school purchasing
Most of our school members are aware that ASCA is a not for profit and we donate all our surplus funds to charities that support the education of vulnerable children.
But many ask us which are the specific charities that we support.
We support national charities including The Smith Family and St Vincent de Paul, and state based charities such as State Schools Relief, Western Chances and Stewart House
Our contribution to The Smith Family has now exceeded $1 million. In addition, we support charities in specific education segments such The Song Room and STELR and STEM, and The Sports Excellence Scholarship Fund and sports.
Finally, we also
fund some charities that focus on specific areas of disadvantage such as the AEIOU and its work in early intervention in Autism, and The Moriarty Foundation and its work with indigenous children.
These charities were put under extra pressure during the pandemic with many more calls for assistance, and reduction in the funding they were receiving. So we were delighted that we were able to donate a record amount in 2021 and again in 2022.
When ASCA member schools buy more from our supplier partners it enables us to increase our funding of the education of vulnerable children. So once again, we thank you all for your support.
Term 4,
2022 | Spring Issue
David Edwards - ASCA CEO.
ASCA is providing more support for vulnerable children
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ASCA’s school suppliers
ASCA continually reviews the suppliers we recommend to bring your school savings and to assist with buying advice. If we can assist you in your procurement needs, please email – visit for more information.
Diaries and planners
Online teaching and learning toolkit
PE planning and resource software
General education resources
Sporting equipment WORLD OF SPORT
Sporting equipment
Vendor independent print solutions
Marketing and promotional flags and banners
Print and mailing solutions
Enrolment management system
First aid training and equipment
General office products OPEROO
Productivity and process automation platform PIKFLIK
Augmented reality service SCHOOLZINE
eNewsletters and digital communications SMARTLINE
Mortgage brokers
THE GOOD GUYS COMMERCIAL Electrical equipment
Fundraising for schools
Before and after school care programs
Diaries and planners
Online parent ordering and cashless payments
Online parent ordering and cashless payments
General home & office products PSW
School uniforms
API ACCESS & SECURITY Locksmiths and security
Cleaning and facilities services
Facilities management and equipment
Commercial cleaning and property services
Building management systems
Turf care products
Energy management – advisory and technology
SO-ECO Sustainability programs
THE GOOD GUYS COMMERCIAL Electrical equipment and appliances WASTE NINJA
Food waste managements and recycling WOODS FURNITURE Furniture
ZIP WATER Water filtration systems
School management system
Enrolment management system
Computer hardware OPEROO
Productivity and process automation platform RTG
IT equipment and services
Learning management software for schools
Telecommunications equipment and services
See food and beverage suppliers in ASCA’s Canteen newsletter
All school staff members are eligible to make personal purchases from our ASCAplus suppliers. See opposite for those suppliers offering discounts and special pricing to your school staff.
2 | Term 4, 2022 ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter
The impact of 2021 on Primary School Children
Following another year of lockdowns and restrictions, the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic posed even greater challenges for schools and families alike as we adapt to the new learning environment.
To understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children 5-12, we surveyed more than 3,000 parents and 89 principals from Camp Australia partner schools.
The survey revealed that the top three things affecting children during 2021 were increased screen time, feeling disconnected from friendship groups and family, and increased resilience and independence. In addition, it found children in Australia’s most locked down states – ACT, NSW and Vic – have been most impacted by the pandemic.
Now more than ever, we need to support children’s mental wellbeing to decrease the likelihood of these continued disruptions impacting their future. Clinical Psychologist Andrew Fuller says that “In times of dislocation like now, we all need to work harder to recreate a sense of belonging and connection.”
Your OSHC - our Outside School Hours Care program, is about helping boost children’s confidence by forging new friendships and strengthening existing ones.
Rocketeers – our Holiday Care program is all about extraordinary holiday experiences for children. If there’s one thing the last two years have taught us, it is how much we have missed being around nature: so, this Autumn we’re taking Rocketeers outdoors.
Warren Jacobson, CEO for Camp Australia, says “Knowing the issues children face gives parents and educators a great opportunity to work together to help children settle back into school, redevelop a sense of belonging, rekindle friendships, and reconnect with their learning.”
At Camp Australia, we work alongside our partner schools and employ the best educators to deliver enriching experiences to children before school, after school and during the school holidays. We offer a range of activities such as sport, cooking, drama and ‘arts and crafts’ that encourage socialisation, create excitement, and build confidence.
2022 Handball Championships
Sport is already part of our programming in Your OSHC and Rocketeers, and after a year where social and sporting activities were disrupted, we are doing something big so children can have fun and get moving again. In the Autumn holidays, and continuing through Term 2, Camp Australia will run the National Handball Championships where children will have the chance to get active and compete in the biggest handball competition ever.
For more information about our programs or find out more about the results of our survey, please contact us at:
ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter Term 4, 2022 | 3
“Getting children involved in activities where they learn and socialise in a less structured environment, outside the classroom is helpful” says Fuller. 1300 792 668
Sudden Cardiac Arrest is the biggest contributor to deaths of Australians every year. It doesn’t need to be. The chances of surviving sudden cardiac arrest drop by 10 per cent for every minute CPR and defibrillation is delayed. So first minute = 90% chance. By the tenth; little chance.
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ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter Term 4, 2022 | 5 The simplest and cost-free way to save on your schools energy bills 0416 135 160 DISCOVER MORE WITH A COMPLIMENTARY ENERGY HEALTH CHECK Energy procurement isn’t just about comparing providers and choosing the lowest rate it’s about creating a strategy that keeps your school running efficiently What's more, working with Choice Energy saves you time and energy and offers you independent advice you can count on now and into the future. Your energy manager is your dedicated contact point for procurement and beyond. Proudly Australian owned and operated and independent we're here for you! David Perry We know the best energy deal for you isn’t always the first one. In a single tender, if we believe there is a better deal on offer, we’ll keep going
6 | Term 4, 2022 ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter
YOUR CREW Whether it’s a local getaway or interstate trip with the family, Europcar has great savings on small, full size and prestige vehicles. Book with Europcar today and receive 10% off the base rental rate*. *Terms and conditions apply, to book visit
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ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter Term 4, 2022 | 7 P r o f e s s i o n a l S e r v i c e . U n m a t c h e d v a l u e . C O N T A C T U S N O W N e i l W h i t e | N a t i o n a l B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r M | 0 4 2 5 7 4 7 4 0 8 N e i l w h i t e @ b o r g c o m a u | w w w b o r g c o m a u H I G H Q U A L I T Y C L E A N I N G A N D F A C I L I T I E S S E R V I C E S O N E - S T O P - S H O P F O R S C H O O L S C u s t o m i s e d c l e a n i n g s o l u t i o n s S c h o o l a s s e t c l e a n i n g i n c l u d i n g c o m p l i a n t C O V I D 1 9 c l e a n i n g W a s h r o o m a n d h y g i e n e s o l u t i o n s L i n e m a r k i n g P a i n t i n g / g r a f f i t i r e m o v a l s e r v i c e s G r o u n d m a i n t e n a n c e p r o g r a m H i g h l y t r a i n e d a n d s t r i n g e n t l y s e l e c t e d s t a f f , p o l i c e c h e c k e d a n d W W C c a r d s . A l l s t a f f e n g a g e d b y B o r g a r e e m p l o y e d u n d e r a l l t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s o f t h e c u r r e n t M o d e r n A w a r d . NEW supplier!
A research study of 135 schools into their effectiveness of using learning and administration technologies
The Secret
Every day at SIMON, our team works with the dedicated focus on delivering the best technology, service, and support for our schools in learning management and school administration. Sounds easy right? Well, let me fill you in on a little secret. It’s really, really hard.
Every school is unique. Every teacher is different. Every administrator has varied priorities and every parent wants everything delivered “immediately”. Oh, please bring back the days of when a technology fix usually involved “turning your computer off and then on”. Today, schools are more complex than any similar-sized organisation. Whilst many businesses may standardise on a handful of core applications, schools need to deliver an engaging learning experience aligned to the respective age group, subject, location, curriculum standard, individual skill set, level of collaboration, assessment type, individualised learning approach and all mandatory administration and reporting requirements – all this for just a teacher. Imagine extending this to the other common roles in a school such as a Principal, Department Head, Year Level Coordinator, IT Director, Finance, Enrolments and Wellbeing. I think you now see my point.
The Challenge
The SIMON learning management software solution is often the cornerstone of a school’s system of applications, addressing many of the core business needs and activities, from parent communication, reporting and assessment to behavioural tracking.
It is also true that SIMON is but one of many applications in an interrelated system of applications which will have grown and evolved over time with changing needs and innovation. New applications are added, new ways of working emerge, and additional complexity is introduced into the system. This cycle manifests additional workflows, processes, costs and stress for teachers and administrators.
SIMON needed to examine the ways in which people conduct their work within and across applications, exposing the difference between design and reality. When done we examined the ways in which:
• SIMON interacts with other applications (or doesn’t) at critical junctures in common workflows.
• Double-handling and highly manual, repetitive work
• Skills gaps and the impact on learning & teaching practice.
In total, 81 Secondary, 45 Primary, 2,471 users and 4,043 workflows were reviewed.
Discovering “Duplication Spaghetti”
by Simon Schools
The following chart visually represents the volume of workflows captured from schools which only use 32% of SIMON functionality supporting work types encompassing the major areas of:
• Classroom teaching
and Student Communication
Each column represents an element of each workflow: role type, data type/activity, application being used to initiate the workflow, whether the data needed to be duplicated in another application and reason for duplication.
Initial observation of the chart shows an incredibly high level of duplication of workflows against many different applications.
8 | Term 4, 2022 ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter
• Curriculum
Student Administration • Assessment • Behavioural
Reporting • Attendance
Staff Information
Chart 1: Duplication of workflows with schools using only 32% of SIMON features
Upon further analysis of both survey data and qualitative interview data, it was wonderful to see that SIMON scored an average of 4.25 out of 5 against the features of:
• Assessment (rubrics, marking, feedback, assigning assessment tasks)
• Attendance (class rolls, arrivals/departures, absence notification
• Behavioural Management (students notes, permissions, pastoral incidents)
Now, you may be thinking SIMON is very self-indulgent to be bragging about the above data insight – well you are right. We are very proud of this, but as you will shortly read, SIMON has a bit of work to do in some other key areas.
Another key learning from this chart is that there is an invisible negative pattern bubbling beneath the surface influenced by this level of duplication – stress. We have observed that the higher the level of duplication, the higher the level of stress amongst teachers and staff.
From all workflow analyses, we identified that schools using only 32% of SIMON features experienced repeated workflows for 47% of related activity in other applications to get a desired outcome.
Light at the End of the Tunnel
SIMON’s Systems Analysis has examined the ways in which schools conduct their work within and across applications, ascertaining workflows that bring efficacy in staff workloads, and those that decrease efficiency and impact on daily activity.
This analysis has confirmed assumptions on whether there is an ideal single “source of truth” application that will service all needs from a workflow activity perspective – this answer is no. However, what SIMON does provide is an application that, when utilisation is done right, offers a centralised learning management system that will create, curate and disseminate information alongside other systems to achieve and sustain operational efficiency.
The opportunities for schools to reduce workflow duplication and stress can be prioritised according to the following categories:
• Document Management
• Integrations: Google, Microsoft
• Parent Communications
• Push Notifications
• Mobile Applications
• NCCD and Behavioural Portals
• Training of Staff
• Learner Analytics and Insights being made available to students
Change Management
Educators and administrators have recently experienced significant pressures influenced by the pandemic and the resulting remote learning. Taking the initiative to reduce workflow duplication should be prioritised in a way which is aligned to your school’s culture, project experience and staff capacity.
The schools that used 64% of SIMON features experience something far different.
The above chart highlights the workflow efficiencies when using a higher number of features within SIMON. We also recognised the decreased levels of frustration and stress.
The most common applications being used in schools are Google Classroom, MS Teams, Google Drive, MS OneDrive, Operoo, SeeSaw, Class Dojo, and the Student Management Systems. When we delve further into the “functions and purpose” of these applications, we start to gain a clearer picture where schools should focus their efforts in alleviating their duplication and stress pain.
We are certain that whilst SIMON is an excellent platform to engage your community, the fact is that a technology platform is only as good as your school’s ability to successfully engage with their users. Our recommendation is to take a moment’s pause to assess and discuss your current situation and discover not only what innovations exist in the education technology sector, but also internally reflect on your internal workflows and community wellbeing.
About the Author: Danny Gruber is the Business and Partner Manager at SIMON – a leading not-for-profit learning management and administration platform supporting over 250 schools across Australia. He has been working with schools for over 12 years and has conducted over 200 Strategic ICT Reviews of schools into how they plan, leverage, and use technology.
If you would like to learn more about SIMON or have a confidential discussion about your current school situation, please contact SIMON at:
ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter Term 4, 2022 | 9
Chart 2: Duplication of workflows with schools using 64% of SIMON features
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12 | Term 4, 2022 ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter ASCA Members receive the following benefits: 1. Exclusive Pricing: Access to ASCA exclusive commercial pricing on over 12,000 specially selected items for Schools. 2. Trade Specialists: Access to dedicated in store Trade Specialists who can assist with special orders and deliveries. 3. Powerpass Cards: Unlimited free PowerPass cards on just one Bunnings Account to help you track your School's transactions. 4. Powerpass App – View your exclusive commercial price, search the Aisle location of items and track your purchases. 5. Online Account Access - View your Statements, Invoices and order online via your online Account portal. As an ASCA Member, you are eligible to access exclusive commercial pricing at Bunnings HOW TO ACCESS: To access ASCA exclusive pricing simply register via:
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ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter Term 4, 2022 | 17
18 | Term 4, 2022 ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter GO PAPERLESS REDUCE RISKSAVE MONEYSAVE TIME Trip Requests, Plans & Approvals Parent Trip Consent Form Mobile & O ine Access Up-to-Date Student Medical Records PARENT & STUDENT FORMS SMART PARENT COMMS PAYMENTS & ORDERING ALL YOUR STAFF FORMS DIGITAL SCHOOL TRIP MANAGEMENT Any Type of Sta Form Paperless Sta Onboarding Approval Work ows Policy Management Digital Payments Shopping Cart & Order Forms School Fees Ticketing Multilanguage Form Responses Personalised Alerts & Automated Reminders Group Messaging (SMS & Email) Mobile App & Website Paperless Student Onboarding Contracts & Handbooks Consent & Permission Student Medical & Emergency Data Automate Your School Processes
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22 | Term 4, 2022 ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter 100M+ orders over 10 years Movie-goingisoneofAustralia'sfavourite activities. isamajordistributorof toclubs,corporates,staffshops...and,justlikeyours! "extracurricular" Technologica discountedpre-paidmovietickets schools OfferTechnologica'sDiscountTicketstoyourschoolcommunity...staff,students,families. Withcinemadoorpricesasmuchas$20ormore,theare. savings significant SPECIALPRICINGFOR ASCAMEMBERS Discount Discount Phone:1300785506 All school staff members are eligible for this supplier’s discounts
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ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter Term 4, 2022 | 23
25% of Aussie kids are overweight or obese
Did you know that overweight and obesity affects 25% of Australian children and adolescents¹?
The three main factors contributing to this issue are unhealthy food choices, lack of physical activity, and family eating habits².
Now is the perfect time to start to combat childhood obesity before it affects more Australian kids. Most kids are at school five days per week, so school is an integral location to instil healthy habits and encourage nutritious eating.
by Flexischools
What can school canteens do to encourage healthy eating specifically?
1. Schools can review their canteen menus to figure out the percentage of foods that are healthy, moderate, and unhealthy.
2. Ensure your canteen has a number of healthy options for families to choose from every day.
3. Evaluate if some of the unhealthy menu items can be substituted with slightly healthier alternatives. For example, you could replace a cookie with a wholegrain muffin.
4. Encourage healthy food and drinks through your online ordering system. With Flexischools, you can make an exciting post on the Flexischools app promoting a new healthy wrap on your menu. You could also create a special food day or event where you sell healthy foods like sushi, instead of ice-creams or slushies.
5. Promote healthy eating at your physical school canteen. Perhaps you could hang posters out the front of your canteen or place flyers in your school classrooms to promote healthy menu items at your canteen.
What can schools do to encourage healthy habits?
1. 1Offer regular ‘fruit breaks’ throughout the day to encourage students to eat fruits and vegetables instead of unhealthy snacks.
2. Consider developing a school vegetable garden. Each class could have a day where kids help in the vegetable garden. Teachers can explain how vegetables are grown, how to take care of them, and why vegetables are good for your health. This information may help kids become more interested in vegetables and more likely to eat them.
3. Provide clean water fountains throughout your school. This should encourage kids to have water from the nearby fountain when they are thirsty, rather than gravitating towards a sugary drink.
4. Use non-food rewards in the classroom (e.g. cool stationery and skipping ropes) instead of lollies and sweets. This is an awesome way to reward kids for their hard work and good behaviour, without offering unhealthy treats as rewards.
5. Encourage students to be physically active at school. Classes could have a short break every day where they play an active game or sport against other classes. Schools may also like to encourage kids to be active at lunch, rather than just sitting and eating throughout the entire break.
How can schools show parents which menu items are healthy?
Flexischools is Australia’s leading online canteen ordering system for schools.
Flexischools has advanced technology that allows canteen managers to add each item’s traffic light category (Green, Amber, Red) to school tuckshop menus. Green traffic light foods are good, Amber traffic light foods are okay, and Red traffic light foods are not recommended.
The traffic light ratings for each item are shown on the Flexischools app. So when parents are ordering food for their child in the Flexischools app, they can see which foods their kids should eat regularly (e.g. rice, fruit, vegetables, lean meat, fish) and which ones they should only eat every now and then (e.g. fried foods, doughnuts, ice creams, jellies).
24 | Term 4, 2022 ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter
Why is it important to use the Flexischools traffic light system?
According to a Child Health Poll conducted by The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne³:
• 57% of parents say it is hard to know which foods are healthy choices when buying food for their family.
• 67% of parents say it is hard to know how much added sugar is in the food they buy for their children.
It is often really tricky for parents know which menu items at their child’s school canteen are healthy and unhealthy. This may be because they don’t know which ingredients are used in each item, so it is difficult to figure out the item’s nutritional value.
Additionally, some foods and drinks like fruit juices may sound healthy but are often deceptively high in sugar. Through the Flexischools traffic light system, schools are able to classify certain fruit juices in the ‘red’ category, so parents know if it is an unhealthy item that should only be consumed rarely.
The Flexischools traffic light system allows schools to help parents understand which menu items are healthy. This can assist parents in ensuring that their child is enjoying a healthy, balanced diet at school.
Translating healthy school canteen habits into everyday life
The healthy eating knowledge that parents start to learn through the Flexischools traffic light system may also be incorporated into each family’s home life.
For example, a parent may decide to make a chicken dish for dinner. Instead of their usual fried chicken, they might make a chicken stir-fry with vegetables as they remember a similar meal at their child’s school canteen had a green traffic light rating.
By encouraging healthy eating habits at your school canteen, you can help families understand which foods are good for their health. This in turn promotes healthier family eating habits outside of school and may help decrease childhood obesity.
ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter Term 4, 2022 | 25
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Our secure online portal makes it easy to review, revise and approve orders:
Orders converted from your previous provider
months’ deliveries on the one invoice
Invoices clearly split by class for simple budget reconciliation
A dedicated education team on-hand to make selecting, reviewing, and ordering easier through
Keen to learn more?
Any late items free. That’s our guarantee. Get your order in full and on-time with our Classroom Ready Guarantee.^
A Classroom Ready Guarantee^ for classroom-ready teachers
Be one of the first 100 orders and get top-of-the-class peace of mind, along with:
Guaranteed delivery before the school year gets started
Drivers safely delivering and unloading orders for each class in each year level (metro locations only)
The very best brands that teachers and students know and love
Convenient bulk deliveries so you can focus on what matters most
28 | Term 4, 2022 ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter
Contact our dedicated Education team at
our online
1 2 3 4 $ ^Be one of the first 100 schools to place your CES order by 14 October and we will guarantee delivery before the official school Term 1 start date in your State/Territory. (Please refer to your State/ Territory government website for official 2023 Term 1 start dates). Any items not delivered in time will be free of charge. Classroom Ready Guarantee excludes re-issues (due to change of mind or top-up orders) In NT, WA and FNQ where Officeworks cannot deliver directly to school we guarantee to deliver to the school’s nominated delivery address. The Classroom Ready Guarantee may be impacted in the event of circumstances beyond Officeworks’ control including natural disasters and COVID impacts. OW1535 V1 ASCA 8/22
ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter Term 4, 2022 | 29
Honeywell is introducing a new, cost-effective monitor for use in schools that alerts users when conditions are present that may increase the risk of exposure to airborne viral transmission in an indoor area. The Honeywell Transmission Risk Air Monitor is an easy-to-deploy, portable device that measures carbon dioxide and features a proprietary risk alerting system based on different activity levels within a room. This allows end users to proactively improve indoor ventilation, which according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention1, can help reduce the spread of certain diseases and decrease the risk of exposure among occupants. 1 Draw on our deep technical experience to guide you through building retrofits, new construction and critical infrastructure upgrades. We’re part of your community, helping schools around the world. And we’re ready to help you too. Email for more information
that does it all
30 | Term 4, 2022 ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter CONTAINERS
Lunch Box
Microwave safe. Fully recyclable in any paper waste stream. Industrially compostable in line with European cer ca on. They are suitable for all types of takeaway food from pastas to salads, and curries to Asian s r fries. Freezable temperature up to -40°C. Maximum ovenable temperature 180°C. Freeze Bake Microwave Recyclable Compostable Leak proof
ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter Term 4, 2022 | 31 NOODLE BOX CONTAINER EC-CCNB550 Small Noodle Box 550ml 94 x 94 x 93 mm 400 boxes / carton 40 boxes / sleeve EC-CCNB800 Large Noodle Box 800ml 106 x 106 x 104 mm 375 boxes / carton 25 boxes / sleeve EC-CC1000 Dual Compartment 1000ml 240 x 115 x 53 mm 165 boxes / carton 55 boxes / sleeve EC-CC0800 Small Container 800ml 170 x 115 x 53 mm 300 boxes / carton 50 boxes / sleeve EC-CC1100 Medium Container 1100ml 170 x 115 x 72 mm 300 boxes / carton 50 boxes / sleeve EC-CC1500 Large Container 1500 ml 205 x 140 x 68mm 200 boxes / carton 50 boxes / sleeve All containers are leakproof and suitable for all types of takeaway food from pastas to salads, and curries to Asian s r fries. And remarkably, the containers can be frozen to -40°C and safely heated in an oven to 180°C or microwaved at high se ngs. All containers come with EasyClick closures, making them easy to handle for food prep people and consumers alike. Your choice to make a difference by
32 | Term 4, 2022 ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter EXPERIENCE WATER AT ITS BEST PURE-TASTING | INSTANT | BOILING | CHILLED | SPAR KLING INTRODUCING NEW HYDROTAP G5 TECHNOLOGY Enjoy pure-tasting boiling, chilled and sparkling water. With sleek design and slick function powered by our most advanced technology. A new optimised menu, the ability to select energy modes and enhanced hygiene with SteriTouch® antimicrobial protection. It’s not just water, it’s water at its best. Visit All school staff members are eligible for this supplier’s discounts
A better alternative to an IT incident is to avoid it in the first instance, which means organisations should take the opportunity to review efficiency and effectiveness of IT security controls, networks and systems to take appropriate action to ensure they are sufficiently robust.
RTG’s Risk Register system tool is one of the cornerstones of an effective risk management operation. IT and risk management teams must think proactively and creatively about security controls to mitigate risk, and not just rely on layering more security to protect their data and IT infrastructure. Having an IT Risk Register offers a single point-of-reference about an organisation’s risk appetite, providing a structure and process to enable tracking, managing and recovering from problems, vulnerabilities and cyber attacks as they arise.
Using RTG’s Risk Register system tool will support your school by:
• Providing a model for managing data and cyber security events that identify, analyse, and solve risks before they become problems.
• Strengthening your preparedness to respond to cyber incidents and unexpected interruptions.
• Identifying areas where existing processes may be improved, or where new processes can be implemented to better secure your IT infrastructure. Want to find out more about RTG’s Risk Register system tool, including what our ASCA member special offer involves? Book a demo today by contacting our expert IT Risk &
consultancy team.
ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter Term 4, 2022 | 33
My School Connect
My School Connect started as an online ordering system for school canteens. Over time, we’ve evolved into a multifaceted online management tool for schools.
My School Connect has zero setup fees, zero ongoing membership fees, no locked-in contracts and free support for schools and parents. We now make it possible to manage school life without the risk and without the costs!
With 5 unique modules; Tuckshop, Uniform, Volunteer, Event and Raffle, we make online easy for schools Australiawide.
An App that keeps you logged in and ready to make purchases quickly and easily.
A custom POS system for your tuckshop or uniform shop, simply scan the student ID and our POS system easily tracks student information, monitors student credit balance and alerts the cashier if a student has any allergies.
Set up a professional event page with ease - track sales, collect payments, issue receipts and communicate with your guests!
My School Raffle makes running a raffles simple, stress-free and successful. Through one central location, you can setup your raffle, promote it, and monitor its performance.
Member benefits
Online Ordering - One Month Free!
An additional 8 hours free training support for Uniform and Canteen Staff.
POS Licence Software 20% discount* (for the first 12 months only)
Includes TeamViewer Remote Support valued at $1200 per annum.
Contact us to find out more!
34 | Term 4, 2022 ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter
ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter Term 4, 2022 | 35 Weekend Escapes Package Novotel Canberra | (02) 6245 5000 | 65 Northbourne Ave | Get your passport to the nation’s capital with Novotel Canberra. Explore the iconic Lake Burley Griffin with a 1 hour Go Boat hire, discover a prehistoric world at the National Dinosaur Museum or take a miniature train ride through Cockington Green Gardens. Select from over 10 unique experiences to maximise your visit to Canberra. CANBERRA SCAN THE QR CODE FOR MORE DETAILS FIND OUT MOREPackage includes: _Overnight family accommodation _Your choice of a Canberra experience* _Breakfast _Underground parking * View the complete list of experiences, terms and conditions on our website 210604_ASCA-UEP.indd 1 4/06/2021 11:53:59 AM All school staff members are eligible for this supplier’s discounts
What are you waiting for?
Launch your
to a whole new level with
a live demo today &
your world change.
36 | Term 4, 2022
Smart Schools Newsletter
Enquiry Tracker. Book
1 1
As a not-for-profit organisation, ASCA donates its surplus funds to the following charities:
ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter Term 4, 2022 | 37
38 | Term 4, 2022
Smart Schools Newsletter
ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter Term 4, 2022 | 39 EXCLUSIVE OFFER ASCA IS OFFERING AN EXCLUSIVE MEMBERSHIP DISCOUNT FOR THEIR VALUED MEMBERS ON GOODLIFE HEALTH CLUBS CORPORATE MEMBERSHIPS - Including 15% OFF BLUE & PLATINUM MEMBERSHIPS ACCESS TO ALL 85+ GOODLIFE CLUBS NATIONALLY 4 WEEKS FREE HOLIDAY SUSPENSION ACCESS TO UNLIMITED GROUP FITNESS CLASSES FREE GUEST PASS FRIDAY TO SUNDAY 20% OFF GOODLIFE PROGRAMS $59 JOINING FEE USE CODE: ASCA15 To take advantage of this offer, click the below REDEEM NOW Please take proof of eligibility (Payslip or I.D.) to your local Goodlife Health Club to join. *In club Fitness Products may change without notice. Corporate discounts are available on 12/18 month Blue and Platinum memberships only. Please contact your local Goodlife Health Club for further details. HEALTH CLUBS All school staff members are eligible for this supplier’s discounts
We are delighted to be ASCA’s preferred supplier of sporting goods and equipment, and we will be supporting ASCA’s charitable contributions to assist the education of disadvantaged youth.
Over 2000 schools nationwide already utilise World of Sport for their sports equipment and apparel requirements for the following reasons: We are specialists in the school market and have 30 years of experience. Our range of sports products and equipment is the largest for the school market. We offer very competitive pricing, with focus on best value. Our comprehensive range is backed by an unequalled level of customer service.
Contact us on 1300 658 648 or email for orders and enquiries, or access our extensive online catalogue at
As a not-for-profit organisation, ASCA donates its surplus funds to the following charities:
While ASCA’s primary purpose is to maximise purchasing effectiveness for schools, we also have a secondary purpose which is to direct funds to charities which support the education and welfare of vulnerable school-aged children. As a not-forprofit organisation, ASCA donates its surplus funds each year to a range of registered charities. Learn more by visiting
Danks-Guy, our School specialist is able to assist you with your purchasing
with a record of success in schools. Contact us to ensure you’re getting the best terms from ASCA partner suppliers, or to find out how they compare with your current suppliers.
40 | Term 4, 2022 ASCA Smart Schools Newsletter CONTACT US FREE PROCUREMENT ADVICE Kerry
direct you
reputable suppliers
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