Va s u d h a G u p t a ( U S A ) _ D a a n D e r d e n ( B e l g i u m ) _ I s a b e l l e P u t s e y s ( B e l g i u m ) _ S a r a C a l l e b a u t ( B e l g i u m ) _ Matei Bogoescu(Romania) _ Betsey-Marie Eskeland (Norway) _ Bruno De Meulder (KU Leuven) _ Siri Mette Carlsen(Norway) _ Louise Cheetham(South Africa) _ Christian Nolf (Belgium) _ Griet Lannoo(Leiedal) _ W i l f r i e d Va n d e g h i n s t e ( L e i e d a l ) _ K a t h y H e l s e n ( L e i e d a l ) _ B r a m L e t t r ĂŠ ( L e i e d a l ) _ A r y a n i S a r i Rahmanti(Indonesia) _ Kelly Shannon (KU Leuven) _ MIchael Ruldolph (Germany)
I. Introduction - Definition of Leie Riverplain I I . Vi s i o n & S t r a t e g i c Pr o j e c t s [1] RIVERPLACE harelbeke-kuurne-lez-leie [2] RE-NATURALISED THRESHOLDS heule- & plaatsebeek [3] RE-POSITIONED LAND_STRUCTURES & INFRA_SCAPES canal ooigem-roeselare [4] MEDIATING CONTRADICTARY NATURE(S) & SCALE(S) schoondale-oude plaats [5] PLATFORMS & WETLANDS st.eloois vijve-lez-leie
III. Debate
Leie Riverplain & urbanized valley (2009 topographical map)
Simultaneous Landscapes (urban & rural) Harelbeke + Schoendaele
Simultaneous Landscapes (industrial, residential & agricultural) Va a r n e w i j k + S c h o e n d a e l e
(ex) Natural River (Ferraris - 1777)
Engineered Canals ( A e r i a l Ph o t o - 2 0 0 5 )
Natural River (and tributaries) + Engineered Canals (1777 + 2005)
2 Kilometers
alluvial Leie riverplain and urbanized valley (topography mapy)
loam in the north, sand in the south, clay patches between (soil map)
2 Kilometers
Leie Riverway (topography + soil)
Leie Riverplain extents (heerwegen)
Leie Riverway/ Riverplain (topography + soil + rivers + canal + heerwegen)
Intertwined yet contradictory continuities (canal & river)
S t r a t e g i c Pr o j e c t s [1] RIVERPLACE harelbeke-kuurne-lez-leie [2] RE-NATURALISED THRESHOLDS heule- & plaatsebeek [3] RE-POSITIONED LAND_STRUCTURES & INFRA_SCAPES canal ooigem-roeselare [4] MEDIATING CONTRADICTARY NATURE(S) & SCALE(S) schoondale-oude plaats [5] PLATFORMS & WETLANDS st.eloois vijve-lez-leie
S t r a t e g i c Pr o j e c t s [1] RIVERPLACE harelbeke-kuurne-lez-leie [ 2 ] R E - N AT U R A L I S E D T H R E S H O L D S heule- & plaatsebeek [3] RE-POSITIONED LAND_STRUCTURES & INFRA_SCAPES canal ooigem-roeselare [4] MEDIATING CONTRADICTARY NATURE(S) & SCALE(S) schoondale-oude plaats [5] PLATFORMS & WETLANDS st.eloois vijve-lez-leie
open landscape in motion
stepped terraces treshold
ďŹ xed plateau treshold
open landscape in motion
urban treshold
open landscape wetland agriculture platform
S t r a t e g i c Pr o j e c t s [1] RIVERPLACE harelbeke-kuurne-lez-leie [2] RE-NATURALISED THRESHOLDS heule- & plaatsebeek [3] RE-POSITIONED LAND_STRUCTURES & INFRA_SCAPES canal ooigem-roeselare [4] MEDIATING CONTRADICTARY NATURE(S) & SCALE(S) schoondale-oude plaats [5] PLATFORMS & WETLANDS st.eloois vijve-lez-leie
shifting bicycle paths
connections Heerweg- bike path- waterfront
rescaping public spaces
1. in rrenaturalized s e qSequence u e n c e o f of a rartifacts tifacts in e n a t u r a l i z e d wetland wetland
choreographing edges between waters and lands
evolutionary design
existing situation
1. Reconnecting the village with the waterside 2. Setting up a sequence of ‘collective artefacts’ 3. Softening the borders of the river
S t r a t e g i c Pr o j e c t s [1] RIVERPLACE harelbeke-kuurne-lez-leie [2] RE-NATURALISED THRESHOLDS heule- & plaatsebeek [3] RE-POSITIONED LAND_STRUCTURES & INFRA_SCAPES canal ooigem-roeselare [ 4 ] M E D I AT I N G C O N T R A D I C TA R Y N AT U R E ( S ) & S C A L E ( S ) schoondale-oude plaats
S t r a t e g i c Pr o j e c t s [1] RIVERPLACE harelbeke-kuurne-lez-leie [2] RE-NATURALISED THRESHOLDS heule- & plaatsebeek [3] RE-POSITIONED LAND_STRUCTURES & INFRA_SCAPES canal ooigem-roeselare [4] MEDIATING CONTRADICTARY NATURE(S) & SCALE(S) schoondale-oude plaats [ 5 ] P L AT F O R M S & W E T L A N D S st.eloois vijve-lez-leie
Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Planning Research Group Architecture & Urbanism