1 minute read

Marginal References . . . . . 31


PAGE § l, The spiritual and intellectual requirements of a Translator . . 1

§ 2. On methods of translating ; with remarks on some existing Versions . 9

§ 3. The Received Text to be followed; on the use of alternative readings . 13

§ 4. On accuracy and consistency in the translation of Religious Terms. 15

§ 5. On the translation or representation of the Biblical names for God . . 17

§ 6. On the transference or translation of the word Baptize 19

§ 7. On diversities of Dialect and Style; and on Honorific Titles . 21

§ 8. Cases in which a ti·anslator is liable to be misled by the English Bible. 23

§ 9. Alternative Renderings, Explanations of Proper Names, &c. . . . . 27

§ 10. Marginal References . . . . . 31

§ 11. Italics and other modes of marking supplementary words. 33

§ 12. Summaries, Page Headings, Dates, and Chapter Headings . 38

§ 13. On the best method of exhibiting the structure of the Prose and Poetry of the Bible 40

§ 14. On Punctuation and the use of Inverted Commas and Capital Letters 44

§ 15. On Orthography and Character; and on attempts to form a Universal Alphabet. . . . . . . . . . . 45

§ 16. On Title-pages, Tables of Contents, Paging, &c., with a few words on Proof-reading .

§ 17. On methods of conducting Joint Revisions

• 48


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