3 minute read


by Tim Clark, North Central Region

I am just beginning my second term as a trustee for the North Central Region. It has truly been an honor and privilege to serve our region and entire Association on this board. If anyone read my last Viewpoint from 2022, I said that everything is all good. I have the same feelings as we complete 2024. It’s all good. But we will have a notable change coming in 2025, as Dr. Wade Shafer has announced his retirement. While this change wasn’t one we expected, we understand his wishes to move forward in life. We do hope he continues to provide his expertise and knowledge for years to come.

I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on what Dr. Shafer has accomplished, and his leadership while at the helm with the American Simmental Association since 2013. What makes someone a great leader? A great leader needs to have vision, be able to understand where one’s status is today, what changes are needed, and where one needs to be in the future. Dr. Shafer has taken the American Simmental Association to heights not dreamed of over a decade ago. His vision of collaboration with other breeds and including those in our genetic evaluation has been nothing but amazing and beneficial for all. International Genetic Solutions is now the largest cattle genetic evaluation in the world. Dr. Shafer stays true and focused on our founding mission to serve the entire beef industry.

What is your why? A great leader identifies and hires qualified individuals who are dedicated to the cause and understand the overall vision and future of the business. Dr. Shafer has brought together a staff that is knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the Simmental breed and the overall beef industry. Our staff is the envy of all the other breed associations. They are dedicated and all in on moving this breed forward. A great leader retains staff and personnel to meet expectations, goals, and overall stability. If we look at the tenure of Dr. Shafer’s time at the ASA, many employees have been employed for a long time. A large number of retired staff are still involved and provide knowledge and assistance when needed.

Lastly, a great leader understands the fiscal responsibility of running a business. ASA has had 12 years of continuous profit, which has taken the ASA to new levels of financial security as an association.

Dr. Shafer has also led a number of positive changes and innovative programs for the Association during his time as EVP, from incorporating profit indexes to the genetic evaluation to adding additional EPD, with many others under construction. Adding innovative programs like the Cow Herd Roundup, Calf Crop Genomics, and Carcass Expansion Program. In each case, more data, genomics, and science are provided to the genetic evaluation, which in Dr. Shafer’s words is the lifeblood of the Association.

I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Dr. Shafer for his leadership and guidance to this breed, and for taking it to its current level of popularity and acceptance throughout the whole industry. His retirement won’t be goodbye, but simply till we meet again! .

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