By William B. Godbey
ISBN: 9781648170454 Enoch's walk with God / by W.B. Godbey. First Fruits Press, 2021 Digital version at First Fruits Press is a digital imprint of the Asbury Theological Seminary, B.L. Fisher Library. Asbury Theological Seminary is the legal owner of the material previously published by the Pentecostal Publishing Co. and reserves the right to release new editions of this material as well as new material produced by Asbury Theological Seminary. Its publications are available for noncommercial and educational uses, such as research, teaching and private study. First Fruits Press has licensed the digital version of this work under the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit For all other uses, contact: First Fruits Press B.L. Fisher Library Asbury Theological Seminary 204 N. Lexington Ave. Wilmore, KY 40390 Godbey, W.B. (William Baxter, 1833-1920. Enoch's walk with God [electronic resource]/ by W.B. Godbey – Wilmore, Kentucky : First Fruits Press, 2021. 1 online resource (144 p. : port.) : digital Reprint. Previously published: Louisville, KY : Pentecostal Publishing Company, ©1917. ISBN: 9781648170447 (paperback) ISBN: 9781648170454 (uPDF) ISBN: 9781648170461 (Mobi) OCLC: 1255178640
1. Sanctification. I. Title. BT765.G62 2021eb Cover design by Amanda Kessinger
A First Fruits Press The Academic Open Press of Asbury Theological Seminary 204 N. Lexington Ave., Wilmore, KY 40390 859-858-2236
ENOCH'S WALK WITH GOD By REV. W. B. GODBEY Author of many books on
Bible Holiness
BOOK OF ENOCH................................................................
VI. 88
A book is in circulation cognominated Book of Enoch, which providentially fell into my hands and proved an incentive, as God seemed to corroborate that I should write this volume, not only reminding you of the mistake on the part of the author, who imputed it to Enoch, when the case is very clear that he never saw it. Enoch was only the seventh from Adam, living long before the flood and only about 700 years after the creation of Adam, when there were no books in the world. Noah, great grandson of Enoch, was the most influential man in the world in his day. He was 600 years old when the flood came and had preached, doubtless, more than 500 years, and would certainly have preserved them in the ark if there had been any books in all the world. The first alphabet ever seen by mortal eyes was made by the Phoenecians, the children of Shem, long after the flood. It contained only six letters, and had been preceded by hieroglyphics of Egypt, or writing by pictures with immense labor. These hieroglyphics are preserved bright and beautiful where I have frequently seen them in catacombs. Egypt has always been at the front of the world on account of her wonderful fertility, superinduced by the Nile, one of the largest rivers in the world, rising far south of the equator in the Mountains of the Moon, so cognominated because they the highest in all that part of the world. The Nile flows north about 5,000 miles, into the Mediterranean, the greatest sea in the world, annually overflowing and depositing a stratum of fertility on the land, making
it rich as the garden of the Lord, and inexhaustible by reason of these annual deposits. While it never rains in that country, which is abundantly irrigated by overflowing of the Nile and artificially supplied ad libitim, as the Bible speaks about watering it with their feet, which I did not understand till I visited that country and saw their treadmills everywhere, utilizing animals as well as. people by their weight to draw water up from the rivers and utilize it for their crops. You see by Pharaoh's dream in the days of Joseph that the river was instrumental in wonder£ ul crops the first seven years, as the seven fat cattle came up out of it. The reason the famine came was because God in His infinite wisdom withheld the annual inundations, bringing a blighting dearth all over the country, followed by stalking famine. Another reason why that country has always been so magnetic is the fact that it has cloudless sunshine all the year round-sun, moon, and stars enjoying a brilliancy unknown in other countries. The climate is semi-tropical, neither hot summer nor cold winter, but perennial spring with never-fading flowers, and perpetual autumn with never-failing fruits, thus from creation focalizing the inhabitants of the earth in the land of Egypt. Besides, we must remember it is a part of Eden, denominated garden, whereas the Hebrew word gan means a park of indefinite magnitude in its primeval state. You see this fact revealed (Gen. 2 :10), where it gives the locality and magnitude of the garden, specifying the rivers which irrigate it-the- Pison, the Jordan, which takes in Palestine; the Gihon, the Nile, which includes Egypt; the Hiddekel, the Tigris, which
takes in .Syria; and the Euphrates, which still retains its ancient name and includes Mesapotamia. All antiquarians believe that the five great pyramids of Egypt were built bY. antediluvians, because we have no mechanical power that could build them so wonderfully large. Cheops, the largest, I climbed twenty-two years ago. It is 550 feet high, occupying thirteen acres of ground, and is estimated to have cost the labor of 100,000 men 200 years, or 2'00,000 men 100 years; also, coins have been found in the pyramids dating its building 3,700 years B.C., which, by popular chronology, would put it back within 300 years of Adam's creation, when there were not men enough on earth to do it. This is also an argument in favor of Septuagint chronology, which we have in our Greek Bible, translated by seventy learned Jews, under the patronage of Ptolemy Philadelphis, King of Egypt 280 B.C., and gives the Antediluvian Age 2,2'26 years, instead of 1,656, thus adding about 600 years to the Antediluvian Age, thus putting the building of the pyramid about 900 years of the world when they might have done it in much less time, as nearly all the people who had been born then were still living. They lived ten times as long as we, and doubtless contrastively with us they were all giants, endued with paradoxical physical strength. Besides, they had the M·astodon, several times the magnitude of the elephant, the largest animal on earth now and weighing 1,000 pounds. These animals doubtless used their wonderful ~trength in moving those great stones which c·onstitute these pyramids. It is certified that these five large pyramids were built by the antediluvian kings, as their own tombular monuments to contain their
mummyized bodies, as they believed the soul would exist only so long as the body retained its integrity. Consequently to the wonderment of the whole world at that day they had learned the art of embalming so perfectly as to perpetuate these bodies these 4,000 years. If you ever visit the old world go into the Gizeh Museum in Cairo. The building covers an entire square, and you will see the people who lived on the earth 4,000 years ago all around you, looking perfectly natural and retaining their features wonderfully. I have often seen the Pharaoh who sat upon the throne of the world contemporary with Moses and the Exodus of Israel. He is known in history as Rameses II. His marble monument is of that brilliant red stone found only at the cataracts of the Nile and used for the most important statuary. The temple of the Sphinx is also to be seen with the body of a lion 120 feet long and 60 feet high, the head of a man, and the face of the virgin, showing up the strength and courage of the lion, the intelligence of man, and the purity of the virgin. This was characteristic of the god worshipped by the pyramid builders. It is immediately outside of the temple in which the people worshipped, and built entirely of that beautiful red marble. and, like the Sphinx, every piece a monolith. In this Book of Enoch, under his name, though he never saw it, as it evidences its date about the time of the apocryphal writings in the Bible, contemporary with Homer and the most ancient Greek writers, who give us much about the antediluvian world, though evidently all from tradition, as there were no books till about the time of Moses, the first
writings in the world having been the Egyptian heiroglyp,hics, by pictures, with immense labor and ingenuity as you superabounding in the catacombs of Egypt. These were evidently made after the flood, as the deluge would have seriously damaged them; whereas they are bright and beautiful. The nine large pyramids were built before the flood, as indicated -by their magnitude, and the fact that tney consist of hewn stones so very large and erected in the pyramidal form, so they would stand the fl'ood with perfect impunity. It is said that when a king ascended the throne he began his pyramid to protect his embalmed body forever, and to serve as a monument to his memory. He is supposed to have built a stratem every year of his life. Consequently the antediluvian pyramids, when men lived 1,000 years, are a.bout ten times the magnitude of those built after the flood. Very many are in a state of ruin, as they had not the necessary weight and magnitude to fortify them against Time's facing fingers that deteriorate everything huilt in this world, except those few rare monuments like the antediluvian pyramids. This Book of Enoch takes up the case in Genesis, chapter six, where the s~ms of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair and took to themselves. wives, and their progeny were giants, and filled the world with violence, proving utterly incorrigible so as to force God either to acquiesce in the world simply as a hellfeeder forever, or to destroy them, as He did by the flood. This -book construes the sons of God as archangels similitudiously to the Greek writers of the Homeric age who write up the gods, imputing to them human passions and predelections; hecom-
ing enamored of mortals. and having posterity on the earth, demi-gods Castor, Palonx, Hercules, Polyphemus and others so wonderfully large and strong as to do great exploits upon the earth. These giants actually aspired to take heaven by conquest. Ovid describes them as piling up Mt. Ansa on Pelion and other mountains on them until Jupiter, the chief Grecian god, utilizing Hercules, defeated and destroyed them. Homer describes Polyphemus as 240 feet tall, and gives Ulysses as the celebrated hero who, on his return from the siege of Troy, was separated from the other ships by an awful storm; then roaming over the seas was wrecked upon unknown lands, passing wonderful adventures with demi-gods and giants, finally reaching home to meet his faithful queen Penelope after an absence of twenty years,. the last ten of which she had been awfully troubled with suitors. The young princes of Greece were waiting on her to join them in wedlock, assuring her of her widowhood. She resorted to many strategems to put them off, believing that her husband was alive, despite their assertions that he and his ships were buried in the dark, deep sea and she would never see him again in this world. Among the strategems to which she resorted one was that she was weaving a burial shroud for Laertes, the superannuated king, who would soon die and needed it. At that time but few people in the world understood the art of weaving cloth, consequently the honor was so great as to be sought by queens, and Penelope had national notoriety as a weaver. The suitors asked her to take her choice among them and all the rest would acquiesce when she thus. entered
into wedlock. She told them that when she got that funeral shroud done she would comply with their demands, make the selection and go into matrimony. She was so long at the job that they became suspicious and watched her at night and found that she raveled out what she had woven in the daytime, so as to prolong the job. Finally as the lapse of twenty years, ten at the siege of Troy, as written up by Homer in the wonderful Illiad, and ten more by the same author in the Odyssey, which is the Greek word for Ulysses, as he describes his wonderful adventures among demi-gods, divinities and giants and all sorts of thrilling adventures. Finally, on arrival on the island, hearing of the troubles at the court, he disguised himself a beggar and came home. No one but his wife recognized him and he gave her the wink, so she kept silent. His old dog, after the twenty years, recognized him, falling on him and dropping dead of joy. The suitors meanwhile thinking him a beggar, dropped contributions into his hat till he worked up a shooting match with them, into which they entered with enthusiasm. He actually defeated and slew them all, as he was the greatest hero in the world. He then threw off the and proclaimed his identity. He reascended his throne after that wonderful score of years, so celebrated in the Homeric poems, and by all pronounced the palm of the ages. The world with its wonderful literature never has equaled them. The people in the early ages had no books, and depended on their memories; yet it is wonderful how they substantially retained facts, utilized and profited 'by the same. You see in this case of Ulysses and Penelope how the former symbolized Christ and
the latter his Bride, though wonderfully tangled up with the mythologies of the day; Penelope so bright, smart, and charmingly beautiful as to magnetize all the young princes of Greece, not only to seek her hand in wedlock, but enjoy the benefits of her queenship over the lovely and prolific island of Ithica ; while the absence of Ulysses, accompanied by the reports that he and all his ships had sunk to the botf;om of the dark, deep sea, and he could never get back. Consequently they pressed their claims heroically, insisting that she was a widow and in every way eligible to matrimony. She at the same time assured them that her husband was alive and coming in due time, till finally after twenty years arriving and finding the court thronged with the young princes of the land rivaling each other for the hand of his noble queen in wedlock. Knowing that if they knew who he was they would kill him to get his queen. So he plays the beggar till the golden opportunity arrives for him to rise and slay them all and take possession of his long vacated throne by the side of his noble queen. 0, how these historic events remind us of our wonderful Christ, whose kingdom on earth has been so thronged with false claimants, popery, prelacy, and priestcraft, all united with an army of false prophets, combined to usurp His throne, capture His queen and spoiliate His kingdom in the interest of their Satanic Majesty. Yet the true 'bride scattered here and there over the whole· earth is unshaken by these intrigueing demons, carnate and incarnate, holding her ground and constantly looking for the appearing of her Divine spouse, who in the great oncoming tribulation, ominously pending in every land beneath the
skies, abounding in "signs of His coming," when His two-edged sword will cut down all His enemies, receive His queen with shouts of victory, sit down on the throne of David and "reign over the house of Jacob, forever and ever and ever." Dan. 7 :18. In this Book of Enoch, Gen. 6 chap.: "When the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and took unto themselves wives, soon the world was filled with violence imputed to their gigantic progeny, as intermarriage with the wicked ruined the Antediluvian church; the good dying and going to heaven and their successors captured by Satan, as we have seen to our sorrow repeated in all nations ever since. Go where you will and you find intermarriage with the wicked the death knell of God's church; as everything in this fallen world stands on an incline plane, tilting sinward, Satanward, and hell ward; so preponderantly that it just will not do to yoke up with the wicked if you don't want to settle your own doom for hell and damnation. In that book the author ( unknown, but claimed to be Enoch,) construes the "Sons of God," to be archangels, who became enamored of "the daughters of men," who were not saved, entered into wedlock and raised up a crop of giants who filled the world with wickedness and forced God to destroy them by the flood or let the earth beeome a hell feeder. He reminds me of the Greek writers above mentioned who had no Bible and wrote up their gods endowed with human passions and appetites, so becoming enamored of mortals they brought forth the great and terrific giants, the scourge of olden times. The truth of the matter is the generation is always homogeneous and never heterogeneous, as we see demon-
strated in the museum of Naples, Italy, where we have specimens of the awful sin of which Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed in the days of Abraham and Heruculanium and Pompeii by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius A.D. 79. The awful iniquity of those four cities was their cohabitation with animals; but never any progeny, demonstrating the fact that miscegenation cannot take place between spiritualities and materialities. Hence the author of that book was utterly mistaken as "Sons of God" in that passage simply means God's children as in the days of Job, while daughters of men were the des,cendants of Cain, the fratricide, whom the children of Seth, the successor of martyred Abel, loved, married, and brougth up children who followed the unsaved parent instead of the Christian; thus apostatizing the antediluvian church with the exception of the faithful Noah and his. family, and blighting the hope of the world. The Jewish Talmuds certify that Enoch was king, the first one in the world, and as he was a godly man all his life, and wholly sanctified 300 years, of course God in His providence had put him on the throne of the world to rule as His subordinate, and when he had faithfully served those wonderful 300 years in which Christianity actually had the pre-eminence in all the earth. And when it so happened that God had more use for him in heaven than in his sublunary kingdom, it was not long till the godly people made the awful mistake of enamorment with the worldly, entering into wedlock, their progeny becoming giants, taking the world in their herculean grip and turning it over to the devil; thus superinducing the necessity on the part of our loving heavenly Father to either exter-
minate them or let the world turn hog pen, to fatten souls for the pandemonium, and consequently in love and mercy He sent the flood to take away the unsavables and incorrigibles, and through the second paternity of good old Noah, whom God saw righteous and perfect in his generation, def eat the powers of darkness and turn a heavenly sunburst upon the world. The statement, "giants," is really an erroneous translation of the Hebrew Niphilim, which means apostates, as it is a. Hebrew word in the plural numher, whereas Gibber, the word for giant, does not there occur. Luther translated Niphilim tyrants, which is really nearer its true meaning than giants. Gibber is the word for giants, which does not occur in this passage, but Niphilim, which means apostates, from the verb liphal, to tackle. Therefore, it is a. simple allusion to the fact that resultant from the intermarriage of righteous and the wicked a horrific apostacy supervened, as will inevitably in every case. The ref ore we should all profit by this noted illustration of the disaster normal to intermarriage with the wicked. Take timely warning and prevent it at every cost, as it simply means damnation in the end. The ·only way to prevent this calamity which brought the fliood on the other world to sweep them into eternity but one righteous family, who succeeded through Noah in a beautiful example of sanctification normal to his regeneration as God certifies to his. perfection, which John Vi esley, one of the greatest scholars and most spiritual men the world has ever seen, pronounces synonymous with sanctification from the simple fact that they both come from the same word facio, to make; and per, complete, thus giving us perfection; where-
as if you substitute sanctit-B for per your sanctification is precisely synonymous with perfection, from the fact that it means made holy, which is precisely the work of the Holy Ghost when He applies blood to a regenerated soul and expurgates all inherited depravity, which is precisely the definition of a perfect Christian, not only supernaturally born, but sanctified wholly, i. e., the last residuum eliminated, leaving nothing but the mind of Christ which is created by the Holy Ghost in regener:ition, as you see frequently, especially in the Pauline scriptures, Eph. 2 :1: "But you hath He quickened who were dead in trespasses and in sins." This old English word quicken is the translation of the beautiful strong Greek zooee-poreesee, from zooee, life, and poieoo, to create, and consequently means the creation of life in the dead soul. Hence, when God pronounces Noah perfect He thereby certifies that he is born from above and sanctified wholly. A happy participant of the glorious salvation all must have if we pass the pearly portals with a shout of victory and receive the starry crown never to fade away, but accumulate new lustre through the flighty eternal ages. As we see the antediluvian church was ruined and the flood necessitated as the only alternative of the world surviving forever a hellf eeder. If God had not in mercy eliminated the unsavables and incorrigibles, leaving the only righteous family, thus giving the world another chance to keep out of hell and actually become in His good providence and grace the felicitous vestibule of heaven as it certainly will be on the glorious ultimatum now pending in the near future, when the great tribulation will prove the Omega of God's righteous
judgments to save a lost race of which in the great flood He gave us the alarming Alpha. There is but one way you can avoid intermarriage of the wicked with your children and that is never to encourage them about your house unless they at once assume the attitude of earnest seekers of the Lord and salvation. He never gave me but one girl to reach maturity, and she was converted at twelve and sanctified at fifteen. When the blue grass dudes began to dash in with their glittering vehicles before the autos were dreamed of, and I said, "Effie, I am not willing for you to keep the company of those ungodly young men," she said, ''Father, I do not want their company, but they are our neighbors and I must treat them politely. I wish you would advise me as I am in a dilemma.'' So I proceeded, "When your beau rings the door bell kindly respond and take him to the parlor, give him a. chair, go to the organ, sing and play the best salvation song the Holy Ghost gives you, which will be the notification for your mother to come in. When you have given them a few songs and the Spirit leads, change to prayer, making your beau be an especial subject and thank the Lord for sending him in and giving you a chance to pray for his salvation. She was a good worker in meetings, often going with me and she responded, ''Thank you, father, I will do that." Reader, guess how many visits eaeh dude made. My noble amanuensis, Henry Shoemaker, responds, one. Four years rolled away and r happened at home again, after a tour around the world, preaching the gospel in Europe, Asia and Africa. My dear wife brought up the subject, ob2
serving, "Mr. Godbey, do you know that Effie has never had a beau since we prayed them all out four years ago, because she is our only daughter and I hope she will remain single as long as I live." A swift biennium fled a way and in His good providence I was home again when the daughter brought the subject up, giving me the names of four noble and promising Holiness preachers who were waiting on her, each one proposing matrimony, and she wanted me to take choice. So I responded, "Effie, they are all good enough for us. I have no objection to any of them. But as Brother Hill was converted in my meetings, I have known him ever since and never heard anything wrong about him, better acquainted with him than either of the other three, he is my choice, and leaping to her feet, she shouted, "Glory to God, he is mine, too." Therefore we soon all overcrowded the M. E. Church and witnessed the solemnization of the wedlock of my daughter with this noble preacher. It absolutely will not do for you to take the risk of intermarriage with the ungodly, therefore you must head it off at every cost. The truth is, in reference to the giants mentioned in your Bible, and who led the world into wickedness, the Word simply apostates. those awful backsliders, fallen, wicked people who became popular leaders and actually precipitated the world headlong into wickedness, whereas all the Antediluvians, good and bad, were giants, as we can see by the works they wrought which have survived the present day-the Egyptian pyramids built before the flood. And many were built afterwards, and only about onetenth the magnitude as those erected by the Antediluvians. It is no sin to be a giant, as God so made
us, and at the same time allowed us to live on the earth 1,000 years that we might have ample time to lay up a rich treasure in heaven where "moth nor rust doth corrupt nor thieves 'break through and steal." Where the Bible says that God repented that he had made man, it is not the word which means our repentance, literally, a change of mind, the carnal mind conquered in regeneration, and grace given to keep it down, but utterly destroyed the old man crucified and the body of sin exterminated (Rom. 6 :6), and buried into the death of Christ. The word translated, "repent," and applied to God in reference to the creation of man, is not at all synonymous with human repentance, which means the forgiveness of sins and the substitution of the mind of Christ as created in the heart by the Holy Ghost in regeneration and made perfect in sanctification, which is the full consummation of our repentance. As applied to God, it means holy grief, because after the direful apostacy superinduced by the intermarriage· of the godly children of :Seth with the idolatrous and worldly children of Cain, the latter wielding the preponderating influence, so that after the saints had gone to heaven their children failed to succeed them in their Christian experiences, and captured by the world, became wicked, getting worse and worse as generations came and went, till they actually grieved a way the Holy Spirit as you see in Gen. 7 :3, "My Spirit shall not always strive with man." They became unsavable, superinducing their own destruction as the only alternative of an utterly hopeless, wicked world, after Noah, the only godly survivor, had gone to heaven,
leaving the world simply a hell-feeder The Jewish Talmuds say Enoch was king, i. •e., the first the world ever had, and as you see (Gen .. 5 :24), that he walked with God without a break 300 years, i. e., serving as His vice regent on earth, delighted to do His will as the .angels in heaven. The real :monarch of all the world, the Giver, was to him infinitey more charming than the magnitudinous gift of the whole earth, superabounding in gold and silver mines in their virgin richness, and so much fertile land that the few people had choice and only cultivated the most productive spots. Yet, he was so delighted with the companionship of his loving, heavenly Father and walked so heroically and affectionately by His side, that in His gracious and glorious providence and superabounding loving kindness and one bright ,day He gives him a glorious chariot ride up to heaven; the people in vain ransacking the inhabitable earth to find him. As we have preponder_ant evidence in favor of the conclusion that thos-e five magnitudinous pyramids, which stand today and tell the passerby the story of gigantic hands rearing them up into the blue ether when time was young, and leaving them to tell their pigmy successors the wonders of days and years forever gone, their history shrouded in oblivion, tradition certifying that the post-Enoch, Antediluvian king, after the fatal a,postacy on ascending the throne, each one began his tombular monument, as such is the character of all these pyramids. Each year of the reign of a king put a stratum on the pyramid superinducing the wonderful magnitude of those five great pyramids now standing and believed to be the work of ad infinitum.
-antediluvian giants, whereas the same great Pharaohchin cemetery proceeded after the flood in a similar manner to build tombular monuments, hut as life had dropped down to about one-tenth of the former length, corresponding mimification of all the postdiluvian pyramids, which are much in ruins, as they were not like their predecessors, fortified against dilapidation by their magnitude. We see the Divine benignity manifest in the longevity of the antediluvians, in mercy permitting us to live long on the earth, that we might prosecute great enterprises of human philanthropy in the interest of God's kingdom; meanwhile utilizing this long life, laying up treasures in heaven. But we see how Satan took advantage of it, congratulating them that they need not be in a hurry to serve God, and g~t ready to die, as the time of their departure was so far off; consequently they could go ahead, make fortunes and enjoy the world, and then the last fifty, or at most, one hundred years, have ample time to get saved and be ready to die shouting and fly up to heaven. God duly tried us all, as the Septeragent chronology certifies, the Antediluvian Age continuing 2,226 years; and He found wickedness constantly gaining ground after the brilliant reign of godly Enoch and the unf ortunate intermarriage of the righteous with the wicked, bringing the appalling apostacy on the world, as the Hebrew world in that scripture is not gibber, giant, but 1·ephilim, a Hebrew word in the plural number, which means apostates, as the root 1·aph means to fall. Therefore, after their godly ancestors had gone to glory, they all signally failing to receive their experiences, lamentably fell into
idolatry, wickedness and worldliness, as comparative with us they were really all physical giants; yet some of them doubtless more gigantic than others, and utilizing their tremendous physical power and corresponding intellectual capacity in the prose~ution of their selfish, ambitions, wicked enterprises, precipitating the world deeper and deeper into iniquity in every form and phase; reckless of the calls of duty, of love, wisdom, mercy, and philanthropy, and carried away by their selfish, Napoleonic enterprises utterly defiant of God, who found it absolutely necessary to collect the ineffable ruin of the world by the judgment of the great flood, sweeping all into eternity except the one righteous family, saved :by the ark, the beautiful symbol of Christ who alone can save. Re·ader, are you now safe in the Ark, singing as you move over the earth, "Safe in the arms of .Jesus, safe on His gentle breast?," for "I'd rather be the least of them, who are the Lord's alone, than wear a royal diadem and sit upon a throne." Are there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem the flood? Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God? Sure I must fight if I would reign; Increase my courage, Lord; I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by Thy word.
As the Hebrew word yam translated day in Genesis, first chapter, does not mean the solar day, could not, as the sun was, never seen by mortal eyes till the fourth day; whereas, the first three days were not solar, yet have the same phraseology, the conclusion follows that none were solar but demigeric creative periods. of an indefinite duration and doubtless running beyond the popular apprehension. Between Gen. 1 : 1-2, there is no doubt but a million years supervened, as the first verse reveals the creation of the whole solar system, believed by geologists, among whom are some of the brightest and truest Christians ever known on earth, e. g., Emmber, Hugh Miller and others whose names are in the Book of Life, honestly believed that the whole solar system was created in one vast amorphus vaporous mass, containing all the materials, represented by the sixty-three elements constituting the earth, in a vaporous state, as you know all matter is capable of existing as solid, liquid, or gaseous. This immense mass reaches out a diameter beyond the orbit of Neptune, which must have reigned nine or ten million. All matter, as demonstrated by Sir Isaac Newton, endued with mutual magnetism, precipitating it all together in a rush toward the common center, and in His infinite wisdom with His omnipotent hand He gives it a rotary motion ultimating in the great centrifugal force authentical to the centripetal, superinduced by gravitation, these mutually concentrating each other
and finding no mutual rest until they reach their equilibrium. When this immense mass by condensation reached the orbit of Neptune three thousand· million miles from the sun, the centrifugal so predominated over the centripetal as to evolve an immense envelope which, responsive to gravitation, formed the planet Neptune and the satellite sixty times the magnitude of the earth, and has been revolving around the primitive integer, now the sun, ever since. Then, responsive to universal gravitation inherent in all ponderous matter, the condensation continues until we rea ch the orbit of Uranus, when another evolution supervenes responsive to inherent gravitation, peculiar to all matter, spherefies, forming the planet Uranus, eighty-one times the magnitude of the earth and eighteen thousand million miles from the sun, which with its satellites has been there revolving ever since its evolution. Now, the condensation normal to gravitation continuing eventually we reach the orbit of Saturn, when an immense envelope breaks loose from the vast vaporous globe, spherefies and forms that great and brilliant planet, a bright, ruddy and beautiful star when viewed with the naked eye. It is accompanied by eight satellites and encircled by two grand, illuminous ring·s. It is 900,000,000 miles from the sun, and 1,100 times the magnitude of the earth, making a grand and gorgeous panorama on the telescope vision, so edifying to the eye of the beholder. Now in this normal trend of condensation we reach the orbit of Jupiter, 1,400 times the magnitude of the earth, and 49 5,000,000 miles from the sun, yet revolving around him and accompanied by his four bright satellite.s and encircled by beautiful white, 1
silvery belts, vastly adding to the gorgeous exhibi-tion with which he favors the curious eye of the astronomer sweeping ~he celestial vaults with his telescope and delighted to view these majestic and brilliant worlds with their gorgeous panorama. We now reach the asteroids, fifty.two small planets 250,000,000 miles from the sun, and, by astronomers as well as geologists, believed to ·be the disentegration like Jupiter and Saturn, which exploded there far back in the ages of antiquity; the larger pieces, heavy enough to reta:in their orbits and the small tracks into parabolic orbits which never returned into their old track, but a;borate farther and farther till caught by the magnetism of some planet to which responsive to gravitation they speed their precipitous .fl'ight, 'becoming ill uminous when they strike the atmosphere, and, as I often saw them over our mountain home and we children calling them shooting stars, erroneously, as the stars never shoot. Many have fallen on the earth, some in South America weighing seven tons, and doubtless more have fallen on Jupiter and Mars, as they are contiguous planets. It has been a long time since I have seen one and I know not why, because I saw them so frequently during my childhood. I suppose it is because the supply which got in the atmosphere when the explosion took place long ago is being exhausted. We now reach the small planet Mars, our morning star, fiery, brilliant, only one-fifth the magnitude of the earth and 145,000,000 miles from the sun. Next in order is our own dear home which our heavenly Father created for us and in his infinite love donated to Father Adam and Mother Eve -and to all their children hy the law of heredity univer1
sally recognized throughout His illimitable universe, of which our solar system with all of these satellites and asteroids revolving around our grand and glowing sun constitute but a very small fraction. As at this point the evolution supervened which spherifies into our planet cognomed earth. Our blessed Father having in His love and mercy also tossed out with His hallowed fingers our moon to an orbit 240,000 miles from us, revolving around us 354 times a year, giving us the light by night we so much need and appreciate and in which the animal creathn rejoices, from the harking dog to the roaring lion, grateful to their Creator for this lovely, silver queen. The next planet is Venus, much smaller than Earth and 58,000,000 miles from the sun, cognomened on earth Evening Star, and shedding a lovely silver light. Then we come to Mercury, a beautiful little planet 39,000,000 miles from the sun, and on to Vulcan, last of all, but recently discovered, because so near the sun, only 24,000,000 miles. His brilliant light so obstructed the telescopic view as to long postpone his. identity. Now we reach the equilibrium of the centrifugal and centripetal forces, so there are no more evolutions from the primitive integer, which became luminous the fourth day of cre ation, as you see in the Bible, having evolved ten planets with their satellites and the asteroids, thus giving him a grand family to revolve around him and keep him company forever. He is the glorious and beautiful symbol of the great Son of Righteousness, who in His superabounding mercy rose upon the whole world with healing in His wings, jubilantly saluted by the angel band who swept down from the heavenly altitudes and electrified the shepherds in 1
the dead hours of the night, while watching their flocks amid the hills of Bethlehem. "Hark a glad voice the lonely desert cheers, Prepare the way, a God, a God appears! Lo, earth receives Him from the bending skies. Sink down, ye mountains, ye valleys rise. "With heads declined, ye cedars homage pay, Be smooth ye rocks, ye rapid floods give way, The Savior comes, by ancient bards foretold, Hear Him, ye deaf and all ye blind, behold." The great commission as recorded by Matt. 28 : 19 sends the proclamation over land and sea to every nation beneath the glittering stars: "From Greenland's icy mountains, From India's coral strands, Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sands, From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain, They call us to deliver Their land from error's chain. Shall we whose souls are lighted, With wisdom from on high, Shall we to men benighted, The lamp of life deny ! Waft, waft, ye winds his story, And you ye waters roll, Till like a sea of glory, It spreads from pole to pole,
Till o'er our ransomed nature, The Lamb for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign.'' Our earth is the seventh planet in the wonderful solar evolution, comparatively small, though 1f you travel all the way round it, as your humble servant has done, you will never again think it sm'all; though Neptune is sixty times, Uranus eighty times, Saturn eleven hundred times, and Jupiter 1,400 times its dimension. Thus our beautiful and lovely terra firma finally evolved from the grand solar orb, taking her place 19,000,000 miles from the sun and accompanied by the beautiful moon 240)000 miles distant and revolving around her 345 times every year; thus constituting the lunar year, four days shorter than the calendar, and nine days shorter than the solar. After her evolution, responsive to the condensation superinduced by universal gravitation in due time so much heat was evolved as to render her luminous, long before the sun, million of times her magnitude, received his luminosity, the crowning glory of his royal majesty, king of day forever. In process of time the heat so radiant into space as to cool the exterior and condense the vapor which hung in illimitable oceans. in the circumambient ether, which falling on the earth, in due time wrapped the globe in an ocean, bankless and bottomless so far as practical diagnosis could investigate when we reach Gen. 1 :2, "The earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep," and the Spirit of God, moving on the waters, i. e., the Blessed Third Person of the Trinity,
here carrying on His work. So you see .at this time there were no mountain ranges, continents, islands, nor seas and nothing on the earth but the one ma.gnitudinous ocean, without ,bank or bottom.. And as light had not yet been created, darkness profound, eternal reigned. I cannot conceive of time shorter than a million years having elapsed between the first and second verses of the Bible, and certainly lean to the conclusion that it was much more. When God said let there be light, and there was light, from whence did it come, as we hear nothing- of the sun till the fourth -day? By this time ihe great planets Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter, so much older than this world, had doubtless reached their luminosity and responded to the Divine mandate, interpenetrating the void immense with their beautiful light which constituted the first demi urgic day. As you read your Bible, you see that the firmament, i. e., the beautiful blue cerulean sky enveloping the whole earth and separating between the waters enveloping the globe in a boundless ocean and the illimitable seas of aquatic vapor in the vast exterior, and thus heralding the second day of creation. In due time followed by the percolation of water into the earth's interior tn contact with the red-hot lava constituting the whole earth as it does now with a thin crust on the exterior not so thick as the shell of the egg in proportion to its size, and as the contraction superinduced by universal gravitation, eventually rendered the earth too small for the crust which dropped down in some places and heaved up in others by the tremendous volcanic power, God's dynamite, amid thunders, lightnings and earthquakes, enveloping the whole earth and prosecuting His stupendous
work of which we read in Prov., 8th ch., heaving up the great mountain ranges, kissing the blue skies from pole to pole and dropping down the vast oceanic beds and sea bottoms intervening, and thus giving the earth her normal shape, which you see she did not have, Gen. 1 :2, and conatituting the third day. This day is memorialized by the creation of the most simple animals in the world, the coral insects, which have done the greatest work, actually built up the Japanese empire, one of the great powers of the earth, and though toiling multiplied millions of years, not tired yet and constantly adding new islands to rise in beauty and relieve the monotony of the dark hued deep with their blooming flowers and perennial fruit, inviting the squatters crowded out from our populous cities to find a de·lightf ul home, eternally refreshed by the delightful and hygienical sea breezes; thus on the third day in that early age of the world millions of radiate and moluscus animals responded to the Omnific ipsi clixit and leap into life, to be followed by the countless billions of higher orders. Thus these were the oncoming demiurgic days and sub-sequent ages. The fourth day was memorialized by the sun in his ma.j esty and glory and the moon in her lovely beauty, moving out to flash their welcome light throughout the vast domain of the solar system ; also souvenired by the creation of the magnitudinous oceanic animals, the whale which I have seen, not only on the ocean, but more to my satisfaction in the British Museum in London, one 180 feet long and 15 feet through from the tip of the spinal column to the breastbone. Also many great monsters in'habiting the deep, by Job denominated Leviathan. The fifth 1
day comes on and is memorialized by the creation of the elephants, mastodon, camel, and all the great domestic animals, cognomene-d cattle; the innumerable fowls winging their flight through the air from the humming bird to the great eagle and the gigantic ostrich by his paradoxically swift feet expedited by his comparatively small wings, actually outrunning the horse, proverbial for his swiftness. Having thus literally filled the world-land, sea, and air with his infinitesimal creation, from the microscopic anamalculre to the mastodon, condor and whale, literally demonstrating the con~olatory fact that the great God of the universe takes delight in vitality in all conceivable forms and phases. We are not surprised when the sixth day ushers in and He says, "Let us make man in our own image and likeness, male and female, created He them, and gave them dominion over all the animals of the earth, fishes of the sea, and fowls of the air;" thus actually coronating them, Adam king and Eve queen. We see evidently the grand end in view was companionship, as in His boundless and illimitable universe it seems that He was lonely, as the countless millions of animals, fishes and birds were incompetent to the Divine companionship, intellectually and spiritually. How long Adam and Eve lived in the unfallen paradise, antecedent to the lugubrious and appalling Satanic invasion, we can only conjecture. We must remember 2 Pet. 3 :8, "One day with God is as a a thousand years, and a thousand years as one, day; bearing in mind that we are dealing with God's days, centuries, ages, and cycles which are but as a watch in the night when it is past. I am on the constant outlook for His glorious appearing to translate me
like Enoch and Elijah and all the sainted members of the bridehood, felicitously living on the earth, at His glorious appearing. The reason why I am thus on the constant outlook is because I have no guide but the Bible, which holds. up before me all the chronologies, with stentorian proclamations, assuring me that I am treading the ragged edges of the Gentile dispensation amid the glorious millennial dawn. As He has let me live on the earth these eighty-four years, I certainly feel assured that if He tarries He will soon send an angel, as in case of Lazarus, to call me. a way to the bright upper world to join the enraptured host gone on before and now awaiting me on the bright shining shore, ready to S"hout my welcome to the heavenly highlands where we will walk the golden streets and sing the song of Moses and the Lamb. Doubtless in our grand employment and edification it will be our privilege to receive from the ministry of the happy pilgrims who have outstripped us in the race for glory and are now watching and waiting our long anticipated arrival. How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in His excellent word! What more can He say than to you He hath said, You who unto Jesus for refuge have fled? "Fear not, I am with thee; 0 he not dismayed! I, I am thy God, and will still give thee aid ; I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand.
H\Vhen through the deep waters I call thee to go, The rivers of woe shall not thee overflow; For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless, And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress. "E'en down to old age, all my people shall prove My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love ; And when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn, Like lambs they shall still in my bosom be borne. "The soul that on still leans for repose, I ,will not, I will not, desert to his foes; That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake, I'll never, no, never, NO, NEVER forsake." Among my teachers in my heavenly home I shall certainly remember father and mother Adam and Eve, and with thrilling interest hear them tell about their lives in the unfallen paradise, while they lived, walked, and talked with their loving heavenly Father who had created them. His love-slaves, to do His sweet will on earth as the angels with infinite delight do it in heaven. \Ve can have no adequate conception of the time which lapsed before the fall. If Satan had let them alone, they never would have grown old, but would have bloomed in immortal through their probation, I trow about a thousand years when guided by instinct or providence, they would have access to the Tree of Life, whose ambrosial fruits would have metamorphosed them, eliminating all ponderous matter, leaving· not a ponderahle ounce to hold them on terra firma. Conseqently ad libitim they would have flo¥m away to other celestial worlds, delighted with adoring won8
der to explore the heavenly universe. In the event of Satan's absence, no human being would ever have bowed down with the infirmities of age, sickened nor died. Neither would a grave ever have been seen on the earth. As Enoch was only the seventh from Adam, you see he was very near the halcyon days of unf allen Eden, when Adam and Eve walked with God in the beauty of holiness. The Phoenecians first invented the English alphabet, with only sixteen letters, about fifteen hundred years after the flood, the world having been moving along from creation without books. The Egyptians had already adopted the hieroglyphic, historic writings, by pictures, which we still see in that country and which was used with great appreciation till superseded by the Phoenecian alphabet. The Greeks were the oldest European nation, and endued with extraordinary native intelligence, the descendants of Japheth, the third son of Noah, whose son Iavan went intoGreece and became the ancestor of that wonderful people who, without teachers, moved out on the line of poetry, philosophy, oratory, and the fine arts; utilizing and enlarging the Phoenecian alp habet, and thus becoming the teachers of all nations in that early day. The kings throughout the earth sending their sons thither to prosecute their education at the feet of her mighty men and brilliant poetical women. The Greek writers, the first in the post-diluvian world to come to the front and magnetize the nations by the brilliancy of their poetry, oratory, philosophy, and the fine arts-the grand culmination of which was the formation of that wonderful language which God used Alexander 1
the Great by his universal conquest to transmit to all the world. When he had conquered it all, of course he proceeded to rule it through the kings of his own appointment, using his own nation to occupy all the thrones beneath tlle skies. The normal effect of government always transmits the language of the ruler to their subjects, and in that way God gave the Greek language to every nation under heaven, showing that He sent His son into the world 300 years subsequently the beautiful, melodious and charming Greek and the language of the learned world and just ready for universal evangelization as Jesus and His apostles preached in that language. The Greek poets and mythologists describe the creation of the world, climaxed by Adam and Eve (Eve-Pandora, a complimentary Greek translation, meaning mother of all the living). They describe them as unutterably happy in a blooming fruit-bearing paradise, the gods Ii ving with them as one family. The first word in the Bible for God is Elohim, a Hebrew word in the plural number, of course, referring to the third person of the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. All nations, in the absence of the Bible, have always referred to the divinity in the plural number, arising from their incompetency to receive omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience, the attributes of God, which qualify Him single handed and alone to do everything, be everywhere and know all .things at the same time which are really incomprehensible to finite minds. So these brilliant Greek writers described the world beginning a delightful paradise and the people pure and holy, walking and talking with God, denominating this "the golden age of the world." They
certify that God had shut up all evil in a jar and warned Adam and Pandora not to touch it lest they let them out, to scatter everywhere and ruin everything. But Pandora was so curious to find out what was in the jar that she could not for bear moving the lid a little so she could look in, when behold those evils escaped and invaded the whole world and they never could get them back; thus superinducing the melancholy fall of humanity from primitive purity and holiness so that the gods retreated away and would only come once and awhile late in the evening and warn them of their danger, importuning them to repent, come back, and be loyal. This was denominated the silver age. Unfortunately the people went deeper into sin, so the gods retreated higher up on their lovely delectable mountain, only making them transient visits, warning them of their impending danger and throwing open the door of repentance. This was denominated "the brazen age," ere long followed by "the iron age." The peop·le had gotten wicked and hard as iron, so incorrigible that God in His mercy had to send the great flood and take them all away except Noah and his family, the only righteous people on the earth, who pursuant to the Divine leaderghip built the ark in which they rode secure above the devouring deluge, which utterly depopulated the globe. After the great flood had done its work, the sun had come back shining in its beauty and glory, and the fields had grown green again, Noah and his wife were so very lonesome they cried to God to send them company, and He answered their prayer, telling them to g~o out on the open plain and each one gather up a big pile of stones and throw them over their heads be-
hind them, not looking back till after they had thrown every stone. So they did, and to their joyful surprise every stone thrown by Ducalian turned to a man and every one by Pyrrha turned to a woman, and they had plenty of company. Ovid, the beautiful poet, from whose writings I gave this as a reason why the people of the world are SQ hardhearted, because they are the children of the stones thrown by Ducalian and Pyrrha. All nations writting up the history of the world began with "the golden age," when the Father, Son and Holy Ghost dwelt with their favorite. children, the climax of all creation. As you read in your Bible, "let us make man in our own image and likeness, and let him have dominion over the animals of the earth, fishes of the sea and fowls of the air; "showing the fact that God had honored humanity with the dominion of the world, Adam king, and Eve queen, His love-slaves perfectly delighted to do His will on the earth as the angels do it in heaven, having not the vaguest conception of what sin was till unfortunately lassoed by Satan they learned by sad experience, as all their children who have filled the world with their graves without living out half their days, their unhappy lives cut short by sin and misery till they go to a premature grave, having already suffered ten thousand deaths as the normal fruit of violating the Divine law, physically, intellectually, and spiritually, thus bringing on themselves crushing cataracts of unutterable calamity, suffering and sorrow, even making thig, fleeting life the vestibule of hell. We can have no adequate apprehension of the halcyon period Adam and Eve lived in Eden, doubtless longer than normally inferred; meanwhile they walked and
talked with God, enjoying a heaven in which to go to heaven. Enoch, only the seventh son from Adam, and honored to be, as the Jewish talmuds certify, the first king of the world, so near the bright, golden age of unfallen Eden, doubtless the felicitous environment and souvenirs proved potently auxiliary to his walk with God those wonderful 300 years. Oh, what a glorious prolixity, enjoyed in that walk! In His good providence He gloriously sanctified me forty-nine years ago, permitting me in my unworthy humanity to walk with Him this half century and by my contemporaries regarded as a walk of unanticipated prolixity; yet only one-sixth of the happy duration enjoyed by the first king who ever lived on the earth.
When in His good providence having finished my collegiate education fifty-eight years ago, and having made the money to pay the $500 owing on it the day of my graduation, then the first money I got I spent for books, ransacking all the world and gathering them up; more from Germany than any other nation, as. it stands at the front of the scholastic world, followed by England, whence I gathered quite a lot. And from this city, having ransacked it thoroughly, I carried $300 worth in one box; thus having spent about a thousand dollars, gathering up books from all the world, as the call of God to preach the gospel had been on me from that infantile conversion and so pungently feeling my incompetency of the tremendous responsibility of standing between the living and the dead, I was anxious to avail myself of every possible facility. Among the books I gathered from the ends. of the earth, very many in the Hebrew and Greek and Latin, was Viriromae, Illustrious Men of Rome, in the Latin language; beginning with the creation and running down to the Roman age, which I read with much interest, but have never seen it in English. It states positively and emphatically that "Adam and Eve had many children." Mother Wesley was honored of God with nineteen children, whom she taught every day in a grand family school, not only instructing them all collectively in the grand truths of God and salvation; but teaching each one privately and inter1
viewing it about personal salvation, thus really laying the foundation of the greatest holiness movement since the apostolic age. God wonderfully used her son John in the leadership. As mother Eve lived more than ten times as long as Mother Wesley, a corresponding· proportion would give her a hundred or more children. The brevity of space allotted in the Bible only permitting the mention of a few prominent leaders in all its inspired history of the Antediluvian Age, about which we know so little and would so joyfully have· appreciated every item of information possible; as the world never saw books till the days of Moses, when God with His own hand wrote the decalogue and revealed to him the grand and glorious truths in the Pentatuech, the nucleus of our Bible. This was :followed by patriarchs, prophets and apostles, inspired of God and moved by the Holy Ghost. I have repeatedly held in my hand the Pentatuech which Moses wrote 3,584 years ago. The best we can do outside of the Bible, which only gives us seven chapters, including creation and everything, is the Jewish Talmuds, their oral histories, in which they tell us that Adam and Eve were noble people, eminent for their intelligence, piety, and especially their superabounding love for their dhildren, who were actually all the people in the world. I know we have traditions and even books written certifying a pre-Adamic race of people on the earth; but as I am not writing for infidels, but people who believe the Bible, I need only refer you to God's infallible Word. Acts 17 :26: "Of one,man (not as E. V.) one blood," which is not in the original, but the adjective in the masculine gender and singular number, certifying "one man, i. e., Adam,"
the only creation, as Eve was included in him, the rib which God metamorphosed into the woman and gave it to Adam. This scripture goes on the certification "of one man God made every nation to dwell upon the whole face of the earth," thus forever sweeping from the field the possibility of a preAdamic race and sup-erinducing the settlement of all Christendom in the great fundamental truth that every human being is the son or daughter of Adam, and fell with him in his unfortunate apostacy, 1 Cor. 15 :22, "In Adam all die, but in Christ shall all be made alive." The keynote of the grand Bible truth that all are fall en in Adam and redeemed in Christ; the redemption not only covering the fall, but transcendently superabounding, Rom. 5 :20, "Where sin did abound, there did grace much more abound." This forever sweeps. from the field the vaguest apology for the damnation of a solitary human soul, as this redemption actually reaches us in the prenatal state, Heb. 2 :9, "By the grace of God Christ tasted death for every one." Not as E. V., "every man," because the Greek, huper· pantos, "every one," is the regular phrase f.or the great substitutionary, vicarious. atonement the Son of God made by his own blood on rugged Calvary, winding up with the proclamation, "It is finis 1hed," i. e., human redemption is actually finished so that every son and daughter of Adam's ruined race is a citizen of the kingdom, as Jesus indisputably confirmed in all his ministry, taking the habies in his arms and certifying, "Of such is. my kingdom." While every baby is, boFn sinful, i. e., full of inbred sin, it is not condemned, because it never committed it, but simply inherited it from fall en Adam, our federal head;
neither will it ever be condemned unless it reaches accountability unconverted, when, like the prodigal son, it will backslide out of the kingdom, go on from bad to worse unless reclaimed, finally plunging into hell. God's time for conversion is antecedently to accountability, as in the case of the prophet Samuel, Samson, John the Baptist, Timothy, your humble servant, and multitudes besides. At that time it consists simply in turning the little one round as the hereditary depravity turns its. face away from God, holiness and heaven, towards. sin, Satan and hell. When the millennium fills the world with power and glory, Satan and his myrmidons having been skedaddled from the globe, Rev. 20 :1-4, the normal order throughout the whole world will be a joyful conversion of the little ones through the instrumentality of sainted parents and friends :before they reach accountability, as in that case instead of going into sin they will move out with shouts of victory along the king's highway of 'holiness, moving with ever accelerated velocity, till they sweep through the pearly gates until they receive a starry crown never to fade away; but to accumulate new lustre through the flight of eternal ages. The Talmuds enlarge upon the wonderful parental love of Adam and Eve for their whole family; increasing as the years came and went, till ripe for glorious immortality; having seen their own son, Enoch, sit on the throne of the world and rule it in loving kindness and tender mercies; his glorious sanctification at the age of sixty-five having tided him over the temptation line into the land of corn and wine, flowing with milk and honey; flooded with loving kindness for all the people on the earth,
as you see they are his. near blood relatives. They are still flooded with the superabounding love of God so inundating his soul as to make him oblivious to all transitory things, though monarch of all he surveyed and his rights there were none to dispute, Lord of all the people in the wor Id as well as the fowls and the brutes. Yet all the world now responsive to His bidding goes into total eclipse, amid the splendor of Jehovah's presence, by whose side he walks night and day. The Talmuds say that when Adam and Eve died there was a great and universal mourning by all the people in the world over their father and mother. Seth, Enoch, and Methuselah served as their pallbearers and all mourning for them with great demonstration a long time. They also say that King Enoch was habitual for his frequent retirement from human society to regions unknown that he might be alone with God, reminding me of a great philosopher who said, ''I am less lonely when alone, and busiest when unemployed," which is true of your humble servant; as in that case I am so delighted with the unseen One. Like Spurgeon, the cosmopolitan Baptist preacher, who on information that a servant of the Lord wished to see him, responded, "Please tell him to excuse me, as I am engaged with my Master." These 300 years unbroken walking and talking with God, perfectly delighted with His company, though as the Talmuds' king of the world, finally pursuant to his custom, he goes to retirement and stays so long that they scatter out and ransack the inhabited earth, hunting him in vain, as they had to give up in despair. Moses, 3,584 years ago, about 2,500 years after Enoch was missing, serving as God's amanuensis on
Mount Sianai, gives us the information, Gen. 5 :24. "Enoch walked with God 300 years and was not, for God took him," verifying Paul in 1 Cor. 15 :5. ''·We shall not all sleep, but shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, this mortal shall put on immortality, this corruption, incorn1ption, and mortality shall be swallowed up of life." The felicitous, experience of all the saints of the Bridehood on earth when her divine Spouse, amid the roar of Gabriel's trumpet and the clatter of his triumphant chariot wheels down over the starry pavement, will actually bewilder the contemplative saints with the realization that they are flying up to meet the Lord in the air, responsive to the impulses of the immortal spirit and the longing heart to go and be with Him, who left the heavenly altitudes and descended to this world with sin and sorrow to suffer and die on Calvary, wearing a crown of thorns that we may be felicitiously the recipients of a crown of glory never to fade away, but with new lustre through the flight of eternal ages. One hundred pounds avoirdupois now holds your humble servant on terra. firnia, meanwhile my spirit, mind, heart and soul are with Him, who redeemed me by His blood. The Omnipotence who spake this great world out of shapeless chaos into the beauty, symmetry, and glory, evoking the jubilant anthem of the morning stars when all the sons. of God shouted for joy at creation's birth. The great apostle of the gentile world by inspiration of the Holy Ghost cer..; tifies the change will take place "in the twinkling of an eye," all the sepul chered from Abel down having leaped with a shout from land and sea, simultaneously with the trumpet blast the living. 1 Thes., 1
4th ch., spellbound in contemplation of the ineffable glory, as we read, "The dead in Christ shall rise first, then we who are alive and remain till His glorious appearing will be caught up with them to meet the Lord in the air, and thus be forever with the Lord." Hence, the conclusion that while electrified and spellbound, contemplating the ineffable glory of the risen saints, our feet will spontaneously let go terra firma and we will find ourselves flying through the air among the angels and the risen saints, all flooded with ineffable glory in contemplation of the enraptured resurrection of the buried pilgrims and transfiguration of the living saints. Here we see Enoch, so delectable enraptured with the society of our heavenly Father as to lose sight of this great world over which He sways the royal scepter honored with the first human administration subordinate to the great Jehovah in all flight of eternal ages. Having already walked with God these wonderful 300 years, so transcendantly delighted with his comrade as to for get his brilliant kingdom on the earth shinning with the glories of the newly born world. All the gold, silver, diamonds, platinum and ruby mines in their virgin richness, yet their charms totally eclipsed hy the glory of the Divine Presence. Thus on and on they walk till he finds his feet no longer touch terra firma, which is receding away with her majestic towering mountains, continents, oceans, seas, and rivers, all getting smaller as his lovely comrade had touched him with his creative hand, illuminating all ponderous matter, so his gigantic body did not weigh a feather and he actually enjoys angelic velocity, Luke 10 :18, that of lightning, 20,000 miles per second, fast enough to ~o round the
world fifty times in one minute. Oh, how he and his comrade do tip over the celestial altitudes, milky ways, glowing- constellations, lighted up by blazing suns and enlivened by rolling worlds. Oh, how the angels shout when he joins Abel, a brilliant witness to the glorious redemption scene which enabled Abel to leap from the fratricidal club up to bright glory, shout the victory till the heavenly arches ring. Now Enoch with his glorified transfigured body triumphant over death, hell and the grave, so infinitely delightful to the angels who answer the anthems of the morning stars who sang together at creations birth when all the sons of God shouted for joy. Oh, what a sensation flashes through celestial worldsfrom the shining face of Enoch clothed in his transfigured glory, responsively to the Divine touch of his walking comrade, leaped over the yawning chasm of the grave, shouted the grim monster out of countenance and is now stirring all heaven with the electrifying assurance, that the glorious redemptive scheme is a grand and perfect success, and will, in due time, climax all the Messianic campaigns in the victorious restitution of unfallen Eden. Not only human soul and body, but even dear old mother earth having been gloriously sanctified with floods, of celestial fire, Rev. 20 :9, and even the glorified Bride of Christ, accumulated in heaven through the antecedent 1,000 years, metamorphosed into the New Jerusalem, and coming down under a beauty the glorious capital and metropolis of the renovated earth through the ages and cycles of oncoming eternity. Satan and hell having been eternally defeated and exiled irretrievably to the lake of fire in
outer darkness, Rev. 20 :15, so infinitely distant that the combined illumination of 200,000,000 suns. have never reached it with a cheering ray. Thus sin and Satan and everything that mars the beauty and glory of the Divine administration flashing from the face of our blessed heavenly Father, gloriously reconciled, through the perfect, vicarious substitutionary atonement of His Son, our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who looked from heaven, saw our dismal doom, down from the shining seats above in joyful haste He fled, entered the grave in mortal flesh and dwelt among the dead. Oh! what a wonderful 'Savior. No wonder we sing: I've found a friend in Jesus, He's. everything to me; He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. The Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star, The fairest of ten thousand to my soul! I have all for Him forsaken and all my idols torn From my heart, and now He keeps me by his power; Tells me every care on Him to roll. He all my griefs has. taken and all my sorrows borne. In temptation He's my strong and mighty tower; He'll never, never leave me, nor yet forsake me here, While I live by faith and do His blessed will; A wall of fire around me, I have nothing now to fear, With His manna He my hungry soul shall fill.
Then sweeping up to glory, I'll see His blessed face, Where rivers of delight forever roll. He's the Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star, The fairest of ten thousand to my soul. Many centuries rolled away before Elijah found Enoch with his glorious corroboratory testimony, electrifying all the heavenly host with the now indubitable testimony of two witnesses actually fulfilling the law and superinducing that triumphant faith in the wonderful redemptive scheme, confirmatory of the felicitous conclusion, that in the run of the dispensations the glorious victory is in due time pending on this battlefield when death and the grave will forever be abolished, as you see in Rev., 22d ch., "The tree of life," whose promise it is to eliminate mortality and forever abolish death is superaboundingly restored in due time, waving in her majesty on the banks of the river of life, meandering throughout the whole world. So the children of men, guided by instinct or Providence, in due time will have access to it, and as in unfallen Eden, it still has the power to eliminate mortality, abolish death and actually in the triumphant succession of Enoch and Elijah translate the whole human race, thus abolishing graveyards from the renewed earth. The holy people, Matt. 5 :5, "The meek shall inherit the earth," having in the glorious finale inherited the renewed earth in fulfillment of our Lord's infallible Word. Thus in the original economy children being born into the world of holy parents free from the taint of sin, Eph. 3 :23, "Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly . . . above all we ask,
or think, according to His dynamic which worketh in us, be all glory, honor and dominion unto all generation of the age of the ages." It is impossible to have generations without births. N. B.-The commandment to Adam and Eve, "multiply and fill the earth," was given before Satan entered Eden. Hence, you see the original economy was for them to fill it with holy people. "Jesus was made manifest to destroy the works of the devil," 1 John 3 :8. The work of the devil is sin and its consequences death eternal. Reader, I hope you believe the Lord's Word and consequently shout the victory night and day. In the final restitution will the children be born depraved as they are now. I trow not, as Isaiah assures us in that halcyon age of Edenic restitution, it will no longer be said that the parents have eaten sour grapes and the childrens' teeth are set on edge, which certainly does involve the conclusion of felicitous salvation from Satanic heredity. In that case, of course, our wonderful Adam the Second, who has conquered and destroyed Adam the First, who brought sin into the world and in whom every human being is generated, 1 Cor. 15 :22, as our federal head, will then super-cede him in the federal headship of the human race, superinducing the wonderful and glorious blessing of our federal headship, no longer in fallen Adam, but in our wonderful and glorious Christ, the second Adam, who in condescending mercy espoused the lost cause, vacating the throne of his celestial glory to ·become a homeless, penniless tramp in this lost world. Madam Guyon occupied a dreary prison four years, simply hecause she heroically witnessed 4
to the mighty works of God, not only saving her when a sinner, but sanctifying her wholly and giving her the victory over the world, the f1'esh,and the devil for which she suffered an awful persecution. Though imprisoned, the hungry people thronged the iron window and hung spellbound on her eloquent lips as she, day after day, preached to them the unsearchable riches of Christ. As the government was manipulated by the Roman Catholic Church and the priests who made their living by remitting the sins of the people as they claimed, but no truth in it, because they themselves were full of sin and did not deny it; and preached to the people that they had to so live and die and depend on the fires of purgatory to sanctify them. The superstitious folks did this in order to humbug the people and get them to pay them for remitting the sins they committed day by day. As the priest clamored against her, that she was taking their business out of their hands they succeeded with the government in securing her imprisonment; but as the people went to the prison window all the same, heard the gospel, got saved and sanctified, going away leaping for joy, they held a council over the case and decided to kill her as the only way to keep her from interfering- with their business, by which they made a_ living. When she heard they were going to kill her, she broke out shouting jubilantly, unutterably delighted with the thought of getting to die for Jesus, not only exchanging the loathsome dungeon for heaven, but actually going up with a martyr's crown glittering on her brow and taking her place with the two hundred millions who had already added their blood to that of our great Captain who led the way, assuring us
all that- the King's highway from earth to heaven is crimsoned with martyr's blood every step. \Vhen the preists heard that she was about to shout herself to death so delighted with the prospect of flying away to heaven amid the splendors of a martyr's crown, consequently they changed their minds, as they did not want to make her shout, but weep and mourn. Consequently she never did receive the martyr's crown, but died a natural death amid angelic convoys., like Lazarus, her life having been in a cloudless sunshine in the ipsi dixit of saints and angels, but to the world nothing but suffering, toil and sorrow. ''The Lord abode with me night and day, making my prison the very vestibule of heaven," she said; and that the stones in her prison wall shone like diamonds. "Thou art my life and constant joy, To Thee and Thee alone The angels owe their bliss, They circle round the blazing throne, And dwell where Jesus is. Not all the harps above Can make a heavenly place, If God his residence remove, But conceal His face, To Thee my spirit fly "\Vith infinite desire, And yet how far from Thee I lie, 0, Jesus, raise me higher." Millions in bright glory are now shouting because the persecutions in this world, so humiliated them that the Lord could come and abide- with them, thus bringing them a heaven in which to go to
heaven. ''This world is no friend to grace to help me on to God. Sure I must fight if I would reign. Increase my courage, Lord." The prisons all over the world are the bright spots magnetizing the eyes of the angels and hallowed with Him whose presence makes my paradise. "How tedious and tasteless the hours, When Jesus no longer I see. Sweet prospects, sweet birds and sweet flowers, Have all lost their sweetness to me. The mid-summer sun shines but dim, The fields strive in vain to look gay, But when I am happy in Him December is as pleasant as May. I should were He th us nigh Have nothing to wish or to fear, No mortal so happy as I. My summer would last all the year! Content with beholding His face, My all to His pleasure resign; No changes of season or place Would make any change in my mind ; ,vhile blessed with the sense of His Love, A palace a toy would appear, And prisons would palaces prove, If Jesus would dwell with me there. Dear Lord, if indeed I am thine, If Thou art my sun and my song, Say why do I languish and pine? And why are my winters so long?
0, drive these dark clouds from my sky, Thy soul.icheering presence restore, Or take me to Thee up on high, Where winter and clouds are no more!" :Madam Guyon through all eternity shall look back to that dreary, lonesome prison, the brightest spot in her pilgrimage, because the Lord was there with her, actually turning the dungeon into the heavenly vestibule. ·John Bunyan spent twelve and one-half years in Bedford jail, meanwhile, like Madam Guyon, who wrote hooks that are now shedding heavenly light on the world, so he wrote the "Pilgrims Progress," which has been translated into more languages than any other book except the Bible. Thus he is walking through every land beneath the skies, as the centuries come and go, and is still blessing the people in a most marvelous way and will continue to dispense the heavenly light and glory in millions of homes, while the sun continues to rise and set. His. "Holy Wars," also written in the prison, is a book wonderfully blessed of the Lord. While his persecutors were actuated by Satan, yet in this long and dreary imprisonment, you see how he overshot himself. Bunyan was an illiterate man and never would have thought about writing books if they had not jailed him, so his busy mind, blessedly illuminated by the Holy Spirit, had nothing else to do. 0, how Bunyan's writngs have been used by the Holy Ghost to convict sinners, convert mourners, and sanctify believers ! Eternity alone can tell the story of redeeming grace and dying love brought into availability in the salvation of the millions, through those plain, humble, spirit-filled books, for which in the providence of God he is indebted to the
Bedford jail. Otherwise you and I would never have heard his name. My oldest son went to heaven in his twentieth year, thirty-six years ago, while preparing to be a missionary in China, which had so very few missionaries at that time. While looking over into bright glory a few days before he took his exit, he said to me: "Father, I have read Bunyan's 'Pilgrims Progress' through three times ..and am so glad that I became a pilgrim when only eleven years of age, and am now in sight of the city." God is everywhere, but the phantasmagorical of this vain, vile world so monopolizes the popular mind as to actually close our eyes to His august presence and stop our ears to the whispers of truth, righteousness, holiness, wisdom, peace, love and joy He is ready to shower down on us unstintedly. If we will only turn up the mouth of our pitchers, they will soon be full and running over, so we will find ourselves fat and flourishing like trees by the riverside and a grand supply on hand to dispense on our famishing neighbors. 0, how we are indebted to Bunyan's "Slough of Despond" for the nightmare conviction which settles down on us as we read the wonderful truth dispensed by this faithful prisoner in the Bedford jail. Without conviction, there is no conversion; without conversion, no sanctification, and without sanctification no heaven. These glorious works of the Holy Ghost flash and radiate from every page as we walk the earth, reading of the Prilgrim, and we become so enamored of his company that we take him by the right hand and become pilgrims, too. His experience of the reeking cross on which he saw the Prince of Glory die, is so thrilling and beautiful.
"In evil long I took delight, Unsaved by shame or fear, Till a new object struck my sight, And stopped my wild career. "I saw one hanging on a tree, In agonies and blood, Who fixed His languid eyes on me, As near His cross I stood. "Sure never to my latest breath, Can I forget that look, It seemed to charge me with His death, Though not a word He spoke. "My conscience felt and owned my guilt, And plunged me in despair; I saw my sins His blood had spilt, And helped to nail Him there. "A second look He gave which said, I freely all forgive, My blood is for thy ransom paid, I died that thou mayest live." He says he had carried the awful burden on his back ever since some time before he fled from the City of Destruction, and became a pilgrim bound for the celestial city. He had. tried preachers and churches and everything to get rid of it, but in vain, it only stuck the tighter. Till his attention was arrested by the tragical scene which magnetized his wondering gaze till he could not get his eyes off it. While thus gazing on the· reeking crost, he heard the dying Savior say, "It is finished," when it broke loose and rolled down Mt. Calvary, leaping and bounding from crag to crag, till finally it rolled into the sepul-
chre at the base where it stopped; meanwhile he felt so light and elastic that he could not forbear leaping like a catamount and shouting like an angel. This was his glorious conversion, perfectly disencumbering him so he could walk upright through Wicked gate, entering the King's highway of holiness, receiving a certificate of admission from the holy people who kept the gate. This he could read for his comfort, as he journeyed along the road, i. e., the witness of the Spirit, Rom. 8 :16: "Bearing witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God." Bunyan's "Beulah Land" is a glorious experience of entire sanctification. And, readers, I hope you are singing: "I have reached the land or corn and wine, And all its riches freely mine, There shines. undimmed one blissful day, For all my night has passed away! "My Savior comes and walks with me, And sweet communion here have we, He gently leads me by His hand, For this is heaven's borderland. "As sweet perfume upon the breeze, Is borne from ever vernal trees, And flowers that never fading glow, And streams of life forever flow. "The zephyrs seem to float to me, Sweet songs of heaven's melody, While angels in their white robed throngs Join in the sweet redemption song."
This simply means the utter illumination of disharmony, and without this it is impossible to walk with God, as the trite maxim goes, "How can two walk together unless they be agreed." This disharmony was launched in heaven by Lucifer, the great archangel when he fell, Isa. 14: 12, "Thou art fallen, 0 Lucifer, the son of the morning." He concluded to climax his archangelhood with a participation of the divinity which God had reserved for His Son and thus deflected from the pure, •bright, and infallible administration of the Great.Jehovah. Consequently, as you see, Rev., 12th ch., '·'There was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, who prevailed not, but was cast down, his tail, i. e., his influence, drawing after him one-third of the heavenly host who were also cast out of heaven." Here we see the origin of all the demons which populate the pandemonium and fill the air, subject to their Satanic Majesty, who sends them ad libitim on their awful campaign of depredations as you see in the case of Job, when they came jn a whirlwind and destroyed all of his children in the house of the eldest brother, celebrating his birthday in religious festivity. A.nd sent at the same time a horrific sirocco to sweep over the Arabian dese1t and reach Job's sheep ranches on the border and suffocate the 7,000 with their shepherds. At the same time sending others to stir up the Chaldeans and precipitate them on a predatory campaign to carry away his 3,000 camels constituting his caravan forces for the
transportations of his wonderfully productive farming lands to all the settlements on the earth and bring theirs in reciprocation. Also at the same time projecting an army of Sa beans from that rich and populous country, ruled by the illustrious queen contemporary with King Solomon, so that they came in a mighty army, assaulted his servants, plowing his rich lands with 500 yoke of oxen, carrying them away; also his. 500 donkeys, slaying the plowmen and herdsmen. This awful antagonism to the perfect, divine administration brought disharmony into the celestial universe, out of which fallen Lucifer and all his followers, an innumerable host, as celestial worlds are, so many and so great. When Satan made for this newly created world, dominated by King Adam and Queen Eve, and on the first campaign signally defeated and captured them, economizing two-thirds of his ammunition, the magnitude of his, victory is unparalleled in the history of the ages as the countless millions destined to populate the world in all oncoming centuries were in Adam, 1 Cor. 15 :22, and thus similarly captured by the arch fiend of darkness; thus through Adam, over federal head, every human being generated in depravity, transmitted infinitesimally to his posterity. Doubtless those celestial worlds from which Satan drew after him one-third of all the immortal intelligences, have ere this expired their probation, so there is no more defl-ection among them, and as we have ours here and must live it out, we will not be liable to deflection in the oncoming ages. Though always perfectly free, yet such will be the ultimate effect of our probation here as to establish us forever against the probability of the deflection which
we know to have proven so fatal to the fallen millions, angelic and human. As God lost one-third of His. angels by the carnality which supervened in heaven through the fall of Lucifer, He has settled the matter in a ringing proclamation from Alpha to Omega, "Without the sanctification no one shall see the Lord," Heb. 12':14. In the same scripture He alludes to the bitter root depravity, certifying to the absolute necessity of its eradication, thus forever sweeping the Keswick heresy from the field, and which has led astray not a few of the holiness people in the vain delusion that sanctification only suppresses inbred sin and keeps it down till we die. This is really the ground of regeneration, consequently eliminating sanctification utterly out of their tp.eological curriculum and sweeping from the field the last refuge of lies, fairly elucidating the people with the fond delusion that we must content ourselves to he full of depravity till we die. This is a fond stratagem of Satan, to ,cheat us out of our souls, as he knows there is no power in physical death to eradicate sin, which is a spirituality, while physical death is simply a material transaction. Therefore, we must settle the matter without defalcation and face the plain truth of God's predous word, Rom. 6 :6. "Our old man is crucified, that the body of sin may be destroyed that we may no longer serve sin." The connection of verse five shows up clearly the baptism of the Holy Ghost administered by our omnipotent :Savior, the only antidote in all the world for the sin personality which is transmitted from Satan through fallen Adam, our federal head, Psa. 51 :5, "I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me. Lord, I am vile, conceived in
sin, sprung from the man whose guilty fall corrupts his race and ruins all." Thus proving irretrievably the great fundamental doctrine of the blessed Bible, i. e., total depravity, appertaining to the human spirit, which is the man proper, and not in the mind, as in that case we would be idiots; nor the body, as in that event we would be corpses, as God did not say to Adam in the day thou eatest thereof thy mind or thy body shall die, but thou shalt die. Therefore, when Adam transgressed the divine law, he instantaneously, along with his better half, became a spiritual corpse. He was the seed of humanity, as the Bible tells us that everything God created had its seed within itself, thus capacitating it for indefinite reproduction pursuant to the great fundamental law of natural evolution. Not the infidel evolution of man out of a monkey, and indefinite, senseless hotchpotch, but natural evolution, ad infinitim, is the divine law, by which this great world is perpetuated infinitesimally. Therefore, when Adam sinned and lost his spiritual life, he could not transmit what he did not have, and consequently has filled the world with his posterity, minus spiritual life. While the victory of Satan over Adam and Eve and everything they possessed, as they were king and queen of the world and had it all God's free and generous gift, if no change had transpired, this world would simply have been a hell-feeder forever and doubtless would have been added to it, serving as an enlargement of the pandemonium. 0 what a sunburst on the hope of the world when the third Person of the Trinity looked from His glorified throne high up in the celestial universe, saw our ruined estate and so was He moved with the
abounding impulses of redeeming grace and dying love as to superinduce the abandonment of His effulgent throne environed by the brilliant heavenly hierarchies, actually became a penniless tramp on the earth, dropping down to the bottom of that horrific abyss into which we had been precipitated by the fiend of darkness, so He could put His omnipotent shoulder under the lowest victim of sin misery, debauchery and crime and lift us all out with shouts of triumph; transforming us by His omnipotent, creative grace into new creatures, reinvested with the divine image we so unfortunately lost in the fall. "Down from the shining seats above In joyful haste He fled, Entered the grave in mortal flesh, And dwelt among the dead. "Oh, for Their And all Their
this love let rocks and hills lasting silence break, harmonious human tongues, Savior's praises speak.
"Angels assist our mighty joys, Strike all your harps of gold, But when you reach your highest notes, His love can ne'er be told." Our Savior says in His gospel, "No man taketh life from me." It was of His own free will constrained by love alone. Consequently human imagination is literally improgressed to the length and depth and height of the love of Christ to espouse our lost cause. Yet we see it plainly re-
vealed that the loving Father actually donated His only Son to come to this world and bled and died for every lost soul as the normal result of His own fatherly love for fallen humanity. John 3: 16: "God so loved the world as to give His only begotten son that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have eternal life." The tallest archangel that ever shouted around the throne can never comprehend this love nor explain the adverb "so." It is higher than heaven and deeper than hell and broader than creation. The value of a thing is generally estimated by the cost of it. Hence we must conclude that there is a value appertaining to a human soul which eclipses all the power of human intellect to apprehend and all the languages in the world to reveal. The contemplation of this infinite value should inspire every human soul to a burning enthusiasm to do God's will on earth as the angels do it in heaven. We are to walk with Him like Enoch without a jar or bobble guarding himself, becoming so delighted with the walk that he touched the material organism in the twinkling of an eye, eliminating all ponderous matter so that His comrade these 300 years peregrinating the first human kingdom on the earth moves away with Him with angelic velocity to his glorified home beyond suns, moons and stars, where he has been still walking with Him more than 5,000 years. Therefore, we must absolutely settle this problem of disharmony in God's appointed summary way, which is simply to turn over the sin personality in the heart to Omnipotent Adam, the second, who alone is competent to manage him as we see so brilliantly symbolized by his type in Samuel when he
lifted up his sword and hewed Agog in pieces, the king of the Amalikites, who had fought Israel f orly years to keep them from Canaan, the grand symbolism of the sanctified experience. In their dispensation and consequently as Saul in his royal capacity represented Israel, God commanded him to go with his army and utterly destroy the Amalikites and all they possesed. But he made the great mistake of his life when he responded to the clamors of the people and spared not only the best of the herds and flocks to offer to the Lord, but the king along with them. This overt disobedience to God actually precipitated him over the dead line beyond the hope of recovery. Therefore, Samuel in his symbolism of Christ hews to pieces Agog, who there symbolizes Adam the first, teaching us all the important lesson that the sin personality must be exterminated, and there is but one in all the universe competent to the momentous campaign, and He is none other than the Lion of the tribe of Judah, who is now ready at your command, as Samson, His brilliant symbol, when journeying to Timothy, and the lion roared on him, the spirit of God coming on him copiously, when seizing him with his stalwart muscular power, thus divinely invigorated, crushes in his ribs, tosses him over the hedge and goes on his way rejoicing. In a few days on his return, thinking he would look at the carcass he had slain, behold he finds him full of honey. In that country it never rains in the summer, and the bodies dry up and cure in the sunbeams like beef in this country. Now as a swarm of bees has improvised the huge carcass for a hive and filled it up with delicious, new honey, Samson takes a fine lot of it and carries it to
his home folks, meanwhile eating on the way, thus proving the blessed reality that when you slay old Adam, the sin personality, so lucidly symbolized by this monstrous lion, though the ordeal may require a heroic spirit, it will soon be over and the carcass metamorphosed into a beehive, filled with honey, so you will have plenty for yourself and friends the remnant of your journey. As bees are exceedingly prolific, especially in that country, where they superabound and do so well, not only holding their ground and perpetuating the honey, but sending out swarms to bless the neighbors all around. The Bible irrefutably reveals and enforces the fact that the baptism our wonderful Savior freely gives all His children with the Holy Ghost and fire actually executes this mighty work. Therefore, we are left without excuse, as our Samuel is on hand with his glittering sword and ready to slay the Agog in the heart and life, giving us so much trouble; while Samson is at your heels with the tread of a conqueror actually delighted with the awful roar of the lion, which makes the mountains tremble because of his infinite delight. It gives him a job for which he is already eager and electrified. 0, what a symbol of Christ. We have Samson, who in the battle of Lehi, single-handed and alone slew 1,000 great Philistine giants armed with swords, spears, and battle axes, himself with nothing but the jawbone of a donkey, yet he slew them all, heaping the plain with mountains or the slain. This forever and always illustrates to us the power of our wonderful Christ, to give us the victory over all our enemies, leaving us with one job, and that is on the shouting line as His omnipotence actually needs no help.
Satan and his false prophets are constantly telling the great churches, with their spires, pipe organs, gothic domes, Corinthian columns, cushioned pews, oyster suppers, and everything else that costs money with which they superabound. The preacher stands in his stilted pulpit dispensing his eloquent sermons to the delectations of his spellbound audience, confessing positively the great Bible truth, ringing chimes of heavenly bells from the Alpha of Genesis to the Omega of Revelations. "\Vithout the sanctification no one shall see the Lord." Consequently preachers, Protestant and Catholic, all admit it squarely that we are bound to have it. The Catholics taking the short cut on it by simply turning all the people over to the purgatorial fires to burn out inbred sin and at the same time admitting that there is not a word in the Bible about it, but simply going on the rationale that this world is so wicked that it is impossible to be sanctified wholly and live in it; and as God requires it He simply has some other place to give it to us; whereas the argument utterly breaks down in the fact that there is no fire but hell anywhere mentioned anywhere beyond this life. If it would sanctify people it would have sanctified the devil and all his host long ago, so they would have to be out and up in heaven shouting the victory. Meanwhile the Protestant dogma of receiving it in death is an unapologizable falsification, as physical death can do nothing but knock down the body. Sanctification is a purely spiritual transaction, nor in any way affected by the death of the body. Therefore, some of these days one minute 5
you will be in this body and the next in eternity with no change whatever; but just as you were in the body so will you be through all eternity. This conclusion legitimately follows from the indisputable fact that probation expires with this life, in which we have omnipotent grace at our command for all the needed changes; yet none beyond, Rev. 22: 11, "He that is unjust, let him he unjust still; he that is filthy let him be filthy still ; he that is righteous let him still do righteousness; he that is holy, let him be sanctified.'' The same is abundantly corroborated, Eccl., 9th ch., "·As.the tree falleth, so shall it lie, whether toward the north or toward the south." David says, "There is no device in the grave whither we go." Thus you see both testaments unite in the unequivocal warning to us. all to get in ready now and be ready all the time, saved and sanctified, filled with the spirit and singing as we go: "Oh, matchless bliss and joy sublime, I've Jesus with me all the time." The great trouble with the people is their delusion and infatuation by the preachers reminding them of bygone dispensations when the false prophets who this day superabound, crying, "Peacej peace, when there is no peace," till you leave them and take God's way. The false prophets in all ages have taken the matter out of God's hands unto their own when, of course, we all know they could not do anything. There are two million Catholic priests throughout the world today, claiming'to have the power to remit sins, yet they themselves are at the same time full of sin and not denying it. Thus they are flooding
the deluded people with their manipulations and handicraft, all a strategem of :Satan to keep them from going to Jesus directly. The Lord's promise is, "Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the age," i. e., the gospel age, when He is coming back on earth to reign forever. The Holy Ghost is the spirit of Jesus, Acts 16 :6, 7, who is none other than the Omnipresent God always on hand; also the spirit of the Father, Acts 5 :1-9. "Who is more willing to give His Holy Spirit to those who ask Him than we are to give good gifts to our children," Luke 11 :13. Oh, how we do need preachers of the gospel to go everywhere and preach our loving heavenly Father, ready all the time to give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him, and to preach Jesus who assures us that He is. always present with us who preach Him to lost souls. And they have nothing to do but leave :Satan, leaving all their sins, actual, original, and hereditary. By His own bleeding sacrifice He has made possible the highway of holiness every step from the City of Destruction to the new Jerusalem, no lion on it (Isa. 35 :8), no ravenous beast, no tollgate, consequently the vilest sinner has nothing to do but tip his hat to the devil and leave him forever, dash away up the King's highway of holiness, run with ever accelerated velocity, till he leaps through the pearly portals and receives a starry crown never to fade away, but to accumulate new luster through the flight of eternal ages. As we are Ii ving on the ragged edge of Satan's last dispensation, oh how he is stirring earth and hell, to get the pandemonium well supplied while he can, "Going forth in a great rage, knowing that his time is short," and it stands him in hand to util-
ize his opportunity, get all he can before his signal def eat, Rev., 19 chapter, and his imprisonment in hell, Rev. 21 :4. As salvation is perfectly free for all the vilest of the vile, having nothing to do but leave Satan and fly to Jesus. Oh, how adroitly he manipulates his preachers. through eve_ry land to hold the people some way by beguiling halucinations and bewitcheries till the fleeting span of fugitive probation darts away and their opportunities are eternally evanesced. Satan's preachers. are themselves deluded, as they have no experience of personal salvation and do not claim any. This ought to be the signal for all the people to drop them like hot potatoes, assured that as they are sinners themselves, which they admit, they cannot do anything to save others. There never were so many wide open doors for gospel preaching as at the present day, especially from the fact that the thousand million heathen in the world have actually lost confidence in their dumb idols, for which their ancestors loni ago actually would fight, bleed, and die, because they thought they were the true gods and could save them. But the light of God's providence, as well as His revealed Word, multiplied into millions by the steam presses, has revealed the futility and falsity of this dumb idolatry, which has filled the world from the day of Cain. (1) Ten and eleven years ago when I traveled around the world, helping the missionaries in all lands, I found out the consolatory fact that paganism has run its. race, its votaries everywhere finding out its futility, falsity and fatality, and all nations, lifting up Macedonian cries, "Come over and help us," and reaching out Ethopian hands, begging
piteously for the bread of heaven and the waters of life. Therefore, there should be a unanimous Herculean rally of all Christendom, to actually inundate pagandom with the gospel as they are so ripe; not only having lost faith in their dumb idols so that their hearts no longer reach after them, but anxious to give them up and ready everywhere to hail the gospel message with glad hearts, willing minds and appreciative spirits and fly to Jesus, who is. mighty to save and strong to deliver. Four hundred and fifty million Catholics and 3,000,000 Mohammedans are not so ripe a field as great -old pagandom. Hence, we should go for the latter with all our might and inundate the great time-honored empires, bowing down to wood and stone, with a rolling sea of gospel grace and actually capture them for Jesus, while they are so ripe as I found them a dozen years ago. They not only gave me a spell-bound audience, but every sinner in it coming forward for conversion, and every Christian for sanctification; proving proof against all efforts to dismiss them; not only staying all day, but all night, seeking the Lord, as I told them how He loved them and had given His Son to die for them. Also that the blessed Holy Spirit was with them to reveal Jesus to their spirits and give them all needed help to receive Him and get truly saved. I told them how He heard their prayers and is certain to do what He ·promises, giving them His precious word, "Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you." Everyone that seeketh findeth, everyone that asketh receiveth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." "If we ask anything according to His will we
know that He heareth us, we know we have the petitions which we have asked from Him." We also told them how He assures us over and over that He wants to forgive every sinner and sanctify every believer who will fully consecrate himself and all he possesses to the Lord, to abide with Him forever and do His will on earth as the angels do it in heaven. They would pray all day and all night and God would gloriously bless. them just like He does us so they would leap for joy, shout like angels, accept His call to preach and go at it on the spot. As this mass of heathen are so very ripe for the glorious gospel of our wonderful Savior, we should all pray night and day to God to stir the heart of Christendom to rally to their rescue as Jesus. says, "The harvest is great and the laborers are few." Whereas ten million pagans are now ripe for the glorious Gospel, whose evangelization should be the immediate enterprise of all Christendom combined. There are 450,000,000 Catholics, and 300,000,000 Miohammedans now in actual heathenism and really in a more deplorable condition than raw heathen, and we should make them an especial subject of prayer that God may have mercy on them and give them the light to see their danger and not give them up to the devil, but that He will look with pitying eye on these 750,000,000 people who are in so much more danger of damnation than raw heathens. N. B.-\Ve must not forget 1 John 1 :7, "If we walk in the light . . . the blood cleanseth us from all sin," which really sheds light on all the darkened homes beneath the skies., assuring us. that all the people who walk in all the light they have, doing the very best they know, will actually receive
the felicitous dispensation of the cleansing blood to their own hearts, by the omnipresent Holy Ghost, its faithful custodian. Therefore, there will be great surprises in heaven when we meet heathen, Mohammedans, and Catholics, who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, and we will be so happy to join them in the loud anthems of redeeming grace and dying love, responsive to the golden harps' celestial palus. and ethereal trumpets, reverberating through millions of immortal worlds, honor, glory, dominion and praise to Him who hath loved us and given Himself for us. Rest assured we must absolutely walk in all the light we have and do the very best we know, in that case .Jesus will baptize us with the Holy Ghost, who will apply the precious cleansing blood, the omnipotent elixir of complete purgation, from every atom of hereditary depravity, making our hearts whiter than the snow. Meanwhile the fires of the Holy Ghost will burn up lodgery, sectarianism, politics, and all phases of pride, vanity and worldly phantasmagoria, trivialities, frivolities, and all sorts of foolishness, everything that is out of harmony with the purity and beauty of holiness, and everything that would cause a jar in our faithful and unutterably felicitous walk and talk with God. N. B.-The very mission of the Holy Ghost on earth is to glorify the Son of God who came all the way from heaven and endured every persecution hell could hatch and demonized priests could invent; actually brutally murdered that He might bear our griefs and carry our sorrows, perfectly satisfying the violated law in every respect. He saw that our enemies could never bring a condemnatory allega-
tion against us, because He has perfectly satisfied the violated law. Adam, the second, who espoused our lost cause, fought our battle and won our victory, is the only one who can slay our enemy, Adam the First in the heart, the old man of sin, the personality of all evil, clinging to us like barnacles to the ship beam, and as he is the progeny of :Satan he will torment us forever in the pandemonium. Therefore, we must absolutely get rid of him at any cost. There is but one method of securing this consummation, so devoutly to be wished, and that is to get Jesus to baptize us with the Holy Ghost and fire. The word baptidzoo has no meaning in the Bible, but catheridzoo, Luke 11 :38. Where Jesus is invited by a Pharisee to dine with him, walks in, sits down at the table and proceeds without washing His hands, when the crowd proceeds to criticize Him inwardly, as they were so particular in the adherence to all legal observances, Jesus knowing their thoughts, proceeds orally to answer their reticent criticisms·, "you Pharisees may claim the outside of the cup and the plate, while within it is full of extortion and defilement." In this exposition He ueses catheridzoo to define bmptidzoo, thus showing clearly that they are synonymous. Therefore, when Jesus baptizes you with the Holy Ghost and fire the simple meaning is to give you a clean heart, expurgating away all envy, jealousy, prejudice, bigotry, animosity, hatred, malice, pride, vanity, ambition, avarice, lust, passion, temper, idolatry, and every conceivable form of malevolent affection, all these constituting the members of that old sin personality, reminding us of the ancient
poets who describe great giants, going about terrorizing the whole country far and wide. There was Argus, who had a hundred eyes; Bryarius, who had a hundred hands; and they describe Pluto's dog, the king of the underworld, where the bad people were sent to be punished for their sins, and this dog was the gatekeeper, large as a cow and with three great dogheads, all parallel in front, and a hundred snakeheads, all over his body, ready to reach out and bite you. They said that he would lie in the shade and keep the gate and in case of people coming would let them walk right in without ceremony, while if anyone tried to get away he went for him with all his might and headed him off; thus rendering escape from the awful torments in that dismal region whither the wicked were all sent to endure an eternity of woe, and from which it is utterly impossible for anyone ever to escape. John the Baptist spent all his life preaching to the people that Jesus would baptize them with the Holy Ghost and fire. The same is the theme of every true preacher today, constantly telling the people about this wonderful Savior, who poured out his own Blood, as the archangel told Mary before He was born that He was to save His people from their sins. If you have a clean heart, you know it, because the bells of heaven ring from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet, sanctified wholly; if not, Jesus is ready, willing, and waiting to give it to you. Do not delay.
The grand differentiation of Christianity from all the religions in the world appertains to experience. It is something for us, to receive, and, not as Campbellism says, something to be done, which is sheer legalism without a scintilla of salvation. The same is true in reference to Catholicism, Mohammedanism, paganism, and dead churchisms of every conceivable form and phrase. Salvation is pre-eminently real and experimental, Rom. 8 :16, "The Spirit Himself, beareth witness with our sph·1t.> that ,we are the children of God." Meanwhile, the glorious experience of entire sanctification is the most realizable and experimentally indubitable of all human experiences, as. everything within and without is felicitously harmonica} with God. One eternal, irrepressible, irrefutable, "yes," to God, corroborated by the hells of heaven, ringing from top to toe, "sanctified wholly." 1 Thess. '5 :23. That is the reason why 200,000,000 martyrs. have shouted in the fire and in the face of the roaring lion thirsting for their blood. Polycarp succeeded the Apostle John in the pastorate at Ephesus when John was translated to heaven and lgnasius succeeded him. When Rome in 68 took fire and burned like an ocean aflame for six days and seven nights, Nero, the demonized emperor, sat on a lofty tower overlooking the scene and played his fiddle, while he sang, "The Destruction of Troy;" thus treating the awful calamity with such levity as to impress all the people that he had
ordered the conflagration. To rid himself of the direful suspicion he charged it on the Christians, issuing their death warrant under the double penalty of h"eason against Rome and heresy against the Roman god, and he proceeded at once to exterminate them. When they destroyed Jerusalem, during the awful Jewish tribulation, A.D. 66-73, meanwhile a million perished by the sword, pestilence and famine. Ninety thousand were sold into slavery, tin the market was so glutted that they could not get a bid, leaving on their hands a great host, whom they led captive to Rome and turned over the crowned slaves to the emperor, who put them to building public works. One of the first of these was the Colisseum, the largest theater in the world, 1,800 feet in circumference, 160 feet high, with solid walls up to the eve and with seating capacity for 100,000 spectators, who day and night poured out their money to see the Christians eaten up by the wild beasts which they had for exhibition in the lairs under the palatan mountain at whose base stood the Coliseum. They called the north gate the gate of life, because they brought the Christians through it alive, and the south gate the gate of death, because they hauled out their bones through it, after the wild beasts had devoured the flesh. They sent far away to Nicapolis, in northern Greece, where Paul had stopped to spend the winter with his faithful amanuensis, Luke, who had accompanied Paul all his life and had written those wonderful scriptures which have been shaking the world ever since. They hanged Luke on an olive tree and carried Paul to Jerusalem to pay the penalty of a Christian .profession, which at that time was death without compromise. I have repeated-
ly been in the maritime prison, formed by cutting down through the great solid stratum at the base of the capitol and mountain and excavating out a great room, having the mountain for its walls on every side, and the stone.stratum overhead· •with this solitary preparation, the only ingress and egress; hence its perfect safety and consequent use for the incarceration of the worst criminals. Paul had not been in it long till the keeper with his family was gloriously converted and a fountain of living water spontaneously leaped from a crevice in the wall, sufficing for the baptism. I have seen it and have drunk of its splendid water. When they got ready they led him away to the judgment hall, where he was tried by Nero and condemned to die, but the law would not permit a Roman citizen to be disgraced by crucifixion. Consequently they led him away two miles out from the gate and granted him a private decapitation on the slope of a hill. His severed head bounded three times about twenty feet down the hill, striking the ground, and at each place a fountain of living water leaped out and flows to this day, as it is all now enclosed in the convent of St. Clement. I have drunk out of each of the fountains, finding it first-class water. The cathedral which they were building, when I first visited the city, was a most beautiful marble edifice, costing $55,000,000, with the gigantic statues of all the apostles and the mosaics of all the popes on the interior corridors, encircling the building all around and conspicuous for all the audiences who from the ends of the earth visit this monument of the great apostle. When they had beheaded Paul, the saints plead
with Peter so hard to leave the city and save his life, as Paul was gone and they would miss him so much. Peter, having acquiesced, was making his escape, walking out in the dead hours of the night beneath the glittering stars, and the silvery moon, along the Appian Way, when suddenly he met Jesus walking rapidly into the city. He then turned around and went back and told the saints that the Lord had met him and that he was to be crucified in Rome. So they did on the campus marshes, with his head downward, at his own request, such •was his humility. On that spot his cathedral now stands, 835 feet long, 330 feet wide and 448 feet high, and with auditorium capacity for 5'0,000. At the spot where Jesus met Peter, as he was going out of Rome, they have erected a memorial church, which I have entered. It is cognomened in the superscription on the front, domine equo avis. They also sent far away to Ephesus in Asia and brought Ignasius, the venerable pastor, to cast him to the wild beasts to be eaten up for the entertainment of the cruel multitude during the exhibitions of the Coliseum. When Trojan, the emperor, heard that he was 107 years old, he waited on him in person, begging him to recant and recognize the great Roman gods, who had given them every nation under heaven, -and thus save his life,. observing that he could not bear the thought of casting a man of his age to the wild beasts to be devoured. Ignasi us spoke to him kindly and thanked him for his sympathy, observing, "Great Emperor of the world, you do not understand me, I would rather die for Jesus here and now than to take your place and rule the ends of the earth." Of ocurse, that great man, while he ruled the world, was spirit-
ually dead and could not comprehend the deep things of God which made the Christians all shout for joy amid the roar of the wild beasts ready to eat them up. During those times a beautiful young lady only sixteen, of the blood royal, cognomened Julia, the epithet of the Roman queens, while Cresar was that of the kings. You see in the Pauline writings that he sends salutation to the saints of Cresar's household, thus confirmatory of the fact that while Cresar was killing all the Christians he could not keep it out of his own family. Here that blooming damsel, with the honor of the queenshi p, and they so much regretted to let the wild beasts eat her up, but having done their utmost to persuade her to recant. Finally the pagan priest walked out, with her into the Coliseum, carrying a burning censer in his hand and pleading with her just to recognize the Roman gods, just one time by dropping incense on that censer, at the same time reminding her of the roar of the wild beast hungry for their food and coming to devour her and others. He said to her, "Do you not hear the roaring of the lion, the screams of the tiger and the howls of the bear coming to devour you?" :She responded, "Oh, yes, but I hear something else, the songs of the angels already descending to waft me to glory." Consequently she declined all the overtures of the interceding priest and her weeping friends all around, leaping aboard the lowering chariot she flies away to join the bloodbought millions beyond the stars. So two hundred and sixty years have rolled away amid the flow of martyrs' blood through the Coliseum and the glare of martyr faggots. Meanwhile the Christians actually built cities under the ground
in which to hide from their persecutors, and there they lived and died and were laid away in the catacombs, now cities of the dead, under the earth. In my peregrinations through them I was electrified by the superscriptions on their tombs, "Christ is everything," "You may have all the world, but give me Jesus." As Rome was the metropolis of the earth, those inscriptions were wonderfully utilized by the Holy Ghost in the spread of the gospel to the ends of the earth. The fugitives running for their lives and preaching everywhere with the Holy Ghost sent .from heaven. Constantine, the emperor, is marching his army 1,100 miles from Rome in the prosecution of his military peregrinations when his attention is arrested by a luminous cross shining in beauty and splendor brighter than the sun whose beams it reflected most conspicuously and magnetically. These words plainly superscribed in Greek, nenu tou too ruka, "conquer by this," though in his imperial office, he was the leader of the persecutions pursuant to the edict used by Nero, his. predecessor, two hundred and sixty years ago. Those stringent environments did not keep the Holy Ghost from sending a thunderbolt to his heart. Consequently halting his army, he has them take down the ensigns superscribed to the gods of Rome, which -had fl1oatedover the whole earth responsive to which they had conquered the world and built temples to these gods representing every nation under heaven. He has the ensign of the cross put in the place of Jupiter, Apollo, Venus, Mars and other Roman gods. To his joyful surprise quickly running into the city he finds a lot of Christians holding a meeting, goes to the altar, and with others gets gloriously saved.
You see in the Pauline epistles how he recognized the fact that the Christians were down at the bottom of society, the ·"offscouring" and the refuse, and considered not only the most ignoble, but the most disgraceful. Consequently the royal family, the hontons of the globe, felt themselves so disgraced that they actually revolted against the emperor and went to fighting, actually deluging the country with a bloody war at the very top of society, as the royal families were divided and fighting most ferociously and uncompromisingly either with the other. A number of terrible battles had been fought and the bloody tide was rising all the time and the people wondering what would be the end. Eventually matters so -culminated that they knew the ensuing battle will be the greatest ever known on earth. Consequently Maxamine, the generalissimo of the insurgent army, prays to Jupiter with all his might, promising him that if he would give him victory over Constantine that he would never stop till he had killed every Christian on earth. The battle was awful beyond des,cription, deluging the earth with blood and heaping it with mountains of the slain; but fortunately Constantine whipped him. 0, what a sunburst on the despised and desponding -cause of Christianity! Suddenly promoting the poor Nazarenes from the lion's mouth and the burning stake to the royal palace. The Christians shouting everywhere. They called the first great Ecumenical -conference in the history of the church at Nice, Bythynia. Constantine presided, sitting in a golden chair. We have therefore the Nicene creed, which is still used by the Catholic Church, with some modifications, and of which the Epis-copal
creed is the successor with ·a few changes. And the Methodist Church ritual the successor of that. It is a great mistake to make the creed, and now they are actuated by the purest motives, thinking it would facilitate a world-wide union of the church. They should simply adopt the New Testament as their creed, with due respect to the old, as they are in perfect harmony, b_utthe reason why the New should be the -creed is because we are under that dispensation. It is said that the Nicene council actually looked like a convention of martyrs, as there was scarcely as sound man in it. Here stands up a great preacher, who has one arm, the other being cut off by persecution. Another stands before us with only one leg, the other h3:-vingbeen destroyed in the persecution. Another with but one eye, another one ear, and all sorts. of marks and blemishes having been afflicted by the persecutions. Meanwhile they shouted like angels because they were permitted to suffer persecution for Jesus. Constantine did his best to prevail on all the people in the world to turn Christians; by his personal and official influence actually shaking the world with a Pentecostal revival. As Rome was crowded with great temples built to gods, and many are still there, as I have seen them and been in them, so predominate the influence of idolatry ,combined against him as to utterly disqualify him to remove all idol worship out of Rome, the capital and metropolis of the globe. Consequently he traveled one thousand miles to the rising sun and founded New Rome on the Bosphorus, connecting the Mediterranean and Uxine Seas and 6
separating Asia and Europe, himself walking around everywhere and selecting seven majestic mountains, there convenient and conspicuous, because Rome was. built on seven mountains. All the people in a pellmell multitude followed him as he marked off the city with his own feet, claiming to be guided by the unseen One. The· people were so delighted with the prospect of the world's capital, marking the very places where he put his feet and there building the wall, but he never could get them to call it New Rome, as they would compliment him with the name Constantinople, city of Constantine. He seditiously prevented any religious edifice from going up except Christian churches; thus wielding a most potent world-wide influence in behalf of Christianity, doubtless superinducing the salvation of multitudes, yet in the universal wave. Politics were so prominent that it was bound to prove detrimental to Christianity, as it did, multitudes of heathen pouring in without a scintilla of spiritual life and lugging in much of their idolatry, though publicly renouncing it all and thus actually launching that paganized political ecclesiasticism which has. developed into the Roman Catholic Church this day, so encumbered with priestcraft, ignorance and superstition as to be the right arm of Satan fulfilling the awful J ohanic prophecies appertaining to Babylon, the mother of harlots, who through the instrumentality of her daughter in all the Protestant churches really constitute the harlot of Babylon so anathematized and whose doom is clearly revealed in Revelations, 18th chapter, with the fall of Babylon to rise no more; and of God's merciful proclamation to His true people who will let Him
save them to come out and leave her to her just and inevitable doom. Man is a trinity, consisting of spirit, (pneuma), soul (psychee), and body (sooma). 1 Thess., 5:23, "and I pray God that your whole spirit, soul, and body he preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, faithful is He who called you who also will do it." Catholics, Calvanists and Campbellites constitute about one-fourth of Christendom, and all preach that entire sanctjfication is too great for us to receive in this wicked world. The Catholics just tell you to die content and depend on purgatory to sanctify you; frankly admitting that it is not mentioned in the Bible; but as the blessed book is full and running over with the great truth that all must be sanctified wholly before we can pass the pearly portals and conclude as a logical sequence that God has another place to give to us after we leave this world where purgation fire will burn out inbred sin. This is an awful mistake, as in that case it would have burned it out of the devil and his myrmidons long ago and they would have 'been back up in heaven shouting the victory. Hence, the utter falsity and fatal delusion of the Catholic purgatory, which will simply prove the devil's hell, when he will show you whether you will ever get out; as even the heathen with no Bible have hell in their mythology. And that monstrous dog, Sir Beras, the size of an ox, with three parallel dog heads· in front and 100 snake heads reaching out all over his body, serving as gate keeper, and you know it would be utterly impossible for a human soul to ever survive the antagonism of this monster. About five-sixths of all the Protest-
ant world are Calvanists, who preach death sanctification. This is utterly impossible, as, physical death is not" a spiritual transaction and has no effect whatever on the soul, but as. we meet it, so we will spend eternity. The Campbellites are Pelagians, who gave the Christian church so much trouble in the fifth century. The doctrine has been transmitted to us by the ~ble and faithful writings of St. Augustine, the contemporary of Pelagius, who denied inbred sin and preached that we are all now born into the world free from depravity, as Adam was before he fell. They deny hereditary depravity altogether in flat contradiction of a large part of the Bi'ble, old and new, Psa. 51 :5: "I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me." That strong monosyllable, "death," which is so prominent from Alpha to Omega, literally means destitution of life. I have five times been pronounced dead in the popular press, and yet it is a mistake of the newspapers. But when God pronounces me dead, it is absolutely true and cannot turn out to be a mistake. He calls every sinner dead, which means total depravity in the very strongest sense, and applies to every human spirit (the man proper, the mind constituting his grand endument counter distinguishing us from the animal creation, and the body the tenement in which we a hide). "You hath He quickened, who were dead in trespasses and in sin, Eph. 2 : 1. The old Saxon word, quicken, which simply means to impart life, is a translation from that powerful Greek compound zooeepoiesee, from zooee, life, poieoo, to create, and consequently literally means to create the divine life in the dead soul, the mighty work of the 'blessed Holy Spirit in
regeneration-a glorious miracle, as real as the creation of a world. This constituted the first great work of the Holy Spirit in the stupendous reconstruction of humanity, justification having logically preceded it, consisting in the cancellation of our condemnation from heaven's chancery, which God delights to do the moment we repent of all our sins, leave Satan, world without end, giving him hack all our sins, and going out of business. with him for time and for eternity. Then he infallibly, for the sake of Christ's own vicarious substitution, who paid all the debt we owe, bleeding and dying on the rugged cross and rising triumphant over death, hell and the grave, ascended on high and is now sitting at the right hand of the loving Father, interceding for every lost soul. His propitiatory prayers. and intercessions in every case are delightfully honored by the loving Father in the dispensation of a free pardon of all our sins, though black as jet and red as crimson and voluminous as the mighty sea. The blessed Holy Spirit, now that the law is fully satisfied, quick as the lightning, dbes His work, creates the dtvine life in the dead soul, who leaps from the Satanic sepulcher and shouts the victory of a newly-born soul and goes ahead. singing : "Oh, how happy are they, Who their Savior ohey, And have laid up their treasures above, Tongue can never express The sweet comfort and peace, Of a soul in its earliest love! That sweet comfort was mine, When the favor divine I first found in the blood of the Lamb."
This beautiful globe constituting the new creation the negative hemis.phere of this free and full justification is received by faith alone in the vicarious, substitutionary atonement which the :Son of God came all the way from heaven to make for every lost son and daughter of Adams' ruined race. It is now invariably followed immediately by the stupendous work of the new creation, actually metamorphosing the old drunkard or harlot into a sweet, innocent new-born babe, to the infinite delectation of the angels hovering round every mourner's bench, delighted to bear the tidings home, the dead are alive, and the lost are found, and sinners. are coming home to God. This constitutes the beautiful, bright, blooming hemisphere, consummating the brilliant globe of the new creation, leaping in beauty, victory and glory from the creative hand as real as the creation of this world, when the morning stars sang together and all -the sons of God shouted for joy. Oh, how we need Bible schools from the rising sun to his going down, to girdle the globe with light, truth and holiness, sending out from these prophetical schools myriads and millions of jubilant immortals, born from above and baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire, and moving in flaming cyclones to the ends of the earth, making the desert rejoice and the wilderness bloom with the glory of the Lord, and expediting the glorious ingress of the longprayed-f or millennium, even now dawning. In a similar manner we have two hemispheres in the second work of grace; the negative, through the wonderful elixir of the cleansing blood, applied by the Holy :Spirit when Jesus baptizes us, 1
expurging depravity out of the heart, thus emptying our immortal spirit of the inbred depravity we inherited from Adam, our federal head, having been transmitted to him by Satan who, like the rattlesnake which imparts the deadly venom to his victim and leaves the poison in the organism to administer speedy and untimely death, so Satan, with wonderful adroitness, transmitted his own nature, and incurable soul poison to every human soul. This nature is destined to develop in the form of anger, wrath, malice, envy, jealousy, bigotry, hatred, animosity, hypocrisy, pride, vanity, egotism, self-conceit, lust, passion, temper, idolatry, sorcery, witchcraft, or some other phase of malevolent predilection. These constitute the members of the old man, Rom. 6 :6, and live and die with him. Therefore, the thing to do is to make short work of it, turn him over to Adam the Second, who is always ready, as beautifully symbolized by his prophet Samuel, who lifted up his sword and hewed old Agag, inbred sin, into smithereens. Thus the destruction of the sin personality with all the malevolent affections, constitute the negative hemisphere of the sanctified experience, while the incoming and abiding of the Holy Spirit constitutes the positive hemisphere, thus consummating the beautiful and brilliant globe of full salwttion, giving the victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil, giving the shine, the shout, and the leap, a felicitous prelibation of coming glory. Reader, do you have it? The omnipotent Jesus Is standfng by waiting to give it to you. You can not afford to postpone and thus disappoint Him.
0, what a wonderful change in the last half century since the Lord sanctified me, forty-nine years ago, after I had wandered in the howling wilderness nineteen years and had preached fifteen of those years. All my life I had believed in sanctification, as my father was a M:ethodist preacher, and the first book I ever studied, John Wesley's Catechism, like the Bible, which I read from my infancy, was full of sanctification from lid to lid. Reader, you have no idea the good you can do by talking plain, straight, solid experimental religion everywhere you go, as you see, 2 Cor. 3 :3, ''Ye are our epistles known and read of all men." The people of this world will not read the Bible, but they will and do read us. 0, how wond.erfully does God honor us as radiators of the truth, purity and power of His, wonderful salvation which He gave His Son to bleed and die and thus procure for us so complete and wonderful redemption as to actually preclude all apology for the damnation of a solitary soul. Though the Bible and the Methodist books are fqll of the experience, the good ones have died and gone to heaven and others have grown up and have taken their places without getting the experience of entire sanctification, which is simple and easy, but nothing can take the place of personal testimony. Books are all right, and this is my two hundred and twenty-first, every one on Bible Holiness and telling the people the sure way to heaven. As Bihle is a Greek word, which means Book, and in a pre-
eminent sense is the only one in the world, all others are actually subordinate to it, and only useful as they teach these wonderful truths revealed in the Bible, by which we are saved, sanctified, fed, and panoplied, and will be judged in the great day. The best preachers in the world write to me from all parts of the earth, stating that they get more help out of my books than any others. This arises from the fact that the Lord never made anything of me but a preacher, and all of my books simply preach the gospel and tell the people the sure way to heaven, at the same time enforcing Divine Truth by my own wonderful experience and extensive travels-four times around the historic world; preaching in many nations. I have been perfectly delighted helping the missionaries in India, China, Japan, Malaysia, Oceanica, Africa, Europe, and the Islands of the Sea. I never heard a sermon on sanctification in all my life till I preached it after receiving the experience; neither did I ever hear a testimony on it, as not only the people, but even the preachers, had let it slip away. Though I sought it those nineteen years, after a nightmare conviction had settled down on me for it, so I was determined never to let up ; yet the Lord gave me the wonderful baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire fifteen years before the movement reached Dixie Land. When I heard that there were a few people in Cincinnati professing the experience, and as my conference had 150,000 Cincinnatians south of the river, I immediately went down and began to preach in the Methodist churches, crossing the river, hunting up those few witnesses to sanctification and bringing them over to help me inaugurate the work
in dear old Kentucky, when God poured down His Spirit, converted and sanctified four hundred people, thus launching the work in Dixie Land and using your humble servant as a pioneer. I was so misunderstood by my brethren that they thought I was crazy and actually hauled me away for a crazy man, the preachers crying over me, and with sentences punctuated with sobs and beautified with tears, observing: "Brethren, it is awfully sad to think that our brother, W. B. Godbey, has lost his mind. But we must say this about him, he is innocent as an angel and will not do you any harm, and if you want a knockdown revival, he is your best chance." As the conference was awfully dead spiritually, Campbellism had inundated it with an arctic sea and had apparently frozen out every spark of Holy Ghost fire. They were lampooning and villifying the mourners' bench till the preachers were afraid to open the altar and invite seekers. That was literally true fifty years ago, the Campbellites having overrun the country and had done their best to drive Holy Ghost religion out of it, constantly lifting up the sword of controversy; preaching vociferously their water regeneration, and challenging all Holy Ghost preachers to debate with them. My sanctification actually made me a cyclone of fire, with the roar of the lion, the hardihood of the crocodile, and literally fearless of men and devils; not only shaking all unregenerated people over a devil's hell, but at the time showing the utter falsity of Campbellism, absolutely destitute of the beautiful truth that saves the soul and fits us for heaven. The Lord so wonderfully poured out His Spirit and
actually knocked down the people in piles all around me. They would crowd the altar, pray through, and shout the victory. Campbellites by dozens and scores, like all other sinners, thronging the altar, praying through, shouting the victory and testifying to the world that they had been deceived and led astray and never hef ore had known the Lord. Meanwhile, as we were pushing ahead, electrified by the mighty works of God, I received a challenge through the mail from a celebrated debater, who was a great annoyance to the Holy Ghost people, as he challenged everybody who did not believe in their water salvation. I had never been at a debate and did not know how they ran; but I knew that the Campbellites filled the whole country, not only with their challenges, but with their boastings over the victories won. I knew their doctrines were false, and that I was preaching the truth and nothing else, yet I did not know how the debates ran and really was afraid of him. Therefore I treated it indifferently, giving no answer, but moved on with the work. The Lord was wonderfully saving and sanctifying the people. It was not long till another challenge came, which I treated the same way, only pressing the battle the harder. Meanwhile shouts of victory were ringing all around as the new-born souls were running over hill and dale and making the welkin roar and reverberate. There were but a few who got sanctified, as the movement had not reached Dixie Land, and it was hard to get them to press through the wilderness and cross over into bright Beulah Land. So none professed it till they received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire, which made them like cannon
balls, not only roaring like thunder peals, but dashing everywhere and into houses, praying and shouting till a nightmare conviction settled down on the unsaved and sky-blue commissions reached the penitent and sanctifying power came down in pentecostal glory. Such was the transcendant power of the revival that multitudes crowded the meetings all the week days and nights, as well as Sunday. On a bright day in the middle of the week, about 10 a. m., when the premises were thronged with people, a person came to me and said, Brother Gorn is in the crowd and wants you to preach on the Conversion of Saul of Tarsus and show the difference between a Campbellite and a Methodist." When the prayer meeting had run the full hour and the 10 a. m. preaching on hand, I proceeded to announce to the crowded audience the request of the brother, giving them my sermon in two divisions, first expounding the wonderful conversion of the great persecutor, metamorphosing him into the champion apostle, and then proceeding, pursuant to the request, to show the difference between a Campbellite and a Methodist; simply stating that if a Methodist has all he has contracted for and does not backslide he is as sure of heaven as if he were in it. Meanwhile, if the Campbellite has no more than his contract and gets no more he is as sure of hell as if he were in it. · Clearly substantiating these hypotheses by the plain and unmistakable word of God, assuring them that salvation full and free is the glorious option of the Campbellite, Catholic, Mormon, infidel and everybody else who will right about face, leaving Satan, giving back everything we ever got from him,
i. e., all our sins, actual, original, hereditary, inbred and every other sort, bidding him an eternal adieu; dash off, mount the King's highway of holiness (Isa. 35 :8), run up the shining way with ever accelerated velocity till he sweeps through the pearly gates, receives a starry crown, never to fad~ away, but accumulate new lustre through the flight of endless ages. Opening the altar which is quickly crowded with penitents crying for mercy, salvation leaping from the skies, electrifying the audience ever and anon by the brilliant testimonies of new-born souls, leaping with shouts and running through the congregation saluting and blessing their friends and loved ones. Among these was a sister of about thirty years, a member of the Campbellite church, wonderfully converted and shouting like an angel, testifying to the people that she had been deceived and led astray thinking she was a Christian, while in the broad road and on her way to hell. At the conclusion the 1ebater asked permission to speak, which I grantea. He proceeded to tell the people that I was preaching error and leading them astray ; also saying he had sent me two challenges to meet him in debate, agreeing to divide the time with me to show the people the errors with which I was deceiving them and telling them I had ignored his challenge. At the same time looking me in the face and appealing to nie personally, "Brother Godbey, did you receive my challenges?" I answered in the affirmative. Then he said, "Why did you not accept those challenges and debate with me?" "Oh," says I, "because I do not want to debate as I need all my time to preach the gospel." Then he answered, "I now, in the pres-
ence of this great congregation, defy you to accept my challenges, which I now renew, and divide time with me, giving me a chance to show the people you are preaching error and leading them astray." I then appealed to the audience: "Brethren, what shall I do?" They spoke out: "There is only one of two things that you can do, and that is either to fight or run." I responded, "Brethren, I choose the former and will trust God to teach my hands to war and my fingers to fight," the language of David when Saul was after him to kill him, chasing him like a partridge over the ruts those seven memorable years. Then and there we had to suspend the revival meeting and turn it into a debate. The people selected a delightful shady grove where the Baptists, who were very stro"ng in that country and were in full sympathy with me and receiving many of my converts into their churches, had recently held an association, supplying the grove with a well-seated auditorium. Interrnitting two days for publicity, the debate was to open at 10 a. m. It was estimated that an audience· of 2,000 were on hand. We moved oft in perfect order, adopting the rules for forensic discussion laid down in Hedges logic ; each contestant selecting a moderator from his own church, the custodian of his rights and privileges, and the two. selecting an umpire, an intelligent, cultured gentle-man from the world to take charge of the debate, read the propositions, call out the speaker and tell him when his time expired. Thus it ran along beautifully, in perfect order and much to the edification
of the spellbound multitude, each contestant having precisely equal time. I needed only half my time to dip the Jordan dry, build a big fire in the middle and show the people if they did not get Jesus to baptize them with the Holy Ghost and fire that hell fire was certainly their doom. Still having one-half my time left to dispose of as He willeth, you may know what I did with it. I used it preaching Holy Ghost religion in thunderbolt and lightning shafts to that great audience, many of whom had never heard the true gospel, but had been led away on some heretical line of dead churchism or had spent their whole lives wicked, and hellward bound in the sight of God and man. You may rest assured as it only took me one-half my time to clearly show up the falsity and foolishness of his water doctrine (which was all he had) and leaving the other half to preach Holy Ghost religion, like Paul on Mars Hill, so that a nightmare conviction was actually sitting down on all the people in ominous gloom as if the archangel of doom had actually come down and was blowing his mighty trumpet and the dead leaping into life on all sides. So the day went on through, morning and afternoon, the night intermitted. Meanwhile, the preachers, of whom quite a host were on the ground, would preach to the people at different places, as there was no edifice on the ground. Without a word of consultation with me, Brother Corn stood out on the platform and with his stentorian voice announced to the multitude, "As you all want to go to the sale tomorrow (at a large farmhouse in full sight), and as we know not how long it will continue, we intermit the de·bate so you
can attend the sale, having arranged with a committee to look after the matter and in due time announce to us all the resumption of the debate." That committee has never reported, yet forty-seven years have rolled away. That great debater never had another one. That very year my conference made me presiding elder of my home district, where I was born and reared, in the hotbed of Campbellism, and which my father had spent his life preaching. I was chased by them like a whipped dog, as they wanted argument all the time and built up their church through the menace of the controversial club, always ready to show the people that the gospel way of salvation was immersion in water, out of which they came bona fide Christians. As I knew that they had actually made my district a battleground since its organization forty years ago, contesting every inch of ground with the advocates of Holy Ghost religion and doing their best to run it out of the country, literally flooding the land with challenges, I advertised in all the papers, secular and religious, my acceptance of all the challenges they ever had made or ever would be made. The result was they met me everywhere, bringing their heaviest artillery from the ends of the ,earth, and gave me a debate, eight days in a single session with crowded audiences and tiptoe interest. We moved down, they got weaker all the time, till the ten years' war rolled away and I found myself monarch of all I surveyed, my rights disputed by none, the battle heroically fought, and the victory everywhere won.
The effect was everywhere to revolutionize those people so they took down the battle flag and everywhere waved the truce banner, and I have been at it ever since, only asking to be let alone, from the simple fact that they have no truth and their damnatory heresies cannot bear the light of God's beautiful and unsophisticated truth turned on it. The gospel matlock, going down and digging out their astute fallacies and exposing them to the clear, bright light of God's precious Word, which everywhere shows up the absolute indisputability of the supernatural birth wrought by the Holy Ghost in the heart of every sinner, clearly and indisputably witnessed, Rom. 8 :16, "The Spirit Himself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God." All this followed by the grand and glorious second work of grace, entire sanctification by the cleansing blood, dispensed by its blessed Custodian to the felicitous expurgation of the sin personality out of the heart, which we all receive when Jesus baptized us with the Holy Ghost and fire, dispensing the precious cleasing blood, the divine elixir, to the expurgation of the last and least residium of hereditary depravity out of the heart, superinducing the glorious change and flooding the soul with the joyful experience. But when Satan undertakes to stir up the malevolent affections, hell's hotbed in the unsanctified heart, he finds himself tinkering with a boomerang, which, when unsuccessfully thrown, turns round and fastens on the thrower and sticks tight till his destiny is sealed for time and eternity, i. e., when he makes an assault on you to stir up, your anger, as it is dead and gone, he finds nothing but love. 7
When he seeks to arouse your pride, he finds nothing but humility, the very opposite. When he goes for your ambition, he finds nothing but meekness. When he rallies to arouse carnal lust, he finds nothing but aversion; and so we may run all the way through the satanic curriculum and the very effort to arouse evil affection only stirs up its holy antithesis. \Vhereas fifty years ago not 011c preacher in ten thousand could tell you how to get sanctified, now school children, illiterate rustics, Ethiopian servants, and all sorts of people can tell you that you have nothing to do but be sure you are born from above and clearly witnessed by the Holy Spirit. Rom. 8 :16. As sanctification is not for sinners, and consequently no one is eligible to it without the supernatural birth with which you have nothing to do but fully consecrate and take it by faith, as a free and gracious gift of God, His. blessed Holy Spirit will give you all needed help to make the consecration and thus reach believing ground and then inspire the receptive and appropriating faith so you take it in a moment and shout the victory forever. Henry Brown, forty years ago, had heard Holiness preached and was awfully hungry for the experience. His wife, children and neighbors had already preceded him into the land of corn and wine, flowing with milk and honey, while he still howled in the wilderness, singing: "On Jordan's stormy banks I stand And cast a wistful eye To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie.
"There generous fruits that never fail, On trees immortal grow ; There rocks and hills and brooks and vales, With milk and honey flow. "Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o'er, Not Jordan's stream, nor death's cold blood Should fright us from the shore." The trouble with him was in making the consecration. He could see nothing but old dark Africa with her cannibals and crocodiles, ready to eat him up blood raw, swinging before him. He spends a sleepless night in prayer, going out in the morning to plow his corn, his heart so heavy that he had to stop the mule in the furrow and fall on his knees and cry to God for the purification of his heart, for the fulness of love, and the victory of his spirit, for which he sighed and cried night and day. When he saw old, dark Africa again swinging hef ore him, grace prevailed, and he said, "Lord, I'll take Africa and am ready now to go, and if eaten up all right, for your sake." Then God raised the floodgate and turned a heavenly river into his soul, so leaving the mule to graze ad libitim, he jumped the fence and roared to his n~ighbors, "Farewell, I am going to Africa, meet me in heaven." Thus shouting his valedictory and benediction to everybody he met, he ran home, hugged his wife and children, and kissing them good-ble, said, "I am going to Africa." They were not alarmed, as they had traveled the same road. So running out and roaring to all his neighbors in his field costume, he bade them all adieu for Africa.
When we are sanctified wholly the Lord tells us His secrets as never before. Eventually, when he shouted all over the neighborhood and had bidden them adieu for Africa the Lord proceeds to talk to him. "Henry Brown, you are forty-one years old and have a wife and little children to serve for Me that they may press the battle when you have gone to the mount of victory. You are too old for Africa and I need you here in dear old Kentucky to shine and shout, to preach the gospel, to press the battle, and to lead the rising generation to victory." "Why did you show me Africa so much?" "Because I want you to be willing to go, and now I see you are and it is alright." The Lord used my humble instrumentality to pioneer the movement, not only from the Atlantic to the Pacific, but especially throughout the great Lone Star State, from the gulf to the Panhandle; from Louisiana to Mexico, when the opposition was terrific. The excitement often rose so high as to mob me and ever threaten me with immediate death. Preachers took the pulpit against me and announced me as a northern fanatic bringing anarchy and ruin to the churches. A great M'ethodist D.D. made an especial appointment per announcement to refute the dangerous fanaticism I was preaching. Among the few sanctified people, Ethiopian Ben, an old slave, had received it gloriously, and the preacher said to him, "Ben, come to my church and I will preach that fanaticism out of you." Ben responded in his darky dialect, "Boss, I'll be dar." Sure enough, when the great audience crowded the capacious metropolitan, he saw Ben up in the gallery, as the colored people in that country are never
expected in the auditorium. He preached his powerful sermon, sadly vindicating the Zinzendorfian heresy of getting it all as one blessing, which John Wesley so successfully refuted in his public debate with Zingendorf as to convince him of his mistake so that he actually gave it up, sought and found the second blessing and died shouting. Yet it is lamentable that so many Methodist preachers are actually preaching that old exploded heresy instead of the grand truth of full salvation by a second work of grace, following a sky blue regeneration. He gives them his toploftical sermon, soaring on pinions of eloquence and hyperbole, winding up the general rally, his carnal members publicly congratulating him upon his brilliant victory. Meanwhile Ben is looking on appreciatively, and the preacher says, "Ben, how did you like the sermon?" As the old slaves were all their lives exceedingly polite to their masters, it would not do for him even to insinuate depreciation, much less antagonism. Consequently he responded, "Good sermon, Boss." Then says the preacher, "I suppose you have given up that foolishness of sanctification as a second blessing?" Ben proceeded, "Boss, I said it was a good sermon, but I should have said, you did not go fur enough." "What do you mean, Ben?" "Oh, you said 'dar was no sanctification.' You should have go on and said, 'not dat you know of,' but I knows dar is, for l's got it. Glory to God." Then the Lord turned on him a jasper sea from the heavenly ocean, inundating and sweeping him away into one of his grand old Ethiopian Pentecostal
shouts, which knocked all the dynamite out of the big sermon and flooded the multitude with a conviction that the illiterate Ethiopian had something which their cultured, eloquent preacher knew nothing about. It actually brought down on them a nightmare conviction, for the sanctification which was then stirring great Texas like a cyclone. Three years ago in the convention in St. Paul's Church of this city, in my presence, Bud Robinson, in a sermon telling them about the work in Texas under my humble pioneer ministry, related a matter that had become latent in my mind till he renewed it. It was about how a great Methodist preacher, on his favorite Zinzendorfian line, was holding a revival meeting and doing his best to fortify the people against the so-called northern fanaticism (not applicable to me) a native of old Dixie Land. It so happened that I crowded in time to att.end one of his meetings, as I always do, coming to the front and hugging the preachers, responsively to the impulses of my own heart, flooded with perfect love for everybody; actually loving my enemies enough to die for them with a glad ·heart delightfully responsive to His sweet will to conserve His kingdom freely by my ministry or my martyrdom, perfectly harmonious with His infallible administration, sitting on the front seat and running over with perfect love. Feeling it unsafe to ask me to speak in the meetings, lest I might throw a bomb into the camp, he simply complimented me with the benediction. When I stood up I roared aloud 1 Thess. 5 :23, "The very God of peace sanctify you wholly, and I pray God that your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord
Jesus Christ; faithful is He who calleth you who also will do it," glory to God, Amen! Then the people thronged around me that I might tell them how to get it, the blessed Holy Spirit actually putting on them an indefatigable conviction for it, so my humble visit as an auditor to the meeting was signally blessed of the Lord, giving grander impetuosity to our Holiness revival. In a camp meeting in that country off in the wild west a hoodlum, utterly illiterate, came in from the ranches and heard a powerful sermon on the grand theme of entire sanctification. The preacher was wonderfully flooded with pentecostal glory, and signally used by the blessed Holy Spirit, sent down from heaven, to run the camp with an eye single to the glory of God. The hoodlum was literally carried away by the sermon so that when the altar was opened he leaped like a catamount and fell on the mourners' bench. A spirit-filled worker rushed to him and asked him for what he had come to the altar, as it was opened to all sinners to come and seek salvation, and Christians, entire sanctification. He said, "I came for sanctification." The worker said, "Have you ever been converted?" He answered in the negative; so the worker proceeded to tell him that he could never get sanctified till after he sought and found conversion and became a Christian, as sanctification is only for such. He stoutly maintained his ground, observing that he wanted just what that man preached about, which was not conversion, but sanctification, and that he had come to get it and did not intend to leave without it; as it so happened that the sermon had been especially on sanctification, showing it up
in its beauty, grandeur, and glory so as to not only convict the hoodlum of his lost estate and inevitable doom; for God had decreed, "without the sanctification no one should see him," Heb. 12 :14. Consequently, as the altar was free for all, he had come to seek that wonderful blessing, so gloriously, faithfully and heroically proclaimed by the preacher, and that he had made up his mind that he never would leave without it. The worker faithfully showed him that he never could get sanctification until after he had sought and found conversion, then he could seek for it without delay as a second work of grace. Then the hoodlum wound up the controversy by roaring aloud, "I've come for sanctification and am never going to leave without it, and as to that other 'blessing ,vhich you say I must have, I thank you for your information and will proceed to take it in on the road to sanctification." Consequently he pressed ahead heroically and indefatigably seeking the conversion of his soul till heaven dropped down and flooded him and he arose and took a big shout; afterward returning to his place at the altar and verifying his vow he had made at the beginning never to leave till after he had received sanctification. And yon know he got it, ·because God never lets any of us get ahead of Him. All the formidable difficulties simply amount to nothing with Him, as the salvation of the sinner and the sanctification of the believer are His work. And He is never delinquent. Here you see how 'Satan manipulates Catholic priests, Campbellite preachers, Mormon prophets, and others to discourage the people, telling them it is too great for them and they can't get it, which is significantly true if it was our
own work or the preachers, or that of the church, none of us could ever get it. But it is the work of God alone who tossed from the tip of His little finger this great world on which we live and multiplied millions more vastly greater.
Daniel and John unite their testimony that all who survive the tribulation will get saved at the beginning of the millennium. God is omniscient and perfectly knows every one who will let Him save him after the tribulation, as well as every one who has crossed the deadline and sealed his. own doom for eternity, verifying the awful warning of the poet: "There is a time, we know not when, A point, we know not where, Which marks the destinies of men For glory or despair. "There is a line by thee unseen, Which crosses every path, The hidden boundary between God's mercy and His wrath." Also, if you cross that fatal line or sin away the auspicious time, there is no more hope for you than for a demon in hell. Jesus tells us in His valedictory sermon, preached on Mt. Olivet, on Wednesday afternoon, before His crucifixion the following Friday, that the tribulation will be shortened for the sake of the elect. Who are the elect? We answer they are the people who will let God save them after the tribulation and He knows every one. Daniel gives the tribulation forty-five years-133'5, ch. 12, v. 12'-1290, v. 11-45. The reason why no one knows the day of His coming is because the time of
this shortening is not revealed. The facilities of destruction even at the present day are horrific in the extreme. The awful heavy artillery, gatling guns, torpedoes, submarines, dynamite killing the people in piles, actually heaping the earth with mountains of the dead and deluging it with rivers of blood. All this is so fearfully augmented by the destroying angels (Daniel 7 :9) saw a million. You remember Isa. 37th ch., in answer to his prayer, God sent a solitary angel down from heaven to Sennacherib's army, encamped at Laciush, and beginning at midnight, slew 185,000 Assyrian soldiers. Then what will a million do-in forty-five years? No wonder Jesus says if the time is not shortened, "No life will be left on the earth;" proceeding to certify that the time will be shortened for the sake of the elect, i. e., the people who will let God save them when the millennium sets in. Whereas Daniel 12 :12 certifies that all the people who survive the tribulation will be saved in the millennium. John saw the same visions though 600 years in time and 1,000 miles in space, yet in view of the pre-eminent value of these wonderful latter day prophecies to every immortal soul, God in His condescending mercy has actually doubled them, gloriously revealing them to the seer of Babylon and Palmas, whose revelations are in perfect harmony when you take it on yourself to calculate the harmony which you will find necessary, as Daniel used the lunar chronology 354 days in the year, and John the calendar, 360; whereas we use the solar, 365. By the lunar chronology the rapture of the saints is already due, plus 71 years; that of the calendar, due plus 29 years, and that of the solar in the new world due in 1,923, 7 years hence. But
you see they are all near enough together to reveal to us in thunder peals the grand truth that the Lord is nigh and no one can afford to be unprepared to hear the trumpet blow and see Him with His angels ride down on a cloud, the sainted dead leaping into life and the living Bride gloriously transfigured and caught up to meet the Lord in the air. Therefore, if you are not washed in the blood, sanctified wholly and invested in the snowy white robe, take the warning now, fly to the cleansing fountain, make the radical consecration : "Here I give my all to Thee, Friends and time and earthly store, Soul and body thine to be Wholly Thine for evermore. "Wash me in the Savior's precious blood, Cleanse me in the purifying flood. Now I give to Thee soul and body, Henceforth eternally." John abundantly corroborates Daniel in Rev., 19th ch., where you see him in the prophetic vision, portrayed as a mounted warrior, leading forth His army to victory, and all the kings, queens, princes, and potentates arrayed against Him, go down in blood. An angel is standing on the sun, a convenient place to reach the whole world in twenty-four hours, calling aloud to all the carnivorous. beasts and birds beneath every sky, cordially inviting them to the grandest carnival the world has ever seen, that they may feed on the flesh of kings, queens, and all the magnates of the earth, having gone down
in this final triumphant Armageddon battle, never more to rise. Meanwhile the chapter winds up with the proclamation that everyone who has survived the Armageddon will be gloriously saved. The inspired Word certifies "That everyone was slain by the sword proceeding out of the mouth of him that sitteth on the horse," i. e., the Lord Jesus Christ, whose wonderful two-edged sword is simply His precious word, Heh. 4: 12, having the two edges, i. e., the salvation edge keen as the lightning and certain to cut out of you everything that will pale before the great white throne. Meanwhile the damnation is equally sharp and certain to cut forever all your hopes out of heaven. Now, what does it mean to be slain by this sword? It could not possibly mean anything except the ~Id man of sin, hereditary in every heart, to be slain -and the new man to succeed him on the throne to shine and shout through all eternity. On the problem of all the tribulation .survivors getting saved in the millennium we corroborate Daniel and John by that grand Jerusalem council of apostles, elders, and brothers, convened in Jerusalem to settle the relation of the Gentile converts to the Gospel Church. Acts, 15th ch. James, the Lord's brother, presided; Peter, the senior apostle, in his powerful speech sounded the keynote of the convention, Paul dictating it, and Luke was. the amanuensis and Amos, and Moses the prophets. These six inspired witnesses, uniting in their testimony, as we see in the corroboratory speech of President James, v. 14, "Simon hath shown how God ha th interposed to take a people out of the Gentiles in His name." To this refer the words of the prophet Amos : "After these things I will return and
build again the throne of David, which hath fall en down and build again the ruins of the same, and set it up again." Thus absolutely trebbling the prophecy of the Lord's return as soon as we get the Bride ready (Matt. 24 :14), as we must have her called and equipped in every nation under heaven, as the Lord is going to rule the whole world through her humble instrumentality, Rev. 20 :6. James, the Lord's brother, presiding over the council, goes on, and after these things, that is after we have taken the Bride out of every nation, I will return and build again the throne of David, which has fallen down, and build again the ruins of the same and set it up again, thus three times repeating His glorious and triumphant return to the earth, not as He came the first time to suffer and to die and redeem the world from sin, death and hell; but to conquer and to reign forever, as the archangel Gabriel certified to Mary when he announced his conception, that "He would sit down on the throne of David and rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will 'be no end." In this quotation from Amos, He certifies that the end for which we must evangelize the whole world and call out the Bride from every nation under heaven, is in order that the remainder of the peoples, E. V., "residue of men," may seek out the Lord, ek zte zotee, from ek, out, and ztaoo, to seek, not as E. V., "seek after the Lord." You may seek after a thing all your life and never find it, and be in the same fix as if you never had sought. Whereas, to seek out a thing means to find it every time. Therefore, there is no evasion of this unequivocal affirmation of the Holy Ghost through the apostle. James,
our Lord's brother, honored with the first episcopacy in the gospel church, certified positively that all the people who will be left on the earth by the great tribulation, which will eliminate all the unsavables and incorrigibles, as the flood did the Antediluvians; the ten plagues finally consummated by the Red Sea flood took away Pharaoh and his magnates, in order for the launching of the theocracy under Moses, God's mediator. The Jewish tribulation took away those reprobated priests, scribes, and pharisees who resisted all the ministry of Jesus ; not content simply to reject Him as a false claimant, but actually constraining the Romans to crucify Him as a revival of Cresar, which was not true at all. In a similar manner the great tribulation will take out of the world all the people who have proved incorrigible reprobates, rejecting the noonday splendor of the glorious gospel dispensation, and actually proving unsavable. They will all fall in the Armageddon, as you see, Rev., 19th ch., when all the kings of the earth meet the Lord Jesus in the capacity of a mounted warrior leading His embattled host, and you see they all go down in blood. Whereas, ch. 18th in a similar manner gives you a panorama of Babylon and all her daughters, i. e., old Catholicism, the mother of harlots, and all her prostitute daughters in the Protestant churches, go down in the fall of 'Babylon, to rise no more forever. Whereas. a proclamation rings from heaven, "Come out of her my people and be not partakers of her woes." These are the honest people who have been deluded by Satan's prophets, not only in Catholicism, but other heretical churches which have manipulated ingeniously with their boasted claims to learning and in
various ways to blind the rabble to the sight of our glorious Lord, who is omnipresent, and always ready to save to the utmost all who will come unto God by Him. And needs no help, neither interceding priests for filthy lucre to grant dblations and actually, as in the days of M:artin Luther, they were publicly selling indulgencies all over the world. Also, as well as Campbellite preachers and Mormon prophets who delude the people by the water god, so they depend on them for the remission of their sins and the salvation of their immortal souls. But these agencies are weak as water, having no more power to save than the wood and stone gods to which the blind pagan bows down. The Lord, pursuant to his own omniscience, will use the awful Armageddon gatling guns, heavy artillery and destroying angels, of which Dan. 7 :9, saw a million. And Isa., 37th ch., shows us how in answer to his prayer God sent a. solitary angel to Sennecherib's army, encamped at Lachish, and beginning at midnight slew 185,000. Then what will one million do in forty-five years. Daniel's period of the tribulation, 12 :12, 13 :35-12 :11, 12 :90-45. But remember, .Jesus says it will be shortened in the interest of the elect, i. e., the people who will let the Lo:r:d save them, of whom He knows everyone and they will go down in the bloody Armageddon. Meanwhile the savables will survive, and as you see in this scripture, Acts 15th ch., that they will seek and find the Lord, when the unsavables will all have fall en in the bloody confHct, and by the f elmaladies dispensed by the destroying angels. This will eliminate a.way all the people who have crossed the dead line whence no traveler returneth. They have 1
grieved away the blessed Holy Spirit and sealed their own doom in irretrievable woe. The ushering in of the glorious millennium will be memorialized by the most wonderful revivals the world has ever seen, under the preaching of the gospel by the transfigured saints, whom the Lord will take up in the Rapture for which I am on the constant outlook. The lunar chronology, measuring time by the revolutions of the moon around the earth, 354 days in the year, and used by the patriarchs and prophets, Christ and his apostles, makes the rapture of the saints overdue seventy-one years, while the calendar chronology, used in Europe and by the apostle John, who saw all his visions on Patmos, and on the European islands, measuring time by the revolutions of the planets around the sun, 360 days in the year, makes the rapture of the saints overdue twenty-nine years, while our own chronology, 365 days in the year, makes the rapture of the saints due A.D. 1923. You must not think God is tied to chronologies. They are simply for our instruction, so we will not be overtaken unawares and will be thoroughly posted, robed, ready, with staff in hand and lights and lamps trimmed and burning (Luke 17th ch.), watching, waiting and ready at a moment's notification, responsively to the archangel's trumphant to go out to meet Him with shouts of victory. You see all these chronologies clearly show up the indisputable fact that we are treading the ragged edges of the Gentile dispensation, amid the glorious dawn of the millennial age, already collapsing on the Gentile dispensation, so we pass out of the one into the other unconsciously; like 1
darting across the continent on an express train, we run right over a state line before we know it; great cities and even the capital bursting on our vision as the brakeman calls out the stations. Meanwhile we dart along as if shot out of a cannon. Rev. 20 :4 says: "I saw the souls of those who were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, arid would not worship the beast nor his. image nor received his mark in their foreheads nor in their hands." The beast is the pope who will be on the throne of the world during the tribulation, and as he when he had the power martyred fifty to one hundred millions of God's saints. as. given by history, and when he gets the power again the demons of persecution will be turned loose against the people who do not recognize his. supremacy. While the tribulation judgments will be sweeping- over the world and taking away the incorrigibles and unsavables, tribulation revivors will likewise sweep over the earth, persecuting the people who will not recognize the papal supremacy. The Catholics will then have the government of the world in their hands, and as some of the people will know that if they submit to the pope, it will mean their own damnation, yet will push on their revivals. in Pentecostal power and glory. The people will be complaining of disturbance, breaking their rest at night and thus giving the Catholic officers a pretext for their arrest, prosecution and persecution, so the world will be full of excitement, desolating wars, with formidable scenes of death, co-operated by the destroying angels, heaping the earth with mountains of the slain and deluging it with rivers of blood; thus eliminating from the earth the people who will not do for
the oncoming millennium, as there will be no government on the earth except the Lord Jesus Christ, on the throne of David in Jerusalem, administering the whole world in righteousness, peace and love, through the instrumentality of His transfigured saints, i. e., the Holiness preachers, male and female, Rev. 2'0 :6, "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection, for over such the second death hath no power, but they shall be kings and priests unto God and reign with Christ 1,000 years." The Bible clearly reveals that when the millennium sets in the nations will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into scythes and learn war no more. Hence, there will be no ·military nor political government on the earth; no policemen, constables, sheriffs, jails, nor penitentiaries, as the divine government is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, Rom. 14 :17. Consequently it will not do to have people on the earth who need these physical forces. to manage them, as the government everywhere will simply be the reign of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. We see that when the tribulat1on has done its work and has taken out of the world all the people who need brute force to govern them, and the Lord comes back from the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, in the higher strata of the atmosphere, simultaneously with the Armageddon on the earth, when He will give us all our appointments, endlessly diversified, according to our efficiency in the interest of His kingdom during our earthly lives. Then He will also resurrect these tribulation saints, whose heads the pope will cut off in his bloody persecutions, during the tribulation, as we see confirmed in Rev. 5 :9: "I saw the souls of
those who had been beheaded for the witness of Jesus, under the altar and crying, "how long, 0 Lord, till thou dost avenge our blood from those living on the earth," and the answer comes, "you must wait till your fellow servants shall be added unto you," thus showing that more martyrs are still to be added to the 2'00,000,000 who have gone on before. The resurrection of these tribulation martyrs will simply be supplemental to the first resurrection and will take place when the Lord comes for his ·Bride, 1 Thess., you see that the buried saints, from Abel down, throughout the whole world will be resurrected simultaneously with the sounding of the archangel's trumpet and antecedent to the translation of the living, which will follow very quickly, and they will all be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air, and thus be forever with Him. The second resurrection will take place at the close of the millennium, simultaneous with the crematory sanctification of the earth by the fiery baptism, which the Lord will administer, Rev. 20 : 9, in order to the sanctification of the earth, simultaneous with the baptism He gives all of us, in order to expurgate out of us everything Satan ever put in us. As you read this scripture, 4th ch., where you see the buried saints, from Abel on, coming from the Marriage Supper accompained by all the saints of His widowhood, will resurrect the tribulation martyrs, and give them appointments, with all of us in the evangelization of the whole millennial world, in order to the conversion of all the people on the globe who have survived the tribulation. This is in harmony with the above scriptures, which by the testimony of Daniel, John, Paul, Peter, James, Luke and Amos, unitedly assuring us that all who survive the 1
tribulation will get gloriously saved at the beginning of the millennium. This conclusion logically follows from the fact that the pope, Mohammed and the leaders of all the persecutions will have been cast into the lake of fire into outer darkness, Rev. 19th ch., the ultimate doom of all the people in all ages who have crossed the dead line and proved unsavable. Satan will have been arrested by the Apocaliptic angel, Rev. 20: 1, 4. _ And the glory of the Lord will actually fill the earth as the waters cover the sea, and He shall have dominion over the river, sea and shore, for as the eagle's pinion or a dove's light wing can soar. Hence, you see the millennial age will be on a vastly higher plane than any preceding one, and so much more congenial to salvation, sanctification, and a close walk with God. That the earth will abound in people in the good old track of Enoch, the celebrated antediluvian patriarch, and the first one in all the world honored with a translation and a chariot ride to glory. After having heroically walked with God those memorable 300 years without a break, He touched him with His little finger, bidding ponderous materiality evanesce forever, so his feet spontaneously let go terra flrma and he found himself flying as I have dreamed so much that I was actually flying around over the world, above harking dogs, grow ling bears, and howling wolves, and looking around on the tree tops. A long time ago, while sick and given up to die, I dreamed that I was in a vast graveyard, and the only living mortal in that multitudinous city of the dead, and looked around at the graves caved in and sunken away, the tombstones tilted in all directions, and everything marking the heavy tread
of hoary Time. Meanwhile I saw the grim monster on his. pale horse moving around, ''monarch of all he surveyed, his rights there were none to dispute, from the center all around to the sea, lord of the fowl and the brute," myself the only mortal, but environed by myriads who had lived on the earth in bygone ages. Consequently, I felt lonesome, rose and flew away, looking down on the slumbering millions beneath my feet and thinking of the momentous hour when Gabriel sounds his trumpet, and they will all leap into life, thus having flown away from that great city of the dead. I continued to fly and found myself crossing a deep valley of densely wooded fore st and looking down on them beneath my feet until I reached the great hill on the other side, where I alighted at my own humble cottage and entered, still finding not a living soul. Looking out through the window the way I had come and seeing death on the pale horse flying to me, and as I was alone I concluded he had certainly come for me. I soliloquized in my own heart, am I ready to go with him, and received an affirmative answer. By this time he had arrived and I walked out and saluted him courteously, and observed, "As I am here alone, I take it for granted you have come for me. Do you know that you are feared and dreaded by all people in this world, so they would rather see anything else? I take a different view of your character. I trow you have a tender heart in your bosom, sympathetic with the woes and sufferings of us poor mortals; but as an officer of the divine government you simply discharge your duties to our blessed heavenly Father, who makes. no mistakes." He responded with a smile, "I am glad to find one person in all
this world who entertains a correct apprehension of my official character. I have no authority to take you now, but simply make you this little visit notifying you that your work is not done and I leave you to finish it. In His own good time I shall come again when you shall lay your armor down and exchange the battlefield for the Mlount of Victory." None but savable people will survive the tribulation. False religions will all be swept from the face of the earth, Satan with his counterfeit gospel will have been arrested and imprisoned and all his myrmidons driven from the face of the earth. The surrender of Lord Cornwallis, commander-in-chief of the British army at the close of the Revolutionary War of eight bloody years, was followed by every British soldier embarking for his home· beyond the ocean, and the roar of artillery being hushed in universal silence. The surrender of General Lee at the close of our bloody Civil War, which broke the chains of slavery and liberated the sable millions of Dixie Land, was ,quickly followed throughout the sunny Southland by every Confederate soldier stacking his gun and hunting his cotton plow. In a similar manner the ingress of the millennial reign will so paralyze the powers of hell on earth as. to bring an unprecedented heavenly sunburst into every land and nation; raising white, black, yellow, red, and brown with confluent shouts of victory, reverberating beneath every sky. When the Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Lincoln setting free all the Ethiopian slaves from the Atlantic to the Pacific, D. L. Moody says he thought he would go to the colored church and bear the glad news. On arrival he found 1
it packed with the sable children of Ham and a Northern chaplain in the pulpit, holding up the royal proclamation and telling them that they were all free. M:any shouted aloud, "Glory to God in the highest for breaking the chains of slavery;" others were so flooded with joy as to be unable to stand on their feet, or get down on the floor, rolling and shouting aloud. When preaching in Texas soon after the war the presiding elder of the district in which my meeting was held, stated to the congregation, that his father, a lawyer in Galveston, Texas, owned sixty negroes, and when he received the paper he called them all together, read the proclamation, stating to them: "Now you are all free· and perfectly free forever. You are my salves no more, neither will you ever belong to any other slave master. I thank you so much for your good behavior and make but one request of you, and that is that you all be good and make sure of heaven at any cost. Make a certainty of this one thing, and that is that you will all meet me in that bright, upper world where parting is forever at an end." They were surprised and felt that the news was actually too good to be true, so they thought it must be a mistake some way until he read it over the second time and assured them that there could be no mistake, as it"was direct from the national capital and signed by the President, and that they might perfectly rely on its verity. Then a wonderful change came over them. Some leaped and shouted aloud and others rolled on the ground; others leaped into the air and threw their hats as high as they could and were in every conceivable mainfestation of joy. These are but feeble
illustrations, adumbratory of the Jasper sea of joy and bliss, victory and glory rolling over the whole earth, when the millennium ushers in. Reader, it will soon be here, and the Holy Ghost is now ready to give it to you in your heart.
While the millennium in light, life, power_, victory, and glory will actually eclipse everything the ages have ever known, we must remember that it is not the final restitution, but simply transition to it. While the prophecies assure us that all the people who survive the tribulation will be converted at the beginning of the millennium, when revivals unprecedented in all bygone ages will roll over the whole earth from the rising of the sun until the going down of the same, as the gospel will be preached by the transfigured saints in every land and clime as the Lord commanded us in the commission, "Go, disciple all nations," Matt .. 28 :19. He tells us, Matt. 2·4:14, that whenever we shall have obeyed that commandment He is coming hack into the world to put Satan out and set up His kingdom, which will never have an end, Dan. 2 :46. There will be no need of sending missionaries to any nation under heaven when the millennium ushers. in, because the transfigured saints. of that nation will be there on the spot preaching the gospel to all the people. These bodies will be trans.figured in the resurrection if we die before His glorious coming for His saints, or if we have the good fortune to survive and behold His appearing with His mighty angels to resurrect the dead and transfigure all the living saints, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. I Cor. 15: 51. When the trumpet shall sound and we shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkling- of an eye,
this mortal shall put on immortality; this corruption shall put on incorruption and mortality shall be swallowed up with life. The normal effect of the translation will be the elimination of all ponderous matter out of these bodies, so they will not weigh anything and will consequently move responsively to the impulses of the immortal spirit which is. even now with God, but even now held on the earth by one hundred pounds. With our transfigured bodies we will never take mortal food again, but angelic ambrosia, and consequently will need no boarding house, no lodging, as we will never sleep again, never get old and never die, but bloom in immortal youth forever. Such will be the wonderful velocity of universal evangelization from the beginning of the millennium, that salvation will roll like a swelling river and broaden into an ever-widening sea till it actually inundates the whole world. The millions in heathen, Mohammedan, and Catholic countries where the people have been sitting in darkness through the rolling centuries manipulated by intriguing priests, duped, deluded, and hallucinated by Satan's preachers; thus awfully stupified by these degrading fallacies as well as debauched by the low and grovelling vices always concommitant with Satanic manipulations and delusions, though pretensions to truth, righteousness and holiness, ever so loud in their sacredotal administrations when Satan is arrested, and locked up in hell and his myrmidons all driven out. Floods of light from the bright effulgent throne through the ministry of angels and especially the transfigured saints will pour down on them in heavenly sunbursts, transcending even the flights of our enthusi-
astic imaginations. Such will be the unprecedented illuminations poured on the people from these unprecedented and supernatural sources. The transfigured saints will need no filthy lucre to grease car wheels, nor pay hoarding and lodging, but moving with angelic velocity, ·will quickly reach every unsaved soul, every one of whom will joyfully receive the gospel, as the unsavables have already fallen in the great tribulation, only leaving the elect of grace, as Jesus says, in His valedictory sermon preached on Mount Olivet Wednesday afternoon, antecedent to his crucifixion the following Friday, certifying that the tribulation will be shortened for the sake of the elect, as otherwise such are the awful facilities of destruction, by gatling guns, heavy artillery, and all conceivable inventions to kill people quickly. These will be augmented by destroying angels, Dan. 7 :9. "A thousand thousand," i. e., a million, that He says no life would be left on the earth if the time is not shortened, which He certifies will be done in the interest of the elect, i. e., the people who will let God save them, and He knows every one·, also all who have crossed the dead line so they cannot be saved and consequently must go down in the bloody Armageddon, whose business on the earth is the elimination of all the people who will not let God save them, who in His superabounding love and mercy pursuant to His perfect knowledge of everyone will let the righteous judgments of the tribulation eliminate all who will not let Him save them. At the same time He knows every heart and in His great mercy keeps His hand on the savable ones, till the awful storm has spent its fury and the last battle of the Armageddon has culminated, Rev. 19th ch.,
in the wholesale slaughter of the kings, queens, princes, potentates, and all who will not say yes to God and thus give the Holy Spirit a chance to seal them heirs of heaven. The old prophets get very eloquent, describing the wonderful revival that will sweep the world at the beginning of the millennium. In brilliant panorama, portraying vast mulitudes of unsaved people, talking either to the other, "Men, I must say to you, I am bound to go at once to the Mount of Blessings, as I am authentically informed, that those Holiness people, whom we missed quite a while ago, have gotten back and they are having the most wonderful meetings ever known on that holy mountain. I feel I can stand it no longer, I must go and get the blessing for which my poor soul, so hungry, is sighing and crying night and day." His comrade will respond, "That is so, I am just bound to have salvation and cannot do without it;" so the talk goes all around and, there is not a dissenting voice, therefore they set out, all tramping their way to the holy mountain. You know in that case, God never turns anybody away. Scottsville camp-meeting in Texas was the first Holiness feast of Tabernacles launched in the grand Lone Star State. The people came from ocean to ocean, British America, Mexico, and the Island of the Sea, to satisfy their curiosity, which had reached them on the wings of the wind in their distant homes. Arriving at all hours of the night they would be found at day down, waiting for the altar call, when without a dissenting voice they piled and crowded the mercy seat, prayed through, shouted the victory, went home verifying God's only definition of a gospel minister, Heb. 1: 7. "He maketh His ministers a fl/ame of fire," thus
like Samson's foxes running throughout great Dixie Land, scattering the fire to the ends of the earth. According to prophecies, all the people who survive the tribulation will actually be ripe for salvation and ready for our Savior's, wonderful beatitude, Matt., 5th ch., "Blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled." The reason we must preach the gospel to every nation, is because God must have a blood-washed, fire-baptized, cohort in every tribe beneath the skies, to preach the everlasting gospel and set on fire with His burning holy love· and triumphant, sanctifying power. This is the reason why we must preach the gospel to every nation under heaven, so the Lord will have enough in that nation to evangelize it when the apocalyptic angel descends, arrests. Satan, hinds and imprisons him in hell. No wonder the old prophets in their eloquent flights, describing these millennial revivals, certify that a nation shall be born in a day, that is born from above, John 1 :7, and not "born again," as the E. V., which Jesus never said, and if He had, would send to hell every child in all the ages who died before the physical birth, as "again" means a reptition and puts the spiritual birth after the physical; thus hopelessly reprobating every child who has ever died antecedently to the physical birth which is really more than the entire population of the globe today, 217,000,000 millions. The truth of the matter is, the spiritual birth actually takes place the moment soul and body united constitute personality, which is far back in the prenatal state, five or six months antecedent to the physical birth. Heb. 2 :9.
By the grace of God Christ tasted death for every one, thus getting a glorious run on the devil, superinducing the consolitary fact that by the wonderful grace of God in Christ every human being is born a Christian like the prodigal son and his elder brother, both born in their father's house, God's kingdom, whence the younger brother unfortunately sinned out, but fortunately got reclaimed from the hogpen. Hence, you see the attitude of the millennial age will be everybody truly and intelligently born from above as antagonisms will all have been swept away with Satan and his myrmidons, so salvation's wave will absolutely inundate the globe, as transfigured saints will be in every country under heaven, this national evangelization constituting the great work of our dispensation in contradistinction to "preaching the gos.pel to every creature," Mark 16: 15; which you must remember is an interpolation, this gospel actually closes with the fifth verse. The remaining twelve were added by an unknown hand long centuries after Peter the author and Mark the amanuensis had been playing on their golden harps, as it is in none of the ancient manuscripts. That fact is exceedingly encouraging to all Bible students, because so many terrible heresies have been found in those last twelve verses of Mark, among them recently the "tongues" heresy, which has damaged the Holiness movement far more than all its predecessors, running so many of our noble people into demonism, as it is a well known fact that they had no tongues and never have had, as tongues is a language, and they have none, but simply noises like birds and frogs. People have been exorcised by Satan's preachers in all bygone ages,
as in Isaiah 8: 19, "wizards that 'peep and mutter.' " The devil worshipers in India had it when I preached there ten years ago. Sorcerers, jugglers, necromancers, spiritualists, and Mormons have practiced it from their beginning. It came to us from spiritualists, as we have no trouble to trace it directly back to them. These demons counterfeit everything God does, and as He alone can give a language, they import this gibberish in order to deceive people and break their hold on God, ·which they have done to an -appalling catastrophe in the movement. Verse 15, "Preach the gospel to every creature," is the thought involving the conclusion that the Lord will never come to take His bride, dethrone Satan, and bring in the millennium till we actually preach the gospel to every creature, which would absolutely involve the conclusion that He never will come; because it is a well known fact that with all our efforts to evangelize the heathen, we are not keeping pace with the increase of heathen popu-lation, as there are 200,000,000 more heathen in the world now than 100 years ago. Jesus says that the world will get worse till He comes, as in the case of the Antediluvians and Sodom and Gomorrah, Luke 17th ch. Hence, we see if we have to preach the gospel to every creature the hope of His coming is forever eclipsed ; but the Bible plainly reveals in Acts 13th ch., that our work is simply to get the Bride ready, and we are making glorious progress in that direction, as all we have to do is to faithfully preach the gospel to every nation, and the calling out and equipping the elect. We know not a nation now on earth without missionaries, and if we could find one we would send them at once. The work of
our dispensation .is simply to get the Bride ready 'in every nation, meanwhile the world is deteriorating as we all see to our deep sorrow. But God's true people are ameliorating, as we understand the Bible now better than our ancestors, and every ramification of interest in God's kingdom is on the upward trend with his true people. While the bad are getting worse, more proficient in sin and harder to save all the time, the good are getting better, making grand and ·encouraging progress in all graces of the Spirit and all his wonderful gifts in every land and clime, as the Bible with all kinds of holiness literature, is rising like a full tide of the great ocean and inundating the globe like a rolling sea. Even your humble servant is the author of 221 books on Bible holiness, every one telling the sure way to heaven. The Millennium will be the greatest salvation time the ages have ever known, as you see from the above testimony of Daniel, John, Paul, Peter, Luke, James, -and Amos in the fifteenth chapter of Acts, the nineteenth chapter of Revelations, and the tenth chapter of Daniel. They teach that all who survive the bloody Armageddon will get saved in the initiatory mUlennium, as unsavables have already been eliminated by Tribulation Judgments. Of course, true regeneration -always means an onward movement to enter the life of sanctification, and amid unprecedented conservatory blessings and facilities crowning the millennial reign hosts of them will press forward heroically till they enter Beulah Land; no longer lingering on the plains of Moab and singing: 9
"On Jordan's stormy banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye, To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie. "There generous fruits that never fail, On trees immortal grow. There rocks and hills and brooks and vales With milk and honey flow. "Could we hut climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o'er, Not Jordan's stream nor death's cold flood, Should fright us from the store." But following their Joshua-a Hebrew word which means Jesus-they will step out heroically on the swelling billows, trusting the unseen Hand to split the flood from shore to shore and let them follow the ark of God (Bible) till they shout victory on -Canaan's happy shore. They picked up rocks on which they put their feet down-the infallible promises of God to sanctify and build them up into a monument, forever proclaiming to all passersby that they have actually entered the land flowing with milk and honey and abounding in corn and wine. Halting for a two weeks' camp-meeting at Gilgal, they receive a glorious, heavenly boon copiously filling them with the Holy Ghost and investing them in full panoply to shout down the walls of Jericho after marching around them seven days, singing their jubilee songs and blowing rams horns. Then marching in Joshua's army in that sweeping conquest through the land to Mount Betharen, central in the peninsula, where responsive to the mandate of Joshua the sun stood still over Gibeon and the moon
in the valley of Aj all on. The sun stood still, and the moon stayed till the people of God avenged themselves upon their enemies and Joshua finished his battle. Thirty-one kings, representing all south Canaan, lost their heads, after which Joshua marched into the great north and met the combined armies at the waters of Merom, under the command of Jabin, king of Hagar. He then saw all those kings go down in blood to rise no more. He then moved on to Shiloh, where Joshua gave the·m all their inheritances in the land of Canaan, winding up with the vociferous proclamation, "There is yet much land to be possessed. Every inch on which you put down your foot is yours." This inspired all to move on heroically, shouting night and day, "I've reached the land of corn and wine, And all its riches freely mine. My Savior comes and walks with me, And sweet communion here have we. He gently leads me by His hand, For this is heaven's borderland. "As sweet perfume upon the breeze, Is here borne from ever vernal trees, Where flowers that never fading grow, And streams of life forever flow. "The zephyr seems to float to me, Sweet songs of heaven's melody, While angels in their white-robed throngs, Join in the sweet redemption song." Thus having reached the land, and having explored it through and through, yet I long for deeper things. It is better on before. Oh, the wonderful
consolation that the future is constantly better than the past, if we will only be true to God at every cost, lost in His blessed divinity, broadened into grander latitudes, moving forward into more aggressive longitudes, sinking into profounder depths of His redeeming grace and dying love, and climbing up· to loftier altitudes whence by faith we enjoy a Pisgah's view of Glory Land, constantly brightening on our view. We see, from the above scriptures, the whole world gloriously saved at the beginning of the millennium-that is, during the first generation of that dispensation. Satan's churches will all go down, Rev., ch. 8. With the fall of Brubylon old Catholicism and her prostitute daughters in all the Protestant churches will go down, leaving Satan without a church representative on the earth during his 1,000 years imprisonment in hell and the reign of the saints on the earth, Rev. 20 :6. The loyal subordinates of Christ on the throne of David delighted to do His will throughout the whole earth as the "angels do it in heaven." The question very naturally rises., why shall Satan be let out of hell and be permitted to invade the world and be allowed to inaugurate his war policy which he used six thousand years so efficiently in the population of hell and the maintenance of his kingdom on the earth? If you will read the inspired history of his belligerent campaign you will find that he is simply let out of hell to get his own who are out of harmony with the glory of the oncoming Edenic restitution, when the· meek shall inherit the earth, Matt. 5 :5, i. e., the holy people, the spiritual children of. Abraham in fulfillment of God's covenant with him that his seed should be as the stars of heaven, the sands of the
sea and even the dust of the earth for multitudes which even in the millennium will only receive an approximate fulfillment. The glorious finale reserved for· the triumphant Edenic restitution destined to crown the arms of King Immanuel, who "was made manifest to destroy the works of the devil, John 3 :8. This means not only all sin, but all its affects. It means, also, to bring the world back to the bright, happy day of its emanation from the creative fiat, bright, -beautiful, pure and sinless, without a pestilential breath, a deadly simoon, or a pestiferous sirocco, or anything poisonous and deadly. No tobacco, lobelia, nor thorns, thistles, briars, nor obnoxious, pestiferous and worthless weeds to give man toil and suffering, but as the angels all looked down with delight, shouting for joy, electrified with the beauties and glories which radiated from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same and whose joyous shout answered the anthem of the morning stars which sang together when all the sons of God jubilantly shouted when God had so wonderfully finished His work that His own infallible wisdom pronounced it not only good but as the Hebrew says, ''perfect," (E. V.) "My good." As we read the inspired history of Satan's post-millennial campaign, for the recovery of the kingdom he lost in his signal Armageddon defeat, Rev. 19th ch., which actually resulted in his own dethronement, arrest, and incarceration in a dismal stygian prison 1,000 years. Now as he is excarcerated and once more liberated, the Napoleonic ambition which in heaven aspired to a participation of the divine sovereignty, thus deflecting from the perfect administration of the Triurte Jehovah and transforming the brilliant
archangel Lucifer into the obnoxious dragon, the devil and Satan, ultimating in his coronation as king of hell, God's penitentiary for the incarceration of all the incorrigibles in His boundless celestial universe. Thus from the delightful and glorious service of the archangel in heaven, he actually achieves his aspiration to the royalty, ibut finding himself restricted to the gloomy dominions. of Erebus, and of course so exceedingly unsatisfactory as to superinduce the invasion of this newly created world, in order to the augmentation of his restricted dominions and the amelioration of his dismal disappointment of the lofty aspirations to which he had aspired during his archangelhood, where his glory was preeminent among the heavenly hiearchies recognized by all in the exalted cognomen Lucifer, i. e., lightbearer. Oh, what an honor among the immortal intelligencies of the boundless celestial universe, to be cognomened light ..bearer in heaven. Thus the excarcerated dragon of the bottomless pit, blows his war bugle, beats his drums and rallies all his myrmidons who had with himself spent the millennial reign in the dreary prisons of hell, so now they wing their fight round and round the world with lightning velocity, Luke 10 :18, and do their best to get everybody dissatisfied with the reign of righteousness, peace, love, holiness, humility and brotherly kindness in which there was no open door for the Napoleonic achievement of lofty pre-eminence and sanguinary ambition. But to their unutterable disappointment, they receive no volunteers but Gog and Magog, the dethroned dynasties who had spent 1,000 years side by side with the godly plebeians, and now as Satan and his myrmidons delivered to them their
eloquent war speeches, reminding them of their Armageddon defeat, dethronement and degradation to the plebeian rank and file. They thus contrast gloriously with the palatial honors and glories enjoyed by their patrician ancestors through the long rolling centuries of 6,000 years, the honored officials in Satan's triumphant kingdom, memoralized by the brilliant victories of the antediluvian giants, the Egyptian Pharaohs, the brilliant reign of N ebuchadnezzar, Cyrus the Great, Alexander the Great, the mighty Roman Cresars, Hannibal, the brilliant Carthagenian, Gengiskhan, Tannerlane, the great Tartars, Charles XII, Frederick the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte. Thus in all their brilliant peregrinations, electrifying the world with their war trumpets, bugle blasts, and drum beats, to their signal disappointment, they find the humble holiness people had filled the world during the pacific millennium. There were no wars to kill off the people. Jesus the Healer of diseases., is on the throne of David, so no one said, "I am sick." Antediluvian longevity having been restored, Isa. 62 :20, "an infant will die a hundred years old." Infancy is one-tenth of human life, thus you see running it up to 1,000 years, consequently flooding the world with population as never known in a former age. So while Gog and Magog are as the sands of the sea, for multitudes they are but a tithe of the flooded population filling the whole earth and singing jubilantly : "I'd rather be the last of them, Who are the Lord's alone, Than wear a royal diadem. And sit upon a throne."
In their herculean enthusiasm they coil round Jerusalem. gzekiel built out over the beautiful highlands of Palestine, Syria, and ,Mlesapotamia, about one dozen times the magnitude of great London, the world's metropolis. Arising from the fact that the Holy Land has such a magnitude for the saints they need every sky to superinduce the constant tread of pilgrims thither from all Christendom to walk in the footprints of Jesus· in the land of His nativity, ministry, and martyrdom. But now as He is there in His transfigured glory, sitting on the throne of glory, and the twelve tribes of Israel all gathered back, Ezekiel, last chapter, Daniel on the Euphrates, followed by Asher, Napthali, Manasheh, Ephraim, Ruben, Judah, Benjamin, Simeon, Issachar, Zebulon, .and Gad, every tribal territory extending the full width of the land grant which God made to Abraham, taking in the dear old Garden of Eden, and identical with it, as you see Joshua, 1st ch. There you see that God gives the boundary of the land grant He had made to Abraham's posterity on the south by the river of Egypt, west of the great sea, north the Euphrates, and east the waters of Meribah, thus giving a territory which I calculated and found to contain 19,000,000 acres, and really constituted the Garden of Eden, which is generally regarded as a small piece of ground, especially by us in the Western Hemisphere·, where garden ha') that signification, whereas in the Old World it means what we ,call a park, and may be ever so magnitudinous as the word unqualified really admits of any magnitude, required by environments the boundary of their territories ; each one running or contexts. Ezekiel locates all the tribes, giving
down to the sea, as the Hebrews in all ages have been the business people of the world, the merchants of every la_nd·beneath the skies, having gone thither to. prosecute their mercantile enterprises. Lydia, in Acts 16, had left her home in Asia to pursue the merchandise of the valuable Tyrian purple used by the magnates of every land to adorn their royal personages, and render them the more influential in the world in that age when factories were unknown and -clothing was made only by hand. The Tyrians and Sidonians had ingeniously monopolized this business throughout the earth. Therefore, by the close of the millennium the magnitude of Jerusalem, so brilliantly revealed by Ezekiel will be really paradoxical. Multiplied thousands from every land and clime will migrate thither, responsive to the universal magnetism, in all ages, bringing multitudes of pilgrims to explore the holy mountains, sacred vales and charming plains constituting that celebrated Garden of Eden. Then it will be superlatively augmented by the glorified presence of our wonderful Christ on the throne of David in the holy city, transcendently magnetic to the Christians of every land and nation, even now sighing and crying to walk in the footprints of Jesus in the land of His nativity, ministry, and martrydom. How glorious to behold the king in His beauty, reigning over the house of J a-cob, gathered thither from all their long peregrinations through every land beneath the skies, finally resting their weary feet on their own lovely, happy land of Canaan, which our blessed heavenly Father donated the children of ..A!braham be.fore they were born. 0, what an immense coil it will be when the Satanic army, Gog and Magog, will wind around
great Jerusalem, determined to press the siege to capitulation, as their dethroned king, Diabolus, will lead them on, sanguinely anticipating the victory which will restore to him the throne, crown, and sceptre, wrested from him by King Immanuel in the great and final battle of Armageddon, Rev. 19th ch. Having promised all the dynasties their forfeited thrones. The millionaires are our kings, upper tens, big bugs, and high flyers, who want the emoluments of earth, not satisfied with the humble lot of the mighty hosts of sanctified people who will then girdle the world with their songs, ·"Take the world, but give me .Jesus, My rest is in heaven, My home is not here, Then why should I murmur at trials severe. "Come trouble, come sorrow, The worst that can come, But shortens my journey, And hastens me home! "How happy every child of grace, Who knows his sins are forgiven. This earth, he cries, is. not my place, I seek a place in heaven ! A country far from mortal sight, Even now by faith I see, The land of rest, the saints' delight, A heaven prepared for me. In hope of that immortal crown, I know the cross sustains, And gladly wander up and down, And smile at toil and pain.
"O, what are all my sufferings here, If Thou shall count me meet With that enraptured throng to' appear, And worship at Thy feet! Give joy or grief, give ease or pain, Take life or friends away, But let me find them all again, In that eternal day. "So let this feeble body fail, And let it faint and die, My soul shall quit this mournful vale, And soar to worlds on high, Shall join the disembodied hosts, And find its long-sought rest, That solid bliss for which it pants In the Redeemer's breast." As you see Rev. 20 :9, God rains fire and brimstone down from heaven on Satan's army, besieging Jerusalem; not only consuming the people, but wrapping the earth in the conflagratory baptism, which will sanctify her wholly, eliminating everything the devil possesses, in all this terrestrial ball, and restoring back Edenic purity, beauty, and glory; thus consummating the transcendent victory of our wonderful Christ over the devil and all his works; felicitously superinducing the gracious possibility for all the people in the world, as only "the meek shall inherit the earth," Matt. 3 :5, all others having been swept away by the sanctifying fires, with which Jesus will baptize the earth, as He does your soul and mine; gloriously exterminating all the debris of the fall and bringing her 'back where Satan found her in Edenic beauty, bliss and glory, angels throng-
ing the air and shouting jubilantly over the charming perfection of God's whole creation; mountains, vales, oceans, and plains, all reverberating the swelling grandeamus glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, good will to men. Therefore, this Edenic restitution will cap the climax of :Satan's def eat and Immanuel's victory, through the illimitable oncoming ages. The norma] order of saintship, walking with God like Enoch in the good olden times before the intermarriage of God's people with the world, precipitated the fatal apostacy, culminating in the flood. Reader, are you now enjoying this walk, hand in hand with Jesus, delighted to do His will on earth as the angels do in heaven and singing night and day: "My Savior comes and walks, with me, And sweet communion here have we, He gently leads me by His hand, For this is heaven's border land." 1
Lost in Jesus and sinking deeper into God. Now unto the dear Holiness people, white, black, red, yellow, and brown, Protestant, Catholic, Calvinist, Armenian, and all others, is this book, lovingly and prayerfully dedicated by its author, along with its 220 predecessors, showers of blessings on you allspirit, soul, and body, and your work for Jesus.
WILLIAM BAXTER GODBEY (June 3, 1833September 12, 1920) was raised a Methodist in Pulaski County, Kentucky, who experienced his moment of conversion at a Baptist revival in November of 1849. Godbey became a licensed preacher for the Methodist Episcopal Church, South in the Kentucky Conference in 1853. After graduating from Georgetown College with a bachelor’s degree in 1859, he served as President of Harmonia College in Perryville, Kentucky while also preaching on the Perryville Circuit from 1859-1869. He married America Emma Durham (1839-1915) in 1860. (1873-1906) survived to adulthood. In December of began to preach holiness revivals. From the 1860s through the 1880s, Godbey preached the doctrine of holiness throughout the South. He wrote over 200 books and pamphlets on topics of holiness theology and even taught for a while at God’s Bible School in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1878 he converted Alma Birdwell White, future founder and bishop of the Pillar of Fire Church. He eventually returned to the Kentucky Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church and was buried in Perryville, Kentucky.