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Amazon is now being mined by groups of Indians and Filipinos who, under aliases, are plagiarizing occult books. I turn to lawyers in these cases, and I'm ruthless.
K Sumerian Magick Grimoire AsamodIntroduction …………………………………………………….………………7 to 9
Similarities between Egyptian and Babylonian religion … 10 and 11 Religions that copied the Sumerians …………………………..………… 12 to 16
The Anunnaki …………………………………………………… .……….. 18 to 19
Sumerian Rites (Maqlu, Surpu and Namburbu) ………………….…….. 21 to 23
Types of Rites …… ……………..…………………………. 24
Hierarchies in the temples ……………………………………………… 23 and 24
Guardians of the 4 directions ………….…………………………… …. 25 and 26
The pentagram ……………………………………………………..……. 26 to 29
The altar (tools, direction, offerings) …… …………………………….……. 30
Sumerian Zodiac Signs …………………………………….…….……. 32 and 33
Preliminaries (consecrate the space, magic circle) …….………..…………34
Deities/Dingir .. 36 to 72 (invocations, correspondences of each deity, rituals)
Inanna/Ishtar ……………………………………… ….. 36 to 41
Lilith/Lilitu …………………………………… …………………….……….42 to 45
Meditation with the Star of Ishtar …………………………….… ……. 46 to 49 Magickal use of salt and consecration …… 51 Marduk/Ba'al ………………………………………… ……………..……. 53 to 59 Anu ………………………………………………………………….…….. 60 and 61
Enki/EA ………………………… ………………………………………… 63 to 66 Mamitu ……………………………………………………………….…… 67 and 68 Shamash ……………………………………………………………….…… 69 to 71
Daily praise to the gods ………………………………………. ……..………. 72
Rites of Irkalla (underworld) …………………………………………… 73 to 99
Rite of possession of Etemmu ……………………………….………… 73 and 74
The Maskim Demons …………………………………………..……….. 74 and 75
Cast a curse on the enemy …………………………………….… ….. 76 and 77
Nergal (protection rituals, revenge enemies) …………..…….……..… 78 to 82
Pazuzu ………………………………………………… …………….……. 83 to 90
Tiamat ……………………………………………………………………… 91 to 94
Lamashtu (love, sexual magick) ……………………… ……….……… 95 to 98
Knowing some entities of the underworld …………………..……..………… 99
The sigils ……………………………………………………… ……... 101 and 102
Rituals of Exorcism (asiputu) ……………………………………… 104 to 106
The Anunnaki speak ……………………………………………….. 108 and 109 Figurines …………………………………………………………….. 110 and 111
Shen Ring Amulet (how to make your own) ……………………..… 112 to 117
Glossary of terms ………………………………………… …..……. 119 to 121
Bibliography …………………………………………… …. 123
In this book I present several Sumerian magic rituals, some ancient (for spiritual healing and exorcism), others more modern and adapted for black magick. I assure you that this is the best book you have on the subject. If you search on Amazon, I've already done that. You'll find several ebooks for 10 dollars with only 11 pages (they contain two or three invocations), or books adapted from Necronomicon with lots of fantasy inside and little credible information.
This grimoire, I assure you, contains true information; the result of a lot of research; complete rituals; correspondence and history of the deities, true Sumerian pagan reconstructionism, and 128 pages. I could fill dozens of pages with small talk and create a 200 page book, but I prefer to deliver quality over quantity to the reader*
Kaššāpu means sorcerer, in ancient Akkadian, (the feminine term is kaššāptu). To embellish the title, I chose “kaššāpu Sumerian Magick Grimoire” not just being “Grimoire of Sumerian Magic”.
I use a pseudonym, Asamod, to be the master of a well known esoteric order, which is not very inclined to reveal rites and teachings to the profane (secular).
Asamod is a variable of Asmodeus, but in Hebrew Asamod means “to destroy” and in Persian Azmonden means “to test” .
I chose the name for the vibration and to symbolize that I intend to break/destroy old paradigms.
The real origin of the word is Aeshma daeva, a fiery and lustful demon in Persian mythology and Zoroastrianism who was sometimes called "the shining angel.".
Some interpret daēva as "demon", but it is inaccurate. In Hinduism devas are divine spirits, in Persian mythology not all daēva were negative.
It is not easy to find information about the rites because the Sumerian and Babylonian peoples existed more than six thousand years ago in the region of Mesopotamia, and little information remains from their clay tablets.
The name “Sumeria” is derived from the Babylonian name for southern Babylonia. The Sumerians called their country 'ken.gir' (civilized land), their language 'eme.gir' and themselves 'sag.gi 6.ga' (dark heads). The word Mesopotamia means “land between rivers ”.
The little information that is available is incomplete or poorly translated. There are many books, however, most are information developed very much based on the authors' imagination. Other rituals look a lot like ceremonial magick, with long rituals that were probably based on Masonic rituals but used the names of Sumerian gods instead
There are others, with simple spells only with invocations (without any references to offerings, cardinal directions, or ritual altar: guhšu). Such incomplete spells will have little effectiveness.
A ritual is an energetic Exchange We must reciprocate and offer something to the deity when we ask for a favor. Show respect and reverence, regularly worship this deity, and maintain a strong connecting link.
A few pages of this book contain rituals that I wrote in my book “Obscure Dimensions and Magickal Systems”, but only to complement these rituals. The rest of this book, 90%, is new information.
I believe that a magickal system, or any magickal ritual, the older it is, the more powerful it is because its energy current is perpetuated over millennia. Sumerian magick has been practiced for seven thousand years! The power of this egregore, and of the first extraplanetary deities to communicate with humanity (the Dingir, gods, Anunnaki) is immense.
The Annunaki were called "Dingir" (gods) by the Sumerians.
Sometimes they were represented in the form of a winged bird, reptilian or human aspect. DIĜIR meant "the nobles, coming from shining objects" (stars, or spaceships). In occult circles it is common to write magick with a "k" to differentiate it from stage magic.
Attention, dear reader, on the internet, not everything you read is true.
There are many Sumerian magic "grimoires" that look more like supernatural novels.
Also, the famous Necronomicon grimoire (which many republish with variants of the name, regurgitating the same phrases) is not a real spellbook, it's fictional! H.P. Lovecraft (Howard Phillips Lovecraft) was an American horror fiction writer. The Necronomicon is said to be an old book written by Abdul Alhazred, also known as "Mad Arab," in the eighth century. It is said to contain magickal spells and incantations that can be used to call on monsters and old gods.
The names of ancient and chaotic deities are practically "invented" by Lovecraft, they have no magical or historical veracity, they are not Sumerian deities.
One of the best known is Simon's Necronomicon, which was written by an occultist who is thought to be Peter Levenda under a pseudonym.
Organized religion got its start in ancient Mesopotamia (in what is now modern Iraq) and Egypt more than six thousand years ago. The religious systems in these areas mixed political and spiritual elements in a type of government known as theocracy, or government by divine guidance.
In such a government, the deities were the supreme religious and civic leaders. His will is carried out by a priestly class or a divine king. Mesopotamian theocracies took the form of city states ruled by patron gods or goddesses. The god's wishes and wishes were interpreted by political leaders called "ensi" and by a priestly class. Each city had a temple.
For example, in Uruk, the city of about 3000 BCE, there were two major major temples: one was dedicated to An, the supreme god, the king of the heavens; the other was dedicated to Inanna, the great mother, goddess of fertility, love, and war. Thus, there are temples and sanctuaries of lesser gods that also share the space and imagery of the city.
As an author and scholar of the occult, I do not believe that polytheism literally means worshiping different deities.
Both the Egyptians and the Sumerians knew that there was a superior deity in the divine hierarchy. All the other "deities" were vibratory emanations of one, frequencies or cosmic energies.
Everything is symbolic. For example, in Mesopotamia some forces of nature were personified with characteristics of deities; they could cause storms, extreme droughts, cyclones, etc.
For the Mesopotamians, gestures and words had magical power, and for the Egyptians too (they called the words of power: hekau).
In Egypt, the struggle between good and evil was represented by the two brothers, Heru (Horus) and Seth (the rebel), and in Sumer they had the brothers Enki and Enlil (the rebel).
The Egyptians built temples and pyramids. The Sumerians had temples and ziggurats (a type of pyramidal elevation, but ending with a flatter top).
The ziggurat was also known as “Etemenanki” (temple of the foundation of Heaven and Earth).
Some ziggurats looked like steps, their segments overlapping one another. In Akkadian, “ziqqurratu” means “high building or construction”.
The Christian religion, negatively, says that the Sumerians were ambitious and wanted to build towers for the gods to reach heaven (such as the tower of Babel), but the meaning was a little more humble. The Sumerians wanted the gods to descend to Earth through these temples, or that their energy could dwell in these temples.
Ziggurats were also posted for observation of the constellations.
Sumerian Magick AsamodWho copied who? Those who appear before can never “copy”, only those who appear later. The Jewish and Christian religions created gods and entities inspired by Babylon (which they criticize so much) Some were turned into demons.
Jehovah (Yahweh) was an Anunnaki, named Yah'weh El, said to be equivalent to Enlil. Another variant of the name was Yah'weh-El. The Anunaki never claimed to be gods, but the Sumerians started worshipping them as if they were gods.
The Hebrews sometimes in prayer call the god Yaweh Adonai Adonai was inspired by the Phoenician god Adonis, who was still known as Eshmun in Phoenician, and by the Sumerians associated with Tammuz.
Note that later religions: Christianity, Hebrew religion, Gnosticism, copied virtually everything from Sumerian and Phoenician legends.
Some angels, such as Ezekiel, derive from the Anunnaki name "Ez ikil", Anael derives from "Ana Il", and Sariel derives from "Sarim".
Mikael was "Mi-kha-il", also known as Nin-Ur-ta.
Raphael was "Rapha il", that is, he was Enki.
Uriel was Enlil.
Archangel Gabriel was inspired by the Anunnaki Nin.Ti (Ninmah or Ninnursague), whose name variant was Gb'rl or Gib-ril. Esoterics know that Gabriel was a female entity.
The terminology "ili" or "il" means high. The word cherubin was inspired by the Akkadian "ikrib" (prayer, blessing).
The first entities to be described as having wings were the Anunnaki (there are engravings on clay tablets). The demon Pazuzu, for example, had wings.
The Catholic Church distorts everything. They called the demon Malkuth.
However, this term is a misrepresentation of the Aramaic “Malakut” (kingdom of God), in Sirian “Malakout” also means “Kingdom of Heaven”, or “Divine Kingdom”.
In the Kabbalah tree, Malkuth is the last sphere (sephirah) which symbolizes the material realm.
Also copied from Sumer.
En.ki created the first woman, “Hawwa”, whom the Bible mentions thousands of years later as Eve. Ata.Bba was the man we know as Adam. There were also derivations of the name, such as: Adamu, Adama (it appears that Adapa was his descendant).
However, the most certain thing is that Adamu was a group of (male) beings and not just one.
The Sumerians have a legend of the Huluppu tree, where the goddess Inanna planted such a tree in her garden. One day a serpent appeared on that tree (the serpent was the female demon Lilitu/Lilith).
Gilgamesh then came to Inanna's aid and slew the serpent.
Noah (who built the ark), was inspired by the Sumerian Ziusudra. The flood was the Euphrades River that due to intense rains caused floods. Ziusudra was also known as Utnapistim. He created a huge ship to save lives.
Kaššāpu Sumerian Magick Grimoire Asamod 2022 ©As you can see, Kabbalah is nothing “original”.
The true meaning of the tree-of-life spheres (deities and realms):
The two twin columns in Masonic temples (despite all the esoteric and symbolic explanations of the bullshit they say, Booz and Jackin, the symbolism Solomon gave them, etc.).
All that esoteric bullshit aside, I'll tell you where they copied the symbolism from. No, it wasn't from Egypt, it was from Babylon.
In many temples at the entrance, they buried two miniature statuettes representing the twin brothers Lugal irra and Meslamta ea (this is one
of Nergal's names). For they were guardians of the portals of the underworld. In the Neo Assyrian period, the figurine of Lugal irra was buried in the left column at the entrance to the temples, and the figure of Meslamta ea on the right. These two gods of the underworld were also associated with the Gemini constellation
It represents the name of Christ.
Chi is represented by an “X”, while Rho is represented by a “P”. In Greek, Christ is: ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ.
But was the Christian religion the true creator of the symbol, or were they inspired by the symbol of the god Anu?
Notice the similarities:
Name variants: Ana'kh, Anunna, Ananaki, a nuna ke4 ne, da nun na. It means "those who came from Anu" (heaven) or "descendants of Anu".
Although historian Zecharia Sitchin and other authors mention that the Anunnaki came from a wandering planet Nibiru, is this really so?
In fact, there are references in the Mul.Apin tablets that indicate the hypothesis that “Nēbiru” is the planet Jupiter, when observed in the month of Tišritum (autumn equinox, in late September).
"When Enlil's stars ended, a great star though its light was dim divides the sky in half and stands there: namely, the star of Marduk (MUL dAMAR.UD), Nibiru (né bé ru), Jupiter (MULSAG.ME.GAR); continues to change position and crosses the sky."
Nēbiru also means "passage" or "waypoint".
I prefer the version that most of them came from other constellations, such as Orion and Sirius. In fact, the Egyptians also said that the abode of many gods was Sirius.
The Egyptians called Sirius “Sopdet”, the Sumerians called it KAK.SI.DI. Sirius was directly associated with Ishtar and Ninurta.
The star Procyon, or Antecanis (before the dog), is the brightest star in the constellation of Canis Minor and the ninth brightest star visible to the naked eye in the night sky. This star was called DAR.LUGAL ("the one before Orion"). Orion's constellation was "URU AN-NA".
Some figures of Anunnaki gods were symbolic, for example waterheaded beings meant they came from the constellation Aquila, from the brightest star in the sky which was Altair. The constellation Aquila they called “A mushen”
The Sumerians referred to various entities: Anunnaki, Dingir, and Igigi. Who were they?
Dingir is just an expression for gods, DIĜIR, (as the Egyptians used: neteru). Igigi were considered lesser gods, which some believed to be servants of the Anunnaki. I prefer the theory that they were
collaborators of the Anunnaki. Igigi meant "the beholders", that's where Gnosis created the myth of the Archons.
The Dogon tribe in Mali (Africa) also mentioned beings from Orion, with the appearance of "fish" which they called "Nommo". The images are very similar to some of the Anunnaki.
Therefore, at least three peoples mentioned that the gods came from Orion and Sirius; they were the Egyptians, the Sumerians, and the Dogons. The Anunnaki god Enki (EA) was sometimes represented as a fish. Obviously, Sirius is a star. When I say they came from Sirius, I mean they came from some planet in that constellation.
"I invoke the powers of the great Anunna gods and ask you to take your protective positions around me. I call upon the almighty Anu, the heavenly Father of all the Anunna, to stand by my side. I invoke the almighty Enki, father of humanity, king of land and sea, and I ask you to stay by my side.
I invoke the great Mother Mami, Great and powerful mother of the Anunna and I ask her to be by my side. I invoke the beloved Goddess Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Goddess of love and war, and I ask that you be by my side. Four corners kept me inside, forming a circle times 3 times 3, protecting me from everyone who sends the shadows my way, surround me with light, love and protection until the end of my days! ḫe'am, so be it!"
Kaššāpu Sumerian Magick Grimoire Asamod 2022This is just a sample. The original has 129 pages. You can buy from these links: amazon
https://www.amazon.com/Kassapu-Sumerian-Magick-GrimoireAsamod-ebook/dp/B0BFBXK122/ Scribd
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