Alice Gaudioso
ILLUSTRATIONS Condominio22, tempera and photomontage.
ILLUSTRATIONS Condominio22, tempera and photomontage.
ILLUSTRATIONS Bookmarks: Equilibri instabili; Pastel. (Equilibri=equiibriums,Equi=fair, libri=books,instabili=unstables)
ILLUSTRATIONS Christmass cards; pongo,illustrator.
ILLUSTRATIONS Illustrated book: The Coffee Maker Genius; Acrilycs and photomontage.
ILLUSTRATIONS Degree thesis in Architecture: The Puppy’s Metaphor; pencil, photoshop, illustrator. Link:
LOGOS Logos; Illustrator.
LAYOUT Catalog: Sea Heritage. layout and icons. Link:
LAYOUT Depliant: Pelagos, Sea Heritage.
LAYOUT Depliant: Colori DiVersi.
WEB GRAPHICS Landing Page: Explora Canarias,Tenerife.
PAINTINGS Merlino, acrylics; Aja, piece of chalk ; Al mattino, acrylics.
PAINTINGS Palloncino, Photoshop; Il rifiuto del padre, acrylics; Pri, acrylics.
ILLUSTRATIONS Condominio22, tempera and photomontage.