harbour of Malta. Chrissidis, Nikolaos (Southern Connecticut State University); Harlaftis, Gelina (Ionian University) The Name is the Game (and the Sail): Boat-naming Practices of Greek Shipowners in the 18th and 19th centuries. Simetin Segvic, Filip & Nikolina (Centre for Comparative Historical and Intercultural Studies, Zagreb) On the Adriatic Coasts of Vienna: Adria-Ausstellung 1913. Rotem, Elinor (MOFET Institut) Sky and water. Martínez d’Alós-Moner, Andreu (Universität Hamburg) Club Med, Cap de Creus. The Politics of a Mediterranean Utopy. Díaz Borrás, Andrés (IES Camp de Morvedre); López García, Vicente (Greenwich National Maritime Museum); Tolosa Robledo, Luisa (Universitat Politècnica de València) One approaching to portulano de mare of Gio Gentile: Mediterranean landscapes in the XVII century. The graphic illustration of the lighthouses, as example. Renima, Ahmed (Université d’Oran) La méditerranée d’après un historien algérien du XIX siècle.


Friday 9th 15:30 – 17:30h: Rosa Sensat Conference Hall PANEL: POLITICS, CULTURE AND SOCIETY IN SPANISH NAPLES (16TH- 17TH C.) Organizer: Salvatore Bottari Guarino, Gabriel (University of Ulster) Maritime Celebrations and Rituals and Early Modern Naples. Bottari, Salvatore (Università degli Studi di Messina) Merchants and the Trade between Naples, Sicily and England in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Mazur, Peter (University of York) At the Empire's Edge: Diplomacy and Information in Spanish Naples. Dauverd, Céline (University of Colorado Boulder) The Marrano Jews of Spanish Naples: A Policy of Hybridization?


Friday 9th 9:00 – 10:30h: EOI Conference Hall HEALTH Chair: Fábregas Roig, Josep (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) Las Juntas de Sanidad y la presencia de la fiebre amarilla de 1820: El distrito de Vila-seca. Moll, Isabel; López Nadal, Gonçal; Salas, Pere (Universitat de les Illes Balears) El peligro viene del mar: Las Islas Baleares frente a las epidemias, 1820-1 Esteves, Alexandra (Universidade Católica Portuguesa) When the disease arrive by sea: the development of maritime sanitarism in the 19th, in Portugal.


Friday 9th 11:00 – 14:00h: EOI Conference Hall CONSULAR NETWORKS Chair: Chessel, C.I. (Melbourne University, Melbourne and UniMelb) Britain’s Ionian Consul Spiridion Foresti - British Protection to Greek Revolution (1810-1822). Fryksen, Gustaf (Lund University) The ‘Omnipresent’ Consul: George Logie, the North African Regencies & the Early Swedish Consular Networks in the Mediterranean World, 1729-1766. Di Paola, Maria Teresa (Istituto di Studi Storici G. Salvemini di Messina) At the service of His Royal Majesty, Trade and Navy: The British consuls for Sicily, Malta and adjacent Islands during the Napoleonic wars. Beaurepaire, Pierre-Yves; Marzagalli,Silvia (Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis) Le consul, un observateur maritime en Méditerranée ? Le cas de Fölsch, consul suédois à Marseille, 1780-1804. Zamora Rodríguez, Francisco Javier (Centro de História de Além-Mar CHAM / Nova - UAÇ) Recepción y circulación de personas. La historia marítima a través de los consulados de extranjeros en el Mediterráneo.



Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Barcelona (UB)

Dr. Enric Garcia

Head of the Collections and Research Department of Barcelona (MMB)

Olga López

Curator and Head of the Projects Office (MMB)

Inma González

Curator (MMB)

Lluïsa Prieto

Cooperation Department (MMB)


Università di Messina. Italia

Marta García Garralón

UNED- Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Spain

Ruthy Gertwagen

University of Haifa. Israel

Agustín Guimerà Ravina

CSIC- Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Spain

Gelina Harlaftis

Ionian University. Greece

Jean-Claude Hocquet

Université de Lille. France

Jordi Ibarz Gelabert

Universitat de Barcelona. Spain

Mirella Mafrici

Università degli Studi di Salerno. Italy

Eloy Martín Corrales

Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Spain

Carlos Martinez Shaw

UNED- Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Spain

Martín Rodrigo Alharilla

Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Spain

Juan José Sánchez Baena

Universidad de Murcia. Spain

Roser Salicrú i Lluch

IMF/CSIC- Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Spain

Elena Frangakis-Syrett

The City University of New York, USA

Rafael Torres Sánchez

UNAV- Universidad de Navarra. Spain

Jesús Maria Valdaliso Gago

UPV / EHU -Universidad del País Vasco. Spain

Carmel Vassallo

Co-ordinator & Contact Point. University of Malta


LOCATIONS / HOW TO ARRIVE Most of the meetings will be held at the Museu Marítim de Barcelona premises: Marqués de Comillas Hall: - Welcome & Opening session - Key Speaker Conference - Closure Conference - Some parallel sessions) Conference Room: - - Parallel sessions Other parallel sessions will be hosted in two different rooms located outside the museum premises but very close to it: - Rosa Sensat School - Escola Oficial de Idiomes (EOI) - Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona

Click on the map to enlarge

MEALS The organization does not provide lunches. The Organisers will provide a list of suggested restaurants nearby the Museum. The coffee break will always be served at the Museu Maritim de Barcelona premises. The organization offers two social dinners to attendants - Welcome Dinner at the Royal Dockyards of Barcelona - The Farewell Dinner at the Guild of Fishermen, in the port of Barcelona


REGISTRATION DESK OPENING HOURS from 16 to 19h Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th from 8 to 9h Thursday 8th from 8 to 9h (Marqués de Comillas Hall)

TRANSLATION SERVICES English – Spanish and Spanish – English simultaneous translation will be provided during the Opening Session. Attendants who wish to use this service, must sign in at the Translation Desk Service, leave their Identification card or passport, to be retrieved on returning the translation device.


SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Guided tour to the Royal Dockyards: Join the guided tour to the Royal Dockyards, whose building was recently recovered after several years of works. This renovation served to develop studies on the history of the building, such as an archaeological excavation, which provided key information on the different periods of construction and successive enlargements of this unique historical building. The guided tours language will be in English and Spanish and will last 1 hour approximately. Dates and hours: - Wednesday 7th at 17:45h or at 18:45h - Thursday 8th at 18:45h Welcome dinner: A snack dinner will be offered at the permanent halls of the Royal Dockyard of Barcelona, at the stern of the Galley Royal model. Date and hour: Wednesday 7th at 20.00h Farewell dinner: The farewell dinner will be organised in the Guild of Fishermen at the Port of Barcelona. There will be a visit to the Clock Tower, a lighthouse built in 1772; the yard of fishing networks and the Auction hall, where the dinner will take place. The menu will consist of typical fish plates cooked onboard our littoral. Other offers: During the Conference days attendants may visit for free the Museum and the schooner Santa EulĂ lia moored at the port of Barcelona. GENERAL RECOMENDATIONS In case you have any specific requirement, please contact the organisation. If your presentation needs to be complemented with other material (powerpoint, audio, etc.), please inform organisers beforehand in order to ease the smooth functioning of sessions. When you register, please specify which activities you wish to participate in (welcome dinner, guided tour, farewell dinner). There will be free WIFI in all the Conference halls.


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