January 2017

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ASCE Newsletter January 2017

January Lunch Presentation Lunch Presentation Info.


President’s Message


Featured Sponsors


Presenter’s Biography


Annual ASCE Awards Banquet


2016 Engineer of the Year Nomination Form


2016 Project of the Year Nomination Form


2017 ASCE-TMB Scholarship Application




Presented by: Jay Aldean

Job Posting: FARR WEST Engineering


Job Posting: DYER Engineering


Job Posting: LUMOS


Job Posting: CFA


Job Posting: Jensen Precast


Supporters of ASCE Future Meetings/ Board of Directors

“Truckee River Flood Project”

Tuesday, January 10th 12pm - 1pm Peppermill Casino 2707 S Virginia Street Reno, NV 89502


20 ASCE YMF Truckee Meadows https://www.facebook.com/pages/ASCE-YMFTruckee-Meadows/767767886641959


Monthly Newsletter January 2017


Welcome 2017! I am looking forward to a new year and some new exci ng mes with the Truckee Meadows Branch of ASCE and I hope you are too! I want to shout out an extra‐large THANK YOU to all of our sponsors! The 2017 sponsorship drive has surpassed our goals and we are so excited to welcome back fourteen con nuing sponsors while also welcoming six new sponsors. Your support means so much and I know our board is ready to work hard to keep showing you the value of being a part of the Truckee Meadows Branch of ASCE. Thank you again for your support and generosity! Planning for the Annual Awards and Student Recogni on Banquet is in full swing! This year’s event will be held on Thursday March 9, 2017 at the Peppermill. The Banquet Commi ee has been hard at work planning a fun evening to honor local projects and the responsible individuals as well as our students. Please watch your emails for more details about the event, sponsorship, and awards submissions! Your feedback is invaluable to us as we look to provide our members with the experience you are looking for. With our January luncheon, we will introduce a member ques onnaire aimed at improving our luncheons. This ques onnaire will also be emailed out and I ask each of you to take a couple of minutes to give us some feedback. Feel free to answer one of the ques ons, answer all of the ques ons, or just submit back comments. Please help us out and tell us how we can make our luncheons be er for you! I am very excited to start a new year with the Truckee Meadows Branch of ASCE and as always, I am very proud and honored to serve as the president for this organiza on. I look forward to all 2017 has to hold! Amber Lynn Sosa President, ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch



Featured Sponsor


Monthly Newsletter January 2017


Featured Sponsor


Monthly Newsletter January 2017


January Luncheon

Monthly Newsletter January 2017

Presenter Biography

Truckee River Flood Project Presented by: Jay Aldean Jay Aldean, PE, formerly of HDR Engineering, joined the Flood Project as Deputy Director in October 2008. Jay was appointed Execu ve Director in May 2012. Jay's career spans numerous and varied assignments in the area water management. In his former posi on with HDR he led the Water Resources Business Class for Nevada to oversee employees, deliverables on projects dealing with flood control and drainage systems trea ng both water conveyance, and quality. Prior experience included a mixture of both public and private assignments. He managed the Wastewater Treatment Facili es for the City of San Antonio, Texas and ini ated the Stormwater Department for the San Antonio Water System. For Carson City, Nevada he served as the Public Works Department Director. While in private prac ce he served as the Chief Program Engineer for Coyote Program under the Santa Clara Valley Water District in San Jose, CA. This program consisted of a number of major flood protec on projects sponsored by the District and Federal and State Agencies.

Luncheon InformaƟon

Tuesday, January 10th 12pm ‐ 1pm Peppermill Casino 2707 S Virginia Street Reno, NV 89502 COST $25 for Members $30 for Non‐Members $5 for Students Please RSVP by January 4th

RSVP HERE www.ascetruckeemeadows.org


Monthly Newsletter January 2017

Save the Date!! Annual ASCE Awards Banquet

Please join us for an exci ng evening of cocktails and dinner with special guests Bill and Connie from Alice 96.5 and an entertaining keynote presenta on by Brian Williams. When: Thursday, March 9th, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. Where: Peppermill 2707 S. Virginia St Reno, NV 89502 Emcees: Bill and Connie Radio DJs for Bill and Connie in the Morning on Alice 96.5 Keynote Speaker: Brian Williams President and Founder of Think Kindness Brian Williams is the president and founder of Think Kindness, a non‐profit organiza on with the mission to inspire measurable acts of Kindness in schools and communi es around the world. Through these kindness movements, Brian and his team's goal is to encourage people in schools across the country to ban together in solidarity to make a massive differ‐ ence in the world. Brian's infec ous energy and posi vity has earned him na onal media exposure on MTV, USA Today, & MSNBC. He has spoken to over 250,000 students across the country, collected over 300,000 pairs of shoes for needy children and families around the world, produced 2 award‐winning humanitarian documentaries and has traveled to Kenya 9 ‐ mes to carry out Global Acts of Kindness.



TRUCKEE MEADOWS BRANCH 2016 ENGINEER OF THE YEAR NOMINATION FORM Award Nomination Category: (Select One) Civil Engineer of the Year Award Young Civil Engineer of the Year Award (Nominee must be under the age of 35) Name: (Nominee’s Full Name, including middle name and all credentials (e.g. Ph.D., P.E., L.S., M.ASCE) Preferred Title:

Work Address:

Phone Numbers: (Work)


Professional Engineer (circle one):



ASCE Member (circle one):



Other Credentials: Suggested Citation for Selection Process and Announcements (not to exceed 40 words):

Page 1 of 2

Nominated by: (Signature)


ASCE Member Number: Date: Nominator Contact Information:

Describe the nominee’s pre-eminent qualifications for the Award in this category that clearly presents the outstanding features of the nomination (why this nominee is Outstanding). This could be used for selection process and issuing a press release (300 words or less):

DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 10, 2017 Please complete one engineer per form. Submit an electronic version of your nomination with a headshot photo to: Randi Reed – ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch Board Member: Email: randi@hausofreed.com Phone: 775.513.7052 Page 2 of 2

TRUCKEE MEADOWS BRANCH 2016 PROJECT OF THE YEAR NOMINATION FORM Criteria: Project construction must have been completed in 2016. Multi-phase projects are eligible after construction of the first phase is complete. Award Nomination Category: (Select one that best fits the project type) Environmental (Water, Wastewater, Solid Waste, Air, Erosion Control, etc.) Structural/Geotechnical (Buildings, Bridges, Dams, Foundations, etc.) Transportation (Traffic, Highway Design, Materials, etc.) Project Name: Location of Project (City, State): Section Location: Scope of Project:

Total Construction Cost:

Suggested Citation for Selection Process and Announcements (not to exceed 40 words:

Project Owner: Project Designer: Project Prime Contractor: Other Supportive Team Participants: Page 1 of 2

Nominated by: (Signature)


ASCE Member Number: Date: Nominator Contact Information

Describe the Project’s pre-eminent qualifications for the Award in this category that clearly presents the notable features of the nomination (why this nomination is Outstanding). This could be used for selection process and issuing a press release (300 words or less):

DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 10, 2017 Please complete one project per form. You may not submit a project in multiple categories. Submit an electronic version of your nomination with a minimum of three (3) project photos to: Randi Reed - ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch Board Member: Email: randi@hausofreed.com Phone: 775.513.7052

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2017 ASCE TRUCKEE MEADOWS BRANCH SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION $2,000 in ASCE student scholarships will be awarded at the 2017 ASCE Annual Awards & Student Recognition Banquet on Thursday, March 9th. The purpose of these scholarships is to reward students in Civil Engineering who have demonstrated scholastic achievement and have been active in student service, especially within ASCE. Short interviews and financial need may also be used. The members of the ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch Board of Directors will make the selection of the award winners. If you have any questions, contact Randi Reed, email: randi@hausofreed.com or phone: 775.513.7052 PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Phone:


ACADEMICS (as of the end of Fall 2016) Please attach an unofficial copy of your most recent transcript. Expected Graduation Date:

Year in School:

Engineering GPA at UNR:

Overall UNR GPA:

Major Area of Concentration: EIT Registration Number (if passed) or anticipated date to take the FE Exam: STUDENT ACTIVITIES On a separate sheet, list and describe your student activities. Provide specific information concerning what you did, the time period, and your level of involvement. The student activity sheet must be signed by Dr. Sanders or Kelly Doyle as verification of its content. Also provide a brief description of why you think student activities are important. You may also list engineering work experience/internships (if any). FINANCIAL NEED On a separate sheet, briefly describe your general financial situation and the income sources that you use for covering the costs of attending UNR. This information will be held in strict confidence. REFERENCE Please provide the name and contact information of one reference. They may be a CEE faculty member. Name:




DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS is February 10, 2017 at 5:00 pm. Return this form and attachments to Randi Reed by email at: randi@hausofreed.com


Job Posting

Monthly Newsletter January 2017

About the Firm Wood Rodgers, Inc. was founded in 1997 by two engineers, Rich Wood and Mark Rodgers. We have since grown into a unique firm in which innova on and precision are equally as important as the ability to deliver projects on me and within budget. Our services include civil engineering, transporta on engineering, structural engineering, water resources, geotechnical, materials tes ng, surveying, GIS, land planning, and landscape architecture. At Wood Rodgers, Inc., we understand that good hiring decisions are cri cal to our success. We take the recrui ng process seriously and select only those individuals who are mo vated to learn and grow, and who take pride in a job well done. Wood Rodgers, Inc. also recognizes that happy employees are produc ve employees. Trea ng our team well is one of our firm's top priori es. It's the right thing to do, and it makes good business sense! Accordingly, we strive to create a working environment that is both intellectually s mula ng and personally sa sfying! Wood Rodgers is headquartered in Sacramento with addi onal offices located throughout California and Nevada. Below are descrip ons of the openings at our Reno loca on, please visit our website to apply on‐line: h p://www.woodrodgers.com/careers Civil Engineer PosiƟon Summary: The primary du es of this posi on include, but are not limited to, preparing engineering studies for grading, sanitary sewer, drainage and water systems, prepara on of construc on plans, specifica ons and cost es mates (PS&E) for infrastructure improvements including roads, sewer and water systems, grading and drainage facili es for a variety of private and public projects. Project assignments may include en tlement/tenta ve maps and subdivisions and site developments, infrastructure planning, roadway and u lity Capital Improvement Programs. Du es require ability to perform engineering analyses and prepare related reports such as hydraulic analyses, alterna ves analyses and development of designs using Computer Aided Design (AutoCAD) applica ons. Takes direc on from a Principal Engineer, Department Head or Project Manager. EssenƟal DuƟes and ResponsibiliƟes:  Prepara on of engineering analysis, designs, and calcula ons for private improvements and public works projects  Assist in the prepara on of construc on plans, specifica ons, and cost es mates  Assist with construc on submi al reviews, Requests for Informa on (RFI), and other construc on related ac vi es  Coordinate with other design team members and public agencies  Provide assistance to survey and construc on management team during project construc on phase  Other du es as assigned Supervisory and Fiscal ResponsibiliƟes: May direct technical support staff on as‐needed basis. No fiscal du es are involved at this me, but the ability to eventually take on budget management and invoicing responsibili es would be a plus. Knowledge, Skills, and AbiliƟes Required (Minimum Educa on and Experience):  Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering  3 to 5 years of experience performing the essen al du es listed above  PE license preferred Job Knowledge, Skills and AbiliƟes  Knowledge of Civil Engineering principles and prac ces  Skilled in the use of computers for AutoCAD, Civil3D and Microso Office Suite  Ability to gather, organize and analyze engineering data  Ability to handle mul ple projects simultaneously  Ability to work as a member of an engineering team  Effec ve wri en and verbal communica on skills



Job Posting


Monthly Newsletter January 2017


Job Posting

Monthly Newsletter January 2017

Dyer Engineering is a local group of driven, high‐achieving, dedicated, and reliable professionals. We are seeking an experienced Civil Engineering Project Manager to provide technical exper se and leadership on a wide range of civil public works projects. This posi on requires an individual with strong technical and leadership abili es. Technical skills involve the design of various civil design projects ranging from avia on facili es to water resources projects. A strong background in Geotechnical engineering is also preferred. Leadership responsibili es include prac cing with quality and integrity, building and maintaining posi ve client rela onships, and open communica on with the company team. The posi on will be expected to manage projects profitably, transi on work to qualified staff, grow and mentor junior staff, and provide a posi ve example for collabora ve office culture. PosiƟon Requirements      

Licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.) Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering or related discipline At least 8 years of civil design and project management experience with a consul ng firm Strong organiza onal, communica on, leadership and technical skills Working knowledge of Civil 3D design so ware Experience in civil design and analysis

Other Desired QualificaƟons  Strong experience specifically rela ng to the design of public works projects especially water resources and/or airport design with a background in geotechnical engineering  Exper se in HEC‐RAS, HEC‐HMS, and Water CAD About the Firm Dyer Engineering is a local company that was founded in 1998. The firm placed a high value on sustainable growth and fosters a culture of collabora on amongst its employees. Salary for this posi on will be dependent upon experience. This is a full me posi on with industry leading benefits including 401k profit sharing, health, dental, and vision insurance, and quarterly bonuses based upon performance.



Job Posting

Monthly Newsletter January 2017

PROJECT MANAGER Lumos is ac vely seeking full‐ me professionals in the greater Reno‐Tahoe region, with strong skills in designing, consul ng, and/or project management. Successful candidates will serve in posi ons as Project Managers, Engineers, and Designers, for a variety of projects and have 2‐8 years’ experience in general civil design. Must be capable of organizing and comple ng phases of projects including proposal, design, submi al, agency coordina on and review process, bidding assistance, and construc on administra on. Must have ability to solve design problems using engineering calcula ons and general design standards, and to apply concepts learned through required educa on and prior professional experience to complete project management tasks. Excellent organiza onal, oral, wri en and analy cal skills are required, as well as an ability to manage mul ple tasks. Proficiency in computer design so ware programs including AutoDesk Civil 3D is required. B.S. in Civil Engineering or equivalent is required. E.I. is required for Project Designers, PE License in the State of Nevada is required for Project Managers/Engineers. Project Managers will manage budgets, technical staff, and reports; contribute to expand‐ ing our professional reputa on; work closely with other managers throughout the company to promote the company’s business interests in adherence to our mission, vision, and values. Clean driving record required. Salary DOE. Lumos & Associates is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Excellent benefit package including compe ve wages, vaca on/sick leave/family leave, holidays, company‐paid medical/dental/vision and flexible spending account, short‐term disability, long term disability, life insurance, and 401(k) with 25% match (a er 90 days). Work‐Life balance with a great family culture is a huge priority at Lumos! Please send resume to: Debby Hunter, 9222 Prototype Drive, Reno, NV 89521 or email dhunter@lumosinc.com.



Job Posting

Monthly Newsletter January 2017

Civil Project Engineer CFA, Inc. is a local Civil Engineering, Land Surveying and Planning firm that has been in business in Northern Nevada for 35 years. We provide our clients with personalized service from incep on through design and construc on of both private and public sector projects. Job responsibili es include working with both senior and junior staff, designing a variety of engineered systems for private commercial/industrial site development as well as public works projects (roadway rehabilita on, water, sewer, and storm drain systems). Must be proficient with AutoCAD Civil 3D (minimum 1 year experience), and able to develop plans and specifica ons independently or as part of a team. Other tasks may include cost es ma ng, coordina on with local agencies, construc on management and site inspec on. Must hold a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering. P.E. license preferred, E.I. cer fica on required. CFA offers a compe ve benefits package ‐ salary based on experience. For more informa on please visit: h p://www.cfareno.com Or contact: Lonnie Johnson, P.E. Email: ljohnson@cfareno.com Phone: (775) 856‐1150



Job Posting

Monthly Newsletter January 2017

Jensen Precast has been the West-Coast leader in precast concrete manufacturing since 1968. Jensen Precast designs and manufacture standard and custom precast concrete products to meet large-scale infrastructure demands for highway construction, retaining walls, electric and gas utility, telecommunications, water, wastewater, and stormwater applications. The Corporate engineering department provides technical support for the products, sales teams, and manufacturing facilities throughout the company. The department provides this support in the form of product design, new product development, product data management, structural reinforcing design, and product lifting design. The department also ensures that all products comply with local and national design codes and regulations. The engineering department is currently engaged in many exciting IT/IS projects that utilize cutting edge technology to efficiently and expediently design, cost, and produce our products. We are currently seeking a Professional Engineer to join our team in a senior design role. This individual will primarily manage the structural analysis and design of large custom products as well as modified standards. This individual will also be responsible for the review of designs produced by other team members within the engineering department. When necessary, this individual will affix their engineering seal to structural calculations and shop drawings. Additionally, the applicant will contribute to the general design methods and philosophies of the engineering department. Major Duties  Using in-house design software, designs parts and assemblies to meet specific applications. Revises existing products to meet new requirements or to make improvements. 

Interacts with Sales to facilitate customer needs.


Manages cad operators to complete steel reinforcing and fabrication drawings, and support documentation for catalogs and web pages.

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities   Concrete design following ACI and AASHTO 

Steel design according to AISC and /or AASHTO


A basic understanding of Bill of Materials and Part Maintenance Fluent with Autodesk Auto Cad and Microsoft Office products

Requirements Minimum BS in civil engineering 

PE/SE Highly desirable


Familiarity with Autodesk Vault highly desirable

Email Resume to: CorpHR@JensenPrecast.com (reference “Senior Engineer Application”) www.ascetruckeemeadows.org


Monthly Newsletter January 2017




Monthly Newsletter January 2017






ASCE Board of Directors Meetings Thursday February 2, 2017 12:00 at Sparks City Hall

ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch Board of Directors

Amber Sosa, President asosa@cityofsparks.us 775.828.1622 Dan Stucky, President-Elect dan.stucky@atkinsglobal.com 775.789.9860

Thursday March 2, 2017 12:00 at Sparks City Hall

Randall Rice, Treasurer randall_rice@golder.com 775.828.9604

Lunch Presentation Schedule

Kaci Thomas, Secretary Kaci.Thomas@ch2m.com 775.360.7215

January 10, 2017 “Truckee River Flood Project” Presented by: Jay Aldean Peppermill Casino February 7, 2017 “The Land Ferry System” Presented by: Steve Merril and Dr. Alex Paz-Cruz Peppermill Casino March 9, 2017 ASCE Annual Awards Banquet Peppermill Casino 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Randi Reed, Director at Large Randi@hausofreed.com 775.513.7052 Garth Oksol, Director at Large goksol@rtcwashoe.com 775.332.2137 Bryan Byrne, Director at Large Bryan.Byrne@ch2m.com 775.230.2890 Jon Lau, Webmaster jlau@cfareno.com 775.856.1150 Kyle Castle, UNR Student Chapter President unrasceagc@gmail.com 406.839.4633

Do you have a groundbreaking or ribbon cutting ceremony coming up for your project? Send the details to Randi Reed at Randi@hausofreed.com and a representative from ASCE will be there to cheer you on and obtain information for our newsletter!! ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch P.O. Box 70002 Reno, NV 89570-0002 http://www.ascetruckeemeadows.org/

Ashley Verling, YMF President averling@WoodRodgers.com ASCE.Truckee.YMF@gmail.com 775.853.7456 Matt Barton, Newsletter Editor mbarton@golder.com 775.828.9604

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