6 minute read


by Chip Kemp, director, ASA & IGS Commercial and Industry Operations

I have sympathy for so many in the industry who might confuse the world “Simmental” with the word “disruption.” Maybe one is just a misspelling of the other. You and your predecessors have always been viewed that way. From the adoption in the very initial stages of open AI, an open herdbook, no color restrictions, to the honest embrace of responsible crossbreeding — the ASA has brought a wrecking ball to stale thinking in the beef business. A fast-forward through the decades blurs together the likes of Boeing Aircraft, Herd Handler, the industry’s first sire summary, Cornell University, BOLT, and International Genetic Solutions. The people involved were even more remarkable and varied.

That is what Simmental is. That is what Simmental does best. Simmental charts a course for measurable improvement for the individual rancher and the industry. Without that purpose we lose our direction and become merely lukewarm.

I, along with my colleagues, take great pride in the fact that we work for such a unique population of folks. It is at the core of how we see our duty to you and your family. You never settle. So, neither will we.

Lest we forget… I was reminded of this at a recent state association meeting. A huge crowd of Simmental and SimAngus enthusiasts gathered at a Missouri Simmental Association meeting back in mid-August. After numerous individual recognitions and Association business, I was able to join their leadership team to make an exciting announcement. But the announcement first reflected on one of those serious moments of change. Of courage.

In 1992, Columbia, Missouri, played host to the inflection point of the modern Simmental business. FOCUS 2000. If you don’t know that history, you should. But suffice it to say, December 11, 1992, is likely only bested by November 7, 1968, in American Simmental lore. And, frankly, FOCUS 2000 reverberates through the global beef industry to this day.

That reminder set the tone for the meeting announcement — that Columbia, Missouri, will host the 2025 Fall Focus. The attendees in the room were obviously excited and enthusiastic to once again host such a meaningful event. It generated many postmeeting reflections, remembrances, and next step conversations.

That one short portion of one short meeting is the whole point. Sometimes we sow. Sometimes we reap. We can always benefit. Our job is to joyfully embrace each of those three roles when it is our time. You and I are blessed to be part of the modern Simmental business because of the determination, collaboration, and sacrifice of those who came before. It is our duty then to not grow complacent. It would be easy to do so. Your cattle and your business approach are much in demand. And that is a testament to what you do. However, if we find ourselves reveling in that spotlight too long as opposed to continuing to hone our craft and to change our industry for the better, then others will take our mantle from us. Many are eager to displace you. That only happens if you let them.That one short portion of one short meeting is the whole point. Sometimes we sow. Sometimes we reap. We can always benefit. Our job is to joyfully embrace each of those three roles when it is our time. You and I are blessed to be part of the modern Simmental business because of the determination, collaboration, and sacrifice of those who came before. It is our duty then to not grow complacent. It would be easy to do so. Your cattle and your business approach are much in demand. And that is a testament to what you do. However, if we find ourselves reveling in that spotlight too long as opposed to continuing to hone our craft and to change our industry for the better, then others will take our mantle from us. Many are eager to displace you. That only happens if you let them.

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9. Full names and complete mailing addresses of publisher, editor and managing editor: Publisher: Wade Shafer, One Genetics Way, Bozeman, MT 59718 Managing Editor: Lilly Platts, One Genetics Way, Bozeman, MT 59718

10. Owner: American Simmental Association (a non-profit organization), One Genetics Way, Bozeman, MT 59718

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Lilly Platts, Managing Editor Dated: September 6, 2024

Positive and beneficial disruption. That is our legacy. That is our duty.

12. Tax Status: Has not changed during preceding 12 months 13. Publication name: the Register

Gold Sponsors

National Cattlemen's Beef Association and National Corn Growers Association Neogen

Silver Sponsors

Gateway Simmental Generation 6 Marketing Gibbs Farms Heishman Cattle Company

Gateway Simmental Generation 6 Marketing Gibbs Farms Heishman Cattle Company

McDonald Farms Select Sires® Inc

TNT Simmental Ranch

Bronze Sponsors

Mark Barnell Land and Cattle Company Nebraska

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